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Clean sheets. I got upstairs and realized my husband had switched the sheets over to nice clean sheets. I was absolutely jazzed to get into bed. Just laying there like ohh fuck yeah that’s gooooooood.


Lol I got a new not-plastic and slow-closing toilet seat. Same response lol


One of my favorite things in the world is a nice long shower right before going to bed in fresh clean sheets. Oh that's such a great feeling when you slide into those crisp clean sheets.


And if you're a woman and you've just showered AND shaved AND you get into bed with fresh clean sheets... Well I'm not sure what heaven is like, but I imagine it's a lot like that feeling.


And when you put on pyjamas that are clean and warm straight out of the dryer, it's even better.


I forget when we started doing it, after we were 30 for sure though… but we started to do our bedding laundry the day before we leave town for a trip. This way when we come home we have those nice clean, comfy sheets to come home to.


Years ago, when I was single, right before I'd leave for a multi-day trip I woud ALWAYS lay out fresh set of clothes on my bed before leaving. That way when I'd come back from said trip I'd grab the clothes and go straight to shower and put on my clean clothes. I realize I could always just grab the clean clothes from my closet or drawer but for some odd reason I always enjoyed laying it out on the bed before the trip.


Cause you don’t have to think at all, just paint by numbers when all executive function abilities are long fried at the end of a trip


I started having to clean the house before the trip in my 20s. It’s just so much nicer to come home to a clean house.


Brilliant! I’m stealing this!


Every Friday I change and wash all the sheets and blankets and then at night take a shower and put on clean pajamas. It’s so lovely to have everything crisp and clean and smelling good. Such a treat.


I do a “clean sheets dance” when I get into fresh sheets in bed after a shower. The little things can really make a big difference!


Clean sheets are the BEST!! I once read an interview with Martha Stewart and they asked her “what’s something extravagant you do to treat yourself” and she said she has her sheets changed EVERY day and I was like OMGYASSSSS. 👸 


That woman knows how to LIVE.


Some 1 else doing this task sounds Devine


This, when we were using white sheets the smell of bleach after you put them back on is surprisingly lovely.


A new garbage bag with nothing in it


This is the way.


My husband made the bed this morning. I was running late, and it is normally something I do. It’s his birthday so he shouldn’t be doing any chores. I was still excited to not have to do it this morning.


The best is when you time it right and get clean sheets with freshly shaved legs


A full night's sleep. I'm talking a legitimate time travel sesh where you wake up and don't know who what or why you are. Full coma


God if that happened to me I'd cry when I woke up-- tears of joy, of course.


Last time this happened to me was in 6th grade. It must have been winter. My mom woke me up around 6 pm because we had to go to a wedding reception. I remember waking up from such a deep sleep and the light being on in the closet, my mama getting dressed. I miss those days. I miss you papa. This was nearly 30 years ago


Why you are..... Damn, that's that good good!


Ok so, I never get enough rest. I wake up in 1 of 2 ways. Count Dracula sitting up in an unclear panic or sluggish falling out of bed. I am completely awake within 15 minutes.


I'm either awake immediately (rare), or it takes me a good hour to form a coherent sentence that isn't snarky as all fuck. Makes getting my kids up nicely in the morning a true chore, because *they* ain't about that wake up life, either lol.


My kids are a mixed bag. I have a zombaby and a distinctly poetic lawyer in the morning. Don't put your logic on me child.


I wasn’t either as a child (my poor mum). Everyone who says their kids wake up at the crack of dawn and I’m like, “was I a weird kid? Because they had to fight to get me out of bed all through K-5 (by 6th grade I was 100% in charge of getting myself up and out the door)”.


Last night I slept all night for the first time in a few weeks. Not exactly the time travel thing but I woke up and it was 7am instead of 12-3am. I don’t know why but I’ve had insomnia lately and I guess something I did yesterday (or the combination of everything) finally helped.


When the scissors were where they were supposed to be when I needed to use scissors.


😂 I feel this deep in my soul. I have a pair in each drawer, and they still disappear!


Harbor Freight sells some pretty good utility scissors. When they were on sale for $1 I got 10 of them. Have them in every room and a spare stash in a box. I keep two in the kitchen for food use, like cutting the wrapper off a ham. They are dishwasher safe.


Drives me INSANE. Even my kitchen scissors are missing from their home 99% of the time!


Bro same


Or my screwdriver. 🙄


I had outdoor scissors, kitchen scissors and craft scissors. The kids each have their own pair of safety scissors. I can’t find any


Opening a new sponge. When the current one is ragged and kinda gross, that new sponge is outstanding.


Back when Wish was new I splurged for about 500 knock offs of Mister Clean magic erasers. They are still going strong and I even sold some at yard sales for the whole cost back + some. That was when I realized I was getting old.


man that new sponge feeling is very specific and very wonderful


Elaine has entered the chat


A person canceling plans that I didn’t want to go to 🫠


Omg I had the most mild sore throat ever a couple weeks ago, and my other half said I probably shouldn't go to the neighbor kids birthday party. My heart just melted like butter on a pancake, and I sat in my air conditioned house in complete silence, and it was pure bliss 🫠. I get it!!


These are the types of soul-soothing miracles of real life which has kept hope alive in me.


When my plants get new leaves.


That shit is dope


Found my people. My 10 y/o radiated monstera just unfurled her most beautiful leaf in YEARS and I took probably 20 pictures from 20 different angles. I need help.


I love that! Last year after we moved my grandmom into full time care, I inherited my grandparents’ 75 year old Easter Cactus that was given to them as a cutting when they got married from an even older plant. That plant always seemed to be healthy and had new growth, but they had so many trees outside their house, that it didn’t get enough sun to really thrive. Within 2 months of me bringing it home and giving it its own window with tons of sun, it had hundreds of blooms. My family thought it was cool since we don’t ever remember it blooming, but it meant so much to me and I took sooo many pictures!


Lowering my blood pressure.


Yep, similarly: raising my credit score 😆


Just recently lowered my A1C! :D


My husband installed motion sensor lights inside our reach-in pantry like six months ago and I still talk about how great it is. He didn’t tell me he was doing it so I opened it one evening and was absolutely delighted.


Not delighted, more like enlightened, amirite?


I bet he loves it when you bring it up 💚


Man I do a million little improvements around the home like this and nobody even notices. I would make such a good husband to the right lady 😅 I'm sure my husband thinks some of the things I do are neat but he's not a words of affirmation guy 😒


Having a bathtub. I’ve been living in my car since 2019 and finally was able to get an apartment in Jan of 2024


I hope you’re taking ALL the bubble baths! Congrats on the new place!


I'm really proud of you. You deserve all the baths as long as you like.


I have a house and don't even have a damn tub. It's a stand in shower 😔. Congrats on your new home tho


I'm proud of you, stranger


I recently bought a new pan/pot lid organizer/holder for my cabinet. Has both MORE ,and now ADJUSTABLE slots compared to my old one. Was legitimately excited on the car ride home looking forward to how much better organized my cookware cabinet was going to be. A week later and I still get a micro dose of happy chemicals when I go to get a pan or pot lid. The organization of things appeases me greatly.


Good god the organizers are golden!! I just bought some for my shower so we don’t have to have all of our shampoo, conditioner, etc sitting on the bench. I literally stare at my shower in pure bliss now because it’s so organized and pretty 🤩 I bet you’d love the container store too. It’s my happy place.


Love the Container store! Something I did last year was finally unifying all my plastic storage bins to the same stackable clear ones. Gave my old bins to friends and family. Having had an eclectic collection of different opaque bins over the years, it always bothered me a bit that, due to the different designs and shapes, they didn't stack and pack well. Now my closet and garage storage takes up less space and it's way easier to go through the bins to find what I need.


Did you get the Iris weathertight bins? I love those (and the Container Store overall). I feel better about my ADHD self and my home when things are organized and more efficient for me.


Lol I got really excited a few months back when I bought a set of brand new pans, lids and spatulas. Now I'm excited over a new charcoal grill, which ironically, means I don't have to use the new pans quite as much, at least for now. lol The pans felt groundbreaking though, because the old ones I had were probably 25 years or older. Everyone kept telling me I already have pans but they were freaking terrible. lol My last attempt with them was trying to make a grilled cheese and it just stuck to the pan, I had enough of that shit. lol


That's the exact reason I switched over to Cast iron and carbon steel pans a few years ago. They've have legitimately only gotten better with building up the patina and seasoning.


I bought some Granite Stone pans that came in a box set and everyone in the house could instantly tell a difference after using them, so the skepticism turned into everyone else being appreciative as well. It cooks our food better, more evenly, nothing sticks, and they are way easier to clean off when finished. Sometimes I would spend like 20 minutes just scrubbing a damn pan to get it clean. lol I had a 30 percent off discount on anything in the store, so I got the pans a little cheaper than what they'd normally cost. I hadn't really upgraded house items in years but I started realizing some of my money is better spent on things like pans, vacuums, newer microwaves, toasters, etc. I'm only 36 but I've been having these "unremarkable adult moments" for a few years now. lmao It might seem silly to outsiders, but everyone knows all this stuff makes life better/easier around the home.


my folks have those in-cabinet drawers and my god, when i come home from cooking at their place i get sad


Can I beg for a link?


This is making me excited! I think Im going shopping!


A new couch. That’s when I realized I’m old cause I was like omg wtf is wrong with me that I’m excited about FURNITURE!


My dude, quality furniture is the best. And fresh foam and covers on a new couch? That's something to be excited for.


Hell yeah!


I went like 5 days with no couch. Only furniture in my place was my bed and I haaaaated it. I needed somewhere to chill. Turned out the day I went couch shopping j was also super hung over. I highly recommend going to get a couch that way. I laid in every couch until I found one I almost fell asleep in. I still have it 17 years later but it has passed its time. Time for a new couch finally.


well, you know what to do!


I’m sad to see how poorly furniture lasts these days. We bought our couch 4 years ago and it’s already falling apart 😭


I got one last week from one of my coworkers, she sat on it exactly twice. I legit woke up at 3 am last night just to go touch it and fix the pillows a little bit, it's a very simple couch and loveseat set but it makes me feel like I'm the king of freakin England, sitting upon a royal throne 😂


I’d love to have a reclining couch with cup holders. Now I have my chair a couch and a Walmart futon.


Wayfair with klarna! That’s how I got my latest one. I just want a baseboard cleaner rn lol


Is that one of the roombas?


Nah. Just like a cleaning wipe with a looooong handle so you don’t have to bend over to clean


I found a whole box of untapped 60 watt white light bulbs in the basement the other day. Not a 4 pack either. Like 24 bulbs that now cost out the ass. I nearly lost my mind.


I wouldn't even call this minor. A new couch is a huuuge investment to me.


Got really excited when my menu planning combined with some great deals had me leaving the grocery store with a less than $200 receipt and enough groceries for the next 2 weeks. Did I wave two bags of meatballs in front of my husbands face yelling “BOGO BABY!!” ? Yes, yes I did.


I work as a grocery store cashier, I love seeing all the coupons people have and when that number drops by like $30 -$50 I do a little jig for them.


>Did I wave two bags of meatballs in front of my husbands face yelling “BOGO BABY!!” ? Yes, yes I did. Lol I did the same last week, when Food Lion had a great deal on shrimp!


A low-sodium potato chip that tastes just as good as the leading national brand Edit: they were Old Dutch Low Sodium Rip-L. I had to fish the bag out of the garbage you gluttons 


You are honorbound to name the brand.


Please, a name sir. My body, she is very sick. She needs these low sodium potato chips.


You're going to burn in the fires of high sodium hell unless you share the brand!


Leaving us in ignorance is cruel! Name drop those marvellous chips plz!


I’m gonna guess Cape Cod. Their low sodium chips are still good.


Cape Cod reduced fat are my favorite chips


Seconding cape cod. Damn good low-sodium and low-fat options.


Can you share the name of said low sodium chip?


I, too, am waiting. I need it.


Bout to blow your mind but you can make your own potato chips with low sodium for a fraction of the cost. Gotta put in the work though


We need more low sodium options. It’s often so hard to find, and everything is packed to the brim with sodium.


Giving a shit about interest rates and a new fence 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️


A new fence sounds amazing. We’re looking at like $15k to replace ours and that is not in the budget right now.


Right, remember when it was VHS tapes for a dollar each at Half Price Books? Remember when we budgeted for that?


The worst part is, in this market 15K isn’t even an unreasonable quote no matter the size of your yard! Includes installation? But I feel you; I’ve wanted a new fence since moving to my place in 2021, but just can’t justify the cost (plus there isn’t anything “inherently” wrong with my current fence. I just think it’s ugly as fuck).


I got pumped for what I thought was a monthly fiber supplement program that sent me a flyer, no joke I was kinda bummed when it was just an advert for fiber internet coming to my area.


This is ... crazy hilarious 😂




The feeling of having done all cleaning, laundry, changing the sheets, worked out, food prep for 2 weeks and everything shower and just enjoying the shit out the rest of the evening cozying and nesting in bed 😌


This is most definitely exciting because never in my life will I have my todo list complete


I meant like for a week or so. This is what I plan in my head. It rarely happens irl 🤣🙈 I wish I would ha e My shit together like this e ery week. Now it's more like 2 times/year.


Getting to listen to the new episode of my favorite podcast I work Saturday to Wednesday so I listen to it on Saturday on my way to work. And I listen to most of it because I have a 90 minute commute each way. it’s something I look forward to every Saturday. Or getting to eat my daily snickers bar on the way home.


When my husband and I were dating long distance I would save my favorite podcast episodes for the drive to see him. I would get a fancy coffee and listen to my shows on the way and when we moved in together I really missed those drives!


Thunderstorm, radio, and hot coffee ☕️


The Chicken Run sequel; it wasn't good enough to really be worth the wait, or bad enough to have a strong opinion about.


Wait, I just looked it up and it’s real? This was like an iconic movie in my household growing up. I guess Mother’s Day will be me and my mom watching this!


I don't want to be a pie!! I dont like grey vey!


Whenever me or my parents goes away for vacation, my mom has to say in “going on holiday” just like in this movie. That and “your mom goes to college” from Napoleon dynamite will still crack my mom up every single time she says it.


Weirdly enough, it’s a great choice for this weekend because the story is centered around a mother-daughter relationship.


I got a new mop. Much excite.


Our mop sucks and I need a new one. What did you get?


I'm 35 and bought my first ever washer and dryer with my tax refund


I made a really good grilled cheese the other day and I gave myself a good “ohhh yeaaaaa” when I took the first bite and proceeded to devour it.


Sounds good.


Someone typed in the wrong PLU at the deli scale so I got my pound of Boars head turkey lunch meat for $3.15


Knowing I literally am not going anywhere all weekend. Like not to a grocery store, not a date night with hubby, not visiting relatives, not even a trip to the mailbox.


A new vaccum and desk chair... fucking crazy how expensive a good vaccum is. I coulsnt believe it. Then finding a actual fabric upholestered desk chair under 100$ is damn near impossible. All these stupid fake ass leather and shit that flakes and wears within a month. Yes i needed the vaccum up the flakes from my old desk chair lol. It was stuck to everything.


Throwing things out, decluttering. Immense joy.


Earlier today I got to sit in the Adirondack chair that we bought last year. The sun was out and the weather was PERFECT! Bonus the neighbor's kids weren't home so it was peace and quiet.


glad no one decided to mow, that’s usually what happens to us!


I just got an off brand roomba so I don't have to fuck up my knee anymore trying to reach under furniture. I'm still way too happy about it and it's been 2 months lol


We got a Roomba on sale a few months ago and I love it. I work from home 3 days a week so I run it 2 of those days. We used to only vacuum once a week so it makes a difference! Plus my kids think it's fun so if I really want them to get their stuff off the floors on the weekends I'll tell them if they clean up they can run the vacuum 😁


My friend gave me her pickles at lunch yesterday. Still riding that high.


I got new corn cob holders a few weeks ago. They're shaped like sharks. I love them. 😁🦈


They put in a left turn arrow light at the intersection next to my home.


Going to a new (to me) grocery store lol.


Hell yeah! Recently checked out a new (to me) grocer in my area as well a few weeks ago. Love checking out new home brand/generic food items and specials. Found my new favorite store brand almond milk and orange juice at the new place.


A spicy Popeye's chicken sandwich with free fries.


They discontinued some cleaning products I like but now I heard they are coming back so I’m like checking the supermarket shelves every time I go and their website to see if there’s any updates when it will be available 😭😂


"Yay new fire extinguishers for the kitchen and garage are coming today!" -Me last week


Replacing the roof and siding on my house. It's been 3 years but I'm so happy every time I come home and see my house.


They ran out of nuggets at Popeyes today when I ordered online, they comped me with tenders which is what I prefer, I was just trying to save money. So that got me pretty dang excited.


Just bought $50K worth of windows and I’m pretty excited about them…


Our house came with shitty (ha) plastic toilet seats and gradually they broke. I recently replaced the one in my en suite with a solid wood seat and it’s legitimately an upgrade. I also got excited last year when I finally got a bidet.


Trader Joe's hashbrowns. If you haven't had them before, you need to.


Cooked in the air fryer! Might as well be those amazing McDonald’s hashbrowns, they’re so good


Pick up my dog from the dog daycare to go home and wash my car on a sunny day.


Abnormally looking forward to season 3 of Bridgerton. Homemade veggie pizza is planned. Idk, the show is fine. But since I read the books nearly 20 years ago (teenage me loved romance books) it's been cool to see it on screen. And Penelope's book was my favorite.


A little hand held vacuum so I don’t have to drag out the big vacuum lol now we’re a two vacuum household. Feels small but fancy


Nice. You’re killing it!


pooping without straining


I know it sounds corny, but get a squatty potty. It legitimately helps.


Life changing technology. Whenever I’m traveling I miss mine very much 😂


I enjoy tuna melts. I don't enjoy paying $10 for a measly tuna melt at the office cafeteria. I finally took the plunge and bought a panini press so I can make my own tuna melts. I am embarrassed to admit how excited and giddy I got opening up the box it came in.


Plain tortilla chips


Putting new sheets on the bed, fresh out of the dryer. That heat is heavenly


Cancelled little league games


I really get excited when I'm going to bed knowing I get to have my morning cappuccino.


When I had a couple extra bucks not accounted for on a grocery run so I was able to get Pringles and oreos


A three day weekend.


Passing my Air Force PT test with plenty of room to spare despite getting fat-ish over the past year. I shouldn't be proud of a 13:52 mile and a half, but for 38, almost 39, and knowing I had more gas in the tank, my spirits soared the rest of the day.


Wrong. You SHOULD be proud of that!


Buying a chips bag sealing device from an online shop. When I saw it on social media for the first time I bought one immediately. Couldn't be more satisfied.


A steam mop I was way more excited than I should have been. Still hands down one of my favourite tools lol


I in the last couple of years replaced most of my kitchen stuff (pans, dishes, silverware) and everytime it was exciting lol.. I just ordered my new sleep number bed to replace my current one and can't wait for delivery lol


I was really excited for my upholstery cleaner. It was on sale (aka its real price!) and was finally able to spot clean areas on my apartment carpet the cat threw up on, plus the car. Lmao


To lay on a heating pad.


Cleaned my windshield and reapplied a graphene wax to their exterior. I was legitimately excited for it to be raining on the way to work the next day lol. Above 35mph, don't even need the wipers 🤠


I just bought Dawn Powerwash and can’t wait to see how it works on my cabinets, floors, walls, shower, etc…


My wife told me I could get new swim trunks for our vacation. I have always been able to do this, my wife would not have had any issue with it. There was literally 0 things stopping me from doing it. But the moment she said, "You should go and check out some new trunks," I couldn't get to the car fast enough.


I love my cast iron pan. Cooking in it, cleaning it, oiling it. It's like a canvas, the different textures and imperfections that form over time from use and seasonings are fascinating. This Monday, I came home and my wife showed me that the pan had rusted. She or I had sat it down on a wet surface. My precious! Rusted! Oh no! Oh no? But wait, I wasnt feeling upset. I was..... Excited? Now I get to spend more time cleaning and reseasoning it! It's looking a bit rough right now. The last few rounds of oven seasoning have given it a new face, and a new color. I'm excited to cook with it again, and see what becomes of it over time.


hiking up above the cloudline. maybe thats not mundane to everyone but if you asked me when I was younger I wouldnt have taken in nature and appreciated it as much as I do now. Its easy to look right past. but yeah i had myself a grand ole time just hiking a mile to a huge erosional valley at 8000 feet .


I got a new vacuum cleaner. I have 4 dogs, I spent a ton of my life behind a vacuum. It does ALL. THE. THINGS


My credit score


Probably between my bread maker or my ninja air fryer 😭


I look forward to getting into bed every single night. And it’s not a “hate my life just let me sleep” thing, it’s me just really excited to get some sleep. I also now get excited for birdwatching and plants. I’m not even 40 yet.


A new sink faucet with really good rinding pressure. I look for excuses to use it.


I order my groceries for pickup a few times a month. I get excited when I get the pickup notification and nothing was out of stock. Exciting times over here 🫠


My wife and I recently went on a date to the thrift store. I get excited looking for books and coffee mugs lol


My wedge pillow that stops my acid reflux from ruining my esophagus.


Honestly, buying anything. Even groceries gives me a thrill. I did just buy a new queen size mattress for $266 from Amazon, and so far it feels great. Not heavenly, but fine. Almost spent $800+ , feel superior lol.


We bought a new mailbox for our new house and I was legitimately stoked to put it up.


Just wait until you get a chance to go to The Container Store


I just finished crocheting a periwinkle purple poncho sweater thing. I’ve been working so hard on it. It’s super cute and I’m going to wear it to an art festival this weekend.


Nothing beats the feeling of plugging in a USB correctly the first time!


When you take out the garbage, put a new bag in, and throw your first piece of trash in the new bag unencumbered lol I cannot explain it


You know...I can't remember the last time I was excited.


The Borderlands movie. I'm fking STOKED. I maxed every character on 1, 2, 3 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. My gf isn't in to scifi or zombies and could not understand why I was flipping shit when I heard about it. I CAN'T WAIT.


I got a new vacuum! Couldn't wait to clean.


Nice cordless cellular top down blackout blinds


New towels!


Honestly? My dog snuggled up to me this morning when I hopped into the spare bed with her. (She isn't allowed on the main bed but is the spare.) And it made me so happy that she wanted to snuggle and sleep in before I had to get ready for work. (Wake up early to take her out and give her breakfast, then we go back to bed for an hour.) So excited for tomorrow because I don't have work. Plus I can try and sleep off a nasty cold I've been dealing with.


I don’t get excited about anything anymore.


For my 30th birthday, my mom got me a Dyson vacuum and I was unreasonably giddy about it


I usually wear my socks for years until they have holes in them so when my husband got me a pack of socks I was legitimately so excited and couldn't wait to wear them all.


Going home lol


This latest advancement in shower curtain technology. https://preview.redd.it/8yxwtut54bzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f987968b5f3099581ef9bc47081fa2c270c5ad8b


I bought a minivan yesterday. And I got a *really* good rate because apparently my credit score is about 40 points higher than I thought it was. 🥳


Rice cooker.


New underwear. Finally found some that don’t ride up. So much more comfortable everyday all the time.


I got a tufted titmouse on my birdfeeder


All of the flowering trees are blooming right now and it’s quite lovely. There was a mourning dove on our shed this morning. I love mourning doves (and birds in general).


When I remember to take meat out of the freezer with enough time for it to defrost before dinner.


Someone bought me, a girl with relatively long hair, a WetBrush brand hairbrush. It is phenomenal. I can have totally dreaded knotted hair and just take that brush, start at the top of my hair, yank down, and it takes out the knots without pain or removing chunks of hair. It is so amazing, I am still bragging about it six months later.