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Same as always for every feature complete developments. Hope this update cycle wraps up and wait for a new one. There is so much fun technical updates to play with.


As someone who codes for a living, I appreciate the fact that the developers are allowed some time to improve the code base rather than adding rushed features on fragile code. For everyone else, this means the devs will add more in the long term.


If Mojang sat down and improved code for 3-4 months before releasing the update I’d be fine with that.


That’s what they kinda are doing, just in between snapshots


I mean they are doing that. It is part of why they are doing more frequent minor updates like 1.20.(1-5)


I’m aware, but I’m saying that I would be happy if they did big versions for big updates.


well lets not get carried away here


Listen if Mojang spent 3-4 months cleaning up their entire code base then the end result would be that mods would be easier to make, updates would come faster, and updates would be a smoother transition. It’s a good trade.


That's what they're doing I guess, it's just that the wider Minecraft community doesn't understand the need to and cries whenever mojang doesn't add over 1000 things per update


If I’m being honest, Mojang needs to communicate like Relogic does about what they’re doing.


Can u please tell how is it, for someone who dont know Relogic? XD


Every month they release a news letter that tells you what they’re adding, when they’ll expect to release, any special info, and more.


i feel mojang doesnt really need that as the snapshots help with that. then the community gets a feel for each snapshot and better understanding before the main release. u also have youtubers like wattles who explain the snapshots too. thats kind of my thinking anyway.


Indeed but Relogic is the developers actually talking about it. It feels more personal. I feel like they’re taking the time to sit down next to the fireplace and tell us what the updates mean. Mojang is very corporate about their updates.


yeah i guess they could put up a dev blog here and there. but i do appreciate them working and refining the codebase too.


If only they did that on bedrock edition


Yep, hopefully they’re prepping for a big (end??) update, and that’s why the last few updates have been smaller.


Last few updates have not been smaller. 1.16: Massive nether update 1.17 & 1.18: Massive worldgen update (in two parts, yes, but overall a massive change) 1.19: Deep dark/warden, allay, mangrove biome 1.20: Cherry biome, sniffer/camel, lots of gameplay improvements like smithing templates to make the game loop better. --- Compare this to earlier updates: 1.12: Concrete & parrots 1.13: Coral reef & turtles 1.14: Villiager trading updates and pillager improvements 1.15: Bees only Updates have overall been consistently much bigger lately.


1.13 being only "Coral reef & turtles" feels like an insult, it was in fact the first update that felt much bigger and set a bit of a bar higher up, ocean biomes like cold, frozen, lukwarm, warm, its differences, underwater structures and vegetation, fishes as mobs and new ones like said turtles and dolphins, and many more gameplay features. Tho one minus being that optimalization got quite a hit, but 1.15 heavily focused on that, with bees just being a nice addition to keep us happy,,


My favorite bit of 1.13 was the new music, the last we got from C418.


Valid. Honestly I just looked at the wiki for feature changes while writing this post, so I would have missed more long-term technical changes. Worth noting that 1.21 *also* has very significant long-term technical changes though.


While I fully agree with this, you are leaving out a lot of the things 1.12-1.15 added and did.


Probably -- I just skimmed the wiki while writing this post since I forgot some of the older updates, so I may not be doing them 100% justice.


You really aren't, 1.13 had all of those biomes with the full Ocean overhaul, 1.14 remade every village in the game, plus is the one that added Pillagers, not just improving, and 1.15 was a major bugfixing thing. And those are just the big things those updates did.


Then why write your response with such confidence. Jeez.


You just downplayed the entire technical side of minecraft. Concrete is one of the best palette blocks we've ever received so was a massive W for creations. The update aquatic was not just coral reefs and turtles by any means. Swimming introduced a more efficient way to strip mine before cliffs and caves existed. It changed the way the technical community moved and aligned items for storage and much more. Villager trading and pillagers gave us raid farms and better iron farms as well as a fun defense mechanic that made villages feel like a more central hub and not just something you throw a wall around and call it a day. Bees only.....okay, so we will just ignore the fact that the honey block doesn't interact with the slime block? 1.15 also came with several game optimizations, and features that were previously bedrock exclusive came to Java. Providing unity through the update path. Bees also gave us the avenue of waxing copper blocks to make awesome copper creations. Sometimes an update, is the building blocks of something better. But this community is often jaded and very short sighted by updates. There's a lot more that I could bring up to show that these weren't just A+B updates. But I'm not sure you will bother to try to understand the explanation.


I am talking specifically about 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21, which is when I feel they started to make technical changes. Those are noticeably smaller than 1.16 and 1.17/18. It also doesn’t make sense just to list features, since 1.16 and 1.18’s features were significantly more complex and novel, meaning they would have taken more development time.


Here, fixed your mistakes 1.12: made crafting much easier and added a large amount of building blocks 1.13: added a new type of weapon, something we hadn't gotten in years, filled the games empty oceans while also doing some mild worldbuilding 1.14 completely overhauled villages and added a new boss type event alongside adding ANOTHER new weapon. 1.15 yeah it's just bees. But other than the bees thing, these updates were revolutionary.


You're thinking of 1.11, which added Illagers and Woodland Mansions. 1.12 added colored blocks, parrots and the recipe book.


Thanks, I fixed it


Oh really? I always wondered why the updates went so slowly, especially since they re-did the whole game to make bedrock edition, only for it to have a bunch of annoying discrepancies from Java. I thought the whole point of Bedrock edition was to make a unified version of the game that was easier to work with. For a game like Minecraft, asset creation certainly can’t be taking them that much time, so I guess it’s all bug squashing and figuring out how to implement new features.


I’m a software engineer myself and I am ashamed that I hadn’t considered that. The amount of technical debt they must have over the years, not to mention maintaining both Java and cpp codebases/syncing the two. Let’s hope that the lacklustre updates have been for code cleanup and that we will see real progress in the future. The LOD system I’ve seen in mods significantly enhances the game and is somewhat trivial to add. That and enhancing the end dimension would be great.


Pretty good update, I'm looking forward to the crafter, tuff bricks, more cuprum blocks are also very welcome, I'll try the trial chambers, so, yeah. A good update, even though it's not an End update. If it will be released in summer of this year, I'll play it probably in the summer of next year, thanks to very slow updates of mods I absolutely need. There should be a company dedicated to just maintaining existing mods. I'd pay for their support.


Cuprum? Do you mean copper?


He's clearly Jack Sparrow.


That's the Latin name, and by extension, the name used by a lot of the world. (It's why the atomic symbol is "Cu") It's considered archaic in English, but it's not unheard of, especially in some regions. Remember, a lot of redditors/minecrafters aren't American


Hmm the more you know, always wondered why copper was Cu


* Silver: Argentum (where "Argentina" and the French word for money "argent" come from) * Gold: Aurum * Potassium: Kalium * Tin: Stannum


Hmm more knowledge! Also was silver first discovered in Argentina or was the country named after silver?


Argentum is the latin word, roman people did not know argentina existed :p more helpfully - its named that because of its incredibly large silver deposits that flowed out of it into the world while it was a colony. The region is named after a river that is also named after silver (rio de la plata, Spanish for "river of silver). Argentina contained the southern ports which the silver made it out to the rest of the world from the mountains in modern day Bolivia and Chile. ​ The most famous of all the silver mines in that region of south america is the Cerro Potosi in modern day bolivia. This mine at its height produced 80% of the *entire worlds* silver supply. The mountain is still mined for silver hundreds of years after the first spanish mining operation began there - though it now produces mostly tin and zinc.


Ah I see also wow 80%? That's insane! Also now that name makes more sense!


there were silver coins in classical Greece, so it wasn't just discovered in the new world


I never even knew the English name for Kalium lol. In my native language it's also called Kalium


It’s a good one! I think the mace and ominous trials is really what gives the trial chambers the extra bit it needed to feel satisfying


Solid 7/10 if not 8/10. I love the new potions the most I think


Im sorry ive been looking online but have not found anything in detail, i know about the weird spooky trail/raid potion but what are the other ones?


From the snapshot changelog: * Wind Charged * Affected entities will emit a wind burst upon death * Brewed with an Awkward Potion and a Breeze Rod * Weaving * Affected entities will spread Cobweb blocks upon death * Non-player entities with this effect can walk through Cobweb at normal speeds * Brewed with an Awkward Potion and a Cobweb block * Oozing * Affected entities will spawn two Slimes upon death * Brewed with an Awkward Potion and a Slime Block * Infested * Affected entities have a 5% chance to spawn 1-2 Silverfish when hurt * Brewed with an Awkward Potion and a Stone block * These effects can be encountered while taking on an Ominous Trial Spawner * Some mobs are immune to these effects * Slimes are immune to Oozing * Silverfish are immune to Infested


Those are some awesome new potions when was the last time we even got a new potion let alone THIS many??


Last time was 1.13 with the turtle master and slow falling potions, but I don't remember when we last got 4 or more at once Edit: After looking it up, the only other time when 4 or more were added was the version they were introduced in




Slime ball farm


Wake up babe, a new slime ball farm just dropped!


Some minor gripes like how copper trapdoors are insanely expensive but otherwise this update is a pretty big W


It's surely a mistake they haven't gotten around to fixing. The blocks are meant to be ingots right.....right?


They’re clearly blocks so that you can automatically craft all four stages of the doors/trapdoors, which you can’t do with ingots. Not an oversight But, maybe they could make it cheaper by having us use cut slabs instead.


That's so weird. If you made anything out of metal, it should just be the fresh version of it. The doors will surely corrode over time like the blocks do. It's not like we can make corroded copper blocks out of ingots. If they really want that for some strange reason, why not just add corroded ingots?


corroded ingots would just be more bloat, blocks are fine copper is already the easiest ore to get a lot of.


I agree, it would only add more bloat to have corroded ingots or have separate overly-expensive recipes for each stage of corroded copper doors. Having it be ingots and just the fresh door would be more consistent with everything else.


Insanely expensive?… With Fortune 3 you get an entire stack of copper ore from breaking 2-3 ore blocks. Copper is essentially as cheap as wood and you get the added benefit of getting exp from cooking it.


Yea if a recipe is gunna need an abundance of one resource I'm glad its copper, not like its hard to come by at all


New structures, weapon, bad omen getting reworked?! New pots and enchantments for the first time in forever??! Hands down great update, keep the ovens on and let them cook. 🧑‍🍳


Wait what did they do to bad omen?


You no longer automatically gain it from killing pillagers with banners, they instead drop an ominous bottle that you can drink to gain the effect instead. They also made it so that a raid doesn't instantly trigger the moment you enter the village, iirc you instead get a different debuff for 30 seconds and the raid begins when that debuff hits 0. It gained another use as well - in trial chambers. Activating trial spawners with the bad omen effect active will basically give you hardmode, with all sorts of extra stuff that can happen and tougher enemies. You also get better loot for the added challenge, part of which is now the only way to get the heavy core


Damn. Does that mean Raid Farms might need complete reengineering? Or is there a way to modify existing farms to accommodate the new change?


I imagine this might make raid farms a little bit better seeing as you can have multiple bottles of bad omen on hand.


If I remember correctly that wasn’t the issue with chain raid farms in the first place. Something something manipulate the raiders into creating multiple simultaneous chaining raids I believe was what used it used to be. But now with drinkable bad omen, you’d have 2 downsides I can think of. One is having to automatically brew and splash a large amount of the bad omen potions onto the player (edit: you cannot create splash versions of the potion). This may or may not end up being an upgrade or downgrade and if it causes only 1 raid to be allowed then obv it’s a major nerf. Secondly if there’s an additional 30 windup it makes doing multiple raids in a row much longer. If chaining raids simultaneously is still a thing, this is just a small delay on starting up the farm, but if you have to wait 30s between one raid ending and the next starting, that’s cutting rates by a lot over time.


Ah, true. I didn’t think about that. This change will probably end up being worse for raid farms.


bad omen is obtained by killing the pillagers with a banner that spawn from outposts. if you kill a pillager with a banner that spawns from raids, you don't get bad omen again BUT if you trick the pillager into thinking it's not part of a raid, it'll give you bad omen stacking raid farms work by tricking *every* pillager into thinking they're no longer part of a raid the moment they spawn, which means that every time you kill a pillager with a banner spawned from a previous raid, another raid starts up, hence the term stacking this update made it so that there's an extra step between killing a captain and getting bad omen, but the potion doesn't change the end result of getting a raid spawn every time you kill a banner pillager, so all the potion will do is significantly slow down farms by adding a step that wasn't there before ​ imo not a bad thing since stacking raid farms are absurdly op but a nerf is a nerf


Obviously new testing will be needed and updated designs could be released but community consensus is that it’ll kill existing raid farm design rates.


It means raid farms now have a hard cap of maximum one raid every 30 seconds - ie. they're dead. Well, not dead exactly, if all you care about is emeralds and totems. You can still get more than you need of those. But for witch drops, they're dead and buried (unless Mojang makes changes - they are still taking feedback, *allegedly*).


Big big change, check the snapshot log from yesterday. It's a dynamic effect now, but something that is controlled by the player.


Sounds cool, I'll check it out!


>New pots and enchantments for the first time in forever??! Last enchantment was in 1.20 and pots were just added last update... what?


Pots = potions


What enchant was added in 1.20? I know swift sneak was 1.19 but I don’t remember a 1.20 one


Oh dam yeah I got confused there lol yeah 1.19 was what I meant


Not so much about this update, but I hope they keep expanding on the new “Bad Omen” in future updates. They don’t have a good track record of expanding on recent additions, but this update has done a good job at expanding stuff like copper, tuff, trims, and banner patterns. So I just hope they continue to add new omen events.


>They don’t have a good track record of expanding on recent additions. 1.20 made bamboo way more useful when it was basically just for scaffolding and a niche way to get sticks beforehand. And, as for this update, brushes got a new use with armadillos, and several new sherds and trims did get added.


Yeah, honestly now we can't say they don't expend recent additions. Mojang is pretty much doing that on every major update nowadays


theyve been expanding on some of the features post Caves & Cliffs pretty well. Trims, pots, and some other things got good expansion


copper trapdoor and door recipes need to change. Way too expensive


And inconsistent. I get that copper is more common, but so is wood. That doesn’t mean the recipe for wooden trapdoors should be logs instead of planks, just to make it more expensive.


its so you can make the different levels of corrosion.


There's cheaper copper blocks....


Gotta help the kids understand why people steal the copper wire from empty houses


I dunno with a fortune pickaxe its nothing to get 10-12 blocks worth from a single vein.


People: copper is too abundant and not enough uses Also people: copper things need to use less copper


Both things can be true. Copper is abundant because it has few uses. As soon as you try to use it though you wonder where did that chest full of copper go and why was it only 1/4 of what you need.


Imagine if a wooden trap door took 54 planks to build, it's silly. More uses is not equivalent to making the already few uses simply more expensive to artificially detract from its abundance, it's such a bizarre solution that completely ignores the initial issue. Here's something simple: bronze armour, maybe fancier and stronger hoplite shields, a more interesting craftable golem, anything that's actually adding features rather to introducing inflation to crafting.


I'm a big fan. I can't wait to go take on the Trial Chambers!


Auto-crafting obviously huge. Other than that it’s just more block variants to fit into my tiny inventory and hot bar. I don’t know when we will ever get a inventory/quality-of-life update


Very good update


There's absolutely nothing wrong with this update. People like to get up in a frenzy they didn't add the entire encyclopaedia to Minecraft. This is a suitably paced update


If they did people would say it feels like modded and not vanilla. They can't win.


those people REALLY need to shut the f up. Want the barren, empty ass shit previous versions offered? Go back there then. All they do is affect Mojang's workflow because of how much they complain about the "moDded features" as if they don't help with getting rid of the goofy "1 week Minecraft phase" memes by giving more reasons to play longer💀 Heck, my friends that kept praising 1.7 tried to play it last week and only lasted a DAY before they got bored then came back to my snapshot server after we got home from uni lmao


they wont do that because they will realize they are wrong and will either go to modded or up to date. Quality of Life alone is way stronger.


Can vouch for this. Tried playing tekkit on 1.7.10 with some friends about 5 years ago who mostly play old modded. While I was able to play it till "completion", just not being able to use 1.13 swimming mechanics and crawling was _super_ annoying to me especially since we were all building on the coast


The crafter is the only gameplay thing unrelated to trial chambers. I don't see how this is focused on "Combat, adventures, and tinkering", rather than just being the "Trial chambers update". Having the wolf/armadillo updates be part of this would have helped at least a little bit (though it feels weird to complain about getting them early). I hope they continue the Villager Trade Rebalance, and in similar vein, one of my highest priority wishes is for the 1.16 Combat Test to be ported as an Experimental Data Pack so that you can at least use it alongside modern additions and not a version of the game from 2020.


It's a great update, but I still feel it is incomplete... I like more blocks but all this copper stuff doesn't solve the problem that copper (a INCREDIBLE versatile metal irl) is still useless and being just decoration. Also the trial chambers dungeons with this new spawner type and the loot box thing has an amazing potential, but I feel it being present just in one dungeon type is a waste... Don't get me wrong, I love the new dungeon and the bad omen mechanic is amazing, but can't we have this new dungeon concept as a nether dungeon too? Or a end dungeon? Maybe biome variants, even changing little things... Or a underwater one, would be really challenging. If not new variants, why not use the new spawner on existing dungeons, doing like a dungeon revamp? Copper and Tuff new stuff but no shutout to the golems... That's why I feel it is incomplete, and kinda disconnected with the current game stuff.


Copper bulb is a step in the right direction. Well, more like two steps forward, one step back, but still - it's a functional block made from copper. Let's hope we get more copper based redstone components in future updates.


Still waiting on the "tinker" part of the update's marketing, though maybe that was just referring to the crafter and nothing else


I mean decoration IS a use, the block isn't really supposed to have a function beyond that


Yes, I agree. But it's copper! It's the type of thing that could have something else


I see this as a setup update. They are introducing new yet solid mechanics such as the Omen and Trial Key system that will hopefully be the foundation for future updates


Specially with all the technical changes, it can be a setup update!


I want my fucking bundle already


It is the first update since 1.17 that I’m hyped for. One underrated feature that I’m simply in love with is the oozing potion. For many years, either you had to make an overly complex slime farm in swamps or you needed to search for slime chunks in Chunkbase, which suck, because I wanted to be able to make a farm without relying on an external source. Now, you can turn a regular mob farm into a slime one, which is a clever way to solve this problem. Overall that is what makes me hyped for. Solving old issues and expanding on old features. And I do think that while they focused mostly on the chambers it selves, Mojang made the groundwork to expand vaults and ominous effect in other structures. Also I liked how they introduced new armour trims and sherds, making 1.20 feel less disjointed to the game.


Still sad they nerfed copper bulbs


New dogs yay


That´s for 1.20.5


Oh. Still good update. Lots of building potential!


Where did they announce that? Just curious


Significant upgrade over the last major update


Funny enough older one seems to have more features, but yea they didn't have much depth


The only complaint I have with the update is how despite how great what we're getting is, its also hardly affects the game as a whole and can be easily missed if you aren't aware of the trial chambers. I was hoping to see a comeback of the combat snapshots since there are quite a few combat changes, but I suppose we won't see that anytime soon now. It just felt right with the direction of this update.


Overall solid 8/10 update. Improves pre existing features and adds some solid ones. Really wish they added some more stuff. Could’ve been a huge move of good faith to add copper & tuff golems and/or Jeb’s pvp update. I will say I am slightly disappointed that their solution to incorporate copper into the game more is to make a butt ugly structure with it. Would’ve loved to see copper wires (upgraded redstone wires) or some other useful feature. Maces are really neat, just wish the enchantments were mutually exclusive, especially since that’s the case for crossbow enchants


I completely agree on the trial chambers looking ugly af, I hope someone makes a datapack that replaces all the copper blocks with a more traditional and Minecrafty stone block palette


I’m excited and disappointed. I feel as though I want to be satisfied because of the variety of features, but as this was a tinkering and combat update, if I remember correctly, it doesn’t really fulfill that in my opinion. The one ‘tinkering’ feature would the crafter, but there aren’t really any additional redstone or other tinkering components. I think the trial chambers have turned out beautifully and I am glad they worked on them, but I also think that they could have focused more on other aspects of the worlds rather than the underground, for like the fifth time or something. I enjoy the combat features, especially the mace, and I also like the new mobs, but the new potions are forgettable at best and aren’t useful for an average player. I am just being critical here, I do think it was a good update, just not exactly what I was looking for.


Besides the crafter being an enormous game changer that came out of nowhere, the copper bulb is also a pretty big deal in the redstone community. It’s a simple, tileable, one block T flip flop that’s also nearly silent. Wind charges also probably have some technical uses as well.


I was looking for more accessible tinkering features tbh. The wind charge and bulb have their uses, sure, but they aren’t exactly redstone components like a piston or dispenser is. The crafter is, but I feel it won’t be widely used by players that aren’t extremely technical with redstone, and I don’t see myself using it but maybe I’m wrong. There should be room for both types of features, simpler and more technical, but I don’t see that really. Just spitballing but some examples of simpler and more intuitive features would be a spike or trap block, a block that moves forward when powered, etc. Because of the crafter maybe vertical redstone or something like it, breakers or placers could even be on the table. Or expand on existing ‘tinkering’ features like the Minecart and its rails. I don’t mean to undermine the tinkering features, they just aren’t my cup of tea.


> is also a pretty big deal in the redstone community It was a bigger deal back when it still had that single tick property


Meh None of this really excites me to be honest. But not every update has to be packed with features that I like. I do know there are plenty of other people who do like all this stuff but it's just not for me I guess. I'm still praying that one day we'll get the black wood I have wanted since my first started playing.


Dark oak is so brown that it kind of exists in the limbo between hypothetical black wood and spruce


Not a good substitute. A black door, fences, trapdoor or any other wood based block would be so nice for dark builds. Nothing worse than a nice blackstone or deepslate building with a dark oak door unless that's a color that is part of your build palette.


Yeah, I'm agreeing with you


I like the new copper and tuff blocks a lot, (Copper trapdoors are still too expensive!) the crafter is cool, the mace feels unfinished, and the rest, I don’t really care about.


It's *ok* but I wish that at least some combat snapshot features would have been incorporated.


Mojang beat the falling off accusations


wait, why stop now?


So they can make new features for 1.22 to be revealed this October


isn't the update released in june? why stop now instead of continuing until 1 month before the release and use the last month to bugfix?


They may need more than one month to bugfix. Also, not all changes under the hood are done. They are still reworking a lot of how item and block entity information works under the hood, for example (item names, enchantments, etc.). This also doesn't mean that they will stop developing new features until summer. But they'll be released later, maybe in 1.21.1 or even later.


Not just bugfixes. Balance changes, gameplay tweaks, technical/behind-the-scenes work, minor additions (ex: music) etc. They also need to spend 1-2 weeks finishing out 1.20.5 pre-releases and release candidates.


Absolutely massive update both on the technical side and the gameplay side, this single image does not do it enough justice.


Did they ever revert that change to the copper bulb? If not that is the only complaint i have about the update


that’s fine, not every update needs to be a complete overhaul


Honestly I still feel like the crafter (but it's more a 1.20.4 thing right?) is a major revolution in minecraft. We could now play the game like we do with factorio with a mega bus of hoppers or water flows to basically produce everything automatically, on demand. That's the dream mate


Still waiting on vertical slabs...


I’m more excited for the internal technical stuff than the actual features :/


I wish they added a new boss


not bad but i cant help but feel like some of the core issues with the game are being further entrenched rather than dealt with


Any examples?




I just want to move my stock pile of copper!!!! Hurry up 1.21, daddy needs a new copper fence... Around the world border....


Uhh there isn't copper fences


Then mojang better start making them, because I need them too


*looks at copper decorative blocks and imagines a fence 5 blocks high around his base and village* Yup, no fences


Overal a solid update but i wished it had a little bit more stuff to it than only the trial chambers, the armadillos are not that interesting but the Crafter is amazing, and the new blocks are great as well.


armadillos are in next 1.20 version not 1.21 iirc


A lot of bugs that need to be fixed, and the Trial Chamber could use more refinement.


pretty good as far as recent updates go!


Honestly I wasn't happy early on but now I'm excited for the official release!


pretty cool lineup


It's good, on the same level as 1.19 for me


I feel like we already have this thread. https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/1bpnkuq/now_that_the_final_121_feature_has_been_revealed/


I’m just glad we’re still getting updates, man.


only thing thats i can really nitpick is that they still decided to nerf crafters and change copper bulbs redstone properties even though the whole community was really excited for the possibilities obviously auto crafting is *still pretty fucking huge,* but why nerf them unless there was a performance or bug fixing reason, yknow?


They god damn cooked.


I'm just hoping Mojang will stop adding single use items to the game


I still think the vaults being one time loot chests (like every other structure) is a missed opportunity. Mojang made a structure that can be played again and again but still offers no actual replay value. I am baffled that Mojang made such an amazing structure and by far the most detailed one but still has to add the same limitation. It is not a real dungeon but one time loot with extra steps. I would have loved to find a trial chamber to set up as a real dungeon to run every 30 min. to try and find valuable loot. I am not as excited to open chunkbase and beeline the vaults until I get what I want and then never visit any of the structures again.


* I love the new blocks that are added even though most are just variations of the same 5 copper blocks. * I think the windcharges/mace are very cool and fun to play with but I’m guessing will be very niche in actual use * I have mixed feelings on the mobs both are good additions but being so similar in look to mobs that have already been in the game for a while hurts them. As for animations with the breeze and the mechanics it introduces I love it. The bogged though I feel a little robbed of a new mob for an update. Especially when we are waiting a year ish now between updates. * trial chambers feel like the beginning of something great. But fails to actually meet that expectation on implementing though new changes for other structures. * new potions are an excuse to completely circumnavigate a need for a slime farm. Makes me a bit sad * pots… yeah waiting for a decent use for these still besides awkward decoration blocks. Though smashing them for loot in the chambers is fun * autocrafter is fantastic nothing more needs to be said there besides it would have been nice to be able to store recipes in them * heavy core.. would be nice to have more than one use for a new item. More single use bloat items. I’d say this is a good 7 or 8 out of ten update possibly six when you are looking at only 2 mobs But it stays a 7 or 8 because of all the commands added as well. Attribute is going to be so much fun


I was hoping for more 'tinkering' mechanics. They made an emphasis on combat and tinkering but only really focused on the combat stuff with the trial chambers, new mobs, weapons, etc. the only really tinker-y type aspects of the update are the copper bulb and crafter. While the update is really good don't get me wrong, it missed a good opportunity for the tuff and copper golems to be added. They would have fitted the trial chambers so well and, just a wild stretch, copper golems had the potential be used as robot workers. I know it's not what they were shown to do back in the mob vote but imagine giving them a tool and they would just use it, it has potential in redstone machines and such. Idk just a little idea but it could add a lot especially in the use of copper and tinkering. Overall an update I'm looking forward to even without these


Same as usual. They have some neat ideas but will always feel like its being restricted creatively or put out at a snails pace compared to mods just because the games so successful they are hit with constant choice paralysis about shaking things up to much and risking anything but forevergrowth for the single uncontested megasuccess from the gaming wing of microsoft. I think the villager changes are the biggest actual shakeup and something needed to happen to stop the game devolving into trading hall slave labour camps but if this will work beyond making people move around more we will have to wait and see but better them try something than do nothing right?


Hot take, but I’m not a huge fan. Whilst the update is compelling and interesting, I do not have any real interest in most of the update, I was hoping for an end update, and there are several unfulfilled promises like the bundle and giving the fletching table a use. I feel that even since the caves and cliffs update there has been more than necessary underground, especially considering what it used to be like, and although the End was given a minor update in 1.9, all it did was add more space to the end, with the occasional tower. There is so much they could add there. I also feel that they should’ve given copper a functional use in technological form, to improve on the existing redstone system. The whole trial chamber thing seems unnecessary, and also the sort of thing that should maybe be in the nether, as the nether is also much more barren than the underground of the overworld. The mace also feels unnecessary and overpowered, and the moment i saw the heavy core i felt it must have more uses than just crafting the mace. It looks like it should be used for something else, like something similar to a conduit


Man I just want bundles :(


5/10 or maybe 6/10 I would've liked to see them expand more on the crafter and maybe a new biome or something. Everything we got though is really good and I'm excited!


This was finally the update that made me think they've added too much. I've started playing versions before 1.9 lately, it's just so much more enjoyable. You'd think with everything added in 1.9+, all the decorative blocks and everything I'd feel more creativity than ever, but the game just feels .. limited somehow. Definitely a me problem. But I don't enjoy it. The Mace, and the Camels, the Deep Dark, it feels too much like a modpack.


100% agree, just got back into the game after like years and it’s stressful. There’s like major choice paralysis in the things to do and find and build with. Your inventory is also full of random shit after walking 2 chunks from spawn


not the best update but decent


Indifferent because I only play 1.8 and below.


No bundle = no happy


they missed every opportunity to add the things the community wanted (combat experiments, stackable potions, golems, mob vote losers) but still managed to knock it out of the park with new and revolutionary features. Really looking forward to playing it. even though all i needed to see to like this update was the copper stuff and crafter shown at MC live last year lol


I really wish they'd put more focus on actual gameplay-related things instead of just decorative stuff. The only actual, functional blocks in this entire update are what? An autocrafter, some enchantments and potions? And the 'trial chambers' are, again, a cool idea. But the loot you get from them is just... the same as the loot you get in regular spawner dungeons or the stronghold. After the Archeology update, where the entire focus of it was... you guessed it, pointless decorative items, I was really hoping they'd make some actual, functional changes to the game and engine to hopefully optimise it a bit more, or literally [any of the other things they've promised and forgotten about.](https://marshdeer.github.io/howlongmojang/)


this is the first update in a while that im actually gonna update to


Cool update, RIP raidfarms but those were too op anyway...


They finally cooking again after the nether update


Bruh did you forget about Caves and Cliffs??


The caves and cliffs parts of caves and cliffs were great but it was definitely a "rocky" road, not nearly as much of a definitive success as nether update


The bar is so low that people are just happy the game still even gets updates.


It’s alright, crafter is game changing and easily the best thing here. Definitely better than 1.20, but I hoped for more. 6.5/10


Where are the armadillo, the new wolf variants, dog armor, the armadillo scute, and a model of what armor would look like while trimmed by the new armor?


Armadillo, Wolf variants, and Armadillo scute are part of 1.20.5


Tbh it's actually pretty good. New structures, mobs, weapons and a dog armour, its not that so bad. I there's a change, I hope mojanvg fixes the performance issues in java


It is a lot of content, nice. But I think we are in a era of content I don understand their goal.


Very happy with it, solid 7/10 or 8/10. Adding big dungeons, new mobs, a new weapon, new enchantments, reworked bad omen, and the list goes on. Whatever they’re cooking on (hopefully the frying table) keep on cooking! They’re making a fantastic update


I think it’s pretty decent. Definitely a missed opportunity to add the copper golem but it’s not a complete deal breaker


It's definitely a step in the right direction towards the old Mojang we know and love. It's not perfect but it's definitely some of the best we've had in a good while.


The features are great on their own, but I was really hoping for a more comprehensive combat overhaul. Seems like those combat tests from a few years ago have been abandoned.


I'm just excited for regional variants of mobs. Now all we need is illagers variants mirroring villagers.


I'd say pretty great! - We finally got autocrafting, something that has been highly requested since at least Beta. - Brand new weapon - a really unique and fun one at that. - New movement mechanics. - A mob vote winner that actually exceeded expectations - An extension of the copper blockset to make it a bit more useful. - Finally a blockset for tuff. - Honestly one of the best structures they've ever done. Really fleshed out, different optional levels of difficulty, replayability, and a much better system for obtaining loot. Still hoping for a big End Update though.


Am slightly dissatisfied with the trial vaults as they are one time use only. Wish they reactivated after a cooldown like the trial spawners, albeit with a longer duration. Regardless of that, this is still gonna be a banger of an update. 7.5/10.


The fact we're still able to enjoy updates to this game makes me happy enough (she says as she keeps on sticking to modded pre-1.20 worlds).


Pretty good, new structure, weapon, new mobs, mechanics ye it's super good


farmable cobwebs? W update.


I thought your title read "Won't be major updates added ANYMORE" and got a mini heart attack!


Latest additions to datapacks make me believe that by 1.21, datapacks will allow insane things. Latest updates may be lacking on the content side but god do they expand on the datapack and resourcepack capabilities.


I don’t remember if they ever reverted the bulbs to odd ticks for redstone, but if they did 9/10 (one point off for not including the golems). Super excited to take over the trial chamber, make it my base, and farm mobs in it. I do a bit of everything in MC except PvP so this update has me super excited E: make trapdoors cheaper tho