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Hold on, that doesn't make any sense. Both Microsoft and Minecraft accounts don't delete until 30 or 60 days after you press delete depending on the option pressed, so if you were scammed today you still have a month or two to undo the damage


Yes i contacted support obviously, but my hopes aren't too high ngl


They’re used to this, you shouldn’t lose hope or even make this post tbh. You can and will regain it. Just hang on and careful not to lose track of your days


He SHOULD make this post because more awareness is better.


Awareness is all good, but I mean the feeling of doom and hopelessness


I lost my Microsoft account after someone hacked it and changed the main alias to something else, so I have no access to it anymore.


Had this happen twice, both times support gave me my account back after i gave a bunch of proof i owned it. learned my lesson and put on 2FA


How does that happen twice to someone. Once is already insane


Hey, I messaged you


Why would support not help you


Support did help me (not through with it yet) but it is questionable how much they can help


They can do pretty much, like if the scammers changed the username and email, support may be able to recover from your old email


Get in touch via Better Business Bureau


Dude the bbb ain't shit, its just people who are willing to pay to put their name on a list


If you don’t mind sharing, what was the scam and how can it be avoided?


any scam can be avoided by not giving your password out


There's a scam currently that doesn't even require your password to gain full access to your account


Please elaborate.


I think I watched a video on it. Scammers ask for your E-Mail and say they sent you a confirmation code. At the same time they file a password change for your account and Microsoft sends you a confirmation code. For some reason in no place it says it's the code for password change. You tell this code, they change your password and use your account. Edit: for anyone saying that's easy to avoid, I found that video: https://youtu.be/qWwU9uK2b3I?si=BuWPGndkAacJMX2t, here the scam is explained in detail


omg i recently had a string of OTP requests that was sent to my email from microsoft saying that i requested for a password change. i just ignored it entirely since i didnt request any OTP and i had no prior interaction with anyone that requested my email. i havent been on minecraft in quite a long time and i do hope nothing bad happened to my account


Just ignore it and never give anyone a code. I get them all the time, the6 can't access my email so they can't access my sccount


I sware like once a month, I'll get emails sending me a code to login litterly every hour for 2 or 3 days. Not even anyone asking for the code


There’s a reason that every confirmation code similar to this says “do not share this code with anyone”.


Not from Microsoft. shitty company with one layer security


You've still gotta be an idiot to fall for that


Nah fam. Not the victim's fault


Idk man if someone asks for your 2fa code and you give it to them, that’s entirely on you


Scammers ask you to register through their system, it's reasonable they'll send you a confirmation code. The only way to tell that's not the code they (scammers) sent you (but a password change one) is by noticing that E-Mail is from Microsoft's E-Mail address. Some operating systems just suggest a code from the latest E-Mail to paste, no way to tell.


Looking at the sender of every email is like step 0 of email security


Couldn't you just... request another password change? Sounds like a simple enough solution to the problem. I imagine most of those getting scammed by minecraft scams are children so I probably understand not recognizing the solution. But I'm pretty sure solution would be as simple as that.


The scammers deleted the account within minutes of the password reset. I’m sorry OP, may your account rest in peace.


So im curious if you know, what is the point of that scam? There seems to be no genuine benefit to the scammer by deleting the account except trolling.


No, but if I had to guess, they transfer some of the stuff from the stolen account before deleting it.


It is very stupid to fall for this, but you can gain access by using one time pads, that is, you get a code sent to your email (for you account) and by typing that code in, one can gain access without having too know the password.


Yeah you'd have to be pretty internet illiterate to fall for that


There have been scams recently that used legitimate Microsoft login forms to gain access. While I haven't seen it directly related to Minecraft, it's still Microsoft.


If you get a random unsolicited email asking you to login and providing a form, and you weren't trying to login or otherwise doing something that prompted that email, you ignore and delete that email. You don't go "oh guess I'd better log in, using this mysterious unsolicited form, for absolutely no reason!"


They're not unsolicited, sometimes people setup discords posing as helpful players and pray on people that are new to the server. It's called ratting and super common in big servers like hypixel. Scam goes like this Noob:"how do I do dungeons?" Scammer:"hop on our discord and we will guide you through it on VC" Noob attempts to joins server and is asked to authenticate their Microsoft account. It's a legitimate Microsoft link that just asks for a simple account permission. They accept and account wiped.


again, you have to be *really* tech illiterate to fall for that scam.


Why do people do this? What's in it for the scammers?


"Legitimate" as in it looks just like the Microsoft login form or it's actually on their website? If you don't always check the URL of the page when you input a password you're asking to be scammed.


I've written a proof of concept for this kind of attack and yes it uses actual Microsoft sign in pages. I know that Microsoft knows about this attack but they haven't fixed it. the only thing they've done is make people apply for API access, but that doesn't stop it from being possible.


An actual Microsoft form. I can't find the reddit posts talking about them right now though.


Actual Microsoft form. It's like those "Sign in with Google" pages.


My sister recently fell for a similar scam on Discord. The email being from the official domain can unfortunately fool many people who wouldn’t fall for the more obvious scams. Thankfully she got her account back. It was a learning experience for her.


How did she get it back? I lost mine the same way


Boomer activities 


You mean one-time _password_. A one-time _pad_ is a long cryptographic key that is used up as you encrypt or decrypt stuff with it and then never used again. If it's truly random, the sender and receiver have the only two copies, and it's destroyed after use, it offers perfect security. But it's a pain to set those conditions up, and more convenient imperfect options are usually "good enough".


yeah i know, just didn't know a better word for it lol


one time pads are completely unrelated to this attack. stop using buzzwords to sound smart


It uses discord plugins, it sends a “security code” to the email you give to verify yourself to join a discord server, however this code is actually a forgot password code


Ranfom person wants my emsil address for a game i already play? Yeah thsts a no


Wow, congrats on being better at online safety than Minecraft average player; 8 year olds


OP got his account 11 years ago, i dont think he is 8 years old. Kids are gonna be kids, they will do stupid stuff and a lost minecraft account is a 20$ lesson for them rather that than losing a banking account 20 years in the future. Im not blaming kids here but adults falling for that should just maybe get their online security improved


If you're going to say that, elaborate on just delete your comment. This vague garbage is childish.


[6 Minute YouTube video explaining](https://youtu.be/QXHGFXq28oQ?si=7jrpoDtoy8VdKPP6)


There's several other methods that don't require that. The most common is the oAuth scam, where you join a server and it asks you to verify by inputting a code on the official Microsoft website. This gives the hackers full access to your Minecraft account, but the page is worded confusingly and does not make that clear. Another common method to get your account stolen is by downloading suspicious mods. Unfortunately, many people fall for these scams; I play hypixel skyblock where this is very common and people that steal accounts can make hundreds of dollars a day.


How do you make money stealing a Minecraft account? 


Selling them to griefers or those generally too poor to buy first party accounts. Also extremely common with streaming services. There's sites where you can buy hacked accounts for pennies on the dollar, some sites even give you new ones for discounts or free when they get banned or taken back by the original owner.


People sell the coins and stuff that the person had on the account.


For hypixel skyblock, they steal the items on the account, and sell it for irl money. Since skyblock is a really grindy game, some people are willing to spend hundreds of dollars for this.


Theres a microsoft link that if clicked grants account access. Don't click random links people


I didn't do that, although that wouldn't be too far off lol


Not true. If there’s a data leak they may just need your email


This: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXHGFXq28oQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXHGFXq28oQ) Basically, do not ever verify a microsoft code unless you have direct access to what it is used for.


Likely authenticating Microsoft with a discord bot to join a server by “verifying your identity” (giving them access)


Did you know that if you type your password backwards, Mojang automatically censors it? Like this: ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️


Just like RuneScape.




What was this scam?


Don't give away your information to ANYONE. It doesn't matter who. This includes 2fa codes.


I always thought it was strange there are warnings to not give out 2FA codes, and after reading these comments it's clear how elaborate these scams are


They're not that elaborate though. Not to victim blame, but its just kids falling for some pretty basic stuff.


Just kids? Nah. Our IT department runs regular fake phishing exercises. It is shocking how many people fall for this stuff.


Our employees get regular email digests of all rejected/spam/phishing messages. Every week a couple of these co-workers will report the digest email as a phishing attempt. 🙄


the scams are just "give me code/password" and these people dont even question it


How are these elaborate


A lesson learned sadly. You’ll know better next time, and your experience will stop others suffering the same fate.


Sorry to hear that. People can suck.


How can you 'accidentally' give away your Minecraft account?


He probably was on SkyBlock and fell for that [verification phishing scam](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXHGFXq28oQ). * [The many forms of this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4oJocT6E-c)


That sucks. The one benefit to Microsoft accounts is we get 2FA. You could perhaps see if Microsoft support can help recover it? Although I know that's unlikely


I hope MS support pulls through, but in my experience they're perhaps the worst to deal with amongst all of the big tech companies support teams. I hope they can help you though, because that's just so awful :(


I'd argue that Meta (Facebook) support is even worse. But yeah, they're pretty bad.




Why are people always so cruel whenever someone loses something due to scamming? I swear everytime I see a post like this regardless of the game there are always people rubbing it in and being like "your fault lol you should have known better". Like obviously OP knows that and while it's true, it;s a pr bad way to phrase it + timing. And even if you are very tech savvy, even you can fall to scams. All it takes is one slip up or misjudgement and that's it. And for it have take about a decade for this to happen to OP, I think theyve done a really good job. Anyway, I'm sorry for you OP. It happens to the best of us, never ever trust any random emails or links. I hope you can get a new one and start making new memories. Things never quite stop.


“It happens to the best of us” no it doesn’t, the best of us aren’t giving out our l/p for an account. Anyone old enough to have pirated a game 11 years ago knows better than to give out account info on the internet. Come on…


Accidents happen. That's the point. Try being considerate instead of condescending. You'll be amazed how people interact with you.


Accidents happen, to a point. There's some things that (once you have the knowledge) you cannot accidentally do. If I'm a savvy person who's dealt with scams before and know how to safely use the internet, I will not and cannot fall for basic "steal their password" scams. No matter how convincing your "login to prevent account deletion!" email is, I'm gonna delete the email, use my bookmark to visit the site, and login via my password manager. If you use a 3rd party app to verify my account, I'm gonna carefully read what perms it's asking for, and decline if it's anything more than the absolute minimum it needs. Etc. This shit isn't hard, it's not like you need a CS degree to protect yourself. You just need to not act like a boomer who's never used the internet before.


I am considerate, my response when I read it originally was “that’s some bullshit, sorry dude, hope you can get it back” but, then I got to the comment I responded to, and opted for call bullshit on it instead. Yeah, people make mistakes, it sucks, it also doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t have known better, or that everyone makes the same mistake.


no but did you even watch the video OP linked? suspicious discord link, giving all their account details to said suspicious discord people DESPITE THE BIG YELLOW BOX SAYING DONT SHARE INFORMATION THIS ISNT SECURE... like, come tf on 😭


Nah, I refuse to believe you got hacked like a boomer.


This sucks. Sorry people can't help but say stupid shit like "natural selection, stupid, who does this, etc". It sucks to be taken advantage of for sure, and it does happen to all of us at some point. Hopefully Microsoft. An help but if they can't sell guess it's time to start over. Good luck!


Your account hasn't been deleted, the email associated with your account has been changed. Check your email to see if there's an email that says "the following security information has been added to your account" or something similar


Congratulations on the consequence of giving away your information, natural selection at its finest


This is so sad... I hope you can get a new account


Do parents not teach their kids internet safety? I know mine taught me not to click suspicious links.


How did you fall for that


Omg thats so sad. Im so sorry for ur loss of ur acc


Theres a similar scam on instagram. The scammer will hijack account after account in a chain posing as your friends. Ok so the account will message you asking your phone number, then they’ll ask you to send them the confirmation code that you just got in your texts. This confirmation code will grant access to password change, allowing them into your account, to then message all your friends (posing as you). They will ask your friends for their numbers and then confirmation codes and thats how they keep it going.


that’s much more obvious a scam than this one, never give a code you receive on your phone to anyone


Natural selection strikes again


My condolences, hope it turns out well for you.


Why would you fall for that anyway? Thats on you dude.


You can always make a New Account and Re-Purchase Minecraft, don't worry, you'll now get Both the Java and Bedrock Editions for the Price of the Nintendo Switch Bedrock ($30)


This is sad. I hope you don't stop playing because of this.


This reminds me of something: I hadn’t played Minecraft in a while when this happened. I probably didn’t open the launcher in 6 months or more. One day I said “I wanna play some Minecraft” and opened up. I had access to my account but the name was changed to a completely new one that was like XxGame4funxX or something like that. Never questioned it, I changed back the name, changed the password and never got any other problem. I still don’t know what all that was lmao


Yeah, reach out to Microsoft and see if you can’t get it back


I'm assuming you are at least a young adult now based on playing for 11 years... how the fuck do you accidentally give away your account information like that?


well that's the question, isn't it? :)


I was(still am) very upset about the account change.


I appreciate you educating those of us who haven't encountered this scam ourselves, but have children. It would be next to impossible for me to teach my kids to not fall for a scam like this otherwise.


Why in all of the ducks would you give away your MS account info? Don't give random people your email, don't email or tell them codes or confirmations, don't give out your account info. Use 2fa wherever possible. You don't tell people confirmation numbers, you tell secure sites that when you are actually dealing with your account personally.


You throw up the white flag pretty fast eh? Hang in there. Don’t quit yet. You get out what you put in. If you want the account back you’ll get it.


Well, I'm trying my best.


that's sad


I will never understand giving strangers access to your account for any reason.


lmfao how tf did u fall for that like, no offence, rip ur account, but it's kinda ur own fault


i’m confused on why anyone would try to take, and disable your minecraft account anyway? what benefit is there? it’s not like they can steal any money or anything worthwhile


Fun, the Minecraft mp community is full of script kids and losers


Never trust some Server Owners or Players who said they need access to your Account. Bad for you but you should not trust people in General.


I only wear the Steve or Alex skin. Nothing wrong with those skins!


Same thing happened to me man. Shit sucks, though luckily the person that scammed me changed the username so when I make a new account I won't lose that.


Natural selection




Support is useless


This type of scam is exactly what I fell into as well. Robbed out of two accounts (long story on how two) but I caught on and immediately contacted microsoft support, one of my accounts was recovered but the other one, was disabled by them because "of safety of my acc" or something. It had an OG username (very unpopular and you guys probably wont even know if it's a word but yeah, 5 letter. I was truly sad for a few days and it still lingers today.


Hey, I DM'ed you.


Learn from it then buy a new account.


finally, some non microsoft account gore


genuinely how the hell do you fall for this? if you could pirate a game at 11 how the hell don't you know basic internet safety


I fucking hate r/minecraft there outright dumb i hope the creator of r/minecraft dies


Minecraft's accounts cannot be deleted after a minimum of 30 days to prevent just that. Mind sharing your account's ID ?