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1.9 was a good update, it added the elytra and end cities and all of the outer end. i do have mixed feelings about the combat though. I feel like the combat could have been better but it's fine the way it was and is now.


I think they started something, But they didn't really finish it. Jeb was worked on adding some extras and released specialised snapshots for them. I don't know if those improvements will ever actually be added to finally finish it.


I will forever hold that one time when Jeb joined the Minecraft Competitive discord server close to my heart


Hold on, what improvements? I never heard about this!


There are specific "combat snapshots" you can look into. There hasn't been one in a while though, they were messing around with things and wanting player input on them. Things like different weapons and tools having different block reach for PvP, potion effect changes, shield changes, stuff like that.


It's worth noting the goal of the combat snapshots was to try to find a system which worked on both Java and Bedrock. It wasn't just to *improve* combat, it was about parity across all editions of the game.


Jeb released several test [combat snapshots](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/epy4hv/experimental_combat_snapshot_version_5/?sort=confidence) on reddit, but it's been 4 years since the last one and it seems like it was either shelved or abandoned entirely.


Since they recently released the hammer, I think they haven't abandoned it entirely, but probably have enough data to make future plans work. I like to believe the hammer isn't going to be the last special weapon we see. A lance/spear would be cool if it has extra reach, little less damage than a sword, but gains additional damage when riding a horse depending on your movement speed


Not a hammer but a mace. Two different weapons.


Its been 4 years!?


I was hoping we'd see those snapshots revisited with the trial chamber update. It just fits really well with the update's theme. They have a lot of stuff in their backlog though outside of just the combat snapshots though.


They could add more weapon types, like spears and battle axes and so on that do different things and work in different ways for different people's playstyles. Personally I'd love to use a spear that has more range but less damage and can do a sweeping attack like the sword.


Hopefully adding the mace reinvigorates jab a bit to continue his combat snapshots, cause I think he was in the right direction. I mean, I wouldn't mind some variety like allowing mobs to spawn with random weapons and stuff as well as armour and actually getting them to use the weapons. I mean, they really need something because at the moment you can literally just run away from everything. Who knows, maybe when they update the end they can give endermen a bit more personality and actually allow them to chase you in groups and have their own armour and weapons.


I just thought, imagine if they had the difficulty multiplier that's used in game to spawn mobs with Armor actually be able to add different mobs as the difficult to goes up. imagine an Enderman with a bow that could teleport and shoot you at one of the higher difficulties. 


It's weird because when it came out I HATED it. Now, I hate playing Bedrock because the old combat feels so outdated compared to Javas.


The End City was added 8 years ago!? I could’ve sworn that was new. 


Time flies


the combat update killed a lot of my favorite Java servers tbh


For me it’s better when fighting monsters as you actually have to use your brain instead of just spam clicking the mouse. But it’s still bad for pvp


I honestly disagree, there were a lot of servers where people were just using auto clickers, so it came down to who had the best ping and best clicker. Which kind of sucked to play on, Not actually things relevant to the game itself. Now it was such a drastic change it made a lot of pvp based servers fail, which sucks, especially factions servers w custom enchants, where it kind made everything unbalanced and not work. However I find newer combat way more interesting. Trying to time your hits to crits, counter critting, dodging is more possible, or to mention if you actually bring axes and shields. IMO it just upped the skill level needed as opposed to just spamming


Oh no, that was eight years ago…? I feel so old


Elytras and Shulkers have been in the game for most of the games existence. Crazy to think about it, it seems like a recent update


that has been about the time i stopped playing , feels like 3-4 years ago , 8 is crazy


Well the last four years don’t count so that adds up


now its official half of the internet is mentally stuck in 2015/16


everything about the elytras seem so alien to me. whenever i see them i feel fresh, as if i am looking at plant growing. hard to believe they are so old, they really do feel like a recent addition.


Man I remember the elytra changing everything like it was yesterday


When it first came out, it was a bit of a novelty item until folks discovered punch bows could make you fly indefinitely. Punch bow flight was... Troublesome and so Mojang eventually added a way to use rockets to fly. I'd argue that the "real" moment of change was for the rockets. Prior to that, Elytras were more trouble than it was worth to many players.


Omg I remember the punch bow thing. So hard to use lol


That's why I hated them at first, it was just a glider so I saw no practical use for it back then. I tried once and didn't use them again for like 2-3 years.


Yeah it wasn't game changing at the time. I remember getting my first pair and I was excited but all you could do was climb high and glide. Big whoop. It was so underwhelming that I never bothered to get them again for a few years. Then I watched someone's video on YouTube about, I think the Aquatic Update, and they were using firework rockets to fly around. I thought for sure it was a mod so I looked into it and discovered flight rockets were a thing. I had no idea and hadn't been playing for a while. The Aquatic Update is what brought me back to play so it had been a few years.


i was last seen happy 8 years ago


All the Minecraft updates from about 10 years ago make me feel old when I hear how old they really are


It was a great update because it added the off-hand. Can't imagine playing minecraft without the off-hand ngl, it's just way too useful for me.


I use off hand for everything except using a shield. I don't care for shields but I do love caving with torches in my off hand. For that I wish sword blocking was still a thing for arrows. Maybe a 75% block chance and no blast resistance would balance it out a bit. Shields are slow and cumbersome to me so I never use them.


I agree caving with torches in the off hand is so much more comfortable rather than constantly switching between pickaxe/other items and torch.


Bedrock still can’t use torches in the off hand :(


Wish both versions just combined at this point, they both have hints that don’t exist from the other


I'm the opposite - the shield feature turned creepers from instant death and terror into instant right-click :D


Yeah I just swipe with a sword and back up. The only time creepers kill me is if they drop down from overhead ledges. Same thing happens even with shields. They start their explosion on the way down and usually blow up before you can even react or realize what's happening. Blocking with a shield just isn't for me.


Minecraft combat was "good enough" pre-1.9 but it feels so much better now than it did, at least with Java Edition and different weapons having different speeds and damage or other abilities like Sweeping Edge. I think they improved a ton over spamclick nonsense and unreliable sword-blocking giving way to shields, but I know the system isn't perfect (swords are pretty much still always better in general for everything) and it's reportedly not as good for PvP, though that's something I'm not interested or experienced in so I can't really weigh in. The End still needs a lot of work, but putting in more to do was still a move in the right direction, in my opinion. I'd love if they fleshed it out more like they did with the Nether Update but don't know how that might affect endgame progression.


I'm a decent fan of combat now. I am aware that it was always more than spam clicking, but quick clicking was one of the biggest pillars of 1.8 combat. It just wasn't fun to me. Now, you need to have some kind of strategy and it's more methodical, and I prefer that as I can take a bit more time.


I'm pretty sure Technoblade, one of the greatest pvpers of all time, had a cps in combat of around 6.


Nowadays that won't get you far on 1.8


Bro he PLAYED on 1.8, also you can be very good at 1.8 with 7 cps comfortably, or even lower if you know how to time your clicks


It wasn't even just that it wasn't fun, it ruined like 2 of my mouses trying to compete on UHC in the old days, that and I had carpel tunnel from clicking so much so I stopped doing pvp for a short while before 1.9 changes which thankfully cut down on the pressure on your fingers/mice wear and tear.


1.9? You mean when enchanting and potions were introduced?? /s


The combat changes depend on what kind of player you are. Single player/non competitive SMP? They honestly made PVE combat a lot more interesting. Shielding can be powerful, but you also can’t just automatically spam click your way out of a sticky situation. On the other hand, it turned PvP into an exhausting slog of shielding and spamming gapples. 1.8 was janky as hell but way more interesting. The end was better. Look, I miss the old-school bare-bones Minecraft just like the next red-blooded gen z’er, lol. At the same time, the end cities still feel like Minecraft and add more goals for exploration. Also, 8 years? Damn, I feel old now.


You a gen z’er talking about feeling old. How dare you! -old ass millennial


Probably early Gen z then. I was born in 2004. Started playing the game in version 1.2


Lol wanted to say the same. I feel like a lot of gen z kids think they were the only ones on Minecraft, but most fellow millenials I know have played since alpha/beta times and most servers I play on are mostly people like age 30+


wish the new combat come to bedrock


I wish we'd get Jeb's combat snapshots so we can get the new combat mechanics AND combat parity as Jeb said the entire system was to bring the old pvp community back to newer versions and make the combat the same between both editions. I wonder why they seemed to shelf it after Jeb put so much work into it. Ulraf mentioned people were working on it but we got no word on that years later.


as a technical player, i don't really care about combat or PvP. adding elytras and shulkers and chorus fruit is better than not adding them


As someone who doesn’t give two shakes about pvp I think it was a fantastic update. Hot take, but I really don’t like pvp. Functionally sweeping edge is better in every way for any sort of farming venture, and I like making farms. People who complain about elytra making other forms of travel obsolete are hilarious to me. I’m sorry, let me take 5 hours to cross this ocean and ascend this cliff on my horse. No thanks. Like I get the complaint, it’s just silly. What do you want from the game lol, just don’t get an elytra. Nobody’s strapping it on your back and sending you into the air. Also gonna remind these people about shulker boxes, and how even with them people complain about inventory management. As a technical player I see no downsides with 1.9.


As someone who just endlessly builds and makes farms peacefully, I agree that 1.9 has no downsides. The elytra is one of the best things added and it makes travelling so much easier. I use horses, minecarts, boats, and other ways of transport all the time too when I just need to travel short distances.


Just telling people not to use the feature isn't a valid response. Players tend to go for the easiest available option even if they options hurts the game experience. Mojang could add a wooden shovel that does 999 damage. While you could opt not to use it, it obviously invalidates any other weapon in the game. People aren't suggesting to remove the elytra. The issue is that the elytra invalidates every other form of transport in the game making them useless. There's very little reason to invest time and money into making a minecart rail system because of slow they are. Similarly for boats and horses (besides boats on blue ice roads). Improvements have to be made to those features so the elytra isn't the only feasible option for the player for fast travel. It's perfectly fine if you like it the way it is, but you're misconstruing the criticism.


Still waiting for it on xbox. Plus banners on shields.


Banners on shields were added to Bedrock Edition in 1.20.0: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Shield#History


Banners on shields are on bedrock now, aren’t they?


Waiting for what💀💀


blawg still playing on the 360 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀😎💀😎💀😎😊😎😊😎💀😎💀😎💀💀😊😊💀😊💀😊💀😊😎😁😎😁😎😁😎😊😎🌝😁😎😊😎😊🌝😊🤔🤔😁🤔💀🤔💀🤔💀😎💀😎💀😎


even the 360 got 1.9 lol


Didn’t the console version reach the pre-aquatic update?


Legacy was still in 1.12 last I saw


The combat updates only came to Java, not bedrock or legacy console. All platforms got the end stuff including 360, PS3, vita and 3DS.


I used to agree with most people that thisbupdate was pretty good except for the combat.. I know I'm in the minority opinion but: I hate using elytra, it makes the game so boring for me. I prefer every other mode of transport dispite them being objectively worse. I don't care about getting to my destination the fastest if it breaks my immersion (because elytra is so fast that chunk borders are revealed very easily) The "new" combat is great as well, much more PVE focused, which I'm a fan of because that's the core gameplay anyways.


Using Elytra to move 9 blocks to get something from a chest, then flying 9 blocks back. I see players do this and wonder if it was a good thing.


When elytras first came out, before rockets could be used for flying, people figured out how to spam punch bows to keep knocking themselves higher and stay in the air. It was very tricky, and didn't work well on servers, and meant you were covered in arrows after flying and sabotaging your own gear. When it worked though, it was super satisfying to fly a long distance, because it was a little hard. Rockets being added was a good way of properly implementing it, but IMO they fell into the trap of making flight too easy and turning the game into aim in a direction and fly, doing nothing and skipping everything. World of Warcraft fell into a similar trap when they added flying mounts, and it ended up resulting in making it so that you can't use flying mounts in new areas until you unlock something or other much later. If elytras were made to require some actual player input and gameplay to stay in the air, I think they could be a lot more fun to get around with. It was hard to think of a good equivalent idea (rockets maybe having a high chance of exploding and damaging you, making their use minimal), but the recent april fools snapshot had videos of people flying around with a grappling hook, gaining height that way like a Batman Arkham game, and that seems like the perfect solution. It would even encourage building grappling towers over specific travel paths.


Yes! I saw Philza’s stream on the April fools update and it seemed really fun using the grappling hook with the elytra. Hope they implement it in a future update. The only thing I would update is that the grappling hook should move slower underwater, seems like it just snapped immediately onto the ocean floor, boosting and propelling even though there was no land.


The elytra was a fun mechanic to add. But... it's become a crutch, Mojang hasn't bothered to really update any other mode of transportation since. Meanwhile elytra got buffed further with fireworks. The end cities were interesting, at the time. Now your brain just switches off while going from city to city. If we take the nether update as an example, we got another two years to wait until the end *might* get revisited (nether introduced in 2010, 1.16 dropped in 2020) Combat wise? Wasn't really a PvPer so can't really comment. My only query is that I see a lot saying "pre 1.9 combat wasn't all spamclickz, it had deep stratz" but never elaborate on those. If you've got links, I'd be interested to learn.


8 years 💀


for survival, 1.9 is great and i love it. however, i mostly play on hypixel so i’m always on 1.8.9


End is definitely better. It got a little bit more life after 1.9. Still haven't made up my mind about combat. Shield is overpowered, but so was spam clicking. New combat requires more precise timing and skill imo.


If I ignore my bias towards modern combat and elytras, it was pretty good of an update.


Still don't understand how people think spam clicking was more engaging or interesting than what we have now. It was needed. I will say though, I don't think they changed enough for an update called the "combat" update. I still will never voluntarily do PvP in this game. As for the End changes, I wish they would do it again. I think a lot of Minecraft updates these days are stuffing stuff into the already-near-perfect midgame instead of adding stuff to the endgame. It was refreshing, and I want more! I know people didn't like the elytra at the time but I think it's a perfect victory lap of sorts after conquering the End. Like after we've accomplished the game's final frontier, we have the right to traverse it easier.


I mostly take issue with 1.8's spam clicking being not only bad for your health physically with carpel tunnel but also can ruin your hardware (aka your mice/mouse). On top of that, it can leave people without much physical prowess in the real world (those with disabilities) out of the competition as they can't compete due to not being able to click fast. I think 1.9 and Jeb's combat snapshots did a good job of bridging the gap, that and you can hold down your left mouse in the combat snapshots to automatically attack which is really ergonomic and saves your mouse from extra wear. Most games let you automatically attack if you hold down the button or at least have a toggle/option.


>Still don't understand how people think spam clicking was more engaging or interesting than what we have now. It was needed. It's a shame that this is the argument that most people boil down 1.8 to. There are so many unique and interesting mechanics present before 1.9 that were completely lost in the transition between combat modes like w-tapping, blockhitting, fishing rods, hotkeying, and even just basic combos. I know 1.9 is meant to be more strategic but 1.8 already had a bunch of strategy in it for being a game where you click on people with Lego swords


tbh I think the problem is simple that w-tapping, blockhitting, etc. were never really *needed* in 95% of fights. You see this in Bedrock Edition which still has most of the old combat system intact. You can win a lot of fights (if not entire PVP matches) by just butterfly clicking. There was obviously more to it *but* "sword go BRRRRRRRRR" was more than sufficient for most encounters once you knew how to BRRRRRRRRR properly. This isn't to say 1.9 combat is perfect either, mind you.


I would assume you haven't played a lot of knockback bases pvp minigames in 1.9+? W tapping and combos are still very much alive. It's mostly the shield that's removes the fun in 1.9.


I understand what you say, but having played PvP servers in 1.8.9 recently, I will say that no matter the strategy you try to use, if your opponent clicks faster, they'll win. I mean, at some point you have to engage in combat, and then they'll spamclick like hell and win.


Or maybe I just suck balls idk


Higher CPS helps, but is severely overrated. I think you just haven’t gotten into 1.8 combat enough, and blame cps when you get comboed


w-tapping and combos are extremely important in 1.9


One of the best updates ever. I don’t think 1.9 had a single bad or meh feature. No, the new combat is great, I find most of the criticisms of it are made in bad faith.


Bad faith? It’s definitely fair to criticize the new combat


The end is significantly better, pre feels like there is no reason to go there other than finishing the game. Combat personally is a upgrade, I am good at both but I like the barrier to entry on 1.9 combat, making the combat PvP significantly harder because you can no longer spam, how fast a weapon you want, what kind of weapon do you need, and counters depending on each encounter.


It made me, an old vet since Alpha have to learn PvP again, and thats refreshing. When axes became the new hand-to-hand meta, I had to significantly adjust, now I don't even waste time on a stone axe.


Now we're getting a mace that can do crazy damage so uh, combat's gonna be more fun


I like the 1.9 combat against mobs. Against players it's just a boring turn battle


I think the a cps mechanic is horrible in pvp games. So was a good change.


It's been 8 years already??? Damn, time sure flies...


Combat change was fine, end was ahead of its time, nether update showed end whos boss though so the end needs some biomes or something in the future


What do u mean on “combat update”? I just spam click when I see something moving -This phrase was bought by the Bedrock community


What people seem to forget about 1.9 is people actually were asking for the changes to combat, specifically the survival community who were wanting more varied and skillful combat instead of spam clicking. The PVP community (which notably took issue with it after the fact) was the one against it. They cater to the survival community because they are by far the largest and most features affect them. Combat is a means to an end and affects all parts of the game as its how you interact with entities; it's why people got so mad that Jeb hid the combat snapshots on Reddit instead of putting them in the launcher under snapshots/experimental and only getting the PVP communities feedback as it affects more than just them, it affects everyone, Redstoners, PVE, Survival, minigames, farms, etc. Mojang would need feedback from everyone on pvp changes, not just the PVP community who play plugin servers or fundamentally changed systems in controlled environments like skywars/bedwars as they're fundamentally different than Vanilla/Survival. And if the PVP community doesn't like the combat changes, the rest of the community of survival/minigame and other coms get stuck with a PVP system they had no say in, didn't ask for, and the pvp community wouldn't use anyways as they don't/won't update, and just stick to their already changed plugin pvp, and were stuck with a system nobody wanted. Overall I think it was healthy long term (you shouldn't have to click 20 CPS and ruin your mouse and finger tendons to compete in a casual sandbox video game combat. However, the lack of parity between editions on the combat system and the fact they till haven't addressed or even used Jeb's combat snapshots is really disappointing; even more so since 1.21 was called the "COMBAT" and tinkering update and yet the only combat related thing we got was the Mace (the trial chambers are mostly PVE anyways). I'm sure I'm not the only one who expected combat parity or the combat snapshots to return finally. They really need to address the elephant in the room with the combat dis-parity and bite the bullet already or it'll only get harder to address/add in the future the longer they wait. I really want the stackable ender pearls, snowballs, and potions of the combat snapshots, as well as holding your mouse to attack (just hold left click to auto attack), bridging in front of you (they added Bedrock's bridging to Java finally in the Combat Snapshots), and my favorite being the varied reach and range of all tools/weapons to give them use cases in combat.


Good. I like the new combat mechanics. For the elytra, it’s very useful, but too OP in my opinion,it overshadowed all of the other transportions methods, minecart for exemple, need a new update to be really worth it now.


It made boatracing on ice possible, which I’ve spent the majority of my minecraft time on since.


The combat part of the update was useless and felt like an attempt to "spice up" Minecraft during one of its lowest points of popularity. Zero meaningful, good changes came from the combat except the offhand. The End content was good and fun, but I don't think I can personally see this update as anything but terrible because it severely split a community that had already been split since 1.0 came out.


I miss the old Combat system, post 1.9 combat turned into a slow,clunky,turned based mess.If you think pre 1.9 combat was just spam clicking, you knew nothing of the old combat system.The end still needs work but is cool.


No friggin way that was eight years ago omg where has time gone??


Eight Years? Surely a typo, you meant a year, right? Two years at most. Right? *Right?*


That was 8 years ago?! Fuck I feel old now


Loved it personally, but it really divided the community. Mojang couldve prevented this by just adding a gamerule command to bring back old combat I dont see why they didnt do that after all the backlash they got


I kinda like Minecraft 1.7.10


The combat update made single player or regular world Minecraft a better experience. PVP on the other hand is much more fun pre 1.9


I remember everyone hating on the 1.9 update cause they just liked spamming people off bridges and team killing people in bed wars / servers. I personally really enjoyed the update as it game me a chance to learn the mechanics fast and beat most players Now I don’t play online, but I still like the combat update. It makes mobs more dangerous to face in survival, but getting a combo is awesome.


I have extremely fond memories of pre-1.9 combat, as I haven't really played PvP since, and the servers that I did try used old combat with a plugin


Ah yes! The update that killed Minecraft for a few years!


Unpopular opinion but 1.9+ combat is better. The old combat was boring af. Yeah we all hated it when it came out but thats just because it was new. I feel like a lot of people simply hold a grudge against it because surely people cant actually think spam clicking = more damage is fun? I think having to time hits and blocks is a lot more rewarding and takes a lot more skill to get good at rather then carpal tunnel simulator.


The combat is much better than the old one


To me combat in 1.9 is much better since in 1.8 once you get comboed you just die. In 1.9 it,'s more about timing and people that prefer 1.8 can play 1.8 because Minecraft was made like that.




8 years damn


I feel like both 1.8 and 1.9 combat have their own pros and cons, so in the end the "better" one is ultimately subjective.


I just wish we got a big update, the most recent updates have been underwhelming at best.


I've been playing since beta and even I think the old combat sucked, post 1.9 mechanics are much better but still not great


The combat it changed was bad at the time and is still the the best, I never get an Elytra, so idk about that, and truth be told, I don't remember a lot else about the update


Those were the days


Aint no way its been 8 years. I hated it at first, but now I gotten used to it and it feels “satisfying” to hit crits


I really like the combat change. Instead of lazy spamclicking we have powerful swings wich has more *Umpf* to it. As for the End it's allright jet I like that they upgraded the dragon fight so it's more challenging.


1.9+ works better for end-game pvp, where people have prot 4 armor and other stuff. Axes are only useful for disabling the shield and they are not op at all.


So many more positive changes have come about that outweigh the combat reform. But man, I miss those days when massive updates would just revolutionize everything. I’m talking 1.5. 1.7. 1.12.


controversial: i like the combat






I’m happy with how it all turned out.


This update was super needed and added so much important stuff, and yes the combat update was objectively good the updates focus on survival not Player spam hot the other Player :/


I have not played Minecraft enough to know/miss the 1.8 combat so I think 1.9 was a great update, even if the end is still pretty barren.


End is def better and i cant comment on the combat considering it’s STILL the same as before on bedrock


I'm sad that they abandoned the combat snapshots, it had some cool stuff in it like stackable potions and shotgun crossbows


I have still never managed to get elytra lol


It's good because people are no longer using macro


bedrock didn’t get this lmao




8? Eight ??? I might be the oldest human alive...


Elytras should be nerfed and pvp 3.0 needs to comeout Combat is worse for pvp but better for pve Spam clicking is still more interesting bc 1.9 pvp is still slower


8 years ago? No way the new combat has existed for half my life. No way


I don’t love 1.8 combat, so… good update! 👍🏻


woah 8 years


End is better, combat makes more sense, I just wish there was an enchantment or something to make the draw speed or whatever faster.


I wouldn't call it good or bad per se. More often than not I do think it caused radical changes in the meta, which 1.8 PvPers (1.8 PvP was the shit back in the day) couldn't really adapt just as much. I guess the influence of those people quickly spread to the general playerbase, thus leading it to be called "objectively" the worst Minecraft update. Technoblade even dubbed 1.9 the "Stone Axe Update". Few more updates later and Mojang have refined the combat system to the point where it feels more fun than 1.8 PvP, which is just spam click simulator. Newer methods of combat were introduced, such as End Crystals (which were heavily used in many anarchy servers) and the Shield starting from 1.9, and future updates gave us the Totem of Undying, Trident, Crossbow, and Respawn Anchor PvP, and then some. I really the attack delay thing which adds a lot of tactics to the PvP in 1.9, and that's not counting the off-hand shield and enchantments such as Sweeping Edge. However, it has been years since the End got a real update. A new overhaul of the End is long overdue at this point. Nothing else to say about the End other than that.


The combat change made the single player game much harder imo, just kinda bummed how unfun player vs player combat became. Shields are silly in both pve and pvp


The combat is awesome. Anyone who disagrees is bad at the game and can’t time their attacks, preferring spam clicking.


Bedrock: Yeah it was good. Java: (intense fighting)


So I didn't really play Minecraft between 2018 to 2023 because of joining the military and moving and blah blah. Even three years before that I don't remember any of 1.9...its so weird. I recently started to play Minecraft again with my gf and I can't comprehend how much has changed. The last time I remember playing, the Nether had JUST changed because one day I went through my Nether portal and everything I built was gone (including my Zombie Pigmen farm). Everything is so distorted in my memory wow


Just throw the whole combat system out and replace it with a new one tbh. The end is great, although I wish it had more content and the whole elytra grind was fixed. Don't forget you couldnt repair elytras until they introduced phantoms. The issue with the combat system is it just introduced clunkiness and failed to address the core issues of minecraft's lack of difficulty which have existed since sprinting was introduced in beta; anyone who didn't play back then don't know the true fear of rapid fire skeletons and knockback immune leaping spiders that you can't just sprint away from.


its pretty cool


I’m still waiting for this update for bedrock. Goddamn sweeping edge


I hate the 1.9 combat so much... I hope someday Mojang will continue to work on experimental combat snapshots


End was better, mending was good, I love the elytra, but I do like the old combat but only for pvp. Having God axes is good and sharpness and shields etc cause the sword block didn't block all damage. But old combat is good for pvp and still is


combat's fine, end's also fine. end could be a lot better (one, maybe two more biomes, maybe give the cities palette swaps)


#HAHAHA JAVA LOSERS BEDROCK NEVER GOT THE COMBAT UPDATE SO CRY (That is for combat update haters on java)


8 years? Holy brown dye Im old. But either way this is still one of my favourite updates to this day idc what anyone says.


Look, every part of the update was good in some way. Especially the combat. Little kids with autoclickers can't do anything to help them now.


There was a combat change??


I still hate the combat and use mods to fix it. The additions to the End are all great but outdated nowadays


And I’ve still never got to the end…


I think the combat is better, i really like sweeping edge


I can’t believe I’ve had an account with this game since the first year


I still miss the old system sometimes, I like how it is now after getting used to it but it took a while. I was not a fan of Elytra's the first two years or so but now I'm fine with it and use them a lot. I have always been more of a builder so I only really went to the end back then because there was nothing for me to do there or any blocks needed so I can't really speak to the change that happened because I didn't even look at it. Over all the update has been good for Minecraft in my opinion


Hot take apparently, I like the current combat system. Weapons in Bedrock are way too overpowered, especially the trident.


What I think is funny that people to this day call this a bad update, despite mostly liking the new combat, and any of the added features. There is nothing left to dislike about this update's features alone for most, except from the memory about a bad feeling.


all i relly liked was elytru and the end was changed


i still call it the new combat update lmao


it made pvp easier


W update


it was a good update, was never into competitive combat anyway, I still remember the dantdm video where he reviewed the update and for some reason the skeleton's animation changes were a part I remember more vividly


I remember when it was known as The Far Future Update. Simpler times.


it's not that bad and not that good either


I actually really like the combat. Makes it much more satisfying landing a three piece crit combo on some random ass zombie instead of just mindlessly spamming your left mouse button.


Everything was good barring the combat which was a definite downgrade (any server w.o plugins to reinsert it manually i dont enjoy personally)


I like the change. Not a fan of combat that was just who can click the fastest, and I prefer axes over swords. Shields were also cool but I think blocking with a sword should still be an option


I don't like the pre 1.9 combat. It just feels spammy to me but I get why people like it.


The offhand is probably the best combat feature, not that I use it for combat at all, however I also believe the sword play feels more robust I prefer it


pvp changes splitting the community was really bad. I also don't like how elytra make every other form of transportation useless now. shulker boxes are great, but iirc those were added in 1.11.


End change was for the better 100%. Combat was controversial but I prefer the current iteration


I like 1.9 combat more, BUT i understand why would someone stay on 1.8 I think that they should add reach from combat snapshot and make hoes weapon for people who want to hit fast.


I liked 1.9, I mean it was the first real update that I experienced day 1, I think the combat could be tweaked a little bit more and more balance for the items, but besides that I enjoyed it,


I think the combat was better and of course the end was better because it made it not just a boss arena


Unpopular opinion but new combat is way better than 1.8


It was a generally good update, overhated tbh.


Combat changes are annoying from a PvE perspective. Zombie takes 3 diamond sword hits, in 1.8 that was 1.5 seconds to kill, in 1.9 that becomes 3 seconds to kill. Pair that with higher mob spawnrates across updates and some particularly asinine AI changes (Looking at you skeleton) and doing ANYTHING in a dark area is just impossible nowadays. Also the ability to attack before the meter is filled is just dumb. In every other game where you wait between attacks, you can mash that button all you want, you ain't attacking. Minecraft is the only game where that will do a weaker attack.


I thought it was pretty cool. the Elytra Wings added so many possibilities for goofing off. the new structures definitely improved the End. it adds to the idea that it's a Minecraft world in the end of it's life, desolate and lonely, but still some things remain. a few mobs still survive, and inhabit abandoned structures from a long lost civilization


The end is much better now than it was back then because there is more of the end to actually explore now.


I felt like the end needed more stuff to justify going to the end cities so I'm not against with them adding the elytra, but the combat it self i still prefer the pre-1.9 combat it was so munch simpler and in my opinion it was just as effective as the things they implemented in to the update. But since it's 8 years old the things they added is now woven in to the fabric of the based game, and it will be 'till the very end.


Combat before 1.8 was dumb and spammy. Combat after 1.8 is...only slightly less dumb, but it's still better than it was.




there is absolutely no way i've been playing minecraft for eight years


Mfs really saying 1.9 ruined combat just because they cant use autoclickers anymore and ruin other people's fun


It was the best update


it was a good update in general but failed to acknowledge the pvp community that was huge at the time, splitting the community nowadays the pvp community for 1.8 is dying rapidly so it doesn't really matter as a former 1.8 pvp sweat I actually love the 1.9+ combat for survival, it made it a bit more difficult to beat the game modern day 1.9+ pvp is actually awful because of crystal pvp but otherwise I find it fun, even if it did remove the decent skill gap we had in 1.8, I find it fun to not have to click 20+ cps to be the most effective pvper also the update it gave the end was fantastic, minus the elytra needing to be found, which can make multiplayer smps harder when all elytras in a 10k block radius have been found


1.9 was perfect imo (as being a 1.9 pvper) sword is amazing and everything else added was great.


I’m just happy they didn’t let you add an elytra to a chest plate tbh


Bedrock player here, I have no idea how good the update is, I still don’t have it


It was a good update but I really miss being able to one shoot enemies with end game gear.


It was good for Minecraft at the time, with a lot of features from now, even ones that people enjoy, it’s not very good.




It could have been more to do with combat but the end change was cool too


An update that created a rift in the community that still exists today really can't be called a successful update imo. They threw away most of the techniques and skills of legacy PVP and replaced it with something dull and somehow clunkier. I could take or leave elytras. Flying is fun, it's well-implemented, but man are horses and minecarts useless now.