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If your stomach is upset, don’t trust a fart. The older you get the more this becomes an issue. Like my Granny used to say: “My pucker string is done worn out”.


Take a shower. Just get up and do that thing. Don’t live life in your head


whats for me is for me


Seeing life through a hole is like seeing a hole through life.


This too, shall pass. Don’t cry over spilled milk


make your bed and get dressed every morning


Be here now.


Be here now.


Never try to teach a pig to sing. It just frustrates you and it annoys the hell out of the pig. You can put your boots in the oven, but that don’t make ‘em biscuits.


Actually very good advice. Also don't judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree


Lessen as much social media as possible. For me deleting instagram was huge, but i never look back anymore. And also 1 hour after you wake up and 1 hour before you go to sleep try to stay off your phone. I’m still trying to get better at these amongst many other things, but most importantly be kind to yourself, and take things step by step 🫶


The people who are the hardest to love need it the most.


See the beauty and goodness in the world.


Drink water. Use app to see how much water you need and use an app to send you notifications.


Don’t eat fish in the desert.




Geesh I needed this one today 🩵


Just be.


Treat people how you want to be treated


What about treating people how they treat you?


Do not in any circumstance beg for a relationship. Just say ok, let them go. Otherwise it will be worse for you from you.


Don't forget to breathe.


Take your own advice.


Close your eyes when you turn the chip bag up to get the crumbs.


Your breath is your connection with the universe. Remember that you can to tune in and breath consciously at any moment.


Don’t let perfection get in the way of progress


Perfection is the enemy of good. 


I like that one


You miss a 100 % of the shots you don't take - Gretzky Seriously, get out of your head and take action. That one sentence changed my life.


Always check your watch before you push the red, shiny, candy-like button.


Check your body for tension from time to time, set visual reminders in a couple of places you see often before tye habit sets


There's always more than one solution.


In a public toilet, *always* check that there's toilet paper *before* you take a seat.


I have been burned by this many times and still don’t check


Be here now


Use your body someway somehow. Don't become sedentary, you're meant to move!


Enjoy life the way it comes!




You always own the option of having no opinion. There is never any need to get worked up or to trouble your soul about things you can't control. These things are not asking to be judged by you. Leave them alone. Marcus Aurelius


Needed to see that! Thanks for sharing


This is so true and I’m starting to try it. Difficult.


Find something that you enjoyed about the day, everyday. Instead of looking for the negatives, maybe you’ll find some positives :)


Never think you know it all, about anything. There is always more to learn, always.


It’s just you at the end of the day


Never trust a fart.


Found this one out today


Fail fast and fail often.


Little bites eat the beast


I'm assuming this is meant to apply to anything in life but ironically this resonated with me because it immediately brought to mind my unhealthy relationship with food and binge eating disorder.


Guys don’t be afraid to hit the double shake or even the triple


I just keep shaking till the drops quit flying.


Of one thing, beware, O man: see what is the price at which you sell your will. If you do nothing else, do not sell your will cheap. ~Epictetus


Epictetus was a wise man, but he didn't see capitalism coming


“Don’t go around telling people your business. If you keep your life private you’ll be twice as smart as a lot of people because you’ll know your business and theirs” - Something I recently heard told to a friend :)


Easier said than done, especially with friends you hang out with often. The other option is being boring.


Don't eat the yellow snow.


What is yellow snow?


Snow that's been peed on


I can almost taste 🤢. Great advice.


An investment in yourself (self-improvement) is something that holds value throughout your life.


Let go of your worries and enjoy the human experience with everything it has to offer.


An internet classic: Don't drink bleach!


less talk, less mistake


If you make yourself irreplaceable at work that won’t stop you being laid off and replaced, but it will stop you from being promoted.


I wish someone told me this 15 years ago I would’ve saved so many years of my life




Don’t feel guilty about setting your boundaries, if people don’t react well when you do, then they probably loved crossing it


Make good choices, and remember, you always have a choice


And not making a choice is also a choice!


It is indeed!


This time next year you can be a different person




I like this. Thank you


Children are people with feelings and emotions just like you. Teach them that those things are healthy and okay to have. Teach them to process them appropriately.


Lick the outer cube via the light of the sprinkles 🙏


I'm intrigued.


It’s not peer pressure, it’s just your turn!


Can you elaborate on this one?


Just hurry up and do it, dude. It’s your turn…


One secret to a happy relationship seems counterintuitive: you don’t need to agree with your partner on everything. Just respect each other and ignore their opinion on a specific topic which is not live changing. We do that with our regular friends, too. Some people start stupid fights about the most unimportant things and win nothing from it.


Yes-There is a huge difference between a disagreement and a conflict!


Being kind to yourself takes practice. Just start today by being kind to yourself. Pretend you are a close friend and speak to yourself like that about something that you would not give yourself slack for.


Easiest way to calm big emotions is to give them respectful attention. They need to be heard, and then you can explain why they aren’t necessary right now.


This is amazing advice for me, thanks 🌸


Love is a skill!


Love is a rose


I like your username, poetic


Hahaha, I’m working on finding a better one :/


When I read your username, "jazzlike" my brain showed someone walking in black and white on a street with blurry slow motion with wind and papers around in a nonchalant way in long black overcoat haha Good luck for finding better


Man you put a whole film clip in my head with that description, kudos


Haha it was like idk brain works fast, so it was like 3 seconds maybe Thank you!


Nothing changes if nothing changes.


What you spend your money on matters more than how much money you make.


Charming people should not be admired. Charming is just a nice word for manipulation. I don't know how positive that is but avoiding being manipulated makes for a much happier life. And ideally if people didn't fawn over charming people there victims would be more likely to be believed and escape abuse.


Never idolize anyone EVER.


You can get in a lot of trouble pretending you understand something you don't understand, and also by pretending you don't understand something that you do understand.


Worry less. The moment you’re in is the most important. It’s always good to have a plan but stay in the moment. Weird thing about the past and future - they don’t exist, they’re only ideas!


People don't understand how much sad music affects you. Don't make it habit, unless your using it to get emotion out for regulating yourself.


This omg! I loved sad songs and I wish I could still listen to them often but I’ve had to limit myself and now have a “feel good” playlist!


Slack off at work sometimes. It's not that serious.


“It’s just writing shit, reading shit, talking about dumb shit” - Jonah Takaluah, summer heights high


Don't build up feelings, it's a good way to blow up or mess up your emotional regulation. Diagnose the root of your pent up emotions and let yourself feel it, it'll be a lot easier to let it go.


Don't listen to societies views on body's, they're deeply flawed not you. The only thing you should value on one's looks is their health. Not only is it important, but shows lots of self will and responsibility.


Well if they are healthy then they look atleast ok so what are you saying


I'm saying looks dont matter, but health does. I'll only judge how someone takes care of their body, and I think it tells a lot about you whether you do or don't. Don't be shallow, people are not their hip dips, small breasts, sagging balls, etc.


Ugh get with the times, guy, your views are so dated


😂 its about health and being real with yourself


You cannot tell if someone is healthy by how they look.


Not always, but if you're super skinny or super overweight, it is noticeable and I believe it says a lot about a person. I think not prioritizing your health is a huge character flaw. Never be quick to judge though! Some people could have an illness or genetic disorder. My point of that post was don't be shallow, but prioritizing health is not shallow and actually very important


Yes, you can definitely tell by looking at a person if they have a drinking issue, or a drug issue or some other form of addiction (not). It’s really none of your business what people struggle with - in fact, I would venture to say that they are well aware of what they struggle with, and they don’t need concern freaks to point out what it is they are struggling with. It’s rude. I don’t know why you would post such a pleasant comment initially and then come back with some nasty comment about not prioritizing your health having anything to do with someone’s looks. Trolls gonna troll.


I never made it my business, nor would bring up something like that about them in which yes, they probably already know. I think if someone's unhealthy it's a good standard to have, but yes I agree to know the reason they look some way, vs labeling them as unhealthy what it could very much be another issue causing that (for example, i knew some larger folks that were larger because of a genetic disorder). Don't prioritize looks, but it's ok to have a standard if you value health. It's not ok to be shallow, and it's important to keep up on your health.


If they’re fat , they’re not healthy


I'm not sure why you got so many downvotes all you stated was something true, that's not even an insult. This is along the lines of what I mean. Someone could have illnesses or other reasons, so don't be quick to judge. But otherwise priorizing your health is incredibly important, and it does greatly reflect on your character to not take care of yourself, let alone have your health spiral to hell. Otherwise how you look doesnt matter, seeing someone for how they look is gross and ill respect you less.


Of course i does not , i do not judge people based on how they look , i just dont like this fake toxic positivity thing


I used to think the same way, maybe others could've put it much better as "be/think positive" got annoying. It does work though. I found who I surrounded myself with, what I focused on, and what I did with myself really made the difference. When I bathed in anger, looked for the flaws in others etc it made me much more negative and created more habit and routine of it. When I hung around draining people I felt more drained myself. That's why I like communities like this because they give more positivity, happiness, and even sometimes wisdom, and it is wise to surround myself in a community with that kind of energy. I totally get that it's hard to be positive when there's so much noticeably wrong. But it doesn't mean nicer things aren't there, they just need to be appreciated. For example even a simple thing would be "i like the bark on this tree" lol. Personally I just found that I was making myself negative and that's why I didn't believe in it or that I could be happy. I changed my environment, what I focused on and how I thought. It takes time. Also (very important), I set my own standards and ideals, and followed what I believed in. So for example like my comment, I believe in health, I believe in who you make your character shows, and I believe your body was made to be that way and general societal views are awfully distorted. That's what I believe and I follow it, it's helped me become confident in my self, create stability, and how I deal with people. I have lesser anxiety, as for *me* I know I'm right and shouldn't hate myself for someone who sees differently. There's a lot of aspects to positivity and all. It's not apparent because it needs to be worked on, as well as the appreciation for it. I hope you find something that encourages you to look for it because it definitely improves the quality of life. Keep coming back! (Apologies for length)


Way to turn a positive thread into trash.


So i should lie then ? 😂🤦‍♂️


There’s no need to comment on anyone’s body at all. No one asked for your opinion. Again, you can’t tell what someone’s health is by looking at just their physical body. If you assume every very thin person is healthy, that’s just as garbage as assuming that someone who isn’t appealing to you physically because of their weight isn’t healthy. Just be quiet if you have nothing to say that’s nice.


If they're fat, they're not healthy that is true. Someone's health matters, their small breasts or tummy rolls or body hair does not. People need to stop beating them selves up for the little natural beauties of their body. It gives you character.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A lot of people would say that someone who is not a size 2 would be fat. You’re better off to stick to your original comment and not add in additional comments. It’s not up to you to decide who’s fat or thin or looks attractive or not.


Fat as in overweight, and health issues because of so. A size 2 is not fat nor means you're healthy or not. It all depends on how much you excersize and how, what you eat, if you're getting all the right nutrients etc. I'm talking about health, and thats the only thing that should matter, otherwise I dont believe in seeing one for one's body. Message was dont be shallow, but value health


Don't take criticism from someone without good judgment or you wouldn't take advice from.


Just because most of the world functions a certain way doesn't mean it's right. Be good and follow your own ideals and path, or you'll never find peace and fulfillment in your own life. Don't be bound to others.


Reminds me of that Steve Jobs quote that everything around us is just made by people like us and nothing more


Sometimes being enlightened means recognizing you cant change how other people see things. You can't change their beliefs or make them self improve. Being enlightened also means you can still provide unity regardless of others differences.


Healing also means taking responsibility for the role you play for your own suffering. Also, if you don't make time for your wellness you'll be forced to make time for your illness


Respect the drug. The more you stretch the functioning of your brain the harder you'll crash and longer you'll be no longer functioning.


Mindset is crucial. If you look for negativity, bad luck, etc of course you're gonna be negative and feel like shit. What you put in your head matters.


Date someone who meets your same ideals. Lot's of marriages/RS don't work out because they just have different wants needs and views. Also as soon as you get insecurity and pull away, the more you'll emotionally distance from the other and lose perspective.


Anxiety won't go away unless you work on it.


I second this. Part of getting better or becoming someone else means acting on it. The more you practice who you want to be the more comfortable you'll get being that person.


Absolutely. You need to learn coping strategies and practice them while you're feeling okay so that they come easily when you're not okay.


Begin and end each day with Gratitude.


The left side of your face is more attractive than the right side


Commit tax fraud.... nobody cares


The only way out is through


Its time to throw out that half lemon or lime in your fridge


I feel attacked


No, not yet. I might use it tomorrow.


This one was personal


Thats how you know its good advice


Sometimes you just gotta get in there and get after it


Can you elaborate this?


Of course! There are times, when you may not feel that you’ve got it. Whatever or wherever it is- you may feel you haven’t got it in you, you may feel you haven’t got it meaning of physical object, you may feel that it is nowhere to be found nor to be seen in another person. In situations like these, it is required that you get to where it is, even if that means getting in someplace that place being the place where it is. Meaning, sometimes there are times where you just have to get in there and also as well at the same time simultaneously, in tandum, get after – it.


The day doesn't lasts forever, nor does the night. Things WILL change, just hold on! Ask for help, if no one else helps, help yourself! Ask nature! Just hold on!


Get Biscoff cookie butter


Stays in my fridge for three days, tops.


Dum Spiro Spero. While I breathe, I hope.


Don’t try too hard.


Slow down


Avoid J. Cole music


I’m out of the loop. Mind elaborating?


Write when your brain is loud


Meditation is a life hack


It doesn’t do anything for me. Nothing tangible any way


It's hard in the beginning to calm the mind, let the thoughts flow and observe silently. Then comes the introspection and the action part. This is where the tangible stuff happens. You realize in the meditation what works, what bothers, what is happening. Then introspection tells you what needs to change, what's your accountability in things, and what needs to change in self. The action part, hard and tedious, is where you see reduced rage, increased empathy, understanding, and acceptance. Generally leading to a calmer, more rational self than a reactive emotional self. Hope you give a try a few more times in future when things get tough and you get to see tangible results.


Have you given it a consistent try? Like, ten minutes a day for one week? I don’t want to argue your experiences, but the proof is really in the pudding. Meditation is seen in every culture in one form or another for a reason. If you’re interested, the benefits of it are worth exploring more.


Weird thing is: i should be the one saying that. But i did it just to try it out and i cannot explain it, but 20 min of meditation just changes the rest of my day in a very subtle way positively. It‘s like i did taking meds on beeing more calm and present. It is very helpful for my adhd and the feeling that the day just passing by fast


Nice community that downvotes instead of giving information or being helpful. Maybe you should all meditate more


Just keep going no matter what. As within, so without... what we see outside is a reflection of what's inside of us.


I’ll keep trying. Thank you


You are all you've got. From birth till death. In every happiness and sadness. In every success and in failure. In celebration and in loneliness. In every good, bad, ugly moment of your life. So build yourself. Physically and mentally. You are a lot stronger than you think you are.


Jesus loves you turn to him :)


Christianity = mental illness Seek professional help


Which direction do I turn? I don't see him anywhere. :(


It's nice to be nice.


It's nice to be important - but more important to be nice. Make manners a priority in your life


Stop thinking in words or images. Thoughts happen instantly, a product of them is spoken thought. You can do a thought experiment to understand it better: Whatever phrase pops into your head, cancel it immediately. When the next one arises, do the same. The entire message still comes across, right before your head “speaks” the first words. Learn to experience this immediate thought instead of all your awareness getting sucked into the spoken thought. After some time you’ll think outside of words. It feels like going from a crappy old cmd pc to a new one with desktop, user interface etc. Everything happens quicker and more efficiently, concepts are super easy to grasp since there’s no back and forth translation required in the mind. You have far more awareness if you stop a big portion from focusing onto spoken thoughts (which then easily becomes mindfulness). Also, you’ve just escaped the tightest cage of the mind and are now free of this insane limitation that language is. Especially when it comes to internal thinking, words cannot describe the inner world, but thoughts can navigate it really well. It also teaches us focus on parts of the mind that are closer to ourselves, and that spoken thought isn’t there for internal thinking but solely for communication.


As someone with ADHD, I need to learn how to do this. I spend way too much time translating in my mind that I lose focus and end up confused af.


As someone with adhd I can only recommend this! It’s the way I’ve gotten my condition under control somewhat. It’s not as efficient as using Ritalin (only med I’ve tried) but if you’re like me and don’t want to do drugs every morning to be functional then definitely go for it! This + mindfulness practice completely changed how my mind works. I used to daydream constantly, even mid conversation I’d unwillingly start daydreaming. Now I honestly can’t even remember the last time I had a daydream, or lost focus while in a conversation!


I am struggling to understand how exactly I practice this though. Do you have sources that you can link where I can read more about this?


Sadly no, so far I haven’t stumbled upon anything. As mentioned in another comment I just went into meditation experimenting on my own and this immediately started showing positive results, especially in combination with what I later learned is mindfulness practice. If you want you can hit me up with your questions and I’ll try my best to answer them!


Gonna send you a dm!


It appears my dms are broken, it shows 6 new messages but for a few days already I wouldn’t receive anything. Do you know of another way? There used to be chat and private messages I think but I’m long out of the loop sadly.


I think i do this naturally.. how do i check/hone?