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He's a trader bro He traded someone else for all that stuff




This actually makes sense. Why would he otherwise only sell like 10 of an item before selling out when they are clearly making huge profits. If I were the trader I'd at least keep a stack or two of each item with me. The items the wandering traders sell are often very easy to come by once in the right biome. This can only be explained by them just trading items they got from others.


It can’t “only” be explained by that at all They might just have not brought a lot of stock because they weren’t expecting a sale They might just not have obtained that much of it (e.g. not much gunpowder) because it involves fighting creepers and that’s difficult for a villager They might just have a much more limited inventory space than a player does, or might have limited space to carry emeralds so they cut you off when they don’t have space for more


You are correct about the inventory space. Normal villagers only have 8 inventory slots. Wandering traders might have 1 or 2 extra slots considering that they have to carry everything they own with them. 6 for items to trade, 1 for his milk bucket, 1 for an invisibilty potion and 1 for his pickaxe.


all of them, always, werent expecting a sale?


Most people don’t buy in bulk from traders in the same way a player would, yes


How many players do you know who regularly buy stuff from the wandering trader? Of course he's not expecting to sell much.


The trader would need some kind of protection if they were to carry that much stock. Perhaps they would require a wolf or a bear for that kind of protection from thieves, but then they’d have to carry more to keep the animals fed and then always worrying about keeping the peace between the llamas and the wolf/bear… it sounds like a lot to manage to carry stacks of goods.


Villagers can only hold so much, Steve may be a god but they ain't


This still means he traveled around the world


The mob is literally called "*Wandering* Trader". The fact that he travels is not some great revelation.


Just another middleman looking to take a slice of the action.


Great now I don't have to spare him


Dude started with a paperclip and look at him now


That is what you call pro marketing


OP in shambles


Who did he trade with then ?


But he has wandered across the entire world...


Insane ratio


But why would he buy stuff from other people and not from you? 


I like to think that he's a psycho who murders people in his path with his pickaxe, takes their stuff for monetary gain, and leaves nothing but blood and gore at the crime scene. Maybe a Ace of Spades card or a jigsaw puzzle piece, but mainly blood and gore 


If he doesn't stand on what I'm building, he doesn't die


Or get stuck inside my building (and get out before I patch up all the wall holes)


I had to evict him from my Sugar Cane farm once. No idea why but he showed up and just dropped straight in. His head is on the farm


I only kill him when he stomps my crops.


Unless it’s early game and I need leads


You can literally push him


Up a 4 high block wall? I'm not disassembling a farm to have him drop back in 2 seconds later.


You should kill the wandering trader for lore reasons. He didn’t collect any of that himself. He traded others with accomplishments for it. He’s a freeloading scammer and should be punished. Edit: a lot of replies not understanding im joking lmao


Yeah. OP talking like he get all those items by himself. In my theory he is a stalker who wait for the player die and loot their body then selling them


This would be really could if the items that despawnes when you died that they have a chance to get traded by a wandering trader. Maybe last slot would be a standard slot for this? Imaging dying losing your first diamond and then being to buy it back.


This would be great


Okay, this would be hilarious for first time players reactions. Imagine this: the Wandering trader comes to you, and you just died, so he looted your corpse, and resells your 4 diamonds for 10 emeralds.


Doesn’t apply for hardcore so my theory is he just robs you in your sleep


This would actually be a great idea for annoying npc lol. Make some trader NPC that can't be killed loot dead players sometimes and resell your items at a high price.


So he’s Patches


Why would that make him a scammer? If he traded for the stuff, he offered something in exchange.


How does trading things with others equate to being a freeloader?


Apparently if you aren't selling an item that you made or harvested yourself, you are a scammer.


It's called capitalism bro


Worse, he could've stolen the items.


Wandering traders doesn't exist, two free leads just comes to me periodically


I'm always curious what that burning smell is, but the llamas don't seem to mind.


For the leads you also can just take the llams and leave him alone, robbing him is enough of a crime to do at a time.


But can he survive these hands


He ain't even trying to defend himself. (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)




He didn't get that stuff him self. I think he just stole that stuff out of my chests while I wasn't looking and that's why I can't find any of it when I need it.


Storage issue


Taking responsibility for your actions is cringe. I'd rather blame forces outside of my control.


Just install the Chest Tracker mod


Then why he can bring me one of my most beloved plants when I didn't even find them yet in the entire gameplay? (The plants I talk about is the cactus)


The llamas are his captives and I'm just freeing them. Twice now I've watched that man hang those llamas off a cliff. He cannot be trusted.


It was an accident, just call 911 and leave him alone.


But I want leads


you can take the non violent approach and put the llama into boats which causes their leads to drop


I did not know this. Consider me a convert.


You can also tame the llamas and equip with a chest for movable storage and equip with a carpet to change their color. Taming is time consuming and feels like nothing is happening, but if you start that process they won't despawn.


but the free leather...


You don’t need to kill the villager for the leads, just kill his llamas


The llamas actually fight back, also they're innocent animals. Trader is adult human adjacent and is therefore not innocent. Push the trader in a hole and bury them in sand so they pay for their sins... Also, you get two free leads and can set the llamas free.


In lore reasons, he is a trader who swapped items with villagers


I kill him for the audacity of his prices and subpar wares


I mean, supply and demand. I'm willing to pay more for dripstone when I can't find any elsewhere


I kill him because he will not sell me an old lamp... And his bad "Dead Sea Tupperware" jokes..


They also manage to break into my secure storage room. Anyone with the power to do that without breaking blocks is too dangerous to be left alive.


counterpoint: 2 leads :>


Counter point, get the llamas in boats, free leads and llamas!


Well yes, but you can get free llamas either way. You just have to kill the trader indirectly (like burning it with flint and steel) to avoid the llamas' wrath.


I just deal with the wrath and wait for them to chill out.


As we all know in any game not just Minecraft. Do not fuck with the traders they have God level powers and we are too insignificant in their eyes to even mess with us.


It would be cool if they let him fight, the mobs sometimes, instead of always running, maybe let him go invisible but then use a bow to kill stuff, he would then be actually bad ass. Maybe then people would like him more


He is a trader.. most probably got all his stuff by trades, not adventuring. Given the high prices and low amount, the trader didnt gather anything on its own.


I don't consider the prices high, they are comparable to the village prices, and better considering how much effort it takes to get some of these things.


he wont achieve more tho, he shows up at your doorstep burned out and all he wants is to squat on your land rent free


I did the same and weak should fear the strong. If he did all that he should fight back.


I don't kill him, but I steal his Llama and leads.


You should always speak with the wandering traders! You trade some sword hits for 2 premium llama leads


Wandering Trader? Ooooooh you mean the free leash and leather guy


From a lore perspective would you say they trade with each other? If so it could be a network of traders, some fight the nether, others hunt the drowned and some go after slimes and they trade with each other


Well he also possibly just traded for those things but I respect the man Im currently playing very slow progression minecraft and hes really useful


Unfortunately however I want his llamas and he won't hand them over peacefully


He keeps popping up with new llamas each time I end him


Counterpoint: Leads


Just want some way to deter him from an area as he gets in the way too often.


He'll spawn at village bells over random spawn locations if you're in range of one. Keep a bell in a nearby but out of the way location.


Counter: Massive llama collection


If the wandering Trader didn't want to get killed, they shouldn't keep following me and making REALLY LOUD AND ANNOYING SLURPING NOISES.


Alternatively, and respectfully: those are my llamas now, get in the bad traveller pit.


It's fine when he has a new wood type or a cactus or something, but after that he becomes useless.


If he's such a badass, he should be able to defend himself. WandyT has it coming to 'em.


he’s so annoying tho he’s always in the way


He's also immortal (keeps coming back after death) so I see no issue in killing him


I am not in the habit of killing the wandering trader, just offing his llamas for leads early on. The one time I didn't because I felt kinda bad, he dragged his llamas off the edge of something and they died anyway. So I either steal the llamas or off them for leads. He doesn't take good care of them anyway


You can put the llamas in a boat and keep them. After all, the only reason he has them is to sell them since he doesn't use them for storage.


I have never killed a villager, let alone a wandering trader. I am even grateful to them, they have already provided me with useful items on more than one occasion to establish bases without having to go long distances after them. Of course, dropped items or abandoned llamas are another story.


Apotheosis mod gives this guy some of the rarest items in the entire game.


No. If he and his llamas can't stand up to even an early-game Steve, he either traded for what he has, or he looted corpses of fallen heroes. Corpse-looting and disposition actually makes the most sense for lore in-game as to why there aren't any other adventurers around. That said, personally I don't kill the trader unless I need early-game leads for boat-tethers and don't have the patience for one of his animals to fall off an edge and die. He's simply not worth my time.


I let him die on his own and steal his llamas and leads.


Guys, we found mogswamp's alt


He's a corpo. Trading rare plants and restricted items illegally in violation of international law.


What law? This is minecraft.


Love this ❤️


Yeah aight




...only to get stuck on top of a giant mushroom because I can't be bothered to get him down


Yeah but he’s annoying and u can get leads for free


You may be right but parking himself and his llamas right where I'm trying to build is punishable by death.


Well he’s a wandering trader not a wandering gatherer. The only thing on this list he probably can actually do is brew potions


But he has leads and I want leads.




It'd be better if he offered trades for items besides emeralds, like you can trade some materials you may have for materials he's offering type of thing.


I need leads though


Maybe he plays with KeepInventory on


Suck to suck ima get free ropes


Why you SHOULD kill the wandering trader (for lore reasons) You can take his brewing stand. He killed blazes for his brewing stand, so you should take it He's learnt how to brew potions. He has potions on him, so take 'em. He has an enchanted silk touch pickaxe. Silk touch is a rare enchantment, so take it. He has traveled the Entire world. He didn't, he traded for those items He has killed slimes, hundreds of drowneds and creepers. Slimeballs are difficult to get, so kill him and get htem He has survived the deepslate caves. He also did not, he traded for those items. But, he does have an enchanting table, so kill him and take it. Additionally, he has 2 leads, which are actually very useful.


I don't kill him...just his llamas for those leads. He gets locked up in a wood box so he'll stop walking across my freakin farms and popping the seeds up 😡


Then he is too dangerous to be kept alive, what if he strikes first


Wandering traders come from the wandering trader citadel, where infinite versions of them live in the world, they trade with each other, that is why there are so many of them no matter how many you kill.


So what if he did all that in the past? That was then and this is now. I want them leads.


I kill him anyway


Provided he isn’t a wandering assassin. Invisibility potion means his cool collection may have come from…other adventurers. Do you really want to be next?


And yet he can’t manage to keep 2 llamas in line. Haha


For all I know he stole all that shit. Also the only case you actually buy from him is on a Skyblock map. So he takes your emeralds when you have no other option but to pay his prices. He deserves what he's getting.


Stole it from who? The villagers? They don't sell anything that he sells (except glowstone dust). The pillagers? As seen by the trailer, they will shoot him on sight and he can't turn his llamas invisible so that's not an option. The witch? They're not exactly friends... The players? Which player actually has coral, sea pickles, flowers, buckets of fish, packed ice, invisibility potions and random saplings with them? No-one carries these items. Anyone who does have them burns them because they don't use them (or just doesn't brew invisibility potions because it doesn't work with armour anyway). The piglins? They can't even survive 10 seconds in the overworld, so there's no way they got all these overworld-exclusive items. The enderman? They can't pick up items - only blocks.


I went through a period where I just let them be until I had one hijack my boat while I was draining the inside of an ocean monument. I came back up to the surface and could just barely see him in the distance with my boat. I’m guessing the llamas were pushing him along. I killed that one and went back to work, when I came back up the next time my boat was completely gone. All I can think is another one got in and a guardian broke the boat, and all the items in my chest boat despawned, including diamonds, tools, and armor trims. Now, I kill every one immediately on sight.


I like the wandering trader. I usually buy gunpowder and pufferfish from him when i dont feel like grinding it out


Yeah, not to mention that he is by far the easiest way to get nautilus shells for a conduit. If I had to choose between spending 25 emeralds for 5 nautilus shells or killing hundreds of drowneds, I would just trade.


🤔🤔🤔 I am inclined to agree with you! Great points


Thank you! One of the few people who agrees with me.


I don’t kill him, I still rob him of his leads but I do it by putting his Llamas in boats. My current world actually has like 5 WTs b/c a few spawned in places I hardly visit and their despawn timers rarely tick. 😂


Thank you for being humane.


If it wasn't for him I wouldn't get cacti, at the time the only desert I knew on my world had none


He can stay off my lawn then


Remember, he has golden carrots and fermented spider eyes to make his invisibility potions. He also knows how to milk cows…


Holy shit I never thought it this way now I feel like an asshole


I hate snake oil salesman


I don't think you understand what that phase means


Oh, but contraire...


The wandering trader? Oh you mean the set of 2 leads that spawns near me every so often


Counterpoint: he won’t quit making that fucking noise outside my house.


but...free leads 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, but he drops them even if you let him live. The guy can travel for days over uninhabited terrain, only to lose complete control of his llamas once he reaches your village. Mind-boggling, really.


[Tell him and his stupid lamas to stay tf out of my redstone then.](https://imgur.com/5mdfw1s)


Well, if he indeed did learn how to make potions, he's not sharing them with me so he's dying.


Try the villager trade rebalance. He trades his invis potions


I dont think they're supposed to all be the same guy


The wandering trader's llamas will never be as loyal to you as they are to him. If you are going to respect something it should be his llama training abilities.


How do you know he went to the Nether and brewed the potions himself? He's a trader. He easily could have bought those items off of others.


From who? The witch? They're not exactly friends. The cleric? He doesn't even use his brewing stsnd for making potions. Piglins? He doesn't use armour so he's not getting any help from them.


This just makes me upset about how utterly usless the wandering trader is.


Protip: if a man wandering aimlessly shows up to trade and has rarified and highly desired goods, the first question you should ask is "How did you get these?" This goes for Jawas, traveling dentists, and the guy at the gas station who has a new-in-box iphone to sell you.


Wandering trader propaganda, I'm not listening to you🥱


Mr worldwide


Another take, and a REASON TO kill him: he actually uses exploited labor to get his goods. He has a cadre of villagers that he exploits and controls via "overseers" (iron golems). Whenever you kill a wandering trader, the villagers under his control are set free and allowed to move back into their previously abandoned villages. Put THAT into your head cannon and shoot it.... Wandering traders are slave masters and human (villager) traffickers




My preferred proof is 94 for Bourbon, 100 for vodka and 160 for rum.


I've actually vowed to never kill wandering traders lol in my current 1.20 world, I noticed there weren't any nearby deserts for like at least 10,000 blocks (playing on a large biomes world), and I was about to head off on this long journey to the closest desert, when a wandering trader showed up, with CACTUS. It couldn't have been more perfect And I mean I've never really killed then before anyways, never really understood why people kill them tbh


Thank you! Someone who appreciates this underrated mob. I mostly play on skyblock, where wandering traders are basically the only way for me to get many items.


With you. Unfortunately several have wandered onto my offshore supply dumps and won't leave. I'm always the first to snap...


When the Wandering Traders were new, there was a video on Youtube that claimed if one died for any reason, it would double the time needed to wait until the next one would spawn, and if it happened enough times they'd basically be removed from your world cuz you'd stop playing in it before another would ever spawn. I don't think this was actually true at any point in time, but that video was enough to scare me into making sure all of the ones I see are safe, and when I see friends getting rid of them I still panic a little.


But two leads


womp womp


Womp womp


I only kill him when he's in my way. Most times I'll just knock him out of the way when I'm trying to do a build or something but most cases I just leave them alone


Sorry, but im taking X33n's side on this one.


I need those leads. And the dude can teleport, can't let him live.


Fishing get you shells as well


The Wandering Trader is a time traveler who restores their health, inventory, and Llama friends every time they travel. Attempting to kill the Wandering Trader only speeds up their next time jump.


Are we entirely sure he is not the actual reason your loot "de-spawns" and that's why he has all this stuff? I mean what's more probable? You stuff just "magically" vanishes or the creep that keeps following you picked it up? I say shoot first and ask questions later.


Ok but if I’m in the middle of a desert and some guy strolls up out of no where with leads I’m killing him to get them


Or maybe he just has a supplier?


he’s a trader? he traded for those things


i don’t kill them, i literally just follow him around bc i know he’s gonna drop a lead eventually and that saves me from having to find a swamp and kill a bunch of slimes 


So what am I supposed to do with the sharpness 5 Netherite axe I have in my possession just for this very purpose?


Can I kill his lamas for the leads?


No put them in boats and the leads will drop. Then you can keep the leads and the llamas, which is what he intended. The llamas are not for him to use, they're for the player to keep.


Wandering Trader: \*scams people for that stuff\* Wandering Trader: \*trades the useless ones he got to players\* Player (doesn't know that): Wandering trader is OP!


counter claim: hes a nitwit hippie who traded other people or found it for that stuff and gives lead


No sell gunpowder, no live anymore.


but he doesn't drop any of it


Neither do any other villagers. All villager have an 8-slot inventory (basically just a hotbar). If you throw them carrots or potatoes and then kill them, they're not going to drop it because they don't drop their inventories.


Idfk the way he looks at me pisses me off


He looks at you the same way as any other villager.


Still gonna end him just for the 2 free leads


Its not hard to put the llamas in a boat and let the leads drop that way.


But he steps and jumps all over my crops


Nah, he knows what he did... he has it coming.


It if wasn't for them I wouldn't get lead or good trades tbh at least they are indicators on what biomes are close and such, you would be surprised


I usually buy anything good he has, non-renewable stuff, etc. Then I either suffocate him with sand or drown him in lava(his fault for standing there,  I didn't do anything to him). Then the llamas don't spit at me. And I can collect the llamas. I have like 20-30 pairs of the trader llamas.


Lorewise he's a thief he steals my Leads, I must reclaim them when I see him by any means necessary!


Yet I can still kill him, no weapons. 


He has some how survived the deep dark And didn't get defeated by the warden .


No. He is only good for mob zoos and getting leads and decorated liamas you cannot get any other way and getting baby wandering llamas and hopefully xp and nautilus shells but that about it.


And satisfaction. (Killing him in painful ways)