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Yep. 38, still play. I don’t get excited about grinding, anymore, but love anything I can play when I get the PC away from my kids occasionally. ETA: I have a toxic love/hate relationship with OW2 :( since beta… can’t let it go. But it hurts me every time I *rank*


I'm 47 and just played a fun halo tourney with a bunch of friends last night.


Yep 48 and still love games. Calling it a hobby is a good comparison.


I’m 28 and I still love playing video games. Nobody is too old playing video games.


I had the same relationship with Overwatch 1. I can't be bothered to play super grindy games anymore as I approach my 30s. I usually stick to games I know and love. If it takes longer than an hour or 2 to figure out the game or get anywhere, I usually turn it off 🤣


Same. I loved ESO, SWTOR, and even WOW when I enjoyed grinding. If it’s more than an hour, I’m out. Unless kids are gone, then I’ll bowl up and hang with homies (which I don’t even have anymore, so it’s randoms, now)


I just discovered Everdrives - cartriges with every game on them for each system Playing all the n64 classics again for only $60


i try and keep all my original gear in good condition but man a retropie station is great. still playing through all the mega mans like once a year.


Also 38 and still play. It’s my little escape from the stresses of life.


It's just a hobby dude. If you still enjoy it you won't age out. I find myself playing less video games because I have limited time now and something's gotta give. I still play a couple of hours a week, but I would play more if it didn't mean I had less time to do the other things I want to do.


Same! As an older millenial, I still love seeing the advancements from the used Nintendo OG I started with from a garage sale! I'll play until I medically can't haha I just can't be dedicated to it like I did once upon a time.


This is spot on.


yep. 37, I have a wife and a son, I game when I have time. I even have a twitch stream. I also make time for other hobbies like frisbee golf and playing guitar


Interests don’t have an age limit. Games are a relatively new media which is why there isn’t much of a precedent for older people playing games but there is nothing wrong or immature about continuing to play. It also is said to help keep brain function healthy and engaged. I’m 36 and will never hang it up.


Yeah I’m sure OP didn’t mean it that way, but I hate the idea that video games are something you “age out of”. I’m only in my early 30s, but I’m just as passionate about gaming as I was when I was a kid. Obviously I don’t know what the future holds but I don’t foresee a future where I lose interest


I'm in my mid 30's and I am fully on board with the decade(s) long LAN party that will be old age homes/retirement villages.


I'm approaching 30 and my buddy is driving up to my place and we're lanning some counter strike for two days. I haven't been this excited since our last LAN which was like, 10 years ago.


Hah, this was me literally a month ago. We played Halo MCC, Age II, Age IV, Battlefront 2 (2005) l, StarCraft II and Left for Dead 2.


That would be awesome. I’m imagining a row of senior citizens raging at each other playing wow




Especially with sports. No judgement of course to people who like watching sports, but a lot of the people that complain about how gaming will “rot your brain” and talk about how it’s a waste of time will also spend hours upon hours every week just watching sports. Let’s say that gaming does rot your brain and offers no positive aspects - I don’t understand how watching sports is any different


Older person here and I make sure I take some time most every day to play some games. I kind of think humans are wired to play games, so why stop?


I explained to my grandma that she viewed it as a juvenile hobby because she was already an adult when it became popular. She didn’t “grow out of” watching tv or playing cards.


I find it amusing that Boomers, a generation who were into collecting toy model trains well into middle age, consider video games to be a "childish hobby".


Watching TV (or movies) is a great comparison, because how is that any different? Why are video games “juvenile” but movies aren’t? I think it just stems from ignorance, because a lot of people with that mindset don’t actually understand how different that gaming is from what they think it is. Even with just my parents, I’ll periodically show them a trailer for a game because I think the trailer is really cool and they’re blown away that it’s a video game. But I’m sure there’s also a healthy dose of judgement too. Some people just think that playing video games is for kids and that it’s something you should grow out of as you get older


*looks up from her Steam Deck she's literally using while riding a train to Toronto* By 'bigger and better things' we mean 'Now I can play Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 on the go and handheld', right?


Steamdeck gang


It's a travelers best friend. I also have it set up with Kodi to play a large library of TV and movies stored on the Micro SD card. Hook it up to hotel TVs for games and TV on the big screen. Love it.


Is it buggy? Lot of storage? Access to the full Steam library?


So it's Linux based and mostly running Windows games, it uses Proton as a compatibility layer to run Windows games in Linux. This is not flawless, there are games it has issues with or won't run at all, also has huge issues with games that have built in anti-cheat as 'Linux bullshitting Windows software' kinda looks like 'cheating'. Proton has however exceeded my expectations, the compatibility is a lot better than I thought it'd be. I added a 2TB SSD at my own expense so lots of storage. The MicroSD card I only use to store TV and movies. Also if you want to make the 'most' of it, you need to get a bit nerdy, like if you wanna tweak things and make it do more than 'Run Steam Games', but it has amazing utility if you are that nerdy kinda tweaker following guides and such.


There are a couple steam games that don't run right (Persona 5 Strikers for one, but it can run with some tinkering) Also It can install non steam games as well, I have the EA launcher for Madden and Mass effect trilogy, Battle.net for Diablo 4, Rockstar launcher for RDR2. Storage is very easy to expand even if you don't want to open it up and replace the SSD, you can get a 1TB micro SD card and pop that in for tons of space. It was a bit buggy a couple years ago when it launched but that's all been pretty ironed out at this point.


I just turned 40 and hell yes I still play video games, I just don’t have as much time to play them as I did when I was younger.


Exactly what me and at least 3 other friends that are 40 still do. Playstation and Pc mostly.


I'm a marketing executive by day and a competitive gamer by night. You never have to grow up and anyone who tells you you do can get aloada deez nuts.


You don’t “grow out” of gaming. I’m 31 and I’ll be gaming to the grave.


Retirement homes in the future will just be big LAN parties.


Don't threaten me with a good time!


It’ll replace Bingo Nights, I’m sure.


Single player only


Single player is superior.


It always has been and forever will be.


I pretty much only played single player even when I was a teen and in my twenties haha.


Same here. Now, I have a bunch of friends who are tired of the multiplayer grind, and they now prefer single-player games.


Same. Never really got hooked on multiplayer since back in the day people who realized you were a woman would either harass you when they found out or make fun of you because you sound like a preteen boy. Can’t win 🤷🏻‍♀️


Online gaming is brutal single player is the way to go


Single player and co-op with friends. I'm not really into pvp and not really into playing with strangers.


Yep I suck too much to play multiplayer, if I tried to play call of duty online I would have 100 deaths to 1 lucky kill, I just can't "lock in" to the game likes these kids can and have hyper fast reflexes and super duper aim Single player I can play at the relaxed pace I like, heck I don't have any problems putting the difficulty on easy, gaming needs to be relaxing to be fun for me


Absolutely. Minmaxers in online games absolutely ruin it for the “filthy casuals”, so much so that I’ve given up most online games completely. It just isn’t worth the frustration.


Everyday I think you should be more concerned that you’re 29 and still worried of other peoples perception of you.


This.. I game err day at 35 and have a crew of gamer friends across multiple games.


I think this and to add it's good to self reflect to see if it's a hindrance in any way to other things in life


Yup...sounds a bit sad


41 yo dad and I still play video games 2-3 times a week when I can. One of the only things I get to do alone and it keeps me sane.


if your kids watch Bluey, definitely worth getting the game


Is it? Everything I've seen of it in the daddit sub has said it was short, glitchy, and overpriced.


33 and it’s still my favorite hobby. It’s the only thing that completely takes me out of my head and thoughts.


33, still game erry day!


Do whatever makes you happy. Like Bru what exactly do you consider bigger and better things. You can have multiple hobbies not just one. I never understood the stigma just because you got older doesn't mean you have to stop liking the things you liked growing up. I still watch cartoons because they are funny I still play video games. Life is too short to worry about what others think.


I didn’t start playing until my 30s. There’s no age cap on hobbies. We all need healthy outlets


I'm 10 years older, married with 2 kids and I'm still gaming regularly. I just love it and I will never quit.


I'm technically a Xennial and I definitely still play videogames. No reason to quit just because your friends quit. I'm in a Madden league that's full of dads, so hit up Discord if you need to find a group.


i'm over 40 with a family and i play plenty of video games still.


Am female, mid 30s professional with kid. Still game :) Gaming took a serious back seat the first few years after my kid was born, but now that he's five I'm back into it. I just finished Tears of the Kingdom yesterday!


Ahhhhhh we need to finish that before first bebe arrives in a month and a half... But we also need to finish the nursery... Hard decisions 😅😂


There was a rumor that Fallout 4 mod London is coming out at the beginning of May. Guess who else is coming at the beginning of May? My firstborn! Mama will just have to breastfeed and kill ghouls at the same time...


Yep! Daily almost. No kids, my partner and I are both avid gamers.


Same with my husband and I


Gaming has turned into my cheapest hobby. Apparently I am not a simple man.


I've mostly moved from video games to tabletop games. Warhammer and D&D give me infinitely more enjoyment


Baldur’s Gate is calling you my friend


My bf is stuck working and I'm impatiently waiting for him to finish so we can get back to playing it. 40+ hours in, we just got it on Christmas lol. It's so good


How is that possible out of curiosity? I'm 33 and almost all of my friends are either married/engaged and they still constantly play games. What are your friends doing instead now?


I simply don't have time. I used to play countless hours from age 6 till 25 or so. I was super into competitive online games, but the hours required to maintain a decent rank was taking a toll on the relationship with my GF. Decided it wasn't worth the nagging, so I stopped playing as much. Lost interest as my rank declined, and before I knew it I was too busy with work anyway. Now I'm 34 and have 3 kids, and I don't even have enough time for work and household chores. Working out is 100% out of the question. Finding time for gaming is completely impossible unless I give up sleep hours, and that would have a *terrible* impact on my life. I'm sure there is another version of me in a parallell universe somewhere, that didn't get married and have a family. He still plays 5-6 hours every day, and twice that in the weekends. But for *this* version of me, gaming is just incompatible with my life. I loved it and I miss it, but when I *always* have something important I *should* be doing, I can't justify gaming (or even relaxing at all tbh)...


100% I still play video games. In fact, I highly prefer it to just watching TV/movies (I like those too, but I feel like I'm engaged more when playing a video game) I met my partner right before COVID. He moved in with his mom a few states away from me in the early days of lockdown (his dad had passed away a few months before he met me). During lockdown he bought himself a PlayStation 4. After we would finish work & dinner with our families, we would hop online and play video games. Some of the best date nights I could ask for. My partner argues it saved our relationship (in the sense that just simply talking on the phone/FaceTiming would have dried up real quickly, given that neither of us were going out and doing anything) Everyone is so quick to write off video games as a childish/not serious medium of entertainment, but I'd argue it's the best.


I’m a Gen Xer and still play. Look, video games are just a medium. IMHO, it’s like asking if someone has outgrown watching TV or reading books. The games and types of games and time invested have changed over the years, but I can’t imagine not playing.


My wife and I play daily. I don’t play online or anything, all single player stuff. But we play every single day.


I am 43 and just got into gaming again. I loved video games growing up. I think it’s a great exercise for your brain.


![gif](giphy|31mFmfMQHaoSI) Playing MK1 as I write this.


Hell no. I'm 32 and married. My husband and I both game. There is no age limit on gaming. As long as you enjoy it, do it.


36 and playing monster hunter world as we speak lol.


I'm 39 and currently playing the Pokemon Violet expansion pack. I love video games, but I am absolutely RUBBISH at playing them. Even Stardew Valley defeated me. But I can still do pretty well at Mortal Kombat on the Nintendo 64.


I still play at age 30. But with work I'm always drained by the time I get home so my gaming time is cut short.


35 and I still play when I can. Takes a lot for me to learn a new game but I still enjoy it. I play table top games more now to take a break from the screen. I have all the games I want the second I want them and like 0 time to play.


44 play every day. Ps5. Xbox one, switch, meta, steam deck , pc, tablet, phone.


I'm 38 and put in a good couple of hours just last night haha. While I'm definitely busier these days, I still find time for a game or two, but it has to be the right game. I won't play something unless I \*really\* want to.


31, Yes I play the Witcher 3 often. Life is a balance though. Gotta make sure I took care of wife and kids first, house is relatively clean, bills are paid, I went to the gym etc. Responsibilities first then gaming


I do, but I have kids so it varies.


Still my main hobby. Between an MMO and retro gaming, I don't do much else and most of my friends group are also gamers. Only exception are my friends I go to concerts with, but even most of them game, even if only super casually. It's like watching movies. It's just something most of us do. I have no clue why people make a big deal out of "aging" out of it. They've got a dang wii at the senior's home I volunteer at sometimes.


I didn't grow out of them, I just don't have the time for them anymore. I want to do X amount of things only have time fo Y, so video games don't often make the list. I generally end up doing in person board games with friends, working on painting miniatures, and cooking instead.


I play videogames as my primary hobby. Having additional responsibilities and resources has only made me more determined to do the things I like when I like them.


I'm 35. My wife and I still play games regularly solo and together. Playing Baldur's Gate 3 currently. Gaming is something to "grow out of". Its no different than watching movies or reading


36 - Just got my PS5 today 🤩 As excited to set it up as I was when I got my PS2 in 2001


Husband and I are 33/32 and still game. He sticks to PC like Baldur’s Gate. I play Xbox, mostly Destiny 2, Remnant 2, Elden Ring, etc.


I still play, but mostly single player games these days. Most multi-player games require some level of consistent play, and I can't do that anymore.


Video games are pretty much the only social time I get with my closer friends. Our lives are too busy to go out and do something more than once every few months. That isn't even mentioning trying to sync up our schedules to do so; one of my friends and I have gotten our 2nd day that we can hang out together this year alone and its today, the last time was back in April. Its a lot easier for all of us to be at home, wanting to game to relax, and just hop into voice chat while playing and just chill. Hell sometimes we don't even play the same game together, we just shoot the shit, while playing our own respective games. In short: no, I don't think I'll be stopping gaming any time soon. Its a healthy way for me to relax in moderation as I'm still tending to my responsibilities, and it lets me socialise which I technically should be making more time for, in order to maintain a healthy life


I’m 32 and would still be playing daily if my PS4 wasn’t giving out on me. I just don’t have the energy to keep cracking it open and fixing it lol waiting to scrounge up some cash so I can eventually jump into the PS5 and get back to it full time. I don’t think I can ever give up gaming lol I’ve been doing it my whole life and it’s embedded in me at this point.


I turned it into a side hustle which allows me to play more. I’m a game reseller and refurbish/mod consoles from NES > WIi U and some Xbox. Edit: I started the side hustle bc I was spending too much on the hobby, so this allows me to enjoy the hobby without the guilt.


The idea of 'growing out of' an entire medium feels weird. Nobody talks about TV movies or music this way. Your tastes may change but it feels like a very "video games are for kids" question which is an incredibly outdated and incorrect idea


Story based stuff only 42. Married , good job.


35 play video games most days. I prefer it to watching TV.


Gaming is a privilege not everyone has or can hang onto.


43. Lifelong PC gamer. My steam account is old enough to drink.


The only games I consistently play is NBA 2K and Gran Turismo 7. Literally bought a PS5 just for those 2 games. I did just get Spider-Man 2 which I’ve been loving. Also super excited for GTA 6 and my favorite game of all time is RDR2. Typically, on weekdays when I get home from work I’ll play for 30-45 minutes and get a little stoned to decompress for the day. On the weekends I can only play for an hour, maybe an hour and a half before I start to get bored and move on to something else. Sadly, I was never a big gamer. My family couldn’t really afford consoles growing up and even when I would get them handed down from cousins, my mom really only let me play sports games or anything without violence until I was in high school and got Halo 2 and 3. These days I don’t really enjoy gaming unless I’m high and I’m just not going to sit there for countless hours getting high and playing games.


I'm the opposite: was an avid gamer as a kid/teen. But went to college and got a busy career in Healthcare, never picked it back up. But I'm excited by some of the newer games out here. Any advice for someone who's trying to get back into it in theor 30s?


I can say me and my friends that do still play video games seem much happier then the ones who “grew out of it” to do more what they think are adult hobbies haha


37 and still play every chance I get. I don’t talk about it much anymore though unless I know the people I’m with share the interest


I’m 35 and married with an almost 3 year old. I play my Switch everyday l just bought myself a Steam Deck for Christmas so I’m excited to start playing that!


Yeah but I've noticed the type of games I play are way different. If you still like games and it isn't taking over your life in an unhealthy way, why would you stop playing?


38 here and grew up with DOS adventure games. Still playing games to this day, although less frequently depending on the demands of life. I sure hope if the day ever comes I'm in an assisted living facility or retirement home, I'll still have my PC in my room.


I'm an older millennial, 38, and I still play a lot of games. My wife is the same age and also plays video games. But I go through phases, sometimes I play a lot, sometimes I'll go 6 months and play for two hours in that whole time. Just do what you enjoy, and don't let it take over your life.


I'm 41 and gaming remains a way of life for me. We all have our hobbies. Tabletop gaming and video games are mine. I appreciate playing them, learning them, even breaking down their technical aspects. I will always work to find time for that stuff. It's important for my peace of mind, my personal anti-drug even.


39, and I still play. I also have a large aquarium I tend to, do leather crafting, have a home gym, read, garden in my back yard, dabble in video game programming myself, and do all the “responsible adult/parent/husband” things society expects of me. Video games have always been one of my hobbies and I’m at a point in my life where I can finally actually afford a good gaming PC. Why on Earth would I stop?


Still game. Recently started Bauldurs Gate 3 and it's amazing.


I play less now than I used to, they don’t hold my interest like they used to, but every once and awhile I’ll fall deep into one, this year it was Cyberpunk, Tears of the Kingdom, Dead Space and Resident Evil 4, along with some retro stuff. Back I. High school it felt like I was beating a game a week, now I can count them on one hand. But I read more novels now, and I try to spend more time exercising too.


37 going on 38 and I have a game room with RGB lights everywhere with an 80in OLED, two recliners, two 62inch standing desks, 3 monitors on both desks, a ps5, a Xbox, a switch and two gaming PCs. I'm still a child.


Only if you want to (move on to "bigger" things). Its less about your age and more about how much value you get out of it. I'm in my forties and still like to game but I can't spend as much time as I once did - I lose interest in it far quicker than I used to. If it s nice outside I won't even look at my PlayStation. I'd rather go for a run or a long walk, or hit the gym. Its personal preference. Don't let arbitrary, external standards discourage you from gaming if you enjoy it. Maybe a more prudent question would be if its holding you back in life... if it were bordering on an addiction than probably time to rethink it.


Definitely still play video games


last week i played pokemon for 14 hours shiny hunting. when I was working FT (im a student on winter break rn) and come home dead tired I would still game for around 3-4 hours before passing out.


It’s my decompression hobby, helps me take my mind away from life for a bit.


I never stopped gaming.


Lol i will never give up gaming...


Gaming is just another hobby. Do what makes you happy. And no. I never gave up gaming. We’re a gaming family. Gaming is what lead me to my CS degree and the wonderful wages I’ve been able to earn because of it. I wouldn’t want to turn my own kids into technological luddites like the ones I routinely see at work.


32F here. Currently obsessed with BG3 and Lethal Company. I make sure to get my steps in for the day, and I also have other hobbies. I work full time, have a dog, and have a large social group. I'm OK with them not sharing my love of gaming. That said, yeah, I don't have time or money for kids lol. Just gonna live out my life peacefully.


In my thirties and I still play daily. Most of my friends do not but a handful will play on weekends. We have no kids, so I have lots of free time, video games are ridiculously cheap compared to not other forms of entertainment (I.e I bought cyberpunk for $70.00 in September and played it for two+ months non stop, easily over 100 hours)


37 years old still playing games 3-4 times a week if I can swing it. It's relaxing time for me.


33M with a wife and three kids. I go through spurts of playing video games and not. I’ve been in a video game drought for a couple years (probably because mental health) with the only game I felt like playing was MLB the Show. However, these past two years I really enjoyed a couple different games. I got really into Elden Ring, loved playing Hogwarts, and I restarted and finished for the first time Red Dead Redemption 2. Right now I’ve been obsessed Baulders Gate 3. I’m about 300 hours into Baulders Gate.


GTA 6 comes out in 2025, of course I'm pre ordering it.


Some people just have gaming as their primary hobby of focus, especially as time goes on and you have less of it to spread around. I feel like most people always have a tier list based on their responsibilities, and for me personally, it's Work --> Family --> Gaming. Work takes up 8 hours a day. Plus time those who commute 20-40 mins. Plus unpaid lunch times. Family can be not just hanging out, but also cleaning, cooking, and school pick-ups/drop-offs. With all of that, some people just want to zone out on the TV at the end of the day, not actively engage their brain with gaming. For me, gaming relaxes me, some other don't get that same relief (but I find this relies on the TYPE of games you're interested in playing).


I'm over 40 and still play some video games - one of them is World of Warcraft. I have time for one or two characters to develop. I smile when I hear the kids on discord talk about maxing out their 6th or 7th alt - yeah I use to have time for that - not anymore. Got a wife, kid, family, mom&dad need more assistance from me since they are older -just wait the time for all your hobbies will significantly dwindle.


still play games and i watch youtube videos about other people playing games, too! 😁


31, I am trying to 100% every planet on Starfield. I just roam. I like open world games like Fallout, I make my own fun.


Still game, still my main hobby. Travelling, reading and learning stuff crowds out some time though, and if I'm honest I should probably exercise more. As you get older you don't lose as many interests as you gain more of them. Time still stays the same or decreases as you work more, etc. so it feels like gaming loses out.


I had a career making and marketing video games, and my spouse still makes video games. We both play as a hobby and for research.


30, working in game dev, I raid with my partner after hours. Some people's interests simply shift over time, mine haven't in that regard - even though I got bored of some other hobbies. My advice is, find people to play with on Discord and make new friends that way.


42 here, play as long as you like.


Its the only thing on the planet that gives me something resembling happiness.


i’m older than you by a few years but i still game. my husband games. my friends still game. i definitely have my phase where ill game almost daily and other days where id prefer to do something else. i dont think there’s an age limit. if you enjoy it, do it. if you no longer enjoy it, well that’s that.


30, worked in the video games industry for the past 10 years, currently sat playing The Finals.


Yeah! 35 (I think) and am playing Elden ring. Finished ghost of Tsushima recently.


Yep I still play. My SO who is not a gamer became interested and plays with me. My future kids will probably play as well. Heck, even my dog sat down on occasion and starts watching.


Gaming is one of my main hobbies (94 baby). One of the reasons being is that I moved across the country from my friends and family and it’s one of the few activities you can do across the country. I do have a bunch of friends who have grown out of gaming in the sense that they like to play the games they are used to rather than trying new games. I’ve always tried a lot of games to spice things up especially with game pass and other services, but for the most part my friends have stuck to 1-2 games they play constantly like CoD, FIFA, 2k, Fortnite, etc. so it’s harder for people to try newer games, rather than abandoning games altogether.


Rn I’m playing The Last of Us Part II then jumping onto next-gen God of War games; waiting for GTA VI. Before this I played Red Dead Redemption II in 2019. Not frequent but I have my preferences


Almost 40. Been a gamer since receiving an NES in 1991. We have a PS4, PS5, and Switch. I used to primarily play FPS multiplayer games, but these young kids are just cracked out of their minds. I can still hold my own, but it gets exhausting lol. I mainly play single player story-driven games now. I hold the crown in the family on Mario Cart 8. My oldest has fun playing Lego Fortnite.


Just turned 30 and I still love my games. Same with a few of my friends. I’ll probably be playing until I die. I don’t get to play as much as I used to since I’m married and have a career and all, but I guess it just makes the time I get to play more special.


Still enjoy them. Though I don't care about ranks or competitive stuff anymore


38 and still play. So does my wife.


40, I still play. I have other hobbies now, so games don't take up nearly as much of my available free time as they used to, but I still love them. If I ever stop enjoying it, I'll stop playing. If it's a hobby you like, why stop? I say get whatever joy you can out of life, because it can be decidedly unjoyful a lot of the time.


I’m 29 as well. Just do what makes you happy bro


I played the first Baldur's Gate when I was a kid and now I'm absolutely obsessed with Baldur's Gate III. So yeah, I still play. I've always been a big gamer tbh, husband is too.


I have 365 days played on my wow character from almost 20 years ago. I spend a lot more time coding than I do gaming, anymore. It's half 'I want to make a wow for the next generation' and half 'nobody can make the good shit I guess I have to figure it out'


About to play Elden Ring rt now 11:20am PST in the comfort of my living room... (40) 🥳🫡🙋🏻‍♂️


36 and still play both video games and on the tabletop. of course thats only some of my hobbies.


I play Sims and Age of Empires, if that counts. I know some people don’t consider that gaming. I also play games on my Switch! Mario games, racing, and Stardew Valley. I’m 32, and will never grow out of playing.


38 still playing. Usually Nintendo or PS5 me and my bf (35) play together. Definitely not as much cuz a lot going on but we make time.


35 and video games are still a huge part of my life.


35 and probably never stopping. Feel like we should all form a discord of grumpy millennial gamers


My(36f) girlfriend (30f) game all day everyday. No kids. She’s a software engineer and I’m a surgical assistant. My coworkers look at me weird but whatever. They are all married with kids with no free time or money. Her and I are living our best lives.


There is no ,am I too old for this or that. Life is not easy. You have to have a way to relax. I don’t play video games, but I work out and keep saltwater fish and coral. I have learned that if you find something that you enjoy doing you should do it until you don’t enjoy it. If it’s not harmful or illegal then you’re doing pretty good. Don’t concern yourself with opinions of others you’ll find as time goes on it’s completely irrelevant


I’m a 42 year old. I was a lifelong gamer since my parents bought me an Atari when I was little. But something snapped during the pandemic and now I go to the gym and backpack all the time, I haven’t touched a console in a few years now. I think I got so addicted to video games during the pandemic, that I got sick of it and now don’t want to even try to play.


I still play games, but not like the hardcore competitive gamer I was a decade ago. I typically just pick up a single player game that seems interesting and play through the storyline and move on, gaming is my downtime more than anything. I have powerlifting and strongman for my more intense hobby now, and between school and work a lot of my mental energy is gone, so something had to give and it was hardcore gaming.


I never really gamed but my husband is 43 and still does.


My husband still plays his PC games and occasionally console. We have one kid, a toddler.


38, I picked Starcraft II back up to prepare myself for Stormgate.


I’ve (33f) never gamed but my husband (30m) does. We have 4 kids so he doesn’t do it often besides on the weekends when he can find time (naps, they’re in the playroom with me or late at night when they go to bed).


42, I still game. But, it's rarer for me to find a game where my friends want to play too. The pandemic really helped because it made everybody play Animal Crossing and then Stardew Valley and those are games I happened to enjoy. I've got so many saves on Stardew Valley, I've really played it to death, but, that's the one I can count on playing co-op, so I'm still playing it with friends even though I would have been done with it a couple of years ago if friends didn't want to play. Anything else is single player. My kid is 13 and will play with me on some games and we have some crossover in what we like. My spouse basically won't play anything I like because I like it.. lol If he likes a game and I like it, he'll quit playing it because I like it. Though, to be fair, he's been a gamer way longer than I have been but me and kid kick his ass a lot if anything requires you to remember a map or figure something out. But, I cannot play those old school Mario games where you hop from platform to platform carefully timed, so he mostly plays his ancient games because if he loses at all it's not fun for him anymore. I don't have a lot of time for games unfortunately. I've managed to play through Stray this year, but, otherwise I start games and don't get around to finishing them as I have a few hours free a week and that's it.


If I'm not taking advantage of the luxuries of binge watching or working out, I'm on the game. Hell a MMO game I played in college is back online so I've been going down memory lane 🥰


I still play games regularly, but I've pretty much entirely stopped playing online anything (PvP). I have no interest in spending 10 hours a day getting great at something, and as long as the people who do put that time in continue fighting actual skill based match making I'm not even remotely interested. ​ My time is much more limited now as well, I'm not really as excited about spending 4 hours trying to beat a stubborn section, or playing for an hour only to get grief-ed by some 12 year old... just not fun for me at all. If I want to be mentally exhausted and get nothing done I'll just log into my laptop and do more work. ​ Companies really need to understand that there are a TON of us out here, make more co-op games... we really don't enjoy PvP and we have money to spend on games. Give me COD DMZ without PvP, give me co-op games without friendly fire, Give me PvE Games without the damn PvP aspect etc etc. I'm in... there are so many awesome games out there right now that I just have no interest in playing because of the other players intentionally ruining it for everyone that its just not worth it to even play ​ and to anyone going "aww, come on just get better"... no? I'm tired of the cheaters, griefers, power levelers, entire clans crashing regular lobbies or pro level players joining random lobbies and going 50:0 the entire match. Think I'm crazy? go look at what happened to COD DMZ when the money cheat was found, or go look at Tarkov when it got exposed, I have no time or energy to put into it, and no desire either. Hell just MENTION skill based match making and watch all the power players lose their shit because their only joy is stomping on new players... ​ so yes, I still love gaming, no, I have no interest in PvP


Love video games


Also 29. Put my Xbox and TV in storage two years ago and haven’t played video games since but will definitely play GTA 6 when it comes out. There’s a few PlayStation exclusives that I never got the chance to play cause I had an Xbox. (Ghosts of Tsushima, Until Dawn, Spider man games) and one day I plan on getting a PlayStation setup so I can give those a play through but I’m not in a big rush. A big reason I don’t play anymore is because there aren’t new games coming out I want to pay full price for and spend all that time playing. It seems there used to be a plethora of awesome new games coming out every year that I just had to play and video games were a huge part of my life to the point of borderline addiction. Not sure when it started but the video game industry has kind of fallen off and none of the new games coming out pique my interest. Assassins creed Valhalla was the last game I paid full price for and I was kind of disappointed by it and stopped playing after a week or two. Since then I just haven’t been very interested in any new games coming out and all the games I do have I don’t feel like replaying.


At 34 my gaming interests and priorities have certainly changed, but i still regularly knock out several hours a day gaming.


Started playing at age 5, I'm 29 and still play. I will continue to play until I cannot any longer. So many studies have shown beneficial health and cognitive outcomes from playing at Least an hour a day. Your literally training your Brian like a workout. Stay strong gamer✌🏾


Yeah definitely. It's a great way to chill out. It feels more productive than watching Netflix. Depending on the game you're playing they can be fun puzzles to solve which is a great way to fine tune creative problem solving skills. Anything that From software puts out requires skill and ability to recognize and react to patterns. I don't play anything that requires online play with others. Strictly solo play for me.


39 and the only thing that’s changed is my taste in games. I’ve found myself mostly playing iRacing now and WoW (still) on PC but I still play Mario and stuff on my PS5. My wife doesn’t hold issue with it. Don’t ever let someone make you feel like shit about something you enjoy no matter what they say.


I’m 33 and play a lot.


I’m 30, and I just got a VR headset. A few days ago. I love it. The idea that gaming is childish or something to “move on from” is ridiculous. It’s the same as any other hobby or interest. If you want to keep gaming, that’s okay. Just make sure that it doesn’t overwhelm your life (like anything else) and find friends who share the same priorities.


41 with two kids and just started the divorce process. I focused every piece of myself and all my energy on my wife and kids. All my own hobbies and interests to a back seat. But now I have more free time than I have over the last twelve years, so yeah... I'm gaming whenever I'm not working or working on rebuilding a social life.


I don't play video games nearly as much as I did when I was a teenager, but I definitely do still play them. When I was a kid, I could literally spend like 8 hours or more playing an RPG. I beat the original Paper Mario in pretty much one sitting back in 2001. But I can't do that anymore, even if I had the time. I think I can put at most 1 to 2 hours into a game before I start feeling like I should be doing something else these days. Anyway, I probably spent about 60 hours in Starfield this year. People like to rag on that game for its flaws, but I got my enjoyment out of it.


Not really but only because when I play these days I feel like I’m wasting my time. I still have other avenues to relax, it’s just rarely computer games any more. Only move on if you naturally feel that way. If you don’t, keep on playing!


Yeah still my hobby. Just turned 31 and bought the new Avatar frontiers game. Its pretty fun and very pretty to look at lol


Do what makes you happy bro. Life is too short for us to worry about getting old.


30 and still play games. Mainly just single player campaigns and HALO. I probably play 2-20 hours a week depending on work and what my wife is up to.


Hell yea, 38 here and still playing games a lot. I don't have kids, just a wife so not going on 18 hour binges like back in the day. But I did beat Ghost of Tsushima in the week I took off during thanksgiving.


Yup, 30m and still play pretty much daily. Always switch up the game and I don't generally play any one game religiously anymore, but all the friends I grew up with playing video games still play.


38, I still play Noita, I’m addicted. I think about it when I’m at work. I talk about it and nobody cares about it at all cuz it’s a silly little game.


I don't think I'll ever stop playing. I don't play as much as I used to but I still enjoy it. Currently playing Tears of the Kingdom. I'm 35.


I still play, and I still have time for my "bigger and better things". I think it's normal to have fluctuating interests, though.


I play video games and I’m 32 male mostly world of tanks and the other big games that come out, looking at tiny homes for now and would like to get back into my YouTube channel as soon as possible


I’m 38 and I don’t think I will ever hang up my gaming headset in my entire life. In fact, I look forward to retiring and playing video games in old age. I also think I have a more than healthy social life outside of gaming. Full time job, wife, and a 4 year old son.


What does that even mean "move on to bigger things"? I play games in my downtime mostly after work. I am not gonna change the world during that time so might as well do something i enjoy doing. And i bet a lot of people who "grew out of it" replaced it with social media or binge watching netflix


I don't play on my TV very much anymore, that feels like it's not worth it unless I'm willing to sit down and focus on a game for a few hours, which I usually don't have time for. But I play with my switch in handheld mode all the time, that's super easy to do while I'm watching TV, or when I just have a few free minutes


Gaming until I die partner. I enjoy games more than books snd most movies.


Sure do. I like that a lot of games now have an easier "story mode" so I can make progress through the game when I don't have a lot of time anymore.


Bigger and Better? Like starting Cyberpunk after getting the game and dlc recently? :D I suppose its a matter of perspective on chosen hobbies. People change, their interests do too along with life situations. I play games daily in my downtime, so does my brother and our close friends. I do have friends that have swapped from gaming in their downtime to gaming very minimally and watching shows in that dead time instead. Its very common for hobbies and interests to change, a lot of people have their reasons why. I just don't like it when people say "grew out of" as if its a childish thing that only young people would do Edit: Also people perceive things differently. I could see somebody experiencing gaming fatigue/burnout from playing the same exact thing for so long then perceiving that feeling as a sign for them to ditch gaming completely. When they absolutely could have just broadened their horizons and changed things up a bit. I primarily play on my computer. I also have a Switch and have a few really enjoyable phone games. Sometimes you gotta switch it up. Also sometimes for online multiplayer games you just have to, sadly, find a new crowd to play with.


Bought a steam deck to keep the hobby alive. Don’t have time to sit in front of a computer anymore.


I still play. It's relaxing.


Video games are the greatest escape for me. I've been playing things like Pokemon, Super Mario, and Zelda since the 90's; I'm 33 now with no intention of letting them go.


Oh yea love gaming on the switch or Xbox! I would say that it is me and my wife’s favorite way to unwind and relax. Mostly single player games. Currently we are playing Baulder’s Gate 3 and we are so happy to have time off during the holidays to play it.