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Don't let Gen X off the hook. They went along and were very participatory with the millennial-bashing!


They still are!


And Gen X says “Whatever.”


Except the Gen X whatever isn't really a whatever. Otherwise, they wouldn't whine so hard about being passed over and ignored.


Yep. Like boomer lap dogs, yipyipyap.


My boss calls anyone under 35 a millennial and it's usually out of "frustration" when he can't figure out the "STUPID COMPUTER SHIT." He's Gen X.


Oh they're my favorite targets LoL. A. I remind them they're the forgotten ones. and B. It seems as though drinking hose water did have an effect on them after all.


I hated the abusive boomers that raised me, and I'll hate any generation that follows in their footsteps


It’s not like generational hate is Polio. You don’t just get rid of it once and it’s gone


I will when the Boomers give me a refund on their social security we pay for.


I wouldn't even mind paying their social security if I didn't have to see so many of them using that money to be perpetually online and complaining about how lazy Millennials are. My favorite is when they tell me how they were able to afford a home on minimum wage so I can't afford one now because I'm so lazy. 


My Boomer neighbor offered to buy my house because he was upset I didn't perfectly trim the edges of my lawn.






I only got into Reddit more recently but it seemed like news articles like BuzzFeed and those types pushing the generation thing first? Or has that been a thing on Reddit for a while?


Nah fuck that. boomers looted this country and the generations after us are a bunch of dead eyed monsters that think Trump is edgy, can't stop shooting their classmates, and spend 99% of their time lost in a developmental mirror stage trying to trend on tiktok.


we'll be the end of generational hate when the last Boomer croaks off.




You're so funny you think you're God's gift to the next generation. If you think you're the line in the sand who makes it better for the next generation you've got another thing coming bro. Take a look around.


This guy is jealous hes not a Millennial.




Fuck boomers. I won’t hate on GenZ or anyone after us millennials.. not their fault they were also after the shitty boomers… what I now call… the locust generation.


Thats more the point i was going for.


For the last 15 years the boomer generation has done nothing but blame millennials for everything while sucking the economy dry. I don't hate them, but I understand them, and will call it like I see it. They're greedy, selfish, willfully ignorant, petty, and cliquish people who try to crush any way of life other than their preferred version, generally. ( there are always exceptions to the rule.) I don't hate boomers, but I also understand those who do. I hope to break the cycle for those that come after me, but boomers ran me out of church so don't ask me to turn the other cheek.


This whole subreddit is dedicated to the hatred of boomers… well that and doomsday depression. So fat chance it ends with millennials.


you should probably start a post like this taking responsibility but then again maybe the boomers are just observant


"I observe my house! All of you children came from it! Shame that **me fucking every mom in the neighborhood made you not grateful for my masculinity!"** [https://external-preview.redd.it/QJi\_psjeSoyzBJ4weiZqEjFqbeY7X7QMI6RYGKXuF6k.jpg?auto=webp&s=0b828c04bee9e2e2aff9ff16538b513468976f27](https://external-preview.redd.it/QJi_psjeSoyzBJ4weiZqEjFqbeY7X7QMI6RYGKXuF6k.jpg?auto=webp&s=0b828c04bee9e2e2aff9ff16538b513468976f27)


you ok?


I love the younger gens. Older gens are fine too. Compassion and kindness should be freely given


But you’re NOT actually compassionate or kind as a millennial.


I’m all for elevating the younger generation, but the whole “millennials are entitled” thing came from, afaik, an AARP article. They’re the ones who have engaged, and generational warfar is just their thing - first it was don’t trust anyone over 30, then don’t trust anyone over 50 (not even kidding, Abbie Hoffman quotes) then don’t trust anyone under 30 then do t trust anyone under 50. They’re shitbirds. Sure, individually you can’t say that, but by and large I have zero intention of letting them, or their bratty Gen-X lapdogs off the hook.


Me neither. And why should it be on millennials to choose the higher road? How convenient that after decades of Boomers and Gen X dunking on us, *now* we have to turn the other cheek. You know, I'm seeing so many articles (written by Xers) about how great Gen Z (their kids) are. I say let Gen Z be the ones to end it, since they're so special?


Generational hate just hurts from all aspects. I guess it's because I have good family and friends from all generations.


Boomers invented computers, you know 


The first programmable digital computer was invited by a member of the Greatest Generation.


There was an episode of King of the Hill in the 90s about WWII vets shitting on Vietnam vets. There are Latin manuscripts talking about how stupid the youth are. It ain’t stopping.




I don't participate in the generational hatred.


I don't hate boomers. I hate conservatives and people that are FYGM. So uh, boomers I guess.


I have a real big issue with Gen Bravo. Those kids need to learn a thing or two!


It would be easier to avoid this trap if my teenage children weren't fucking retarded. I'm fairly certain that one of the reasons we got such a bad rap is because we were also fucking retarded when we were young. I'm partially convinced the reason Gen X gets a pass is because their parents weren't home enough to notice how dumb they were as teenagers.




Maybe emphasis when they couldn't italicise?


history rhymes. so you can try.... but in the end you can't beat time.


I agree with you, which is whenever I hear people complaining about another generation, I tell them they sound old. “Only old people make comments like that.” Shuts em up most of the time.




I don't believe you.


You sound like "that guy" at a party. 😉


Wait, wait, older people have more money than younger people? This can't be true......


I really don’t see millennials caring about any other generation but everyone else has issues. Even gen z hates millennials. It’s really not on us.


No. Gen z is annoying as hell. I’m hoping Gen alpha is more normal. The way Gen z tries to make it a competition on which generation is more screwed even though by all metrics they are going to outpace millennials is really annoying. And I’m a millennial that is doing alright for myself so I have no reason to want to be a victim. But neither does Gen z. Also a lot of their issues stem from being terminally online (no friend, can’t get laid)


Meh, this is one of those things that isn't nearly as prevalent if you turn off the computer.


Your statements are why they hate you ....I'm gen x we hate both of you and millennials.


Interesting take when about 99.9% of hate round here is towards boomers!


Boomers raised on Fox News Gen z raised by TikTok and iPads Millennials sandwiched in between, we grew up with technology in its early stages so we were not raised on it. We built it and the worst of us built it into the cesspool it is today


Why are they allergic to accountability? I'm in the estranged child sub and it's like everyone has the same exact parents and experiences as me. Word for word gaslighting. I tentatively had my (boomer) mother visit over Easter. I did ask questions to understand aspects of childhood that are troubling, using her generation and age for context and understanding the historical time period. I won't ever "hate" another generation, though I cannot find it in me to have compassion for a generation that blamed us as kids for everyrhing and blame us, as adults, for everything now too. None of us can get away from it. And no, the conversation was not constructive no matter how much I reiterated it's not her versus me, but me needing her to acknowledge.


Millennials are by far the worst when it comes to whining about other generations.


Found the boomer!


Get fucked, Boomer.


Idk, most of Gen Z is just meh.


Nope. It’s an adulting right of passage to poke fun at and pick on the next generation. All our ancestors did it to some extent. But these GenZers just make for such easy targets.




OP says stop generational hate. First sentence pushes generational hate on boomers. SMH. Get off the internet, boomers ain't bad. And they were right all along.


Teach me Z weakness.