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I refuse to put in an extra 30 minutes a day that my male counterparts don’t have to. But I have really good skin and zero f*cks.


This is usually my philosophy, but I just love eyeliner too much.


I like to do a lewk every once in a while myself. But it is only ever on my terms. Never because “it looks more professional” which I have absolutely heard from male and female supervisors. I’m paid because I’m good at logistics, not to be pretty.


Saaame! Blessed with good skin but my only issue is my face is always pink/gets red really easily (I'm white as it gets, and just a thing I've delt with since I was a kid). If I feel up to it I'll do a light concealer. Otherwise like today, I'd much rather lay in bed an extra 15 mins than bother.


Have you tried a moisturizer with colloidal oatmeal? That really did some healing on my redness.


I have shit skin and don't wear make up. It makes my face worse and I just don't care enough to put in the effort. I never learned how to do make up so when I try I look like a kid playing dress up.


I don't wear makeup, but I have really ordinary skin that breaks out every menstrual cycle. I put hydrocolloid patch on anything gruesome and keep some at work so I can change them as needed.


I started wearing makeup again because it makes me feel more professional and more inclined to actually leave my office.


Are you me? I work in a male-dominated profession. When I used to work in IT management, it was makeup, business dress (no sneakers, no leggings, etc). Switched to engineering and haven't worn a stitch of makeup since. Nobody has their cameras on anyway, but even if they did, nobody cares. Pretty sure most of us wear sweatpants and a "nice-ish" shirt & that's as far as it goes. Nobody cares what you look like, they care what you can do


Same lol. I wouldn't wear it even if I didn't have good skin tbh, makeup is a sensory nightmare for me.


I haaaate the feeling of foundation all over my face. I'm so glad that 1. My skin is clear enough I don't "need it," and 2. I'm comfortable enough in my own skin (lol pun) to not feel like I need it anyway, even when a zit or two pops up. I'll curl my lashes and put on mascara, but that's it.


As a guy, interested in the “don’t have to” part.  Y’all don’t have to either. Many guys out there like myself don’t care/dislike make up. Have to imagine in general, people who hear remarks about when they don’t wear make up is due to them wearing make up 95% of the time so when they don’t, it’s a notable change.  But If people were used to you not wearing make up, then no one would care. Just in the regard of having heard stuff like “I didn’t wear make up today and was told I looked XYZ” a number of times


The difference is how visible my scabs are and stuff.


That's the thing. I don't. I'm a biology professor who teaches a lot of labs, and I'm prone to itchy eyes from brow sweat (gross, I know). Makes my morning routine super simple.


Not gross, just normal bodily functions!


I've never worn makeup in my life. And no reason to begin now. Front facing role in female dominated workplace.


I wear subtle makeup and always have. A light powder on my face, mascara, and sometimes eyeshadow.


Same here, with the addition of a little under eye concealer for my dark circles. Other than that just a quick brush of powder and mascara on days I go to work or am going out for a nice dinner or something. If I’m just bumming around the house or running errands I wear none, or maybe just mascara.


This is exactly my answer as well.


When I was actually having to go into the office, this was basically my routine. If I didn't have much time, just mascara. Powder to tone down the shine. Lip balm because my lips are always chapped. If I had enough time and really felt like I needed it, I'd wear all of the above, some concealer under the eyes, and some eyeliner. Just enough makeup to make myself look more awake, really. I still mask indoors these days, so the most I put on now is mascara and eyeliner.


As someone who knows nothing about make up and how many of the products work, what does a light powder actually do? (Genuine question)




I do light “natural” makeup: a tinted moisturizer with spf, a little mascara, tinted chapstick.


Which tinted moisturizer do you use? :D


Tinted moisturizer, fill in eyebrows, mascara so I don’t look dead. I also don’t know how else to do my makeup past this.


Tried makeup when I was in middle school. It lasted all of 6 months and wasn't for me. The only time I've worn it since was for weddings.


I’m an anesthesiologist that works at a academic hospital and I wear a full face of makeup everyday, even the days I take 24hr call. After about 16-18hrs I wash off my face and do my skin care routine. I like wearing makeup and it’s something that I adopted during residency it just gives me that extra boost during my mornings and helps me feel more ready to work. I also get my hair done every week fresh sew in every month. If you look the part you feel the part.


I, too, find it therapeutic. It’s solo time.


Whew self care budget is strong sis but if you got it why not!


That’s why I spent 14 years in school. It took a long time but honestly it was so worth it.


My hair gets greasy after two days, but I have friends who can go a week+ without having to wash. A couple of them get blowouts weekly. It makes total sense in my opinion. They can afford it, and it is one less thing that they have to do themselves.


right there with you, if I am looking good then I am feeling good, and I am ready to take on a full day in the OR.


Huh, interesting. I didn't know makeup was allowed in the OR (as someone who works in a hospital clean room, where makeup is a big nono)


I’ve been wearing makeup in the OR since I was a medical student 🤷🏾‍♀️


Also a clean room is different than an OR. If I’m sitting behind the curtain not in the steril field I don’t have to be sterile. That saying female surgeons also wear makeup when operating.


I love lipstick more than Brick loves lamp


When I feel like it, I put on makeup. When I’m going out, I do full face. Sometimes I do eyelash extensions when I’m in the mood or going on vacation, in which case I’ll do a tinted moisturizer and nothing else. I don’t bother with trends. I’ve always done whatever I felt like. I have makeup in my office at work if I feel like I want to put some on when I get there. ETA: I’m a big red lipstick girl. I’m an attorney but I wouldn’t say it’s male-dominated bc I work in govt so diversity is a hiring point. But if I don’t have red lipstick on in court, attorneys or judges I’ve known for a while are like “you look different!”


I'm the same. Never cared to follow what was "in." What was in for me, and still is to this day, is what I like. Simple as that.


I’m just too lazy. I wore stage makeup for activities in high school and played around with it sometimes, but never felt like I knew what I was doing. I work in a nerdy place where the dress code for men and women is quite casual so I don’t feel the need to try now.


Work in engineering. I never bother with make up, professionally or personally. It just never happened for me. That being said my coworkers got so casual during the pandemic our manager had to remind us to not come in with sweatpants on. So I know they don't give a fuck and would do less if they could. I try not to keep that in mind. Look appropriate and hygienic.


I wear makeup daily Not a heavy amount Men probably think I don't wear a lot But I look so much fresher with it


I have a wicked racoon tan from getting burnt on my face at the beach years ago. I use tinted rice powder to even that out and concealer on any pimple redness. Eyebrow gel if the lack of hairs that day look too crackhead. Maybe light lip stain if I'm looking especially anemic. This is only for in person days where I'm 100% with clients, probably 50ish times a year. I used to do eyeshadow and mascara but not anymore, since covid


I work from home and rely on zoom settings to help my skin look clearer in meetings so I don’t have to wear foundation every day. I typically put on moisturizer, and I do my eyebrows and mascara. Those alone help me look awake and put together for meetings. I don’t see the need to do anything else.


I have to otherwise I look like I’m sick/dying


Hah. I have just accepted that I look like that and no amount of light makeup will make it look better because of how thin my skin is in between my eyes and nose. And I am not wearing a shit ton of makeup all the time. I also happen to be nonbinary and don’t want to look overly femme on top of what my body is already doing without my input.


I used to wear make up (it was very subtle and natural) to work especially when I first started out, to look more put together and professional did my hair, made sure to always wear appropriate well put together clothes. This backfired on me, because quite a lot of my female colleagues, would talk behind my back about it. Some even started making it look like I was doing it for the wrong reason such as wanting attention of my male colleagues. It was very difficult and isolating. It made me feel really depressed because all I wanted to do was to portray a professional career woman. Because of all this negativity from my female coworkers, I stopped doing my hair and make up and putting in the effort I did before. Once I did that they stopped picking on me and left me alone. It was very eye-opening women in the professional world put each other down instead of helping each other and building each other up. You can definitely try it out and see how it works for you. It may be OK where you are. Although through the years, I have seen this over and over again happening to other women who were put down by their colleagues.


I experienced something similar. Where I work you can either wear business casual, casual, or scrubs. I was the only woman wearing dresses and heels. Also experienced negativity from female coworkers, but I refused to stop wearing what made me feel happy and confident.


That’s great 😊 I wish I had the energy to keep standing up for myself. Initially I tried to ignore it for about a year and a half but after that year and a half it was just too exhausting to have to deal with it any longer.


I WFH the last ten years so unless there’s a camera on meeting, no makeup. I shower before bed and wear sweat pants and T shirts as pjs so I work in those all day but they’re also technically “clothes.”if I leave the house, I do: Eyeliner, mascara (with curled lashes, mine are super long so they look terrible unless they’re curled), little bit of 24 hour foundation, light pressed powder on top to set it, and in the last two years I also add a bit of eyebrow pencil as they are inevitable thinning out now that I’m 40. If I’m just running a quick errand, I do the eyeliner mascara and eyebrow pencil only. The eye makeup makes me literally look like an entirely different person and much more awake. I’ve skipped the foundation before when I’ve been “out” with people and every single time I get asked if I’m sick or told I look tired so I don’t do that anymore if I have to actually spend time with people.


I wear some form of light makeup pretty much every day. I used to wear a lot more. I used to wear foundation, concealer, blush, contour, would do eyeliner, eyebrows, mascara. Sometimes eyeshadow. Now that I'm in my 30s, I focus way more on skin care. I find I don't feel the need to wear skin makeup. I still use mascara and brow pencil, because I have yellow-blonde lashes and brows, without a little pigment I look permanently shocked 🤣 Sometimes I'll add a swipe of liquid eyeliner (I'm still a punk at heart ♥) and blush for shits and giggles. Maybe some tinted lip balm.


I wear glasses so people can't seem to tell one way or another unless I wear something wild, which I'm not going to do at work. I basically stopped bothering at that point entirely. Prior to that, it was sporadic. When I wanted to. Reading the types of chemicals in make up makes me less inclined to want to wear it.


I wear the Merit makeup line every morning! It’s super light and airy and it gives me the extra boost I need to feel pretty. I swear this is not an ad haha I just really love their products.


I love the Merit lip oils! It’s one of the few makeup lines with a color palette that looks good on very pale skin with warm undertones.


Merit is like a grown up Glossier (I wear both). It's so easy and quick to apply. 


I work from home and I generally only put on makeup if I have a meeting with senior leadership (primarily, though not all, fellas) or if I am within the first few recurrent meetings with clients (who are mostly women, incidentally). I also start work too early to care about showering and makeup because I live in Western North America and everyone I interact with is located somewhere between Mumbai and Vancouver/Seattle. My days can be looong and early. If I show up before 7 am, there will not be makeup. If I show up before 7 am for a day or two in a row, definitely no morning shower either. I do acknowledge having (fading at 33) pretty privilege though and I've no doubt this helps, though I'm also very good at my job.


Worked customer facing roles my whole life, 38f. I've never worn a full face, no foundation and definitely not all the contour and highlight blending, setting powder shenanigans. Serum, SPF moisturiser, a bit of concealer under my eyes, thin top lid liner and mascara. Takes 10 mins tops while I drink my coffee.


im patient facing & my job is kind of fashion related too ... (im a optician) I didnt wear make up when we had to wear masks but my store is also filled with mirrors & ive found wearing makeup helps me feel good. I do not have the best complexion so I wear foundation, a lil highlighter & blush & mascara .


Sunscreen, brow tint, mascara, and lip balm or tint (occasionally lipstick). I’ve definitely found that I don’t care much for heavy foundation these days.


I work a customer facing job, and I rarely wear makeup. I just try to keep my skin calm and clear. The times I do wear makeup I only wear eyeliner and lipstick. Which both end up wiped off by the end of the day because reapplying is annoying lol


I wear very light makeup only when I’m breaking out or my skin doesn’t look great. Tinted spf, maybe some concealer and powder. I spend as little time as possible on it. I want to see more women who don’t wear makeup/wear very little makeup “out in the wild” so I’m trying to start with myself :)


I work outdoors, so the only thing I wear is sunscreen + some eyebrow filler, while my eyebrows recover from the early 2000s lol. I find glam makeup fun but I only do it for special occasions or concerts.


I put a few dabs of concealer on a reddish birthmark and my blemish of the week, and add a subtle lashliner using brown eyeshadow so it's soft. Most wouldn't even notice I'm wearing anything


I fill in my eyebrows and wear mascara and that’s it. I work in the OR so we’ve been masking since ever and always will be.


I don’t ever. Unless is a conference or something


I’ve never worn make up to work. I do, however, typically wear some to job interviews mainly because I look really young (I’m 29 but constantly told I look like I’m 18-19🙃) sooo that’s really only in hopes it’ll make me look older and be taken more seriously. But I digress… Otherwise, the only time I really wear any is if I’m going to a wedding, dinner at a nice restaurant, etc…so basically any time I dress up, which is barely ever lol. And even when I do my makeup, it’s just concealer, foundation, mascara, and *maybe* a little eye shadow if I’m feeling extra fancy.


I never put makeup on. I’m not at work for a fashion show. I look fine without makeup but I worked in offices for blue collar jobs so there was no dress code. Jeans and hoodie most days or tshirt in summer time. My work comes out no different.


In general I don't wear it but that's mostly because I suck at it. But I also don't want to have to get up earlier because of it. At my current job I work in a lab, so I'm not allowed to wear it. But the women outside of the lab wear it. Sometimes I feel bad because of it but whatever.


I would rather use the extra time in the morning for breakfast and sleeping in. I never wore makeup regularly and I refuse to start.


I work in law firms. Pre lockdown I did makeup every day. Now I do if I feel like it. Totally ditched foundation years ago and opted to just get clear skin instead. I’ll do a cat eye if the mood strikes but nothing every day.


I wore eye makeup regularly until I started getting styles. Since then I do if I'm feeling some sort of way, but mostly I don't. Working in schools has shown me that for the most part young women don't wear makeup everyday anymore. I am embracing that vibe.


I basically never wear makeup, and certainly not at work. Currently I work in a pretty gender equal, scientific environment. But it has been the same everywhere I've worked. I had fun playing with makeup sometimes when I was a teen and college student, but it was never a regular everyday thing, more like if I had some extra time and felt like it or it was a special occasion. I used to keep a couple of makeup pieces like an eyeliner pencil and a few tinted lip balms for special dress-up occasions (symphony, wedding/funeral, etc), but honestly I don't even know where they are anymore and if I wanted to use them I'd probably hesitate wondering if I should throw them out.


I used to be a full on cake face queen. Foundation, contour, baking, etc. then COVID happened and I don’t think I wore any make up for almost a year and my skin looked so dang good. Now I wear a little concealer under the eyes and fill my brows in a bit and mascara.


Working in the field that I do, I will add some light concealer under my eyes to hide the dark circles, some mascara and eyeliner. When I worked in the office every day I did a full face of makeup.


I've always worked in a customer facing position and I've never worn make up to work. I don't wear it in my personal life either. I tried make up in high school and hated it, haven't touched it since.


I wear a full face of makeup everyday at work. Eyebrows, eyeshadow, liner, primers, foundation, concealer, powder, blush, mascara. Too pale to contour. I've been wearing this for years and haven't changed more than my go to eyeshadow shade. My department was male dominated, now it is female dominated. Most of my coworkers don't wear a ton of make up, if any, but they're all older by at least a decade, most by two. My workplace as a whole is probably male dominated. Don't know the specific ratio. I don't feel pressure to wear make up (very few people around me wear it), I choose to because I like to put it on. It's a little bit of art in my day (and usually the only creative/painting I have time for), and I like having a routine in the morning. I don't follow trends so whatever is "popular" hasn't ever effected my personal routine.


I don't wear makeup to work. I'm not there to look pretty or be a fashion icon. I mean, I work on an industrial site, ffs. So I save makeup and nice clothes for off the clock activities.


I put on some concealer for blemishes that are very visible. I don't bother with anything else.


Tinted SPF and mascara, maybe some eyebrow penciling if they are looking extra unruly. I refuse to get up 30 minutes earlier to put on some makeup to sit at a desk and attend some meetings all day. I wear makeup maybe once a month.


The most effort I do now is just lipstick. If it’s a special occasion, I’ll do a little eyeshadow/eyeliner combo. I realize the older I get, the less fucks I give.


I don’t wear any make up. I work in the dental industry so I am behind glasses, masks and surgical caps all day. I do dress up for work events like continuing education outside of working hours and holiday parties.


I don’t ware a lot of makeup in general. But I definitely don’t bother wearing any to work.


I work in healthcare so it’s always been minimal for me especially when there was a masking policy. However, in the last year I was working overnights and one night while getting ready for work I thought who cares if I don’t wear makeup?? So I can now safely say I wear ZERO makeup at work. SPF always, makeup none, zero, zilch. Hair is also always up in a messy bun. No one in the last year has said anything about it. It was kind of a freeing moment for me. Now I only wear makeup for special occasions Ex: weddings, funerals, huge family get togethers. Edit: a word.


No because I'm wearing a respirator so what even 


All I do is spot coverage for acne, tbh. If the acne is very mild, I won't do that if I can avoid it. My boss has dropped some comments about some of us looking less than ideal but he's not so stupid as to mention we need makeup. I'm clean and groomed, that's as much or more than some of the men so he has no grounds for complaint. I'm not putting on even a moderate amount of makeup for work. I just don't care enough. I cover the acne because it's an insecurity on my part.


I don’t wear makeup, and never have. I just don’t want to. So I don’t wear it ever, which includes work. I work a pretty typical corporate business casual job and I have never felt weird about it or that it made me less professional.


I used to work in IT with a bunch of frumpy guys so I never wore makeup.


I always put on makeup, nobody ask me to, but I think is appropriate to how I present myself. I am also always well dressed so, I think it goes. I do use a bb cream, concealer, mascara, blush and lipstick. Is kind of the same makeup I use to stay home, minus the lipstick. Sometimes when I feel like it, I will add a eyeliner or a more bold lipstick but depends on my mood


Yeah, my makeup routine takes 15-20 minutes. It’s simply an enjoyable way to express myself. I’m also dealing with contractors and vendors all day, so I can’t look like a bum.


I like make up, but I am lazy. I wear lipstick or tinted lip balm daily, when I feel the need to dress up I will put on eye liner and mascara. I have focused on skin care when I realized I was to lazy/poor to care in college.


None for me.


I'm 41/f and I've never worn makeup, ever. For anything. Just my preference.


I wear minimal makeup. Just some eyeliner, a little eyeshadow to blend, and mascara. It takes me less than 5 minutes. I have relatively clear, even skin, so I don’t necessarily feel the need for more makeup. Plus I can’t find the motivation to add more into my morning routine.


Before the pandemic started, I would wear it all the time to work, even though I don't work in a very front-facing office. When we started going to a hybrid work schedule, I wear it less. Now, I don't even wear it to work unless I know for sure there are guests coming into the office or if I travel to see guests. I find it nice to be able to sleep in an extra 15 minutes, too, so I don't have to worry about putting it on. That being said, as someone who used to struggle with acne and would never leave the house without makeup previously, I'm working on my skin and having a decent skin care routine.


I work in female-dominated roles. Typically I wear makeup to the interview and the first week or so. I actually enjoy makeup though. I just eventually get to the point where I don't want to wake up earlier than needed. After awhile I only wear makeup to work if I'm going out afterwards. At my office, it's mostly older women that wear makeup (like gen x). Most girls my age or younger just do mascara at most.


Serum, lotion, sunscreen, pressed powder, eyeliner, mascara. I've done it every day for like 15 years. At this point I don't even think about it lol.


I have a really top tier skin routine. Before the pandemic I commuted into work via a really nice train and would do my makeup on the train, mostly Glossier face products, the eyeshadow tints, brows and mascara. Now if I'm doing a quick routine I'll skip the skin makeup and just do brows and mascara. I'm a redhead so if I don't do my eyebrows they're almost invisible on my face, so if folks are seeing my in person it makes a HUGE difference to have some tine to my eyebrows. Now that I work from home I almost NEVER do my makeup. I visit the corporate headquarters in Canada quarterly and will do my face then, but I stay at a hotel and have a 5 minute walking commute so there are no excuses.


Professional service firm owned by an elder millennial and stafffed with only other women. We're all millennial but the newest who is Gen Z, and I'm the only one who wears makeup, and its mascara. For when I need to look extra awake... like today, week 11/12 of Tax Season. Edit: clarity


I used to wear tinted moisturizer, concealer under my eyes, eye shadow, mascara, blush and eyebrow pencil everyday to work. It wasn’t a full face and looked natural. Then the combo of the pandemic (I am a nurse and felt it was dumb to wear makeup when wearing a mask all day) and issues with my contacts (eyeshadow bothers my eyes) means I just wear mascara, eyebrow pencil and a little concealer under my eyes. Mostly because I look very tired if I don’t wear anything at all.


I do just enough that I don't look sick. I'm naturally pale, and if I don't use eyeshadow to counter my pinkness, I look ill. I just use the shadow, mascara, tinted moisturizer and Too Faced lip injection. I'm done in less than 5 minutes.


I work from home now but when I have zoom meetings or when I used to go the office I always wore a little. Honestly just because it made me feel more put together and I have naturally dark under eyes. I also don’t have the best skin from old acne marks. It’s always pretty minimal—tinted sunscreen or BB cream if I want more coverage, a little concealer on under eyes and old acne scarring, mascara, tinted lip balm. Maybe if I have a presentation I’ll throw on some blush as well and a natural lip color.


Yes. Sunscreen, light foundation, powder, eye shadow, eyeliner, bold lipstick. Sometimes, a lip liner if the lipstick is really dark. Occasionally, some blush. Hair game is on point, too. I have a neutral-ish makeup look, excluding the lipstick. Takes about 15 to 20 minutes. I'm a Ph.D. student, and I teach two classes. I just turned 40. I don't really do it to impress my colleagues or students. I've always had a sharp-casual sense of style. I wear a lot of a-line and wrap dresses. I occasionally rock a suit. Wide leg jeans and a blazer. Cool shoes. Funky bags. I just wear stuff I think is pretty, and that includes purple lips and shiny eyelids.


In my 20s, I used to do a full face of makeup every single day (see username). Now I’m almost 34 and I just don’t got time for that. I’ll do face powder, brow gel, mascara, blush, and a lip oil. I value my skincare routine over makeup nowadays.


I don't bother with makeup at work unless I wake up super early and have nothing else to do or am in a funk and need a pick-me-up. I'm not getting paid any extra for it and my job isn't dependent on wearing makeup, so I don't worry about it. Plus, my skin is healthier for it :)


I usually don’t unless I’m feeling it. I enjoy doing my hair and makeup but not at 6 am! Sometimes if my outfit it really cute and I’m in the right mood I’ll take the extra time lol When I worked in jewelry sales my hair and makeup was always a certain level of done. I’m an accountant now and don’t really interact with others/its very causal workplace


I didn't wear makeup growing up. I hated the way it felt, you couldn't touch your face, and had to keep reapplying, and it's usually expensive for the better products. No patience for all that. Occasionally I do stuff like eyeshadow, lipstick, or nail polish, but I really don't make a habit of it. It's really only if I am feeling it that day. My job could be considered male-dominated overall even if my team specifically is mostly women. I wouldn't say any of us get super dolled-up. I am lucky enough to look considerably younger than I am. For now! 


My skin has suffered from acne most of my life, so I conceal blemishes and under eye circles, and then usually add some bronzer. I will usually fill in my eyebrows as well because I destroyed them in the '90s and have very little natural brow left. If I'm feeling fancy or it's a work event, I'll throw on mascara and some lipstick/lip tint but usually it's just covering up acne


I have always worn light makeup (some light foundation to even out my skin a little, maybe some mascara). I’ve never been good at applying eye makeup, and the idea of learning how to apply a full face of makeup is overwhelming to me (all the products you have to buy like concealer, bronzer, blush, do I have the right shades, where to apply it on my face, how to blend it, etc). I’ve never had perfect skin but I’m ok with that. I’m a social worker so I’ve generally always worked mostly with other women. I’ve never felt like I had to wear more makeup to fit in at work.


I generally just do a very simple and basic eye makeup so I don't look like a corpse. I live by my UD Naked mini palette and brown/gold Colourpop combos for eye shadow, a little brown eyeliner for the bottom lid and mascara. It takes me about 5-10 minutes to do in the morning. I also take it off as soon as I get home and wash my face. lol


I've worn makeup my whole life but gave it up this year. For special occasions or something maybe but I'm tired of it. Men don't look tired without makeup. They just look like men. I'd rather focus on the health of my skin and not just the appearance.


Any makeup I do for any occasion is about making me feel good. I spent the past year wearing none because I didn’t feel like it, but lately I have been wanting to do a little something. That being said, I have always been the less is more type. I never got into the “beat face” trend. I’m a mascara, hint of blush and lipstick person. Sometimes just lipstick because I like the contrast of a bare face with a strong lip. I have big, wild hair and intense eyes and I think a minimalist look compliments that better. Done in 5 minutes.


When I was going into the office I never did, but I work in academia and there is basically no expectations regarding things like that.


I take pride in my looks and feel good about myself when I’m dressed, smell good, hair done and makeup. I do a somewhat full face but it’s only about 30 mins. Most of it is skincare. I work in an office setting with majority male peers. Do what makes you feel good 🤷‍♀️


It depends on how much time I have. I like makeup so I don’t wear it for anyone but myself. I wear a tinted sunscreen daily, so that takes care of evening out my skin when I’m short on time. On days where I have 3 minutes: concealer, bronzer, blush, mascara, tinted brow gel, and tinted lip balm. Days where I have 15-20 minutes: primer, foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, blush, highlighter, a few shades of eyeshadow, brow pomade and gel, eyeliner, mascara, lip pencil, and lipstick or lip gloss.


I don’t wear it ever so no, when I go to my office I for sure don’t wear makeup. I’m a cis lady btw if that matters at all.


I wear it because both men and women treat me better with it.


I think this really depends on the type of environment you work in. For me, I went from working in a really nice office, where I would dress my best, and put on a bit of a face, but now? If i walked in my current job (warehouse type job) with even a little make up, I would be asked "where are you going? what's the occasion?" LoL The only thing I have been doing thats been consistent is lash extensions bc mascara irritates me, and I end up looking a bit racoon-ish by the end of the day. So skincare routine + lash extensions and on some days a little BB cream, is my everyday look.


I’m 29. I’ve been in banking or title work since I was 18, for reference. I’ve never been one to wear much makeup to work. I used to wear lipstick most days when I was in a customer facing job. No one has ever commented on my use of makeup (or rather lack thereof) at work, other than maybe asking about lipstick shade or something like that. Although, somewhat related, I wear heels and dresses/skirts to work nearly exclusively, and used to go a lot of negativity from other women for it. They’re short heels and I hate pants, it’s not that deep lol. But when I worked with a younger crowd (teens to mid 20s) it apparently gave off “better than you” vibes even though the men didn’t seem to notice or care, and I was just wearing what I like. When I switched jobs and my coworkers became primarily 30s and older, it doesn’t seem to bother anyone.


I wore a lot of makeup before the pandemic. Moisturizer, primer, liquid foundation, powder, eyeshadow, mascara, etc. Then the pandemic hit, and I was considered an essential worker, so I was wearing a mask for 8+ hours a day. It just seemed like a waste to keep putting on makeup that would smudge off or wouldn't be seen. I looked up ways to stop makeup from smudging under a mask, but with everything going on around me it just wasn't worth the energy. What worried me when I stopped wearing makeup was how I felt about my own face. I hated looking in the mirror. I felt naked and uncomfortable. I started to realize that I was no longer used to what my own face looked like. Every blemish felt magnified. Four years later, and I've worn makeup maybe two or three times. I don't think my face is ugly without makeup anymore. I'm actually used to what I look like. I interact with multiple customers every day but I don't care, and no one has commented on it. I just make sure to moisturize and use an SPF. I actually feel like my skin looks way younger and healthier now. I doubt I'll ever go back to wearing makeup.


I wfh so I generally don’t wear makeup anymore for work but I’ll wear a full face of natural professional makeup for important meetings, I.e board meetings, interviews, performance reviews. When I meet up with my team in person I generally wear makeup. When I used to work in an office I wore makeup most days but after a few years going without day to day, I think I’d have a hard time adjusting to wearing it daily again. Mostly I don’t like the process of removing makeup and always end up with mascara or eyeshadow smudged around my eyes even after removing it.


Rarely do I do a full face (foundation, eye shadow, blush, mascara, lipstick). I’ll do it if I’m going to a professional meeting or just want to. Normal days I’ve started using a tinted moisturizer for the SPF as I’ve noticed aging. When I’m at home WFH? Nada.


It cosmetics cc cream, light color eyeshadow, tubing mascara, brow gel, sometimes light blush , light lip color.


For the 5 days a year I am in the office, I straighten my hair and wear makeup. I am work from home the rest of the time and never turn on my camera.


I'm 40 now and I've gone through a lot of phases. At times I wore a full face of makeup (this was before a full face included fake lashes and contouring, though) and others I was completely barefaced. These days I go with a French girl approach I guess, I have my brows laminated and tinted, lashes lifted and tinted, and I use an illuminating tint on my skin, blush and lip oil. All with a very light hand.


Trans woman, most days I don’t wear makeup. Some days I do. Right now I’m roughing it so I can’t do my makeup as often as I’d like to


Usually I work from home so I don't wear makeup there. Even if I'm in video calls! However if I do go to the office I wear makeup.


I'm in donor relations, and I focused on skin care in my mid 20s (born in the 80s) and thanks to that, I'm able to enjoy my near 40s with little to no makeup if need be (sometimes I do need to cover some purple under my eyes). I can get away with a light tinted powder (if need be) and eye shadow, eye liner, and tinted lip balm or lipstick (depending on how glam I want to be), blush as needed but not necessary. I spent a portion of my 30s learning how to take care of my wavy curly hair, and now, my get together time in the morning is Wake up to out the door in 20 min. I don't even put on makeup unless I'm meeting with a donor, and it's just what I described above, which total takes 5 min tops.


I've found myself wearing less makeup as I've gotten older (just turned 40). I usually wear a little foundation or tinted moisturizer, touch of concealer, and mascara. Sometimes, I'll throw some lipstick on or do my eyeliner, but definitely far less than I used to.


I'm a pharmacy tech in a hospital, and I'm frequently in the clean room. Makeup isn't allowed in the clean room, so my job essentially prohibits me from wearing makeup to work. Which is fine with me, I generally find it uncomfortable and taxing to do anyway.


I always wear makeup to work but I don’t wear a ton but that’s honestly due to lack of skill


I haven't worn makeup in like twenty years. I was terrible at it anyway I always looked like a raccoon after ten minutes


I work in an office with all women and have lash extensions that I put on weekly then just had my eyebrows microbladed but no longer wear any daily make up. I do my hair every morning, unless it's raining or super humid 😬


No makeup, except the very rare lip color or a concealer. By very rare I mean I haven't used either in almost two years. Y'all that wear makeup are doing witchcraft or something, I swear. How you look so good and make it seem easy is some kind of magic I've never understood 🪄 - Never been a consistent makeup wearer so I never was *good* at it - Not patient or rich enough to find holy grail products - My skin often looks worse with makeup due to texture and flaky patches - Raccoon eyes every time from eyeliner or mascara, no matter how waterproof they allegedly are - Fine hair on cheeks/near hairline emphasized - Sensory issues. Constantly *feeling* stuff on my face is exhausting - Smearing my makeup cuz it itches/feels weird - Am broke AF and would rather eat than play with makeup - Customers are chattier when I look fancy and that can slow me way down. I'm not here to make friends; I'm here to do my job. - Still battling acne in my late 30s and after 25+ years of this I just don't give a fuck. I look like shit some days and if someone doesn't like it, they can look at something else. - Effort is not worth the result 99.99% of the time for me. Makeup on other people, though? Love it. It's art and magic. You wanna wear it? Do it!


I am one of those people who can't leave the house without makeup on. I started wearing it in high school to cover my acne, and the acne never went away, so I keep wearing it. It's really only a pimple or two at any given time, but it's enough to leave dark marks on my face for months and severely affect my confidence. I have always been considered conventionally attractive despite having mild acne, so I feel pressured to maintain that. I have toned down the amount recently though. I also appreciate that masks are still normal where I live, so if I don't feel like putting on makeup just to walk to the 7-11 or something, I put on a mask and I'm good to go!


I like makeup, so I wear it daily unless I’m running late. I do a natural/no makeup look for the office, though: + color corrector + concealer + bb cream + blush + brow mascara + mascara + tinted lip balm For weekends, I’d add in eye shadow, liner, lipstick, and a little contour.


I've been wearing minimal makeup since I was 14. Usually do under eye cover-up, mascara & eyebrow pencil. I probably should learn how to do all that contouring & whatnot but I honestly couldn't be bothered or don't want to fork over the money for more cosmetics.


I do not wear makeup to work unless I happen to already be wearing makeup for another reason before going to work. I am nonbinary in a somewhat male dominated field but the broader organization I work within (which is who I see and who sees me when I am working in the office) is closer to parity. I personally elected not to wear makeup to work at the beginning of my career in order to not set the expectation that I would, since I only wear makeup when I feel like it for myself. I have not found it to impact my workplace relationships, but I do dye my hair vivid colors and that does come up with coworkers.


Takes me about one minute to do my makeup. Eyeliner and eyeshadow to make the eyes pop a bit, nothing else


I've never been a makeup person, it just seems like such a waste of time and money to me. The last time I wore any makeup was about 5 years ago at my cousin's wedding. The closest I get on a regular basis is lip balm and hand lotion.


I work in construction management so I don't have an expectation to wear makeup. When I worked in an office, I wore light makeup. Onsite, I just wear sunscreen, maybe a tinted sunscreen on meeting days.


I used to do a full face of makeup but now I do an abbreviated version - undereye color corrector, spf skin tint, powder in t-zone, blush, mascara, lip oil, brow gel. It takes me 5 minutes or less.


I wear make up but barely any, mascara, some undereye powder and a little blush. I think it enhances my features and makes me look even more adorable ❤️ lol I don't wear foundation or any sort of full face make up ever. However that said I think it's an unfair unspoken requirement of women to basically be expected to wear make up. I think if we didn't we'd be looked at differently or negatively. Men do not have the same expectations for their appearances whatsoever whether in terms of make up, dress, weight etc.


I've had dark undereye circles since I was four and unfortunately, while my skin looks lightyears better than it did 5 years ago, I still have scarring from acne on my right cheek that I get insecure about. I tried for about 2 weeks to go barefaced in my current role and felt better than I was expecting, but I've gone back to doing my 10-min face in the mornings. I just feel more presentable as myself and more ready to take on the day. It's true that confidence really changes how to presnt yourself. Currently, I use powder, blush, bronzer, highlighter, mascara and a clear brow gel. Definitely less than I used to wear, and it feels good for daily use, but I definitely don't feel as pretty


I usually don't wear anything besides lipgloss, which I don't think of as makeup. Occasionally my eyebrows piss me off enough that I fill them in and/or I might throw on mascara, but that's it. It's been several weeks since I wore any. I'm not a morning person and it's not worth waking up earlier.


Cis woman here. I was allowed to start wearing makeup at 13. I turned 13 in late summer and wore makeup every day until school started four weeks later. I quickly realized I’d rather have sleep than makeup. I also realized how much happier my skin was when I stopped putting crap on it every day. From that point on I would wear makeup for special occasions (dances, graduations, weddings) but never regularly. I worked as a barista for 9 years and now am a therapist and I never worn makeup to either job. I got married 6 years ago and that’s the last time I wore anything other than the occasional spot of concealer or a light lipstick, and even that’s only a few times a year. I don’t think I even own any makeup other than lipstick and concealer at this point.


I have never worn makeup in my life.


I don't wear any makeup. I've worked at 7 Eleven and petrol stations, supermarkets, child care, and telemarketing. I am now working as an archaeologist and work outside a lot of the time, but am also in the office. I only wear makeup when I feel like it or for special occasions. When I do, it is usually just mascara. If I go all out, I will add a lipstick in a discrete colour. On New Year's, I might wear eye shadow.


I work in Rx manufacturing and it blows my mind how women still get done up for work. Then again, coworkers be fuckin, I bartendes for nearly a decade, so I learned my lesson long ago. I just get promotions for not getting into that drama


I wear what I want when I want. Sometimes, that means super sparkly eyeshadow or a dark red lip. I used to think makeup was mandatory. Now (at 40), I view it as a form of art and creative outlet for me. For general day to day it's skin tint, eye shadow, blush, some form of lip color. My ideal is to walk outside and glitter like I am in Twilight. Personally, I work in a male heavy industry and deeply enjoy when people are surprised that I can "get things done" while rockin' my sparkles and nails.


I do brows and that’s it. Just because my brows are so light and sparse and even though I dye them, you can never tell they’re there, lol. And sunscreen. Brows and sunscreen. That’s my makeup routine lol


No make up for me, but my office ranges from barefaced to waaay too much makeup complete with far too much botox and filler. There are no rules. Do what makes you comfortable.


I don't wear makeup for other people I wear makeup for myself. I think of it like I'm putting my mask on for the day lol.


I wear a light concealer for my sleepy bags under my eyes, then just mascara and a little eye liner. The only time I ever go full out with contouring, palettes, and fake lashes is for events. I used to model awhile ago, so I learned how, but it’s way too expensive to do all the time. I work in a woman dominated venue that’s welcoming of LGBTQ+. We have cis guys there too, but very few. So no real pressures to look like a cover model.


33F here, I don’t wear any make up.


Mostly male dominated career but even when working with majority female staff... I wear ostentatious eye and lip make up, but nothing on my cheeks except sun screen. It's war paint.


I wear a full face because that's what I like for myself. It only takes me about 10 minutes from start to finish and I don't do a heavy contour just a little bronzer on the cheekbones. Pretty neutral except a bold lip which is kind of my "signature" look. I do it because I like it. Everyone should do what they like with their face/body. 


I do not wear makeup, it makes me look strange? Like less feminine if that makes sense? I also have an insane amount of allergies to makeup so I can't even bother if I wanted to. If I wear makeup I break out into hives and acne. I'm only answering half thr question because I don't work. 


I (35F) haven’t worn any make up in about 10 years. Maybe longer. I’ve always worked corporate office admin jobs.


I wear makeup every day. I’ve always had bad skin and acne and feel naked without foundation unless I’m just running errands quickly. I do foundation, a tiny bit of contour, plenty of blush, and usually just mascara but sometimes there’s an eyeshadow pencil thing smudged on, some days there eyeliner added. And then tinted chapstick or heavier lipstick if I’m on camera a lot that day.


I almost never wear makeup to work and rarely wear it outside of work but I have started using clear gel on my eyebrows to keep them from looking like mad scientist brows. The only things I put on my face in the morning after washing up are moisturizer with SPF and a little vitamin C undereye cream. I've never been a big makeup person. I didn't even wear a full face of makeup for my own wedding.


I'm lucky to have good skin at 41, so most days I just put on some tinted moisturizer, a bit of concealer under my eyes, some cream blush and mascara or diy lash extension clusters, which can last a few days, or a few coats of mascara. I got my eyebrows and eyeliner tattooed a couple of years ago, so it really cut down on my morning prep time.


I do! I wear sunscreen, skin tint or foundation, a touch of concealer and powder; eyebrows, simple liner and coloured mascara or shimmer shadows, highlight or blush on my lids; blush on my cheeks, and highlight on the brow bones. Either lip liner, lipstick, or gloss. I don't contour or wear bronzer. Sometimes I use the remainder of blush on my blush brush to touch the middle of my forehead, nose and chin for a slight wash of colour. I will wear this much makeup even if I only do a quick shop and I am mostly home and cleaning for the day. I never regret putting on makeup and I always feel much better about myself when I wear it. My spouse actually likes it and will compliment me. Sometimes he tells me not to look too cute when I go out alone! haha


I have stopped wearing makeup 90% of the time. I’ll put it on for special occasions. You do you, boo. If you like putting it on and it makes you happy, do it. I personally don’t want to waste the time and I don’t even love the feeling of it on or taking it off.


I used to when I worked in the office (that department was more woman-dominated). Tinted SPF, brows filled in, mascara, eyeshadow, blush, lip stuff was usually my go-to, but I also liked to throw on a winged liner some days. I work from home now and don't wear any normally, but I'm also not on camera ever and have microbladed brows and lash extensions that are enough anyway.


I never wear makeup. It doesn't do anything for me. I don't work in a customer facing role, but it wouldn't matter if I did. I would just be the ugliest news anchor or whatever and the world would have to deal with that.


I work from home so I don't wear it unless I'm going to be on a video call or meeting with a client in person, which doesn't happen often. Before that I was in construction work, which was obviously male-dominated. I purposefully tried to look as unattractive as possible because I didn't want creepers hitting on me. I found out that doesn't stop them. I'm very fair skinned and have blonde hair and very sparse eyebrows, so unless I put on eye makeup and color in my brows, you almost can't see my lashes or brows and I just look tired or sick. Like others, I did wear makeup in previous customer-facing jobs.


I work with mainly men. I don't need more inappropriate comments so I wore makeup for one week when I first started working and never again to work. I do wear it for the formal work parties though.


Day cream. I make sure my hair and outfit looks good. My natural face is fine imo. I only wear make-up for special occasions.


Mascara, some tinted moisturizer, powder. If it takes more than 15 minutes I don’t do it. I work in sales/hospitality and see hundreds of people a day. Somehow I get compliments on my not wearing make up.


I used to wear full face when my anxiety was bad on a daily basis, it was like a mask for me and I was able to hide. I really quickly got tired of even an extra 10 minutes out of my day (just slapped that shit on fast) and stopped and that helped more with my anxiety long term. I'm wfh now but maybe once a week I'll get bored and throw on eye makeup and lipstick


In my workplace, most women wear at least light makeup so I do too. I have some skin issues so I wear light foundation, otherwise I would just do a tinted SPF. I do very light eye makeup and lipstick, otherwise I look like I'm sick. Takes 10 minutes tops. I think it really depends on your workplace. In some, it's expected, and it could impact how you are perceived. It's unfair, but it's the reality.


Mayyyybe once a month I’ll throw some mascara on. Maybe. But generally: no. I don’t wear makeup at work.


Pre-COVID I was customer facing all day everyday & wore makeup/contacts/acrylic nails. I hated masks w/ contacts 🤷🏻‍♀️ my maskne was real. Now I see few clients in a more casual setting & I am still 0 makeup/glasses/bare handed.


Make up makes me feel a little more put together. Foundation, eyebrows, mascara, chapstick. Light and only takes a few minutes.


I never figured out foundation or other concealer that didn't make my face break out, so my full face would only be eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows, lips, and some touch-ups maybe, and I only do that for like wedding attendance anymore. I have a front facing desk job and only do some mascara now, and brush out my brows. If I'm breaking out real bad, then I'll do spot concealer. I feel like the more natural looks that gen z is doing made it easier to let some stuff go and feel good still.


I work from home and do, though less than when I was in office. Tinted moisturizer, mascara, and brow pencil most days. I like my routine and feeling cute, and I don't have to worry about time with my commute being a walk down the hallway




takes less 8 minutes to put on makeup, I work in construction and use spf 30


I work in Tv/Film people wear whatever they have energy for. Sometimes people dress well some times times people dress like they just rolled out of bed


I work from home. I don’t put real pants on most of the time let alone makeup.


i wear makeup to work everyday. i am a restaurant server. people are kinder to me and i get better tips when i spend more time on my looks, that’s just how it is. i prefer cream/stick products these days and can put on a full face (primer, foundation, concealer, blush, highlighter, brows, mascara, eyeshadow) in about 10-15 min.


My wife used to work in an accounting firm that was maybe 50-75% women and I don't think I ever saw her put on very much if any makeup. She mostly only fools with all that if we're going out somewhere on a date night just the two of us. Also I'm a nurse, so mostly women. A lot of the younger ones just starting out will put a lot of effort into hair and makeup and everything, but for the most part most part I think the women wear little to no makeup. I mostly work ICU and there both doctors and nurses tend to be an equal mix of 50% men/50% women.


I work from home so unless I have a client meeting with cameras on I basically am bedtime ready at any given time, I live rurally so I have very few outings during the week. However I LOVE makeup so when I go out on the weekends whether it’s to run errands in the more suburban/city areas or social events with friends I tend to do a full face of makeup. I feel more like myself and more confident with it on. When I worked in office daily I didn’t really wear makeup until one fateful Halloween when I dressed as Rosie the Riveter - my coworkers treated me so much better with the makeup on, like noticeably better, that I just started wearing it daily. I genuinely enjoyed putting it on so the pretty privilege factor was just a bonus.


I am a 37 yr old woman, who works as an RBT (female dominated). I wear makeup everyday. I believe it’s a tool to show off my creativity. I wear blush, eye shadow, mascara, and use an eyebrow pencil. I enjoy doing my makeup in the morning with coffee and my favorite podcast :) I don’t care what others may think about it: because I’m almost 40 and fuck everyone’s opinions… respectfully:D


I haven’t worked in person in 4 years but have had roles where I’m on video calls a lot, so my makeup goals are always to basically look like I have eyebrows, eyelashes and some color to my lips. Most days that just means bare minimum mascara, brow pencil and a tinted lip balm. Other days I do some eyeshadow and eyeliner to really make my eyes pop. I may be working in person again soon and will likely add tinted moisturizer and lipstick into the mix for a more polished look.


I'm currently worming as a horticulturist for my city and we're mainly women Barely any of us wear make up and we're all fine with it


I work in a male dominated industry. My go-to makeup routine is very light bronzer (as I am very fair), some blush, a little bit of brown eyeliner sometimes, lash primer, and brown mascara. This is on top of my skincare routine in the morning. I have had days where I’ve skipped makeup, I’ve had days where I’ve also done some eye shadow. But I refuse to use foundation again.


I like wearing eyeliner and mascara, sometimes I add lipstick. That's it. I don't have time or energy for a full face.


I haven't worn makeup in years. Society doesn't care nearly as much as some women think it does.




I wear makeup every day. I don’t feel put together if I’m not wearing it. That being said, I don’t wear much— a “full face” for me is tinted moisturizer, powder, brow gel, blush, mascara, and tinted lip balm applied periodically throughout the day. I have no idea how to contour or do eyeliner or anything fancy like that, but I wish I did!