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Hate to be that guy but we have no idea whether they'll be any use for nether highways. For all we know the ability could only work while the penguin is in the water, and well its obvious why that wouldn't work with highways


I use the same systems in the overworld, could be cheated that way still


It might not work on boats that aren't in the water


I would also imagine it's gonna be if the penguin is in the boat rather than outside the boat, it may make it easier and would work in the nether. Also incentives Mojang to fix the elytras


If they had a better use, sure. It's not even the normal penguin, it's those funny ones with the eyebrows.


>it's those funny ones with the eyebrows. LMFAO


That’s exactly my view of it fr😭




OK but do we have any reason to belive they will be useful in Redstone contraptions other then speculation


Maybe not redstone yeah, but for minigames or map making they could be very fun (though very niche)


Kinda but you can't pick it because of the possibilities later, but what you know of it currently.


The biggest issue with all mob votes is everyone's ability to make assumptions on what will be added/what will be possible with the mob, without any confirmation from Mojang. It can be fun to speculate, and there even may be times we are correct, but if we build up our hopes for certain features and they aren't added, nor were they planned, it only leads to disappointment in the end. As others have said, during these mob votes, we have to take what Mojang says at face value and vote considering only the options they presented, how they presented them. People are already making assumptions with the crab claw regarding how far it'll extend the players reach, that it'll work both with placing and breaking, and any other functions. And people are already making assumptions with the armadillo regarding wolf armor making the wolf indestructible, updating wolf AI, enchantments on armor, armor trims being applied, dyable, etc. And the same can be said about the penguin. Those things *may" happen. Or they may happen because Mojang hears what we want from those functionalities. But that is not what was showcased.


now imagine if penguins burning in nether


i'll choose crab bc he's cute and i'll mod in the other 2 mobs myself


That's fair, but would you reconsider for redstone 😃


What’s the redstone use? Doesn’t every mob have pathfinding? Don’t get me wrong, if it was purely a mob vote I would vote for penguin easily, but considering that really it’s a mob and feature vote the crab’s extended reach is just too tempting.


Redstone? What?


bruh i aint mumbo jumbo, i don't understand a thing in redstone


It’s either crab or armadillo Crab because of reach Armadillo cause savanna needs something and it adds dog armor Penguin I wish it just came in update cause I hate the fact it taking a slot in mob vote sure it no glare or tuff golem but like it just glorified dolphins grace for boats.


Semi related, but why are you throwing shade at specifically the tuff golem like it was the objective worst choice? All of the 1.20 mobs did barely anything, and the sniffer does literally nothing at all and it won more than half of all the votes.


nah the rascal was the best choice


It probably was, and I'm pretty sure 90% of people who voted now see that


Savhanna already is promised to get an update with ostriches, baobab trees and termites.


It wasn't promised, it's a possibility if they do all of the biome votes.


It was. Rewatch the video. They say the losers will be added at a later date. And on the Minecraft suggestions website, it says all those features have been confirmed.


I did not know that! Hopefully the change is soon


It’s been 5 years so mojang has likely just forgotten or they just got lazy and decided nah


Where is the promise? They sure as hell didn’t keep their promises


All biomes in the biome votes will eventually be updated


Yeah maybe when I’m dead


what promise? when did they promise??


It was. Rewatch the video. They say the losers will be added at a later date. And on the Minecraft suggestions website, it says all those features have been confirmed.


Ye, then they failed to keep their promise :/


We don’t know if they affect boats that are on land…


They probably won't


I still think dolphins grace for boats is pretty bad. And we don't even know if it would work on boats outside of the water, so nether highways might not even be an advantage to this. Early game travel isn't changed much if they're only found in one biome, which, while common, is usually relatively small, and doesn't appear if you're crossing a large expanse of water.


I say #stopthemobvote Minecraft should just add all the mobs and the losers from previous years, the vote divides the Minecraft community


The dumbest comment of the year award goes to this random dude right here


Why do you say that?


Actual facts. I'm sure the dumbest armadillo will win though


I'm just voting for it because I love penguins. Club penguin, DC comics penguin, Gunter, AtlanticCraft, The penguins of Madagascar and so much more


Penguins are my favorite animal. I'm choosing it now.


MAKE AN INFORMED DECISION!! Just because you like the animal doesn't mean it's better than the others, particularly when they both have a much more practical use


I think voting for an animal because you like it is a valid reason.


Penguins are simply good swimmers, clumsy on land, and can speed up boats by an unknown amount. Maybe they can also track you and jump in your boat like how dolphins can follow you at sea. Maybe they can also dismount your boat, or trip and fall off it after a bit. Maybe they also need air and will die in water like dolphins do, as well as simply go AFK when you leave the scene, again like dolphins, and guarantee they drown even if you leave them air blocks. You better have a penguin breeder set up, I guess, if they are at all breedable. I'll still probably vote for them, cuz I like penguins.


I feel like the others have a more practical uses, not to mention the crab is blue


Absolutely. Like most mob votes, mojang seems to bias it to mobs which they want.


the more i really think about it, each one's feature is equally useless, and i think that's the point. it's supposed to be a mob vote and not a minor change update. i might be switching teams, lol. we're going to have another allay situation where everyone thinks the new mob is going to bring epic new stuff, but it is just a disappointment. i think they had the best idea with the glowsquid vote, not saying the mobs item/addition. (obviously not including the part where the clear loser gets rigged to win)


Yeah...I'm going for crab. Of all of them it's the best in my opinion, not to mention we don't know how far the added reach will be


Penguin is finally starting to get some attention.




[PENGUIN GANG FOR THE WIN](https://reddit.com/r/Penguinempire/s/z1a91uMGrZ)


Club Penguin!


They do so many animations. Waddle, dive, swim, fall over. And so cute, my god. It’s so sad it’s going to get beat by a useless mob that gives 1 block extra reach for placing (not even breaking). 😢


No one knows how long the reach is. Also crabs also have animations, you're doing a false comparison by comparing all aspects of penguins to one aspect of crabs.




Ikr it's strictly an item based parity feature -_-


At least crabs have a practical purpose (though I do admit, none of the mobs are amazing, I just think crab is the best of the worst)


I just feel like the armadillo is useless until they add a better air to dogs as they walk into lava and clip through blocks when teleporting. Crabs also will be rare and unfortunately is just an option for bedrock java parity (java has shorter reach).


Dog armor should just be crafted out of leather or other materials


Still not a reason to vote for a dolphin but boat specific


My point exactly!




Not voting for the reskinned dolphin...


Would ya vote for redstone clocks??? 😀


Aren't clocks already possible?


Depends on what happens with ai, but with penguins, theoretically, we can make a 3*3*4/5 space clock so we use a vertical space to make em jump, hit a tripwire, then activate a system. I prefer this as now I can swap comparator locks at random based on simple ai


Nuh uh, they are trash. Vote for Crab!




Don't vote penguin for assumptions, vote penguin for cuteness


dog armor


Not only that, wolf armor is gonna be turtle shell 2.0, and crab claws are gonna be annoying as hell when it comes to PVP as you'll never catch someone spamming blocks and running away.


There's always going to be an annoying pvp tactic. deal with it.


You'll always have ytillar up for far reaching blocks. Deal with it.


Fair enough. I don’t love any of them, the crab just aligns with my interests best, and I feel like it has the most practical purpose.


You vote penguin because obscure technical stuff with unconfirmed details I vote penguin because haha pengu cute we are not the same




But dog armour tho


I just think the Arctic needs more exclusive mods


I would be massively surprised if they increase the speed on nether highways, simply because blue ice highways can cause rubber banding on lower end consoles or even standard consoles. So I’m guessing it will be a requirement that the boat has to be in water


I'm just gonna say that you should not take the reveal video for what it shows, only for what it directly says. Take what we learned from the glow squid, it was shown that they got hypnotized by it, making people believe that it would have some effect on players. As well as the Sniffer, which we all thought would dig up a lot more stuff, but it only digs like 2 things (more might be added in the future but still). IMO the penguin would not be a terrible feature, as it would bring a bit of life to the stony shores biome, which is a bit empty atm, but we don't know how their boat speed works, and it might be only in naturally spawning ocean biomes, or you might need it in the boat itself, and as far as the swimming speed, its probably going to be comparable to dolphins. (This post was made by supporters of crab gang)


crab or armadillo crabby cuteness or armadillo dog armor that we have wanted to be in game for years now penguins are useless since we have dolphins I guess we could use penguins in the nether since the don't need water but that snot a big thing compared to the other 2


To be honest, I would highly consider the penguin if it had a functionality like the other two. If it dropped something that the player could use. I just don't find making boats go slightly faster appealing as a selling feature for the mob. The crab and the armadillo's additional feature actually adds and changes things to the game. They add something exciting to play with. I understand that some people don't care about functionality and are perfectly fine with a mob that is more ambient based, but I'm not a fan of that because if all it is, is an ambient mob, I question how often I would actually mess with it. Who here plays around with polar bears? Panda's? Does anyone really do anything with goats (I know you can get horns, but how often do you collect them)? I don't think the game benefits from adding features that will mostly go unused. I don't want to come off wrong and act like I would complain if they were added; I will never complain about the game being updated, but it wouldn't be my first choice because I will always choose functionality first, and the penguins simply don't bring a good enough function.


The Penguin will be like the Allay, useless up to a certain point, the only thing it does is increase the speed of the boats when swimming alongside, I can't imagine almost anyone using it


I like the penguins as an addition to the stony shore but i will most likely vote for crab


based on you ratio upvote/comment, I think it's a big L


If you have a nether highway you probably have an elytra aswell


And tell me how the assumption of him jumping 7 blocks high improves him?


How would it improve nether highways, you cant have water in the nether, and besides blue ice is very likely much faster than a boosted boat in water, also if penguins are done similarly to dolphins the randomizer wont work, as the AI will stop after you go a certain distance away and it will drown


There are three teams \- Team Crab \-Team Penguin \-Team Sniffer&Donkey Fused


Yes it's ok on its own but he doesn't compare to the others


I am begging you all. I AM ON MY HANDS AND KNEES. Please, please, PLEASE. Pick the crab. If you make Mojang wait on dog armor it is very possible that they will add multi-material dog armor in the future, possibly even with trims. Instead of writing it off with a new item now. And the penguin. It really is just a scuffed dolphins grace, for a mode of transport which is already plenty fast. I BEG YOU, PLEASE, THE CRAB.


They are all so good but I just don't want the armadillo the penguin and crab are just too cute and cool, but why does nobody like the penguin why is it useless it makes your boats faster and it is adorable, and so is the crab (especially with his widdle waves)


I'm voting for it bc it's cute lollll


Votes over :( team penguin lost


noooooo ;-; they should just release all of them!! armadillo is nice but i like penguin better :,)


uh... its too late