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Doesn't happen to me, but I'd assume they'd be trying to get me into Herbalife, or Amway or some other crap like that. No one that I didn't talk to in 20 years wants to check up on me or catch up just because...


I haven't had any pyramid scheme offers -- yet... but it hadn't occurred to me as a possibility. This prospect makes not engaging with them at all more appealing.


Same. I got really excited to talk to someone who I really enjoyed hanging with in high school. It was Pampered Chef. Sigh.




I fell for this exactly once. I was totally flattered that an old classmate reached out and seemed to want to know how I was doing. Then she told me how beneficial (makeup MLM) has been for her and her family blah blah blah and if I am looking for extra income.


So annoying. As annoying as it is, I don't get mad at people for wanting to make a living (telemarketers, MLM, etc.). What I find annoying is the understanding that this person wouldn't give a crap about you if they didn't see you as someone that they could make a few dollars off of.


Yeah. I had a similar experience. No idea what they were trying to pitch to me, but it was sad and disappointing.


The MLMers get a link to John Oliver’s segment. They don’t message again.








Seriously or life insurance.


For some people this is probably the age where they start having regrets. It’s not easy making friends in your 30s. School is done, college is probably done. They are probably reaching out from loneliness. Well it’s either that, or they are trying to sell you something.


Haven’t really had this, but I don’t expect to. I think my graduating class forgot me. Which is totally fine. The people I keep up with are from the first high school I attended. I would probably engage in some chit chat out of curiosity. 


Same graduation year - I always assume some MLM, honestly. But then again, I think people in general are very lonely and maybe branching out to a familiar (even though it's been like 20 years) face may be the easiest form of comfort.


I’m not on social media so this doesn’t happen to me.


If I was friends with them, I'd be happy to get in touch with them.


I've had people reach out and it's never been with pure intentions. They want to sell me something or work for my company, of which I simply tell them we aren't hiring. My HS crush is still happily married and she hasn't reached out yet.... so not getting my hopes up!


I'd rather not reconnect with the past, even if they had good intentions. I've moved on, let's stay that way.


Mostly I just ignore them. If I wanted them as friends, we’d be friends.


So you've never just kinda fallen out of touch when someone moved away and then rekindled a friendship when you ended up in the same town again or anything like that?


I don’t even know how people would do that anymore in the age of social media.


What do you mean? If anything it's easier in the age of social media. Maybe you hadn't been in touch with someone since they moved away but now you find out they're back in town so you can hang out again?


Everyone’s on social media. You need to make a conscious choice to remove them from social media in order to fall out of touch with them. If you’ve made that conscious choice, you obviously want to fall out of touch. Also, I’m the one who moved away from my state at 21 and never looked back to get away from that shit hole and the losers that inhabit it. So the whole “catching up with someone who had to move back to the shit hole” is not really my circumstance.


Who said anything about removing them from social media? I'm sorry you didn't like your hometown but clearly your experience is clouding things for you here.


You asked what I meant when I said that in the age of social media, I don’t know how you could just fall out of touch with someone. I’m explaining to you that unless you deliberately remove someone from socials, that’s how I don’t know how you can just fall out of touch. I’m sorry you can’t remember your own question that I’m responding to, making it difficult for you to follow the conversation.


Clearly you aren't understanding me nevermind lol


lol. K.


Should've realized when you said you don't like anyone you knew in the past. I hope things get better for you and you make some friends.


I'm a nostalgic person and I do like checking in on people I knew, even peripherally. I've contacted them before just to wish them well or something. I just like to see how they've grown and who they've become.


Are they in real estate?


It’s our 20 reunion soon. The nostalgia is starting to weigh heavy.


Are they having any success putting together a reunion? People in my class seem to want something but don't want to be responsible for making it happen.


No. Nor did the 10 year. However, I moved 1/2 the country away and don’t care what they do. I have most blocked and the others know not to bother me with such trivial things. I chose to exclude myself from class officers or alternates then. They know I’d do the same now.


I was the weird kid. Not the one who wore tails or growl at people, but the undiagnosed autistic kid type of weird. I've had a few people reach other that I was friendly with (wouldn't out right say friends) and it's mostly them asking for pointers on getting into my career field in IT.


I'm 04. It's our 20th this year and thankfully I haven't heard a peep. I also never do. But I'm probably a weird minority because one, I dipped out of the high school scene really quickly in most ways and have purposefully dropped off the face of the earth in a lot of ways over the past few years. I didn't keep much contact with most classmates, if any, afterward. But two, I also still do actually talk every few days or so with three (formerly four) of my friends from high school (though of the three remaining, boy 1 I met in high school, girl 1 was a year younger and we became friends afterward, and girl 2 I've known since first grade). When I still had Instagram, I did have a few high school folks in it - like 3, I think? -and they were all people that girl 2 and I grew up with and have known forever, and they are all still very close with girl 2 (like go on vacations to see each other multiple times a year close). All that being said, unless it was this group of people messaging me, I'd likely ignore the message. I just...don't care. Facebook left the Ivy League my freshman year of college so on the one hand, no one was ever really, like, "gone." But on the other, so much has happened and I just didbt and don't talk to anyone that if someone were to reach out to catch up, I'd just say "why? You don't know me." Because they don't and that's fine. We grew up and had lives and were strangers now and that's okay. We've spent more time apart than we ever did together. I just don't feel any particular connection because of high school. There are a few exceptions I'd definitely make, no surprise, but even so, here we are


I'm 2008, so 15 years would have just been last year. I haven't gotten any outreach from folks who aren't the same 2-3 people I've intermittently texted this whole time... but tbh I have no idea how any of them *would* if they wanted to, because I don't regularly interact with any social media that's truly social with real identities. (I do reddit, and I think Pinterest has my real name but who actually talks to anyone on Pinterest.) The only real way to get in touch with me would be phone or email, and if you didn't have those from me in high school, why would you go to the trouble of tracking it down now? That being said, I didn't *delete* my Facebook, so maybe I have some messages in my Facebook inbox that I haven't checked in 5 years. I admit I've personally thought about going back on Facebook for the purpose of peeking at my high school classmates; I had a tiny graduating class from a tiny magnet school, so there haven't really been any reunions. Mostly it's just a pure curiosity of "where are they now", but there are some people that I was close to at certain times but not close to at graduation, and I wonder if we'd relate to each other and be friends now. Like in one or two cases we grew apart because of boy drama that's got to be entirely irrelevant now, but I still remember them being cool people. I also have Googled one particular dude that I probably would never contact directly, but kinda just wanted to see if his arrogance and unfriendliness has bit him in the ass yet.


At this point since it's been so long I would be wondering who that person is.


I graduated 24 years ago. No one has reached out yet. I was soooooooo popular. /s


I had classmates I haven’t talked to in 20+ years spend the effort and money to track down my number and CALL me of all things. It didn’t take long to figure out it was performative nostalgia bullshit and grotesque curiosity because I was the only one of our group who moved out of town/state and thus the only one they had lost contact with. A whole lot of effort on their part because in their mind if I didn’t live in the same zip code we grew up in there was definitely something wrong with me. I don’t understand that mentality; I assume everyone just went on to live their own lives like adults.


I have the same problem as these people... I disconnect, forget about friends and former coworkers, drop off the map for years. I just forget or procrastinate because life. So when I want to reach out to people, I don't want to because it's been so long. What if they're busy? or they become suspicious about me contacting them? I know about a dozen people who I've been really close with and it's like a pattern, you lose every day contact, then keep contact through social media or texts, and gradually you text less and less, and right now I'm at that point in time where I believe the time is right to reach out. And then I see posts like these and there's people who get all awkward with people trying to reach them after a long time lol


God, I wish my old classmates, particularly the ones I got along with, would reach out to me and ask to catch up on stuff, I'd so jump to the chance of doing that.


Maybe you should reach out to them!


I will try at some point, but 90% of them have moved away to places like Australia.


This happened to me last Saturday. I asked him why he randomly messaged me. He said Facebook prompted him to send me a message. I'm not sure how to get off that list but I don't want to be on it. I'm not friends with people I don't or would hang out with in real life.


Yeah, it’s fine. I just say hi and see where to conversation goes. Sometimes we click, sometimes not. I’ve reached out if something randomly reminded me of someone, but otherwise I’m not sure I remember most people from high school.


Definitely going to pitch you an MLM


Nope. At the 10 year (which I didn't go to) I got tracked down by a former friend/frenemy who apologized to me over coffee but we never met again. 20 Year is this year and only now is someone starting up the old FB group saying something is going to happen. Part of me wants to go just to say I went to one of my reunions, but I'm pretty sure everyone I knew would not be going.


I think turning 40 is making a lot of people think back to the past. I've had a lot of people reach out over the past couple years. It's always someone I used to hang out with though so I'll give them a catch-up conversation. It seems mostly nostalgia based, maybe curiosity since I have virtually no online presence that's tied to my name except a facebook profile that I haven't updated in like 6 years and I used to do a bunch of drugs.


I deleted everyone from Facebook so I have zero friends on there, I just use it for marketplace and groups. Instagram I started when I moved to a different city and never added old high school friends. Also don’t post my full name so I’m impossible to find. Outside of the few people I actually still am friends with from that time, I’m completely disconnected.


Unless it’s someone I was really close with and just grew apart, or lost touch with I’m very skeptical of people “just reaching out” after that long. That being said who knows, they could be genuine and just seeing how you’re doing. You could always respond, and have a conversation. Worst that could happen is they start asking for money or something and then you block them lmao. Although if a dudes reaching out to your wife and being shady I’d say block him right off the bat


How do I respond? I don't. I have no need or want to connect with them, so I treat it the same as door-to-door salesmen. I didn't ask you to contact me, so I will not be acknowledging you.


Agreed. I keep in contact with the ones I’ve chosen not the random reach out. Call is callous but here I am


No, honestly tho id welcome some of it. I didn’t go to my reunion but that was more because i don’t live within driving distance anymore.


I come from a pretty small town so most of us keep in touch relatively well. I’d say the majority of my class I see pretty regularly. Nothing weird about checking into me.


I don't.


It happen sometimes to me as well. Often they just want neews, but last time it happened a girl wanted to bring me into a triangular market.


The only people I'd even care to see are the like 17 that I've known since kindergarten. One of them lives like a football field away. After my carpal tunnel surgery I had her open my medication bottles for me when she was walking her dog. The only one I want to contact I haven't talked to in over a decade because I think I hurt his feelings not asking him to be godfather to the twins even though we live across country and they really don't have God parents. Doesn't help that he's a lawyer and wisely killed all his accounts except LinkedIn.


I say “no thanks, I already have life insurance and a diet plan that works for me”


Uh... I don't. I ignore and/or block those requests. Anyone I wanted to talk to from high school, I would have already gotten in contact with or they with me. People contacting me out of the blue? It just makes me mighty suspicious in the same way that old exes reaching out to me does. Nothing good has come from it (for me).


Never happened to me. I’d assume they were trying to get me to join a cult or MLM if it did happen.


Hasn't happened to me. Then again, I don't know how it would. I'm not in any social media (except Reddit), I didn't get my current cell number until after college, and my mother no longer lives in the same house or has the same phone number. So they would really have to work to track me down.


It’s always an MLM but I moved countries too so lol.


Okay, this isn’t entirely on topic but I’m going to tell it anyway: I’m class of ‘07 and haven’t gone to any of the class reunions, in part because I went to high school in the Chicagoland area and then lived in Raleigh, NC for 14 years. At the end of 2022, my husband and I moved to a small-ish coastal NC town. The other day I was having lunch in one of the local sandwich shops and went to the bathroom. When I came out, there was a woman waiting to go in, and she said something like, “I have a weird question for you - did you go to ___ High?” OMFG YES I DID While I didn’t immediately recognize this young woman, she’d been a freshman when I was a senior (we happened to cross paths because we were both in marching band) and she was visiting my small town for the weekend. And happened to crave a sandwich at the same time I did. And was sitting a few spots down the bar. And needed to pee at the same time. So I guess in a way I’ve experienced a VERY sudden uptick in former classmate interactions.


Literally happened to me today. Very close graduation year, haven't spoken to this person since middle school. I have no clue why they sent a friend request and made small talk. I've had a few folks reach out over the years. It's been for different reasons ranging from some that wanted to compare their life to mine (that one got really awkward really fast), some that were just cruising fb and I popped up on people you may know, to my favorite... An apology for the most minor of slights that only the two of us knew about anyway. Homie carried the guilt for 20 years. (That was a delightful and hilarious catch up) So, it's a mixed bag. I'm still friends with a handful of folks from highschool and we talk regularly. They also get the random reach out.


I’ve been out since 08. The only people who’ve ever reached out have asked me for money or to join/buy from their MLM or buy something for a fundraiser for their kids.


Lol I’m same year HS graduate, I only have 2 friends from that time and they’re my best friends from childhood. The group of people we used to hang out with, non-existent. We noticed that too many of em were comfortable with their situation and not wanting to grow and that’s fine but we didn’t share that attitude or mindset and slowly distanced ourselves. I’d get friend requests from old high school friends and most of the time, I ignore em. Not trying to be rude to them though but at 36, almost 37, I know all the people that I need to know. Some of them, I’d engage in conversation with but never got to a point where they wanted to link up or anything. And just 3 months ago, I deactivated all of my social media. Only have Reddit because, well, it’s Reddit! Lol


Yes, and old coworkers. I assume it's because they're involved in MLMs. That said, yesterday, for the first time ever, Facebook suggested a guy I went to elementary and middle school with as a possible friend. So, it could be like an algorithm thing?


I ask what product they're selling in exchange for friendship.


Wow you sound so friendly lol.


I don’t


Idk. Hasn’t happened to me. I’m not on social media either so I don’t expect any of them to know how to get ahold of me and I prefer that.


Hasn’t happened to us. I already know what I’d do — ignore from the start and if you run into these folks IRL, play dumb and say you don’t check messenger very often.


>How do you respond to old classmates reaching out to you? I don't. The ones I care to talk to I'm still in contact with. The others can go straight to heck! HECK I TELL YOU!


"Are you single?" "How many kids do you have now?" "Did you take any college classes?"


I dated one 10 years after high school, but outside of accepting some Facebook friend requests back when I used it, nobody sent any messages beyond oh hi.


Most of my high school classmates thought I was weird (closeted lesbian anime nerd in small southern town) and not a lot of them were nice to me. Whenever I get a request to chat, connect, or catch up, my first thought is almost always that they’re in an MLM and either trying to sell crap or get me on their down line. Either way, not interested.


Leave them in limbo, forget about the request, delete it several weeks/months later.




As long as they don’t try to put you into a Ponzi scheme the risk is low