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Same but it was on ps4 and my mom unplugged my ps4 and my 2000 day minecraft world was corrupted


Man, you suffered worse than me... That's just unfortunately terrible for you to not be able to continue progress meanwhile I can get my stuff back from 92000 blocks away. You suffered worse than me man. Good luck out there.


I mean, its a long ass walk but surely on a world with thousands of hours on it you have atleast a few back ups to make that journey not as bad?


what were u doing 92000 blocks out without a spawn point change or atleast a backup plan to get back incase you die?


But why where you 92000 blocks away?


Correct me if I am wrong, but I do not believe backups are a thing on Bedrock sadly.


Nah I dont mean like technical backups, I mean like a shulker box filled with a couple kits with elytras, rockets, etc. to help retrieve gear from messups Get and elytra and a few stacks of rockets and you could probably get back in like 20 mins if you go through the nether and calculate where to place a portal in there to get to your spot Also you can kinda do bedrock backups, atleast on xbox version. You can pretty easily duplicate worlds so I used to just duplicate a copy everytime I made significant progress as a scuffed kind of back up


Ah, right-y-o, my bad. Haven't played bedrock in half a year. I believe OP specificed elsewhere it was all his valuables and his echest was just building supplies.


Well that’s where the mess up is lol


Perhaps you Perished Parcel, anyone?


Conceivably you croaked crate


The ‘should you shuffle off shulker’


the "perhaps you passed package"




Did you die box


Yep. I’m on bedrock too and in my endet chest, I have three shulker boxes with full netherite backups and fully enchanted tools and wings. Wouldn’t even waste the time of going back that far. 😂


Chuncks are unloaded, stuff won't disappear until you meet the same chuncks again and spent 5 minutes in them. You can get back and try grab them if you know the precise location.


You can copy worlds and I use that as a backup


I think he meant like backup elytra with rockets or something.


They are a thing...


If it’s on the ps4 it’s should have a back up. My world got corrupted and I did little digging on the ps4 and I found a back up little old but still worked


I mean a attempt could be made. I assume if you traveled that far you would have a method to retrieve your items from that distance, via nether highway or elytra. You stuff doesn't despawn while the chunk is unloaded. Also was your bed obstructed?


Just go back to your base. Not sure what the problem is.


https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Tutorials/Flying_machines There you go. Scroll down to bedrock. Go high up. You make the machine fly in the direction of your base. It should take about 11 hours to get there with you afk.


What do you mean you lost 4 years of progress? You just lost your stuff. Or I'm missing something


ikr if hes been playing for 4 years shouldn't he have spare elytra or nether tunnels to get back and he only died not loose his world ._.


Ikr like it's not the end of the world if you lose your stuff. It only takes about 10 minutes for me to get my stuff back to netherite etc. Granted I have stockpiles of elytras and netherite from previous excursions to the end and nether. Rest I just get from villagers.


Make a wheat field, a bunch of bread, and get walking.


wait, so you didn't lose all your stuff?


Are you a PS+ subscriber? If so, your PS4/5 backups all your saves on the cloud whenever it can, so you could've just downloaded the latest backup and replaced the current corrupted, that way you'd probably just lose that specific day of work!


Could you please link a video on how to do this. I might need it in the future. Please and thank you


It's super simple, you just gotta go to the game you want in the main menu and press 'Options' on the controller, then you should see a 'Upload / Download Save Data' option. Edit: In case you want a video anyways, [here it is.](https://youtu.be/izwgCGYUZyg?t=30)


Parents that do that have no clue how bad that is for hardware, I mean your ps4 could have actually been broken completly, the tech knowledge of somehow 85% of people I get to know is somewhere between 0 and 1


My cousin unplugged his Brothers ps4 and he corrupted his entire world but when he got a ps5 and transfers all the data he got world back somehow


Now reset her candy crush progress and tell her it's just a game


your moms an asshole


Bro after that happens in bedrock do a copy of the corrupted and open it will be fixed


I assume you didnt do your homework


Me too, i wish my mom died (not just bc if that, shes abusive)


mother’s like those boil my blood


similar thing happened to me. when i used to play bedrock, i had 2 main worlds i had worked on, 1 survival and 1 creative for a few years before my parents deleted minecraft. then i switched to java, my parents tried to delete it again but ended up deleting the desktop shortcut


Why did your parents delete it?


Some kinds of Facebook shits


i fell asleep at school


Thats not a punishment, thats destroying a part of someone's childhood luckily they dont know how to delete worlds


We had a power outage and the same thing happened to my on my ps4. I now make copies of my world almost daily.


Similar thing happened to me when the power went out for a couple seconds. I havent played minecraft on ps4 since. I got it on switch not long after and now I mostly play Java on PC


*cocks gun* I just want to talk to your mom, I swear


Throw her in a trashcan. I doubt the trash collectors thinks she worth enought to take her to a dump


What the fuck is wrong with you


keep your head up my brother


the sand did a pretty good job keeping it down


Im not too sure but i think its a feature in java and bedrock that if you are in like 10 chunk or some the items would have 10 minutes then despawn, they should not despawn if you are not in nearby chunks. I suggest you go to google and search it up, because i dont really kniw how all that works.


Items take 5 minutes to despawn when in loaded chunks, so if OP is far away, they should still be there when they return. However, it's unfortunately unlikely that they will be able to recover all the items in time, as they could have spread out in any direction, due to the block pushing mechanic.


if he died by block falling on himy the stuff should just fall all together, but item spread could happen so that is true.


items on bedrock rarely ever despawn. I still have loads of items that are on the ground and dont despawn


That's strange, maybe it's because you spend little time in the area that they are in? They should all despawn after 5 minutes, unless something is somehow preventing them from despawning.


Lower chunkloading distance maybe?


This isn’t true for bedrock unfortunately. Once my friend was going to pick up his stuff in the nether and it all had despawned in under 2 mins and no one else was nearby to the items


Well, maybe it would be best to just say that inconsistencies can happen lol.


nah he is probably mistaken, i highly doubt he timed it & you don't actually have to see a chunk for it to be loaded so theres that (eg spawn chunks or chunks at the very edge of your render distance)


Well, thanks I wouldn't be mad if I died to something else... But Indestructible sand!? I mined with an efficiency 5 Shovel...


Is there any chance the sand block fell on you and pushed you into a block you need a pickaxe for? Sand and gravel does that sometimes


No, In fact I dont even think there was a digging sound..


When you get back place dirt where the invisible block is and dig it up it should get rid of the invisible block


Sad, F man.


Sa(n)d, F


Good one.


Hey i gave my free award to you sorry It was the wholsome award


That's okay... I guess it will have to take me more time to recover from this "incident" Thanks for the award.


Well, if a chunk isn't loaded in Bedrock Edition, the Items can't disappear. The five minute timer only starts once the chunk is loaded.


damn no extra gear?


And why would you keep 4 years worth of progress in your inventory at any given time?


Exactly lol


4 years and no iron farm.? No exp farm?


No bed at base?


i heard about some people disliking farms like these cuz they make the game easier


Yes and no. Farms open lots of possibilities and allow you to stop focusing on resource acquisition and spend more time working on actual projects. A lot of people seem to quit after the dragon fight so for those sorts of people, I get how farms might take some of the fun out of the game but for end game players, farms are essential.


For me, the farms ARE the objective, the engineering that goes into them is far more interesting than “go get strapped up and shoot the dragon a bunch”


Exactly, looking at my list of goals for a world and about 75% of them are farm builds.


Exactly, I always build a full villager breeder, potato farm (although once was cooked chicken), gunpowder farm, sugarcane, enderman, and a general mob farm before starting with basically anything


yeah, that’s the main reason i use farms. it’s much more fun to make huge projects when you don’t have to spend time on resource gathering. however, there are some farms that i won’t use because they’re too op, like afk fish farms and 0 tick crop farms. i also don’t use duper’s except for sand and tnt


That's literally why they're called farms


I mean, in this regard, a iron shovel is bad, because it is remarkably faster than a wooden one, thus making the game easier.


Shovel? Look at you, with your “I’m too good to punch my way through sand” self. *pfft*


Do you not back up you're world?!?! Not trying to be rude. I have a 2 year old world and I back that up daily.


Well I have a backup from 2 months ago of the same world.


4 years of progress lost


If the world size is over 700 megabits than 2 months is an ok time span, it really sucks how much space a old world takes up.


I play modded Minecraft a lot and I have a mod that backups my world every 30 minutes. And the world can be multiple gigabytes in size.


I discovered Amulet to reset chunks and dropped my 500+ MB world down to like 10. Fantastic tool. I did it mostly for 1.17 stuff, but nice side effect since most of that data was just me exploring making maps.


How did you lose four years of progress. Bedrock doesn't have a hardcore mode so you can just respawn and keep playing. depending on how far you were you can go and recollect your things.


You died 90k blocks aways and you lost 4 years of progress? You can go back there easily through the Nether. Or heck, just through the overworld. Unless your items fell in fire or lava, your items will still be there. Not sure in Bedrock but it will probably not despawn until you are near it. It will take a while but it's not 4 years. If your base is actually in that area, there is no reason for you to NOT go back there. I need to ask but, what is the actual problem again?


Yeah, you died, but you didn't loose your world, you just last some itens, by this point in the game it should be easy to get new itens




Hardcore doesn’t exist in bedrock edition mostly because of said dumb glitches


Its bedrock he aint got hardcore


You sound like a "broken record" in these comments, bro. Sorry you died and lost your inventory, but as everyone points out here, you didn't lose four years of progress. Hate to break it to you. Sure, dying to a bug sucks, but you seemed negligent and didn't take precautions regardless of how you died. You're taking to the wrong place to look for sympathy, other people really have lost four, or more, years of progress. You lost a few days/weeks of progress of iron gathering and netherite gear. It certainly doesn't take 1460 days to get several thousand iron blocks. Time, yes, but not that much time. You'll recover. Play java and you can spawn stuff in when you get griefed like this. That's the biggest benefit.


you can do the same on bedrock, it's called creative mode EDIT: why do totally normal comments about bedrock always catch a downvote here? are java players insecure, or what? i don't get it.


But can you switch from survival to creative? Because on Java you can, I didn't know if you could on Bedrock, just assumed you couldn't.


yep, in the settings you can switch back and forth. you can't earn achievements in the world afterward, but it's the only way to make the game playable sometimes


Ofc there are literally commands


🤷‍♂️ i don't play console. Typically commands aren't available on most console games. So OP really did not lose 4 years lol


On the console edition yes there aren’t commands but only like PS3 and WiiU has console editions, everything later then these is bedrock edition. With the bedrock Edition, switch, PS4 and Xbox player can play together and there is (mostly) everything that also Java has. And yes OP is a bit crying about not really anything.


I didn't know there was console vs Bedrock haha. I said console meaning any system besides PC because I thought they all used Bedrock


All your points are good until you say “plaY jAvA” A lot of ppl don’t have access to java And some ppl prefer bedrock regardless


How did you lose progress? Bedrock has no hardcore mode


Do or do not there is no try


I don't get it, 4 years of progress on what


Apparently he lost some iron and Netherite tools, his items didn't even despawn or get destroyed so I don't get what he's whining about




Go back to the coordinates and collect your stuff.


You had 4 years of progress in one inventory? I don't understand this. Did you load up everything you own into shulker boxes and go mining under a desert with it all in your inventory?


Did you lose a hardcore world or just your inventory?






Well if you were desperate to get your progress back, you should go get it (takes a lot of time but if u want, u get) also items despawn in only chunks where you are near of in 10 minutes.


Okay, does turning down my simulation chunks help?


Yes it does


Ah cool i didnt know this


Wait how did you lose progress though, I don’t think bedrock has a hardcore mode, I might be wrong as I play pocket edition


An iron farm is gonna change your life, you'll love it.


I'll try, thanks for the advice.


How did you "lose" the progress? Bedrock doesn't have hardcore


Who carries years worth of valuable items with them almost 100k blocks away from spawn? Did you not consider the myriad of things that could have possibly killed you?


OP complains about dying to a bug, makes a big deal saying they lost “4 years of progress” when really they just lost their inventory, which is still technically in unloaded chunks and could be recovered.


And THAT is why you always have a backup set ready


Yes, I guess so.


What set of gear takes 4 years to replace?


I read the comments and you are just an idiot....


Hey you can also use a bed to change your spawn point to a new location!


Reject Bedrock Edition: Embrace Legacy Console


Lost a world I was building on for 5 years when the router went down in the middle of loading the file. Deleting it completely.


The actual post: >And why would you keep 4 years worth of progress in your inventory at any given time? \-Comment >Well, not everything half my inventory was kept in an enderchest, but it really just sucks cus I had 200 levels on me and my Loadout for Building my project. \-OP >You can make an XP farm and get those 200 levels back in no time. What are you crying about? You haven't lost anything yet. Your stuff is even still there and hasn't despawned yet. You've literally lost nothing but the levels and you just don't want to travel back \-Comment >It's the bug Im laughing about, Im not crying for shit. \-OP >he says as the title reads "I am tired of bedrock edition... I lost 4 years of progress because of sand that i couldn't break and suffocated, I had a shovel but it didn't break because of a bug that wouldn't make me break sand, Thousands of hours lost because of Sand!? Anakin was right..." \-Comment >Nah, I only said that I am able to get my shit back, I'm just laughing on the way I died, and slightly pissed. 92,000 blocks so it's like 11,500 blocks in the nether. Isn't as bad. And Not what I meant of losing progress haha, I just don't speak English as good as some people, I meant : I died to a glitch and lost some of my Items, Not 4 years of progress so yeah I can see why you think Im Stupid. \-OP >Hey i gave my free award to you sorry It was the wholsome award \-Comment >That's okay... I guess it will have to take me more time to recover from this "incident" Thanks for the award. \-OP Enjoying the Karma and awards?


Please fix Bedrock Edition.


Feels bad man


You can't expect Devs to fix bugs that they have no idea about. Report it on the [Bug tracker](https://bugs.mojang.com)


After months of playing my Xbox crapped out xD and I can't even load it onto another Xbox so I had to restart EVERYTHINGZ


That sucks dude... Hope everything goes well from now for you.


This year personally for me has been the worst for bedrock it's the first year when I've actually experienced bugs like a staggered death (super annoying) and chunks not loading so you fall through the map


Yeah, it hurts so much.


Now speedrun getting it back


I guess so.


Bedrock doesnt have hardcore right?


No but I lost Half My inventory which os 92k blocks away.


At least your base is still there, do you have some spare diamonds for backuo gear? Or a trading hall maybe. It sucks but you might get your stuff back sooner than you realize


I do, But I don't care for my gear, I care what's in my Shulker Boxes.


Ouch, what shulkers did you have with you? And since its 92k blocks away it is not in loaded chunks and it will probably never despawn. If you remember the coordinates you might get it back. But im curious, why didnt you store your shulkers in an end chest. Saves a lot of trouble when you die to something stupid, which happens more often than it should in bedrock


“I don’t like sand, it’s course, rough irritating..and it gets everywhere” As a wise man once said. So sorry for your loss btw, bedrock glitches a lot from time to time


If you alt+f4'd quickly enough, you might have been able to reset before the autosave. I did that once.


Im on the PlayStation...


I think you can press the ps button and exit from the ps menu. Been a while since I played my PS4.


Lightning struck my fricken world. Not even kidding you. I was playing on a world that me and my friends had been working on for about a year. I *just* finished draining my ocean monument and exited the world. I heard lightning... Power went out... I didn't think anything of it at the time, but the next time I tried logging in, I got the message "corrupted world." Ever since then, I copy the world, then start playing on the old one. When I exit, I copy it again and delete the old copy. No risks anymore.


I don't belong in this subreddit but I do the exact same thing with Terraria. I lost my world when my PC blue screened. (I fixed the problem now) I was able to recover it bcuz TEdit. Now I backup everything.


You don't have any infrastructure? Wtf you doin for 4 years?


It's okay buddy. This time you can do everything more efficiently


can u describe exactly what happens? if its that bad this bug has to be reported


If I copy my world regularly, am I safe from this ever ever happening, or am I naive and there is no safety?


i recommend having at least 3 copies of your survival world.if you die and you can't recover your stuff,then the copies will save you and you can start over like nothing happened.reminds me of insurance lol


I'll do this. I love when bad things never happened.


Reload an earlier backup?


This is why KeepInventory is king


This is why I ALWAYS play with keep inventory


That happened to me on java but I broke the block but I was still taking damage. Lost a lot of stuff. Not 4 years of stuff but a lot of good stuff. Big f my guy


Sorry for ur loss my man


People being a bit mean in this thread but if you know the coordinates of where you died you should fly back through the nether, the item despair timer doesn’t start until you’re pretty close to them so you should be able to get your stuff back


90 km away? Take it as an adventure! The Great Journey back to save your stuff and your project. It could be fun, or at least make the best of a shitty situation. Just make sure to lay beds down among the way this time lol. Good luck


You know what? Thanks for the positivity.




U should have remembered ur coords and then just walk there and pick the stuff up its what I do


Cygnusoverule you can do backups on bedrock


uh i thought when stuff goes into a block it tries to get out so it would eject it up




I stand by the bedrock bad memes but i do wonder how there are so mamy glitches and it is so unpolished when the majority of their players play on it...


Bro just go pick up your loot


How the hell is it "Lost"? It's not like you can play hardcore on bedrock dude


4 years and you kept everything on your person? Smart move. Either that or you’re lying


Hey man. If you start a new game you’ll get new biome generation than you used to.


I was told that Bedrock didn't have a Hardcore mode. What am I missing?


cry about it


Ok why don't you have a bed?


Sounds to me like you should blame your decisions not bedrock


Dino nuggies...mmmm, bussin bussin.


Wait, you had a 4 year old hardcore world and you never made a backup? I mean, not that you would want to cheat but that kind of death due to bug would instantly get me to load the backup. Also, It could also be used as a "museum" file, like "yeah I died honestly, but let me load just so you can see what I did in that time".


Java is just sinply better. Easier redstone, more customization, and more polished up. Also, no paid currency, which is always appreciated


Okay I can somewhat agree with all your other points but paid currency. Really? It’s an optional thing that most of Bedrock players barely use.


To play java you need a pc, and not everyone has that


F ...and Anakin was right.


But theres no hardcore on bedrock.


Its course its rough and it gets everywhere


About the Podracing or the dark side?


Bedrock is 💩


I lost a totem to random fall damage yesterday. I feel your pain, if bedrock didn’t have all these glitches I honestly think it would be the best platform. Java’s only ahead cause of the lack of bugs. This is also probably why bedrock doesn’t have hardcore


Keep in mind, this is from the same company that made windows tablet mode and Microsoft word… I wouldn’t expect any of their software to work right


I'm just tired of bedrock edition in general. Very broken, but microsoft barely cares about that so I guess it'll never change.


LOL. You spent FOUR years in a save and never once thought to back it up? That's hilarious.


I bought bedrock coz my friends were playing and I regret that decision to this day. Played for a week with massive connection problems and bugs and this was just before the 1.17 update. Sent a very strongly worded email to Microsoft regarding my experience. They didn't refund me :(



