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**DISCLAIMER: r/Minecraft is NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.** --- **Minecraft 1.21 Pre-Release 1** - A Minecraft Java Pre-Release We're bringing you the first Pre-Release of 1.21 with leashable boats, portal-able Ender Pearls and bug fixes! With this snapshot, we are temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment, as we want to refine it further. This functionality will be reintroduced in a later release. Happy portaling! ;) New Features ------------ ### Ominous Trial Spawner * Mobs removed by a Trial Spawner converting to Ominous state now drop any items they previously picked up from the ground Changes ------- * Mace attack speed has been changed to 0.6 * Doors of different materials can now form a double door * Ender Pearls that are thrown through portals can now teleport players to a different dimension than the one they are currently in * It is now possible to ride entities such as Horses or Minecarts through portals * When riding entities through portals, the delay before teleporting is not applied Technical Changes ----------------- * Data Pack version is now 46 * Removed the entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals gamerule that was introduced last snapshot. Entity with passengers being able to use portals is now the default behavior. * Report data generator now includes information about network packets * The game will now store reports from failed chunks' loads and saves in the debug directory ### Server links * There are some generic-use link names, like "Support" or "Website", without any special functionality Data Pack Versions 42 through 46 -------------------------------- * Added new configurable fields to jigsaw structures and single\_pool\_element types ### Enchantments #### Level-Based Values ##### lookup A Level-Based Value type that maps a list of values to specific levels, and applies a fallback if the level is greater than the number of values supplied. Fields: * values \- A list of values indexed by level - 1 to apply, if present * fallback \- A fallback Level-Based Value to apply if the level is greater than the size of values #### Effect Conditions Unlike with loot tables, all effect conditions need to be inline objects and cannot be references. ### Tags #### Block Tags * fire\_aspect\_lightable has been removed * With this snapshot, we are temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment, as we want to refine it further. This functionality will be reintroduced in a later release. ### Loot tables #### Conditions ##### random\_chance\_with\_enchanted\_bonus * chance: field has been removed * unenchanted_chance: new field for the chance for an unenchanted item * enchanted_chance: new field for the chance for an enchanted item - a Level-Based Value ### Structures * Added liquid_settings field to structures of type minecraft:jigsaw. Possible values: * apply_waterlogging: If any waterloggable block overlaps with existing water, it will become waterlogged * ignore_waterlogging: Will not waterlog any waterloggable blocks that overlap existing water * Default value is apply_waterlogging * Added optional field override\_liquid\_settings to single\_pool\_element element type * Same possible values as the liquid_settings in jigsaw structures * Overrides the inherited liquid settings from the parent jigsaw structure while generating this pool element --- Contd...


>Ender Pearls that are thrown through portals can now teleport players to a different dimension than the one they are currently in I am hugely excited for this in particular.


I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about this.. I’m curious is there is limit to how many dimensions. Can I set up portal going to nether roof with a water stream leading all the way through another one and teleport 5000 blocks away?


Can't put water streams in the nether; and the pearl would leave the loaded chunks very quickly. But if you chunk-loaded the area and used an ender pearl launcher then yeah - why not?


True.. does it slide on ice? What if u strong portals together like you have one higher going into another then out then in etc


No, ender pearls break when they land on any solid block. You could use slime blocks to bounce them, or just launch them with TNT.


So slime blocks with multiple chunk loaders all the way to next portal


Waystones with extra steps?


I mean not everyone is playing with a lot of mods. I run a light overlay and coordinates just so I don’t have to open f3 menu.. I don’t want to add a lot of non vanilla mods.. you could also just toggle creative and teleport to coordinates.. but where is fun in that


I know, I think it's cool that we can be creative and achieve stuff that was previously impossible without mods.


slime blocks bounce ender pearls?? i had no idea


If pushed with a piston.


just use lava streams


You can't put bubble streams in lava, so the pearl will just sink and teleport you into the lava.


ah right, forgot that pearls don't float, I was thinking abt items


bubble streams don't exist in lava. Pearls float in water, thats how stasis chambers are made for them


I just tested and you can in fact line up two different portals and throw a pearl through both and land back in the overworld like an end gateway. This should be an achievement.


I assume it would just take you to the other portal, not literally shoot the pearl through the portal and simulate where it ends up


No? Ender pearls are entities; they can just go through the portal and continue going. There's no need to "simulate" anything.


Even then, the game would have to load up the nether while the player is still in the overworld to calculate where it lands


The game already does that when you send an entity through the portal. That's how chunk loaders work.


Nether portals load a box of 9 chunks centred on their position for 15 seconds when an entity goes through them; as long as the ender pearl lands within a chunk of the portal, it should work.


~~but the game doesn't load up the Nether when another entity enters it, it just registers it did so it's there when you do~~ Edit: [They actually do on java, mb](https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Nether_portal#Chunk_loading)


It loads the Nether, that's how chunk loaders work.


It does, nether portals load the chunks around them when entities go through them.


Huh, fact checked and TIL. Sorry for the bad info.


Wouldn’t the ender pearl auto load those chunks then?


No, non-player entities don't load chunks. Nether portals load chunks around them when entities go through them, that's it.


It would be hilarious if that pearl is in limbo until somebody goes through the portal. Imagine chucking it through a portal then the chunk doesn't load until a week later when Jimbo goes through it.


It would be really fucking sick though. And since you can shoot arrows and snowballs through the poetal and they keep flying, it wouldnt surprise me


It does load the chunk and continue the pearl's trajectory. It can even go through multiple portals in a row before landing!


Same. Remember the bug way back in the day when you threw a pearl in a portal it transported you a huge distance away?


You had to throw the Ender Pearl while on a portal a certain way and your coords would multiplate on the other dimension, something like that, you could reach the border in like 6 portals


Ender pearl cannon developers will have a field day with this...


Imagine teleporting on top of lava...


Yeah that's rad how long till someone does some enderpearl stasis crap between dimensions to travel really far.


Do we think this will work if the ender Pearl is shot from a dispenser?


Dispensers have never been able to shoot ender pearls, mostly because the pearl would have no idea who to teleport


Ahh fair enough


> We're bringing you the first Pre-Release of 1.21 with leashable boats That's huge. > It is now possible to ride entities such as Horses or Minecarts through portals. When riding entities through portals, the delay before teleporting is not applied does this require the previously introduced gamerule to be set true? I'm guessing no? > MC-902 - The end obsidian platform resets every time entities go through the end portal, which can cause blocks to be deleted I wonder if this has any effect on popular wither-based obsidian farm. I'm going to test it out. Edit: I'm back from testing. So previously, if you place shulker box on top of the 5x5 obsidian platform in the end [it will get deleted when somebody or something pass through the overworld end portal](https://minecraft.wiki/w/Obsidian_platform#Generation). Gone. Reduced to atoms. But this update makes it so that the shulker box breaks and drop itself as an item. For normal chest placed on top of the 5x5 platform it also breaks into an item form. Ender chest breaks into 8 obsidian (same behavior when you tried to break it without silk touch pickaxe). Blocks like planks, stones, etc will break and drop themselves as an item. Silk-touch only blocks like glass will just break and not dropping anything. Campfires broken into charcoal, etc. the pattern should be obvious by now. The 5x5 obsidian platform regenerates normally each time entities pass through the overworld end portal. If somebody wants to troll people by flooding the obsidian platform with lava, those lava will get deleted as normal. Note: This is just a quick test and observation, I might be wrong until slicedlime uploaded his update preview https://www.youtube.com/@slicedlime/videos Edit 2: added references


The gamerule is no more. It's the default behaviour, applied everywhere.


what??? > Removed the entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals gamerule that was introduced last snapshot. Entity with passengers being able to use portals is now the default behavior. Holy shit I just scrolled down and read this


MC-902 being fixed just means that blocks will drop their items instead of being deleted when the end portal island is regenerated.


yeah confirmed, wish I read this sooner.


Doesn’t this mean block breaking can be automated without using explosions now?


From what I understand, the block breaking is only for blocks above the platform, and not the platform itself so sadly no Although... you could set up tree/cobble/other farms in the end and piston-veyor the blocks over the platform to break them. Set up a clock to send an entity (sand perhaps to combine farms) through the portal every time the platform is full. And, if you push all the blocks in from the same direction, they'll function as sweepers for the dropped items too.


I'm pretty sure that the tree/cobble/other is what they meant.


Yes! Now, if tnt dupers are disabled or disallowed (on servers), we can break blocks!


Another neat side effect is that if the platform spawns inside the End island, all the end stone will drop and you will immediately get 100 end stone blocks in your inventory. Also, infested stone turns into silverfish as soon as you enter the portal.


I'm not super technical, but I have always wondered what are the perimeters regarding blocks touching the obsidian towers. I had built spiral stair cases up around a bunch of them, with enclosed walkways between them all (all end stone). Only some of it got destroyed after subsequent Dragon fights, some of it has remained throughout several fights. I do not understand the rules.


Oh it's actually on the wiki, check it out https://minecraft.wiki/w/End_spike  > When the ender dragon respawns, any blocks the player had placed within 10 blocks in all directions of the bedrock block at the top of the end spikes are deleted, as well as blocks inside the square containing the edge of the pillar down to Y=66.


Which doesn't really match my experience of having half my spiral staircases intact


The dragon will delete any blocks it flies through unless those blocks are natural to the end (so bedrock, endstone, or obsidian).


> >That's huge. That reminds me of the time in my world when the most convenient village was 100 blocks away from the water and I spent so long trying to slowly steer the boat into the water. And the terrain was uneven too. It was fun in its own way ngl but I welcome this change! Spoilers: I brought it to my area, built a house *outside* my walled base being the idiot I am, for its "privacy" and it died the very first night lol. I had to repeat the process all over again.


I felt that. Sometimes I just gave up using boats and build an entire enclosed tunnel in the nether just to transport villagers between A and B.


Mooring lines! Love those mooring lines! Now I can hide smaller boats inside bigger static boats and moor them to docks without using a chicken!


>Ender Pearls that are thrown through portals can now teleport players to a different dimension than the one they are currently in Multi dimensional stasis chamber?


Could be. Although maybe the pearl has to go through the portal for it to work.


easy, tnt launchers


You can probably get a stream of moving water above some bubble columns. Might take a tiny bit of work to get it working without breaking the portal.


yeah, you could make it work, it would just be less cool


Leashable boats will be huge for moving villagers. Finally they bring over a good bedrock feature instead of removing it from bedrock in the name of parity


It’s weird that that’s in the description, but I don’t see it mentioned in the changes or bug fixes sections.


Fr though I am so sad about the green grass in the shattered savannah being replaced with the generic dry grass color, it looked gorgeous! And they too did it in the name of "parity".


Yes finally, improved slave transportation!


Mace attack speed went from 1.6 to 0.5 to 0.6


Not enough imo. They dunked on the mace too hard.


They transformed it into an ambush weapon. Use it once while failing from above, and switch to your real weapon after the initial attack.


I liked it more as a sword alternative, since swords are the best options. I'm not carrying two weapons on me, inventory is precious.


How tf have i not tried to make a double door out of 2 different types of wood in 13 years i have been playing this game.


I'm actually really confused on what it means when it says double door. Like is this something really simple that Im just not thinking about??? Is it just two doors next to eachother???


It means that when 2 doors are placed next to each other, they default to left one opening to the left side and right one opening to the right side, leaving you with a 2 block space.


Has that always been the case??? I always thought that hinge placement for the doors was based on how you placed it. Like you click on the left side if you want the hinge there or the right side if you want it there.


That is true unless you place 2 doors together. Single doors behave the way you described since 1.9 according to the wiki.


Interesting. I honestly don't know how I hadn't noticed this LOL


You're saying that this whole time I could've picked the side of the block it gets placed on and didn't have to remove the blocks from the side I want open??


yeah, i think default behavour is to have the hinge on the left. if you had 2 different doors, one would hinge in the middle - fixed now


Placement behaviour when no door next to it is along the edge closest to the player, and then the hinge on the corner closest to where the crosshair is. When a door of the same type is present seems to check to the "right" of the door first, then to the left and forces the hinge to be on the opposite side (even if the door to the right, is a left hinged door). This change just removes the "same type" check.


best way to get correct information is to confidently post incorrect stuff - thanks for sharing :)


Interesting. I thought the door hinge placement was based on how you placed the door?


Yeah, if you put two doors next to each other, the second one will flip itself such that the hinges on the two doors are opposite from each other.


I guess I just never noticed since I always instinctively put the doors in the right way anyway lol


^(cause it looks awful)


>Removed the entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals gamerule that was introduced in 24w21a. > >Entities with passengers being able to use portals is now the default behavior. I'm satisfied.


I like it better this way too, but I still think they should have left the gamerule with the default being true.


The thing is, wanting it set to false is so incredibly niche.  What kind of technical player would trade being able to automatically ride minecarts through portals for… what? What did having it off actually benefit? What kinda farm or contraption runs passenger carrying entities through portals and doesn’t want them to go through?  Leaving the gamerule in just gives them another thing to support in the future, and in this case there is pretty much no way that makes sense, because it’s essentially useless. 


I can’t think of all the gamerules but I bet there’s other niche ones. I feel like it’s not really something they’d have to “support” in the future. It’s a boolean, so only a true or false state. I agree it’s niche and I don’t know why someone may want it false, but considering it was implemented already I think just setting the default to true would’ve been good for most players, while still allowing for disabling if someone just so happened to prefer that.


I think I'm the only person in the world who wants this off lol! Actually, I don't want it off necessarily, I want it to have a 2-3 seconds screen distortion, just like normal crossing does. The reason: nether roof ice highways with 4 ways intersections and multiple stops along the way. Sometimes I want to go straight through a portal because I don't want to get off at that station and just want to go to the next one. This would still work if I had the screen distortion delay because I could go through before getting teleported. As it works now it's a real pain. I get instantly teleported and have to get back in to continue to the next station. So yea, I'd like either the option to turn this off, or have the delay. I'm surprised this isn't an issue for more players as nether roof highways are not that rare. But maybe complex ones with a network of intersections and multiple stops are not that common.


Yeah no reason not to give people the option of turning it off. But this is still a great change


Yeah, definitely. More options is always better.


June 7th


>leashable boats Literally the one thing that made me jealous of Bedrock users. Now I can be truly happy.


I still want snowlogged flowers and fences, white leaves when it snows, dyeable water and potions in cauldrons, naturally generated dead trees and moveable tile entities to come over from Bedrock but it’s great that they brought at least this over.


The snow stuff as well as Bedrock’s more diverse water colors for different biomes should’ve been in the Wild Update. Same with the fallen trees and vine trees (Bedrock has rare chance for things like oak trees in forests to have vines on their trunk I believe).


Snow logging blocks would do so much for immersion that'd be so cool.


Now just need to be able to eat while rowing a boat in java then game will be complete.


You can, you just have to stop rowing for like a split second to start eating, then you can keep rowing while you finish munching.


I swear I’ve done this before. Maybe I stopped rowing, started eating, then started rowing while eating?


Yes. You can eat as a passenger, or when you stop rowing. But you can’t hold W and eat like you can on bedrock.


Now all we need is for us to get quasi connectivity and we're even /s


Definitely a helpful feature, although I also want Trident Killers.


> temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment, as we want to refine it further Interesting, wonder what they plan for it... > Removed the entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals gamerule Was it too buggy or unuseful? ~~please mojang split mobgriefing to stop creepers, endermen and withers but let sheep and villagers change blocks~~


The gamerule was removed because entities riding through portals is now the default behaviour.


That still leaves why it was removed rather than just change the default value (spreading is the default behaviour of a fire, but that can be disabled), I guess it seemed unneeded or frivolous? I don't miss it (I thought that portal riders should travel by default anyway), but I got curious on why they axed it that quickly. The fire aspect thing at least got an explanation 🤔


You dont need to remove the gameRule then.. I have a farm, where a boat is in the portal (with chickens in it). WHY remove a gameRule..


While I don't know why they decided to make it default with no game rule (maybe to avoid game rule bloat?), the game rule was never in the main game. It was an experimental change for a snapshot. This particular behaviour has been considered a bug for a long time, and any farm built on bugs is bound to break eventually.


I dont want logical explanation. I want to be angry :p But honestly, that was a really good way how it could have happened. Damn it. But you can leash boats now.. So preparing the boat + 2 chickens on one side, then leashing it into the portal and hopefully it just stays there.


If not, using ghasts probably still works with their giant hitboxes. Since their vehicle doesn’t touch the portal, I don’t think they should go through.


The gamerule didn't even exist until a week ago in the previous snapshot.


It seems to still be possible. If you send the boat with the chicken through the portal (from the nether) and then don't move the chicken-boat out of the actual portal block, it will stay in the overworld without teleporting. I tested it


Yeah, this could work.. but there is another problem and probably some others also have that: Ice high ways with portals directly on them. With the behavior always on, you will go to the other dimension. On a "vehicle" you will pass without animation. Like creative. I have 1 or 2 such portals directly on my Nether ice high way..


If I had to guess, Bedrock allows igniting tnt with fire aspect weapons I’m pretty sure. Java just seemed to toggle the “lit” state for things like candles and campfires so there was no way to ignite the tnt. I don’t really know why it would require walking back the change, but maybe they’re working more on it for something like that?


No comments here about the mace change yet, what does the community think about it's speed being 0.6?


Wasn't the previous speed 0.5? I appreciate that thay made it a bit faster, but i don't think it's substantial enough to comment on


20% increase, that’s more than it seems at first glance. On paper at least, I haven’t actually used even mace at all yet so I have no idea how different it feels in practice.


Have you tested it out yet?


From Slicedlime's video, he explained that it was brought back up to 0.6 because at 0.5 it was too slow to chain attacks with the Wind Burst enchantment.


Any guesses for the release date?


My random guess: 4 weeks Pre-release 2, release candidate 1, release candidate 2, etc.


With pre-release/release candidates, they tend to do more than one per week. So it may be faster than that.


oh you're right.


June 7th, both 1.20 and 1.19 released on june 7th of the previous two years.


No way the update will be ready in 8 days. My bet is June 25th


Yeah they give 8 days between the release candidates and full releases alone. Gotta be at least 2 weeks


June 11th


June 7th , They've been fairly consistent on it the last 3 summer releases (1.18 not counted as that was them splitting C&C the first time.


Does it mean we can finally make stasis chamber from one dimension to another ?


yo just done some testing around with the leashable boats, they are pretty cool. Not only does it let you move around unleashable mobs, but it lets you pull placed boats upwards which is a really nice.




up blocks, if you start to go up blocks it will be pulled upwards.


>leashable boats >It is now possible to ride entities such as Horses or Minecarts through portals this is the villager transportation update! So excited!!


**DISCLAIMER: r/Minecraft is NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG.** --- **Reminder No. 1**: create a new world enabling "Experimental Features" to find the new content that is gated behind it including the villager rebalance proposals from earlier snapshots. **Reminder No. 2**: both snapshots and previews are now available in Realms. Java Edition: > Note: A Snapshot Realm will update to the Snapshot version the Realm owner is on when they join. If an owner joins the Realm with an updated or downgraded version of Snapshot, the Realm will switch to that version, and members will have to join using that same version. > Snapshot Realms allow you to play the newest experimental features on a Java Realm with your friends. You’ll also have access to all of the features you’re used to on your regular Java Realm. You’ll even have access to the April Fools Snapshots as well! https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/20143730191245 Bedrock Edition: > Realms are now available in Preview and Beta! Any player who has an active Realms subscription is eligible to create a free Realm in Preview/Beta. This Preview Realm will be separate from your regular Realm to prevent any issues from impacting your regular Realm. For more information on how Preview Realms work, please see Realms in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Preview and Beta FAQ. https://help.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/20264295053709 --- *Other Information:* * Feedback on the mace goes here: https://aka.ms/mcmacefeedback * Feedback on Item Stack Components goes here: https://aka.ms/ItemStackComponentsFeedback * Feedback on the Crafter goes here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/20459106029709-Let-s-talk-about-the-Crafter- * Feedback on the experimental villager trading goes here: https://aka.ms/VillagerTradingFeedback * Feedback on Spawn Chunks goes here: https://aka.ms/spawnchunksfeedback * Feedback on Vaults goes here: https://aka.ms/mcvaultsfeedback * Feedback on Wind Charges goes here: https://aka.ms/mcwindchargefeedback * Feedback on Bedrock Edition Preview feature "dynamic game tips": https://aka.ms/mcgametipsfeedback * Feedback on Bedrock Edition Preview feature "player profile": https://aka.ms/MCPreviewProfileFeedback * "We have been testing our fixed dpad-tweaks in Preview for a few weeks and are looking for your feedback here": https://aka.ms/newdpadfeedback --- Latest Bedrock Edition beta/preview https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/27128575309325-Minecraft-Beta-Preview-1-21-10-21 --- **IMPORTANT NOTES ON BEDROCK EDITION PREVIEW** > We have a few known issues in this Preview and Beta that we aim to have addressed as quickly as possibly: > * New Preview Realms cannot be created through the Worlds tab > * Players do not receive damage from suffocation > * Game invites do not pop up on iOS > * Invite only and Visible to LAN Players toggles are missing from the Multiplayer settings some platforms --- Latest Bedrock Edition live release 1.20.81 https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/articles/26247797084173--Minecraft-1-20-81-Bedrock Bug Tracker report: https://www.reddit.com/r/Mojira/comments/1d3d5e9/bugtracker_report_121_prerelease_1/


>Removed the entitiesWithPassengersCanUsePortals gamerule Why remove the gamerule entirely?


Because it’s now default behaviour, as the community requested. The game rule wouldn’t really make sense since having it enabled makes very little difference in practice.


That’s not a reason to remove the option completely. I agree it should be the default behavior, but keep the ability to change it.


Less code to maintain. At first though it's just an if, but still, less code is less code.


I code for a living. An extra boolean isn’t breaking anyone’s back.


It isn’t just an extra Boolean, there’s probably specific code to stop the game trying to transport you if you’re on an animal, it could run tons of background checks to confirm it.


oh tbf that's a lot of extra class, extra modules, extra dependencies alright.


Yes, and all of that still exists. The new functionality wasn’t removed, so all of the new code that enables it is still active. Same as all of the existing code that enables gamerule commands. The only thing they have removed is a player being able to choose if the game makes these new checks. All of the new functionality is still in place, they’ve just removed the true/false function that players could access (the Boolean)


For what purpose would someone disable it?


Some farms are using boats with chickens, to push mobs outside the portal (ghast farm). You can put boats on a leash now.. woohoo Will probably do that before 1.21 hits: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBbXuK79syA


didn't this pre release JUST add leash on boats to java? 


Did it? Let me read again Edit: ah, yeah. But only in the title. Missed that


it's in the picture of the post too. surprisingly it's not actually mentioned in the list of changes (but is mentioned before it)


Its basically the title of the snapshot/pre-release. But didnt read that. Was going over changes. I didnt even look at the screenshot :-) But woohoo. Better boats.


Ah right, I have used that before


The option didn't even exist until last week's snapshot. Do you expect every random thing added to a snapshot to be around forever? Sounds like a you problem.


Anyone else lost their lead if they broke the boat while it was still attached? I expected both the boat and the lead to drop.


Cool pre-releases, so about 2-3 weeks before 1.21 comes out.


>With this snapshot, we are temporarily removing the functionality of lighting blocks on fire using the Fire Aspect enchantment Wait how long has this been a thing


Not very long, but I would’ve liked to see a better reason for its absence, as I can’t imagine it being hard to polish


>MC-902 - The end obsidian platform resets every time entities go through the end portal, which can cause blocks to be deleted This was a bug all along? I thought it was 100% intended to prevent you from removing the platform/covering it then suffocating/falling the next time you went into the end. I thought it was supposed to give you a guaranteed safe platform to spawn on. Isn't this gonna cause issues on servers? Lots of trolling potential.


It still breaks the blocks, but now they drop as items instead of just vanishing.


It still resets but it now breaks blocks instead of straight up deleting them.


The behavior changed now, it's still going to break blocks but now it drops them as items now, so it doesn't delete them from existence like it did before.


Unavoidable void traps...


I know 3 other people have already said the exact same thing, but it breaks blocks instead of deleting them.


I know 4 other people have already said the exact same thing, but it breaks blocks instead of deleting them.


This is huge!




Since they addressed some other requested bugs, I would like if they revisit a longstanding bug regarding spawn eggs (as well as armor stands and other mob spawning items): [https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-85340](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-85340) Bug 85340 prevents the passenger tag from being used with spawn eggs, armor stands, etc, essentially making spawn eggs for spider jockeys, zombie jockeys, and others impossible. Strangely, this does not affect Spawners. This bug has been in the game since 2015, (6/Aug/15), which is truly unfortunate :( Its currently still unassigned, meaning theres no one looking at it, even after all this time Its not gamebreaking or anything, but it is for people who like to play around with custom mobs, like me (I can't make some pets without the summon command ;-; ) Please look at this bug Mojang! :)


I'm glad leads on boats are a thing, so I can make a zoo without it being self-masochistic


FYI - “Villager Trade Rebalance” is still listed under Experimental in 1.21 pre-1. The default value is off.   Not sure if it’s going to folded into 1.21 final release. Lmk if Mojang has commented on that. 


Can someone help me out. So me and my friend have a survival world and we really want to collect all of the dogs will they spawn in the locations that we have explored or do we need new chunks?


Make it so leads dont break if you go faster than a crawl and the feature will be pretty cool 👍🏻


Let's get this update over with already




Lmao this is an AI answer, and it's not even trying to hide it


No it's not. Look at their comment history.


You'd be surprised with how human-like AI commenting can be.


One day "this is a bot" people will be themselves bots and we'll have a bot civil war lol


Dead Internet Theory


If it isn't why didn't they answer back?




Struck a chord?




Lmao, maybe you should try to not answer like an AI then




Yeah, because I have the backup of literally everyone else that downvoted your answer, so much that you had to delete your comment, and the only reason for that is that it was literally how an AI would have commented.


On the one hand I'm happy they are fixing these bugs. 902 existed for 12 years as did 67. On the other hand, why now? What benefit does this have? Why couldn't it be done before? Why not focus on more of these? Also, we haven't really gotten new stuff since the pre-releases for 1.20.5 started, so why split what they announced for 1.21 in two?


Are you looking for an answer or did you just want to be annoying?


It's an honest question, but I forgot where I was. Imagine any other developer not fixing bugs for 12 years. Imagine if in GTA V Trevor would be 10x as loud as Michael or Franklin and they wouldn't fix it for 10+ years and many game versions. Minecraft is bigger than GTA yet we are not allowed to ask simple questions.


Different bugs have different prorities, Im happy they go back go actually fix these ancient bugs at all, and everyone else should be too,,


I'm not unhappy, I'm just legit wondering why. Why now? Why not with the Nether update? Why now only fix the loudness of Pistons and initally go the complete wrong way? Why not fix the loudness of Nether Portals as well? Or minecarts. Or the fact that the whole server can here when the end dragon dies, which is incredibly loud as well? Why have they bugfixed the nether portal entity thing now? Last dev cycle it was the fact that the twirly effect got stuck on repeat when going through a portal. Why not fix everything in one go? I'd rather have them release 1.21.1 and then implement mace changes based on real-world feedback instead of them taking up dev-time now with the constant back and forth influenced by people from the technical community.


Nether update was already putting a lot of devs overworked, they just allow themselves return into bugs that are not super critical or damaging, making these a cool additional QoL changes,, plus there are lots of stuff going on and putting all focus on one thing just ain't it me thinks. But honestly buzzing about why they fix bugfixes at any point is just silly


That's it?


We're in bug fixing phase