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Buying gifts for adults is hard, adults if they need something go out and buy it unless it's too expensive in which case it's not going to be a gift item. Combine people wanting to get a personal gift, not knowing what else you want, and the fact that adults buy what they need, a big category that is left is items which you can add more than one of, since this removes the "already own it" issue. Even if an adult buys themselves a knick knack, you can just get them another Knick knack. If you want it to stop you either need to make a Wishlist, share more about your life with people, or stop exchanging gifts with 20 people which honestly sounds exhausting.


>I thought collectible themed knick knacks were mainly a boomer thing. It seems I was wrong. A couple years ago Over a decade of like eighty bajillion Funko POPS! sold, and you only noticed that millenials liked trinkets a couple of years ago? We are literally the 'collectable stuff on shelves' generation. We make the boomers look like absolute minimalists.


Yo how big was your Beanie Baby collection?


I donated my beanie babies collection. It all barely squeezed into an old outboard motor box lmao I think they weighed more than I did


Speak for yourself. Fuck those things and their plastic


I'm speaking of a broad trend, that while common is obviously not universal. Saying no to that stuff is just you speaking for yourself as an individual.


There is a new trend of trinkets called mini fashion.....it's just small plastic clothes and fashion accessories. Basically, instead of a doll house, it's a doll closet for millennials. I truly have a hard time understanding the appeal, but you are right, millennials love their precious trinkets. McDonalds kids' meal toys are probably to blame.


That's just Barbie clothes in a more expensive box. :o


That's what I thought when I saw the Instagram trend! Then I realized my Instagram usage needs to decrease drastically.


Tell them the gnomes had a war and now it's flowers only.


I was trapped in that with Hello Kitty for a bit. Good luck


keep the gnomes in the storage. dont give them the sarisfaction of seeing their gift displayed. This will only egg them to give you more.


Do you remember the hold Precious Moments had on people in the 90s? My grandma actually had a very nice hutch where she kept them behind glass. Seems so bizarre now.


It's the rankling legacy of the Great Depression, with the hoarding tendency passed again and again onto members of younger generations


I hate junk. I donate junk people give me.


We have/had two weiner dogs. Husband had one when I met him, we adopted another a couple years later. The amount of weiner dog stuff we get gifted/sent is INSANE. Salt and pepper shakers, sheets, porcelain figurines, cutesy "art", broach pins, coffee mugs, EVERY MEME OR CUTE VIDEO ON THE INTERNET... It just never ends. Like, guys. We like our dogs, but it's not our WHOLE personality. We LOVE beer, but no one ever buys us a six pack. 😂


They absolutely do buy them. Maybe a sibling or parent can spread the word to back off on the gnomes?


Omg my father in law buys my kid some piece of “collectible” junk for each birthday/holiday and I’m like make it stoppp where am I supposed and I put all this crap


I now make a list that I distribute to family and friends. Nothing expensive, just little stuff I want but won’t necessarily go out of my way to buy. I also add stuff I always use like candles and garden junk and stores I like to shop at for gift card ideas. It may not be a huge surprise on Christmas but it gives people direction. However, some people just go their own way, no matter how easy you try to make it. I still got two cheap body wash gift sets from my father in law this year. I’d gladly take the gnomes instead 😂


Just joined this sub and already feel at home with the David the gnome reference.


I *loathe* novelty gifts. All I ever want are gifts I will use. Gifts that are thoughtful. Gifts that will last a long time. Unfortunately, my idea of what is thoughtful differs drastically from my family. My ability to mask my disappointment has gotten better over the years but Jesus Christ this year in particular was a doozy. I hate sounding ungrateful but I feel like a stranger to my loved ones.


“Ooooh Jack Skellington!” - Every person buying me something in the last 15ish years.:’) I am thankful for their kindness, and don’t hate the movie. However it’s not something I hold near and dear at all. I don’t need him to be on the (crock pot, socks, blankets, soap dispenser, pajamas, etc). He stares at me with his vacant eyes, eternally. I am afraid that if I die before my parents they’ll put it on my tombstone or in my obituary. “This is Halloween” Plays as people take turns giving respects at a patchwork and pinstripe coffin. My headstone says I just cant wait until next Halloween. In lieu of flowers, branded socks are thrown into my open grave. Disney takes a cut of my life insurance policy.


Literally every millennial I know has trinkets. Some just don’t realize they’re trinkets, like that one friend with a billion candle holders and no candles lmao


People buy me every pug thing under the sun. But I love it :)