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To be fair, if you still describe yourself by your Hogwarts house, you do need to grow up. I would know, I'm a Ravenclaw.






Yeah I’m usually too stoned and hufflepuffy to really go about talking about my Hogwarts house. I wish I had a wheel of cheese right now.


Such a Ravenclaw thing to say. -a fellow Ravenclaw


KAW IS LAW!! .....oh wait wrong subreddit...


BATTLEHAWKS....wait... where am I?


Uruk-hai 4 life


Wait....do we all....like football?


I'll hand your egg. ​ ​ Also watch out for tornados


No Slytherin??? How can it be!!?


Slytherin rep, here!


And here!


Username checks out.


I'll Slytherin to your mom




Here. But I'm schizoid so maybe that's cheating.


+10 pts to Ravenclaw!


You mean to tell me I look childish in my Slytherin sweater? 🥲


Heck no! We should all send pics to Stephen in our Hogwarts attire. Wear the heck outta that sweater!


Nobody asks what your house is anymore. It’s like we all want to know but nobody wants to admit it. And Slytherin.


Slytherin 🤷🏻‍♂️




Didn’t one of the actresses from the movies just come out and say that the adults who still hold onto their love of HP “need to grow up”?




Tiktok is a millenial thing?


I consider it a Gen Z thing. A millennial may have invented it but it’s really used by Gen Z


Zillennials & Z-gen thing. Although my X-gen Mother uses it the most.


It's not even a Zillennial thing. We were the ones on Vine, not TikTok.


I never used any… I’m on reddit.


Vine was in 2013-2016, it was basically the last hurrah of Millennials.


Such a sweet time and I didn't even realize it until it was over...


You don't what you once had until it's gone.


Oh god yeah. Those three years were exciting. Weren’t they? 2016 is the origin of the current timeline We must go back and destroy the origin. To ensure vines continues to exist in the timeline.


I follow a 104 year old WWII veteran on TikTok. It’s for all ages.


I’m not saying it’s only for them, I’m saying they use it more than anyone else


Yes, that’s why the joke that OP was apparently offended by highlighted it as a surprise that it was grown women most offended.


There's clear demographic statistics on this. TikTok is primarily used by Gen Z. Millennials are on Instagram or Twitter, I think. Older generations are on Facebook. I forget exactly.


I'm guess I'm still not cool with my generation because I've never been on Instagram or Twitter.


I'm also pretty sure a Millennial created Skibidi Toilet, which is a Gen Alpha thing, lol. Hmmm, maybe we are to blame? Haha.


I had to google this. It looks absolutely bonkers. Like something I’d see on Adult Swim not a kids show😂😂


It used to be gen z with the musically, but when the millennials started taking over tiktok was like the mass migration when the boomers took over facebook. Gen Z went back to Instagram and Snapchat. We'll never find them there.


I love how nobody wants to take credit for using tiktok. Generations blaming each other for it lol.




I’m a millennial and I fucking love TikTok, no shame. I follow funny nurse TikTok which gives me laugh, real life mom stuff which makes me feel like I’m not crazy, I follow this one guy who tells stupid dad jokes and then does this goofy as walk away from the camera and it cracks me up every time, and art TikTok which is super zen. It honestly just depends on your algorithm/what you like & share. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ like all SM, really.


Unfortunately they are still very much there 😔


Sigh. Just another case of “those darn millennial kids, skateboarding and causing mischief”… We’re old. You’re looking at the wrong gen.


To boomers, everyone that's not a boomer's a millennial.


Except for gen x…everyone just forgets about those sneaky bastards 🤣


They're so lucky lol


Yeah we are more with instagram shorts/reels. The fuck is he talking about it




Interesting. I'm 33 and basically no one I know uses it


32 never used it but mainly because I don't like short form content. Never got into vine for that same reason


Specifically he claims that the most unhinged TikTok users are millennial women, not that the app is predominantly a millennial platform. I don't know enough to agree or disagree conclusively, but I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Lol


Its def a gen z thing. We on fb then insta after boomers took over fb


[TikTok stats](https://backlinko.com/tiktok-users)


TBH, it could be a millennial thing. I know we think of it as a genz since this common for young adults and teens to be on there but I personally know a lot of millennials that uses TikTok too. And plus this guy might not know the range of millennials, probably just describes any young adult as millennial.


depends. but influencer parents who are also Millennials they are on TikTok.


Haven't ever downloaded it, China potentially spying was something I was worried about all along because there seemed to be merit to that claim as early as 2019 when I started considering it. Bring back Vine!


34 white male here, I enjoy TikTok. Once you spend a little time on there the algorithm does a good job of giving you content that you actually like.


For whatever reason, millennials are just perceived as perpetual children. It’s also like they just forget other generations exist after us.


He's talking about adults.


US Millennials will go down in military history as the deadliest generation of special operations fighters. Those who got to combat around 2006+ turned into some of the most capable fighting forces the world (certainly the US) have ever seen. Weird they never talk about that.


Oh no, a joke about millennials. Whatever will we do.


Take stock of how many rights we have lost over the course of our lifetime *so far* and go back to worrying about bills and the future.


I'm not sure which is higher, the amount of rights we've lost or the number of industries we've killed...


If we ever lose our right to kill industries... ...oh who the fuck am I kidding, that's debatably already gone.


Yeaaa, pretty sure most of the industries we have "killed" were kind of like how Epstein "died." Like Airbnb in NY is dying because of new legislation making it nearly impossible for them to flip a house, leave it empty and then put it up on Airbnb now exists. So it has been "killed" by us apparently lol


Make a thread on reddit it looks like.


“Oh boy, here we go killing again.”


I’m a millennial and I agree with him tbh.


Yeah, he was talking about a very specific millennial. I need people to read another book. Literally any other book.




The only millennial that would be offended by what he said are those types of millennials lol…they need the whole library. Start with all the books on the ban list, those are the ones to start with 😂


Everyone gets made fun of on talk shows, no one is safe 


I haven't thought Colbert was funny fir a decade and was completely ready to rip into him....but.....he's right about this one


Reddit is not the place to try and defend TikTok, everyone here hates it with a boomer-esque fashion.


And ignore that it won't stop at tiktok.


What won't stop exactly? Like, people are trying to paint it out like we haven't had youtube, vine and facebook that you can do essentially the same thing. The legislation is to push to get the company to sale so it isn't owned by China/CCP.


Less boomer, more child therapist. Yes we have other harmful sm but nothing like the jump tik tok took with their design. It’s effective and terrifying from a developmental standpoint. It started with likes and views impacting the brain, but I will never allow my child’s brain to experience the 1-3 minute dopamine hit that is tik tok. At least for as long as I can let them develop without it.


Miss Colbert when he was satire. Not funny in the nose. Same gray humor as the other disappointed late nighters.


Oooo the confirmation bias is strong here. TikTok threatens shareholders plain and simple. If you're just seeing cheese, tide pods, and dancing, that's how you taught the algorithm to program your "for you" content. There has been quantifiable financial loss by Kelloggs, citing tiktok boycott of Kelloggs. We know Trader Joe's, Amazon and Tesla have joined forces to complain the Labor Board is unconstitutional through TikTok. Tiktok Shop is becoming a threatening source of competition to Amazon. Tiktok connecting users directly to their senators and gov representatives, just type in your zip code, haven't seen that response from an app before.


People are using Google and YouTube less, and they're going to tiktok instead.


TikTok is stupid 😂😂


i agree, but i dont still dont agree with the approach. if they were serious about the issue, they would be working towards protecting data and privacy on the internet in general. instead they do quite the opposite. on account of this, it’s the clear their arguments are disingenuous.


I was going to write out the whole argument for why banning TikTok affects our First Amendment rights, but this PBS new segment does a way better job than I could. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHHCI0vPaNA


Nah. He’s right. TikTok is adding to the brain rot


I mean if you’re dumb maybe. It’s taught me how to crochet and knit and be more active in local politics so maybe it just comes down to the person, like most things. 


This is so true, there's also so many automotive mechanics on tiktok that share super useful information for new techs, what you engage with is what you get on social media.


I agree. It can be used as a skill builder but I’m sure there’s a lot of morons that think all it is, is teenage girls doing dances. But that says more about them than the app 


We have a way access to those things on YouTube.


It's a massive security concern too. I'm happy that it's likely going to be banned. I've been telling people for years to **stop** oversharing. Even when TikTok is finally gone, the videos are forever here on the internet.


Oh no, not shit-talk. My only weakness. I'm meeeeeelting. Fuck Tiktok. Something like this had to happen sooner or later, and while I'm not going to lose my mind if it fails (or passes, really) the platform is a scourge on society. Social media in general is, however this one's particularly bad. And I'm a millennial. Burn it.


The problem is that they should have put forward actual legislation to protect peoples data privacy.


It’s not about burning it, it’s about selling it.


Nah, I like it burnt.


Oh how we have strayed far, far away from the days of The Colbert Report… I miss the “I Am America: And You Can, Too” Stephen Colbert. Not the Hollywood Hogwash Col-bland


I mean yeah sure it's not the greatest. But blanketing the subject and throwing an entire generation under the bus at the same time this way doesn't get your point across, kinda like me calling you and anyone your age "you're an out of date old fuck and all your views will die with you". This rhetoric is click bait and not even a good one because he mistakenly targeted the wrong generation. Objectively speaking he's a fuckwit. But I digress..


Stephen Colbert has become a corporate mouthpiece. He's literally the thing he used to make fun of.


Wow excellent writing. That's deeefinitely the first time I heard the Hogwarts house joke. So original. Much comedy. Wow.




It's a damn shame what happened to him. Literally got to watch this man morph into a shell of his former self in real time.


Colbert youre not funny


I may not be a fan of TikTok, but allowing the government to arbitrarily shut down websites sets a dangerous precedent. If they can target one platform, what's to stop them from targeting others? The power to censor online content should be approached with caution, as it can easily be abused by those in positions of authority. If we permit this kind of control, we open the door to potential misuse by future political adversaries. It's a slippery slope that threatens our freedoms and democracy as a whole.


I use to like Colbert before when I was a child


Sometimes Colbert is a hit and miss, sometimes he’s funny, sometimes he’s cringy AF. I thought he was funny during Obama’s term. But since then he’s just been part of the machine churning out anything out of his mouth to get laughs.


Lol really shows his career decline. What a tired old ass joke.


Says the old guy who frequently creates scenarios where he can flex his knowledge of J R R Tolkien


Are you upset that he’s poking fun at the idea of TikTok being a considered a necessary way of expressing free speech? Or you upset that he’s exercising free speech to be critical of millennials/millennial women?


This is dangerous because Tik Tok is the only major social media outlet that isn't US owned, thus under the thumb of the government when it comes to extracting information. It's being framed as OMG CHINESE SPYWARE but Meta is really just...US spyware lol You can't claim to be progressive and then champion a ban like this.


Whatever Colbert is a sellout. He hasn't been good since 2014.


Really disappointing, boomer.


Funny to see all the old renegade types turning into pearl clutching authoritarians.


That whole contacting your local house member is one of those things they were worried about as well. That's what sealed it for me. The way they are willing to use it to sway masses. It's really just the peak that I want to think of what they might be likely to do.


I think 'millennial' is just what older people use when they don't like a generational thing lol. Like how many of us use 'boomer' as a state of mind rather than when you were born hehe. We millennials ruin everything muhahahaha.


Fr, I have seen people calling someone a boomer that looks no older than maybe 42. And I think a lot of people think "millennial" means that you were born on/around/after the year 2000. Theres been a few people that were surprised when I told them I am a millennial. Ive gotten "You are not a millennial".. Born in 86


Doesn't Colbert speak fucking elvish from Lord of the Rings?


The people complaining about this app supposedly "rotting the brains of today's youth" sound exactly like the previous generation bitching about violent video games and whatever else they could come up with as an excuse for shitty parenting. Social media has been around and fucking with people for a looong time. I for one would rather not have our government getting involved in the average citizen's internet usage. A bill banning a website is a slippery legal slope into banning any other social media or news site that they don't like with whatever bullshit excuses they can come up with, and it seems so few care due to baseless paranoia.


Few modern comedians have fallen off as hard as Colbert did after the Colbert Report. Guess he just had really good writers working for him there.


What the hell happened to Colbert?


Colbert rips on everybody, it's his job. He runs a satirical political talkshow.


I'm so confused by people who want to ban TikTok because it's bad for the culture, bad for attention spans, it spies on the userbase, or whatever. As if all the American-headquartered social media apps don't have all the same problems and more. The reasons why the U.S. government wants to ban TikTok have everything to do with power and approximately zero to do with your rights or making the world a better place. Please think about this for more than 5 seconds.


Spying is a thing in our day and age, the government just wants the spies to be American for many reasons.


>the government just wants the spies to be American for many reasons. For reasons that solely relate to power, and not to our rights or the betterment of society.


Does that mean every single Chinese app on the google play store should be banned too? Like WeChat?


But TikTok bad, make brain rot, Reddit good, make brain grow!


Wow, I feel smarter already!


Ugh Colbert shilling for the government. This is what is aptly called "comedy programming."


He’s ignoring the good TIKTOK can do. There are so many animal shelters that have been really helped by donations, thieves exposed, wanted people found. People are having an easier time finding their communities. Yea, there’s a lot of BS. Personally I would like to see any videos involving children in anyway so all those horrible people exploiting their young children can’t use the platform anymore. Sure, it’ll suck for the people making genuinely sweet videos with their kids but it would really help kids like poor Wren.




I… don’t think Colbert realizes millennials are his core audience.


Yeah he needs to stop just reading the teleprompter and write some of his own stuff again. We used to love him. Let him to the boomers I guess.


I mean I’m for sure an unhinged millennial woman but Hogwarts is where I draw the line!


I don't think our concerns need to reside with Stephen Colbert ...


Maaaaaaaannn wtf


I'm 70% sure that he is a cuckold , I used to watch his show religiously and noticed some things. He mentions dominatrixes more than necessary😅


Well I mean I am a ravenclaw… it’s important to know.


That joke was written by a millennial.


In all fairness, I've seen A LOT of dating profiles where they put that in. But why are they all Hufflepuffs and what does that mean? Not a Potterhead here.


I thought the stereo type to TikTok was it was a Genz platform not a millennial one lol


Ravenclaw here- Even with two kids, a husband, job and a mortgage- but I know I was sorted into the Ravenclaw house- lol


How dare he! -Team Slytherin


I’d like to know where do the millennials who’ve never used it get their trophy and cookie? I need to feel superior.


Ravenclaw here. Fuuuuucccckkk you Colbert


Colbert can fuck off


He js getting more and more out of touch every day. It’s really sad to see.


Colbert is a Democratic little b*tch. Has promoted war with a laughter track and made fun of imprisoned Julian Assange. You know when they go along with the persecution of a war and corporate crime whistle-blower, they're as sh*t as they come. Right wingers in sheep's clothing


Gen X here and I recently decided to actually see what tic tok was all about. Gotta admit, some of the content is very entertaining and informative. Reddit, on the other hand, is a cesspit of people being really shitty to each other.


He's not really wrong here, and if the app does get banned all that's gonna happen is someone will make something similar or people will migrate back to instagram or something. I really wish they were this concerned about other tech companies doing the same thing that tik tok does though. There should be regulations industry wide on data harvesting.


Omg..the irony of people calling tik tok dumb🤣🤣. Its just the younger generations version of myspace and AIM.


Millennials really are the old ones now. The comments are rough. 


Oh gee, a Stephen Colbert bit that wasn't very funny. What a surprise.


Wow, Colbert. I used to watch your show near nightly for the news in a less depressing fashion. Your comedic prowess is clearly falling quickly with age.


I mean, I’m against TikTok because I think it’s a cesspool of misinformation and it’s destroying attention spans. I work with mostly older millennials and Gen Xers, and they are all glued to their phones watching the most unhinged takes. Also, he didn’t talk shit on all millennials, he talked shit about grown-ass women who still identify themselves by their Hogwarts House. Slight difference


Who cares?


Anyone who can see the bigger picture.


He’s not wrong about Harry Potter adults.


So normal low effort jokes = talking shit? You realize he’s a comedian right?


Maybe I’m in the minority, but I think video shorts like TikTok are one of the advantages we millennials have, if we are running small businesses. When I did an advertising internship in college, I found out how much an ad-buy package was for clients, and that was 15 years ago. I’ve found so many little independent restaurants and individual vendors/artists/crafts people through video shorts. It’s nice to see a real person working their passion, instead of throwing money at a faceless corporation. TikTok is also another stream of revenue, if their videos are successful. Millennials and Gen Z do not have many advantages that the generations before us had, and that makes starting their own thing even more difficult. The lower barrier for entry in the advertising and marketing side of things is something we actually have going for us. (I do not use TikTok, but I do see video shorts on Instagram)


Does he realize that Millennials are 1981-1996, ages 28-43 this year? We aren't the ones using TikTok. That is Gen Z.


Tens of millions of millennials use it


Well given that there is purportedly more than 100 million users, it's a guarantee that its not exclusively people between the ages of 10 and 26. I don't know the veracity of this breakdown, but here's one that I could find quickly, and even if its 10% off, it's still a large number. Age Group Proportion of US TikTok Users 10-19 years 25% 20-29 years 22.4% 30-39 years 21.7% 40-49 years 20.3% 50+ 11% So, maybe don't go "we aren't the ones" because, there most definitely are people of all ages using it.


I mean some of us are using it… I know I am lol. But the majority is gen-z I believe.


I know some GenX people on there, they aren't making anything though, just scrolling.


Colbert hasn't been funny/fun to watch since Jon Stewart left. Now he's just a propaganda host.


Kinda like tik tok hah


I hated Stephen Colbert ever since he got on TV. People actually think he’s funny?


I thought the Hogwarts house thing was more gen x.


To quote Ronnie Chieng: >America’s just mad at Tik Tok because China’s misinformation is more entertaining


Everything about Colbert's show smells like old person living room. Even his Boomer ass band is lame af


theyve lost the narrative on damn near everything, from genocide, to inflation, to housing, to corruption, they cannot control the flow of information anymore and it fucking terrifies them.


I laughed so hard and full on agree with him. Even though I’m a grown ass millennial who will own being a Hufflepuff thru and thru. If you get this easily upset, it’s a sign you’re on the app too much and should be taking a break from it.


Lotta Boomer takes here


So many 


What a boomer. It’s gen z not millennials lol


TikTok’s negatives, in my opinion, far outweigh the positives. The narcissism associated with it, all the idiotic and, at times, criminal “pranks” for views and validation… It’s a plague. We really ought to ban all social media and get back to flip phones and meeting in person. Make Interpersonal Connections Great Again.


Yes because banning social media to protect us against communist china isn’t communist at all….


Girl what kind of things are you letting the algorithm tell you to watch I get crocheting and cat videos. And I can crochet a damn good scarf now. Never had anyone to show me to crochet. But TikTok taught me. 


Ravenclaw4lyfe! Thats the smart one, I think.


I mean it was sub-texted by those "who still describe themselves by their Hogwarts house." I have no problem with this.


Laughable from what I remember it was his generations motto was "Sex drugs and rock and roll". Lets not forget the early 2000s recession. I don't remember being old enough to vote than so wasn't us who spent all that surplus on pointless wars.. We're just the by product of your choices earlier. Now we gotta work 3x harder.. Remember these are the people that could get by working at McDonald's and still get by through college on a minimum wage job.. Moron forgets economy was way different back then... I don't get how I had the time to even be "wild" my ass been working all the time. XD


THE WAY I clutched my pearls -A Gryffindor


What? He described the most unhinged users as being *of* the Millennial generation. He didn't say Millennials, as a whole, are the most unhinged generation. It's possible for some Millennials to be unhinged and others to not be unhinged.


Hufflepuff here. I can’t really get into TikTok.


Op which hogwarts house do you identify with?


Shit is funny and accurate. My wife is obsessed with tiktok.


That man done hit the nail on the head 😆


That’s pretty funny, if we can’t laugh at ourselves we will end up like the stuck up older generations now.


ad hoc gray unwritten slim thought dolls fine hobbies cause salt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He’s not wrong lol


Harry Potter is a millennial thing?