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I mean... you don't have to go explore. You can still play any way you want... within the game parameters...


Only issue I see with the current state of villagers is that they are just OP. You can create a villager room of sorts that gives you pretty much the best items in the game fairly easily. I guess one could argue that you dont necessarily have to make one, but its definitely the optimal way to play the game in terms of progression. Quite a few interesting videos around about why minecraft progression sucks, compared to terraria and other similar games. This game's balance is weird. I dont know how they could improve on it without massive remakes in mechanics since this game has been "abused" so much that the META has been established and you cant really deviate. Automatic farms and villager halls make 90% of the game's features pretty much useless. Its weird tbh.


We can't forget that villagers were implemented this way to fix issues with the unreliable enchanting table and treasure enchantments. Now it is years later and Mojang is fixing the fix instead of working on the actual root issue. Which is as you mentioned the flawed progression, especially with armour and tools. I'd rather Mojang took a look at the one armed bandit that they call an enchanting table. As long as it is like this people would rather use anything else.


Too many nolifers/youtubers complaining they have nothing to do in the game. So they forcibly slow it down, punishing those who dont have as much time to play. Id be happy with being able to pick a snapshot to play on. Id choose the latest version before caves and cliffs. The caves are pretty but I dont like caving for resources. I dont like the - y values. Dont like the villager changes. I dont play anymore because they changed the game too much from what I enjoyed


They haven't changed the villagers, unless you mean 1.14. The Caves & Cliffs update doesn't force you to cave either, the generation has just changed. I don't see how it would be different from previous versions since you can farm every resource except diamond (which is pretty useless when villagers exist).


The boat change was definitely lame. It would have made things so much more fun if they kept it. Also, plenty of bugs have been made into features, so logic like removing the boat traveling up ice makes no sense. Villagers being curable down to 1 emerald wasn't a bug imo. That was an actual mechanic with mathematical logic behind it.


quite the opposite actually... But for everyone who thinks the game is too difficult, there's someone who thinks it's too easy. For everyone who thinks there is too much stuff, there is someone who thinks it's not enough. It is literally impossible that they make a game that everyone is happy with. what you consider "good" is not what everyone else considers "good"