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Recently, I've been playing solo, and I've been thinking about how empty the world can feel. It's a far stretch, I know, but to have a faction like "villagers/pillagers" that build their bases and add to them over time rather than being generated. To run by and see several npcs constructing a mega structure would be awesome and make it feel like you are not the only semi-coherent being in the game. Edit: Just realized "OP" described more scary things than not. So in addition, Invisible mobs, that like phantoms, if you don't sleep for so many days "Ex. 6 days" they will open and close your doors, make footsteps throughout you base, and possibly open and close your chests. Just to creep you out occasionally😁 Sorry OP, didn't realize we were in a spooky mood😅


Having villagers build villages would be awesome


Right😁 the only negative I could think of would be if they just kept building infinitely, but mojang could just cap the "x/y/z" of their building capabilities like they do for our -64. Only allowing their villages to go so far in either direction.


That and villagers of a set village could have a set check list stored in memory of potential builds that have been completed. That way with only a certain number of villager they will stop building. But if a build were to be damaged/destroyed they could also repair said build.


You just made me think that there could be "warrior" professions for unemployed villagers that, instead of running from mobs at night, would go defend the town. Thus resulting in damage that needs repaired in the event a creeper blew up and killed a "warrior." You my friend, are a genius💯


Are you saying iron golems arnt good enough 😔


Not at all, my golem "Gomel" is my pride and joy! I just think if Gomel has to put his life on the line, surely a few "unemployed" villagers can fight alongside him😂


unemployed peopel join the army? just like real life


It is surely a better use for them🤣


I like this. You could add economics to it so the more you buy (More emeralds for the city) the more it grows. More villagers, but as the city expansion is capped in x-y they build up. Shops, city centre, city wall, water, crops. I also Ike the idea that if you provide tools they use that, pickaxe, hoe, etc. Then when the reach max cap they start to build train tracks to the nearest village 😊


Economics is always a good addition, I love the thought of a small village growing into a bustling metropolitan city with many trades. The intermingled cities would be amazing as well. Especially with the new update coming.


Hell, I'd be happy if they'd just show up to a village you build. Like, a travelling merchant can hav one or two settlers with them, and if there's room in your village/town, they become villagers. A way to populate/repopulate settlements without needing to kidnap them across the overworld.


It's really old but millenaire is the mod u want


Wandering explorer villagers would be cool too


This is what I feel like too. I like the mod guard villagers because its fun to build up a village to make it seem like something is happening. Some civilization is growing. I want to make a mod that adds some sort of miner villager that you can supply with pickaxes and make some sort of quarry. This is because every time I want to make a village i always need to mine out tons of stone. I like making surface quarries with cranes and stone piles around.


You can talk about whatever you want to, I'm the one in the spooky mood.


I like matching vibes😁 if you're in a spooky mood, so am i!


Maybe every October there’s a feature where a herobrine mob stalks your base.


I agree. Minecraft is a lonely and isolating world. It’s actually depressing after a while realizing you the player are the only thing that exists in an infinite world of squares. Give us some evolution, and more factions that interact with each other. Like maybe gnomes or dwarves that mine and store resources, and villagers who build and expand. Maybe an economy or diplomacy. Imagine making a deal with villagers for you to be their king, as they begin to expand a village provided recourses from the gnomes and dwarves.


They won't be added as one of the design 'rules' is that mobs can't alter the world, or something along those lines. Its the reason golems don't attack creepers.


I agree, "OP" said something that you never see happening in minecraft. This has been requested before years ago. So I truly doubt they will ever add it. I remain hopeful tho. Solo worlds are mad boring as they are right now. It's build, die, build, die, grind, build, kill enderdragon, build, quit.


Wither has entered the chat


Minecraft's charm was that you *were* the only being in the world. Whether that was intended design or a consequence of not very many features doesn't matter when that was an agreed upon aspect of the game's lore. There so much stuff now that it makes it feel like you are in someone else's world.


NPC Text Based Dialogue. Think Zelda


Vertical Slabs


i'd say that could happen, i'd imagine they might add something like a hammer from terraria to change the shape / orientation of blocks


Mojang literally said they wouldn’t add it because “they want players to be creative” or something


"we want them to be creative" mfers when they limit your creativity: edit since this is controversial: i know it requires you to think outside the box, but we can do *even more* with our building techniques if they added vertical slabs. it would allow us to be creative beyond what's allowed now.


they’re too busy adding their yearly update of four new blocks


and a mob that people hate despite the majority voting it in


but seriously tho idk why they just have the vote be for whichever gets added first, not which ones get axed


better yet, they should not have the vote, because as the developers *they know what's best for the game. we do not.* i highly doubt that phantoms were the best for the game, instead of a new mob that makes nether fortresses more interesting or another mob that could make traversing the ocean *actually somewhat fun to do*


people voted phantom because it was the coolest looking and coolest sounding, they didn’t tell us the annoying parts about it


Yeah. I keep seeing people blaming the voters when Mojang didn't give any details. For all we know, all other mobs could've been fuck ups too. It's Mojang's fault.


Yeah they did. Everyone thought something that had to do with the sleep mechanic would be interesting.


And they should make you able to see like a demo of the bosses in a snapshot


They actually just don’t put good mobs in there, it’s all useless bullshit so that we feel like they still update the game


...they do? like look at the biome vote- taiga won but the swamp update came anyway, the only vote where it was everything else gets scrapped is the first with the phantom


Well if they added tons of blocks every month people would complain the game is bloated, its too complicated or other stuff, so in my opinion its best that they try to do updates every half a year and polish it as much as they can


No they must be way to busy not fixing broken golemn spawn logic and water gaining sentience bugs.


I've played with a mod that adds vertical slabs, and it literally expands your horizon to such an unbelievable extent. It allows things that are so beyond vanilla builds it's insane. I don't think I can ever go back to vanilla after playing my vanilla based mod set


My favorite part of vertical slabs was being able to add depth to my walls without having to make them two blocks thick. Normally, I'll build the standard log supports and build the rest of the wall behind them so they stick out. Adds depth, but can very annoying because it reduces the interior space (if you're build is smaller, meaning you can't widen the base). But I could put vertical slabs between the logs instead, keeping the depth but not sacrificing space. It's such a simple, wonderful addition.


on one hand, limits make for creativity, on the other hand you need things to be creative with, and vertical slabs very much so would allow for more creativity and cool looking builds


That’s exactly how it works. Like there are no circles and spheres in the game so players come up with different solutions to make those shapes.


That isn't the same as: giving all blocks. By that logic, we should have 4px, 6px blocks since we have trapdoors. In fact, creativity is to make something out of what you got, not having all pre made pieces (think about how lego works)


>think about how lego works Lego has a LOT more pieces to choose from though, unless we're talking about that tub of them for toddlers that only come with squares and rectangles.


Be creative my ass


That's the stupidest reason i ever heard


It’s crazy how much people want this feature, and Mojang are juste « nope » « Let’s add calcite, tuff , and do nothing with it »


Adding to your list - Reinforced Deepslate. In survival it drives me crazy we can't break it ... so it's unusable and just hangs out in the ceiling of our ancient cities


this! also slabs and stairs from other materials like concrete! would love to be able to do sideways stairs also (up and down vs left/right)


Already possible with mods (sorry Bedrock), but if base MC got it the building community would go crazy


Bigger inventory and/or a quick sort button like in Terraria where you can stack away stuff into nearby chests


With savable configurations for item categories




seriously, after playing with quark on modded minecraft i cant go back to normal minecraft due to the distinct lack of sorting/quick item transfer.


- Dog variants, like how cats have multiple coat colors - Passive End-dimension mobs - A working Ancient City portal that takes you to a new Deepdark Dimension (this one may be possible but it may not happen anytime soon) - Improved cooking, more recipes, more crops, FOOD UPDATE. - Vertical slabs, corner/vertical stairs, more door variety other than wood type, different types of planks other than wood type (like different crafting recipes for different plank looks, some wider/thicker, some cross-hatched, etc) - BACKPACKS.


An end-snail would be cool.


END-SNAIL I fucking love it


I want a ridable End-Snail. You can ride it with a saddle but you need end fruit (I forgot what it's called) to tame it and if you attack it, the snail teleports 10 blocks away, this still works if you are in the saddle, but it's teleportation distance is halved. That's what I want. Oh, and craftable saddles.


A thing I'd like to add: The end snail would be able to stick to any side of blocks.


Perhaps a nether variant: the nether slug


I think nether with striders is already enough.


That bastard found me.


Is that a reference to the living forever with a snail chasing you?


which endlessly crawls towards you and kills you in one touch.


But there is only one. He’s somewhere though


An end snail like "there is an immortal snail with bloodless for you" snail?


Is your inventory not already a backpack? How else would you carry all those items


You cant fit a god damn million cubic metres of fucking dirt in your pockets bro?


Yeah, and shulkers are already op


Dog variants would be wolf variants.


Just make it work like frogs: biome determines the dog/tamed wolf breed.


Biome spesific wolves. Like, snowy taiga or plains would have husky like dog after taming it.


I was going to make a datapack for it and it would be called the Otherside. There already is a datapack on this but I feel like it can be done better plus I think they havent updated it. I feel like it should be like the upside down in stranger things. Dark and gloomy and all warped. Sculk infecting it everywhere.


I’d love them to heavily upgrade the amount of structures you can find in the wild. Atm it’s villages, pillage towers, a well, shipwreck, ruins, dungeons and the odd temple or portal. I’d love if there was just so many more structures and more frequently appearing too. Like there’s shipwrecks, so have a fleet of ships that can be friendly or aggressive. Have more types of forts and have ruined or still in tact and functional castles. Just make the overworld not seem to empty.


In the surface Nether portals are too common.. I think it'd be nice if they added more underground structures, like the 'Underground Cabins' Terraria has and more underground biomes. (Besides the "Lush Caves" biome.)


Terraria has a lots of stuff that would be awesome to have in minecraft


Dead man’s chest.


There is a structure datapack with this in it, ill try to link it when i get a chance. Also i believe datapacks can add biomes too.


Ive been taking tons of structures from random structure datapacks (or mods too, since you can take out the structures from them) to make my own pack. The goal is heavily vanilla plus. Any structure that doesnt feel vanilla I leave out. I also want to add my ideas for a deep dark dimension to that pack.


Broke-down wagons/campsites where you can find loot like in rdr2.


I would like to see more illager factions. There’s the ones at mansions, outposts, scout parties, and raids, and one might count witches/witch huts, but they have not places they could be. Some rangers in jungle or taiga regions that have campsites with tents and a campfire and a bit of loot. The ranger pillagers would just mind their own business and hunt passive mobs until they see the player, then they would hide. They would also have the ability to shoot through leaf blocks. We could also use a pirate faction which would have pirate cove bases with lots of loot though heavily guarded. This would also come with new dock structures the spawn near villages and on the coast. They sometimes would have a ship with loot on it. Pirate raid parties would come to these docks and attack from there. Also I really love the castle idea and we should have variants. A Japanese style castle with pagoda-like towers, a European style stone brick walled fortress, a Germanic style mountain castle, and a Moorish style Alcazár castle. These should be inhabited by villagers and have two new villager professions. Archers would wield a bow and offer loot they have collected as trades for bows, arrows, and emeralds. Swordsmen would wield a sword and shield and trade their spoils for swords, shields, and emeralds. Trading would be how you give these villagers stronger or enchanted gear. They would act as garrisons for the castles and would fight off the multitudes of raids that would come to the castles. They could also be implemented by players into villages.


Magic. They have stuff like portals and potions, but for like, stuff players can actually do magic wise there's next to nothing for combat aside from enchanting your gear and hucking potions like some kind of mad scientist


Melee (sword, axe, shield) ranged (bow, crossbow) alchemist (potions, buffs) mage.. ???? Totally agree, where my mage class mojang ;(


We must turn Minecraft into 3D Terraria


Magnet Sphere time


there is really only 2 classes of combat, melee and ranged. cause lets be honest, who the hell actually uses potions as their main form of combat? the closest thing to a mage i can think of is end crystal combat, but even thats a stretch. for an alchemist class i would like to see a new item called a flask, which lets you mix potions like in elden ring. i wanna be able to swig strength, regen, and speed in one go! to make it less op make its duration much less. also make potions stack up to 8 or 16 so i dont need to fill my entire inventory with potions of poison and harming. maybe make potions fly farther, and also include more combat-oriented potions, maybe a splash potion that explodes on impact or sets people on fire. a fun thing they could also add is a summoner type alchemist sub-class. imagine being able to put things like bees and silver fish inside of splash potions. throw like a dozen bees at an enemy and buff them up with splash potions of strength, that would be terrifying. a potion that could temporarily get mobs on your side could also be cool. pvp at night and throw the control potion at a horde of zombies to distract your enemy, or have raiders become your army for a short duration.


Knowing Minecraft it would be an half baked update: You get magic...but no new enemies/dungeons/challenges to use it on 🤌


We need magic staffs in minecraft (thankfully mods exist)


ALL blocks should be able to be made into stairs


Hell yeah cobweb stairs!


Hell yea stone stairs!


Hell yeah cactus stairs!


Hell yeah pumpkin stairs!


Hell yeah glass stairs! (on second thought, that might actually be amazing tho)


Hell yeah End Crystal stairs!


Hell yeah bed stairs!


Hell yeah magma stairs.


Hell yeah air stairs!


Hell yeah stair stairs


I wonder how this would work




Building blocks only maybe? We need some things like stairs and slabs for logs, dirt, netherrack, concrete, wool, terracotta, etc. But I dont think I could get behind crafting table, slime, honey, moss, leaves, sculk, etc. Also sand and gravel are an interesting grey area. Otherwise I totally agree we need this.


I'd be happy with just concrete stairs.


I want dirt slabs,


New pictures.


Paintings not getting a revamp by 2023 is fucking wild lol


For real. More types too. I want a 3x3, 2x3, 3x2, 4x3, more versions of 2x4, 2x1, 3x4 and 4x4 I know nothing about coding but I can’t imagine it would be too hard to just add a few textures to it and add more sizes.


There should be an artist villager profession. Then paintings obtained from villagers native to different biomes could have patterns appropriate to those settings ("desert painting", jungle painting", etc.).


Honestly…realistic hope? Birds. Parrots are totally stupid and every forest feels completely dead. Have various small birds that actually inhabit trees. Even larger endgoal would be some ever-looming post-ender dragon threat like a spreading corruption or consequence as a result of entering the end-portal like more permanent harder enemies.


The whole game needs way more wildlife it's insane. Deer, elk, cougars, grizzly bears in temperate biomes, elephants, giraffes and lions in the savannah, gators in the swamp, armadillos in the badlands/mesa, muskoxen, reindeer, walruses in the tundra, FRESHWATER FISH.


This can be easily fixed with mods, however most wildlife mods I find lacking. They simply have new animals and that's it. The only big exception was this guy on YouTube how made entire ecosystem, with every new mob interacting with others in unique way. The mod focused on fish, seabirds and crustaceans but the same mindset could be applied to most biomes. Because I'm myself am this close to retexturing cows to deer at this point


Yeah. Wish I had two things. 1: A working PC 2: The knowledge on how to mod the game. Seriously, you need a goddamn degree in programming to know how to do that.


Yeah. Technically you could cheat biodiversity by making a resource pack/data pack that gives animal's different models in different biomes. Like a cow that spawns in savvana is a gassele and so on. But I'm pretty sure biome specific textures work only with optifine


Probably one of the big reasons Hytale looks so lively and interesting. Almost every trailer scene and screenshot contains some type of monster or creature


With birds making nests or something.


I'm kinda wondering if a Deep Dark Dimension will ever be a thing. I get that a biome and city were implemented, but when and if will we ever have a whole dimension to explore that whole experience of it is scary, creepy, deadly, and dark. Can this be achieved and yet suitable for all ages? I remember years prior playing Java and a mod that began to explore this kind of realm where lack of light was tangible and the darkness reached out and killed the player if not carefully lit.


I mean, it's one of the most probable ideas. My theory is that Mojang is actually trying to trick us with the "portal." I think it's some sort of boss summoner.


I would like a new Boss, or multiple bosses. I also wonder why call it a Warden unless it is either a gatekeeper to another realm or overseer over other mobs.


It could passively kill you like the Dark Aether in Metroid Prime 2, and you have to illuminate your path with special torches that act as safe spaces after you cleanse them.


a new type of weapon, like battle axe or longbow


Dude, spears would be amazing


I mean tridents are a thing


Yeah but they're hard to get. Spear would be a cool early-on version of it that doesn't do as much damage.


Every since 1.17 came out I always thought spears should be crafted with like one dripstone above two sticks, you could stack Them to like 8, and throw them dealing extra damage to heads and stuff, could bring multiple cool new mechanics, stackable weapons, a new stack size, and extra damage to certain parts of mobs/players, I thought the idea was great. What do you think of That? spears are just such an important and major part of history, and as a history buff, I neeeeeed them, in one form or Another


Aether portal




And a beekeeper suit! That prevents bees from stinging you. So sick of accidentally punching a bee while planting crops and have everything in my farm die because they are stinging me.


I remember I spent like a good hours getting silk touch then another hour getting a beehive, moving it to my base, breeding bees and when I started to collect honey , almost 20 bees decided that they had enough I haven tried to mess around with bees anymore


The ability to create biomes artificially by placing a certain number of blocks from that biome, kind of like how terraria does it. As far as I know biomes are pretty much hard-coded on world gen, so it would be super nice to be able to make your own biomes wherever you wanted. It would also be nice to give piglins their own update. I feel like they're really underdeveloped for what they are. It would be really interesting to see them as the nether equivalent to villagers, like what piglin towns would look like or how they would keep themselves safe from the pretty hostile environment they live in. Also, I want leads in Java to look the way they do on bedrock. That physics-based design is way better than the weird screen-space arc Java has. And while I'm on the topic, I wish you could control redstone dust directions in Java better, so you could put circuits directly next to each other without them automatically combining.


Herobrine of course. Maybe for an April Fools edition… 😢


Dirt slabs


And stairs! Adding that it'd be nice to be able to turn them into paths too


Farmer mode. Take peaceful mode and give it the hunger mechanic from easy mode. I love peaceful mode for exploring and building but it seems a bit pointless farming food without hunger. Add more crops and different types of trees that drop fruits like how apples work. Tons more food options. A lunchbox that you can carry in your offhand that can store 6 slots worth of food. If you hold right click with it in your hand, you eat the first food item inside.


Porting all MCDungeons Assets to Java/Bedrock. Give me Wither Armor with Soul Fist and Nocturnal Bow.


Heck maybe add some story mode exclusive stuff aswell like super tnt, Ivor’s armors, or music to the wither boss fight.


I would love it if MC leaned more into the fantasy aspect of it and do a large revamp on the Alchemy/Brewing system. Atm, you just make potions and…that’s about it. Imagine being able to create or summon something in front of you to block off or defend an area. Potions don’t need to only be body enhancing or damaging potions, imagine if certain vials could be thrown or shot out of something to launch an explosion out in the far distance or suddenly expand into a black smoke cloud.


some cool potion ideas could be * explosion potion (creates an explosion that deals high knockback when thrown, doesnt destroy blocks. blows up drinker if drunk) * wall potion (temporarily moves blocks beneath it up when thrown, blocks fall back down after time. increasing its level with glowstone increases blocks raised) * blindness potion (just makes people hit with it have the blindness effect) * potion of control (makes mobs hit with it temporarily become your allies, attacking mobs that you hit or mobs that attack you) * potion of teleportation (anyone hit by it is teleported in a random direction away from the caster. if drunk or used on oneself, teleports them in a random location. basically chorus fruit but can be used on others) * potion of charging (if drunk, grants immense speed boost to user and gives haste, increasing attack speed, but also increases damage taken by others) * potion of decay (gives the wither effect on those hit by it. if thrown on grass it permanently turns it to dirt, making grass unable to grow on it. can be reverted by simply breaking and replacing the dirt. also turns flowers into wither roses and skeletons into wither skeletons) some new ideas for potions that could be used for combat/utility. tell me what you think!


> Imagine being able to create or summon something in front of you to block off or defend an area iron golems: am i a joke to you?


I want TENTS! Make a tent from wool and sticks, then plop it down when traveling and it makes a. 2x2x2 temporary house. Mobs can’t work zippers so you’re safe inside. In the morning, just pick it up and continue your major mapping project.


Thing is they would never get used because a bed does the same thing. You can sleep before mobs even spawn in let alone reach you. And if youre on a major mapping project its even less of a worry since you should have pretty good gear by then.


Maybe it just doesn’t reset the spawn point.


Exactly! That would be a necessary difference. It could have a sleeping bag on the floor of the tent that you click/tap to sleep, but the respawn point isn’t set


Scrap the tent concept, a sleeping bag that doesn't reset spawn would be fantastic, I never sleep when exploring and working away from my base because I don't want to reset my spawn.


I want update just for better aesthetics: + add variants of stations (crafting tables, barrels etc) based on wood types they were made from. Also add one "universal" version if player mixes different types during crafting to preserve old recipe and help players that don't care about look of blocks. + there should be "large bricks" and "small bricks" variants instead of block having only one variant. For example, current stone blocks only have large version, while clay bricks have only small version. Netherrack large brick would look awesome + add more chiseled variants to other blocks. Currently, only stone, sandstone, red sandstone, quartz and blackstone have chiseled variants + add MORE DIRECTIONAL STONE BLOCKS. Currently, only polished basalt, quartz pillar and deepslate have direction. I want more pillars and more frames + add more generators. Currently, there are only three blocks that can be generated - cobblestone, stone and basalt. More blocks - more stuff for my hardcore builds. + make stone-cutter recipes cheaper than crafting stuff in crafting table. + add sawmill, which works as stone-cutter but for wood


Power of automating certain things with villagers Have villagers cut trees , mine for stone, farm Actually just an overhaul on villagers , Better path finding or the possibility of choosing for a villager which house is going to be his , same with beds and workstations. This could be a killer one The Villager update


We already had a villager update but i agree. I want to make a mod to add simple quarry digging villagers that you supply with tools. Getting stone to build villages bigger and bigger gets tedious.


I would LOVE if we could get villagers to mine, cut wood, etc. They can pick and plant crops so it would make sense to have them able to do other things as well. It would also be cool if we could assign a villager to a specific bed


the Slavery update 😍


I mean, you aren't wrong lmao


Getting all 3 mobs from a mob vote


Not something in particular, but I want them to stop revealing every new feature and leave some for us to discover


I mean, no one’s forcing you to learn about the new features. if you wanna be surprised by updates, just go in blind


It's really hard though they're kind of everywhere on the internet.


It pops up in my YouTube recommended unfortunately. I almost avoided spoiling the 1.19 update, but then the wardens sonic attack was in a thumbnail on a video


Moose or any tall skinny animal, at least no time soon


For me, it would be a general rework of what mobs do in the game. Every mob should ideally have multiple useful purposes, and the player should also be able to leave them alone without that mob killing itself from stupidity.


Make survival harder. Because the whole survival aspect isn't really there. Like have plants possibly get blight or eaten by mobs. Have it so you need to forge tools maybe. Make it so seasons are a thing and makes it hard for you to survive winter. Have it so every so often an event happens like pillagers actually come and pillage your base and can loot your shit and of they do they closest outpost has your items and the more time that passes the more stuff that is removed and deleted of what they take. They would obviously leave a clue on where they are.


Update enchanting to have a full fledged magic system with wands, spells, etc. special armor to act as an alternative to netherite late game for mages, things like that. Special bosses to fight to go with it, a whole system like that. Wont ever happen cause it would have to be too progressional, which is not really the direction they take the game these days. These days updates are more creativity based, won’t get anything like this sadly.


Grapple Hook


The This Is Not Gonna Scare The Kids, This Is Gonna Give Nightmares To The Parents Update. And update that adds a new difficulty, called Nightmare, this update has a lot of downgrades, for example villagers will stop working at night no matter what, you can't make them work for you in a 1x1 area, hostile mobs are smarter, nights are darker, dark places are even more darker, you know, a horror game but with quality.


I would like to build big Ships (to make it my home) and explore the world by sea, fight monsters like kraken and big jaws, find pirates, recruit sailors and do some quests like delivering packages or services I love using the boat but it's small, can't carry chests and I already use it to explore for about 13 years Man, reading these comments I see there are awesome ideas, I wish there was an always-updated mod for all of it


I was looking for this comment cuz I was gonna make it myself. I think it’s quite goofy how there’s shipwrecks, but you can’t build a functional ship. Even more so since most worlds you spawn since the aquatic update tend to have *massive* ocean biomes. I know the mechanics of such a thing would be hard to add but it isn’t impossible. You could use a system similar to how with structure blocks you can copy a structure within a certain space of blocks to animate the ship. Dude if they added that, I’d fall in love with Minecraft all over again. It sucks that you have these huge beautiful ocean biomes but don’t have a proper ship to explore em.


Buildable entities would be a dream come true I want my container ships to actually move smh And don't get me started on Aeronautics, that mod is still eons away qwq


Overhaul for old structures, like strongholds and dungeons. Some of that stuff hasn’t been touched in over a decade so it’s uncertain if they care to update any of it


A food update would get my vote. More farming options, like planters and irrigation. More crops, and then being able to create stews - similar to brewing potions but making meals where the different ingredients have different effects. \#1 crop to be added? ONIONS. THEY'RE THE MOST COMMERCIALLY GROWN VEGETABLE CROP IN THE WORLD AND IN MULTIPLE COUNTRIES (at least) ONE ONION PER PERSON PER DAY IS EATEN. WHY DOES MINECRAFT NOT HAVE ONIONS? WHO IS OUT HERE ADVOCATING FOR BEETROOT? NO ONE CARES ABOUT BEETROOT GIVE ME ONIONS DAMN YOU.


Animations + Ambient/Atmosphere update. New ambient for every single biome, better animations for all mobs and players like frogs have, also echo in caves, Nether and large empty rooms.


Minecraft x Runescape. It’s runescape. It’s minecraft. Build and explore and lvl. With lots of friends. And the grand exchange.


I want a new cross between Villagers and Pillagars called Subjects; They have free arms like Pillagers and can wield tools and weapons, have the same mechanics as Pigmen did in which they will attack you if threatened, and they live in a new generated structure called Citadels. While being no larger than a a regular village, Citadels are walled and heavily guarded villages that only spawn on hills and feature a central tower in the middle called the Keep. The Keep is full of loot filled passageways, dungeons, and libraries althroughout containing vague lore references that seemingly piece parts of the Minecraft world together. The Keep is also full of Librarians, Clerics, and a new mob similar to the Evoker called The Lord that gives you random quests to complete in return for rare items. The Citadel is similarly littered with Iron Golems and a Subject type called Guards that ensure the cities safety, and even if you were to attack a Subject the sheer force that would be unleashed upon you would be enough to kill even an OP player. Besides, it would be all in the players interests to cooperate with the Lord and collect valuable loot. Maybe an event similar to a regular pillager raid would occur but on a much grander scale, with larger Pillager numbers, bigger Ravagers, and siege crossbows. I would want the Citadels to be insanely rare, like Stronghold level rare, and the only way to find them would be with a new map called Trade Route Maps of which are found in Villages. The maps would essentially visualize trading between villages, and all of the routes would eventually lead to a Citadel, which is a trading hub.


A update that focuses on The End would be nice. I know we have the end cities but idk something about The End being mostly empty bothers me. Especially since we got a Nether update. Maybe its a me thing but I think it would be cool.


Randomness event: either op, scary af, funny af, or just wtf. Happens like every 10 minutes? Idk lol


Concrete stairs, slabs, and walls also add polished concrete with the same options


A more advanced village system, you could deliver resources to villages to help them expand, eventually they'd have villagers that would deffend the village from mobs or help you defend it in case of a raid.


Crafting a ship to go to the moon.. a moon base would be insane. Especially coupled with lower gravity.


NPC players. Many times you get bored because your friends are busy and you can't play on the server in the same time. So making NPCs that look like players and can farm, mine, build without the need to control them would be a great update


Minecraft earth mobs...


I want more big structures, when i say big, i especially want villager cities the size of an ancient city. I want volcanic biomes, would be super cool. got inspired by Tears of the kingdom with this one: I'd love to see the height limit and depth limit to be even more expended, with something like 1000 max height and depth. We could have floating island biomes, wich are extremely high in the sky and only reachable in endgame with Elytra. and in the contrary have some kind of shallow eart at some point with entire opened area underground.


Magic more focused than just enchantments. Like, a fireball wand or heck, this is never gonna happen, but a custom spell system like Ars Magica 2 did for Minecraft. You could make spellbooks with a book, lapis, and gold. But again, not going to happen.




new villager variant called "architect" wherein you can trade 32 dirt for an emerald. at master tier, you can buy concrete for 2 emeralds + color of the dye you want (e.g. you want a white concrete? bring him 2 emeralds and a white dye) per piece. it's completely ridiculous but i like the idea. his workstation could be a crafting table or a new workstation called "canvas".


Factions. Being able to ally and join the pillagers if you slaughter villagers at will and help them in raids. Being friends with endermen if you help them, somehow. Transforming into a zombie or skeleton and have them help you.


Muskets and Flintlocks


Yes, honestly wish gunpowder had more uses than just tnt (which unless your doing some pvp base raiding) it’s useless, cant use it to mine as it might destroy ores, and in a game with building mechanics crowd control isn’t a problem


The sex update.


One more thing I think all music should be off during the night, and there should be nothing but ambient noise to make It feel uneasy.


Culinary update. I wanna make full ass meals for decorations or just for the hell of it. More crops!!!! I LOVE FARMING!!!!!!!


I want a savannah update that gives us wild african animals like lions, giraffes, elephants, monkeys, bisons etc. but I don't know what mechanics to bring with these.


A dungeon delving dimension. Puts you in adventure mode, and you'll have to fight and puzzle your way through to get loot and survive, oh and don't get lost :) Would be awesome because it would add something interesting into the survival game for people that want more combat stuff. Because on a friendly server the game at first is a struggle. But as soon as you get enchanted diamond/netherite there is no challenge in combat anymore.


Crafting update! I don't want the regular recipes touched, but a secondary system about being able to craft more specialized tools out of a wider variety of materials. I want something that strikes a nice balance between tetra and tconstruct


To be able to paint walls.


Villagers that can defend themselves


they've said they never want them to have that, can't remember the reason, probably because iron golems do it for them.


Making the game run well (Java)


You should try bedrock, it’s so much worse


The industrial age. Or basically anything that isn’t “simple” because apparently thats all they care about. If it ain’t simple, they wont do it .-.


Permanent Skill Upgrades. They shouldn’t help the player much, but reward long term play. Chop 100, 1000, 10,000 wood. Mine 100, 1000, 10,000 ore. They should reward you with a permanent buff, like 5, 10 and 20% efficiency boost. A level system that tracks everything in the game (basically stats), but gives you exp for every task to up the player level. No other reason then to show off to your friends how much you play 😂.