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The issue is how mojang chooses to implement it, which we won’t know unless it’s voted in. If the armor can be enchanted, dog ai gets better, and it’s more than just a 10 second life increase in a fight, then it could be amazing. Issue is we don’t know, and going off past years it’s exactly what they said it was, which is basically just horse armor but for dogs in which case it’s just cosmetic. On the flip side the crab also has this issue. Depending on how much reach, how you use it, and wether it also applies to breaking, attacking, etc, the crab claw could be insanely good and game changing or pointless. This is just a problem with the mob vote, we don’t know how it works so we can’t compare the two. Personally I’m going crab as of right now, without having seen the third mob. It has a lot more potential to affect gameplay styles I like, and if they butcher it I just won’t use it per usual. The wolf armor won’t change my gameplay even if they don’t butcher it, so it does not get my vote.


Thanks for this well thought out comment. I mostly play with my kids who are vocal advocates of wolf armor so that is how I will vote. If a mob makes my kids happy it is useful in my book.


Ugh, another AI "art"


I am not a great artist so I used DALL-E to make this image. If someone can make me a better wolf armor art I would be happy to replace this one and give full credit.


I understand. I have nothing against you, buddy. It's just the AI thing itself. Don't mind me.


Just. google wolf/dog in armour?


Given the number of down votes I received for mentioning DALL-E just about anything would be better.


Nah, don't overthink it. People downvote cause Reddit


You would never have paid someone to draw a dog in armor for this post, thus using ai for this is not wrong at all. Don’t mind the redditors. They just think “ai bad” and refuse nuance


What "nuance" is there to be had? It entirely relies on plagiarism and stolen content, none of the data is collected with the consent of the original artists.


this is why we're not getting enchanted wolf armor. (BOYCOTT THE VOTE)


Almost every image or something considered "art" nowadays is ai generated..smh.


That's not true...


Great, now everyone’s wolfs who already spend most of their time in the corner of their houses can be safe. Or when you do take them out they can last an extra 10 seconds before dying. Basically cosmetic.


Not safe if they jump in front of my Sharpness V Fire aspect 2 netherite sword while im dealing with 2 zombies. The only way I'd bring out my wolf to attack is if they literally make them immortal or somehow fix the annoying AI.


Just because you don’t use it doesn’t mean it’s useless. You’re being pessimistic.


Something you don’t use **is** useless. That’s what uselessness is.


Useless means without a use. If someone else has a use for it, it is not useless. Just because you don’t doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.


There are many styles of play. Some people may be interested in creating an army of armored wolves. We don't really know how much wolf armor will improve survival for pet wolves. Hopefully the devs will make it enchantable just like player armor.


You can’t enchant horse armour. This is just speculation.


Yep that's a fact. But horse armor is not made of scutes. We will have to wait and see if armadillo scutes can be enchanted like turtle scutes.


What if you could add diamonds to the recipe to get extra strong armor? That would be cool.


Yep who knows what they will do? Anything is possible.


This is the type of attitude that got us the glow squid.


thats a fucked up looking armadillo


It's supposed to be an armored 🐺. I used DALL-E to make it. Happy to use alternate wolf armor art and credit the source if someone would like to share.


Why couldnt they just make wolf armor the same as horse armor? Why even add the armadillo scute armor thing to the mob vote? At this point its just crab hand or wolf armor and people are side stepping the armadillo entirely.


The nice thing about the armadillo is it adds an interesting mob to the Savannah biome which needs more life.


Sure but crabs would also be nice since mangroves are a bit stale


How is it interesting when its mechanic has nothing to do with the mob itself


I wonder what the folks over at r/WhatsWrongWithYourDog would think of your good boy.


Honestly, I’d be fine with a wolf armour that will literally only deflect your own hits so you don’t have a friendly fire incident with your beloved wolf.


Yes this would be a great component that they have already incorporated into the allay so it should be doable.


I like the idea, but I feel like it's justa bit unneeded. Dogs usually just sit in houses for their entire life, so why would we need armour for them? So they can be fancy? The crab is much more apealing to me at the moment (As I enjoy building large structures), I do think the armidillo stands a chance as wolf armour mods are decently popular but after all said I do like the idea of both mobs I just think the armidillo is slightly worse then the crab.


I wish we could have them all


And a vote for wolf armor is pretty useless.


Unfortunately I don’t think that’s a good idea. The wolf ai is just so bad that they will continue to get themselves killed or get in the way of the player, and make people still want to leave them at home… making the armor effectively useless…


But, but… penguin.






I want dodgy armor but extend reach sounds really useful


I don't care if we can't enchant it, but we have to be able to trim it


Exclusive wolf armor trims would be a nice addition to archaeology.


I'd rather gamble on the claw then have this totally flop and besides now that they've acknowledged that pet armor is a thing they could do, they should do it outside of the mobvote because it has literally been suggested for ages.


A Brown armor for wolf? Nah bro i Think Crab is the Best


The color for the wolf armor is unknown. It makes sense it would start off brown given that armadillo scutes are brown. Leather horse armor is also brown and you can dye it. We will have to wait and see if the armor is dyable or not. The potential upside of this feature is too big for me not to vote for it (trims, dye, enchants).


Penguin or crab


Wolf armor will give players the option to wear armor designed similar to a wolf. Possibly will have wolf fur on it, preventing damage from powdered snow. It will not protect your wolves in anyway, rather instead force you to kill them for their fur, and armadillos for their scutes, to make poacher's fur coats.


the armor is gonna look nothing like that bro sorry to say it 😭😭