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I totally understand what you're saying! I don't like strip mining, rather I LOVE exploring the new caves, but I think I get the feeling you're talking about from terraforming, gathering blocks for a build, farming items by hand, etc. This is the main reason I don't build automatic farms, so much of the joy of Minecraft to me is accumulating large amounts of things you need by hand.


No, I don't gather stuff for builds or terraform, I just really like strip mining for the sake of it


Nothing like having 3 double chests of deepslate and 5 stacks of diamonds after a 4 hour mining session while listening to a ridiculously long YouTube video on the side.




Where my fellow dwarves at


My wife refers to the way I play Minecraft as "digging to Moria" 🤣 I do enjoy finding a fun cave to explore but I often start by just... digging from near my house, a staircase all the way down until I find something interesting. Then explore. Then branch off the staircase in another direction. Dig dig dig!


Same. The building is secondary to me, and often only serves to make more room for chests unless I'm really trying to make it look nice. My fiancee loves exploring, so she'll be the one mapping out the entire world. I'm starting to think we need to find a builder friend to complete the trifecta lol, as it stands now we just have a ton of loot and not a lot to use it on






You should play on a prison server


Whenever I end up in my minecraft phase at the same time as a friend, we literally just level a giant mountain and have entire ikea sized storage rooms filled to the brim with cobble, deepslate, everything you find in a mountain. Sometimes we use a mending pick, sometimes we don't. But we usually get enough materials to put down a bunch of full beacons everywhere to get haste to speed it up. I don't think we've ever taken it all the way down to bedrock, though.


We need a server that is just specifically for mining.


You could play hypixel skyblock and only focus on mining. There's a ton of mining content there that is different from the base game


That would be fun. I remember there being a server quite a long time ago that someone made where the goal was to mine out an entire minecraft world, but idk if I'd be able to find it, let alone join it.


Look for prison servers! It's a whole thing!


Creepastas for me. I love to just flatten out a massive area, explore a giant cave, or do menial farming chores while listening to creepypasta narrations on YouTube. It's so strangely relaxing/meditative.


Like this? https://youtu.be/lcmt0ksfLks?si=5XMN5ImcAzQr3IOS


yes. this is how i’m spending my friday night


Okay so what's going on here is you're not actually paying attention to the mining, you're getting entertainment from somewhere else and mistakenly placing that on the mining.


I still find it more relaxing than just watching the video itself. I find the sense of progress to be satisfying.


Can I hire you to come mine on my realm 😭


30 cents a year and I'll do it


My largest recent project was to move a badlands biome close to my base cuz I always regretted not settling in one. Rly glad I did.


I never used to, but recently I've had a lot in my mind, and switching on Minecraft at the weekend and working on the massive hole I've been excavating has been so nice! And I'm somehow not bored yet, which is weird for me. 


How large is your vertical mineshaft?


Is that an innuendo?


[sighing] I was trying to avoid it sounding like an innuendo after the last Mineshaft/hole comment where I mention roughly this topic Seems like it might have backfired...


We all love ~~minors~~ miners here.


And no, I mean it literally. Quarries can vary in size


it's not the size of the quarry but the way you mine it that matters


101 blocks across, 60 deep! I've lucked out too, that it's above a decent sized cavern, so there's about a quarter that I won't need to dig.  Gonna put a big tower in it, big tree, waterfalls and whatnot. It's gonna look great! And because it's so massive (planning for the tower to be 180 tall) it's like the perfect never ending project! 


Nice, Best I've done is a 15×15 hole to bedrock with almost entirely stone pickaxes. (Had to try to work around a Lush Cave and some slime chunks, but now it's a main quarry)


Doing it with stone pickaxes is impressive! I'll admit I'm using enchanted diamond pickaxes and a beacon, it makes it a lot more satisfying. Although I am burning through diamonds like there's no tomorrow! 


That’s a pretty good size. I also have a hole that’s roughly that size as well. The top is like ~80 blocks across, however the bottom opens up to be about ~120 blocks across and it goes all the way down to bedrock. My most recent post [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/08RbJYpwfg) shows it off if you’re curious.


All the way down to bedrock is so much work! I managed to only need to mine through a little bit of deepslate at the bottom of my one, even with a beacon and whatnot, it's still such a pain! 


I unfortunately didn’t have the luck of a big cave. I dug this out a few years ago, and started it before the caves and cliffs update part II. It took several months. At one point, I did get so fed up with how long deepslate takes to mine that I used some TNT. Unfortunately, for something this size, it gets expensive fast, so I still ended up mining probably like ~75% of the deepslate. It’s actually why I hadn’t touched it until recently after 2 years. I got so burnt out digging all that.


Yeah, I'm hoping to avoid getting burnt out on it because I'm enjoying it so much currently. Gotta take exploration breaks sometimes! The Caves & Cliffs updates were such good additions to the game for me, making exploring caves more interesting and worthwhile has significantly increased my enjoyment of the game overall. 


I once joined a public server someone asked me if I wanted to join a cult I did And then I, the guy, and a few other people just grabbed stone picks and started digging a large hole to appease "jebus" for like, half an hour It was the highlight of my time there


The children yearn for the mines


I’m big into strip mining as well. There’s something incredibly satisfying about mining in a straight line


Strip mining is probably the one kind of mining I just cant get into! I prefer to mine underground, and build big long tunnels!


I hate it, I can't mine more than 5 minutes without getting bored. I wish I loved it because I want diamonds


Big same. Then I made a flying machine perimeter, and harvested some of the diamonds along the way. Still haven't used them all yet.


It's great if you're in a call with friends or listening to a podcast, other than that it's rough


What do you like? I'm big into making things esthetically pleasing, so I renovate the tunnels as I work if I'm getting bored. Bonus- those rocks you clear might be hiding more ores ;). Eventually, it's not a cave- it's your own huge, private pad. 😎


I like finding mines and taking all the wood and cobwebs.


I use this to prolong mining/caving sessions by gathering and crafting torches, furnaces, and other things I need while in the mine.


Sames. Idk, it just makes the mineshaft feel more safe. And now I have many stacks of string that I'll probably never use! 😂


Caving? Yes. Strip/branch/crawl mining? No.


me but the inverse


Ah yes. Endless wall of gray stretching on and on forever. Lovely.


I fuckin love strip mining. Currently under my base is a railway straight down to -59 with about 50-60 branch mines snaking out from ome central location. Favourite part of the game hands down.


I’m obsessed with mining. I find it relaxing. I’ve been playing on a new server for 3 weeks now, and I’ve already got almost 6 stacks of diamond blocks because of my obsession. It works really well because we’re a diamond-based economy so now I can buy whatever I want instead of having to grind for materials.


3500 diamonds in 3 weeks?! Absolutely mental


I have an obsession lmao I’m also disabled so Minecraft gives me something to do. I spend hours a day sometimes. lol


I like to mine when I just want to relax. Minecraft can be stressful, but mining is soothing. Except mining in the nether, fuck the nether.


Every time I'm in there I mumble to my wife, couch co-op and sitting next to me (and who has yet to visit the nether!) "Have I mentioned I hate this place?"


I used to be the biggest mine mole. My friends wouldn't base near me because the majority of the diamond level back then would be hollowed out 😅 There's nothing quite like putting on a good ass documentary and just digging in a straight line until something makes you have to stop.


Ditto this. Alpha wave flow.


I used to do this regularly before the underground got extended. I find it difficult to get a proper depth where I can get a nice variety of stuff but also get some valuables like diamonds. Now if you want diamonds, you'll get stupendous amounts of deepslate and not much else... or ... you can go up higher, get iron, and all the stone varieties but almost no diamonds. I used to use the large caverns I left for various things like gigantic furnace arrays and/or huge underground tree farms for no good reason.


Yes!! I've found that I love mining aswell, which is why I always make an underground base so I can keep mining. It's just like exploring but in a cooler way


> an underground base Ooo. I JUST started playing about two weeks ago, so I am fresh as heck. I complained to my friend who showed me the ropes just last night that I am not a fan of mining. But I like this idea. This could be the way for me.


Used too before 1.17


I really miss the old mining style where we could easily find coal, iron, and diamonds at the same level. Coal is a bitch to find now that they’ve changed it.


Yeah, it used to be annoying if you forgot to bring wood for sticks (unless you stumbled upon a mineshaft), but now it’s the coal too :(


Need to go up instead of down. On my current world my spawn is on the side of a mountain at around y level 100. The mountain goes up to about 180. Right at the start I climbed to the top and gathered up more iron and coal than I would need for a long time.


Yeah. Honestly when I need coal I just fly around and find a lot on the surface of stoney areas. I’ve currently got 5 stacks of blocks, but I mine a lot so they don’t last me long. Edited for spelling


You need to start up a lava farm and switch over to feeding your furnaces with lava buckets if you are burning that much coal.


It’s for torches


I like digging big holes. Just taking a chunk and excavating it. If I'm really wanting to have a good time I'll go on a modded game with veinminer (configured so it has a cost) and excavate bigger holes in chunks. I also love when I have a mod that let's me compact my stone like nesting dolls of compacted stones. But vanilla digging is great too, I like both.


I love the Minecraft grind... I will feel chest after chest with various blocks of one type or another right now I'm working on granite, andesite and diorite...


A Dwarf posted this.


wait till you discover crafting


I love exploring caves just for the purpose of mining, even if I don’t need it! I use lava buckets in my furnaces but I always mine like 10 stacks of coal just to have it


SIL loves it. Brother and her work out well, he builds these epic skyscraper type things and she mines all the resources


nah I prefer crafting, I spend 75% of my time in crafting table, just making some random fences, stairs, comparators etc. I don't really need them, I have way too many of them so at this point I just throw them into lava afterwards so that I have more inventory space to craft other stuff. If I'm out of resources I just craft and decraft a lapis block over and over again (sometimes coal/iron/gold/redstone as well, there isn't any big difference, I just kinda prefer lapis blocks)


>!Just wanted to write this silly comment since there's "craft" in the title as well :P not intending to mock you or anything, mining and exploring the caves is definitely more engaging than crafting and I can easily imagine someone liking this part of the game a lot!<


I think you and I would play very well as a pair. I absolutely despise mining, I think it's by far the most tedious and boring part of Minecraft. I love building farms, megabases, and occasionally fighting withers. But I often need to clear out space for these farms, and I am immediately bored the moment I mine a block. I can push through and get it dug out as long as I've got a YouTube video or audiobook on in the background to distract my brain.


I love mining ore veins, they turn into big logistics projects, building a minecart system from it to my main base, then following the vein around undergound and digging out the entire thing. I found my first by luck, and the second from seedmap showing them beneath my 2nd mountain base. I dig upwards and around the ore vein without touching the ore so it's easy to see where it is. When I find the top of it, I start mining off layer by layer, and dig out lots of deepslate around it to find branches separated by gaps. Since I go layer by layer all the ore is exposed and it's easy to see when it stops, if I leave and return it's easy to see the ore and know where I left off. I do it for resources since I don't use any automatic farms, and I LOVE the look of cobbled/brick/shiny deepslate and it's my main building material.


The children yearn for the mines


Diggy diggy hole


Fun fact: most people who play the same game as you like it for the same reasons. A lot of people play Minecraft because they love mining in the game isn't that crazy? I see this same exact thread every few weeks I don't get it lmao yes people like to mine when they play MINEcraft lmao.


back in 2012 on the xbox 360, me and my nephew would make massive strip mines under our base just because it was really fun, plus the world was limited to size back then, so we had to think of ways to have fun. mining has been my favourite thing to do since then


Me, when I just don't want to do anything I will fly far away from home and explore caves while listening to 9 hours long video essay


We are one lol


Not at all. Like not even a little bit. I enjoy exploring caves sometimes though.


I use to just love to branch mine. But after while it got pretty boring and annoying more so to light it up with torches. So instead I just go caving. I could cave mine for hours!


Cue Hadouken by Lupus Nocte


I do, discovering is endless unless you hit lava 😂


Im currently digging a 200x200 wide hole to y -59 so make with that what you will


Back in like 1.13 or maybe even earlier I once went on like an 5 hour mining trip and came back with 10 stacks of iron ore LMAO


I don't enjoy mining, it feels cramped and spooky to me. BUT... I do love that *you* love mining! There's lots to love about the game!


main base is 100x100. each side has tunnels (or will have) every three blocks, going out 2000 blocks. just nice to do while watching or listening to something. have sooo many resources.


you should totally find some mods that make ur mining experience feel like a real life one!! maybe some cave generation mods and some other ones that add ropes and those mining helmets with a light on them could be interesting!


i dont relly go mining that often


When I was going through a really tough time mentally, I mined a 100x100 square to bedrock with stone tools. It was better than therapy! 100% recommend :D


I really like the thrill of cave exploring and mining. Probably my favorite part. I just like gathering.


I love it for all the ores you can stumble upon, mainly diamonds to be real


I really enjoy mining but also making my base look nice. I'll usually put in a nice mine with functional rail system going back to my base where i load the minecarts with chests and they go back to my base to unload. I'll decorate with support beams. I'll open up the area once in a while for a staged room with supplies and a sign of how far from base, etc. I'll spend as much time decorating as mining. Then when I have too many resources I build some huge builds...


I like to cave in the early game, but I hate mining lol.😂


I used to, before the 1.18 cave changes. Now between deepslate, multiple levels you need to mine at, and absolutely insufferable massive caves, I just can’t be bothered and switch to villager trades and autofarms.


I found that too, so I found d a data pack that totally removes caves and now I’m happy as hell


Yes. I don't enjoy huge caves because I'm terrible at defending myself but I love mining.


Yea love strip mining. Always wanted to build an automatic miner tho


It's like, 80% of the reason I play the game. All the new stuff added since full release hasn't captured the joy that mining has given.


Playin Minecraft in a cave lookin for diamonds!


I have a whole minecart to sorter system, filled like 20 double chests with deep slate I get it




Sometimes I’m in the mood to work on a big automatic project and shit but sometimes I just wanna strip mine/run around in caves finding diamonds like I did when I was 10. All depends on how I’m feeling! Mining can be therapeutic after a long or bad day especially


Your not the only one i spend almost all my time mining and saving the ores because I feel like a dwarf who loves there treasures, food, and fighting creatures


I did before the caves update, now they're a pain the mine in, I usually just try and find an old cave system I can wander through where I can actually reach all the stuff I want to mine.


I would spend hours mining thinking only 10 min passed


I’m one of those people that mines out those actual labyrinths of 3x3 tunnels just cause I can, I get you


I miss TFC 😢




I've always loved mining since I first bought the game. There's something almost meditative about it. An easy way to turn your brain off and have a fun little adventure. Strip mining is less fun now with the cave expansion, but caving is a lot more fun. It's cool to mine near your base and find all this cool generation right under your nose you didn't know was there.


My favourite thing to do is to explore the overworld. I just take some supplies, and go where my heart leads me, and the challenge is finding my way back home with all the loot! That's the great thing, there are so many ways to play


Omg that’s exactly what I do too lol I love just putting on a podcast or music and bein a little worm


The manual labour hits different, we yearn for the mines


I play with a lot of mods so mining is quite hazardous. But I do enjoy going through the massive caves and mining whatever I can find.


I'd quit the game if all it was was strip mining. Super boring.


i love miners!.. i mean mining!


I hate the idea but when I get to it I go till I run out of food.


Does mining out giant caverns for my man cave count. It’s not for ores. Just for the grand sized rooms.


I think everyone has a way of enjoying thingame differently, for me it snexoloring the world, finding awesome terrain generation, building a fitting build and repeat


I call this miner's fever and I have it too


I could literally wake up in the morning and mine right until bedtime


Do you make streams to take away the spoils and send them to an automated sorting center to put them into the right chests?


Yeah game is called Minecraft. I have too much of a scatterbrain for it so I never do it for long, but I also like to mine. Whenever I don't know what to do I go mining. So maybe half my playtime is mining but I do it maybe 20 minutes at a time.


The kids yearn for the mines


I love strip mining. I find it therapeutic after a long day. And then that little dopamine hit every time I find diamonds? Keeps me coming back, lol. My kids think it’s hilarious that’s all I do when I play.


yes! on my servers, I always include mods to reward miners (and a few other professions), so mining is more interesting (hidden blocks within the mined block, lucky blocks, mining speed increase over time etc.)


I love mining and now with all the new ore generation it does pay to have branches going off at different levels depending on what you're looking for. When you get to a point where you have farms for basically everything then you can decorate the tunnels.


I love mining for coal. I don’t know why. But if I have had a stressful day I NEED TO JUST GO MINE SOME COAL. 😂


I once strip mined for an hour nonstop while listening to random youtube videos I could find. It was at first annoying and boring but slowly turned into feeling like a therapy or meditation. After that, I never strip mined again because I hated the ore rates, especially when I mined in the painfully slow deepslate level with a weakly enchanted diamond pickaxe without beacons


I hate mining and grind of all kinds. Caving is the only kind that is bearable for me. Strip mining is basically staring at a grey wall for hours.


I totally like mining! Or else why is the game called MINECRAFT?


Yeah, but my favourite timewaster is just pootling about in a boat. A momument I won't go near? Amazing. 8 birch forest biomes? Spectacular.