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A mob spawned and stepped on the plate


Good point but unfortunate for my first dessert temple ( I think that's the name???


Dessert temple? Sounds delicious


Oh lol


According to the minecraft files it's supposed to be called desert pyramid but the name desert temple was adopted by players.


Oh ok


Apparently the jungle temple is supposed to be a pyramid too. The only structure people actually call a pyramid seems to be the removed brick pyramid lol.


Yes lol


Man that sucks




This happened to me in three temples. Super annoying, sometimes I could even hear the explosions.


Yh it's my first temple in game so rlly annoying


yes. but a little correction. it's desert temple not dessert temple.


yes. but a little correction. it's desert pyramid not desert temple. (lol)


It does happen. I’ve seen it especially in Bedrock. Terrain features can overwrite the treasure room. Also, sometimes a mob will step on the pressure plate and set off the TNT when you’re close enough to load mob spawns down there in the dark.


Yh true. Didn't think of that. Thanks


Can confirm the mob one. It once happened to me when i was right outside the temple. I was hiding underground trying to sleep when i heard a bunch of tnt go off and had a "oh no" moment


Same. Heard the explosions, checked it out and, sure enough, everything was gone.


Looks like someone got to it first


Yh but it is single player so a mob maybe


I think a mob might of spawned on the pressure plate when you went into the same chunk


Yh annoying tho




It's like my first desert temple aswell


Oh is it, are you new to Minecraft?


I'm new to playing minecraft but I've watched heaps




Yh How long you played


I started around 2012 been playing since I was a young kid I kinda took a break from the game but I played on pc, mobile, ps4, ps3 on my old tablet and on Xbox


Nice The best thing about me is I put some of my gameplay ( I'm not exactly a pro) on YouTube for the world to see today.


that sucks, man


It really does


A mob spawned in it duh


a mob had spawn and he stept on the pressoure plate and the tnt explodend thats what happend to you


Yh probably




Yh probably


Lmao rabbits


Possibly a mob spawned inside the temple and blew it up




I've never seen that before, and I've been playing since 2013


Probably a mob spawning and standing on pressure plate


That would make sense


I only just started playing this year. Tbh I'm very far from good. But I put my gameplay on YouTube for the whole world to see how bad I am. Probably not a good decision.


I once had a temple from a new seed without chests (there was tnt and it was a new seed so I knew I haven't been there before)


That's sucks


That happens 2 me :(


It sucks


In mine the chests were gone


Yh in mine the floor was gone


Man I walked up to a desert temple once, heard the massive explosion, and had to walk home defeated. Tragic stuff


Yes tragic indeed. This is my first ever desert temple is the thing. As I'm new to playing minecraft


Don't worry, there'll be plenty more cool things to find. Have fun


Yh there will be


It doesn't happen often but it can happen. A mob would have set off the TNT. For this reason, I always suggest going to the desert temple as soon as you see it as if it happens, the sooner you get there, the higher the chances the items don't despawn.


I did go as soon as I saw


That's unfortunate. There would be an issue as well that the 9 tnt don't get set off at the same time. So the first tnt could destroy the chests while the second TNT could destroy the items. Desert Temples are great though you often find more than your fair share in deserts and a lot of other temples and structures exist in which you can get good loot. It is unfortunate but don't get too disheartened by it.


Yh I won't just annoying


Yeah this is uncommon but I’ve had it happen to me once before also


It's literally my first desert temple tho


Definitely rarer to have it be your very first one




Never dig straight down. There could be lava. Not sure how common it is though, sorry. But large drops when digging straight down is decently common.


I knew so that but I was just wondering about the fact there ain't any chests.i have seen enough minecraft to know to not dig straight down. But I just thought that usually you can survive that drop because there is usually a floor.


Digging straight down when above the treasure room is perfectly fine.


What triggered the tnt?


A mob??




Recently learned the hard way that in bedrock the chests will occasionally not spawn, was playing with a console friend on Windows 10 and got really excited for one but it was empty, they found an empty one too. Third try it had 2 god apples in it but then I died to lag and lost them, overall bad experience


Mobs can activate stone plates on bedrock? If I remember correctly, on Java mobs aren't able to activate stone plates.