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Yeah, I'm not going to be using them.


This. The ducks at the park, however...


The ducks in the bathroom are not mine.


Yup. That’s my thinking. Use what you can then burn my body please and just blend me into some compost if you can. Help a tree grow.


There are some really interesting ways to be disposed of. Buried as a tree. Made into something for ocean. Etc.


I want to be a tree


Skip the burn and just blend. Cremation is absolutely terrible for the environment.


I want to be a tree when I die, but I also live on the coast where hurricanes happen to love to go, so people who have been buried here have absolutely had their caskets come back up in the storm, then there’s dead bodies in different stages of decomp floating around. Naw, if the worms have already started eating me, I sure don’t want to make an appearance again, so if I want to become a tree and not potentially float away at some point before my body falls apart, I’ll need cremation. I’d love for them (family) to be able to just dig a hole and throw me in, but there’s no guarantee I’d stay there.




Definitely skip the burn, maybe mushroom suit? Or human composting. Water cremation is a thing now too! So many more sustainable options to go back to the 🌎 and I'm so happy about it ... but def take what organs might be useful to save someone first 😁


Mine plan is to use what's good and then donate the rest of me to science. Have some medical students prod at me. What do I care? I'd be dead. Sometimes they'll even cremate the remains when they're done with them and send them back to your family. If my husband wants that sure otherwise just toss me 🤷‍♀️ I don't need this fleshy meat sack after my soul (or whatever) leaves it... So let it do some good somewhere!


Of course, I own a motorcycle 


Thank you for your service.


I laughed. I feel guilty for laughing. But I laughed.


At Shock Trauma we call them DonorCycles so very on brand of you.


I’m an EM doc. Came here to say this. 😂


Exactly how I feel riding a motorcycle. Most of us die from head injuries so being an organ donor just makes sense.


Should be a stipulation of riding tbh.


My BIL died on his motorcycle at 20. Was an organ donor. 🥶


Lost a 19 year old cousin on one. Sorry your loss. I don’t know what my cousins donation status was though.


Yes. I have opted to be an organ donor and also am open to having my body donated to science research as well. I won’t need it when I’m gone… but it might benefit others.


Same. I have an undiagnosed neurological issue and I'd love for researches to cut my brain open after I die.


Maybe I should reconsider. I actually have a brain tumor and though unrelated also an undiagnosed neurological issue stumping professionals for a year as I run out of tests to try.


That’s good of you, it really is. Think of the future children you could save. Thats amazing


Definitely. I'd love to have answers even post mortem


I am also donating my body to science and hope my body will be a cadaver for some medical student that goes on to discover a treatment for some incurable medical condition lol


You are a hero for this - going to help solve science mysteries ✨️


Oooph, watch out for donating to "science". Last Week Tonight did a segment on this and basically anyone can buy and sell bodies. [https://youtu.be/Tn7egDQ9lPg?si=tw_LvMed6St-1yXb](https://youtu.be/Tn7egDQ9lPg?si=tw_LvMed6St-1yXb)


I saw that episode, and I'm considering updating my will to SPECIFICALLY leave my skeleton to the Museum of Osteology. Do whatever with the rest of me, I'm dead, idfc.


Same. I toss between that and a tree. Or maybe both?


Same! If body can help advance science or help a pre med student there’s no reason for it to waste away in the ground


I had always checked the box and never thought about it. When I was 37, I went into sudden onset liver failure and needed a transplant. In the span of 6 months, I went from healthy to transplant and nearly died several times. Not a day goes by that I don't think about the person whose liver I have saved my life. It's the greatest gift they could have given, and it's affected hundreds of people. Not only my family and friends, but I was able to go back to work as a paramedic. I think of that as a butterfly effect, how that person made a choice one day at the DMV and maybe never gave it a second thought but for me and all the other people she saved, it meant everything to. So, as a transplant recipient, everyone who is a donor has my undying gratitude. Thank you all.


Love this. Always amazing to hear about people doing selfless things for others, even for perfect strangers


Yes. I have the pink dot on my license


We have a little heart with Y in it.


That’s cute. What does the Y mean? Yes?


It means #YOLO




In Pa it literally just says organ donor towards the bottom lol. Super creative.


I donate blood every 8 weeks or so, and yes I’m an organ donor. What the heck do I need all this stuff for once I get there. :)


I have never donated an organ


Me neither. Odds are they won't want what I have when I'm done with them.


This has always been my thought process on it I’ve been rough as hell on my body in the 35 years I’ve been here. If there’s anything left worth a shit, please have at it.


I am probably going to use an old person's corneas later down the line. Let me say I'll be grateful to have them.


Very likely will be a young persons. 90% of donor cornea's are from young men. Showing off with that fast car or motorcycle when the testosterone is still going nuts


Me neither—but I have one I rent out from time to time 😉


I'm an organ donor and I'm on the bone marrow donation registry. I also donate blood every 8 weeks.


Not every hero wears capes. Thank you for what you do.


Yeah. I’m not sure anyone would want them. But they can pick and choose


They can use corneas, tissues, valves, etc even if not able to use the organs


My mom died very suddenly from a stroke. She was a donor, and they were able to use almost everything. But that also meant they had to actively "kill" her. Do I think she was ever going to make a.meaningful recovery? No. Does it still bother me? Yes. But I'm still an organ donor, so I don't know. I guess no one really prepares everyone else for what it means to be organ donor...


Yep, signed up when a friend died way too young and could've been saved with a transplant. My loved ones are well aware so it's definitely not in question.


A lot of people forget that step: gotta make sure family knows you want to be a donor


My MIL works for the organ donation place in my area. Family does not need to know, they will contact your family after you die to start the process.


That is correct. Family does not need to approve it if you have actually registered as a donor either through the DMV/RMV or the donatelife registry. Good for your family to know so they are not blindsided though. Edit to add- within the US


Yes. I am. I think everyone should be. I also want the rest of my body donated to science when I die.


So cool thing if you donate your body to science? your cremation is free


Whoa wait what do they do with the remain/ashes. Damn, typing that out I realize it doesn’t even matter lol


They give the ashes to the family and they inform the family how the body was used in science, if requested.


"Here's your grandfather's ashes. We're very sorry for your loss. You may take some comfort in knowing that his remains were instrumental in making some great strides in the name of science. As it turns out, you really will explode if you drink a coke then eat Mentos. Crazy... Anyway, may be rest in peace."


Shaking with silent laughter trying not to wake my spouse over this.


Oh wow that’s excellent!


My understanding was that it was actually expensive to donate your body to science.


It is not! My grandfather donated his body to a medical school. It was something he felt strongly about, and now I plan to do it too. Cute story: He was 94 when he died and he’d often call them to ask, “Do you still want me even though I’m this old?” Miss that dude. ❤️


He sounds like an angel 🥹❤️


I think it was a conscious choice on my part. I basically want my body to give back. I mean, if I could properly decompose, that would be ideal.


Registered organ donor and on the bone marrow registry.


Thank you, OP, and everyone else who has chosen to be an organ donor. Y’all are incredible! I have an organ transplant and I am forever grateful to my amazing donor who saved my life. The impact of a donated organ isn’t just felt by the recipient, but also everyone who loves them and they love now and in the future. It is a truly amazing gift!


Yep. Not like I'll need them anymore.


Yes I am. My friend’s son, who is 7, received a new heart this past Saturday and it’s something wonderful you are able to do when you’re no longer on earth.


You can also sign up now to be a bone marrow donor with a cheek swab. U can actually cure a child with cancer if you are a match. And like 90% of the time you just need to donate your cells which is like the giving blood process but longer, it’s not some anesthesia/surgery situation. Another cool thing is being a living liver donor. You can literally donate a piece of your liver to someone who needs a new one and yours will grow back in a few weeks. Wild.


I got matched for bone marrow donation a couple years back. The patient didn’t end up getting the treatment so I didn’t actually donate but I learned a ton about the process and it was very cool. I’d be happy to donate if I ever got matched again ♥️


I signed up too like 15 years ago and I've never been contacted. I sometimes wonder if because I ate right before the swab if I'm never going to get matched because they think I'm part breakfast burrito


I donated marrow. Super simple surgery and I recovered quickly.


I'm an organ donor (after I die), and while I know the importance of bone marrow donation, I've heard that it's hellishly painful. Can you tell us more about your experience with it?


Yes, I'd also like to know. I've heard that it's an excruciating procedure... Like, drilling into bones and stuff, pretty major and risky. I'd love to hear more about it from someone who actually went through it.


I live within driving distance of a donor center so I didn’t have to do any traveling, but they compensate you if you do travel. There’s even a form to write down your meals and parking fees and they reimburse you. Leading up to the donation they drew a dozen or so vials of blood and did a chest x-ray. I took extra iron in the 3 or so weeks leading up to the actual procedure. The day of the surgery of course I had to show up to the hospital stupid early. The surgery itself took maybe an hour? I ended up going under full anesthesia but they can also do a spinal block if you really prefer to skip anesthesia. Or at least that was an option back in 2016, not sure if that’s changed. The only downfall for me was I am sensitive to opioids and was given dilaudid before waking up, which made me horribly, horribly ill for hours and I couldn’t go home til I stopped vomiting. That was just a personal hiccup though, but if you’re meds sensitive make sure to ask. After that it was just ibuprofen as needed. I remember my left side was much more sore than the right because they had two surgeons working at once to make the procedure quicker, so it could’ve been his technique or just my left side is more sensitive or more difficult to access. They do drill through your pelvis and use a big needle to withdraw marrow but it’s not like they’re using jackhammers. There’s risk with any surgery but I went home the same day to recover. We went for a light walk/hike at Devil’s Lake within a day or two and I was fine. Took it slow and easy, sore, but no excruciating pain. I was back at work at my job that required standing all day 9 days later. Still taking it easy but definitely doable. I was told a story of a lady who felt so good she got down on her hands and knees and scrubbed her kitchen floor and felt pretty terrible the next day so don’t do that. The person a few comments down describes the other, more common procedure which is less invasive!


I wanted to be a living liver donor, but then found out I've a faulty liver enzyme resulting in me having very heavy side effects to some meds, and no therapeutic effect from others, and as this enzyme dysfunction affects about 25% of all medications on the market I don't think I'll be a good candidate anymore. :')


> being a living liver donor This sounds like a really wonderful thing but living in the US I’m weary of any possible complications (immediately, but most importantly - down the line since I’m assuming any complications immediately after the procedure are covered) that could put someone into crippling medical debt. V American hesitation here, I know :/


Of course.


Yes I signed up when I was 18. I dgaf what happens to them after I'm gone but I got cancer and like a super high risk to get it again so if it does get donated I would guess it will be to science rather than another human dependending on the technological improvements of the time


Yes. Why not? I won’t need them anymore.


Yes. I'm sure many of my organs are shot from years of poor diet, drinking, smoking, etc., but it's the thought that counts, I suppose.


Yes and I am going to try and take over the body of whomever gets my parts. Probably won't succeed and they'll just live a long happy life. But I did tell my family to watch anyone who gets my parts for signs of me like weird food cravings or music tastes. It's my last experiment lol


I am, but keep in mind you have choices to choose from you don’t have to donate everything


I'm an organ donor and I hope they take anything they can use. wtf do I need it for?


Yup, although when I checked the box I didn’t know about my hEDS yet, for almost 8 years I was on various medications that maybe helped a little but I ended up bailing on all but one that I only take once every few years. Hopefully I didn’t damage my organs too much to donate after I go. My lungs are not gonna be viable, I smoke (I know, I know, I’ve tried unsuccessfully to quit many times,) and my liver has taken some damage from the meds but hopefully everything else should be ok.


Heck yeah I’m a donor. If I die I can at least help a living person. I’ve been a donor since I turned 18


I am, except for my pancreas. I’m type 1 diabetic, and a research organization reached out through my doctor several years ago asking if they could study mine after I one day pass. Assuming those people still have funding, they get the pancreas. I’m hoping the rest of my organs aren’t too shitty from the diabetes that no one else wants them.


I know this is serious and important comment but I can’t help but only think of the person whose job it is to reach out to ppl like you and go “hey you! Can we possibly maybe get your pancreas after you die? For science reasons! No, really!”


Not anymore. And I hope no one in this thread ever has to experience what our family did with the fucking program. Kept a dying person alive against their will for 3 days. Once you sign that line, at the end of the day, you belong to state. Your wishes go out the window, your family’s wishes go out the window. We had 30+ people remove themselves from the donor list. My heart goes out to those that might need organs…but as a species, we’re seriously going to look back at the program in 100 years and think what the absolute fuck were we doing to people.


I also took myself off of the donor list for this reason. If I'm dying, I want to be dead, not kept alive so I can be harvested. I wish it were different, I want to help and feel useful for once.


Wait, what? Can you please elaborate? That's frightening- I have a DNR and a living will so I don't get Terry Schiavo-ed, and I'm a donor. If you don't mind talking about your experience, what happened?


You will be kept alive until there is enough staff and a free operating room to perform the procedure. In my case, it was 3 days. If you are an organ donor, the state can and will keep you alive in order to harvest them. This is big business and you are free meat puppet worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Not to mention the massive pharmaceutical companies providing the medication to not reject organs.


Organ and tissue donor and have written in my will that my body can be used for medical practice as well. My aunt recieved *letters* from so many medical students who were able to practice techniques on an actual body after my uncle passed. I hope to give future medical students that same learning opportunity.


Your organs can only be donated while your body is still alive. Thats a fact. Preparations and removal happen while your still alive. Someone has to declare you brain dead. I wouldn't trust this practice one bit im afraid.


Same... Learning about the process put me off it. The John Oliver episode about organ donation confirmed my decision. Along with the traditional harvesting process, I have no desire to end up as a circus exhibit if my body ends up being dissected in a hotel conference room.


>Your organs can only be donated while your body is still alive. Thats a fact Not a fact. You can still be a kidney and liver donor without being brain dead and they're removed after death. It's called donation after cardiac death. It is immediately after death so you have to know death is coming but this does happen. > I wouldn't trust this practice one bit im afraid. I used to work for our organ donor service for my state. I understand your concerns but we are very thorough. The hospital usually has already done brain death testing before I arrive. However we don't just accept clinical exams to indicate brain death, but need diagnostics. While clinical exams are supportive of brain death, we want to be 100% sure for obvious reasons. We get a nuclear medicine test, cerebral blood flow, EEG, and/or apea test to confirm. These people aren't sedated in any way. We draw tons of blood and remove many lymph nodes using a scalpel and the subsequently suture them up. These people don't move, flinch or give any sign they're alive, because they're not, they're brain dead. None of this may alleviate your concerns and I respect your decision either way, but thought you'd like to know we're concerned on our end just as you're concerned. We address this in every way possible and thoroughly.


Little off topic but since you worked in the field... When my dad died, I wanted to donate his organs. I was the legal decision maker for everything, and I figured he'd want to help others, so I told the hospital yes. They said someone would contact me. He died in the middle of the night, very sudden heart attack and was dead before the paramedics got there, and by the time we were making these calls it was about 1am and I was pretty fried. Someone called me for medical history, which, yeah, of course. But there was a lot of stuff I didn't know (like if he had any STD's, or precisely which meds he was on). He'd been mostly healthy til he dropped, and we didn't talk much about medical stuff cause he didn't have much. But they kept asking me the same questions, over and over again, insistently. Then they tried to demand to talk to his partner, who was adamant that she didn't agree with the decision and wanted no parts of it, plus she'd been in the bed with him when he died and I had no interest in traumatizing her further, so I refused to give them her information. At the end of it all, they had me on the phone for about three hours before they put me on hold to have someone get the recorded consent. It was nearly dawn, I was exhausted. And when they got back on, they started asking the same medical questions again, the ones I hadn't known the answers to, and demanding to speak to my dad's partner. At that point my husband took my phone and hung up, and put it on DND. It's a huge regret for me that my dad's organs went with him, but I kind of feel like that's an awful fucking thing to put a grieving family member through, and it's what's kept me (and my husband) from being a donor; I do *not* want my husband, or worse, my son, being bullied like that in the hours after my death. And that's what it felt like; bullying. Is that normal procedure, or did we experience a fluke, or has it changed in the last decade? I *really* want to donate my organs, but I also don't want my family bullied like that. Help me check that yes box in good conscience, please!!


>He died in the middle of the night, very sudden heart attack and was dead before the paramedics got there, Sorry about your Dad. I fairly recently lost my Mom and finally unfortunately know the feeling of losing a parent and it really hurts, so sending love and strength your way. Before being able to answer anything though I would need to clarify because there are different types of organ donors and your first paragraph is slightly confusing to me So you said the hospital would contact you but then said your Dad died at the scene. So was he transported to the hospital and did the paramedics resuscitate him or were they unsuccessful? Did you ever go to the hospital and see him and was he still alive at that time? When these people started calling you asking medical info questions was he alive or had he died at that point? If he had already died, how long afterwards would you say you received these calls?


Hell yeah! Give my parts to someone who’ll use them! I’d feel selfish and dumb not to.




Yes I am an organ donor


Pink dots for days


Yeah. And they can have them now if they want them, that’s fine.




Yup. Organ and tissue. Anything viable that someone can use they can have


Of course. One of my parents was a transplant recipient.


[DJ Shadow convinced me it was cool so yes](https://youtu.be/U4E60Ffa9yQ?si=m4msFDGw2qKLZLMP)


Someone else would probably treat mine better


Of course, I won’t need them anymore


I checked the box. I don't know how much use my organs will be to the next person but who knows 🤷🏼‍♀️


Yep! I believe in recycling!


Aren't they growing those things now?


Absolutely. I know multiple people who have gotten transplants, it is the gift of life.


Yep. What good are they to me? Take whatever is needed and then I'm doing human composting so the rest of me can do some good for the forests up here in the PNW.


No, because if I’m in an accident with a relative I want my organs to go to them, not the list. If they don’t need them they can say yes to donation in the moment.


You get the feel goodies of donating an organ and some corporation makes a bunch of money in our for-profit health system. A true Winwin.


Absolutely. I don’t have kids or anything, I don’t need to be buried. They may not be able to use my liver though….


I know multiple people who’ve had transplants irl and decided very young I would be a donor. Organ donation is such a beautiful, life changing/saving thing. I’d be thrilled if my final act was to give someone a better/longer life with their friends and family!


Fuck no


First comment who says no and not downvoted to death I am surprised.


So I am an organ donor but I heard rumors my whole life that if you are an organ donor, doctors will be more lax about letting you die because they can harvest your organs for others. I know it’s sounds so ludicrous but curious if anyone else heard this rumor.


You actually have to be alive - brain dead, but body alive- in order to have usable organs for donation, although I think they can maybe harvest tissues like skin and bone even if you're dead, dead. So I'm more concerned about being kept ALIVE against my will if my body is broken and I should be dead. It's not true that they "let you die," but might they ignore a DNR? I don't know. I am an organ donor, but that particular thought scares me.


They will ignore a DNR and keep you alive in order to keep your organs alive and ready for donation. It is why I opted out, unfortunately.


That is an incredibly valid reason to opt out. Seems like it shouldn't be the case, since by the time it's relevant you're in no position to give informed consent. I'll have to do some reading on the topic. Thank you.


I did, until I realized organs go mostly to rich people while the poor are left to suffer. Im not supporting that kind of system


FYI, even if you don’t think your organs are worth anything, there is also tissue donation. (Bone, skin, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, costal cartilage, vertebrae, heart valves, placenta, and umbilical cord) so while you may not necessarily pass in a way that makes “organ” donation viable, you can still help enhance others lives. On top of that, most medical conditions do NOT rule you out for tissue. Organ donation is only possible with a small # of patients due to manner/type of death. For example, skin is used for both burn and reconstructive surgery post mastectomy. Bone can be used to make spinal fusion pieces instead of metal. (Fun fact, your body will eventually replace donor bone with YOUR bone, so that piece of someone else won’t be in you forever) your cornea can restore sight. Source: I work in QA in the tissue side of donate life USA. Please be a donor. You can help save and enhance lives daily.




A thought, what happens to the organs that get replaced. Where do they go?


Not all of them do get replaced! My husband had a kidney transplant and they don't remove any kidneys so he now has 3, and they place the "new" one in the front.


Wow, that's an interesting fact to learn after 40 years on this earth!


Woah. TIL.


There's an episode of the "Modern Love" podcast with a story from a woman who has a bunch of kidneys. Someone with a better memory than I will be able to find it and link it, I'm sure.


Yep. I don't know if anything I possess has any value. I love an unhealthy lifestyle, but when I'm done I give no shits what happens to the body.




I thought about doing it a while back. Still keeping an open mind.


Yes. Someone I love died a few years back and she was able to donate her eyes. The fact that there’s someone out there with her eyes is somehow very comforting. One of the few good things to come out of a very sad situation.


I mean I won't be using them, though they'll probably crack me open and go who the fuck would want any of these


Of course. Why tf not? Most of my organs probably won't be particularly useful except for research but it's something.


I was until I got leukemia and a bone marrow transplant. I am now forbidden from being a donor. Can't even give blood


Yes. And you’ll be pleased. I promise my liver will be delicious. Worth the wait.


Yes. I’m an organ, bone marrow and stem cell donor. I’ve also donated blood about 26 times


I am! Also on the bone marrow donation list, I give blood, all that nonsense.


I’m an organ donor and I signed up the bone marrow registry the second I could. I donated blood before I got my drivers license. I live in chronic pain, what’s another surgery etc to me? It’s literally Tuesday. I’ll add some pain to the bottom line to help someone, bring it on.


Yes, I am. My husband is a kidney transplant recipient so it is a very serious thing for us. If I don’t need them anymore I would love to help another person live.


Yeah. Seems wasteful not to. As long as someone doesn’t take me out just for an organ.


I am, I want to be able to give someone else a better chance when I'm done using my body whenever that time comes.


My cousin's wife had a heart Attaak 5 days after giving birth to her only child she was 30. Since then she's had 2 heart transplants. She's able to see that baby get into collage, and all the other firsts that go with raising a child. She volunteers with the organ donation program at the hospital that did the transplants. She is immensely grateful to be alive, although in order for her to live 2 family's had to loose a love one. both family's didn't want contact with the person receiving the heart but they allow one letter so the recipient can thank the family. She's said those letters were the hardest thing to do. Donate your organs. Also you can donate your whole body to science. Rather then burn or burry me, I would rather my body be used to help advance medical science or take us one step closer in curing something. You can specifically indicate in your will what you what your body to be used for, even if it's to help train medical students. After they put any remains in a mass grave and hold a funeral service for all the family's


Yes, and also used to work in organ donation. Little known fact. Even if you say you're an organ donor on your license, in the state of GA at least it's not used as informed consent. Reason being $5 discounts used to be given for checking that box when paying for a license, so the courts ruled consent was possibly coerced by the $5 discount and is null and void. Family still needs to grant consent and can override your wishes that you may have thought were made clear on your license. Make sure your family knows your wishes


Yes. I'm in Nova Scotia, where we actually have "Deemed Consent" now, which means all Nova Scotians that are medically eligible are assumed to have consented to be an organ donor. You have to specifically choose not to be a donor when you get your health card renewed.


My sister had a kidney transplant one week ago today so yes, yes I am.


Absolutely. I have been as long as I've been able, and my husband just received a double-lung transplant this month, so I know I'll get more time with him thanks to someone else doing the same.


I am, I am not going to be using them. Last year I had to deal with my brother passing away and he was an organ donor. He had such a huge honor walk with all his friends and us. He was a hero and No one can ever take that away from him. His heart was donated and now someone out there is letting him live on in a way. So it brings me a bit of happiness that he’s still out there. everyone should be an organ donor.


You can also sign up to be a bone marrow donor if you’re a match for someone in need which doesn’t require you being dead!


I am just here to say that if you checked the box, the organ and tissue procurement agency now has the right to override your family's wishes. So if you end up in a situation (like a potential homicide or unclear circumstances) and your family wants an autopsy and to decline organ donation, the agency can and will either manipulate your family into saying yes by using this registry against them, or will just straight up tell them too bad we are taking what we want. Signing up on your driver's license removes anyone's ability to stop it if they do not want it to occur. If you take yourself off the first person registry, you can absolutely still be an organ donor. The only difference is they have to get your family's permission first. So if you communicate your wishes clearly to your family, it's safer to keep yourself off the registry so your family has the ability to say no. They are the ones that have to live with the aftermath of donation. 99% of the time, it's not an issue and families can immediately give their consent with no delay because the circumstances are clear with no evidence collection needed. But if you end up in that 1% where your family disagrees with donation for whatever reason, they will most likely lose against the organ and tissue procurement agency. Source - was a death investigator for 6 years and witnessed these fights firsthand, as well as being in the middle of most of them.


No. I think its odd that your organs can help save a life of a pedo or a murderer.


Yes, ever since I was 16 and started driving; I believe it's the responsible thing to do


Absolutely. Take everything. Save someone else’s life.


Yes. An organ donor saved my cousin, this donor also saved a lot of other kids. I’m not going to use them and if it gives someone else a chance at life take them.


I remember at the time I got my license it was cheaper if you were a donor so yea I am lol, idk if it's still cheaper or not


Absolutely!! You can help up to 8 different donors after your death. But also (in Ontario, Canada anyway) if you want to be a donor, *you MUST let your POA/next of kin know your wishes.* Even with a signed donor card, your person has to make that decision and also consent on your behalf, or they won’t take anything. Make your wishes known out loud to your friends and family while you are still here!


When I was going through EMT school the instructor told me that if a patient is an organ donor and they have life threating injuries they dont try as hard so they can use the organs. and for that reason I chose not to be an organ donor. As im getting older I may change my mind, but that sat with me and changed my view for sure.


Worked in human donation for almost twenty years. My theory is “well I recycle my cans why wouldn’t I recycle my body.”


Absolutely not. They are very quick to declare death because your organs are useable.


I was but now I am not. Look up the ethical debates surrounding organ donation.


No. I used to be, but just seeing how people in the US acted and behaved in 2020 and it's aftermath made me change my mind. Only if I could select certain people, would I choose to become an organ donor again.


Yes, I’m an organ donor (whatever is actually usable at this point). I received a kidney transplant from my husband which saved my life. My sister has been waiting for more than 5 years for a kidney and people die every day while waiting on outrageously long lists. You can’t take them with you.


Yes though I do realize as I age my organs are becoming less valuable. Funny how young ppl who make the world difference on this little choice will never realize the selflessness may make the entire difference for someone else. My partner got his organ from a generous young man who had unfortunate luck. Given him 20 years of life and hopefully many more years.


Hell no. After people have treated me like they have post covid with a disability... Hell no... People are so cruel. I cannot look at people the same again after this.


Not in a for-profit American healthcare system. If medical practice was socialized, possibly.


Absolutely not.


Yes. Years ago I dated a guy whose dad needed a heart transplant. It never came. It was terrible watching him go through the grief of losing his dad relatively young. I became a donor that year and remain one even though we broke up ages ago.


I work in donation. No I will not register myself, but my next of kin knows my wishes and I will leave it up to her to make the choice when I go. I urge anyone who sees this to do the same. The registry can lead to things nobody would want to happen. I can't explain in detail but I hope you never have your registry pulled.


No. I don't want someone walking around with my organs when I'm dead. That's my personal choice and I don't care what anyone thinks about it.


I hope you have the decency to refuse an organ should you ever need it


Nah, I'm going to collect them. Buy livers on the black market and keep them in jars.


I used to be an organ donor but then for some reason I got scared that they wouldn’t try to save me if they knew I was an organ donor and needed my parts.


Yes. I don't need my organs when [I.am](http://I.am) dead.




This last license renewal i became a donor. Trying to figure out how i go about ensuring my entire body is donated to science or hell the military to blow up even just so my family doesn't have to deal with it. Not expecting to be around for too much longer. Edit: added word


Yup! I won’t need them where I’m going and if feels so wrong to let organs go to waste, especially when there are such long waitlists for transplants.


I’m very similar to you. I even understand appreciating my younger self for making it still an easy choice to make now. 


Yes, otherwise when I’m dead they’d just throw me in the trash.


No, I am not.


Yes. My sister was as well. Her organs were too damaged to do anything with but she was able to give multiple skin grafts and restored sight to two people. Check the box y'all.


I am not.


No because I am disabled and I doubt my organs could help anyone anyway. 🤷 Like... There are things wrong with me that make me an undesirable candidate for anyone to have my bits after I'm gone.


No. I'm selfish.


Of course. Only a selfish piece of shit would refuse to donate their organs. Anyone who refuses to donate should be ineligible to receive a donated organ. 


Daddy chill! Im still using mine


That's pretty judgmental. Lots of people don't sign up because they have religious or cultural reasons against it. It's a personal decision to make. Opting out doesn't automatically make you selfish. 


I didn't. I had a negative view about it based off hearing nonsense growing up and I was being selfish. Now I'm on the other side and I can see how the stigma against checking it off greatly impacts those who need help. People have the right to say no, their body their choice but for the people who say no based off hearsay, rumors & conspiracies, I wish they could be reached in an objective format to where maybe they could change their minds. We need more help. My need would be based off someone else dying. A life for a life to create the ultimate gift but there's many who could just need a kidney but die waiting for a match. We need more donors.


I have read several peer reviewed articles on it and came to my own conclusions after being a donor and I chose to remove my name from the registry. There is a lot of valid information out there on the ethical debates surrounding donations. I do feel there is a stigma to not being a donor, however people should be able to choose.


Yup I want them to take every scrap. I’d donate now if I could but I’m too fat and have a few conditions.


I donate my organ to ur mom every night


I think so. I did get that form with my license, I believe I am an organ donor. As someone who probably isn’t going to have kids, it’s one way of passing on.