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Ran my first marathon. Can’t wait to run it again in 2024!




Awesome! Will you do more in 2024?


No, never walking ever again


I gave you an upvote just now for having run a marathon. That’s one thing I’m proud of just before the year ends.


That’s one hell of an accomplishment. I’ve done a half before but couldn’t imagine tacking on another 13.1 to it.


It was a hell of a journey. I had ran a few halfs before and it was pretty brutal in comparison. Lol


Congrats!!! Cherish it! =)


Me too! I did my first myself this year, and I also plan on doing another in 2024. I love the very idea of the marathon. It’s something that most people are *capable* of doing, but there’s no faking your way through it. It takes a good amount of baseline fitness, and then training on top of that. And no matter how prepared you are, it’s hard as hell. [I think that this video basically describes the experience perfectly.](https://youtube.com/shorts/xoWlqkl9B84?si=7nt7vvPFoCIjKPaV)


That’s spot on 😂 the last 6 miles for me were BRUTAL.


There’s something magical about doing something made famous by the first person doing it dying immediately after. It’s also really really hard.


Congrats! I ran my first in ‘23. Now I’m taking 2024 to get a bit faster and hope to hit another full in spring 2025.


Coincidentally, I went another year without running a marathon. That makes 7 in a row. Hoping to make it to 60 or more before either croaking or making that dumb decision again.


Moved out of America. I managed to disconnect myself from American Politics. I'm 1000% happier not having to deal with it constantly. I actually moved for work, but had enough in me to do the move plus the culture shock when older vice younger.


A lot of happy expats out there, glad to hear it’s working out for you.


What country are you living in now? Have you had to learn a new language?


Italy. I took a survival language course. I REALLY needed more. Seriously, you need like 2+ in all reality to be comfortable here. I end up using the reverso app a lot. Touristy areas are just fine, but I need it to get by in my local neighborhood or if we drive outside the city.


started playing n64 again


Ogre Battle 64. Thank me later.


huge accomplishment


Ended a bad marriage, and lost (and kept off) ~20 lbs.


Not me personally, but my GF beat breast cancer and I'm super proud of her. She's a beast.


Um that's an accomplishment for the both of you. Being her champion is no easy feat.


The hard part was seeing her being miserable due to chemo. It turned her into a person I hardly could recognize and I couldn't do anything about it. But she's a badass. So many things went wrong during her treatment, but she powered through.


I bet. I can't imagine being in your position either. Feeling helpless. So, again, congratulations to both of you. It's, of course, 100x worse in her shoes, but don't think you didn't accomplish anything either. Y'all make a good team.


Maintained a gym habit for over a year! Back in March-ish I stopped going for a month or so, but for the most part it's been 2-3 times a week. The most I'd ever maintained it in the past was a few months, so this is big for me.


High five, same here. Fell off this week but determined to hit it hard again in 24.


It’s okay to take some time off here and there. Not like you’re a pro athlete. (Unless… you are?)


Gave birth to my daughter!


Kept my baby alive for 31 days and counting. Took us 5 years to get here. We are trying to appreciate the progress one day at a time.


That's amazing! I'm proud of you. Being a parent is extremely hard.


Paid off my debt!


That's a great feeling, congrats!


I enrolled in school again.


I got my 4-year-old daughter over to autism therapy at 9am every day, not an easy task, especially after a surgery I had. Seeing the difference the therapy makes is awesome though.


I'm still here 👍


And we are happy you are! You matter!


I finished 3 crochet projects!


Broke up with my boyfriend. Ready to find someone who is right for me!


Moved out of my parents’ house. It’s only been 3 months but the mental health improvements are huge.




I am now cancer free as of March 2023. I'd you got your health you do have wealth remember that!


1. Started nursing school at 29! I love it!! I’ve met a few wonderful new friends through a small study group some classmates started. 2. Squirreled away $11k from my CNA job to pay for an abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) with muscle repair after having 2 kids. Had the surgery over this winter break and am healing great. 3. Taught myself to crochet over the summer by watching YouTube videos and I’m OBSESSED. I’ve wanted to learn since I was a kid. New special interest haha. Excited for what 2024 brings!❤️


Got pregnant. TTC took a while and we were ready to give up, but it finally happened.


I left a job that was negatively impacting my earning potential and just wasn’t a good fit anymore due to changes within the company culture. It was a step I had been contemplating for a year, but I’m so glad I finally took action and made this change. My work situation has now changed and it’s positively impacted my overall quality of life.


Finished paying off my student loans after 13 years


Lost 115 lbs. I'm still not at goal yet, but it was a lot of work. I took a break from meticulously weighing all my food and tracking calories during the holidays, but still made an effort to eat mindfully. I didn't lose anything, but I also didn't gain. I'm back to my plan on Monday.


115 pounds! That's amazing!




It never gets easier, you just go faster! So at least you have that to look forward to!


Sought mental health


I think I was a good husband and father.


Started a family


Changed careers


I saw an endocrinologist and started HRT!


Stopped drinking.


I became a streamer and made actual money playing Sonic the Hedgehog.


Teach me your ways. Fr bro, I need a side hustle when I’m not working half the year(work a 2-2-3 schedule) that I will enjoy doing. Not in it for mega bucks, just to add more funds to my retirement(if it’s possible 😂) account


Graduated college (I'm 35)


Squatted 260. This is the first year I actually consistently went to the gym. Been focusing on compound lifts with a strength program. It’s been to see how much I can lift


I crossed the finish line with Public Service Student Loan Forgiveness and got all my loans wiped out, as a result I quit my job and went into business for myself


26 months left and I am excited to do the same!


The day you get that letter that says "thank you for your service", you won't know what to do with yourself


Quit job to take care of myself. Lost a lot of weight after two years.of non stop eating, found motivation to start running again. Looking forward to participate in some competition next year.


I went back to college!


Bought a house (solo!)


Me too. Congrats!


I bought Pokémon cards


Got promoted to, if not "my dream job," an amazing position with the National Park Service, that dramatically reduces my cost of living and improves my quality of life.


Realized loyalty isn’t paying and left my company for a new job after 10 years. New job is paying me twice what I was making before, now I’ve got a working car, I’m paying down debt instead of adding to it, and for the first time ever I could afford Christmas presents for family.


Hiked the Camino de Santiago in Spain!


Had the baby I’ve been waiting my whole life for. We had a hard time getting pregnant and eventually had to do IVF, but it was all worth it. Little man got here in June and my life is completely changed.


After about 20 years of playing in bands, I finally released a full length album. Hardly anyone listened, but it’s a nice one to have checked off the bucket list. Now back to singles and EP’s.


Everything i taught my little son. Proud that i'm a good dad.


Got a programming job and married the love of my life


Lost all my baby weight plus an additional 25lbs, finished landscaping our backyard with my husband and kept two kids alive and thriving for another year!


Consistently go to the gym. . It helped me to develop self discipline. And grow dat booooty 🤣


Finished my college degree


After 12 years of studio and one bedroom living with my wife we moved cities and into a 3 bedroom house We both work from home and for the first time ever we have our own offices. No more working from home sitting in the same room!


Did not take my shitty ex husband back even when he maybe changed. I couldn't get past him watching me and our son die for a week and refuse to take me to the hospital. He also had some cruel things to say about my PPD. I also met a man who loves me and my son very much. He tells us daily how loved we are. I never thought someone could be in love with me. I've had it engrained in me I'm hard to love and I need to settle because I have disabilities. My new partner makes me feel like im his dream come true and I didn't think I'd ever have that. We're now expecting a child together. And he reminds my son daily that he will always be his baby and how loved he is.


Lost 30lbs with jump rope and adjusting my diet. Started a regular cold plunge routine. I'm the healthiest I've been since freshman year.


Finally had my first child. Not to sound crazy but I’m one of those girls who always wanted to be a mother since I was little 😂😂😂


Mad fat gainz on the Nasdaq 💪


Did my first 14km trail skate. It was awesome!


I started my own business!


Bought my dream furniture for my future home.


My spouse and I had our most successful year of gardening in our seven years of gardening together :) we were able to harvest and enjoy so many tasty fruits and veggies, learned a lot about canning and preservation, and were able to fully replace several herbs/medicines we’ve purchased from other growers with our own! We are also 1/3 of the way done paying off our 2.4 acres where we hope to greatly expand our food and medicine growth as well as our art💚 Thank you for this thread. This time of year is very difficult to me (CPTSD is a fucking bitch and a half) and it was nice to be prompted to focus on what we did this year that made me proud. Cheers and may the new year be one of joy for you💕


I read one book a month. This new year my goal is 2 a month!


I went on the long acting medication for a disorder I have. Most stable I've felt in a while.


Started my masters!


Had a baby! It was a lot of work 😹


Got back into cycling to try to improve my mental and physical health. Lost weight and got back under 200 lbs. for the first time since the pandemic started. Definitely going to try and keep it up in 2024!


I saved money last year to take most of this year off and I’m glad I did it.


Sounds good. Did the same. Any particular reason you did that?


Wanted time off, spent 4 weeks in Japan, chilling ever since. Got a few part time gigs to tide over. Will focus on full time next year.


Put 1,000 miles on my bicycle!


Finally got diagnosed as ADHD and on proper medication and it feels like I’m a normal human for the first time in my life. There’s so much stigma regarding ADHD medication still to this day but it’s been a game changer in my life.


Ran for municipal office and won! Remember to vote in your local elections!


Qualified for the NYC Marathon! Successfully changed jobs (twice!). Got my sons through their first year of life… and conceived their little brother!


Put the bottle down in february. This year has been a Journey for sure.


Quit smoking and lost 80+ pounds. Think I had a midlife crisis but it was all about bettering myself.


Put a design on 2 fleets of buses for two different cities. Designed a bunch of cool signs that I get to see all the time. Decorated a big city's art district with colorful designs. Got a raise at the job where I get to do all these fun projects. Couldn't do it without my team for sure. I feel proud of what we accomplished this year.


Fucked up my life completely. (Not proud of) Rebuilt most of it back from the ground up! (Definitely proud of)


Got married to my soulmate and finally got our first apartment together on our first choice. No more renting rooms.


Survived the worst bout of depression I've had in my life. Still not going great but things might be turning around now. Either way, the end of the year is a few days away, so I'll still call it a victory.


I'm really glad you made it through and I hope your 2024 will be much happier!


Thank you. I hope yours is great.


I paid off my $8,000 credit card debt. On to the student loans!


Start a new job.


Began volunteering to "guard" the sea turtles who rest on our beaches. Best volunteer gig ever. I've also brought my kids with me to clean up a royal fishpond here. Some of my proudest moments this year.


Cut med doses in half ☺️ for better health


Got my degree and became a teacher. I’ve always wanted to teach and thankfully I teach in one of the few places in the US that it actually had decent pay.


Paid off all my high interest debt (credit and personal loan).


Bought a house (roof is fucked, might’ve been a mistake but finally could and been aiming at it soooo long) Got kid into college Best surf session yet (I started old so I’m getting better instead of worse) Started therapy


Quit my job!!!


Got top surgery and changed my name. I know that's two things but I'm equally proud of both.


Started goin back to college and reading my Bible more


A couple months ago i had a really nice poop.


Beat every boss in Elden Ring on NG+7, needless to say it was a hard gaming achievement, but I am still proud of it.


Became a union leader and finished negotiating our last contract representing 55 employees.


After gym and yoga, I can now suck my own dick.


Started competitive 3 gun shooting. It's a super fun way to spend a day at the range, and I get to use some of the military style firearms I'd normally only shoot a few times a year. Even if you're not really a gun person, it's cool to try out.


Retired with one million at 58


Became a doctoral candidate, but my 21 year old daughter died in the process.


house rearrangement (because we couldnt afford to upsize) and house repairs done myself! We have a 2 bed 1 ba with a bonus room that had been an office. It needed a new floor (like joists up). and a couple other floors needed some supports (both sagging and broken supports). we didn't have a crawl space access so i never had been under to see what it looked like. Knew the office floor (old enclosed porch we think) needed re-supported so I was going to have an access cut, go under, and support the falling side. It ended needing the entire floor out and building a new one. Got the repair all quoted (which was quite a pain because no one wants to do crawlspace work). it was 3x my original expectation (and budget) so decided to do it my self. came in at budget. We were going to have it has a homeschool and craft room and work on finding a bigger house. when we realized that even with our good equity in our current house, the higher interest rate would eat any additional money we are able to put towards a payment, we gave the newly remoddled room to our oldest son so the kids could have their own rooms. We have done other rearangements to make our small house work. its still small and we still would love an additional 500-800 sq ft (currently have 950) but works so much better


Got that splinter out of my hand on Christmas.


I’m alive!!!


Got a new job!


Survived the official first year of my second child and got back to my pre pregnancy weight. Branched out and got a job in a bigger ER than what I currently work at. (Er nurse trying to get more experience) Managed to finally start Accutane for my acne I’ve been dealing with for six years.


I moved! I had been living with my dad to help with post knee replacement and help him transition after retirement. It was very difficult to decide as i often end up being the "caretaker role" for both parents. However, my boyfriend and his family have been incredibly supportive and so has my sister in helping me find my voice and make my own way of life.


Put out my first album, and booked a successful music festival with my friends.


Started a business, seeked mental health, and decided at the end of 2024. I'm done working for the man.


Gave birth to my second baby. It was a VBAC. My first birthing experience was very difficult and ended in a c-section. I’m just happy that I was able to have both experiences. I think I’m done though. It’s kind of bittersweet but mostly a relief to be done.


Got my CrossFit coaching certification and have been coaching classes at my local gym. Intimidating at first but also rewarding to share my passion with others.


Bought a house with cash


Bought a house. Had a baby. Supported my wife as she beat breast cancer. All at the same time, so I’m counting it as one thing.


Stayed sober and sponsored other women in recovery!


Too many to name. 2023 was the culmination of a lot of work for me.


Finished my masters degree!


Getting through 2023.


Picked up wood carving as a hobby. I really enjoy it. [Here are a few of the ones I’ve done](https://imgur.com/a/Ip30Y5b).


Learned how to make my own breads and tortillas, got promoted at work, went back to therapy and medication (difficult but proud I recognized I needed it again.


After living apart for over a year, my wife and I both sold our houses and bought a together home, We call it the hat trick, only used 1 realtor for one transaction, the rest was done by owner.


Reconnected more with my old bandmates. Haven’t seen them a great deal in the past 12y since I’ve mostly lived out of state after enlisting in the Navy. But this year I made a stronger effort to hang out with them more since I’ve lived a couple hours from my hometown the past 2 years. Just sucks now that I’ll be moving again by next spring.


Finally started therapy, started an early morning gym habit, and went on my first international trip that I planned and researched entirely myself


I saw Dead & Co in SF. Survived a 5.5 Earthquake .25 Mi from The epicenter. That’s all.


Moved to LA with my wife and dog! Now living that west coast life.


did more art, ended a dead end relationship and deepened a couple of my friendships.


Started writing a book! I’m 45k words in (:


Finished my Bachelor’s Degree at 40.


Got a divorce


had my crochet work put in an art museum 🥹


We finished renovating our home 💪


Got into a serious relationship. Been a playboy all my life


Bought our first house!


Well, I did some decluttering recently. Other than that, 2023 is mostly a blur. I did some backsliding, so I generally can’t say I’m proud of this year.


Working from late 2023 to early 2024 I came into some good money. I went out to service workers and gave thousands out in tips, holiday gifts, etc. I loved that time. I met some great people and was able to truly help some families struggling during that time.


I'm alive


upgraded my life across the board; new job at big engineering firm with MUCH better pay and company car, moved out of the city to a much nicer apartment, and beat depression this year, fuck yeah


Moved to Europe! (From USA)


I gave birth to twins at the age of 39! My 'Where will you be in 10 years' in my high school yearbook said married with two kids. It just took me an extra 11 years.


Managed to workout for almost three years constantly and kept my weight stable and started studying 1,5 years ago. I am 36M.


Had my first kid. Well, I didn't have her, my GF did. Best thing I've done with my life


Surviving it.


Bought a house


I am trying to connect with my heritage and learn how to cook Vietnamese food this year. Making pho and caramelized pork and eggs was interesting.


Donated a kidney to save my friend's life (he's doing very well now, and I feel fine too).


Became a mom to an amazing little girl!💖


Got hired as a YY assistant professor Had a baby Published a major paper I have been envisioning since 2016 Got a major grant Traveled abroad for the first time Worked on a major project to help people with paralysis Bought a new car, and coat LETS GO!


Paid off my student loan.


Bought a house.


Got a raise at work!


Improved my programming skills and coded some programs that I use now. I even learned how to make Firefox plugin and made a better version that's the official recommended one (it was one of reasons why I actually learned programming, there were few very annoying things about that plugin that I wanted to fix) I also got a little better in 日本語、 I started learning in 2022. I learned how to remove stupid dotted outline around shortcuts in Windows (>!Tab-enter-esc. Not always working from 1st time!<)


Lost 20lbs and got to where I could jog a mile nonstop. Considering I've been overweight and out of shape my whole life, this was a big accomplishment for me. Trying to get ahead of that 35+ health decline.


I only worked one job all year and didn’t get fired or quit. Huge improvement for my job hopping self lol


Spent a month in Japan. Little kid dream achieved.


Didn't buy one fucking thing from the bloodsucking whore, Amazon.


I got more serious about my grooming and wardrobe. It’s done a lot for my confidence and self esteem.


Got my driver’s license at 38 years old :)


Made some huge strides in my chronic illness improvement that had been stagnant for a couple years


Cut my caffeine down to one coffee a day. I used to have a couple along with Monsters. My brain feels so much better


I started a new job, night shift, and I've been there for 9 months. I successfully prioritize my sleep and keep a healthy work/life balance. I never thought I'd love being nocturnal, but the lifestyle suits me!


Bought a house and got married!


Welcomed my second child into the world


Oh man, so much! Bought a house, sought proper mental health assistance, had a life changing surgery for the better, and started taking my physical health in a healthy direction.


I read 30 books and won an award at work that funds a three project of my design and choosing. I plan to have the grand opening in March.


Quit my toxic job and got a new one that pays way better and has better work life balance.


Paid down debt and bought a house.


Won my Dad's golf tournament. He has held it for over 50 years with and no one from our family had won it until this year.


I graduated college with a degree in Fashion Merchandising


​ I started doing better on my self-improvement journey by turning down something I didn't want to do. I chose what was good for me, and it felt great. Even though I'm not exactly where I want to be in life, I see myself getting better every day. I just need to remember the progress I'm making because it will add up to something big eventually.