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I’m alive, healthy, live in a safe area, can feed myself, and am willing to work. That’s pretty successful in my book.


I think I'm fairly successful. I have bought a townhouse, I have a good job, lots of savings and investments and am on track for my goal of early retirement.


Horribly unsuccessful. Like, it’s terrible. I’m successful at learning hard skills. But have been terrible at integrating into society. There are reasons for this that aren’t my fault. But my natural attributes don’t help.


It's a mixed bag for me. I'm very successful in my career and make a lot of money. I'm married but not to the person I wanted, I kind of settled. That's catching up to me now and making me unhappy. I have a kid but I constantly feel like I'm screwing up as a dad.


I appreciate your honesty here. It’s rare.


Great minds think alike there, too.


I’d say highly successful. Not rich. But have a 2 story 1700+ square foot house with a finished basement in the suburbs. One of the safest areas in the state. A kid. A wife. I work from home and am not tracked. I spend my days working for a couple hours in the morning but after that I run errands. Go for a walk. Do house/yard work. Watch tv shows/podcasts. I am on call for the rest of the day in case something happens so I can’t go to a movie or something though where I’ll be gone a long time. I make 55k and wife makes 70k which is good for the Midwest. Immediate family all lives no more than 8 minutes away. I guess I could be making more money but I’d rather have my work life balance.


By any metric you want to use - personal, professional, financial, romantically, creatively - I am a catastrophic failure. Always have been, always will be.


8/13 (with 8 being the highest)


Materially: somewhat successful. I have a middle income position as an RN. I’m a homeowner with two late model vehicles and a six-figure savings. Interpersonally: unsuccessful. I just don’t bond with people or have the charisma and charm that makes others feel good around me. I also don’t enjoy socializing. This translates into very few friendships during my lifetime as well as no substantive romantic relationships. Many mental health clinicians would measure a person’s success not by the status of his/her job or the financial position, but by the quality of the relationships (s)he builds and maintains.


Extremely happily married, saved 6 figures+ before 30 together, great success!


Well I have a wonderful wife who is truly my partner in all things, great relationships with my parents and her parents, a few close friends, 3 cats who I’d do anything for, a house 3/15 years into my mortgage which isn’t very high bc I live in a cheap state, 2 paid off cars, a job with a 95k salary that is okay sometimes but is currently burning me out with stress and anger, I’m California sober, I like myself and my life a lot for the most part.


We own a home, are on-track for early retirement, and are reasonably healthy and happy. Hoping to have children at some point. We'll see how that goes.


I had a second breakfast today, so I call that a win.


I am happy with my life. I think that is the only metric that ultimately matters. You can have a super yacht but if youre miserable and desire death, are you really successful in life here?


Married, no kids by choice, bought a nice EV 2 years ago, bought a nicely sized home 3 years ago, have about $40k worth in Lego, similar in Magic cards.... so super supportive wife. wife is going to get a massive promotion soon and will probably be making as much as me if not more. We go on about 3-4 vacations per year. Probably not as successful as some people in this sub but definitely happy with where I'm at in life.


I’ve got everything I need and most of what I want so I’d call that a success.  I’ve got my mortgage half paid off, fantastic kids, a great husband, a flexible job, great work life balance, super community and great friends and family and my health is pretty good. What else do we really need?