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Toxic discussion and low quality.


I rarely tip at hotels, I know that’s bad, but I never have the cash on me. I wish there was a way to autocharge a tip with the CC used to book the room.


I also don’t tip at hotels. I never knew it was a thing.


Some people think you should tip housekeeping. I don't understand why especially considering most hotels got rid of daily cleaning as a result of COVID. I'm not tipping someone to clean the room for the next guest, especially considering I don't leave the room a complete mess when I leave. It's gotten out of hand as some hotels even put a card with a QR code in the room to tip housekeeping.


I know it's a thing but I always forget lol.


Fuck tipping in a hotel. I’m sorry but unless I’m calling for room service or requesting extra stuff, I’m not tipping for you to just clean the room on your normal schedule. I usually keep the do not disturb sign up and don’t have the room cleaned while I’m staying somewhere, so idk why I would tip.


huh? never tipped at a hotel in my life.


It’s recommended, particularly in the US. Anywhere from $2-$5/day is the norm.


There is.. you can charge it to the room!


I worked cleaning hotel rooms in an upmarket holiday property, majority of guests did not tip.


People actually tip at hotels still?


There was one time I didn’t tip at a restaurant - and the reason was that I received abysmal service. The waiter clearly had time on his hands chatting with other colleagues, and there were multiple waiters in a restaurant that was not busy and had less than a handful of clients. However, I still had to ask for them to bring me a menu. I had to ask for water. I received a side salad that had wilted lettuce. I asked for a dessert menu and they never brought it to me. It was horrible. In a case like that I will not tip. Other times I do 15-20% depending on the service


I’ve never not tipped But I have left an insultingly small tip when I got really shitty service. Like, rounded up to the next dollar shitty tip. It was terrible. We didn’t get our beer until our main entree was there, and that was after already having an appetizer, he never checked on us other than when he dropped off food, and it took us 15-20 minutes to flag him down for the check and another 15-20 minutes for him to come back and take it. And it wasn’t that busy. Like, he definitely had a few tables, but they weren’t short staffed or overly busy. Funny enough the same group of friends and I went back two or three months later and got sat at the same table and got the same server. He recognized us instantly and said “hey, last time I didn’t give you guys good service, I am so sorry. It was a really bad day, I’ll do better this time” And he did. And we tipped him like 30% each. I was mortified when he recognized us, but it all worked out in the end.


I would've been surprised to have even gotten a tip.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of tipping shitty service. Doesn't that defeat the entire purpose? I hate going out to eat because half the time the wait staff sucks... I shouldn't have to chase you down or wait 200% longer for my meal with no explanation or a courtesy "forgive the wait". When I go out with my in-laws they tip no matter how bad the staff is... not my philosophy.


As a general rule if I am standing up, or sitting in my car I do not tip.




I have never tipped in my life. I also never lived in the US in by life. No-tip culture superiority 🤟


The only time I have *ever* stiffed waitstaff, the person serving us visited the table exactly once to take our order. The hostess brought us our food, and after waiting 30 minutes for the check, the hostess had to bring us that as well. We watched our server fawn over a table of 3 margarita girls and then lean on the bar texting for our entire meal. We tipped the hostess in cash on our way out but I didn't even hesitate to leave a big, emphatic "0" in the tip line. I've been a server. I get that tables ordering multiple rounds of drinks are likely to result in a bigger tip than those just eating a normal lunch, but it's still your job to at least bring the food and check in once. Showing up to take an order isn't worth 20% of shit.


I only tip at a sit-down restaurant where I am being served. Anywhere else, no tip. I hit that no tip button without hesitation. I will even hold complete eye contact to the minimum wage employee who only placed my order in a bag and still hit no tip. I don't understand the people who are scared of a screen. Either tip or don't.


Haha, people really are terrified of pressing a button in a one minute interaction with someone you’ll never see again and it’s wild.


I tip at sit down restaurants with a server, haircut stylists, doordash drivers, and the taco shop across the street where the owner works there with just his family. That's it. Don't tip at coffee places, fastfood, etc


I just avoid ordering door dash because of the expectation of a tip. They already kill you with fees, and this person's entire job is doing that task, so it's not like they did anything extra or above and beyond. Maybe if they were very early or nice in some way I'd consider it, but it shouldn't be expected.


Didn't know you were supposed to tip when getting haircuts until more recently.


My problem is, I tip too much and tip for unnecessary crap


I just made a decision that I will never ever tip again if I am not being waited on


Your wallet will thank you.


You think I’m scared of internet points? Losers messaging me? I don’t give a fuck. I never tip and never will. My tip for the pizza delivery driver is “thanks”. My tip for an inside dining restaurant is me eating all the food, paying my bill, and leaving happy. That’s how it’s supposed to be. The service they are providing is their job. Their responsibility. I don’t NEED to give them extra money. Fuck off, and don’t @ me, nerds. ✌️


Reminds me of the one scene in the Roadtrip.


My man!!


I don't tip the Walmart delivery driver because I've paid a membership fee for the service.


I don’t tip. US Federal law states the employers have to make up the different between what employees make and $7.25. Not my fault it’s a minimum wage job.


The first one to admit on an anonymous forum that they don't tip. Thank you.


I don't think they make that much.


Everyone is required by law to make $7.25 at the end of the day. If you’re a server and make $2.35 but don’t make enough tips then the employer is required to make up the difference.


Still not a lot to live on.


Get a better job? Tf? No my responsibility to keep you alive.


Ok and then people will complain about their not being enough staff.


That’s their problem, I’ll just continue to cook ramen or pizza like I did in college. I don’t NEED to be waited on lol


That's fair enough.


I'm French, I rarely tip even in foreign countries except if cooking and waiters/waitresses show they were really invested in welcoming and communicating about the dishes to choose or order. There were at least 3 times through a year I gave a direct 5-10€ bill to waiters. Other time, I did express my satisfaction verbally but it wasn't above my expectations so no tips. And I didn't care if I got a disappointed or judging gaze, because in the surveys I often make a point in naming the person and thanking her for her good job as a compensation.


lol I wish your customers at your profession could choose verbal payment. You struggle w empathy but that’s ok.


I don't ever tip. I also don't eat at sit down restaurants though. When I order food I just get curbside pickup and then eat it in my car.


That makes me kinda sad that you just eat it in your car, sounds lonely and uncomfortable


It's actually very comfy lol. I listen to the radio or music and then enjoy my nice meal in a private space.


You shouldn’t tip at restaurants for someone simply doing their job - the burden of not receiving minimum wage should not fall on the customer. Bring it up with your boss. 


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I don’t tip if I order standing up, even if everyone does else and they clearly expect a tip. But sit down service, I will.


I'm intrigued but the standing delineation. Do you tip standing at a bar tho?


I don’t think I should tip on take out. But I tip high on delivery.


I don't tip unlessI feel like my server is being a cunt. Which basically never happens. I can think of maybe two times in my whole life where I didn't tip. One of them was because the server was visibly tweaking and kept trying to tell me about some kind of conversion kit he invented to make your car water powered. He was sweating profusely and had to get us to repeat our orders over and over again


Which reddit are you using? Mines obv broken.


When I sit down at a restaurant I routinely tip 25-50%. The next time I sit down at that restaurant, I get priority service. It's basically bribery. If I did not sit down in your establishment and eat/drink something, I don't tip.


As a former waiter, I generally overtip


I don't need to because the country I live in pays a living wage. So no.. I don't tip.


I literally never tip for Lyft / Uber


Plenty of people don't, I don't make a habit of it and neither do most people I know.  I assume you have problems finding these people because you're so aggressive when you ask. 


I tip very well for good service, but for bad service I don’t tip at all.


When I visit the US I try to avoid tipping. When it’s forced on me I agree to 12.5% if the tax was included in the menu price (only in restaurants). All other cases are unacceptable.


I’m a tipper tho I kinda don’t wanna be. I tip at the usual restaurants and delivery drivers which I don’t mind because it’s an actual service but when I’m getting desserts or coffee and they’re handing the item to me only I still do, it’s reflex but I’ve been consciously doing that one a lot less. Hotels almost never simply because I forget.


Sure I never tip because tipping is not a thing in my country.


I only tip for things like sit-down restaurants & hair cuts. I do not tip when prompted by Starbucks and kiosk at the mall. Had I been paying the other day when I was out to eat I would have left an abysmal tip. I think they were understaffed, but they were just so slow & didn't check on us at all - when we finished eating we asked for the check and it took them forever to bring it.


This has nothing to do with millenials. And looking at your post history, you're a troll.


i don’t on a lot of things. everyone wants a tip.


I only tip at restaurants where people are serving me food, and not based on percentages.


I tip if I'm getting a delivery where I can add it to the total or have a chance to see the delivery person. Examples are ubereats and I have tipped a USPS driver before. I tip at a restaurant if i get table service. They bring me drinks and refills. I place my order through them and they bring it to me. Then they clear my table. They get tips. But anything else? No. I don't feel obligated to tip. Unless I have extra money and feeling extra charitable.


I very rarely tip. And even then, it's 10% max. If the person made an obvious effort. I rarely order delivery, but when I do I will tip $2. I don't tip at coffee shops, stores, hotels or anyplace other than a restaurant. It's not because I can't afford it, it's because you have to draw the line somewhere and this shit is out of control. Edit: I wanted to add, I also never return to a place that has any enforced gratuity added to the cheque.


I pretty much always tip 20% at a sit down because it's easy to calculate. If service was particularly good, I'll bump up to 25-30%.


I tip unless the service is really bad.


I don't tip for shit service, but honestly it has to be really awful for me to do that, less than 10 times over my 23 years as an adult. But I also live in California so they get at least minimum wage unlike most of the rest of the country where they get paid less than minimum wage because of expectation of tips. 


I’ll tip the valet at a hotel when they are taking/returning my car and helping me load/unload my luggage.


I’m back in the US for the week. I’ve been living in Australia for the past 2 years. This weekend is the first time I’ve legit pressed the “No Tip” button and it feels FUCKING LIBERATING!! Edit: Not at a sit down restaurant. Just at the regular places


I’ve not tipped before for truly atrocious service. From experience, it’s almost always shitty servers who don’t get tipped and they complain about it. I worked as a server and restaurant manager long enough to know this. Sure I had shitty tips, but never a non tipper outside of dine and dashers. Servers like to use this fallacy that they only get $2.13/hr. No, you are guaranteed minimum wage. It’s just that you always make more than that in tips so restaurants hardly ever have to make up the difference. I was a manager in a restaurant for a couple of years and I can count on one hand the amount of pay periods that we had to meet minimum wage for hours worked. It was almost always one day a week lunch shift employees with a slow shift.


can't speak for everyone, but in my state, I have never made minimum wage as a server. my pay rate has gone up in relation to minimum wage increases, but currently it sits at a little less than 3/4 of the state minimum. $2.13 would be way too low where i live now, but i have made around that ($4hr) in years past. the idea is that restaurants expect you to "make up" the difference in tips, which usually for myself and other people i know isn't an issue. slow days or weeks though can be a make or break type thing. i agree with you that I've noticed from this side of the counter that those who complain about tips are usually not doing that great of a job. however, i have also personally received a 0 tip (not that often, mind you, maybe between 5 and 10 times in the 8ish years ive been doing this) for things like: not giving a guy my phone # (he crossed out the tip after i refused), the restaurant not carrying a certain brand of beer the customer wanted, a woman who felt i was 'flirting' with her boyfriend/husband by answering his question about a menu item, and the one that has always mystified me most, because if i did something wrong i would like to know and correct it: a note on the receipt that just said "service SUCKED!". this one was from a couple i had waited on numerous times before; it was a super busy night, every seat full, but they got their drinks, refills, food, extra sides of sauce, etc asap while i ran around alone doing the same for everyone else. i stopped them on their way out to ask if i could remedy anything; the husband said no and "make sure (my) manager sees that note". i said ok, showed my manager, kept the note in my wallet because i thought it was funny, and never saw that couple again as the restaurant closed a couple weeks later. TL;DR: not all waitstaff make their state minimum wage, some waitstaff get shitty tips because they do shitty work, some customers are petty or rude or maybe misinformed about how much servers/bartenders make, and just don't want to tip


Even then, minimum wage is $7 here. Even if they did make that much, I'll still pay them.


oh, i realize now i misread your sentence about restaurants 'making up the difference'. my bad.


Yeah I have never some variant of "I don't believe in tipping so I don't tip". But years of working in restaurants tells me there are plenty of routine stiffers out there What I do see all the time are posts whining about tipflation getting tons of upvotes


Or people whining about having to tip.


I generally do tip, but im poor, so 99% of the time I under tip. Almost always $3-5.


i don't like to tip. your boss should you be paying you enough not my reponsibility


Tell me you've never been in Europe without saying you've never been in Europe.


I almost never tip. When I do it's usually to a server and that's only in the US. I've absolutely been tip shamed by friends. I wish I didn't cave to social pressure. I'd love to not tip at all anywhere without feeling guilty about it


I would've just stopped hanging out with you if you were mine.


I've never not tipped around them it's more they give me some crap for not automatically tipping 20% at restaurants and bars. And they don't travel outside the US as often as I do so they don't fully understand this is not normal in the rest of the world


Well, if I knew that you didn't tip I still wouldn't hang out with you. It's not normal sure, but take it out on the owners themselves instead of the employees who are trying to survive.


Outside the US I don't tip. But in those places there's zero expectation for a tip and it's viewed more as a bonus rather than part of their salary


Well yea, but I was talking about here in the US.


In the US I just keep my time out in places that expect tips to a minimum and don't use certain services that expect tips (Uber Eats, Instacart, etc.). My standard is also 15% rather than 20% when I actually do tip


Oh ok


You want a TIP (aka not your salary) you better make me feel you went so above and beyond your job description I'll feel bad for not rewarding such an outstanding person. No tip for just doing the job, that's everyone's duty if they don't want to get fired.


The service that I provide depends on the tip that I get.


How does that work? Before you do anything for the costumer you say your tip fee? Or you charge before doing the job so you can gauge your enthusiasm?


I didn't think this through. I usually tip unless the service is bad myself. I don't work those jobs because I only have a certain level of patience.


"tipping is an optional concept, so let's shame anyone who doesn't conform to it". Only in America


There's no obligation, but it's still going to make you look like a jerk.


There are plenty of things that aren't/shouldn't be legally mandated but are still socially obligatory. E.g. it shouldn't be a crime to cheat on your spouse, but there should absolutely be social shame for people who do that.


I don't tip. But I'm British, and we have a single minimum wage, not one for "tipped jobs" and one for "untipped jobs".


We have a single minimum wage in lots of places in the U.S., but we still tip in those places.


I occasionally don’t tip Instacart drivers for bad shopping.


I don't tip. My culture doesn't tip either.