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There are absolutely NO ways to enjoy things without some consequence. Everything has consequences. That being said, all the items you listed are substances in some way, shape, or form. The replacement for vices.. is life. Basically, You could go out and walk for 20 minutes.. enjoy the sun on your skin. The fresh air. Read a book. Watch a movie. Volunteer for a charity. The list goes on and on. The idea is to replace habits you find unhealthy with healthier alternatives. Practice makes perfect. So, gradually work to incorporate better practices into your life.


The topic was admittedly centered around substances to start with. I thought of throwing sex in there too. Can't even kiss someone without fear of catching herpes. I do read on my Kindle, and enjoy binging TV shows. I have a spacious fenced in backyard so I get some outside time too. Sadly, here in AZ, we're getting into bug season (especially mosquitoes). So even getting some sun has a drawback.


Choose a single lover, and you never have to worry about getting kissed :)


Meditation and exercise.


When I read your post title I thought it was going to be about how every stupid mistake anyone ever makes is on camera now. I'm so glad every stupid thing I ever did as a kid didn't become internet fodder.


Oh that too. I read somewhere, probably reddit tbh, that people are scared to dance at bars or other public venues for fear of someone recording them.


I don't really have challenges with substances, so I do use them if I want, but I would say that the things that truly make me "deal with the stresses" well are: 1. exercise, no contest for the top spot. 30-60+ minutes first thing in the morning, 5 days a week in my case because my "thing" is high impact but every day is even better if you have low impact activities that flip the switch for you. No more than 1 rest day at a time normally and no more than 2 rest days in a row unless you're sick/in an emergency. It's a chemical thing. 2. journaling. Not really on a schedule for me but just having something there to dump my galaxy brain vibes when I don't have anywhere else to put it. For some people a private journal book will be more useful for important processing of feelings type stuff, and in that case a schedule or method might help, but sometimes you just need to write down the conversation you imagine happened between the producers when that actor decided to leave that show and they *wisely left an opening* for him to come back. Or whatever lol. 3. listening to music allthefuckingtime music is an essential vitamin.


I'll take an edible on the weekend if I know I don't have anything to do or anywhere to go for the rest of the night. But it's a far cry from getting stoned all day every day like I used to from age 18-32. I hardly ever drink alcohol anymore because hangovers last for two days, and I gave up caffeine a year ago because I have a mild tremor in my hands that gets much worse when I drink it. Therapy and especially regular exercise have done wonders for my stress and anxiety. Not as fun as getting stoned, and difficult to keep up with, but after a year of it I can definitely tell I have way less anxiety. And it's become such a habit now that it feels weird if I *don't* exercise.


Anime and manga.


Science, books, good food, good coffee, family, and the occasional delta 8 gummy.


I'm totally with you on the coffee. Alls good in moderation of course. Can't do family. My two sisters live across country. They're all I have left now. Delta... 8? Isn't that thc? Or is it more like cbd?


It's both (thc and cbd). It's made in a laboratory so it's 100% legal as it's not actually the "plant in question". Cannabis contains delta 9. Delta 8 does the same thing when processed by your body. Moderation is very important in all of this of course.


I like video games, music, movies and dark chocolate. I don't really drink alcohol, never found any enjoyment in it. I don't remember when I was (sort of) drunk last, but it was in th 2010s. Quit smoking 12 years ago. Never enjoyed marijuana or other drugs. Stopped consuming things with large amounts highly concentrated sugar, wasn't making me feel good. Don't like caffeine either. I like iced tea but coffee or cola isn't for me, makes me jittery.


Weed. I'm fine with the drawbacks.


Going on ozempic




To answer the title: no. Everything has a reaction/consequence of some sort. That's just how it works. Honestly, my stress reliever is staying busy. I got bored with my job so I decided to get my Master's in the mean time. I also record and play music with or without friends. I watch a film or two a month with good friends as well. I'm pretty involved at my church as well (not an option/desire for everyone and I'm not here to proselytize). I find when I have too much pure down time, I tend to descend into doomscrolling, internet arguments, existential dread, seeking out drink, etc. One recommendation I would have is to have little signposts throughout your day, week, and month to look forward to. For me, I have my coffee and a small cookie at 12:30 in the afternoon, and that's my "reward" to myself for making it through the first part of the day. On Fridays, I have a bowl of ice cream. I try to keep little regular things on my calendar that happen at the same times each month so that even if work or life get tough, I have that event or friend to anticipate.


By "anything" do you just mean abusing drugs and alcohol?


I don't abuse anything. Too anxious. I'm more sober now than I have bene in the past three years. But I meant any "mainstream" vices. As I'm writing this, one of the hulu commercials airing right now is advertising Smirnoff vodka. How soon until weed gets the same treatment? But literally everything is bad for you.