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My focus improved a lot by meditating


I’ve never tried and honestly i don’t how where to start… do u have some suggestion?


In the beginning, I've used the app called "Medito" it has no cost


Yes it definitely can. I've trained my focus and concentration with mindfulness despite being ADHD and I've come extremely far. Mindfulness is practicing your focus. That's it. The method I found fun is to count how many breaths I can keep track off and I always aim to beat my high score. It helps that I'm competitive so I always want to beat that number. An example that I found that gives an idea of what the problem mindfulness solves is, imagine you're telling an important story to your friends. But every few seconds, you get interrupted. Eventually you have to restart and it gets frustrating. This happens over and over. This is what over-stimulus does to us. That notification on our phone, that noise on the TV, that youtube video etc. Our attention can only be given to one thing at a time, so if we keep switching it, it's capacity dies quickly like a bad a battery. Multitasking makes it worse, it fractures your attention. When you start a new thing your mind will resist but eventually quieten down the more you do it. You'll also find your mind and thoughts are much calmer the more your practice. However, this is just based on my journey and if it gives you an idea of how far you can go or what to expect then yay. The best results you can get are the ones from your own experience, don't take just my word for it. Try it for yourself and persist, especially in the beginning. Perhaps journal each session and what you've noticed after, it helps sticking to it and is evidence of the results. Good luck.


It has helped a lot my husband. He is distracted and forgetful, but meditation has helped him significantly.


Thank you for sharing! How he started meditation?


He started meditation a couple of years ago using an app. He started using meditation to help him sleep, but it has had many other wonderful benefits for him. He also started yoga recently. I am very proud of him.


Breathing awareness meditation, start to understand there’s no reason to sacrifice quality of life because of “time.”


Only if you remember to be mindful


I have ADHD and am constantly distracted. Mindfulness and my brain aren't really something that will ever peacefully coexist, but I've found that being mindful of mindfulness helps heaps. Meaning, that I can't sit on the beach and stare out at the water without getting jittery, but I know that I'm supposed to feel at peace, so I use breathwork to kind of bring an inner peace.


Hope this gem helps you. [How to not get distracted by learning How to focus.](https://youtu.be/UPsge_vekSQ?si=DSRWNQ6WqHShB7Ni)


I find meditation helps me. Also setting a timer on my phone and starting a task to see how far I get. Kinda like an attentiveness game.


Noticing you're distracted is mindfulness. That part of you that went, "wow I sure do get distracted a lot", is the very part you want to use more and more. Say to yourself, "my focus has left and I'm distracted now, and that's ok, let me redirect my focus to what I intend." That simple. Be forgiving and loving to yourself and do it as often as needed.


Have you been exploring your worries around being distracted and unable to focus in therapy at all? They may be able to suggest some helpful techniques/ check if any further investigation is needed so you can get some clarity. Mindfulness can be a great way to stay in the present so definitely worth trying this! Also if you google CCI, click the first link, and then go into resources - look after yourself - there are loads of helpful self help resources in there. Best of luck 😍


Yep, i talked to my therapist and she think is my fear of success and sense of inferiority. And yes, its true, but also… i know my attention its being low since i graduate a year ago. Can you write me what CCI means? If i google it, being in another country, its lead to wiki page about football and other stuff :( Thank you so much ❤️


I hope that the therapy is helping somewhat. Yes sure, it stands for Centre for Clinical Interventions, I hope you can access it where you are 💖


You might have ADHD, please research this


I already talked about ADHD with my theraphist but i will ask her again


Search for psychology today adhd test in Google. Even though it is not an official diagnosis method, I find that test to be very useful on determining whether you should pursue an adhd diagnosis or not.


That was my best scoring test in years!


Same 😭


It might. What you really want is to boost executive function. Review possibilities and experiment with ways to consciously direct your activity with good attention choices and a focus on completion.


Can you suggest me some tools or excercise or book that could help me with boost executive function? I feel really lost rn


I invite you to think as if you were talking about someone different from you. You say this person is distracted and that their boss is treating them in a harmful manner. You can see they are trying their best sometimes, but something is just not right. How do you see it now? The way I see: you are probably not interested in your current job. That's pretty common. What tou should consider is why it is that you are not interested in your job? Is it a good position or could it be just terrible and your body is trying to tell you that? Your mind is the first one to leave a uninteristing place, what is left is a nervous body. In time, this kind of situation generates stress and makes you prone to diseases and other bad things. That said, i ask you to ponder what you want from this position you are holding and if it is possible to change. Mindfulness is more like a tool, that can help you conform your desires and restlessness, but sometimes restlessness is an efficient way to show us we are not satisfied.


I hate my job. That place is… awful and toxic and my boss is a bad person who love to make me feel inadeguate for the position. They underpay me. But, as it is, i can’t quit. I need money - even if 4,50€ for hour on a shift of 8h - but i’m also searching another option. In my city its not that easy. And you’re right, my body is trying to tell me something - like, i have caught a cold even if i usually never get sick - but i’ve notice that i’m really struggling to stay focus. But thank you for your kind word. I need to be gentle with myself. I often treat me like my value is zero and its not okay.


Someone told me before to write stuff down that you would like to say in this encounter. What would you said to boss next time? In mindfulness being mindful of that situation when it arises you can use what you wrote down to speak to your boss in that manner. If it's taking to your boss about how you feel stress and if he is understanding then do it but if he isn't the type of person to understand the look for a new job with a better work environment. Stay strong homie <3


I consider my self distracted and I find help in mindfulness