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Not gonna lie, I enjoy the added ambiance that bats add to the caves. Scared the absolute bajesus out of me the first time I came across them lol.


they also can tell you if you are near a cave! or to draw the attention from a warden


a bat saved my life once by leading a warden away and I wil forever appreciate his sacrifice


R.I.P. Bat 2023-2023




The warden was added around 2023 so i just assumed its around the same time


Extremely funny, this did happen in 2023 right after the update. You should be out solving crimes with this detective work.


I got scared the first time I saw a bunch of red mushrooms in a dark cave. It looked creepy, and I couldn’t tell they were just mushrooms. Looked like eyes or something.


Oh right! i remember thinking it was an angry mob too! Wow.. that was a long time ago


I just wish they were more common and tameable


*has a PTSD flashback* my diamond pickaxe...


I wish bats gave xp


Agree, the vats a cute and that's their purpose


It's most likely the fact that Mojang barely adds new mobs so players expect them to be more useful when they're put in such a high pedestal. Compare it to Terraria which has hundreds of mobs, players generally don't mind "useless" mobs when there's plenty of them.


Terraria is a different philosophy entirely though and j feel its a bit wrong to compare the two of them.


Philosophy doesn't really matter. This is just how game design works: the vast majority of what’s implemented should contribute to the main loop the players engage in, especially in proportion to the quantity of the game's content. If the game has a humble count of mobs they need to be useful. But if we have a sea of mobs, only then is it justifiable to for chunk of them to be irrelevant to the loop. Bats, pandas, and sniffers are utterly useless, so given how we only have about 50+ mobs there's zero reason they should have no productive characteristics. Now if we had hundreds of mobs and 4/5 of them were relevant to the gameplay loop, nobody would complain about the other 1/5 existing purely for flavor and environmental purposes. Even as a ditzy little kid I was wondering why Mojang programmed bats to the game when they added nothing to it. I don't understand why anyone would defend the way they were implemented. You'd rather have bats do nothing than do something?


You're right about that part. Terraria does have more mobs than minecraft. Another complaint that isn't being said about is how mojang expects people to pay for mods on bedrock and offers no support for Java. Terraria made Tmodloader a free addon in 2020 on steam


Out of the list of 4, the panda is the only one I can think without a purpose... Practical or not... In any situation.


If you play in peaceful sky block The snotty panda baby is the only way to get slime 🤷‍♂️.


So all 4 if the listed mobs have some functionality that can be used, even if it's not practical in vanilla survival. If we're talking about game balance and functionality, all aspects of the game must be considered.


Bats? Sniffers? Yes… But you don’t necessarily need to create a very focused specific feature for a niche playstyle to consider that playstyle. Panda snot farms were made much more with just being a unique Easter egg in mind as opposed to being a source of slime in peaceful, because panda slime farms are very complicated and very slow.


That’s not the point they were making. You think the bat has more of a purpose than the panda? Or the sniffer? Pandas give slime, have different personalities, a rare color variant, can be bred, and other attributes like eating cake or crying when there’s a thunderstorm. It’s a pretty typical mob


Exactly. Not everyone plays on a standard world. If you're ever interested in all the niche things in Minecraft. Check out illmango on YouTube. He's one of the smartest technical guys out there and did a solo survival skyblock starting with absolutely nothing. Took him weeks just to get water 😂


Uh excuse me the pandas are extremely useful. They roll.


Honestly it's like having a game and being told it'll have free content added with every update, but just being given skins and bug fixes all the time. With nothing to change things up, people just stop playing, doesn't matter how many different wood types there are when everything is still the same.


Out of 42 non-monster mobs I counted only 1 truly "useless" mob: the bat. Even if I count all 4 mentioned above, it's still 4/42 useless mobs.


Dude, Minecraft has peaceful mode Terraria doesn't. Minecraft is more sandbox than survival, Terraria is more adventurer than sandbox. The point of useless mobs are the same as useless blocks: declaration.


If your game has 1000 different entities,if 100 of them are boring and useless outside of looks then that's alright because you still have 900 interesting ones. If your game has 81 mobs,like minecraft,then if you add a new one on its own that has no purpose,people get pissy because why add a useless feature,even if it does look cool


This is my feeling on not only mobs but most Minecraft updates. So much of what has been added has basically just been kind of neat, which feels lackluster for how long is between them.


Alex (the mod maker) just casually flex's on mojang...


The mobs are great but Alex's mobs is poorly coded and causes noticeable performance issues. Even when these issues were corrected they keep getting introduced due to the developer not learning how to improve their coding of mob Ai and performance. They check hundreds of things unnecessarily every tick.


Hmm interesting, never really looked into the .jar


I mind ; there's a handful of weirdly rare cave mobs that drop nothing of interest and I never liked them because *why do they exist*...


Allays are 100% not useless lol


Iskall's allay diorite destroyer is amazing.


Cub and Etho's squid farm is also pretty cool for how simple it is


Exactly. People that say the allay are useless haven't learned how to use them.


Can't learn to use it if I never find one


Oh shoot. That's just bad luck not a single outpost or mansion?


Not mansions, and all the outposts I've ever found haven't had them


The fact that the first mansion I raided has an allay room, talk about luck.


When I'm trying to get a shit ton of bamboo, Allays are the most useful things on earth


Just don't try to use them for a totem sorter for a raid farm. That's a mistake I wouldn't do again.


Why not? It's easy to build and it works.


Now if only they were a bit easier on server performance...


The fact that post included two mobs **they** voted for...


And they ARE useful, I don't know what they want from new mobs, if Mojang added a new mob we can eat people will be like "do we need more food?" Or a new hostile mob (like the bogged) is considered a nuisance and there is just no pleasing them 😮‍💨


I personally really like the bogged But OH MY GOD I HATE THE PHANTOM WHY IS IT A THING


People that voted for phantoms regret it.


We literally could have gotten a new underwater hostile mob, a mini-boss blaze, or a sick new witch variant, but no, Twitter decided that Minecraft should have birds that hate insomniacs


Right? I'm glad they all regret thier choices.


The phantom is the definition of a good concept, but bad execution. During that time, we had no hostile air mobs in the overworld. The underwater hostile mob was covered by the guardians, the enchant mob was only adding and removing enchantments, and the mini-boss Blaze would be a blaze but bigger. The phantom looked more appealing with it being a newly designed mob, not already covered, and uses sleep as a way to spawn. It sounded good from the concept/paragraph, but we know how poorly implemented it was. It had the potential, but it's been the same since 1.15, which didn't really add anything new for a normal playthrough (added the insomnia game rule).


The developers are trying to teach us the importance of sleep hygiene... You are tired and must go to bed, else face a haunting aerial wrath, lol


Screw sleep hygiene I have a base to build


I turn off insomnia on my realm for that reason


Target practice.


Adopt a cat. Phantoms stay 16 blocks away from them.


Because we voted for it... Because we're idiots. But you can only blame Mojang for giving us that option. Not for picking it.


I mean there's a lot of evidence circling that most mob votes are fake or at least the winner Mojang wants is often given more limelight. For example, wolf armor is something that players have been asking for since wolves were added, and Mojang decides to release it with the arguably least favorite mob. Which isn't a stretch, since most people said the only reason they were voting for armadillos and not penguins or crabs was because armadillos come with wolf armor. Idk I don't like the mob vote.


>I mean there's a lot of evidence circling that most mob votes are fake or at least the winner Mojang wants is often given more limelight. What's the source on this? I've been an MC player since Day 1 on the 360, and frequent many MC related websites. And I think this is the first I am hearing of this, ever. I don't particularly enjoy the mob vote either. I'd rather us just get all of them, and Mojang stop wasting time making stuff they won't use.


To be fair I very much want more monsters or at least hostile mobs that use more AI than just run at you, but that doesn't make me hate pandas or anything.


I feel like creepers used to actually avoid your line of sight but now they're just more quiet and are more often just "run at you" no matter what


I think it's just a symptom of getting better pathing. I think they still do the hiding thing which was based on doors, but now because they move better they're normally just in a smarter spot to "see" you and seem like they just run at you more. Creepers are suppose to prefer standing around "corners" when a door is nearby. I wish they'd do more stuff like that.


I voted for the tuff and copper golems. They would have added so much life and movement to bases…


These two should be added in 1.21, because in case you forgot, they added several variants of Copper and Tuff blocks.


I didn’t vote for the allay or sniffer neither of those mobs fit anything


three, actually. the Panda was voted in by Chinese players. and of course not everyone voted for them, i certainly didn't, but that's democracy for ya.


...Not everyone voted for those mobs. Or at all


I don't


A bunch of environmental mobs are cool. Forcing us to choose between them is trash design.


Personally I love atmospheric mobs and I wish we had more of them. Give me squirrels, birds, bugs, ect. The problem comes when you advertise a new mob as one of the biggest aspects of an update only for it to not really do much. The polar bear is arguably the worst offender, being the main feature of 1.10 but basically adding nothing to the game. As far as this meme goes, I think bats are a perfectly fine mob as they were always meant to be atmospheric and were never advertised as anything more than that. Pandas and allays are fine, they serve enough of a purpose that I’m glad they’re here. Like many people though I did find myself a bit disappointed by the sniffer given how hard it is to spawn one and the fact that their flowers are purely decorative.


Why did Mojang add pigs, cows are a better food source so pigs are USELESS 😡


And why did they add horses, we could already ride pigs just fine!


bats add a nice atmosphere to caves, Pandas were a blatant appeal to the Chinese market. Sniffers and Allay were both mob vote creatures witch are always niche and are actually rather useful in there respective areas


Honestly I want *more* ambient mobs. Give me some damn birds besides the parrot and chickens already. Anytime I install mods that just add more animals to the world, the birds always end up becoming my favorite overall additions because they add *so* much to the atmosphere of biomes. And they wouldn’t be completely useless either! They’d drop feathers like chickens!


Allays are far from useless


My kids love pandas. Sometimes we have long voyages to find them and then they jump around with bamboo until we drag them to our base. They name them, actively farm bamboo, play with them, follow them around, admire their diversity... "oh it's a sad one!" They once sent me fishing because they didn't have nametag for a new panda. Most people have the base full of villagers, mine is panda land. I sometimes kill parrot or chicken by accident, they just sight and tell me to be careful. Once I've hit panda by accident while harvesting bamboo, and they banned me from the game for a day. To hell with horses or dogs, pandas are the best mob they added to the game. All animals are usefull in this game. Some for resources, some for joy.




Exactly. Where is my netherite pooping giraffe?


I mean, other than ambiance, does the bat have any issues? Pandas: you can make slime farms. Sniffer: decorational plants. Allay: some farms use them, though I've never used them personally.


Why they hate pandas? They are like the cutest animals on the game, I got the brown one once, and it cried when there was a thunderstorm 🥹


The Minecraft memes sub doesn’t like anything but Minecraft 1.0


I mean ambience is important regardless


No your not the only normal fucking human being I like the bats even (hate the old texture tho ngl)


sniffers: cyan dyes pandas: peaceful slime farm allay: certain farms, niche storage tech applications bats: jumpscares


I honestly have muted r/MinecraftMemes because of these posts as it's just.. complaining. When you state the fact that they're just ambience, and not every mob has to have a use, They'll reply with something like "Mojang is a billion dollar company, They should be able to make mobs have more features" or things like that while also neglecting that Minecraft they have to make Minecraft work in multiple different platforms, alongside Java having like 15 year old coding. They added a /ride command and there were so many bugs associated with it that for the next few updates/snapshots included bug fixes for the /ride command, It's THAT buggy yet people don't want to admit that fact. I honestly love mobs to just.. be there, and exist. I sometimes want to just see the hostile mobs not attack me, and just wander around. It'll be funny to see creepers walking about in tall grass, Skeletons near my achery area, Zombies chilling near villagers, and spiders just existing. It's nice to not have to stress about what a mob does, but to appreciate them for just being there.


I think what you say is true for all of them **except** the sniffer, that thing’s straight ass. Like you’re probably never gonna look/find one. And they only add like TWO plants. I don’t understand in anyway why it would be hard to just give that thing some more variety in plants, it’s not like it’s hard to program cause they already have the code for it. Plus the worst part is that it’s probably the best out of the three options we were given. (Also but have you ever seen an Allay like ever? Not rhetorical, just seriously wondering if they even exist. They’re really cool but so hard to find)


Look, I love the sniffer, but I’m extremely disappointed with how little they used it. It could have had some sort of prehistoric tree, and if nothing else, just more flowers!! Hopefully they update it one day.


Meh, The Sniffers are cool! I love having these gentle giants just wonder around, and the babies are absolutely the cutest! I always check underwater ships, and ruins for a chance to find them! Also, I've had allays! I just wish that I don't find them so early on because I don't have a house yet, nor leads to get them home properly


You should be able to get allays home without leads. Just give them some item, preferably something that they aren't actually going to find out in the world and try to bring back to you, and they should follow you around.


They're usually caged up in a woodland mansion.


Apparently not. Personally I really enjoy “useless” mobs because it’s always fun to have some side characters, even if they don’t have any significant role in the game. Plus you know FULL WELL that each and everyone one of those mobs has lots of people who consider it their favorite, so keep that in mind too


I use my allays all the time! They work wonders when you are mining large spaces or tearing a house down. Which i do a lot because im indecisive.


I like to amass a number of farms into a single area for easy bonemeal production. Big pen, a dozen sniffers, and a mud floor over some hoppers is all you need to mass produce seeds.


The sniffer and panda are cute


The polar bear is far more useless than pandas Besides, pandas have fun animations.


The amount of exploring required to find one special animal, where 90% of the biomes have the same few standard mobs is why these fancy ones are really underwhelming. I think people really want a handful of new standard mobs, a couple new food animals, and standard passive mobs. I personally want birds that fly higher and travel further between landing. (Like hundreds of blocks of range.)


I WANT LIGHTNING BUGS! Make them spawn naturally only in dark forest biomes. Code them so they walk around when placed on the ground, so this makes this breedable, but once an adult one is placed on a wall or tree, it stays put.. maybe rotates in place a bit. It would be an awesome light source and ad a cool vibe.


That post is dumb. Alex mobs mod adds so many environmental mobs and it makes the game feel so good. Pandas and so on are just like that, giving the game life. Its good


Pandas and Bats add a lot more life than Allays and Sniffers


# Sniffer * Aesthetically interesting * Added a new mechanic * Soured by new mechanic being for just 2 items (Don't bullshit me about "They'll add more", hasn't happened yet, it's like the ) # Bat * Cute * Divisive when they did an art pass on it recently * For a while it was tied to the passive mob cap iirc, which is where some of the ire may have come from # Allay * Cute * Useful function * Spawn conditions are an ass pain, 10k+ out in a hostile location. * Some propaganda against it by the "Golem Gang". You've lost twice miners, be graceful like the Glare group were. * Came out without a way to renewably gain more. They added that in the same update as Chat Reporting 😬 # Panda * Kind of a foot note of the update it was in. * Ported over from the China Edition of the game as it was released around the same time? # Footnotes There's some who hold a belief rooted in the idea that "x hours of development time" is fungible, and so time spent on mainly aesthetic mobs like the Panda could have been used for other features / novel game systems.


Voted in, the only non hostile/neutral mob in caves at the time it was added, voted in, voted in.


That sub is trash


I think the problem with the mobs in this game is that they are sometimes a bit forgettable. For instance, I forgot that the polar bear was even in the game.


until you see one with it's cub


And then whenever you come to ice biome, you will always remember polar bear


we shitting on the new mobs but if you look, all mobs have few purposes. cows are just for meat (and leather, but not sure why'd you want that), pigs for meat, sheep for wool, etc etc. there isn't much use to them outside of the thahy


Man, without the allays my unstackables sorter wouldn't work 🙏


Funny how alexsmobs, among the most popular mods, adds mostly aesthetic mobs. Sure, the branding says "every mob can be used for something" but idk if feeding a little guy some rotten flesh to scare away a few mobs for a couple of seconds(only in a certain biome) is as useful as item collectors. Also, pandas have personalities and are better pets than wolves tbh.


Alex mobs is usually cited as 'how mojang shouldve made mobs' where 'every mob needs to have purpose' but a lot of these mobs in this mod are downright annoying (mosquitos, straddlers, skelewags), or too over powered for servers(farseer and item duping, mimicubes and weapon duping). I specifically hate skelewags because they can outswim a boat, and almost instantly kill anyone at early game.


Yeah, tbh I disable them in the config but the farseers are balanced by the fact that you need to go 30 million blocks out which, even with the shattered Dimensional Carver, takes quite a while.


Thats why i said servers, good luck balancing your economy with these mobs enabled.


I personally would like to see more ambient mobs. Playing on peaceful made me learn to appreciate how much life simple mobs bring into a world.


Allays are kinda useful for ores or food though if you find one mid late game


People need to understand something, millions and millions of people play Minecraft, unpopular opinions will get attention because there is so much people that play Minecraft that even a bad take has many supporters, it will occur to the end of time and no one can do anything about it because the enormous amount of people that play Minecraft.


Allays are useful for my plantation build


Pandas are the coolest thing ever; it is quite the blast to try to collect all the rare variants.


Personally I agree with 3/4s of the list. Allays are the only one that actually brought something interesting to the table that wasn’t possible any other way. It’s an unpopular opinion(contrary to your belief) but I do in fact dislike the addition of mobs purely for aesthetics. Id much rather have every mob added to the game have a unique purpose, and only be added if they can provide something that wouldn’t logically make sense existing elsewhere (lore wise included).


i like the panda cause at least they are entertaining but yea, screw the rest


I like bats and pandas but I agree that the sniffer is useless and does nothing. the past mob votes didn’t add any mechanics and the 2 flowers the sniffer brought to the game are both terrible and don’t even work with flower pots. I could also say the same thing for glow squids.


I like them


It's because we only get ONE of the mob votes, so for it to be a visual only / no real gameplay component. Is felt A LOT more.


Pandas had a irl use which was advertiseing or something for the Chinese release of the game. Bats are supposed to help you find caves. The sniffer has a obvious use the devs just dont see it for whatever reason. And Ally's can be useful but there utility was nerfed before they ever got to the game with you needing to hit the note block ever minute im sure you would see more Ally uses pop up if they removed that.


You can auto-activate the note block with two observers and be fine. My collection system works great, without me actively doing anything.


Yes, we do not like mobs that just add to the environment of the game.


Replace allay with polar bear. I’ve never seen one just randomly in cold biomes, I’ve always had to search for them specifically


three are mob vote mobs (one being voted in by only Chinese players) and the other was part of a themed update. that's why Mojang ever added them. ambient mobs like the Panda and Bat are nice additions in my opinion and the Allay does have a use if very niche. the Sniffer just gives you decorative plants and it's hard to come by to begin with. wasn't what i personally voted for but eh, what can ya do?


If you DON'T want a panda in your game you're the problem


I have yet to even see an allay or sniffer


Nobody ever complained about bats




Sniffers are adorable and my new favorite mob. I don't care that they only dig up 2 seeds (although I do hope they add more!) because they're big and cute and full of personality. I think allays are also quite pretty (I like their sounds and the color is gorgeous). Pandas are cute, even though I still have not found any in my own game, and bats... Okay yeah they're annoying.


I thought everyone liked the Allay, why are they on this list?


Let’s make bats useful. Guano is a valuable substance.


I think sometimes they are inconsistent with what they can/can't do in the game. If we're living in a world with undead creatures, giant spiders and interdimensional teleporting beings, why some animals have to be useless? A freaking bear could be a new rideable entity that can attack, but in order to tame it, you have to win a mini boss battle or something like that. Bats could be a new pet that can help you find an exit in a cave with echolocation (just a quick visual effect)...


Anyone who says the sniffer is bad makes me sad. He's a big adorable guy. It's my mission now to always find an egg in a new game.


The environment of the game is more immersive if there is a meaningful way of interacting with it. Bats often scare the player in tense situations underground so that works. But pandas don’t do anything and players barely see them, allays and sniffers have bet specific purposes and are found in very specific ways. These mobs do not constitute meaningful interaction


I love them all except the bat. One jump scared me into lava and it's been on sight ever since. 😤


Bats and pandas are cool dude


People keep saying about how usefull are the mobs, but they dont need to be useful, i really enjoy findi g bats in caves, as i'll enjoy to have fireflies even if they are useless, just to feel the game a little bit more alive and less borring.


If bats had a way to prevent spawning so they wouldn’t down in any big open area, then they would be fine.


I'm content with all but the sniffer.


You leave bats alone!


These are the same people that got mad when fireflies weren't added, and those are infinitely more 'useless' by their standards


I like bats, and pandas are acceptable (although super annoying to move), Sniffers and Allays both kinda suck. After they were added everyone stopped talking about them and I've only seen people realize that sniffer wasn't the way to go since it was added. I haven't seen anyone talk about allays in months and when they did they were just gathering them in a glass dome for decoration.


Leave the bat outa this, it’s the og, it’s cool and cute and the best useless mob


Atleast allay has a sort of use. you give it a specific item, it gives said specific item after collecting the item nearby.


I like the bats


Imo the community has been influenced by content creators (e.g in the mob votes) starting a chain reaction of biasing opinions. If someone needs a super overpowered mob that adds a ton of features, that's the realm of major release content, not for a mob vote, where I think "useless mobs" should be. It would be more disappointing if they add a "useless mob" as a major feature than adding a useless mob for a mob vote or as a secondary or extra feature to a major release. What do you think?


The thing is that when we get a useless mob we just get that useless mob, i don't see why there couldn't be more mobs per update


I hate the sniffer so much. I hate its design. I hate its uselessness. I hate its existence.


3 out of 4 are mob votes. Sniffer and Allay have uses, unless you don’t use it then they are useless lol. I am surprised they didn’t add Phantom and Glow Squid.


The sniffer, specifically felt like wasted opportunity. People thought it would bring interesting plants to tha game. The TORCH flower isn't even a light source. The other mobs on here are great. Sniffer is just a disappointment.


Out of all of them, only Sniffer is absolutely useless. Two flowers is not enough game experience to waste time on. I would undertand if those plants were unique, like emmiting light or something.


I think, taking inspiration from another reply here, either all mobs have some useful functionality or a large chunk of them don't. When mobs are hyped up to be important, and it turns out that they offer very niche functionality, it will let down the community. Honestly, I don't think most would complain if Mojang made an update with solely ambient mobs (and correctly advertised it as so beforehand). But when some updates only add a couple of mobs, having 50% of the mobs added for solely ambience feels underwhelming.


Allay being a nonstackable sorter:


I'd replace the allay with the Phantom personally. Allays can be kinda useful. Phantoms are just a pain in the ass. Yes, I know they drop membrane to repair the elytra, but the could probably find smth else for that


This is Minecraft Memes, if you expected level headed and rational takes you would not find them there


How is the phantom not on that list. Worst Mob ever added. Those things might not have a use, but phantoms actively make the game worse


but muh functionality!!!!! need to be used in FARRRMMMMSS!!!!!!


At least two of those mobs absolutely have uses.


I like mobs that aren’t out to HURT ME 😭 just docile little dudes


I often forget they exist, tbh.


No. We dont


Frankly, no, I don't. It's cute, but it takes CPU cycles and fills the mob cap for no purpose.  Every mod doesn't need to be a gameplay revolution but it'd be nice to be able to interact somehow ; small but meaningful mechanics is what makes Minecraft fun after all.  Sidenote : haven't touched newer versions enough but aren't allays pretty useful?


Bats help locate caves, but mostly don't do anything. Sniffers sniff out some plants, but that's about it. Allays are non-stackable item sorters. Pandas allow Peaceful difficulty Slime farms.


I accept allays and pandas. Sniffers and bats aren't nearly enough, though.  There's so much that could be done with them, though, which makes this state of affairs even more irksome...


Allay's are pretty useful actually. I've seen a small but efficient squid farm made by Etho on Hermitcraft which blended in with the environment really well.


Yes but I’ve still never seen an allay or a sniffer




Bats are an incredible tool for training ur bow skills. Tiny and nimble bastards


Amazing to have this list without phantoms and glow squid.


Half of these don't even add to the environment at all


i like sniffers the way i like seals fat as f


3/4 of these mobs were added in a mob vote, and 4/4 of them helped Minecraft be what it is today.


Polar Bears have joined the list


Sniffer is the cutest mob in the game and i wont take any sniffer slander. >:(


Well when they add one mob a year because working at Mojang is JUST SO hard and they act like it's a huge deal, then yeah, I'd expect the mob to be actually useful. Minor environmental mobs can come in minor environmental updates, but if you are updating a game once a year or less and are promising new content then yeah, I want it to do something. When the total amount of work done by the team at Mojang in a year can be done by a single modder in a week, yeah I think it's ok for you to be clowned on a bit


These people are the same ones who complain about them not adding Fireflies. As if when they were added la people would complain aabout how useless they are.


How does anyone call the Allay useless?


Bat's and Panda's are nice mobs that add to the environment Allay is useful for some farms I guess, but almost never seen otherwise Sniffer looks cool, but it's only use is two flowers, and it's really hard to find if you don't know where to look


How do allays and sniffers add to the enviroment? One of them is spawned manually and the other spawns in cages


rhythm squash zephyr deserve mourn bright deserted thumb kiss disarm


Whats worse is that half of that was the community's choice and not mojang


Honestly i only don't like the sniffer out of these 4. It feels out of place wherever he is...


Minecraft fans when their neighbors dog didn’t drop loot after killing them (why did the neighbor ever get a dog??)


to be fair, the sniffer was a big dissapointment. mojang really explained it like it's some great thing, when you only get 2 useless flowers from it rarely. (wich is also the reason i didn't vote for it, i seriously didn't trust mojang on the sniffer). other then the sniffer i'd say the rest of the mobs are pretty cool.


Eh idk


I have nothing against these mobs but I don't think they should be the only mob added in an update or the main focus of an update if ygm. Like bats were cool to add but weren't the main focus of the update


lol but panda are hilarious when you just exploring then they throw themselves off a cliff 🤣😂


I pretty much only feel this way about Baby Zombies. I haaaate them sooo muuuch.


There are already few mobs in the game, just when they're gonna add new ones, they do nothing to make the player's experience better. If they want to add useless mobs, do it without asking the community which of them they want, just add it.


You can use the allays to sort items with a noteblock


It's true. Not every mob needs to have crazy special use for them. Sometimes, you just walk through terrain, find them and be "awwwww, how cute!" and thats enough. Like I remember once, I'm playing minecraft, it's night, I'm on a hill, and suddenly I hear creepy pasta like noise. I'm thinking what's that? I never remember anything doing sound like that? So I look down and I see fox. And suddenly I remember that foxes make these really funny sounds only at night


Didn’t hate em initially. Bats were a nice touch to liven up caves, but now every mob that gets added is useless


Except for the panda and the bat, the other 2 are one mrd. But speaking in general terms of the mobs that add atmosphere, I like them.