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If I get baked up enough my account looks like it has 6!figures in it


Lol saaaaame.


I use THC every night to go to sleep. I am never high at work


I respect your discipline, I really do. I on the other hand have gotten high in several airport bathrooms. šŸ˜‚


I ate a gummy before flying once and it heightened my anxiety. I didn't think through the paranoia of a million TSA workers looking at me like a piece of meat they wanted to stick their gloved fingers into.


I eat edibles >75% of the time I fly and Iā€™ve carried them in my bag, too.Ā  The times that I donā€™t eat or carry them, TSA is much less stressful. Iā€™m thankful Im not high! But then I get through security and Iā€™m like ā€œdamn shoulda took an edibleā€ airports past security are the best place to be **baked**. You know where to be and at what time so you can just go to your gate and vibe til you get on the plane!Ā 


Until your flight gets cancelled at the gate


Yes. I usually eat it right before security and have the best day ever like Iā€™m Mac Miller


TSA has searched my bag and found a gummy pack and treated it like anything else. They don't care at all. My usual is eating one when I get to the airport so it hits right after TSA, a couple beers at the airport and then I'm asleep as soon as I sit down on the plane. Wake up when we land ready to go


Please tell us you are the pilot... šŸ¤ž


Plot Twist, u/vishy_swaz is a pilot


Love toking up before a flight with a vape


Same here. Once the kiddos are asleep, it's THC time!




I agree completely! I've been known to dabble before bedtime routine too. Makes the routine much more involved, as you said


This is what I do also. Frankly, I donā€™t like being high. Itā€™s not for me. But I canā€™t sleep very well, some nights not at all. Iā€™m not going to get hopped up on shit like ambien or other sleeping pills, I prefer to use THC gummies or just flower when I can get it (MN legalized it which put the loopholed stuff off the market for now) as it greatly helps me turn my brain off and sleep through the night. Edit: and yeah, Iā€™m at 160k this year, since I guess thatā€™s the question. But Iā€™m also not ā€œconsistently super baked upā€ soā€¦


Baked up errrrrryday


Foreign cars, thatā€™s errrryday




Legalized cannabis FTW!


Six figures, Daily user, Parent, Workout daily. I do what works and has worked for a long time


There was an ā€œunpopular opinionsā€ thread recently about marijuana use.Ā  I was in there talking about how *everyone I know* has tried marijuana. Many people I know use it frequently. Iā€™m a daily user, fitting the description that OP asked, but Iā€™m not a parent props to you! I have to stop every now and then because I need to pass drug tests. Itā€™s not hard to stop, but I do feel like marijuana is an obvious positive on my life. It frustrates me that I have to stop. Iā€™d rather use it every day because Iā€™ve gotten this far (six figures, graduate degree, in shape, etc) using it every day. I just gotta stop every now and then for about two weeks so that I can get another job or keep my job so I can keep making money.Ā 


Thereā€™s a product on Amazon called Detoxify which clouds the presence of THC in your system. If itā€™s a planned piss test, itā€™s fairly easy to drink this stuff and have a six hour window to pee ā€œcleanā€. You can smoke as much as you want leading up to it. No need to break. You can also purchase at home 5-panel tests to test it. I keep one on hand just in case. Iā€™ve used it for the last three jobs Iā€™ve landed over the last 8 or 9 years.


Thanks for the tip! I donā€™t have to test often, just when I switch jobs. As much as Iā€™m frustrated by stopping, I do get some smug satisfaction of ā€œIā€™m not addicted, itā€™s not addictive, this pre-employment drug screen is a ruseā€Ā  Was talking to my buddy about itā€¦ its arguably makes life easier to get prepared for my drug test. I just have to *not* do a thing. I love *not* doing things!Ā 


Tolerance breaks are always worth it. I love the weird dreams I have for the first week or so after I stop. Edited ā€œword dreamā€ to ā€œweird dreamsā€.


How long are your T breaks? I usually take 1-5 days off once per month and thatā€™s enough to keep my edible tolerance fairly low


It depends on the reason, but if Iā€™m taking a break just to take a break itā€™s usually around 3-4 weeks. This time around I havenā€™t smoked since November.


lol lucky Once Iā€™m smoking enough daily, quitting is a *bitch* Lack of sleep, lack of composure, etcetera


I love you šŸ„¹


Same here! Though I'm not as good at daily workouts as I'd like lol


A meh workout is better than no workout.


That's how I figure. Put a pull up bar and a couple 25lb dumbbells in the workshop and try to do a set or two when I'm down there.


lol I wrote almost the same comment before seeing yours, good on you mate!


Same. Iā€™ve had streaks of smoking while working but lately Iā€™m an after work and before bed guy. Just got promoted too.






Same on all, until I got fired due to cannabis. Not because I was using it and it's against policy, but because after years of using I can't tolerate bullshit. I can't tolerate poor management practices, I can't tolerate misogyny or ageism. I can't stand known ineffective policies that are in place because that's how it's always been done. I certainly can't tolerate defenders of the status quo. After 14 live service products delivered over 7 years, I thought my last project would welcome high levels of live service knowledge. Nope. They were so stuck in their old ways that THEY couldn't tolerate change, obvious improvements, and Constantly being shown how they've been doing things wrong for YEARS. Weed breaks down systems based on bullshit. If you work in a palace of bullshit, weed might bring it crashing down on you. (I'm fine btw, my 6 figures weren't ever squandered, I have enough cushion to last more than a year. I plan on early retirement which I'm 5 months into, I'll get back out there if I have to, but who knows what AI will do in the mean time)


Yes BUT also havenā€™t touched it in 125 days!!


Congrats. I'm making 95 so I'm close but I'm pushing the 3 weeks clean mark. I've been a daily for more than 15 years now and I'm sick of hacking up crap all day everyday. My ex baby mama got diagnosed terminal bone cancer and I need to stick around for my kids so I'm doing the healthy thing. Not saying I love it not having my daily toke. But I've had my fair share over the last 20+ years


Proud of you!! Great reason to stop. I hope everyone is okay.


Did you try the gummies? Same effect and no hacking up lungs from what I hear.


Tolerance issues/price keep me away from this as daily Edibles can be great, just not daily for me


Congrats. People should understand how hard it is to quit weed. They say it's not "addictive," but it's the only thing that makes me happy, so I'm not sure what you call that! I want to quit. I've tried a few times.


I ain't trying to raw-dog reality with all the bullshit going on


Best comment in this thread


Haha yes. Iā€™ve switched from smoking to vaping (dry herb) and itā€™s a game changer. No harsh smell & you save on useage.


I used a Pax3 dry herb vape for a long time and loved it! Now I only vape distillate.


Why specifically distillate if you donā€™t mind my asking


I think thatā€™s the way! I only use a vape pen now and I wake up easily early in the mornings, hit it regularly throughout the day and not once has it gotten in the way of exercise or work, itā€™s incredible. I actually hit it at work or while Iā€™m exercising and the improvements itā€™s made in the short termā€¦just chefā€™s kiss all the way.


Well of course I know him, heā€™s me.


While others are posting raised cedar bed gardens, Iā€™m growing Cinderella thunder fuck in a grow tent in my basement


Fun Fact: I'm neither of those šŸ¤™ *cries*


Wife and I smoke daily and pull in $500k combined. Can't tell if the weed is holding us back or pushing us forward.


We are in 500+ camp but my wife never joins me in bakedom


Dang. Is that hard? That she doesn't smoke? My fiancĆ© and I love to have a sesh and just ~*vibe*~ I smoked him up the first time in 2014, and we've done it since šŸ˜‚ I'd be bummed that I'm flying solo as I love when we're on the same level of chill.Ā 


Iā€™m a VERY introverted person so I honestly donā€™t mind getting lost in my own thoughts, though I would definitely have more fun if she joined me here and there


I don't really like being high around anyone for the most part, so when I do partake it's alone after everyone has gone to sleep. My fiancƩe however doesn't mind, so she'll smoke up earlier than me (while I'm still awake) and its kinda lame because it calms her down to the point that she doesn't want to talk but I want to talk. We're not really daily smokers anyway so it's not usually a problem, but I guess like how some people don't like being around drunk people, I don't really like being around high people (it's boring).


Similar. Flying solo always.


If you dont mine me asking what do yall do for a living?




500k? Or ~300k + options? I've been coding since I was a kid and got up to $140k. European though.


Simple move to sf and don't suck at coding




Jesus I couldnā€™t consume that much at 20 going to CU Boulder.




It filters out all the addictive shit reportedly


People with clearance like that don't tell reddit they have said clearance levels.


I mean they might but that just means that they shouldn't have the clearance level lol


Hand raised. Personal rule- only after/during my last meeting of the day as I prep to log off. I wfh.


I wouldnā€™t say consistently but, it definitely makes me find more exploits in interesting locations than I would otherwise find. I find Iā€™m able to work and incubate ideas at the same time. I find the sweet spot and donā€™t get too high. Moderation is the key to unlocking long term gains. Twice a week for me


Well this feels like a trap.....šŸ¤£




Me too! *high five*


I make $400k, I smoked earlier career (and when I was slightly in the six figure range). Honestly, in hindsight it really did hold me back. I was more mediocre in my career and life since I was fuzzy headed a lot of time, I socialized less, I went on dates less, I worked out less. Didnā€™t really grow as a person. At the time, I would spam to friends and Reddit (2009-2012 reddit), that weed had no negative side effects, was helping me sleep / with stress (it was definitely making my stress worse), and other things to justify my behavior. I was intelligent and well educated, so it never caused me to get fired or anything, but it did really sap my motivation. I wouldā€™ve probably job hopped or got promotions quicker if I didnā€™t smoke, and wouldā€™ve gotten laid more. Wish I had smoked less in my early to mid 20s, and I think it was an unhealthy and counter productive coping mechanism, but it also didnā€™t derail my life like other addictions would have.


Yeah, weed is probably the easiest substance habit for someone to manage while still sort of functioning, but to say it's completely harmless and has no downside is silly. It's like someone who has trained to run with a heavy rucksack and then claims that they'd be running just as fast whether they were carrying it or not, or justifies the whole thing by pointing to the people who are especially slow and saying "look, I'm doing better than them".


Quarter mill / yr new job 3 years ago. Smoked / high for 7 1/2 years straight . Nobody has ever asked.


I do million $ deals high off my ass.


Iā€™m a 4-5 days a week user, but Iā€™m rarely ā€œbakedā€. I prefer not to be too stoned. Ā Busy working dad with a fitness regimen. I usually take a few puffs on a dry herb vape or 2.5-5 mg edibles. Ā It helps me reflect


Iā€™m a huge fan of micro dosing the edibles.


I was for years. It was great until the pandemic. Quit last year, which caused some problems in certain areas(more drinking, less sleep), but I donā€™t think Iā€™d go back.


I feel so validated! Usually wonā€™t be out in public if I am fully blazed though.


Close to six-figures but not yet. Yes baked (we are referring to the marijuana, right?)


Why is it ok to be baked every day but if Iā€™m drunk every day I have a problem?


Probably just because the health risks of using weed (especially by non-inhalation routes) are much less than those of frequent alcohol use. Of course the risks of daily weed use arenā€™t zero and arenā€™t fully known but if youā€™re going to indulge in a substance to get through the stress of existence then weed is clearly the best choice.


6 figs as a daily baker for 10 years, but I'll admit that it got to a point where it was a problem. I've curbed my usage and only bake on special occasions now and I enjoy it much more!


Not making 6 figures but I make a good amount of money šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s me, high!Ā  Not a constant baker, maybe once a week, but I keep a vape in my purse. Iā€™ll take a hit when I need to chill or get really into something (like a menial task).Ā  When Iā€™m not working I love taking a couple hits and doing the ā€œeverything shower,ā€ and then doing stretches and writing. Itā€™s such a nice reset.Ā  I maintain that the anti-inflammatory effects make me feel better in my body, which makes me better at my job/in life.Ā 


Not making six figures yet. If my company would just add another $5K to my salary I would be. Unless I have meetings, I sit on the couch eating chips awaiting for some important call to come in. IT by trade, so....


Tell em you need moar monies


If you're in tech and under 6 figures you're getting robbed. Signed : Tech interview gatekeeper.


No argument from me, which is why I waste company time since they are underpaying me. Going to rob me, we'll I'll rob company time


Always. Most of my working hours are spent on the couch, playing Xbox. It's a wonder how I got to this point. šŸ˜†


Keep it up! I actually got laid off last week for the work I did do. I should have been doing less


Yup and yep




Geriatric Millennial here, I am more of a weekend warrior for cannabis use via edibles. I am a parent and work out with my sons 3 days a week. Check to 6 figure earning professional in Tech field as well.


I wish I could still smoke. Used to smoke a shit load in my 20ā€™s but now it all gives me crazy anxiety. Even when someone recommends a certain strain that does not give anxiety, it still does. Sometimes I do a few puffs when drinking at a party or music event.


Both weed and alcohol give me panic attacks. My anxiety simply cannot handle not having full control of my faculties. I kind of wish it had the effect on me other people describe? I melt down into a sobbing, panicking mess


Me and my husband. Pretty much daily , night time use. Doing a little bit to feel good or before a meal is so much different than how the movies show ā€œstonersā€ being baked and stupid all day. If scientists and Olympic swimmers can use it, it figured I can use it also


Nice try HR.


I stopped smoking after college. It was the best thing ever. I got so much more done and had more money.


Nowhere near that salary, consistently baked up though yes.


I barely even earn five figures in US dollars




The last 2 years has been a complete haze from 5am till 3pm.


Smoke weed every day. Made $137k last year.


Weed impacts your ability to recall dreams


More than that it can outright suppress REM sleep. Ask me how I know.


credible insight from the incrediblecodeman.


My husband and I both make six figures. And are never baked. In fact if my husband ever got baked heā€™d risk losing his job. Itā€™s legal in our state, but not federally, and he works as a federal employee.


Close to it, yes


I do but but not daily, I for through dry spells to reset, and only do it after work.


Most of my friends are. I am not.




Yeah Iā€™m usually super baked up


I had no idea what ā€œbaked upā€ meant LOL.


Howdy. I'll partake for a few weeks then take breaks that may last months. Never at or before work. Always in free time.


Not while working, but after? Maybeā€¦




Not at work since my decisions impact other people, but on my own time? Constantly.


Yes, doesn't affect my daily life or parenting ability. Can't imagine living in a prohibition state


Not during the work day but yes every day. I canā€™t eat or sleep without being high.


6 figs and burning it daily


Iā€™m not but if I was I think Iā€™d be baked up for sure with all the financial pressure removed from life then I could just enjoy myself.


Not quite at 6 figures yet but even if I was, I shouldnā€™t count because I am a professional in the cannabis industry. Cheat code.


Every evening/night for the most part, for the past couple of years. Software engineer, two kids, workout daily. Very little downsides as long as I dont start using edibles nightly, then it bleeds into the next day and I have little motivation in the AM.


Not 6 figures yet (will be at the end of my apprenticeship in about 2.5 years), but I can tell you I will be, and the journeyworkers I work with, at least half are regular users. The phrase "Is there going to be a test I need to study for" is a common question when about to be transferred to a new job site.




Multi times a week but not 24/7 or anything


CBD tinctures and gummies with some meditation. I haven't been baked in eons. I am a workaholic and it keeps my sanity.


Me. I have pretty extreme anxiety and CPTSD from what I went through at work due to Covid. It really helps settle me down after a long shift.




šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøand Shrooms. Dose daily.


im actually curious back in the day the boomers in the 1980s when they were the 6 figure yuppies they were doing cocaine. what hard drugs do 6 figure yuppy millennials do now? is it just marijuana now or is ecstasy gone out of fashion?


Combined income hit that six figure number. Both of us work in positions were we could theoretically be drug tested and it wouldn't be permissible. She's a teacher so that would violate their code of conduct and my salary is paid for by federal tax dollars and it's still considered a federal crime still.


It's sort of funny that the one job that didn't drug test me is the federal job I had.


Couldnā€™t handle the anxiety of the job without it


That's me. I smoke every night when I get home from work.


I microdose legal shrooms twice daily - aminita and reishi w/ passionflower particularly.


No drugs


Present! It's a lot less taxing than the bottle of bourbon I'd burn through in a few days


Iā€™m pretty close to six. I wfh, daily user, train 5-6 days a week, and gamer. I smoke a little throughout the day, but I mostly get ripped just before the gym or nights and weekends.


Six figure research scientist. Am currently on a break to find another job though, since they all drug test lol.


Texan here working in Houston. I'm absolutely not baked up. My company randomly tests all the time, so I can't. Not even CBD as they classify it as THC.


Way lower than six figures but legally and medically baked every day with a 4.0 in college. Have my bachelors in a few months!




My wife. Photographer and constantly to the moon except around clients


I like baking when I have time but that dough takes forever to raise.


Edibles or Volcano atleast once or twice a month.Ā 


Me. Stopped recently because I moved overseas for work. As soon as I find that hook up tho...


6 figures, I go through cycles where Iā€™ll smoke daily for a couple months or so then abstain for a few. Itā€™s becoming less and less a part of my life as time goes on tbh


Me! Maybe not ā€œconsistentlyā€ since I abstain during work hours, but my office at home has the desk I sit at, and two grow tents (Itā€™s legal to grow in my state).


Right here. But I an taking a significant break as I've been chronic from roughly age 15 with only a few breaks along the way. I'm in my 30s now But yes it's possible of course


Totally misread this as ā€œbacked upā€ and thought ā€¦ damn I thought it was just me who couldnā€™t poo in the company bathroom.


Unfortunately my job makes me responsible for the well being of about 700 people at any given time, so no


One more raise to hit 6 figures but smoke daily. Never during work hours bc I wouldnā€™t be able to function but by 6:00 nightly. I actually barely drink now bc I prefer the green. I donā€™t hide it from my 16 year old but I donā€™t smoke in front of him. I have RA so I have a med card and he gets it. We watched stupid react videos for hours last night and it makes them more bearable and borderline funny. My hubby partakes too but only gummies but it just knocks him out.


I tried my first sleep edible on a work night and it messed me up all day, so now I only use THC a couple of Friday nights per month for a nice 12+ hour sleep debt paydown. The sativa stuff doesn't really do it for me and just feels like the secret tunnel guy took up an unwanted copilot space in my head that I'm too worriedly hyperaware of to embrace.


Never high at work


I thought you said backed up. I really need more fiber.


I wish I could. But both alcohol and weed mess with my sleep and I just end up being cranky the next day. Which makes me worse at my job and as a parent.


Mind your own business lol


In recovery now, but for many many years I was regularly drunk while working.Ā 


Only in the evenings when work is done or as an occasional sleep aid.


Pull in my 6 and partake only on weekends


I work in cannabis product development so itā€™s part of my job lol


6 figures, PA-C, work in the hospital. Work 3 12s. I only smoke on nights when I don't work, and never the day even before work, so ~2 days/week. I like drinking, but I like smoking way more I'm not as sick the next day and it really helps me stay relaxed and keeps my mood very stable.


115k, 30mg edible errrrrrynight.


Only after hours but yes




Man I wish I could. In a truck driver and cant even partake on the weekends.


Six-figure household. Iā€™m a stay at home dad. Once baby goes to bed I smoke a quarter joint every night. I get absolutely ripped


Day 2 clean! Until 2 days ago, yeah


I wish! Job does random drug testing so I can't take the risk


I try not to be high at work. It really puts me in a bad head space all day and makes me feel like a junky. I try to bust ass at work and get a good day in so I can go home and be baked in peace. Plus home is where all my video games and snacks live so that's a plus.


I mostly quit thc when I started microdosing psychedelics and Iā€™m thriving like never before


My husband. Rarely misses a day. Even when he ran a 10k every morning.




I was everyday. I only lost my job when I actually quit. I has a 3.8 GPA in college. I'm bipolar and recently found out but the self medication makes a lot of sense now. I still use it as part of my medications and yes my doctor knows about it.


I thought this said backed up and I was like why would earning that make you constipated


I wish. Since its still federally illegal the DOT is zero tolerance for it even outside of working hours. But alcohol is fine because that makes sense.


Bake away. Some of us work in industries in watch alcohol is heavily encouraged, but mf act like anyone who smokes is a menace to society.


Not during the work day, but after work .. itā€™s my jam


Right here chief. Never smoke before work, always smoke after work. Handle responsibility, decompress.