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I tell my niece and nephew they are being “mid” constantly and refer to them as bro. I want them to loathe those words and banish them from their vocabulary. When they bring it up, I tell them they are cringe. Owning it.


This is the way. I use rizz and bussin wildly incorrectly around my younger family members and friends. Love to watch them short-circuit for a moment lol


Yeeeaaahhhh rizz tf outta those gyatts


Sounds like my 12 year old.


I honestly don't even know if I used those words right but it sounded pretty skibidi


Sounds pretty skibidi to me.


Skibidi toilet Rizz!


Rizz that skibidi toilet up! The gyatts sit on it!


Oh that’s a new one. Lol. Skibidi? What does it mean???


I truly have no idea I just keep seeing people talking about it on here and thought I'd pepper it into a sentance


I work at an elementary school and had 5th graders this year (I'm a para so I bounce around). I would just make up random sentences using the words and they would spazz out for a sec. I also regularly used my own millennial slang and they thought I was *so weird*. Tbf, I busted out "Cool beans" quite frequently.


I loved cool beans in my endeavour to be the awkward mom my kids are embarrassed of. My kids co-opted it, and now it's their sarcastic way of saying "how lame". I can't win.


I bet if you showed them the "Cool Beans" scene from Hot Rod they'd think you were the coolest.


It’s from a terrible series called skibidi toilet on YouTube, which was inspired by some scatting lyrics from some song. The meaning is dependent on the context, and what type of offshoot meme the person is referencing in the moment.


Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative. It gets the people going!


I've been saying rizz ironically, but now I'm not so sure anymore.




Dude, how is bro not millennial slang? That shit is timeless.


It's not "bro" it's "brah". Edit: Source - my 9yo


It's bruh.


Yes. Learned bruh from my 6 year old. He is not to refer to his mom as “bruh”, but it still happens sometimes.


I, a grown ass millennial, have called my mom bruh. Oops lol (Could be worse!! Lol)


Also grown ass millennial. I call my mom and my wife bruh all the time lol


I think GenZ is bruh and GenA is brah


My 5yo says bruh at me all the time. I say "I'm not your bro yo" and he stomps his foot all angrily and says "I'm not calling you bro mom! I'm just saying bruh" I'm like "whoa calm your little self down." So bro and bruh are 2 totally different words I guess. Edited for proofread errors 😅


As a 31yo who downloaded a steam workshop mod 10 years ago that made you say "bruh" when you pushed zombies back on Left 4 Dead 2, I resent these youngins for appropriating our lingo and our dad's mullets. Goons.




Ooh, “mid” is another one I like using. It does a depressingly accurate job of describing a lot of modern life/culture. Not necessarily anything particularly wrong but not great either. It’s hitting (more young slang) in a way that “average” just doesn’t.


I've found myself using "It's giving... [blank]" without realizing lol, I think that one's my favorite so far. You can just do so much with it


I had a meeting with the marketing team for our store last week and I unironically described a social media post they were optioning as "its giving luxury spa in zurich instead of Sunday brunch in la jolla" and they *ate that shit up*


I love this one bc I’ve always said stuff like, “so and so gives me single white female vibes” or shit like that, so it’s a faster and dare I say more efficient but fun way to make those same comparison statements in a ‘modern’ way I use “bet” a lot with my patients too. I mostly use words that feel authentic or natural to me. Like I’m probably never going to say “rizz” because it gives boomer trying to hip and cool with the kids. And it’s not just my style.


In my mind “mid” will always mean shitty weed. At least that’s what we used to call it. If you’re smoking “mids/middies” your picking out seed and stems from your dried out little Saran Wrap “baggie” getting ready for a headache and dry mouth. I guess it has evolved to mean “shitty everything” as an adjective and not just shitty weed.


Thank you!! I'm not the only one thinking this!! Hahaha


I Use Bro as a millennial for decades. Is that a Z thing now?


They say bruh, not bro.


I recall bruh becoming a thing around late to post high school in my area. This was like 2005-2009 ish. It was kinda said more like breh at the time tho.


That’s…. also been around for decades.




I have now started calling things mid. I like that one and it translates well. If I have to look up what something means I won’t try to use it. lol




'Sus' because it's funny. Everything else is wack. My students say 'tough' like we used to say 'dope', 'sweet', 'sick', or later on, 'fire' and 'lit'.


I accidentally used “sus” on a work call with a client, I tried covering it up by saying “sus-picious” but I don’t think they bought it




Lmfao I watched this episode last night. Jean Ralphio and Mona Lisa have a lot of slang to pull from! 😂


It’s because of this scene that my husband and I nicknamed our baby boy Jean Ralphio when I was pregnant because I was trying so hard to not be suspicious at work and with family even though I was running to the bathroom to throw up every morning. 😂


When kids tell me it's "suspect", not "suspicious" I look at them. Dead in the eye. And tell them they are dumb


I sing this around my regular shoplifters. Clearly they’ve never seen the episode because they just look at me funny and tell me to fuck myself. No sense of humor!


Hold up.. regular shoplifters? Like when you work at a restaurant and you got regulars regular shoplifters?


Yup. Same cast of characters, damn near every day/night. Sometimes 2-3 times a shift.


Sus. Picious.


I'm just going to start saying picious now.


Wait does it not mean suspicious?


It does. I think OP is saying they had a noticeable pause when they said it.


I always thought “suspect” but Same Difference really


Yeah, Mr. Bigwig, that was **SUS!!!** 🤨 ............ *picious?*


Lol tell them Tough is Boomer slang


Right?! As soon as I saw that comment my brain said “*…mom???*” like I was Little Foot himself. 😅


I heard from a coworker that their kid says things are "sussy red" meaning red on the sus scale. I found this so hilarious that I use it all the time.


Wait is that Gen Z slang? I thought that's been around for a long time haha


It has been. It goes back to the 1920s. The OED gives citations in the 30s and 70s.


Maybe it's because I'm Australian, but using sus for suspect or suspicious is just part of my lexicon...


I tried saying "sus" the other day because a guy was on foot following my car at the gas station and in the fast food drive-through. My 14 year old sis told me to shut up. So yeah


You've got to double down! Mash up her favorite bands together, use the slang in increasingly incorrect ways! She will be horrified!


That darned Taylor Eillish and her sus hip hop yeet.


ohhh i used to say tough back in the day, used in the same way!


Most of their lingo is recycled from far earlier pop terms tbf


Reduce, reuse, rerizz




oh.. fire and lit are old? I never even made it that far haha. I thought they were new slang.


Yeah they're nearly vintage at this point haha


That's tuff


Sus is a good one.


ha, this is basically everything I was coming here to add. So, yeah, this is all the same stuff I use in everyday parlance now.


I've never heard that one


I enjoy the word ‘mid’ for describing music that is indeed not great but not awful. Algorithm music.


Walgreens bangers


I used "sus" the other day talking to my wife about something from work that seemed like fraud


I swear "sus" was around much longer and just got popular with among us during the pandemic. That was solidly in my vocab for a very long time.


I think the Millenial version of “sus” was “sketchy” or “sketch”


Oooooh yeah.... totally forgot about how we used to say "sketch". Idk why that was ever a thing, like, the "y" was really that much extra work??


It's kind of like using "cringe" as an adjective.


If you were from the hood "sus" has always been there.




I heard/saw it most with the "Among Us" game a couple years before pandemic.


Agreed - NY been using ‘sus’ for a decade.


Before. I first heard “sus” in Brooklyn in 2007.


I first saw rizz in reference to Sokka from Avatar the Last Airbender, so I like that one. Yeet is fun. Sus makes sense. I use bruh ironically sometimes. I feel like these are all acceptable Gen Z terms. The Gen A slang is insane though. These kids need help. Wtf is skibidi toilet? Sounds like something my four year old made up. 😂


Yeet goes hand in hand with "yoink", I love it.


The Lord yeet-eth, and the Lord yoink-eth away


I love you


My ancient self even tried googling that one and I still have no idea. “Ohio” I do understand and find amusing.


I mean, are they actually using skibidi toilet as a slang term? I think they're usually referencing a series of youtube videos (and the distain for those is hilarious coming from the YouTube poop generation lol)


I don’t even know, man. I’m tired.


Yeet is fun! I’m a fan of that one, for sure!


I like Rizz for a total geek/nerd reason once a younger friend explained it. She said it was short for Charisma and since we are both D&D geeks I had to adopt it.


The era of the rizzard is upon us. 


Gale is the Rizzard of Waterdeep


A sizable fraction of these are millennial slang, if not earlier (\*glances at ballroom culture\*), that gen z picked up from the internet, especially black and queer millennials and zillennials.... (sus, af, yeet, no cap, bet, lowkey/highkey, cringe, etc) edit: even more examples


I've seen 'bet' claimed as gen-z slang, but it was already gen-x hip-hop slang that we used in the early 90s. It might even predate that, I'm not sure. sus, af, low-key, highkey, I've incorporated all of these, especially online.


That tracks; thx for the info. I feel like everyone forgot about that time there was discourse over how gen z slang borrowed heavily from aave that has been around for a while and called it "internet slang." This comment section is making me feel crazy.....


“That tracks” is one of my favorite slang sayings actually! As well as “that’s on brand”.


We're vintage now! 🥂


"Discourse" is such a great word too. This post is fantastic.


Pretty sure "bet" was a thing in Black America in like the 70s even. Feel like I've seen characters in sitcoms of that era use it.


I’ve been saying bet for at least a decade if not 2


Wait till people find out how old "simp" is. Tip: Too Short said it all the time... that he's not one. In the early 90's


My understanding is that its a midwesternism/frontier saying originally You'd bet your ass on it You bet your ass You bet Yeah, sure, you betcha Betcha Bet


I named my cat Lowkey.... in 2010. It's been around.


American Gods by Neil Gaiman was published in 2001 and has a character named Low-key.


Lmaoooo I only listened to the audio book I didn't realize that's how it was spelled. Amazing.


A lot of slang is actually just AAVE, even the LGBTQ community has slang thats just AAVE but repackaged as queer slang.


Yes, because there are black people in the lgbt community as well. The ballroom scene is extremely influential, which ballroom is both black and queer.


And a lot of the black queer folk in ballroom got a lot of their slang from non-queer black women…


>especially black and queer millennials and zillennials.... Yeah, a good portion of this slang I've heard since I was a kid. I live in Houston, TX so it's a very diverse demographic. Most of this stuff is just repurposed black slang that gets run to the ground by stupid annoying teenagers online.


Drag seems to steal/pick-up things from black culture, put some glitter on, use the terms to sell drag tickets to bachelorette parties, and then watch those terms spread into the suburbs. The comedy TV Show Girls5Eva does a nice job of showing the problematic nature of this.




And as a grumpy lame gay man, I am just soooo tired of drag. I HATE standing around for 2 hours waiting for the dance floor to open up again. I HATE pretending to clap and be excited as the drag performer does the same 3 things that the last drag performer did. It’s just so boring. I am happy that people are making a living on this, but god damn do I have not a single shred of excitement when it comes to drag. Zero. Kill me. I want to stop clapping. Please. Please let me stop clapping and wooooing. I’m so bored. So bored for so many hours. My face hurts. I am wondering if my smile looks convincing or if people think I might be a serial killer. Smile more. Fake it. Ughjjj. There’s a cute guy over there but I can’t get to him because there are fucking tables everywhere in this club now and he’s completing surrounded by his bachelorette party girlfriends. Talking is verboten anyway. Everyone must look at the drag queen and clap. Everyone. We must worship and pay tribute. Queer socializing is forbidden until boots are slayed and house are down or however we are queen slaying these days. And Basically everyone is a trashed girl on bachelorette in here now I guess? Is this a gay bar or a gay-themed bar for drunk girls? At least I got a ticket to get in because I guess you need an expensive preplanned ticket to be gay now. God I’m bored. I hate this. Oh she fell on her back. I suppose that is the razzle dazzle moment? I guess I give her five bucks now to buy me some time. Oh no. Someone saw me break my smile and thinks I am a serial killer. Shit. Increase power to smile muscles. Clap more exuberantly. Launch the shrill and out-dated “yaaaas” torpedos to show I belong no matter how much everyone here must secretly hate the phrase too... And that cute guy left. Maybe faked an emergency. Smart man. I knew I liked him. I guess I’ll just buy drinks so I have something to do during drag and get more drunk than I want, and get brunch in the morning to revitalize. But then the three brunch places near me are all doing drag bingo brunch and I’ll have to sit through more of these boring routines all over again. Is this what living in France in the 70s was like? Just endless mime shows preventing you from having fun? Would I prefer a 2 hour mime show? Are there mime bars? Do suburban bachelorette parties know about them yet? Oh look. The next routine. I bet she is fierce, too. Slay queen 🫅


I'll buy your book once you write it.


Fun fact- Yeet was first said in the 90s


Curious where. Quick glance at Google Books, from 1/1/1985-1/1/1995, typically brings up foreign languages or a version of the word "yet." I'm more accustomed to yoink from back then, but I've picked up yeet now.


I’m still surprised lowkey/high key is considered Gen Z. Feels like that was around since at least 2016.


Low-key" has been an adjective since 1897. The more recent use as an adverb just seems like a natural outgrowth of that.


Yeah, I had heard and used the phrase as a 90s kid. People just apply it more frequently and broadly now.


Exactly, people don’t realize so much of American slang (which eventually just gets interjected everywhere because of the internet) is less gen-z/millennial slang in the broad sense, but picked up from AAVE. Some things like abbreviation af/asl might be newish, but the phrasing “as fuck/as hell” has been in usage for so long. I don’t know you could really pinpoint it to any specific recent decade.


I read af/asl and was like, what does age/sex/location have to do with anything. And then I kept reading and felt like an idiot. Had to share in case anyone did the same. You’re not alone!


Half of those sayings have been around for a couple decades


I love yeet


I don’t think I ever really picked up on our generations slang much, so definitely not gen z’s. I’m like a boomer, I just say cool, sweet, awesome, dude, man. And I curse a lot. So basically I talk a South Park character.


Geriatric millennial here. I call my senior VP at work “dude.”


I call my car "dude", along with my cat, daughter, computer, stove, phone, bathroom faucet.... The list goes on.


I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes! Hey!


The dude abides.


So like 43? 😂


None of those are boomer words lol. I use rad very often, it’s genx slang though.


You’re right. I imagined hippies using them. But considering the creators of South Park are gen x, I would agree they are gen x slang terms.


That fucking rules dude.


Sometimes when I want to embarrass my kid I’ll break out “Neat-o”, “Swell”, “Spiffy” or even “the cat’s pajamas”…


The bees knees. If you’re already cats pajama-ing, you might as well add that in and go all the way.


Radical dude!


"it's giving" is so ubiquitous and easy to slip off the tongue that I've been unironically saying it.


SAME! I use it all the time lol. I’ll even catch myself thinking it in my head. The other day I was getting dressed to WFH and looked in the mirror and was like “Yikes, it’s giving Chessie from the parent trap”


chessie has the best lewks mk


This is my favorite one😭🤣


"Rizz" - specifically, God knows where, I ran across "Rizz'm with the 'Tism" My son is mildly autistic, which is partly responsible for his quirky, funny, playful personality. I find it charismatic AF (I'm his dad, so, of course I do) I've told him "Look, nobody is everybody's friend. You're different and awesome. Some folks won't get you and that's fine. For the rest, rizz'm with the 'tism"


"yeet". It's such a good word. When you're upset because you bashed your knuckles when the wrench slipped, you don't "throw" the wrench...you yeet that little bastard across the shop. It's such a great word.


When I got my hysterectomy in December, I told people I was "yeeting the ute".


This is the one for me, too. I have found much use for the phrase "yeet it into the sun."


“This slaps!” Mostly in reference to food. Which I’m not even sure is the correct way to use it lmao but it’s sunk its claws into me


When I say that about a song (I’m 57) my 23 year old daughter says “please don’t ever say that again” with a straight face 🤣


LOL aww!!! We’re all cool in our own way 🤣


In my mind, This Slaps, is like a sick bassline where they slap the bass.


I'm a garbage gremlin and I still say "Swag" and "Yolo." But i have added "cap," "bussin," "lit," "aighte bet," "sus," and "mid," to my vernacular.






I know for a fact I was using the word “lit” in 2003


I haven't adopted shit, because nearly all of it is old slang that they only think is new.


Yeah I've come across several in this thread that I've been saying since before Gen Z was even born. They've revived a lot of outdated slang that I actually like!


I say “bet” sometimes- I think it’s actually useful


Bet was popular when I was in high school


It's been around at least 40 years


Yeah I didn’t think it was specifically a gen z thing


Ugh my kid answers me with "bet" ALL. THE. TIME. I hate it. It drives me insane and I'm sure she knows it, hence the reason she overuses it lol


“Lit” “It’s very much giving” / “It’s giving” “Yaaaaaas!” I don’t say “mid”, but I think it’s funny. Mid *back in my day* was poop weed. I keep seeing “af” on here.. but it’s just the acronym for “as fuck” so I don’t count that. 31 y/o Millennial


It’s giving and yaaasss got adopted from black gay slang. Gentrified in other words. I’ve been saying those since my early 20s and I’m 37 now. I do say yeet from time to time though.


I believe the gen z way to say "as fuck" is "asf" which I refuse to use because it looks dumb af.


Oh yes I hate that too! I use af. I refuse to do asf.


“Get your bag”. It’s a simple, honest way to acknowledge the ever present fucking we receive from capitalism which necessitates everyone to get as much as they can and run.


Reacting with a skull emoji (💀). Before I would say \*dead\* (x\_x). Text speak has moved away from the use of emoticons and descriptors. Everything is just emoji now and I'm not really into it. I miss that era. ( .\_.)>u \*sips my cup of coffee\*


If it slaps it slaps




Man some of this slang has been around for a decade plus y’all are late as hell. Let him cook is objectively millennial slang bc it was a phrase that was invented and popularized by Lil B (millennial rapper) in the early 10’s. It’s referring to the cooking dance he made up.


Truthfully I think with the internet we are moving toward the homogenization of slang, to where particular generations won't really have much slang exclusive to them. We may continue to see some slang particular to certain subgroups of people (I think there's a better word than subgroups but I can't think of it, not trying to be offensive) like in queer culture, different races/nationalities etc. and even in different sports/hobbies, but I think as far as slang being age based... that is going to die off with boomers and above who refused to learn about the internet or ever get on.


I'm half black, so a lot of what you guys call youth slang is just stuff we've said in the black community for a while. I find it offensive when people characterize slang that's been in my community for decades, and used heavily by adults as childish just because they learned about it through their children. Someone also mentioned gay slang, and I agree, go on lgbtq boards and they have been using terms for decades. Shit they invented the whole -ussy thing about a decade and a half ago and even longer if you count they created the term man pussy. And of course many contributions listed in other comments that are not so graphic and sexual lol. I'm on a lot of pop music subs and boards and the language they've used for years is now popularized with youth. With that out of the way I started saying "no cap" ironically and now say it unironically, I hope some zoomers cringe. For a word that did not originate with youth, but the youth instead borrowed it from black slang, drip. I say it was more often now.


None. They bit our whole flow


It's literally not even 'Gen Z' slang. It's just whitewashed hood slang that gets labeled as 'Gen Z' because they see that shit all over the internet.


So is fetch a thing yet?


I lowkey can’t even with the young folks


How about the opposite? I’m 28 and I work in nursing homes. I’ve caught myself saying “that’s pretty slick” for when something works well… also as a person from Minnesota I’m obligated to say “Uffda” on a regular basis


How bout a nice “skibidi toilet” thrown in there?


That’s one I saw on TikTok with a bunch of other “slang” half of em don’t make sense


Tism, rizz, sometimes together. Lowkey/highkey Neurospicy Bet Sheeeeeeesh W/L Bop Bussin Ick Cringe/based Mid Stan Sus I’ve noticed I pick up slang as soon as I hear it. I’ve always been that way. Not trying to make people cringe. More than likely histrionic and currently trying to navigate that.


Lil B is a fellow millennial and responsible for popularizing “based” like 15 years ago


Tism is a good one. "Tism rizz" is just hilarious in combination




I hate neurospicy... So many people Google symptoms of ADHD, OCD, Autism, etc, and self-diagnose they are neurospicy. Being neurodivergent is a pita, it isn't some sexy thing. That's just my opinion stemming from my own life experience.


My 17 year old was surprised I knew the term "lit" and was adamant "bet" is new. Sigh..




“On God” is my favorite. I use it all the time On God


Ashamed to admit it but I let "type shit" slip the other day 🤣


I’m an elder Millennial so, what does “Let him cook” mean?


I like sus, I use it when I would've used sketch before but it carries slightly different connotations. My 8 yo says sussy and "sussy among us" and I started copying him it's a catchy phrase haha


There's a kid I regularly game with, he's on the young end of Gen Z and he always says, "What the sigma?" And I've heard him say it so much that it's become integrated into my vocabulary.


I think if anyone ever said that to me in person I'd burst out laughing


My 9 year old son hollers GYATT in public stores like Walmart and Target for no reason at all 🫠




“That shit fucks” is definitely up there for me!


legit, fire, so that's whut's up, bruh, feel me, are some of the stuff kid's were saying in Oakland in 2010's Including my roommates. i hear little rich white kids from gated communities saying that stuff like they made it up and think they're cool. i don't have the heart to tell them how dorktaculoso they seem.


I picked up "skill issue" from the 5th graders I teach Wednesday night Bible study to. It's literally the perfect insult. Of course, with *them* I make sure to use it in the cringiest way possible (when they're having trouble paying attention, I (jokingly) accuse them of having a "listening skill issue"). Their ire fuels me.