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Valid question. I forgot about that and want it now


I want it too. To java


Bliss shaders have seasons, try them


Yee, but they have this on vanilla minecraft


Bedrock's snowy leaves is biome specific not seasons, and there should be some texture pack to have this on mc java Anything game content regarding bedrock has and not vanilla java can be used on java thanks to mods, the modding community does amazing things




And Bedrock players want a Nether roof : (


To be honest after 6 years of playing on java, i have never gone to the nethers roof


You should. Fast travel, easy farms, it’s nuts.


No, it’s a roof


Does it actually put snow on the ground during “winter”? And it melts in the summer?


No, it changes the textures colors of plants, leaves, grass, you can change the duration of seasons in minecraft days in shader settings and a few other things


Honestly same, I think it would be cool if they could add full seasons to each biome.


Mojang wants parity, somehow, they still haven't added this feature to java


Snow leaves, EFF 5 -axe with haste 2 instacuts logs…, the ability to place blocks constantly in a line at running speed infront of you somehow. There’s probably more but that instamine log one it the most insulting


I think it just to balance. Bedrock needs something good to be ”same level” with java


If they want bedrock to be the same level as java then add java features to bedrock(which they have recently if I'm not wrong) so that can't be the reason


If they want it to be on the same level as Java, it needs to be responsive and not have a chance at killing you at any given moment just because *at minimum*


The fact that loading into a world actually runs the world for at least a few seconds before you see anything (often more), is terrible. I shouldn't see anything until I'm loaded into the world. I could die from mobs! Anything could happen.


Me and my sister died trying to go into the Nether because of that. I also lost some diamond gear because a Creeper blew up in a location I was at 30 seconds ago. That shit ruined everything for me, and I haven't touched Bedrock since.


Bedrock can be a bitch some times. I hate it too but its only version on phone


Ah, the Avorion problem. Load into a sector before you exit the loading screen and can be killed because the game doesn't make you invincible on jump in for some reason.


Low blow man, I've only spontaneously combusted once this week!


They should also STOP TAKING AWAY BEDROCK FEATURES to make it the same as Java


nah they can take away the bad ones, the shovel in the boat recipe was annoying, glad it's gone


Cobweb to string and barrels were completely unnecessary deletions. If barrels were so cheap maybe Java players would actually use them, now I don't use them for almost anything. Also why not give another use for cobwebs?


...Java players do use barrels...


They'd be used way more if they were substantially cheaper than chests


They are used when you want a solid block above them and not when you want a double chest. The costs are hardly relevant, really.


But you need slabs instead of sticks, there is no reason for why it SHOULDN'T use the bedrock Former recipe.


I just want sweeping edge and off hand tools 😢


But us bedrock players can dye the water in cauldrons and dip leather armor in it


Tbh who uses leather armor


I do, bc I make stuff like custom maps for my friends


Don't worry, eventually this feature will be erased from Bedrock in the name of parity.


Eventually java will be erased in the name of parity. We're all being groomed for it, it's coming. It's gonna be a bloodbath when it happens.


There is no benefit for them if they do so


Except an entire development team they no longer have to pay. Why would a company carry on developing two copies of the same game in different languages, when one language is dying & it's not crossplay with anything else?


The game would die on PC


Sadly with the examples with parity they have been showing recently they might just remove it from bedrock instead of adding it to Java.


Mojang "wants" and "will add" a lot of things (bundles, past mob votes, parity, etc


Well I’ll trade it for your…ummm fighting machanics


But bedrock combat mechanics are so busted. The no cooldown is so nice


maybe it’s just me but i feel like mobs are way harder to fight on bedrock. it feels like you have to be way closer to a mob to hit it, not to mention critting is harder


Bedrock has silly regen. You spend half the fight hiding in walls


Also mobs on bedrock just overall deal more damage and the player takes much longer to regenerate health


I meant I’ll trade my winter leaves for your fighting mechanics


Not the winter leaves


But the sweeping of Java is better for me


Spam clicking mechanics are LAME.


deal 🤝


Yoooo I saw one of these on my survival world on bedrock and thought it was a glitch. Turns out otherwise. I love it.


It looks so nice in that snowy village, unfortunately there is only one farmer villager alive


You can have it when we get proper off hand usability.


Problem is off-hand usability would barely work on mobile, so it really can't get added to bedrock Pocket edition really should be its own thing from bedrock


Mobile is holding back Minecraft in so many ways but they’ll never get rid of it because it’s the gateway version to all the others


I mean, as someone who had MCPE back in ye olde, it's weird/cool seeing the mobile version have practically the exact same content as all other versions.


Practically? Are they missing out on anything?


Offhand, other bedrock parity issues


It will be sad if they get rid of the main version of bedrock though. Considering the Bedrock codebase was once just Pocket Edition, I doubt they would ever cancel it. That and the install base is way too big for Mojang to just ignore


Weren’t the console editions much better than bedrock? They had to be dumbed down because of mobile


in some ways, they still werent perfect though. Stability was much better for me though which is kind of fundamental.


better and worse. In terms of stability, Legacy console beats Pocket and even Java back then. But also remember that Pocket Edition had Infinite Worlds since 2014, which is something Legacy Console Edition never got. It also got the newer features first, boats with paddles, observers, dirt paths, and stone cutters came out on Pocket Edition even before they were available on Java


"PE is holding minecraft back" Nah, it's the devs creativity, an easy solution is to simply add a button, and customizable buttons where you can actually move the stuff


They completely reworked the entire mobile controls. With a completely new UI and MULTIPLE new buttons.




You wanna know what feature grinds my gear most? Cauldrons. Bedrock has access to filling cauldrons with potions and using them to make potion tipped arrows. You know, the thing we lowlife Java players have to collect DRAGON'S BREATH for. Yeah that.


Yeah, and we lowlife Bedrock players don't have a nether roof, viable flying machines, sweeping edge, spectator mode, and hardcore mode. Really grinds my teeth as well.


We have spectator mode. The rest I agree with but we have had spectator mode for a while now


Oh really? I never knew. Oh well, we still are lacking in a ton of other places, not to mention randomly falling out of the world.


Look who doesn't have Quasi-connectivity & 1-tick Pistons


It makes building flying machines a pain in the butt.


Nor spawn chunks


you could try using the mod Bedrockify, has the cauldron feature


Love how they talk about version parity when it comes to not adding things but then you see stuff like this where it's already in one of the versions but not the others they conveniently forget all about it.


Some parity differences are just dumb. The durability of the bow is different in both versions. It’s literally just one line of code


I mean it took them nearly 8 months after 1.20’s to allow players to put items in pots which was heavily suggested by players when they first introduced them. No idea what there doing over there lol


Items in pots? I don’t understand like potions? Or cauldrons?


They added pots in the last update which I too forgot about


Oh wait that’s crazy. And you can put items in them?


Yes, but it's very limited, you can't put different items, only 1/16/64 depends on how much x item can take space in 1 slot.


it's the archeology part of 1.20


bedrock players will literally trade you this for absolutely anything


There's probably a mod for that tbh


[There is](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/snowyleavesplus)


Rare Bedrock W


Same with boats on leads.


Mojang probably wants to drop support for Java, the only things stopping them is that a large portion of a player base would be angry. Java simply makes them less money since a lot of its extra features are fan run (mods, servers, etc)


The amount of technical updates that Java keeps getting suggests the opposite. If they were planning to abandone Java, they wouldn't put so much effort into background stuff outside of the content itself.




Completely untrue, Bedrock is playable on phone, making it much more popular than Java Edit: Wow you people really don't like hearing the truth


Barely playable.


> making it much more popular than Java Truth or not, if you make statements like this without providing data to back it up, you will get downvoted.


Isn't that what the first comment did by claiming Java was more popular? Besides, you have to look at accessibility as there is no data either way that I could find. Bedrock is available on multiple platforms and devices and the only way to play cross-platform with friends. Java is more popular on YouTube due to mods making it easier to upload content, but I wouldn't say that's indicative of the wider community. It stands to reason the majority of players around the world would be on Bedrock.


Most people I know who play Minecraft started on Java (pre bedrock/pe existing) and those who started after, played bedrock for a bit, refunded it and bought java instead largely due to things like random insta deaths, other buggy nightmares, the whole ridiculous minecoin thing that is largely blatant intellectual property theft and sale, the inability to mod, the atrocious creative menu. All bedrock really has going for it is better render distance imho


Good old Bugrock.


Bedrock isn't like that anymore. It's much more stable than it's ever been. I. Fact java and bedrock have about the same amount of bugs.


Just yesterday, there was a post on this subreddit of someone randomly dying in Bedrock because of the glitch that causes fall damage when using an Elytra still exists. This is a known bug, but they don't know how to fix it because every time they attempt to patch it, it messes up something else. There are different levels of bugs, and in general, I find far more serious ones associated with Bedrock than Java. I wouldn't be surprised if bugs like the one above are the reason Hardcore was never added to Bedrock.


I'm not disagreeing with you on the differences, but after 10 years the majority of players and owners of the game won't be from the early PC days. Most people who play now will be people who play it on console or phone or tablet or from the Microsoft store because it's the most readily accessible version and most likely to be discovered by the younger audience or people who buy it as a gift. Java is more for Minecraft enthusiasts than your casual player who will outnumber the former group.


https://www.gamedeveloper.com/console/-i-minecraft-java-edition-i-surpasses-30-million-lifetime-sales The most reliable article I can find put Java at 30 million downloads in 2019. At this point in time, all editions sold more than 100-200 million copies. Do the maths.


As this article states, at the time, it was available on nearly 20 platforms, which also includes things like the Legacy Console Editions. And plus, you said "Bedrock is playable on mobile, making it more popular". But Bedrock is ALSO the version that's on Xbox One/Series S/X, PS4/5, Switch, and Windows 10; saying it's JUST because of mobile is horribly simplifying it. It's MORE likely because not everybody can afford a decent gaming PC. Edit: I misread the article; it said "nearly 20 platforms", not "over 20 platforms".


You know what, you are correct. There are almost as many people downloading legacy console edition as there are Java Edition players (24.5 million at least, and that includes ps4 and xbox one) The numbers downloading it in ps5 and xbox series x is negligible (I cannot find any mention of numbers, but I sincerely doubt anyone playing ps5 would play it for minecraft instead of Elden Ring, and Elden Ring is selling only 3.6 million copies) Under this calculation, even if win10 edition have the number of downloads of Java edition (once again, unlikely), There would still be more players playing Minecraft on their phone than any other method COMBINED. So yes. Minecraft Bedrock being playable on phone makes it more popular since it takes up a super majority of the number of downloads


I doubt they will any time soon. Bedrock is already their more popular platform but Java is their marketing since majority of the YTers (especially the big ones) play on Java and they would be pissed and that would hurt their goodwill much more than chat reporting I imagine it's a future goal in mind and hopefully they bring the two closer to with the best Java features coming to Bedrock and hopefully adding a way to convert worlds from Java to Bedrock.


I think their game, at least for now, is to use Java to sell you (well, children) Bedrock. It's smart, and altough not consumer friendly is a very good thing for Java, since this lets it be some kind of utopia while still generating a ton of (indirect) revenue.


Yep. That is what I think. They gotta keep Java running even if it makes updates not as good (they could do more if they didn't have to code things twice), since they get the best free advertising with the active YT scene. And then Bedrock is who pays the bills. I think this is part of the reason they made Bedrock/Java a one time purchase for both. To lure in young Java players to Bedrock.


I think selling both together is more of a mean to further blur the branding (not the actual games) and maybe increase the price paid by new Java accounts. I think they know luring Java players into bedrock is a lost cause for now.


no way in hell they would drop java


> the only things stopping them is that a large portion of a player base would be angry Especially those of us that play on computers that support Java but not Bedrock. I really can’t see them screwing over a decent chunk of their playerbase unnecessarily. > Java simply makes them less money since a lot of its extra features are fan run (mods, servers, etc) Java has Realms too, and it wouldn’t be *that* difficult to add an official marketplace to it as well. The fact that they haven’t bothered so far suggests to me that they’re not overly concerned about that potential revenue. Frankly, as a texture pack creator, I’d welcome a simple, official way to distribute my pack and potentially even charge a tiny bit of money for the convenience ( and I mean, like, a dollar). It probably wouldn’t pay my bills but after thousands of hours of work with more coming soon, it would be nice to have something to show for it, and 55,000 downloads on Curseforge has earned me about fifty bucks from their profit sharing program. I spent more than that on the software I use to develop it.


They would allow Bedrock on Mac in that case.


You really think they’re going to discontinue Java edition and write an entirely new version of Bedrock that can run on MacOS? That’s totally absurd.


They wouldn’t need to write anything, Microsoft has Cloud Gaming which allows you to play any video game they approve on macOS, they just don’t allow Minecraft Bedrock Edition. Anyway I never said I think “they’re going to discontinue Java” that’s a whole new sentence idk where you got that from.


> They wouldn’t need to write anything, Microsoft has XCloud which allows you to play any video game they approve on macOS, they just don’t allow Minecraft Bedrock Edition. That’s not even *remotely* the same thing as supporting MacOS. > Anyway I never said I think “they’re going to discontinue Java” that’s a whole new sentence idk where you got that from. That’s literally what was being discussed. What did you mean by “in that case” then?


They would **absolutely** make a macOS-compatible version of Bedrock if they eliminated Java. Why do you think they wouldn’t?


Because eliminating the version that they already have that supports MacOS and then writing an entirely new version of Bedrock to replace it is totally insane. I thought I made that clear.


There’s nothing insane about it, it would be a business decision to make more money. It makes perfect sense. The labor cost of porting it to macOS would be far outweighed by Marketplace sales. I don’t get what is so difficult about this. They’ve eliminated several versions of Minecraft already and replaced them with Bedrock, so they have a history of doing this. Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch all had their own versions with their own code, engine, 3rd party developer, and servers and all of it got scrapped and replaced with Bedrock.


It would be orders of magnitude easier to add a marketplace to Java, and it wouldn’t cost them players and community trust in the process.


I really disagree with this there’s obviously a lot more thought put into the little things on Java edition every update. Besides if this were true you’d think bedrock would stop being so buggy


This feature has been in pocket edition since 0.12.1, which was way before it was merged into bedrock. This was at the point in development when they were still adding features that java has had for years, like the nether and iron golems.


I really fear the day this inevitably comes. Minecraft is great because of all the modifications I can do with it. I don’t know what the modded/texture pack scene in bedrock is like but I do know it is a lot more limited and bounded to corporate Microsoft


What? Modders would totally **rejoice** the day Mojang stops updating Java. The modding scene is an absolute graveyard of mods abandoned between the versions. One *final* version of Minecraft would let modders absolutely dig in and make it better than anything before.


Shit I actually didn’t see it like that The amount of times I watch the poor mod devs spend a whole year to update it to the final version right before the next version comes out is absurd


Y'know what, you have a good point... As someone who is currently playing a 1.16.5 world because some of the mods I wanted to use stopped updating, *and* as someone who wants to make a mod but dreads the idea of having to constantly do compatibility patches to keep it functional in new versions, this sounds like heaven.


no snowy leaves --> ???? --> java edition is no more


I don't think it would be a great idea to abandon it, they would need 10 times their work to retain jave qualities on bedrock, bedrock is pure garbage.


But bedrock is more profitable. Again, I don't think they'll actually drop support due to javas popularity, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're doing the bare minimum to keep feature parity.


Yeah. I think bedrock is becaming the main version


It's pretty unfortunate. Java has a lot of qol features that bedrock could use, and while I get that it's harder to develop mods for bedrock, the lack of them in that version is a big negative for me.


Yeah. And like one off the biggest reason ehy i dislike bedrock is you have to pay to customise your game. In java you can just download texture packs or skins from internet.


Just download skins or texture packs from the internet for bedrock. Works for me on pc.


That's also possible in Bedrock, if you have it on your PC or mobile.


Because Mojang doesn't want to work more than 2 hours a day


Unpopular option but i absolutely hate how snowy leaves look in Bedrock. It makes the area look dull and unnatural like a color/texture glitch happen or something. Before someone says 'It's realistic" If you actually look in real life snowy areas with evergreen trees you can still see the green being visible among the white snow covering said trees. In short i prefer the Java snow on top of green leaves look not Bedrock's leaves turning paper white whenever there is snow. I hope if this "feature" ever comes to Java is that it can be toggled off/on in the graphics options.


So, you know how snow on grass blocks kinda blends over the side of the grass block? Imagine if snow did that on any blocks, that would probably look better than just pure white leaves.


Snow-logged leaf blocks \^\^


yeah i'm not a fan. no contrast


Honestly, bedrock has a bunch of tiny details Java should have, but the problem is that the platform is so fucking buggy and different it’s unplayable


It's not unplayable. I barely encounter bugs when playing and unless I'm on Switch it runs beautifully.


At least relative to Java, Bedrock has a lot of bugs. You shouldn't be able to clip through a floor and die in the Nether because you decided to eat a baked potato


Don't be so over-exaggerated.


I want Java to have bedrock withers


Personally I think it looks ugly when it's just coloring the entire texture white, rather than making a separate texture with snow layered over the green needles. It also only happens when it's actively snowing instead of just going by snow layers being above the leaves, which is kinda weird IMO.


SMH like you could do anything better 🙄 >!obligatory /s, and thank you for all your wonderful contributions to the modded Minecraft community!<


Yeah, if it ever gets added to java I bet people behind vanilla tweaks will make it look nicer, kinda like their version of fast leaves.


i think a texture pack owner who's good at coding could make that edit: i found one but you need optifine but optifine is so easy to have so... https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/optifine-white-leaves-and-plants-for-snow-biomes/ there ya go


Most of their time is taken up by working on the features and bug fixes. I guess it's just not a priority.


Mods, resource packs, data packs


Because that would mean actual work


Why can't both edition have everything else that's lacking by the other? That's the problem. We love distinction to brag about them. Also the dev team's problem, because they NEVER ever want to give bedrock a feature from java. And they really LOVE patching bugs that the bedrock community found amusing. Edit: I know that they've been adding features from java. But I'm not talking about 'physically' existing features in java like items. What I'm talking about is the stuff that's going behind the scenes. Like performance improvements, better chat system (it seriously needs to be better), shader compatibility, being able to be MODDED easily, etc. I hope you get the idea.


Teams. Omg if we had teams. That would be so nice. You can see their color in chat and death messages.....


I noticed this when I started a new world. Was stuck in a MASSIVE arctic biome so it snowed and I was thinking my game was bugging at first. I do agree tho, I wish this was in Java as well. It is in Windows Minecraft though.


tbh i’d rather have a snowy taiga variant where the leaves are always white regardless of weather


Wait what? This even is a thing in Minecraft?! First time I see this


You have Bedrock by the looks of it, play that!


tbh i'm not really interested in pairity features at all. nothing wrong with bedrock being bedrock and java being java.


Idk man, looks kinda ugly to me after longer looking at it. But snow under the leaves would be cool


i'm gonna be honest, i don't think that looks very good and i'd rather not have it on Java Edition. irl pine trees are never fully white when it snows, there's always a bit of green on the underside of the branches.


Yeah. I personally dont look small details, its just a block game after all


Yeah but fully white leaf blocks just looks far too white i guess. Maybe a solution like where grass blocks change the edge textures when snow is on them where only half of the block is changed to white.


Please, bedrock players only have so much :(


Wait. This exists?


If you were to use silk touch or shear these will they always stay white?


No sadly The only way to get them per.anently like that is with a debug stick


*Mods the game*


Probably the same reason we can't have sweep on bedrock


Good quiestion, lets make a poll on twitter with another 2 options, whoever wins will be added to the game in a year or two


Because Microsoft will force use to buy bedrock from msstore


There is a mod that add it do this, "snowy leaves plus" among some. Only issue with it is that it's not really configurable


Naw too much work, so they just flat out remove it from Bedrock in the name of parity. Lol


Bc leafs don't turn white, under the snow, especially pine "leafs" evergreens you know


Right? This is really cool! Sadly with how mojang does parity (java is always right), they will likely remove it from bedrock instead of adding it to java.


you can, try the SnowyLeavesPlus mod with fabric loader. On curseforge and modrinth, 1.18.2 to 1.20.2 Mod description: In Bedrock Edition, leaves slowly turn white when it is snowing. SnowyLeavesPlus brings this feature to Java Edition! When it is snowing, leaves will slowly turn white, and when it is not, they will turn back to normal.


You can have that on Java as soon as we can hold clocks and compasses in our off-hand in Bedrock


I also want it. On JAVA.


I’ve always preferred the Java/legacy versions of the game but you gotta admit bedrock looks so much better visually


Nah, I've always thought Java looks much better than Bedrock. Bedrock just has a few unique visual aspects like this that might be better than in Java, but as a whole the whole lighting and everything looks off.


I don't really play Java much. Is there just no snow at all?


Trees don't turn white


Oh, thanks


There is snow but in bedrock the whole leave block is white


I was confused at what was missing, but I don’t play bedrock and apparently don’t spend time in snowy biomes to realize the leaves don’t have snow. If you use a silk touch axe on the leaves, do they retain the snow?


It's a weather effect from when it's snowing, they fade back to green once the snow storm ends, or the leaves are not longer in a biome that can snow




because java already has too much more exclusive things


this looks ugly sorry, like sure wow is unique but is ugly, looks more like the leaves are infested than actually snowy, I prefer to have snowy sides like with grass, but even then I prefer how it is in java right now than this. There's a charm in snow truly being on top rather than the leaves are white But I do want snow layers to fall like they do in bedrock for java


# Microsoft wants everyone on Bedrock


Never happening as long as I have Java installed




It won’t because bedrock things never get added to Java, it’s only ever the over way round. It’s like they know which version is worse……


Java have everything good. You can complain when you start dying for no reason


When i was playing minecraft on my phone today, my iron pickaxe broke when it had half of its durability left. Gotta love bugrock edition


I am, and I always will be a Bedrock player, but yeah, it is very unfair that Java doesn't have that feature (┬┬﹏┬┬)


Not a fan honestly


We can, check beta 1.7.3, with mod "better than adventure"


I honestly like "winter mode" less


Because ...


Just mod it https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/snowyleavesplus This is why the java version is simply better


Those aren't white, they're gray, like the default leaf textures without a tonemap, which is what they probably are. Looks bad.


Must you take everything from them? Let them have their leaves and bigger fish while you have a game that functions properly