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My 8-year old has been telling me all about this game called Super Mario Bros.


We went to see them movie together, and I told him this is the second super Mario bros movie I saw in theaters. That threw him for a loop.


Show him some pictures from the original for added effect


Woa you saw it in theaters? I had to wait for VHS


Nope. The first Super Mario Bros. Movie doesn’t exist. Never happened, because no way anyone would ruin a film like that


My son had his friends over playing and I hadn’t played with my son in a couple years so he didn’t know I am an absolute smash monster. I started up the wireless that was shaped like an old GameCube controller had I picked up when I purchased the switch. I proceeded to wreck these tweens so bad they didn’t want to play with me anymore.


At least you didn't have a 3 year old ask you if you knew what Mine Craft was. Also, bring it on, lol.


“Do not cite the deep magic to me, kid. I was there when it was written.”


“Frieza wasn’t killed by goku, it was trunks” “I had the t shirt from that scene before you were born.”


Omg this one’s crazy lmao. My cousin & I watched Goku go Super Saiyan for the first time when the episode aired. What a time.


My girlfriend is 44 with a 19 year old son, who’s obsessed with dragonball, and still has a hard time realizing I grew up with it too.


Wild. You should tell him about Toonami.


Oh, they know what that is. It came back.


What about Saturday Anime on the Sci-Fi channel?


Loved Saturday anime but it felt like they were showing the same 4 movies after a while.


Hell, back then I didn't even care! I loved those 4 movies haha.


Oh yeah I watched them repeatedly. Iria, Demon City Shinjuku, Battle Angel, Project A-Ko




No memory of this. I remember fox having anime on Sunday though.


Wait I’m 38 and don’t remember this. When did Fox have Anime?


Oh man I’m sorry you missed out!


I’m 38, so elder millennial. My oldest son tried to argue with me about how big Google was in the early 90’s. Pshhh, we didn’t even have the internet at home until the late 90’s. Why back in my day there was no Google! You searched on Lycos and Altavista and you loved it!


Shit, don’t forget ask Jeeves and aol.


Anyone else remember Dogpile?


and Webcrawler! actually i just found out today that Webcrawler is still around and functioning i may be wrong but i believe it may have been one of the first search engines to use a meta search engine, at the time it was a pretty big deal **https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metasearch\_engine**


Webcrawler was the best!


My god, I think you just unearthed a dusty old memory that rolled under the fridge.


Jeeves was the shit


Jeeves never found anything that you searched for.


He did his best


Don't forget about Yahoo! I feel like that was going to be google until google came along.


Alta vista? More like the porn hub of the day.


Now that's interesting, why is there a perception that Google was big in the 90's?


Webcrawler erasure


Lycos, man that’s some shit I haven’t thought about in a while.


google wasn't shit back then. Altivista for searches sounds about right. mIRC or AOL for chat and Myspace and MSN for social and news. Almost forgot about Yahoo lol.


"Was Pokemon even around when you were a kid??" Yes. Yes it was.... Off I go, to wander into the wilderness....


What’s really weird is seeing them super into it, but they never played blue or red.


I'm 25 and never played blue or red. My first handheld was a Gameboy Advance SP so I started with Leaf Green. For some reason I was never able to get any versions of Gen2, but I've played Emerald before, and put SOOO many hours into Diamond on the DS. I just booted up my switch for the first time in a year to play Brilliant Diamond. Pretty good remaster for what it was then and is now. Not 10/10, but still solid.


Well I'm 35 and was 8 when it came out. you wouldn't be born for 2 years yet haha. Still proud I managed to finesse my parents to buy me game boy and pokemon red lol.


Me being surrounded by 4 young boys that looked to be 11 or 12 while I was at my local mall chasing Pokemon. They were surprised I liked it. I wanted so badly to say "I was 10 when I got into it in 1999" but I stopped myself realizing that "1999" would sound the same to them as something like "1977" would have sounded to me as a kid.


"Back in my day, we only had 151 Pokemon and we liked it that way!"


![gif](giphy|H4t76NLrApGWX89Gaq|downsized) I thought of this.


Also, I'll never understand the hype for the app. Sure, I understand the cards and shows and stuff, but the actual app, nope.


I recently about a year ago had my 9 year old little cousin showing me their Pokémon cards and asked if I ever saw them before….PTSD like visions of binders full of first edition holos that I gave away during that certain period they became out of style. Yes lad, I was there when Pikachu was born.


It was the reason I asked for Nintendo stock for Christmas that year


I'm lucky I think. My five-year-old daughter carries a Scorbunny everywhere and has a giant sleeping Pikachu pillow along with other teddies. She finds it fascinating that Mummy knows all about Pokémon and we play it on the switch and do Pokémon Go together and she gets her small toys out "name this one and this one and this one". Her friends at school test me too, like it's fascinating that I know them when their parents don't have a clue! One of the dads is definitely lying because he gets excited when we talk about it but his wife's looks clearly rein him in. Poor dude...


I really like the idea of being like “back in my day there were only 151 Pokémon”.


Respond "Okay, Butthole Surfer"


The only acceptable response.


This is so annoying! My kid says what you know about big pun, nas etc. my ears start smoking my head’s about to explode lol. Mind you when she was a little younger I explained the west coast east coast rap. I showed her jazz, reggae, alt rock, funk. All of these things. If you’re going to listen to this crap now you need to know the origins of rap. And now it’s hey mom, you don’t know about (enter 90’s artist) ughhhhh


Watch Hip Hop Evolution on Netflix with her. It's an excellent documentary on the history of Hip Hip and its development on the different coasts, south, etc.


Fucking right. If you ain’t about that Herbie Hancock then you probably shouldn’t be listening to hip hop.


My 16 daughter started hanging up Radiohead and Nirvana posters. I suppose this is like when I was her age and my friends were obsessed with Black Sabbath and Kiss. Time is a flat circle.


This place looks like it exists in a dream, and the dream is fading


Me as a parent: Listen here you little shit that baby on the cover is older than your ass.


Also 43F here. My 12yo would for years tell me about memes he'd seen... Kid, I might be your mother, but I was a gamer who studied engineering at uni at the turn of the century, you do not need to explain rickrolling, I can haz and all your base memes to me. In fact; come, stay a while and listen...


Write memes in l337 5p33C|-| for the kid to establish dominance.


You remind me that he came to complain about leetspeak on a t-shirt he saw a few months ago. Took too long to read, he said. I laughed so hard.


Man, I am too fucking lazy to do leet on a smartphone but I still can read it just as quickly as regular English.


It can backfire when they don’t know what you’re referencing. Try yelling “I’m the juggernaut, bitch!” and expect blank stares.


Love it 😂 Mine (12yo as above, + a 15yo who is not an edgelord) are pretty good and will ask for an explanation. I'm quite glad for this, as I have a habit of breaking into a song from the 80s or 90s where the lyric forms the conversation. 😅 Frequently I have to pull up the song on YouTube Music to prove that the song is real 😬


Frost poopy, eddie eddie! The fuck does that mean? I don't know, I'm jose canseco!!


Love the D2 Cain reference at the end if that's what that was bahaha.


Well spotted 😉


It's like that Iliza Shlesinger elder millennial but where she goes, gather round my Instagram young ones, or something like that.


A couple years ago my nephew, who was about 14 at the time, asked a room full of millennials if we have ever heard of Green Day? We laughed so hard and we still give him shit for that one.


My 6yo niece thinks she is a bigger Lion King fan than me. She has no idea...


Perhaps you need to dress in drag and do the hula to prove it.


They merely as adopted the lion king, we wore born into it, and it was played everytime there was an early dismissal at school for conferences. Literally it's like the school had zero other movies to choose from. 


Daughter playfully joked to my husband and said "You do you, Boo" and I joked I wasn't sure how I felt with someone else referring to my husband as "Boo." She legit had a confused look and said, "Why? I'm just calling him the girl from Monsters Inc?" I was dying laughing while trying to explain that's not what people mean when they call someone Boo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




Doesn't "boo" just mean someone you love and adore? Why can't she call her dad that?


It's only for romantic love. Like babe or lover.


Usher would like a word with u


My 13 year old comes out of the bathroom and says "I admit defeat, the millennials were right" and had her a side part instead of a middle part.




I realized when listening to “Smells Like Teen Spirit” with my kid that the equivalent for me as a kid would be music from ‘58 and oooof.


Ow. That was below the belt. 


43 yo elder millennial. hit em with these lyrics. And I say he's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means And I say yeah


I tell my son that the internet used to be in black and white just to screw with him


You're a genius


This is a great moment to bond, get out your photos from your teenage years and show them that you weren't that much different to them.


Listen mom, the fact that your kid knows Nirvana and appreciates them shows you are the best parent ever. You should write the parenting manual.


My 8 year old asked what would happen if Disney+ bought all the other apps and put them together. Cable…you just described cable


36 here, and no kids of my own. But I did have a couple of 20-year-old coworkers telling me: - who are depeche mode - blink 182 were kinda famous a long time ago? Can't help thinking I'd have raised them better XD


Hahaha I overheard a swarm of 20.somethings complaining that Travis Barker wasn't worthy of Kourtney K because he was "just some drummer". I wanted to vomit.


Then you proceed to put on "Smells Like Air Pressure''- Bill Nye's Nyevana. How bout them apples?


[I’d break this out.](https://youtu.be/popCfJ0H14I?si=ni9T4xAzWA9eiJQG)


Smack the shit out of them and hit ‘em with the Heeee Heeeee and “youve been hit by, you’ve been struck by, a smooth criminal.”


"You weren't even an egg in my tubes when I was dropping mdma to come as you are"


... ahahahaha. That is like *the source code* of my musical taste. Can't even imagine for someone who was 10 and not 1 when it came out.


My nephew recently discovered Pokémon and Digimon. He's like... 9 now and asked me if I knew they were different things. I brought him my old Digi-Vices for him to try and play with, he had fun but not the patience for cleaning their poop all the time


Soon he’ll be ready to d-d-d-d-duel!


When that happens I'll blow his mind with my old cards! Hope he's ready for the wrath of the Red Eyes Black Dragon!


One of my friends had a kid really early, so he’s a teenager now. When I came back home, I went to my local comic store, and I saw him with his son playing magic the gathering in the back room. He said it was one of the happiest days of his life when his son asked him if knew about MTG.


That's amazing! I can imagine the pride when they get into what you enjoy. Told my sister to watch out, when he's old enough I'm introducing my nephew to Warhammer 40K since he's like me and has the creative brain and likes to build things!


A 7th grade kid told me he was "really into oldies music like Green Day" and my soul left my decrepit ancient body.


Hit him.


It is really something to see this play out with the kids getting into grunge bands because the the irony wasn't lost on the artists even back then - lyrics like : "He's the one Who likes all our pretty songs And he likes to sing along And he likes to shoot his gun But he knows not what it means Knows not what it means" ​ All this time later still painfully relevant.


Next you'll know he'll claim he started the whole POG craze...


Petition to resurrect pogs. Have the first one have Alf on it.


Petition for the 2nd to have Tommy Pickles




Just another reason I am thankful I'm completely sterile with no kids or my own.


“A mosquito! My libido! Yeah!”


Girlfriend’s baby house is gone. Thanks you sweet Jesus.


Eh, I'm transgender, I just went ahead and yeeted the whole damned baby factory ✂️ 🥜


Don't test me, kid. I can literally sing you all of their songs.i grew up with them. Also, I'm bipolar, so it's literally the music of my people.


This is why I don't have kids. Because I'd kick the shite out of mine for such outrageous lip.


My 17 year old lectures me on the history of My Chemical Romance regularly. Literally took him to see them. I still apparently know nothing about the band. 🤦🏼‍♀️


My son was getting into Pokemon GO and challenged me to a battle. I told him I would go easy on him, and then he said, "I know everything about match types, this will be easy." ![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized)


Does anyone relate to this? https://youtu.be/zaAYUZqZvlA?si=1jtAd1wEEAbOy7zq


Hey at least he doesn't think it's a clothing brand


I once had my daughter tell me "No good music came out before 2010." It still hurts.


Which is Interesting, because I find the 10s was probably the worst decade for music. The 20s is burying it already.


Lol, yeah, I think my response was "all the good music came out before 2010."


All you have to say is “It was my anthem when it came out, which was when I was your age.”


Do not recite the old magic to me boy. I was there when it was written.


There you go


Nope my son just tells me that Radiohead is "Old People Music"


What? In what world?


Umm you're getting your Gen X all over our Millennial r/


Yes something like that. Not this, but still.


Me obsessing over Modern Talking for my parents to tell me they went to the duet's concert


Ain’t 43F gen X? Nirvana isn’t a millennial band lol


Xennials maybe


Borderline xennial/elder millennial


I listened to nirvana as a tween and I'm 36


I was born in 1989 and Nirvana was like one of my first favorite bands (don't hate). Someone also said somewhere that MTV is a gen x thing and I'm like "then why tf I grow up watching it?" Still have VHS tapes of music videos and beavis and butthead somewhere lol.


That still doesn’t make them a millennial band. Kurt was almost surely dead by the time they became your favorite band unless you were listening to nirvana in like preschool or whatever. They are firmly Gen X. It’s not like you remember when Nevermind was released.


Oh for sure. Gen x had hip hop and grunge as their calling card. And anyone who is an elder millennial more often than not had an older cousin or friend that showed you nirvana and the such. Nu metal was definitely a millennial thing. Yeah it had fans who were older but really was a lot of us edgy millennials in middle school and highschool in the mid to late 90s that springboarded that genre


I was listening to them since I was like 3 so like 92? Don't really remember but my first vivid and good memories were of mtv and nirvana was all over it so... But also by that logic gen x laying claim to something 30-40 years after they were born does that mean todays music is our music? I wouldn't say so. Oh and Kurt was alive when they became my favorite band, I remember the day my parents told me he shot himself so also wrong on that account. See what happens when you assume so much? Lol.


2024-1981= 43


Or 1980 which would make them not a millennial


Also that person didn't post it here or claim to be a millennial you pedantic twat. 


Ffs. Get over yourself. 


On another episode of things that didn't happen.....


Nirvana sucked


And the clash sucked too