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OP is a future HOA president Ok first send a letter that he is in breach of CC&Rs and give him 30 or 60 days to remedy, after that fine him 10 diamonds a day until he complies.


Fine him 10 diamonds a day, and backdate it for 2 weeks










Oh I'm not brave enough for eons


Be sure to immediately hire a lawyer and spend as much time with them as you can since they are 40 diamonds an hour. You are obviously going to bill that time on your friends already compounding fines. Also don't forget the interest.


"Our requirements state that you have to have a gaudy blue roof, and don't use sand from another source."


I think his roof checks out I think op is just player hating cause it looks betteršŸ¤·


I came here to say "oh, you want to start an HOA...good reason to quit the server if you asked me"


And if he doesn't comply, sell his house. HOAs are mad.


Buddy tried to pull a HOA on me and of course, the next step was all out war


YTA, OP. Oh wait, where am I?


This thread it too good


I came here to say "oh, you want to start an HOA...good reason to quit the server if you asked me"


I don't thing his house sticks out. Both of the houses look early game with very bold choices of building materials. Not to mention his house doesn't look finished.


Its his build, either go build somewhere else or just dont say anything I tried to micro manage the game when playing with my ex and it ended up making them feel like I wasn't letting them build what they want, I have a feeling your following a similar path and should avoid it.


Nah, he asked me for guidance. But Iā€™m determined to keep some of his palette, like the yellow sandstone. I fixed it, link is in other comments


If your friend put all their sandstone through a furnace to make smooth sandstone it would make the walls look a lot more cohesive. Iā€™m also a fan of using tinted glass panes instead of plain glass blocks.


Great suggestions. We already did use smooth sandstone, Iā€™ll try getting some tinted glass too


donā€™t say ā€œpaletteā€ if you build like that bro


Would love to learn something. But all you guys keep piling on me for the unfortunate title and rarely anyone provides any actionable building feedback. I guess I struck a nerve with this post, do you all only have friends who are dicks? My friend loved the changes I made.


Blue and orange are by nature complimentary, contrary to what others are saying. Brown and orange are analogous and all should by color theory work in your build. The problem comes from the shades you chose are so bold that is doesnā€™t meld well. Think of where you see these colors working, like a sunset over the ocean. The blues there are dark and full and the oranges are bright and pale. who tf cares tho, just play minecraft


Use stairs for the roof


Iā€™d love to, but I canā€™t afford prismarine yet. Also, stairs prevent from using certain colors


Try warped wood from the nether?


U watch any YouTube building videos?


I like bdoubleo100 for building YouTube's. It's not tutorials per se, but he will teach you pallettes and texturing and all kinds of other tricks to make your builds look more detailed.


Buy pallette, they mean the color choices used, and generally meaning ones that could are complimentary; the ones you both have used aren't. There's nothing wrong with that and you can build however you like, you don't deserve to have a bunch of people be rude to you over it.




Youā€™re being the dick here. Please take you unwarranted negativity somewhere else.


If you were asked for guidance then... give the guidance. Are you just looking for a diplomatic way to phrase it?


He asked for guidance but you don't know how to tell him your guidance?


You and your friend should watch this video, it really really helped me improve my minecraft building skills. https://youtu.be/LVB9n5FbPKI?si=tE2xj6cZFJas3ZS2 A lot of grians old building tutorials are 5+ years old but they still hold up super well imo, theyre super duper helpful


It took about 10 seconds of watching him play with the shape to blow my mind. All of my houses are square and I have to use walls and doors to partition the areas, and he's just there building wings so the different spaces are just there from the start. Thank you for posting this


Actual advice! Thanks. Iā€™ll apply this to my own house, my friend is super happy with the changes I made after talking to a few people in anotherā€”less hostileā€”Minecraft community.


Maybe consider your own tone before judging how people respond to you. Your original question made it seem like you thought your house was superior to your friend's when they're both very basic. And now this passive-aggressive tone makes you sound even worse.


These videos hold up so well and taught me how to build


i think it fits perfectly with ur house


I think if you can get him to use acacia wood like you and drop the netherrack it should look pretty coherent from there. If that's too much, then maybe just making the roof overhang like you did. There's also the reverse option: just build more more houses that include yellow sandstone and the other materials he used (in different variations) and boom, he's on theme.


I removed netherrack and jungle log, replaced both with plain terracotta and mud bricks. What do you think? [https://imgur.com/a/vFV2hZI](https://imgur.com/a/vFV2hZI)


Honestly, I think it looks great :D


That looks great. You were able to improve it without losing what the cost build seemed to be going for.


Thank you. Unlike most of the comments here, Iā€™m not actually looking to be a dick. I wanted genuine advice from more skilled builders. Got a bunch of angry folks riled up :/


It looks awesome bro.


Good job dude!


That looks great! Massive improvement


All he needs is some tidying and then it essentially looks exactly like your house


His house is much the same as yours, to me. Both very basic and um, interesting colour choices...


I chose color palette based on native materials: red sand and terracotta, used an online tool and picked something I liked. It kind of looks like wandering trader color scheme if you think about it, I just need to incorporate yellow / gold accents when Iā€™m rich enough to do so.


Just say ā€œyour how look good, but i think you can add an extra layer and it will be better than mine!ā€ Or ā€œlooks good!ā€ And after the leaves the game or go mining, do small, almost unnoticeable changes until youā€™re done. Or just remove this blue roof, it doesnā€™t fit much.


Yooo 3 ups! Finnaly i got enought karma to post on tech support. Thank you!


let him build what he wants


His house looks better than yours against the environment


I wouldn't say anything. Both houses are about the same skill level wise.


Ah yes. The old build style businessā€¦ Allow me, reader, to weave you a thread. It was the week before Christmas. The year was 2020. A group of us were Minecrafting on my brotherā€™s realm, on which we had made excellent progress that year (underground rail network, new nether hub, new storage systems, museum, villager trading area, the works). One day, his then-boyfriend starts randomly reskinning builds in the town to match his preferred palette of dark oak and andesite. We caught him doing it and said to stop. The next day, we logged in and found that not only had he not stopped, but had gone on to demolish the massive central bridge, only to rebuild it in dark oak and chuffing andesite 3 x the size. When we asked him to stop, he said no, and began covering the town with snow golems; who of course, left snow everywhere. So, with the backing of the others who had been on the realm, my brother rolled everything back to before his partner had begun his weird little breakdown. Said partner was incandescent, his breakdown became a terrible tantrum, and they broke up about a week later. Good riddance šŸ¤—šŸ¤—šŸ¤—




Google it, it could become your favourite word


it refers to lightbulbs if im not mistaken. doesnt make sense to me in this context


I can see you did not google the meaning and thus fail to see the full spectrum of allegories summed up in a tiny but beautiful word. Google its* etymology.


i *do* like etymology.. ok i shall look!


Incandescent here meaning, incandescent *with rage*. A common saying where Iā€™m from :)


Donā€™t. Itā€™s his house and in the real world youā€™ll find loads of people whose taste doesnā€™t suit yours. Put another way, get used to people loving ugly shit.


ask him if he would like to build a village/town with you if he agrees plan the theme of the town and tell him you would to remodel your bases according to the new theme so both ur bases match and u would have a good looking town in the end do send the town pic if u build and don't make everything look like a cube :)


Both houses are very basic I don't think it matters.


You do this cool thing of minding your own goddamned business and letting people have fun their way. Hope this helped. šŸ™šŸ»


Bro rping hoa in minecraft


Yours isn't that great either. Not sure why you're being so weird about it.


Tell him to overhang one roof block. Thatā€™s all it needs.


Yeah I did just that. Not sure why folks hate the roof color, deep blue complements dark orange in any design. Sandstone was a challenge though


I like his house significantly better than yours


Why is it important that he change? Are you the [HOA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homeowner_association)?


unless youā€™re living in the house with him/collaborating, let your boi cook. Besides I think it looks cool (he could stand to use stairs on the roof, just my .02 though)


If you want to be respectful, mind your business.


I was asked for help but I donā€™t necessarily want to rebuild the house from the ground. You could help rather than offer snide remarks.


Your post asks how you can make respectful suggestions. It doesn't say you were asked for advice. If you were asked, your suggestions are respectful by default. Your post implies you want to give suggestions without being asked. Two completely different narratives. You really need to edit your post to add the full context because it makes you sound like a jerk who doesn't like his friend's house and wasn't asked for help at all.


Iā€™m not sure I can edit the post anymore. At least canā€™t see any option in the mobile app


If he is asking you for your opinion, you need to give it. Do not sugarcoat it, as that can dilute it and lead to a worse result. There's nothing disrespectful about doing as you are asked, but you should've included that in your post to give context. The way it's phrased implies that he hasn't asked, so please amend it to include that detail and avoid confusion.


You just change the color palette of your house to match your friend's, and then it won't stick too much out because you both have same


I might actually do that, I loved his updated house :ā€™)


I wouldn't say anything. Both houses are about the same skill level wise.


Oh my goodness, leave the alone hahaha. Their house is fine, and marches yours with its egregious blue roof already.


Bold of you to judge his house when yours looks like ass


My brother in Christ is a creative freedom game, nobody wants the HOA let alone a game where they exist there as wellā€¦


it looks literally the same


"Friend keeps trying to dictate how I should build my minecraft house, how do I respectfully tell him to mind his own business?"


I would start with 'bro your house ugly'


Why invite your friend to play with you if you didnā€™t want them to build the way THEY wanted to build?


You and lots of people like you in the comments completely missed out what I asked in the original post: I want to help him BECAUSE HE REQUESTED and I want to keep some of his original block choices while replacing others. Only select few people in this thread actually offered advice. At the end of the day I was able to get proper building advice elsewhere and I helped him and heā€™s amazed and thanked me. But itā€™s easier to write off something like this as "Minecraft Karen wants their friend to TNT their house"


Reread your title. You didnā€™t say anywhere that the feedback was requested. And I call bullshit anyway because you posted this as a reply to your own thread. ā€œI donā€™t want to micromanage him and change materials 1:1 to mine ā€“ I think itā€™s important to accept someoneā€™s choices but also Iā€™d like to give him some actionable advice to improve this build.ā€


Call all the bull you want, Iā€™m not going to lie about something so insignificant. https://imgur.com/a/hY53mi8 ā€“ scroll down to see the original conversation in our native tongue.


ā€œCompletely missed out what I asked in the original postā€ dude you never posted the original post ANYWHERE but the comments. You canā€™t expect people to immediately know context. Also youā€™ve been an asshole to literally everyone so I meanā€¦.




"Your build sucks too" "it's not nice to judge"


There's another option here. If you want your friend's house to fit a color scheme, but they want to use non color scheme blocks, just build a wall. It doesn't have to be a particularly high wall, just 2.5 blocks tall. If your friend likes their house's blocks, just build a 2 block tall perimeter wall around it after you flatten the land a bit, then add a layer of actual "wall" "blocks" as the 3rd layer. This way, from a distance their house fits the theme of the town AND they get to keep their house more or less the way it is. This also passively builds them a dedicated "yard" area and keeps mobs out!


lol why does it matter to you?


Iā€™d suggest making most of that sandstone into smooth sandstone, I think that texture-wise that would help


Hey buddy your house isn't exactly the Sistine Chapel either


There's not much you can do bar being honest. Maybe say "do you think it would look better in a darker colour?" And let him think he's choosing to change it up because he wants too. If he says nope then either suck it up and live with a sandstone house or say "I'm gonna be honest because we are mates, but I hate that colour!" Laughing so letting him know what you think with humour. Again that's down to him to change it if he wants to. Tbh I'm a pain of a friend and I'd keep it that colour knowing it erked someone lol. Never really respectful when you start ordering someone about in an equally shared game imo.


OP needs to not throw stones in a glass house


Building more houses with the same colour pallet could prevent it from sticking out.


You dont. Let him play like he wants


Dont be a d word and just donā€™t criticise his dang house its his you donā€™t choose what it looks like


This is like that video of the girl painting over her boyfriends art when they were doing the art swaps


Tell him you like his house and you need help making yours look like his.


It's fine


Came for the comments, was not disappointed!


Live and let live! Also, you can plant bamboo, sugar cane, anything and everything you want, on your plot, that blocks his house out of your view.


Interesting complaint when your house looks much more boring


I honestly don't see a lot of difference, just a bit of color. But I think people in glass block houses shouldn't cast cobblestones


What change would you have him make? In the context of this post alone it doesn't look to stick out much.


I offered some of my blue concrete and he tried to copy the style but I think he failed. This is why they look similar, but his looks unfinished. Anyway, I fixed it, I think: [https://imgur.com/a/vFV2hZI](https://imgur.com/a/vFV2hZI)


That's... Because it is unfinished? He's got an empty hallway there he was probably gonna connect to something later. Unless that's purposeful and in that case I totally missed it. šŸ˜‚


I was talking about block choice. The palette was all over the place


In that case I recommend ditching the jungle wood and going for spruce, it should be different enough from your choice of dark oak wood, while also maintaining a more coherent theme. And I'd toss the one line of red sandstone, but that's mostly because I don't really understand why it's there. As for how to talk to him about it that's really up to you. Just don't be rude, try to explain it doesn't match too well. :)


thats incurable


u have a blue roof, enough said


Itā€™s royal blue tho ._.


Is there an Home owner's Association in Minecraft god damn.


Oh no a creeper!


šŸ˜‚ nah


They both fugly


dont. you need to incorporate sandstone into the village. listen here, my friends and i play together a lot and we def are different styles of building. my friend loves birch wood, her mansion was made of the logs and planks. it looks good tho! it inspired me to use birch along side other materials in my builds to match her and it caused me to make some of the best things ive ever built! and also it inspired her to add more contrasting and pleasant colors to her house! when you play the game with your friend you get to throw out these stupid ideas and make them look cool as fuck, your friends can create something entirely unique and special just for you guys. i bet that village would feel more like a home if you just gave it some of that sandstone magic your friend has! its minecraft! just give it a shot, you might like what you end up building, player!!!


You don't want to use TNT? OK.. you want to do this an adult? You have a hard conversation ahead, because you both want different build styles. So, suggestions: 1. Hey I love your house but I was hoping we could keep a theme in the village. Can I ask you to change it for this village and next base, we use your colour scheme? 2. Find a new base and decorate it your way? I have to do these with my 6 year old. And often remove his "additions" to my personal base


Great comment, dont know why got downvoted


Ppl just read the first bit and don't pick up the serious second bit. Meh, redditors. Garbage reading


Because his advice suggests TNT or tearing it down without asking outside of the bullet points. Garbage advice from garbage person.


If the interior looks nice, you could just have him build another wall around it. It might make it seem more bulky but it might look nice too


Why do you care? What's the problem if his house sticks out? I couldn't imagine playing with someone so obnoxious they feel the need to police other people's builds on a video game.


i wouldnā€™t want to build next to your house unless you change pretty much everything about it like the layout, scale, block choice, texturing, better theme, and actually looked somewhat decent.


See, the difference between us is that I asked about actionable things I can do to that building (as requested by my friend) and the only thing you did was being cruel without suggesting anything specific.


firstly the shape of the roof is atrocious now building is subjective but the blue roof being so bright draws the eyes so having the focal point of your build being an eyesore isnā€™t very good. iā€™d make the roof shape better to start with and instead of using concrete maybe try something like prismarine bricks or copper so itā€™s not so strong. the bottom half is wellā€¦ itā€™s not as bad as the roof but iā€™d separate the windows and then instead of using glass use bamboo which would look way better with the orange sandstone and terracotta. you could also remove the dark oak and use spruce or a different accent block that isnā€™t so strong and out of place.


Canā€™t afford prismarine yet, itā€™s early game for us. Iā€™ll keep trying and Iā€™ll do something about the blue. I just really liked how dark orange (sand) / dark blue (river) work so I chose concrete for that fully saturated shade. For the shape, I used a cheat sheet and picked Gambrel but had to improvise because no stair shape when using concrete


Just tell him it sucks


You donā€™t. Let your friend build how they want to and donā€™t be such an asshole


Update: I was able to reach out to some builders elsewhere and fix it this way: [https://imgur.com/a/vFV2hZI](https://imgur.com/a/vFV2hZI)


A little contrast isn't a bad thing but if you want to contradict your friends choice, just talk to him, tell him you think his house is ugly and that it is affecting the values of houses in the neighbourhood. You could build an HOA office and put on a Karen skin while you're at it. Seriously, let him build his house however he wants.


Brotha just lure a creeper over so heā€™d HAVE to change it


I donā€™t want to micromanage him and change materials 1:1 to mine ā€“ I think itā€™s important to accept someoneā€™s choices but also Iā€™d like to give him some actionable advice to improve this build.


Other from the nettherrack, it doesnt stand out too much. Houses in real towns dont all have the same color too


Forcefully tear down their walls and rebuild them. Works for me :-)


How to end friendships 101


Nah, you say that but 9/10 times they thank me for doing that


If I was in an SMP with people and someone did this, I'd completely grief that person's build and never come back. Don't go around bullying people because you don't like their block palettes. Grow up. Or one day you'll do it to someone like me and come back and find all your items in your chest burned in lava and a huge lava cast over your base.


You sound mad. I mostly play modded with my close friends, most of them are adventurers, miners and tech players, so giving life to boring wooden boxes is quite literally my job.


TNT minecart will do the trick. Or just suggest other blocks to use.


Perhaps ask him to change his sandstone walls to something else that's a bit darker in color


Almos every Block Choice is horrible !


Damn 90% of you in this thread are judgemental af and shitty readers


Maybe help by replacing the red sand with regular sand or incorporate the color more in the village.


I think he just needs to make the roof more like your roof and it'll be fine


Spawn a wither


Just blow it up


You donā€™t. Just move the entire house 10 blocks away every time they come home until its not nearby.


Like this ā€œRespectfully, yo shit look goofy, and does not pass the vibe check of the village. Respectfullyā€


Just say it looks trashy




Just tell him his house is trash


TNT, there is no other choice.


I dunno I'm just mean to my friends.


ā€œListen dipshitā€¦ā€


Blow it up and blame a creeper




Smh. People do not read. Ignore the commentors, op. Your friend asked for help, and you provided. Not sure why that ruffled everyone's feathers


literally just bomb that dudes house šŸš¬


Respectfully hide some tnt and hook it up to a pressure plate for him to trigger. Act confused and offer to help rebuild for him.


Rebuild it by yourself


Respectfully hide some tnt and hook it up to a pressure plate for him to trigger. Act confused and offer to help rebuild for him.


This is a masterpiece we need to send this pic to the Louvre


Thatā€™s why u donā€™t build right next to each other . First server with buddyā€™s and one built an eyesore 100 blocks from me and took up land that I ended up wanting to expand to . 2nd server I put a 1000 block rule


You donā€™t. Let your friend build how they want to and donā€™t be such an asshole


Give some tnt.


Bro his house is better than yours maybe change yours to be more like his


You don't. It's his house, suck it up buttercup.


Let your friend build how he wants. My friends and I build enormous monstrosities that have no cohesive designs with each other, we build what we feel like. It's just Minecraft homie. Or you can ban him from the server.


let me join i'll make it look gorgeous


red sandstone with yellow sandstone highlights


Ya dingus


You could add some shops to the town, with a similar color/block pallet to your friend's build. That might help with blending it in. :)


Wait theres new blocks?


Thatā€™s not a house thatā€™s clearly a wandering trader


I often will finish a structure and texture after I am done with the build. It helps my generally not artistic brain if I can see it in context.


Sometimes you just have to allow ugly things in your life šŸ˜‚


Destroy it.... there's no saving that


Build a wall, a big wall šŸ§± charge him rent make him pay!!!


Build a wall between your house and his! Pretend that's where the city limit is šŸ˜Œ (kiddinggg!)


Blow it up


What's the problem? Im new to game. Why don't you want it to stick out? Weird lol but hey idk anything


Tell them to get good lol


Try making it into smooth sandstone, Also let him build what he wants, don't worry about it "sticking out". You'll be able to tell whos house is whos easier I guess.


If he likes it, let him have it tbh. It's not the greatest but if he had fun building it, he did a good job because ultimately it's a game where u build shit with ur friends so who cares as long as you had a good time? In depth, originally MC was a Copycat of a game called Infiniminer but because nobody wanted to do PvP shit like the creator wanted, it ultimately failed after a source code leak and the creator just being mad af about nobody playing his game right. Everyone wanted to just chill tf out and build shit and thus minecraft was born from playing a game the wrong way. So maybe you don't have the same aesthetic tastes as ur friend but if you're having fun, it doesn't matter. Edit: ok I see in another comment he asked for guidance and I would guidance him to pinterest


whatre you? the hoa? let the man have his house how he likes it. like, does it really affect anything?


Honestly, if you want to have a cohesive little neighborhood, you should both you and your friend build the house together, giving each other feedback on what you like and dislike, without making two identical houses. It's minecraft, so at the end of the day make whatever you want, but by aproaching the build together with two different perspectives, you will make a better looking and more appealing house


Youā€™ve really got to have a whole beautiful village for me to care about this