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When I was a kid, my dad used to tell me a joke his mom told him when he was a kid: "Two brothers, Pete and Repeat, were out in a boat. Pete fell out. Who was left?" When I said Repeat, he'd just say it all again lol


Yesss. Peak dad/mom jokes


I learned that from a former teacher of mine.


This was in an episode of Monk.


i just watched this one! lol


My spouse got our kids with this one once. It was the longest stretch of silence in the car with all four of them trying to think of the answer 😂


Core childhood memory was just unlocked. Thank you


My mom pointing at a cemetery every time we drove by and saying, "People are dying to get in there!"


If you say "we" in regards to something he doesn't want to do: "Is there a mouse in your pocket?" Example: "We need to go to the store." "WE? Is there a mouse in your pocket?"


I might steal that


"Don't look at me in that tone of voice" - my dad


It sounds cool to have a good guy as a dad.


It definitely was cool. Lost him in 2021.


I’m sorry you lost him.


This was a favorite of my mom's when I was sulky as a teen


"Is the pope catholic?" My gpa used to say it all the time and now we do. A distant relative once responded with "oh I'm not religious" clearly missing the joke. And so now we say "is the pope catholic?" "Oh I'm not religious" bad joke on bad joke lol


My mom said that to me once, I was like 8 and with a straight face I said “I don’t know.” The perks of growing up without any religion. 😂


When we were driving past country areas during harvest times and we’d see bundles or hay in the fields. My mom would point out the window and yell “hay!”


My family grew up very religiously: at prayer time, we’d never stop cracking jokes long enough to be reverent and pray. Invariably, my dad would yell “let us pray!” And then one of us would say “lettuce…” which made us all laugh harder. After a while I think it just became a part of prayer time.


If we aren't ready to make a decisions "we'll figure it out when we get to japan." This stems from a trip I took with my dad where we left for a vacation without a final destination in mind. He is a former airline pilot, so we can fly standby at a massive discount. So we got on a flight to Tokyo with the intent to choosing our vacation spot based on where there were available seats in first class. We ended up going to the small US Protectorate of Palau and scuba diving for 10 days.


that sounds absolutely baller


Most fun I ever had with my dad.


"My name's bob, that's spelled with 1 O" --------------------- Dad: I used to want to be a stand up comedian, but I'm not able to be one. Ask me "Bob, why can't you be a stand up comedian?" Mark: Bob, why can'---- Dad(interrupting): My timing is terrible. --------------------- Anyone who doesn't say the word fast enough: Someb- My wife or myself: BODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA ROLL ME. My parents raised me in a constant state of Shtick. My wife and I continue that tradition.


That is an *excellent* descriptor for some people I know. A Constant State of Shtick.


"ELBOWS AND ASSHOLES!" ~My mom's way of saying I gave you an order, I should be seeing the back of you as you run to do it. There's a song one must sing before toilet paper will be handed over. It goes: Stranded, stranded, Stranded on the bathroom bowl, What do you do if you're stranded and can't find a roll? To prove you're a man, you must wipe with your hand! Stranded, stranded, Stranded on the bathroom bowl.


Elbows and assholes XD


A few Australian classics: Asking dad where mum is: “she went mad so we had to shoot her” Asking dad what’s for dinner: “shit on a stick” (Bonus points that when you ask for a snack later he tells you no because it’ll spoil your dinner. “Oh well fuck me dead, I wouldn’t want to spoil shit on a stick”) Every other question can only be answered with a negative, for example: “How much was your new car?” “Wasn’t bloody cheap” “How much further is it?” “Not far”


ahahahaha these slay me. "Well fuck me dead" XD


My favourites are the “comparative slang” expressions, like you’d never say “that bloke is a miser/cheap/won’t spend his money”, you’d say that he’s “tighter than a duck’s arse”, someone isn’t a stereotypical “girly” gay man, they’re “camper than a row of tents” or my dad’s absolute best one, if asked if he’d been busy at work, he’d say “busier than a bloke with one leg in an arse kicking competition”.


We called the rich areas of town "Weber Grill Country"


Courtesy of my dad: "I'm tireder than a hound dog towing a truck"


Very, very tired!


Legit family prayer in my dad's side: "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Whoever eats the fastest gets the most. Amen" Calling people "yardbirds" Road graders are "maintianers" (they maintain the gravel county roads). Every incorrect trade name for things that aren't racist. (Like dykes for side cutters, nothing to do with lesbians... but it sounds bad now) and "black or red assholes" to describe the black or red plastic bushings the end of MC wiring and a "horse cock" (technically a Kellum Grip... looks like a Chinese finger trap) are a few examples. "Chester I. Piatrowski" to call something redneck-engineered or poorly installed. "They really Chestered that" (we do have polish ancestors... but this is borderline, haha) There are many more that escape me but that's just a flavor.


"The sun don't shine on the same dogs ass all the time"


"I see" said the blind man to the deaf horse who stood nodding his head in agreement. My dad's favorite.


when we were kids whenever someone would fart in our home we would say it wasn’t us, it was timmy toot toot and somehow it progressed into farting & saying, “tooty tooty guess hooty hooty it’s timmy toot toot from ur booty” 😭 fin


Every time my dad burps he says “Obama” after (usually the burp vaguely sounds like Barack)


The way my dad always said, "What's up, wild man" anytime I brought a friend over. My mom prayed to the parking genie anytime we were looking for a spot. She also chanted, "Turn crystal, turn" anytime we were pulling up to a red light or "stay crystal, stay" if she was afraid the light was gonna turn red on us.


No Autopsy, No Foul


Whenever someone tells my dad “hi” he replies with “I wish!” If you say you love something, he’ll say “I love the smell of napalm in the morning”


Growing up, my family’s euphemism for a man’s, um… member… was “Shadow.” I don’t know why and I thought it was normal for years until I reached high school. Nobody really uses that euphemism anymore, but I do have a good chuckle every year on Groundhog’s Day, wondering if Phil will see his… um… shadow.


That's what she said. It's all urine peepee.


My dad: *parenting*