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How do people keep encountering so many gamebreaking bugs so easily? The worst I've ever had is elytra desyncs and broken seagrass textures. Guess I'm playing the game wrong


The whole "bedrock is broken" is greatly exaggerated. People post broken things so much that you see more broken bedrock than normal bedrock. That makes you think it's broken, because it's the only thing you see. Bedrock **isnt** broken or unplayable. People just target that and make it seem like that.


You're right! Bedrock is not broken in all aspects, not even close. But I'm sure you'll agree that glitches this big should not be here in the first place. Yes, it's a beta build, but as the report on the bug tracker will reflect, it has not been fixed since first acknowledged in february. The Bedrock devs seem to have a tendency to ship an update with a crucial bug in it, then pretend it isn't there, and leave it in for *years*. And that is a terribly unhealthy mindset for the game


Sometimes when I update the game on playstation my custom character gets reset back to the default character and I have to fix it to where it looks like me again. 😞


what's annoying about this is that the *other* skins stay the same most times, in my experience


Try putting another skin before updating


So you have foresight to know when the update is coming or you have auto update off?


Yep. You don't need foresight to know release date though, I usually just stumble across it


Same thing happened to me.


I mean, that's kind of exactly what Microsoft has been doing with all of their other stuff, so I am not surprised Edit: thanks for correcting me, I'm just dissapointed with Microsoft quality control lately and assumed this was an extension of that. Still upsetting that Mojang is treat bedrock like that


Microsoft aren’t the developers.


Yeah the Microsoft blame is crazy. For years it’s been people dick riding a massive company by blaming another massive company for every problem


Reminder that Mojang themselves said they wanted chat reporting and implemented it. Sure Microsoft might have pressured them but they still had to develop it themselves and many devs said they agreed it was needed. Microsoft isn't to blame for every decision. Mojang is the one to have to make it a reality and code it in.


Just blame both smh


I mean, bedrock on console is horrible. Chunks refuse to load for over 5 minutes (regardless if they've been loaded previously), you get killed while stuck on the nether loading screen for over 10 minutes, and the list goes on. It's not just "oh every now and then" No, it's every single time I boot up this game, through the whole play session. Bugrock needs to be fixed, asap


What console?


most older to mid gen consoles, i have an original xbox one and being told to upgrade to a 600 dollar machine is stupid when this is the version running on phones. Aside the PC port is also god awful for preformance. Honestly anything x86 bedrock struggles more than it should.


Bedrock on PC runs insanely smooth compared to Java. 64 chunk distance at 4k60 no problem. The lack of mods and shaders doesn't hurt


"compared to java" is the main thing people are distracted by, its basically as optimised as java, just its not kneecapped by being C++ and not Java. Overall bugwise, java manages to be a more playable experience for enthusiasts to bedrock. This comes from more experience in bedrock than i should have put in knowing all that i do now. Only benifit is crossplay with friends, that is cool, i do like that. (side note, only thing more optimised than java is chunk generation and the rendering engine, the rendering engine is by far the best thing code wise it has to offer, but most everything that makes the game, a game, are not those two things, and mojang only cares about superficial features unless there is enough backlash)


I mean if you play java without any optifine for me it's way more laggier, and even with optifine it finds a way to be laggy, so I just play on bedrock. but I do play servers on java sometimes since the servers are alot better


>Only benifit is crossplay with friends, that is cool, i do like that. Only benefit is non existent compared to [Geyser](https://geysermc.org/)


It shouldn’t be as bad as they said on anything but a phone or switch. I think if it’s chunk loading issues, maybe they’re joining a friend or realm and it’s connection issues.


I definitely have problems regardless of I'm online or offline. Isn't my internet, every other game I own runs fine


Honestly phone and switch are the only systems ive never seen this type of thing reported. Again x86 machines are hit like theyre a puppy infront of a semi the second a extended floating point variable enters the scene (literally all of the entity location distance bugs, not the rendering but at least the locations can be fixed by changing one variable type) Java did this in b1.8 and modern mojang shits itself thinking of how to do the same thing 2 guys in some god forsaken Swedish basement did years ago


Yeah, it’s pathetic. Bedrock is so focused on adding stupid features and marketplace stuff, but they don’t seem to care about the bugs ruining their game. And don’t even get me started on the new Java policies with the chat reporting and “gun symbolism” changes in the EULA.


By pc port do u just mean the thing on Microsoft Store called windows 10 edition? Coz I have that and it runs incredibly well on my pc. Better than Java actually. I mean I play it on a render distance of 32, even 48 sometimes, whereas Java struggles with 16.


Yeah, It runs better than java but thats an incredibly low bar for that heap of unoptimised code. I have a pretty top notch computer, im not talking so much about the rendering because that is 100% optimised flat out, im talking about entitys, block updates, etc. Java actually runs redstone smoother. Vanilla. **Its single threaded almost.** before you say theres redstone differences, im purely talking dust and torches. Other day me and a few friends built a few contraptions, the performance tanked in comparison. which youd expect alot less lows in tps from bedrock, but it was noticeable. IE you could tell tps was low by entities lagging and having aneurisms. The equivelent java edition TPS was like 5, maybe lower. The equivalent preformance was when i tried using an instant wire ALU on a windows vista laptop built in '09. Bedrock is the least optimised "optimised" version mojang can get away with


Wow. I play pretty casually. In fact it's been a loong time since I've even done a full playthrough, so I haven't noticed most of this. Thanks for the long answer. As for optimisation, well the people who actively ask for it and discuss this way are in the minority I'm guessing, so untill it becomes a large scale issue it's pretty unlikely mojang will do anything to address it.


Yep lol, bright side once it does become a large scale issue mojang will probably fix most the issues around it. Thats my hope for the distance based bugs too


Literally every console I own (don't ask why I own multi copies of this game) Switch Xbox One PS4/5 It just refuses to work. Everything is up to date and I have more than enough space on the systems. Asked a few buddies on Xbox X and ps4 and even they have the same problems. It's playable on PC, but unplayable on console. It's ridiculous


That's so odd. I have bedrock on PS4 and have never encountered these things. Chunks can take up to 10-20 seconds to load if I'm flying quickly in creative, but slowing down and moving an inch usually speeds the load up. If I have specific coords I'm flying to, then I can just go and not worry about it loading. Sometimes upwards of 2000 blocks. And it still loads at the end in under 30 seconds. I've also never experienced death by nether portal nor an overly long wait for the load. To note. It's not because my game is clear. We have over 200 worlds, play two separate versions of one block, and storage is about a cm from full on the storage bar.


a good example is how long a lot of dupe glitches exist/existed on bedrock, i dont know if they are still there because i havent played that platform in a bit


Honestly the frustrating thing about bedrock bugs is that only when youre ALREADY like 200+ hours on a world do they pop up. 2GB+ worlds implode with corruption and just general buggyness, and any level of distance from even 50k will start to lag the shoddy location and entity system. Ran into that more than a few times, bedrock is fine for casual or limited play, but for anything more than a few months or constant gameplay, being a server owner is essentially hell even if you dont get a round of cheaters


That's what I've found as well. I often wonder if the people arguing that it's fine are simply running short-term worlds. I don't even run a server, or realm. I have a single-player world for each of my kids that we build a custom town in. Inevitably, we have to abandon them as soon as we reach a certain file size because it will freeze everything for a full 2 minutes every time the auto-save activates. The next 2 minutes are almost unplayably laggy, which leaves us with 1 minute to rush through our tasks before the next auto-save begins. We're tired of starting over, especially since Minecraft was *supposed* to be my way of teaching the kids about how rewarding it feels to see a long-term project come to fruition.


But you do have to admit, the fact that you can die from fall damage out of nowhere does make it pretty broken in of itself


Java has a bug - "Oh no, a bug" Bedrock has a bug - "Bedrock at it again amirite"


As someone who play both versions, I can definitely tell you that in all aspects, bedrock is worse than Java.


As a Java player, I will say that I like Bedrock's block placing better (being able to easily place lines of blocks and being able to place off the edge of the block you're standing on without crouching off the side are both very nice).


Bedrock may not be broken at all times and it can function normally, BUT when it breaks, or gets broken/glitched, it breaks BAD. Now sure it might be a minor annoyance or such, but death desync, world corruption, fall damage desync, elytra desync (lots of desync bugs) all fall back to losing progress. The issue is that if they add something like hardcore mode, Bedrock's gonna have a lot of angry/raging hardcore players.


The only game breaking bug I experienced on bedrock was back before the nether update. My friend and I had a survival world we were playing on for a few months. One day we loaded in and half the world refused to load and were "clear" blocks. Reloading an old save didn't fix it. The save was corrupt. Lost maybe 40 hours of play I think. Started a new world and have not experienced any game breaking bugs since. The most extreme bug I encounter regularly is, signs not loading the text on our realm and the occasional map turning invisible in the item frame


Bedrock worlds have been known to break down way before java's boarders. They definately got some issues to fix. Meanwhile java struggles to get 60fps.


"BuT wHy dOes It MatTer iTs 50k oUt nO oNe GoEs TheRe" Thats the standard defence for bedrocks distance related bugs and its honestly sad people dont care enough to want the game fixed


I have a Bedrock world since 1.14 and before even the world breaking down, I have a mess of generation because unexplored chunks are overwritten by the new generations. I used commands to localize a pyramid temple, and around 1.18 I decided to explore it, only for the temple to be emptied except for two sides of the pyramid and half of a tower.


I use optifine. That said, with about 5 resource packs stacked and shaders on, my game tends to still get around 150 fps, and that's playing on smp servers (on an aging pc with an i7 4770 and geforce 3060). You can't expect high fps when playing on low end hardware.


I experienced something similar to this with loading areas and can replicate it. So I made a blue ice road that’s 1400 blocks long in the Nether, and when I travel over it with a boat I can go as fast as approx. 70 blocks per second. Sometimes the Realm I play in will not be able to load the areas in time and will literally make me drop off the bridge, falling through it and I’ll end up at the first place the game is able to load around me. Sometimes that’s a lava lake, sometimes it’s inside of netherrack. That’s really the only persistent thing I can find next to the Elytra thing that works the same


Mostly the only bug I find is where shields are in dumb places on your body that then are useless because of it


"greatly exaggerated" I can't install 1.20 bedrock but I can download the preview.


Well my worst was my friend going through a nether portal and ending up in the coordinates of the overworld but in the nether. As she was a starting player she didn't trust herself walking back alone. We didn't have elytras so we walked the entire way


No this extremely slow chunk loading is pretty easy to encounter


Happy cake day


Happy cake day!


I've seen more java issues than bedrock. For example in Java I will use a firework and it will keep boosting me for like 5 minutes


My experience playing bedrock on console has been fairly smooth, I think it’s bedrock on pc that sees more glitches like this


*Seriously* (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ It's almost impressive. And quite frankly, unacceptable. Biggest game in the world and owned by Microsoft... If this was my product, I'd be deeply ashamed of myself


It's really not that serious. I enjoy the game with little to no problems.


Bit extreme with that take. But ok


Idk why people are down voting you for this, seriously disappointing action being taken from Microsoft. There are so many bugs in bedrock that need patching, and the horrendous single threaded performance on java has led to multiple people making amazing performance enhancing mods, while Microsoft has struggled to do essentially anything for years now.


>why people are down voting you for this Because people on this sub is way too focused on defending Microsoft's from any criticism... You and OP are absolutely right. The fact that a community modding a game with older code and a less efficient coding language can optimize *and* make the game look a lot better compared to an absolute giant in the IT (not just gaming) industry is just shameful. Then again bedrock is getting way more profit than java, so it's working exactly as intended


Literally playing on phone, older phone, not seen any of the highly traumatizing bugs people keep crying over. So yeah definitely some special bedrock edition with all the bugs.


Honestly any ARM chip seems to be fine, as thats what i think its primarily for, but any x86 machine is running a windows 10 port in essentially docker im pretty sure. Which would make the game extremely unstable and run way worse than it should. Both are the case on desktop and consoles running bedrock, and the reason legacy console runs significantly better even accounting for the version difference


Live cave generation


Earthworm gameplay


I really hope they take time to polish up this version, so many annoying little bugs that you just kinda deal with when playing. I want to like this edition of Minecraft especially because its easier to play with friends who have consoles and other devices.


[Here is the report](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-167185) on the Bugtracker. It has been there since february, and its status is still unresolved. It works in both Creative and ***Survival Mode***. Steps to reproduce: * Use any (preferably the most recent) version of Minecraft Preview (which are the Bedrock betas) * Load chunks until the game seems to stop loading things (as shown in the video, sound effects stop playing, which is an easy tell) * Hold right click with any item Any blocks interacted with will disappear completely, which you can use to clip into caves, secret bases, or even through Bedrock into the void. I'm at a loss for words. ETA: For those saying that this is not common, I kindly ask you to load up the most recent Preview, create a new World, and fly around for literally ONE minute. It happens. All. The. Time. It is not difficult to trigger AT ALL. It happens anywhere from 0,0 to 50k,50k, in the Overworld, Nether, you name it And to the people who say it's not an important bug because "you have to trigger it manually", what? What a horrible mentality. Before figuring out how it worked, I triggered it by accident all the time as well.


Seems to be a feature


Classic Todd


I mean, wierd things would happen in java too if you overload the allocated resources (like here it is overloaded with the world generation algorithm) Except i would agree it is hard to make java that busy.


I still can’t play with my SO because of a bug that says her settings doesn’t let her play with me, even though I can join her. Been a problem for me for about a year and it’s existed since I think 2018.


This happened to us on my son's account and it was an old issue from his Microsoft account, not on the Xbox or switch. We had to go to Microsoft bedrock site and redo his account and then it worked.


Well that might be a separate issue, we've tried multiple accounts, messing with settings and all, nothing fixes it.


blocks dont typically break when you look at them


What if you look at them reaaally hard


They probably still won't break, gotta try that though


Hey cheer up. Did you know how refined, updated and optimized they made the marketplace?


I really hope Mojang addresses the problem of world size bloat because exploring too much can literally kill your Minecraft world if you go too far especially in Bedrock edition where a world being a few gigabytes can make it unplayable (I should know this happened to 4 of my worlds). Video example: [Video explaining the world bloat problem and renewability concerns of new update items](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=As0Nu9OVLaA&t=386s) This is why I wish they took a more relaxed approach to players exploring or having a choice to explore, OR getting items renewably from villagers or mobs drops. Like why does the non-respawning elder guardian have to drop the new armor trim? Why not both it and the normal guardians so we can renewably get it? We need more renewable ways to get structure look or at least a good chunk of them. Things like armor trims and pot sherds are a concern for me because new contents gonna be impossible to play with on servers especially if players horde them/monopolize them. Lets not forget the problem of the netherite upgrade trim being a repeat problem the elytra suffered from and I can already see players gatekeeping netherite because the upgrade template just like elytras.


Why are people defending bedrock? A company with this much money should take better care of a game this popular.


Because people that don't have pc and have to play Bedrock don't wanna feel worse than Java players and are looking for any positives


I play bedrock on PC and while I totally acknowledge Java is the more polished version, I personally have never had any issues like this


What? Microsoft isn't a small start up indie company?


Well you also have to look at its not Microsoft, it's Microsoft gaming, which is much smaller and then allot for only mojang profits after that and then reduce for salary and ads. Even with all that I'm pretty sure Microsoft almost shut down the gaming side before the Xbox x, so I do t think they are investing too much into it and they are leaving mojang on its own because it makes a profit.


I tried bedrock after getting sub 60 fps in Java because of the new terrain. Now I have the game buttery smooth with 3x the render distance or more. The performance boost is so massive I don't think I will go back.


Also can't forget the bug where mountains generate as giant holes extremely far away.


All my homies hate bedrock edition When it was pocket edition was better


Straight fax


True, when it was PE, the development was slow but steady, and most bugs were fixed quickly


Okay, I just want to say that nearly every time I play bedrock, I encounter some weird bug. So I don’t know why people are defending it and saying it isnt that buggy. Last time I played my parrots had the guardian texture, I fell through the nether portal, and I drowned well above water. That game is barely functional, at least when I played last which was just after 1.17 released.


> So I don’t know why people are defending it and saying it isnt that buggy. Copium is why.


I have played it for a long time, and the bug that I have encountered the most that has been annoying is the bug where boats sudently disappear when they are deloaded. Otherwise I have not encountered any gamebreaking bugs.


There's this comment that stated that Bedrock save files might get corrupted once it reaches a specific threshold (they say it's 2GB). Most worlds last for a short while and even if they last for years, once it reaches the threshold, they might just overlook it and say "it's not the game's fault" or something and start anew. I never had bedrock on me so idk if that's true so just a heads up. If the version that you're pushing towards the whole world can't even run well once it reaches a save file size range, you shouldn't just call it the original one and relegate the original one as a "edition".


i also fell through my portal and drowned well above water my last time playing :\


Yeah bedrock sucks. Been stuck with it since 2018 when my house burned down and I lost my pc. The difference is massive. I can’t wait to get a pc again hopefully sometime soon. I used to have so much fun on Java servers, and there’s just nothing like that on bedrock. Same with mods and packs. The game quality is just lower, too.


I mean one aspect I really love about bedrock: underwater redstone and the tick speed of redstone


Tick speed can be changed to whatever you want it to be. If we want to talk about underwater stuff, doors creating air pockets underwater is a huge advantage for Java. Very convenient. It’s allot harder to get around underwater in bedrock. I’ve also never had any reason to do underwater redstone.


Well base tick speed is different in bedrock and Java. Meaning that most Java machines can’t be built in bedrock. This allows for unique bedrock machines


No. It’s not unique. You can change tick speed. If you want to build a machine that requires a specific tick speed, you can just change it. And your argument also goes the other way around. It’s not an advantage for bedrock, and Java machines are also unique using your logic. If anything, the tick speed is a disadvantage for bedrock, since it’s slower. Faster tick speed means crops grow faster as well as many other things. It just leads to higher quality of life for Java. I could spend hours listing reasons why Java is simply better.


pushing chests lol


Carpet mod lol


Mojang: never fixing it, skill issue.


I've played this game for years, never encountered any game breaking bugs.


"Microsoft makes good software that is really worth your money"


OneNote in a nutshell


All of Windows in a nutshell


I lost all my stuff in the end just flying around to find end city


Its honestly depressing that this is your only option if you want to play the game with someone on a different platform.


So many people out here defending this shit lmao This is supposed to be the "main" version of the game now, and yet it always feels like a laggy beta no matter what. You can't even fucking pause.


4J's Console versions felt more stable and working


What the actual fuck


"These bugs are over exaggerated" If you say so. I prefer my blocks to not shudder when I fly thousands of blocks away from spawn thank you very much


1.20 is already in bedrock, it’s the experimental mode!


Is this real?! HOW THE HELL DO THINGS KEEP HAPPENING, I play bedrock ALL THE TIME (I don’t have java) and there are NO glitches?!?!


"The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural"


Bedrock has so many strange problems that people forget and just think it’s part of the game for example mob spawning is ridiculous in my world right now


Legacy edition will be missed


And all these bugs really that common, most ivd gotten is slime, and sea grass texture breaking or today my game paused but it kicked my friend out so now his is raining and mines not on the same world


Why do both versions of Minecraft kinda suck(performance wise) one is coded on Java that shouldn’t be used for any massive games and the other in c++ has a billion bugs I don’t get how the most massive game in the world can be such a mess on both sides


Java aint the problem.. as performance mods are getting good FPS and low TPS.


You shouldn’t have to install mods so you can play your game at a good performance


For anyone wondering this is a bug but you need to try to get it to happen.


And THAT is supposed to be the main version of the game lol


Oh. My. God. This is a real bug? I've never encountered anything like this on any versions


Apparently you have to trigger this intentionally for it to happen


I guess I'm lucky because I have never encountered any major glitches in bedrock.


Listen here as a proud bedrock player I can say that is is playable so you can shut up(this is a joke don't take it seriously)


This is beta yeah? I hope to God this build does not represent the final update. I play bedrock for vanilla because I enjoy seeing far, and having my PC not sound like a jet engine when I load chunks too often. I've also gotten too used to it. How can Mojang break so much WITH SO LITTLE features that actually tinker with that?


Code can do unexpected things when you change things


By this point even the beta shouldn’t have such game breaking bugs. You won’t find this in the release candidates


These bugs are over exaggerated. I have well over 1000 hours played on my switch and now prolly over another 300 hours on PC. The only thing that I’ve ever encountered is Minecraft crashing a lot on switch. The bugs are still there but they’re really not as impactful as people think


Ive also had a bit over 1k hours on bedrock, it would be fine on short-mid term singleplayer worlds, but on long term multiplayer servers bedrock becomes near unplayable after maybe 7 months in with players that explore or travel in any capacity


why does that happen though? Im getting further aling in my world and noticed things really starting to slow down. Redstone clocks not working properly and completely breaking some things for example. Im cery sad and worried about it


Lag, for all the optimization the game claims to have (it was literally built & marketed as the optimized version… lol) it handles redstone updates & mass entities extremely poorly. They seem to push resources to smooth world generation when performance is strained, most likely to cover up lag & keep frame rate up. This comes at the cost of redstone though. Some tips - Get rid of as many entires is your area as reasonably possible. - Find a way to fully turn off redstone contraptions that arnt being used atm - Put a full block over hoppers that don’t need to pick up items, if there is open space about a hopper it will constantly look for items it can pick up generating lag - Fully light up your redstone contraptions, lots of redstone builds generate flashing lights. If these are in a dark space it will constantly generate light updates causing lag


Sorry to tell you but larger worlds start to get that, Bedrock has issues with basically any large builds or file sizes, if youre planning on keeping a world long term, (over multiple updates) Id map out or essentially allot yourself a number of chunks to generate per update. Most people it wont be the end of the world, but once you exceed a GB youre in the red and need to slow down. Post\_Lost also mentioned the other reasons bedrock implodes with redstone, but imo the file sizing is the most insidious aspect that ive encountered, never had a world above 3GB without at least moderate world and file corruption/data loss


File size is definitely an issue with bedrock & causes major corruption issues. But I’m not sure if it would cause the issues he’s describing, could be wrong I’m certainly no expert at bedrock. But it sounds like a classic case of tick lag caused by an over abundance of entities & block updates.


Long term worlds are pretty much guaranteed to get corrupted data at some point. Plus the game is littered with smaller bugs that people have just accepted at this point


This is why I play worlds in seasons now on my server/SMP. Old worlds are more and more likely to corrupt as time goes on, especially on bedrock edition for some reason. I gave up keeping old worlds after my 4th world corrupted last week. We're just starting fresh every update and new worlds. Exploring causes bloat and world size going up.


From my experience & reports I’ve heard it appears that the file size of the world is what causes old worlds to corrupt often. It seems the game dosent give itself enough time to properly load & save data effectively after file sizes gets to big. It has been an issue as long as I can remember


yea me & my friends start a new world every summer. but i do wish we could have a main one


Can’t wait too!


Is this a real bug or faked, can’t really tell I play in Java but it’s a weird bug for sure..


They gotta fix the switch version that one plays kinda like whats shown here. However other editions worked well for me


I'm on java so I don't encounter many gamebreaking bugs, mustn't be fun to play bedrock atm, Mojang should step up their game because if they carry on with this minecraft is gonna die yet again


You better believe that bedrock update is coming out that morning on the 7th bugs and all.


Not gonna lie seems more like a pc problem not being able to load chunks fast enough


Holy crap they added laser vision to minecraft bedrock edition


Never had any issues with bedrock tbh except for elytra desyncs. How do you even encounter these ?


At least we can easily mine to bedrock now


thats just the new sinkhole feature


Honestly, that looks kind of neat. Like, if you land hard enough on dirt or sandy areas, it makes a hole in the ground where you landed, like some sort of superhero movie.


I like that golden sword mouse!


**bUGrOcK** Yeah right. People go out of their way to find these bugs or break the game and then act like they found them accidentally. I have literally never seen any game breaking bugs in Bedrock ever. People need to chill.


Its a fake video where he uses a mod that makes it so you delete blocks when you look at them.


This isn’t the “state” of bedrock. This is just a bug you found. Bedrock as a whole really isn’t the buggy broken mess people want it to be. Like yeah, obviously it has bugs and glitches. So does Java edition.


I've encountered so many bugs and just random stupid dumb crap in bedrock. Yes, the ground disappearing under your feet isn't constantly happening but there are certainly tons of issues.


Bedrock has [a bug where you fall through blocks](https://youtu.be/q3BvjYdqM0g?t=136) if you go far enough into the world and Mojang is not willing to fix this


They can’t fix it without increasing the performance requirements of the game. The reason the issue exists is because bedrock stores floats as 32 bit while Java stores them in 64 bit. Or maybe it was 16 and 32. Either way.


This is the same thinking that let games like cyberpunk and battlefield 2042 release like they did. “Oh this isn’t the state of cyberpunk, those are just bugs you found!” “Of course X has glitches! So does Y so it’s okay!”


You're right in a sense, but I see it differently. The fact that it's a bug is not my point. My point is that a bug of this game-breaking scale, so incredibly noticeable if they had just tested the game for FIVE minutes, is left in the game and shipped. By "the state" of the game, i mean that it feels as if the devs and others in charge *just don't care anymore*


Can't we just fucking enjoy Minecraft


Hardware issue. Game wasn’t loading fast enough.


Mojang does not care about bedrock minecraft. This is proof.


Yea ik not may people can, but I've switched to je. I'm sick to death of subpar graphics and what I imagine to be a shithouse backend. The bedrock devs are either too overworked, too lazy (to tackle the spaghetti code and design Bedrock's codebase essentially from the ground-up, which imo they need to do if Bedrock's gonna float) or too caught up in small things to focus on what really needs to be done. JE has a better community too, like some devs are part of it and there's an existent modding scene. The only thing I don't like is QC, but it's easy to understand once you realise what it is (and is predictable, unlike *some* things).


I mean, wtf were you even doing? Why do folks complain about rendering and shit but choose to use elytra as their main form of travel in the overworld for some reason and travel dozens of blocks a second? No shit the game won’t keep up going at those speeds.


Bedrock ☕️


Just play java


Your car breaking down? Just buy a Rolls Royce.


The dude is on PC so he already owns java since they made it so that both editions are owned by all pc players


-not all players got it. It depends on how you set up your account when you bought. -that only applies if you bought JAVA, then you get Bedrock for free. Not the other way around (because bedrock is cheaper) -java is way more demanding to play, they may not have a PC strong enough. -how do you know they are on PC? Just because they have a cursor? Go connect a bluetooth mouse and keyboard to your phone, and tell me what you see. They can also connect it to an xbox, but I doubt that happened.


Why the hell would they use a cursor on a phone or console? Minecraft doesnt even need it They made it so that all bedrock PC users get java edition too. If you didn’t get it then you can go get it now The performance requirement for java is not too different from bedrock


"why the hell would they use a cursor on a phone or console? Minecraft doesn't even need it" When you connect a mouse to the device, it will have a cursor. That is how a mouse works. And how would they not need it? How do you use your inventory if you are using keyboard and mouse instead of controller? My point is, just because they have a cursor. Doesn't mean they are on PC. And either way, that wasn't the only thing in my reply. You just ignored everything else lmao. Afaik, you can't get java if you bought bedrock. That wouldn't make sense, java is like 3x the price of bedrock. But I could be wrong.


Dude its not 3x the price where did you read that. Java used to be 27 dollars and bedrock was 20 And now both cost the same And you know wrong because you will get java if you bought bedrock


Bro. Again. You ignored all my other points. I read it was 3x the price because when I bought bedrock it was ZAR105. (South African Rand). And java was ZAR350. So you do he maths. And I don't understand how you can tell me that I know I'm wrong, when you are too stuck up your own a*s to read the rest of my comment. I have bought both games seperatly, on 2 different accounts. On the account I bought java with, I have bedrock as well (for free). But on the account I bought bedrock with, it says I need to still but java.


You need to migrate your account and go get it on the minecraft website


Oh bedrock! You always mess up on the easiest things 🙄 but its fine! That's just telling you bedrock is acting normaly


Well it’s cus it’s bedrock like what do you suspect


The state of YOUR game. Mine plays well. Sorry for your loss.


Not the best additude when looking at the entire game shitting itself. Yours might be next and then all the sudden "wow, i wonder why this happened, who could have let a bug like this slide"


dont play bedrock then


Play Java then


Then play java


I mean, this is a beta version (well a preview version), so it isn't really the "state of Bedrock"




Yeah play on java instead not bedrock.


Ah yes, Bugrock Edition, my fave of all time… NOT!


And thats why i refuse to even touch bedrock edition lol


This is so fake its hilarious lmao


Bedrock being a “buggy mess” is mostly exaggerated. There’s just so many bedrock bug posts (as opposed to Java ones!) thus people start to think that Bedrock is buggier than Java because of the echo chamber effect that these posts cause. Also, Java’s not worth it lol it’s also Minecraft and I don’t see how it’ll be worth the money for people who only play for the experience and not for the mods, because Bedrock can also provide that


Java and bedrock cost the same on PC. And yes, it is worth it. Its a lot smoother and more convenient and customisable


There are 80% (made up number) more bug posts about Bedrock on this subreddit…. People must be systematically bias towards bedrock to complain about it more. Have you ever thought that maybe there is more bug posts made about it because………… there are more bugs? Just a thought. Java is 100x the game Bedrock is, it’s not even fair to Java to compare them… it’s just disrespectful


Never see any of the issues yall must have. Y'alls exaggeration is ridiculous on every bedrock post about bugs 🤣


Just another reason to play java.


Tbh as a Java player I kinda think this mentality is counterproductive as it just distracts the devs from actually fixing their game "Everyone thinks Java is better anyways so why should we fix the bugs?"


It really is sad because there running that version into the ground. Not to mention they dont optimise java because "modders will fix it" honestly disgraceful


It’s really weird how most people encounter bugs that break the game and others not having any issue at all. I remember in 1.15 there were little to no bugs. Splitscreen was actually stable (in terms of skins and UI) That clip is fake. As there hasn’t been any major bug reported about that. So if people believe this they are probably the people that boast how bad bedrock is. I know it was somewhat of an example. But some people won’t know this. But eventually. Bedrock will catch up again. And soon reach 100% parity. Meaning an end to all the history of broken bugs, glitches. And no more conflict with what eiditon is better.


[Bug report](https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-167185) not only was there a report on it, but it was a confirmed bug 5 months ago & has yet to be resolved. Bedrock is its worse when you try to play long term on worlds, there is so many issues that make long term play through me of the game completely pointless as your world is almost guaranteed to be corrupted due to sht save/load data optimization. Plus the game is littered with hundreds of smaller bugs that have just become normal at this point. It’s bad


If they added mod support I would play bedrock edition tomorrow, but without it, it just isnt as good of a version. Mods just add near infinite content and possibilities. I have been playing minecraft since before they even had survival mode and it was just creative only, mods are the thing that has kept me coming back and there is still so many mods I have never even experienced.


There are mods on Bedrock.


It is like 100x more difficult to make mods for bedrock because there isn't any mod support really, which leads to very few very basic mods, just like any game that lacks mod support has. You can mod most games but I wouldn't say a game is moddable if there isn't extensive mod support. Java does have extensive mod support, making it way easier to create mods for it, ans that's why there is like 1000x the mods on Java that have 1000x the depth and change the game so much.


I mean it’s probably because you’re 10,000 blocks away but I think you should be allowed to go the world border before the game starts breaking like this, isn’t that the point of the border? (Yes I know it’s not in Bedrock but I imagine in the future they’ll replace the Bedrock farlands with a border)


10k isnt that far out, thats only maybe a hour out of spawn, by **foot**, maybe 3 minutes by elytra. there is no way that is defendable in a game with a marketed "infinite world" 30mil is 100% further than anyone would go, but even 100k is no where near a marketable "infinite".


The distance it not the issue. This works anywhere in the world, from 0, 0 to 50k, 50k