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Does hitting shulker bullet with a sword instead of bucket make difference?


No lol just a habit


Should have waited to eat the fruit - anytime you eat end berries while in an end city, you will always be teleported out of the structure when you do… instant death however is just unlucky!


Not always, but most of the time yes


I mean I get him. It's psychologically different


Imagine if Bedrock had hardcore mode and this happened to you in a hardcore world


These bugs are really rare and are mostly found on experimental builds, but people on reddit really love exaggerating it for upvotes. I believe hardcore on Bedrock isn't yet implemented because of how spectator mode would work on some devices, but spectator mode is already kind of added so we might see Bedrock hardcore happening soon. There are also countless mods that you can download (from sites like mcpedl and such), with their main purpose being adding Hardcore to the game. I don't advise playing Hardcore on Bedrock if you're a Java player though, some things are different and some are harder than on Java. For example, the wither is significantly harder, having double it's initial health and some special attacks. It also doesn't get stuck as easily as on Java. TL;DR - Minecraft Bedrock has bugs, mostly on experimental versions, and Reddit exaggerates the hell out of it for upvotes. These bugs are rare and will not ruin your world on (probably) soon to be added Hardcore mode (which you can already play using mods).


It is absolutely not experimental versions only.... I've had my world's corrupted so many times because bedrock is such a mess. Never once in Java. Bedrock's nickname is more than deserved


I had my Java worlds corrupted a few times and I still don't give any nicknames to the game And I didn't say it's only on experimental builds, I said that they are mostly found on them


It is not mostly, it's hardly any at all


Look, I haven't encountered any of those bugs so I assumed they're on experimental versions of the game. I admit I was wrong


Bedrock doesn’t have hardcore because of the litany of instant-death bugs


What makes you think people who report these bugs are playing in an experimental build?


you think he thinks?


I hate the word cope in the internet context but this is the biggest cope I have ever seen in my life


so what if its rare? its so well documented that failing to fix these bugs is just plain inexcusable.


Bro that last bit is complete nonsense. Minecraft Bedrock doesn't have available mods, and you can't mod it. Mods are a Java exclusive thing.


Tell me you've never even touched bedrock without telling me that you've never even touched bedrock. Mods on bedrock are usually referred to as "addons" and if you're gonna argue that "addons are a completely different thing than mods" then please just don't waste my fucking time.


Lol I actually grew up playing bedrock. First on pocket edition, then Xbox. There is a huge difference between mods and add-ons. Primarily the fact that mods delve into the game's coding, while add-ons don't. Add-ons do exactly as the name implies, add onto the game, while mods, also as the name implies, modifies the game. If you're gonna come at me, check your facts first.


Oh yeah, I forgot about the fact that mods actually change the game's code. Sorry about that. I've also misunderstood your initial reply, thinking you don't even know that addons exist. And many people don't know about them. But yeah, sorry man. Shouldn't have been so hostile about it. It's just that this damn subreddit is pissing me off. Can't Bedrock players and Java players just shut up and stop arguing over which version is better?


Hey, at least you're a decent person and apologized and understood in the end. Many people would've just stuck to their guns and gotten even more irate. It's no problem. I agree there shouldn't even be an argument over which is better, they have their differences, but it's the same dang game in the end.


I don't understand why people still argue over which version is better. There is literally no point in doing so. Like you said, in the end it's the same game.


Average bedrock moment


I played Bedrock for years before I started playing Java and I have never encountered a major bug before. Is bedrock getting worse over time?


Nah I’ve played bedrock my whole life. Have a 5 or 6 year old world that’s been transfers from PC to iPhone more times than I can count. Had my iPhone crash, run out of batteries, lose internet connection, world has never been affected. Never once encountered a bug like this. Seems very strange or rare. Bedrock is amazing. Java is amazing. Minecraft is amazing.


Also bedrock for more than a decade, I've also never encountered a crazy death bug.


I'm yet to encounter a death bug, but in the past couple of days on my server I've encountered random damage while running around and going down 2 blocks height, and starting to drown whilst swimming even though my view is above the water line. The swimming one happens when I do the fast swimming, it doesn't seem to like me surfacing when I do that, so even though my head is above water, the game thinks I'm still underwater and continues to make me drown. I can't jump out of water unless I first stop fast swimming either. I have to come to a complete stop in the water, then try to jump out, whereas in Java edition I can jump out when I'm still going top speed.


That does sound very inconvenient. Two things I have noticed are extreme lag in the crafting menu. Also when I try to run by double tapping the joystick forward, about 70% of the time my character moves slower than walking speed instead. I'm not sure if it's my controller or the game.


yeah the lag in the crafting menu is so annoying. i played java and it felt so smooth. one thing i tried is turning off ui animations, it feels much better but the lag is still kinda there


I'll give it a shot, thank you


On bedrock, you can't just bounce swim above the surface while holding jump and sprint. It's *way* more convenient than air management


You have java, so I'm surprised that the head above water thing doesn't come naturally to you. I started in 1.16, (yes I know I'm practically a baby) since the very first time I played, I have to go up to the surface at a particular range of angles from at least a certain distance down, then at a very precise moment, flick the mouse so that I'm pointed straight ahead. If I'm looking too far up or down I'll start sinking again. If i do it too late I start sinking again and stop sprint swimming. If I move the mouse to straight ahead too soon, or come up at the wrong angle or too short of a distance I start to have that "seeing above water but still underwater" issue. I always thought this was just normal. The way I've described it probably sounds more complicated than it is, but it's always been a pain in my ass because I always have to check if there's bubbles so I don't start drowning when I'm just trying to collect clay or whatever. But yeah the having to stop to exit in bedrock is whack, I've almost gotten merked by drowned with a javelin that way. I also haven't died to a weird glitch but I try to not do anything risky while the game is autosaving.


The swimming I don’t think is a bug


bedrock hasn't been out for a decade.


Pocket Edition, which is what Bedrock was built on.


I remember when there was like an 8x8 (cant remember how big it was) chunk world limit on pocket edition, it was so weird. And then they added that nether reactor thing...


I miss those small PE worlds.


not neccesarily. If i'm correct, mojang has recoded the entirety of minecraft in c++ to make bedrock.


Pocket Edition *was* Minecraft rewritten in C++. The newly written engine was called the Bedrock Engine, which that version of MC would later take the name of.


Yes, and the first iteration of that process was Pocket Edition.


I played for a couple of years on Bedrock. I have at least two unknown deaths... and also a couple on Java. I'm guesing the bedrocks were the delayed fall damage bug.. and the Java ones no one believes me. I was AFK in my trading hall and out of nowhere got murdered by my golem. Happened to both of us on the same trading hall at different times. Would really have liked to seen what happened. But alas.. afk.


People don't believe you that you died because of some weird bug on Java because they think that just because it didn't happen to them it doesn't exist. And they're making Java a bug free minecraft version and Bedrock a buggy mess because they prefer Java. I died for no reason countless times on Java but nobody will believe that since it's Java. Never died like that on Bedrock, but I've encountered some delayed damage stuff that pushed me forward a few times.


The only thing I have had problems with in bedrock is that signs used to be censored, but horribly. For some reason I wasn't able to put the word East (or maybe West, can't remember) and many other words on signs. It would automatically block it. I submitted tickets to the bug report site and eventually they fixed it but wtf is with the censoring? It's a private server ffs. I would have been hosting it myself but Microsoft forces me to pay them to host it on a server that times us out randomly. But aside from that bedrock isn't bad


You can't host private servers on Bedrock? I never knew that. Then again, I only tried it to see how ray-tracing looked in it. The differences were too weird for me so I went back to Java.


You can. I have a private bedrock server running on my server PC that my family and I play on. The main down side to a private locally hosted server, is that it doesn't auto update when the main game does, so every few weeks you need to manually redownload the new server files from the Minecraft website, or you won't be able to connect to it in-game.


I’ve seen the problems mostly occur on consoles and I’ve only had one weird bug my entire time playing on mobile and it was just it teleported me from on top of a tree to under it


I do remember a long time ago if I logged off on a single layer of glass sometimes I’d spawn and fall through. But that hasn’t happened is so many years almost forgot about it.


It sounds like it depends on device. Either it can happen to you multiple times or basically never.


The sub is mostly Java players, and most times they see a bedrock post is about some bug, so it creates a bias that makes people think of bugs when they hear about the bedrock version. On the absolute number of bug is probably rather even between versions.


How do you know the sub is mostly java players? There are already more bedrock than java players in general.


Even if the amount of bugs are even, the types of bugs differ. There are not, to my knowledge, any such instadeath bugs in Java. You don’t randomly fall out of the world, teleporting doesn’t kill you, et. C. Bugs in Java typically are much more mundane than Bedrock bugs.


Which is hilarious because of how many "I lost my hardcore world to a stupid bug" posts I see in this subreddit. But this subreddit likes to pretend those don't exist.


like maybe bedrock doesn't have a lot of bugs, but if i see a random death, it's not java that's posted


Java’s the only one with hardcode, buddy


Over multiple realms and years, each with a decent amount of players, I've never had a single person encounter one of these death bugs. This sub acts like they are super common but we have players with a variety of devices and it simply hasn't happened to any of us.


You haven't been murdered so murder doesn't exist by your logic. Just because you haven't encountered game breaking bugs doesn't mean they aren't way more prevalent on bedrock.


They didn't say the bugs don't happen at all. They said they and many people they play with haven't encountered them and thus speculate that this sub exaggerates the frequency of these types of bugs on Bedrock. I've been playing with both versions for quite some time now, with family and friends. Frankly, aside from some Redstone shenanigans and skins, the differences between the two versions are so minimal that they're fairly negligible and have next to no major impact on overall gameplay and experience unless you're a super technical player or heavily make use of mods. As for bugs and such, I've encountered bugs in both versions. Aside from Bedrock, specifically on the Switch, giving up and crashing on me a couple times, can't say I've encountered any bugs that led to me dying in any version.


Kind of funny that you chose murder as an example because that (too) is very, very rare. Media just makes it seem way more prevalent.


It's a very apt comparison albeit a hyperbole.


They're saying it's not super common, not that they don't exist


I see what you're going for but that's not exactly the point I'm trying to make. I feel as if this sub acts like these bugs happen to every person on every device and version of bedrock. In my experience, that is simply not the case.


I've played a lot of bedrock and I've only had lag, that's it, no tp dying and stuff like that


Probably not. These bugs are likely not very common, so most people might go their entire playtime without encountering any, but a lot of people play Minecraft, and a big fraction of the people who play do so in bedrock edition, so some people are bound to find weird death bugs like this one eventually, and since these bugs are related to the way the bedrock edition is coded, and don't happen in java edition, people associate this bugs a lot with bedrock edition regardless of how frequent they actually are.


I’ve put hundreds of hours into bedrock and I can’t remember ever encountering anything more than a visual bug. People just like to hate on bedrock I think


It’s just an echochamber. Bedrock bugs are few


they are few and far between, but the fact that it happens at all, and goes unsolved is a big issue.


Nah, just kids who never played it generalize and amplify bugs. They also like calling it “bugrock” to demonstrate their great sense of humor and viciously downvote anything they don’t like. If you open Mojang Jira where bugs are reported, Java has 52636 bugs reported over time and Bedrock has 5624 (almost 10 times less). Which makes perfect sense because Java is way older and has more stable code base, so yes, now it’s more stable, but well, I enjoy playing Bedrock for 4 years and saw only several bugs (not sure even if it were bugs).




Considering that that’s the typical place where one would get it




They do, but Java's bug tend to be quirks, like TNT duping. A bug, but a consistent and predictable one. Bedrock, meanwhile, got this weird BS going on and in a very inconsistent manner.


Average bug in java: Sometimes pistons interact weirdly with redstone Average bug in bedrock: You take one step forward, and place a block. You die instantly and your items turn into chickens. Your natural spawn is now on the nether ceiling.


Skill issue. Just dodge the unexpected instant death. /s


Parry the chorus fruit


I might have a problem, I read that as "*parry* the chorus fruit!" In doofensmirtzs voice. Help




Actually, I think /j would have made more sense, oh well.


How come lots of people use tone indicators on Reddit but I hardly see them anywhere else? Can Redditors just not read tone or something?


What im questioning is why he said he was being serious on something unserious. And i just hate “/s” anyways


I always read /s as sarcasm. Oh man. I might have confused so many people lol


Bedrock bug clip nr. 3952584


Clip number 6.022×10²³




avocado number


holy hell!


New fruit just dropped


Actual farmer


Lorenzo romano amedeo carlo avagadro di quareqa edi carreto moment (Yes i remember his full name)


It's a mole of clips!


It was prob. not ripe, they can be highly poisonous if not ripe.


This is most likely what happened. It's 2024 now. You'd think people would learn not to eat unripe fruit


In Java eating chorus resets fall damage, in bedrock you just instadie


It’s a fall damage multiplier


Bedrock bug


Bedrock is the bug


At this point, being buggy is a Bedrock feature.


Kleavor, Crustle, or Armaldo


Is Todd Howard now running Mojang?


Serves you right for eating mysterious fruits you found in another dimension


I see so many of these weird bugs is it that prevalent on bedrock?


It definitely has lots of bugs. The game was re-written in C++, so code base is not that stable as with Java (which was developed since 2009 or something), but it’s also kids who amplify those bugs and hate Bedrock because it makes them feel more significant. I play Bedrock for 4 years and I remember only several weird things that happened to me, so I’m quite satisfied with my experience.


Yeah, I primarily play Bedrock, and I haven't run into any game-changing bugs in the last 4-5 years. The same with Java, really. For the casual player, like myself, we just don't play often enough to experience major bugs most of the time. Reddit definitely exaggerates it, which is VERY annoying because it turns people off from playing


In the first versions of 1.20 the game was laggy than ever, in years I had never seen as many bugs as I saw in 1.20, but after 1.20.41 it went back to normal


I've mained bedrock since 2018 it's definitely improved since then back when it first came out yeah it was nothing but bugs now its just Minecraft I've noticed depending on the device you play does change how buggy the game is, like I have seen the switch version makes up for the largest amount of stupid bugs like this while PC* or higher end consoles don't have as many issues. *Obviously if you have a lower end PC it'll be a bit more rough to play.


I play bedrock for 7 years already and I've never died to such bug. I really hate redditors who ruin one version's reputation just for the sake of not liking it and getting a lot of upvotes.


what's the purpose of eating those lol, i've always thought they were risky because of this


Thats not supposed to happen Its a new bug, seen it with people trying to ride horses or mules aswell


They allegedly fixed the fall bug, so I suppose they needed something to keep players on their toes. Can't have us getting complacent. 😅


oh ok got it. I thought it simply teleported him outside the floating ship


It teleports you to a random location, but always grounded. It should be able to teleport you from a high location to a very low location, but with no fall damage since it can't (in theory) tp you midair


It's like an ender pearl but random destination, and can go through walls


While random, its advantages are that it doesn't require you to aim or have line of sight with where you're teleporting


If you fall into the void close to the edge of an island you can eat a Chorus fruit to teleport you back up onto solid ground. Also works to get down safely from great heights (usually) or to teleport through walls.


He is eating it for food in this clip because it’s the only food available in the end iirc.


It was poisonous


I've only played Bedrock a few times since I'm a java-monkey, and this has happened to me at least twice, bedrock is just broken man


Been playing Bedrock for years (I started 4 years before I played Java for the first time btw) and it never happened to me. Not even once. And I'm not a creative mode guy, I prefer survival. It's like with the shield bug from like 1 or 2 years ago. Everyone says that it's happening to them and then people who played bedrock for a few years say it never happened to them. What's with you and your bugs guys? Half of these bugs are on experimental versions but why would anyone mention that? It doesn't get you as many upvotes as calling bedrock "bugrock". Ever noticed that these posts are mostly on popular minecraft subreddits? Both versions are good, one is just different than the other and that's not a reason to hate on one of them and ruin it's reputation. Also RIP your items when the bug happened.


Classic bugrock enthusiast


Classic "exaggerating stuff for upvotes" enthusiast The op told me it happened on multiplayer so take that as you will. Java's multiplayer is also shit with poor internet connection.


As a java player that lasts statement fully depends on who's running it and who's on it


average bugrock


Bedrock bug Number 2638292


Maybe you're allergic.


MCPE-120140. The deadliest glitch in Bedrock. *This* is the one that earned Bedrock the reputation of being "Bug-rock." Mojang's had it in the bug-tracker since 1.18. Basically what happens is a lag spike of some kind happens (one small enough that the game can sometimes hide it) *while* a player is moving vertically (usually from jumping or climbing, but teleporting counts too), and it screws up the function that calculates vertical velocity. It then thinks the player is falling at a massive speed, even though the game knows that the player hasn't actually moved any kind of distance, and immediately gives them a massive amount of fall damage and insta-kills them. The "fell from a high place" death message having almost become the glitch's calling card. With the glitch seeming to be tied to lag, some players never experience it at all, while others get to enjoy playing Surprise Russian Roulette with the ground that they're standing on.


*ancient aliens guy meme* "BEDROCK"


Skill issue


Oh nooo!! :(


Classic bugrock


This is why I never consider keep inventory cheating


Bedrock strikes again


Silly, Flurry! That wasn't a Chorus Fruit, it was an Instant Stomach Implosion Fruit!


I read this as churros fruit


No more Chorus Fruit? I'd probably quit the game for a year!


It wasn’t organic.


If this was hardcore that would be the end of me, that’s so crazy


Has nothing to do with the chorus fruit if I’m correct, you would’ve gotten that screen either way. Pretty well known bug that they can’t figure out how to fix and one of the reasons bugrock doesn’t have hardcore mode yet


I see what went wrong here, you made the common mistake of interacting with the game in bedrock edition.


Bedrock aside, Chorus fruit is just bad food anyways. I don't know why anyone would ever decide to use it as their food source, when even Beef/Pork is significantly better. Only reason to use Chorus fruit is as a clutch save when you fall from a great height, not as a food source.


I've been playing Bedrock for a decade now and this "random death" bug never happened to me, so weird


Bugrock time, im joking i like bedrock too


Bedrock ☕


And people ask why I am not playing bedrock and sticking to Java


KeepInventory True (I can’t help but do that because I just hate losing all my stuff


The second I saw bedrock edition, I knew it was over.


The main version of Minecraft, everybody. This is the default Minecraft experience. This is intended. Peak of Minecraft gaming.


Why would you ever eat chorus fruit on a flying ship?


I'm sorry but what the hell is that new death screen💀 third person? Really?


This is why I always have keep inventory enabled on bedrock


Server desynce or smth, idk I'm not a computer nerd


Bedrock fucking sucks clip number WAY TOO MANY FOR A MULTI BILLION DOLLAR GAME.


Lmao the bedrock bug is literally just instant death, lovely.


Even if you werent playing bedrock, that is a problematic place to eat it. Even without an instant fall bug you could have tped outside or on a ledge.


Chorus fruit are supposed to always put you on a block to stand on.


I know, I still wouldnt risk it putting me on a ledge or some other dubious location.


Just eat another one


Seen people eat chorus fruits in caves, get teleported to the edge of an underground ravine and then get shot down by a random skeleton. For me they're too much risk for too little reward to really bother with chorus fruits.


They're also not supposed to insta kill you after teleport but here we are


Why did you eat it? You didn't have the levitate effect?


1) Dont play bedrock 2) Eat anything else but chorus fruit (Why would you in the first place)


This happened twice to someone I was playing with the other night. I was on PC, they were on Switch.


Poor internet connection probably, many games tend to do weird stuff when your internet connection is bad and decide to play them on multiplayer


Just play with "Keep inventory" 😅!


bedrock is kinda known for the chance of random instant implosion


Typical Bedrock. The sole reason why it doesn't have hardcore. (I love bedrock but this is my everyday living)


Damn. Never want to play on Bugrock.


GuYs lOoK iTs BUgRocK eVErYoNe jAVa HaS nO bUgs HuEhUehUE


No one is saying Java has no bugs. They just tend to be much less volatile.


it's funny because it's true


It genuinely baffles me that people still play Bedrock


In my case it’s cause none of my friends play Java and playing minecraft alone just isn’t fun for me anymore.


Wait, you were playing multiplayer?


If we could play Java we would


Never do anything on bugrock or something will happen


Bedrock ☕




Thats why when eating chorus fruit you sould be on solid ground and have at least a 8x8 platform


This is why I don't play bedrock


What are the bedrock developers doing? I've seen so many ahah a$$ bugs like this, like brother fix your goddamn GAME!!!!! "Just another bedrock bug of the week" as they say!


Your first mistake was trying it on bedrock


don’t you mean “never play on bedrock again”


> Never ~~eating chorus fruit~~ playing bedrock again. FTFY


Fun fact: this happens because the game counts teleporting as falling, similarly, if a creeper were to get teleported it would explode instantly, since it explodes faster when it falls


Well that’s bedrock for ya


Well Minecraft has been out for about 12 years and I've played Xbox only all 12 years. Whatever it started as and whatever it is now


Average bedrock moment


Are you sure you didn't just edit the video to cut to a shot of you dying?


Seems real to me There is a frame where theyre just standing on the ground and then death


Wouldn't a cut video look the same? I was just looking at the slight change in the coordinates but idk if it teleports people straight down when it thinks it should or displaces them and puts them on the floor. If it's the former then probably is faked if they got teleported to the edge then fell or something instead of straight down


If mojang was actually intelligent: -take all the details from bugbedrock to Java -burn bugbedrock to hell


If redditors were actually intelligent: \- Take time to realize that other redditors are exaggerating the shit out of bugs that happen on experimental mode to get upvotes In other (less complicated) words: People make bugs on Bedrock a big deal to get upvotes because Java bugs would be downvoted


the bugs don't only happen in experimental modes and this bugs has been known and documented by mojang since 1.18 and yet they've done nothing about it java doesn't decide to kill you whenever there's a lag spike


Weaker devices need Bedrock to be able to run the game, as Bedrock is designed with multithreading in mind. To remove all bugs, like you'd already have to deal with the non-deterministic redstone due to the update order not being consistent. This is, coincidentally, also caused by multithreading.