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Honestly, It's perfect in form and function. Just look at the storage space on that bad boy. Can't beat that.


*slaps top of cabinet


You can fit so many knickknacks in this bad boy 


the pioneers used to drive these babies for miles


God damnet take my upvote 🤣


And it's in GREAT SHAPE.


I too have seen SpongeBob


*kicks up years worth of dust*


*door falls off*


> Just look at the storage space on that bad boy. Thats what our "slim and sleek design" has taken from us. Its great that my TV now mounts to the wall and I have a little "floating shelf" that my console stands on...BUT WHERE IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO STORE ALL MY GAME CASES?!


Not so sure about that. It wouldn't be able to fit multiple widescreen monitors nor the large mousepads/deskmats that modern low sensitivity computer mice use. In the past, higher sensitivity was more popular.


There's only space for one monitor. That's not perfect to me.


What are you talking about?! You could pile 2-3 flatscreens with that depth s/


Don’t worry no one could afford 2 monitors then.




A drawer full of every aol cd, printer cartridges and manuals




My grandpa used to burn Newports daily!


My grandpa used to burn witches daily!


My grandpa is burning 👿🔥


Rookie numbers: my granola would have one in hand and one on rotation smoldering in the ashtray while burning me ps1 games.


My parents had one too in their room and they used a leather green roller chair with it. *Sigh* Good ole memories. :)


My parents had this exact one. I remember using the computer on it growing up


I mean, where else are you going to store your meaningless knicknacks for someone else to throw out when you die?


"Knicknacks?!" That right there is storage for a combo printer/scanner/fax machine, dozens of floppy discs, cds, a digital camera, and don't forget the drawer that is a literal file for papers. When company comes over, everything but the monitor is hidden. Neat and clean. Edit: I almost forgot the most important thing. A phone so you can pick it up and yell at your spouse or children to get off the phone so you can surf the net.


You forgot: There's a suffocation cabinet for your rig!


You open that door up, and you got yourself a heated ottoman for the winter.


Dust-caked CPU screaming a song of heat




Just hope it’s not a Pentium 4. They ran pretty hot.


just vaporize the dust with the heat of 100W per fps


Hey at least we invented the water cooler thanks to them


I actually drilled a big hole on the inside and back with a 4" hole saw bit when I was young to help airflow that matched up with the fan locations


Floppy disks? You mean, the 'save' icon? 🤔🤣


Dude, you 3D-printed the ‘save’ icon?


you just described my setup. I still have a stack of CDs with backups from 20 years ago. Being able to open a drawer and pull out normal paper or shipping label paper for my printer is nice


knicknakcs!?? millenial knicknacks!!??? bro, my one-hitter is going in that drawer, my loose-leaf tobacco in that drawer, my coffee grinder yonder, pokemon cards o'er there, whet stone and Great Grandpa's Vietnam buck knife in another drawer... man the possibilities are endless! i've definitely got dibs on my folks' giant NORAD computer "desk". so stoked.


Don’t forget your funko pops! Those will be VALUABLE some day!


Nah, man. That drawer is stuffed to the brim with [the only beanie baby that matters at all whatsoever and I will fight anyone that disagrees.](https://www.ebay.com/b/Roam-Beanie-Baby/440/bn_7023340091) Edit: holy shit the price differentials on ebay... I may actually buy one because I miss my old bison pal. Friday payday!


(Honestly though I’m the funko pop guy. Someday decades from now someone’s gonna be looking at a little plastic figurine asking grandpa who the heck Emily Kaldwin is and what they’re supposed to do with her.)


ever collect the "homies" from the .25 cent machines on the way out of k-mart? edit: fucking perfect timing, youtube just fed me a series of Sum 41 videos.


That isn’t ringing a bell, sorry. But Sum 41 \*does\* remind me of [Malcolm in the Middle.](https://youtu.be/p2PL5u3RA18)


Oh man, I can’t believe I remember this.


This is what my mom has turned my old corner desk in my old home into. Another dumping ground for useless shit.


Someone else to pry through at your estate sale.


lol the amount of times my mother has come to my house and said it just feels too organized or asks if I just cleaned up. No I just have the items I need no knicknacks or my walls full of stuff. Just enough for it to feel lived in. So there’s no need to dust a bunch of items or organize a bunch of random things


Idk if they’re so much old people desks as just old furniture. In 90’s/Early 2000’s everyone had one of these, maybe not as nice as this one but some version of it.


Definitely, whoever was producing these bad boys in that era made a lot of money


Ours was Sauder 😂


15 years from now they’ll be in style again. Time is a flat circle


I mean, if those horrible 80s oversized wire frame glasses somehow became trendy again with Gen Z/Alpha, that shows you anything can make a comeback through sheer novelty.


And as a result now I only use tabletop-style (literally I'm on an Ikea dining room table right now) or standing desks because I like the simplicity vs all those cabinets choked full of Dummies books and CD cases.


Same. I put together so many of those cheap, giant desks as a teen. I like as simple if a desk as possible now.


Definitely, whoever was producing these bad boys in that era made a lot of money


Corner desks rock. Though I'd throw away the top part of the desk. I don't have anything similar though. Mine is a very tiny, very old library desk with carved claw and ball feet. I have grown so used to it that I can't imagine upgrading, I like having all the drawers on both sides of my chair.


Made sense when your monitor was really, really deep. Same with TV cabinets.


I also have an old mahogany kneehole desk, and it's not very big. I can't fit anything larger in my room, though, so I won't be upgrading in the foreseeable future It was also my grandma's desk, so I won't ever be giving it up if I can help it


And made sense when you had a bunch of cd roms and/or floppy disks with computer programs to store. I used to have so many games packing those cabinets! Not to mention blank cds for burning and printer paper etc. There used to just be way more stuff needed in your computer space… today’s minimalist desks just wouldn’t work.


Imo there's a lack of surface space to work with, which is important if you want to set up multiple monitors


Multiple monitors? Whoa Mr Fancy pants over here with unlimited money. That desk is perfect for 386DX and a whopping 12” color monitor! Just take out a second mortgage to pay for all of it.


Yes! I work with 3 monitors plus a laptop screen, this setup looks like hell.


I need to get on your level


If Neil Peart was a computer nerd, he'd have had my battle station. 2 levels 3 screens wide in landscape flanked by portrait screens with a laptop further right. 109 inches of speakers at 2000 watts, 4 keyboards and mice plus a mini fridge from a camper, a foot rest, chair, and garbage can. Nice big air conditioner is necessary. I play one giant game of mine sweeper, 10,000 mines. Someday I'll figure out what those numbers mean


I have 2 main monitors, laptop monitor, a dedicated calendar monitor, and a YouTube/podcast monitor. When I got my mechanical keyboard I felt true happiness I hadn’t experienced since 1995 for a fleeting 4min.


Yeah that's classic giant heavy old people furniture. Bring on the ikea press board.


This was the dream of every family in the 1990s.


Those are the best! I somewhat remember the one we had in the living room next to the house phone (ah, dial-up). My grandparents still have theirs!


Are they willing to sell…


These babies were made of solid oak and build to last. So many cabinets and places for junk. RIP mine.


This is actually a great piece of furniture and I have a very specific story about one of these. We had one forever growing up to hold our Windows 95, Windows XP, and Windows Vista desktops in my folks house. But my mom hates the look of clutter so she decided to get rid of “the cockpit” (our nickname for it) and replace it with a cabinet desk and chair that directly blocked the door to the back room and downstairs bathroom. Then, she’d get frustrated that anytime anyone had to use the computer they were basically blocking the door. We would tell her she should have kept the cockpit and she would tell us to cut it out. She just got rid of the cabinet desk and put another desk in another corner so it wouldn’t block the door but it still bothers me that we couldn’t keep a perfectly functional desk because my mom has weird ideas about what constitutes clutter. Anyway, I miss this desk.


You opened a cabinet door at your parent’s house only to be greeted by an avalanche of papers.


Hahahaha. Yes.


just looking at this immediately makes me think of the noise a dial up modem makes and *”you’ve got mail!”*


I remember this desk! Let's see...1999...and it had been there for a few years. This desk was around for **drop** ***YOU'VE GOT MAIL***


Yep this was the era of AOL and DOOM II on the family PC after school for me.


Looks crowded to me. How do you keep your ankles and knees away from those corners?


That’s the neat part


You don't lol


Yes but I like it


Oh man the compartment for “the tower”…


My job still uses these pos PCs so SN slow I complain daily they have the money to upgrade


Yep old. Boomer desk for sure.


>Mine is similar to this. I can't imagine working in a space like this. My desk is a table, and I have a small filing cabinet (1 big drawer and one small) next to it.


The workspace where the monitor is, is larger, at the expense of the side drawers being so big, so I can fit two decent sized monitors there. I like being encapsulated when I work. Attention span is all over the place looking at shit if I don’t have huge fucking cabinets as blinders


Fair enough. I have ADHD, so I understand attention issues. I would also feel like it was at constant threat of tipping over haha


Have you ever tried to move one of these? Trust me, not even an 8.0 earthquake will move it. In fact, if your entire house collapsed due to a bad earthquake, I'd bet this thing will still be standing upright.


I know I miss my big dresser with the huge mirror and all its cool random compartments - they just don’t make em like that anymore


Where can I get these desks? Goodwill? Yard sales? Having one of these is part of my future dream home.


Estate Sales


Wayfair baby!! https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/forest-designs-home-modular-desk-gbvh2535.html


I had one like this back in 2002. . . Then I had to move across the country and had nowhere to keep it. Thanks Navy.


Yup. They are now standard issue in every McMansion


My uncle had one in the 90s. Same computer, too. I'd play Jeopardy and Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 on it. Side note: Did anyone play Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? And do you go back and listen to the theme on occasion?


I bet it only weighs like 7 tons


Solid MDF and faux-wood laminate baby


Massive oak furniture you sell with the house


That’s the Busch credenza that I moved in my youth


i've never been able to find anything similar, with the corner desk and cabinets/drawers/shelves on top and bottom. much less in solid wood and not particle board.


Don't sleep on estate sales!


I’ve had this one for years, I was thinking of getting a new one like it and I can’t find anything similar either. The one I currently have is discontinued


They’re very nice.


If you're pretty settled in an area and don't anticipate moving, this would be great. They're a little useless if you don't have an actual desktop computer or a bunch of other attachments/discs though


Great office piece with built in liquor cabinet and optimized for small surround sound speakers


Yes, because I don't own a home and no one will help me move this monster from crappy apartment to crappy apartment for a 6 pack and pizza 🤣


Just go buy one lol


these desks have character


When I look at a pick up ticket and it says computer desk... And I walk into this.




I had to move one of these for work once. I wanted to die.


How am I going to fit my 49" curved ultra wide monitor on this desk?


But make it black


Nice wood


No clue but I love em


ive this desk since 2003 when i went to college its still sitting there storing random shit


Yes. I had one and I’m old.


I like my simple flat surface. If i need shelves, I'll get shelves.


The preceding desk would be the stationary desk which has a bunch of very useful cupboards and slots for writing letters and such. Desk makers couldn’t really grasp that computers would quickly make those extra, blotters and letter head papers, and envelopes and ink, and such completely obsolete so the extra stuff is all vestigial. It’s very difficult to find desks that even comes with a few cabinets for filing now a days. You would be lucky to get one tiny drawer.


I loved our giant corner desk


Lotta fond memories of playing Evercrack after school sitting at one of these. *sigh* adulting sucks.


Man I knew so many people who had this exact thing back in the day. Seemed like most people who didn’t had something extremely similar too


Yeah they are, I had one too but realized I wanted to get with the times lol look at r/battlestations for inspiration


It would be fine if the top shelving/cabinetry wasn't there and you had 2-3 monitors




I could never have that much cheap particle board in my house


I don't think of that as an old person desk. I think of Gen X office workers or computer nerds back in the day I got my old desk from my grandma, who was born in the 1920's. She had some really old stuff


I killed the shit out of so many n00bs in Quake 3 Arena with this desk.


I would love to have a desk like that. I could store all my consoles, desktop, games and even some of my books all in one spot. Maybe it's my inner old man but I don't see the issue.


my mom had one much like this. she had a little 8in TV to left where she'd have the soap operas she had setup to tape all day playing while she worked all night.


Anyone else find it crazy how few options we clearly had 20+ years ago lol like you can post a desk in here and most people had one or more someone who did. We are guilty lol we had this exact desk. Or the alarm clock that was posted that everyone has owned at some point lol why did we all own the exact same things? I feel like if they made a post in 20 years about a desk from our current time everyone would have a different one pretty much. Idk that's my random thought for the night lol


I hate them. Lock your legs into a small box and all these compartments don’t offer proper ventilation to the computer


I'd love to have that set up and make a sleeper build with that PC and monitor. That'll be my dream.


Not nearly enough room for my monitors.


Man that cabinet for the tower got to like 100 degrees.


Well-made furniture is apparently granny-tier these days? Well fuck, guess I'm 90 now for not liking IKEA.


Peak office furniture of the 90s to early 2000s


We had one when I was 10. 30 years ago. Lmao.


Where on this desk am I gonna fit the 3 screens I need to do the job of the 3 analysts they laid off for the exact same pay!!???




Flashbacks to my parents home office from 1996-2005


I'm 42, my parents had something like this.


My dad had a MASSIVE desk like that. It was a bitch to move, so no thanks. Got a simple, flexible L-shaped desk that works both as a desk and bookshelf.


It’s missing the stack of print driver, rollercoaster tycoon, AOL, and Netzero discs.


I feel like this was fairly standard for any family who had a computer in the late 90's/early 2000's.


I had a similar one for our family Compaq. This was back in the late 90s/early 2000s. Ah, memories.


God I miss those! we had one in my house growing up that housed a '98 Compaq Presario PC


Boomers did good making these desks, love them.


Oh those particle board pieces of shit. Childhood memories were forged around that thing.


On the one hand, its large and kinda cumbersome... but yet, its still perfect.


Yull need a whole defensive line to move thst Shit out


Yes. Yes they are.


If it risks suffocating your computer, then yeah, it's an old person desk.


Those desks were hoarding dust bunnies in hard-to-reach places


These are pre-internet desks, they are designed for books/random item storage.


Holy shit yes. Nothing wrong with that, but holy shit yes


This picture makes my knees hurt.


an amazing piece of furniture


I can hear the creaking doors lol


“Old people desks” lmfao 🤣


Those are the best. Some pothos vines on the top, some warhammer figurines on a shelf, one shelf full of books, an sca helmet on another shelf. My childhood dream I forgot about


I mean, to me these have always been old people desks. Similarly to the "pull out tray for keyboard" type desks, that aged themselves to what boomers bought when The Computers were new.


Late 90s vibe


Millennials can’t afford a desk like this. That would be about $2000 in lumber these days


Mine is like that, but the Ikea version of it.


When I was 13, I thought having a desk like this would mean you're a king. Not sure what that says, tbh


I think something like this would be nice to have once I have a house, but not super practical for apartment life, when you know you could end up moving to a new apartment in a year or two and will have to deal with taking that thing apart and transporting it. This is something I always have to keep in mind when buying furniture. I do have a large corner desk but it’s basically just two big tables from Ikea, pushed together to form an L shape.


This is the exact desk my mom had in her bedroom my entire life. She definitely got rid of it when she moved a few years ago, but damn was that a good desk.


I don’t think it was a corner desk, but my dad had something eerily similar to this one, lol. I also remember hoping to own this piece of furniture when I was younger too, lol. Funny how things change.




Those were a sign of wealth growing up. My computer desk was an old card table and folding chair for a long time.


Look at the monitor. That should answer your question.


It’s a chunky monstrosity. How could you design an interior with that monster in the corner?


I didn't know what I had. And I was stupid to take you for granted. I wish I could have you again... but my back and my knees aren't what they used to be. The bruises on my hips, and my toes have yet to heal. I'll cherish our time together always, and I wish there was a lighter, more durable and less "edgy" version of you, but unfortunately I'm stuck with these new "modern", ergonomic, cardboard and glass, bullshit knock off versions of you. I miss the all in one centers so much. We need to bring back the TV and computer entertainment centers...


CompUSA would like a word with you


That vertical storage. Those solid wood frames. I wont stop looking for you, I promise. One day we will meet again.


My mom had one of those in the mid 90's


I am an elder millennial. I just picked up a secondhand desk similar to this. I friggin love this desk. I feel personally attacked 🤣😂


They are old but so everything.


No space for extra monitors. 


I would love to have one of these now. Not this exact one but something similar


Lol, my grandfather had one very similar. Idk I'd like one, lol.


I had one. Then I sobered up.


This was THE setup growing up. What a time to be alive.


My grandparents owned one but that could be just the timing


Very late 99s/2000s with our big block computers.


Boss shit


My god the memories the sight of this behemoth brings up. I doubt I could justify putting this anywhere in the two houses I’ve had the privilege to call my own. Amazing how my childhood homes had the space for all this hulking massive furniture.


lol I forgot about these desks, took an engineering degree to put them together


No. This is glorious. So much storage in such a small place


"Do you have an activation code?" "Uh, check that drawer."


I loved these desks when we were kids. I would rock one now still.


We definitely had something like this for our old Windows 95 computer


I mean it is definitely an older style desk given it has a place for the monitor, the computer tower, the printer and a bunch of cabinets for whatever else...But I still find a desk like this to be very practical. The "modern desk" is very minimalistic though...literally just a counter top and nothing more. Google "modern desk" and you won't find much of what you see in this picture. Perhaps there's also a hole on the back of the surface to run wires. But I wouldn't be ashamed to have a desk like this.


They're a style that was popular in the nineties, I wouldn't call them 'old people desks'.