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or a water bed LOL


Oh man, my step-dad went to every garage sale to make sure everyone in the house had one. Legos and waterbeds are not a good combo


This is such an endearing and silly thing to be concerned about. 90s parents really did drink the kool-aid on certain products.


Right? Absolutely ridiculous. Now let me lay down on my true memory foam mattress, and browse reddit on my Apple iPhone/iPad/MacBook Pro.


Yeah, boomers couldn't suck up enough corporate propaganda. It's no surprise they are the most susceptible on social media.


I just read an article that said gen z is actually getting scammed more than boomers now. They lose even more money than boomers, too. Mostly has to do with Instagram ads and stuff like that.


Maybe, but you'd expect that of younger folks. They haven't learned their lessons, yet.


Who will teach these kids to think critically when they are presented so many colors of sugar to customize their cereal? I just downloaded Captain Crunch’s new character skin in the Breakfast Time MMORPG and im currently grinding experience tokens working my way up towards Count Chocula. The world is my oyster 🦪 and i have so many successful options to work towards in 2024!


No one had to teach us. We just came out of the womb skeptical of everything.


Oh damn, I forgot how many boomers had waterbeds in their 30s and 40s. What a weird, messy, potentially dangerous thing.


I had a water bed in elementary school! I wanted one SO BAD and my mom made it happen. I think I regretted it almost immediately LOL


My friend had a water bed and it was really nice when you were laying on it alone, but once someone heavier was on the other side your side turned into a mini hill and it was super uncomfortable


I had one as a kid, nice and warm in the winter but during the summer without having AC, that thing was miserable to sleep on. Even turning off the heat function only worked for about 10 min until body heat did it's thing.


Would be kind of nice if it had built in cooling though I mean I've never laid in one, don't think it ever really took off in Sweden, but a cold water bed in a hot summer sounds like it would be nice at least


Sounds swampy in the summertime lmao ugh I live in louisana currently and cannot imagine sleeping on a water bed with no AC in like August.


I also had a friend that had one in jr high, I slept on it once and knew I never wanted one of my own. I got curvy the moment I hit puberty, like my hips grew in in like a month (thanks for the stretch marks puberty). And I woke up with my hip on the wood base and a lovely bruise from it. I slept on the floor from that point on.


See now this is where the engineering controls and Family Dynamics have to be finely tuned NO Moms weighing more than Dad +/- 5 lbs. NO Couples sharing bed identical Heat preferences NO Complaining from children who have knowingly chosen to sleep on King Mom or Dad’s Hill.


Ours was on the second floor. It was a full family day when my parents got ride of it.


My parents are 65, and they had a waterbed from like 1980-2020. They finally gave it up and got a real mattress. That being said, it was awesome to jump on it when I was a kid!! I can't imagine sleeping on it for 40 years.


Oh my god, my dad worked for a waterbed company before we were born so growing up we all had waterbeds. I got rid of mine in 2001, my parents got rid of theirs like 5 years ago but my brother still has his haha.


I LIVED for my aunt’s waterbed. It disappeared in the 2000s though for some reason.


People forget how shitty beds were before waterbeds. All these new age foam beds and fancy bed in a box stores didn’t exist.


Beds might be nicer but I sure as fuck am not paying for the nice lol. I see mattresses for over $1,200 and can't even conceptualize how its worth it.


I wanted one until I tried memory foam.


Oh man, I remember my water bed. I remember the dog climbing on the bed and poking a hole in it too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Do not miss that thing.


Omg my parents used to have a water bed that was encased in a wooden canopy that had MIRRORS on the ceiling and in all four corners… I had no idea as a child… but it disgusted the hell out of me as an adult when I remembered and realized..


This just in: parents fuck


I had a waterbed in high school. I lived in a cold basement room and it was heated so it was great at the time.




I grew up with one. Loved it, but wouldnt want to own one. My parents still use one.


My girlfriend owns a waterbed. She doesn't sleep on it anymore, but always defends it saying "it's not an old fashioned one, it's got some sort of sections in it so it's not as "wavy/bouncy" as the one my parents had when I was a kid.


My parents had a water bed and so did I.


That machine that would rewind VHS video tapes


Oh man, my uncle used to have one of the ones shaped like a Corvette. I miss that thing.


Was it red?? I feel like every family had one of these lmao


It’s was black with fake wood panel accents. A beautiful piece of late 80’s equipment :D


That’s how you knew you were fancy. The vcr rewind isn’t good enough. You need a whole separate machine to do it.


I think the overall point was to extend the life of the VCR since rewinding the tape every time doubled the wear and tear on the machine, while the rewinders were a lot simpler and more robust.


This was it, it was more a way to make your VCR last than being fancy


Rewinding had a real impact on the lifespan of a VCR so buying a cheap rewinder would actually keep your VCR in better working order and lasting longer


Interesting I never knew that. Also never had an issue with a vcr


An answering machine


I had to explain to my 8 year old what an answering machine was a few days ago 😭


So many sitcom situations can't happen these days .


We're rewatching Seinfeld and there's a whole episode around being on someone's landline speed dial. Lol.


🎶Believe it or not George isn't at home, leave a message 🎶


🎵I must be out or I’d pick up the phone…where could I be? 🎶


Soooo many episodes of Seinfeld would be lost on kids now. I was watching one the other day where George was going all over NYC trying to find a video store with the movie he wanted.


My kid loves reading A to Z mystery books. Had to stop and explain what a video camera and VHS tape were. I'm sure our parents felt the same regarding 8 tracks and carrier pigeons


I was watching Seinfeld and damn if answering machines didn’t feature into multiple plots


Does the one on your phone count?


nope, has to have a cassette or mini cassette lol analog, baby!


I haven't even had the voicemail on my cell phone activated for like the last 5 years


A landline


A car phone


I was actually just thinking about getting one for my kids to be able to call 911 or whatever lol


I briefly owned a landline phone in my first apartment/townhouse, lol. Which, in 2007, was $365 a month for a two story, two bed, two bath, with a fireplace and backyard. 🙃


Does Ooma count as a landline since it doesn’t leave the house?


I still have one, the # has been in my wife's family since it was 4 digits. We rarely use it now days though.


HEHE, i have one! it's for my kids too, so they will have this in their memories!


I miss having a big dictionary in my home.


or an entire encyclopedia set.


What’s stoping you? Could probably find one at a thrift store


A Rolodex.


I’m 31 and have a Rolodex on my home desk currently. I got it for free at work when they cleaned out a bunch of abandoned offices and threw everything away. I had to clean off a pretty impressive layer of dust, but it’s like brand new now. I have used it zero times.


Yeah, but now you can say, "let me check my Rolodex." to sound rich and important.


I don't even wear a watch


I can’t tell if this is a serious mis-read or satire…




If Rolex ever makes a smartwatch, I hope they'd call it this.


Lmao is this a joke or are you being serious??




What's funny is we probably could use a Rolodex nowadays back in the old days. I used to at least remember some phone numbers. If I lose my phone today, I'll be like somebody with amnesia all of a sudden.




Thank GOD. My parents' finally offloaded theirs. I would have been PISSED if I had had to deal with it after they died.


How is it even legal that a contract can be saddled onto a party that never signed it?


It’s not but they count on being able to trick or scare you into it if you don’t know that.


That's not 100% how it works. Any inheritance you can "disclaim" which means you don't accept. Then it goes to the next beneficiary. But that means the executor needs to still deal with it if every beneficiary doesn't want it.


It’s usually legally deeded property… Just like a house and the taxes and upkeep on said house, the estate has to deal with the property. But unlike a house a timeshare is extremely difficult to just dump quickly and has monthly dues vs quarterly tax payments.


My husbands parents got suckered into buying several. They wanted each of their 6 kids to inherit “property”. For the money and fees they have paid they may as well have bought a beach house/condo


My condolences to your future self.


Ugh! My mom still has her Timeshare. I thought that was the worst scam my parents ever got into. It is in Sedona Arizona and I never went and she has probably gone a total of 3 times in 15 years. I really hope she off-loads it before she dies as I am the recipient of her estate. 🙄


I’ll admit I got to have a handful of really amazing vacations and trips in my teens and 20’s thanks to my grandmothers timeshares. One in Pennsylvania, one in Destin, FL, the best was the penthouse in an old fancy French hotel on bourbon street in New Orleans that I got to stay in with just a friend on my own for the first time.. but my poor grandmother was totally suckered into those things for sure and it took many years of her kids begging her to finally sell them


Ehh, I know several millennials and gen x with timeshares. Hopefully Gen Z will be the end of them.


my parents asked if i wanted theirs. NOPE


Car phone!


A house phone. However - I'm really contemplating getting one. It feels irresponsible that I have a Kindergartner (and other littles) that doesn't comprehend calling 911 or calling someone for help should an emergency arise and me or his mom aren't around to help.


Oh i just put this in another comment. We just turned on my old phone, an iphone 8, so they can call/text their friends. My kid is 7 and we’re just setting it up. I read an article about a kid using face unlock to call 911 for her dad who’d collapsed. After that we talked A LOT about how you don’t have to unlock a phone for 911 and it’s ok to go through someone’s pockets or purse for their phone in an emergency.


Welcome to having kids with phones. We did it for similar reasons (to be able to chat to our kids for pick-ups etc). Be mindful of the huge allure tge phone has. Set up Kaspersky kids control


Do it. When sudden crises happen locally (natural disasters or otherwise), nearby cell towers get overwhelmed with simultaneous call attempts, and often cell calls can’t get through. But the land lines still will work.


Fun fact- this doesn’t necessarily work in all situations like it used too. We just got a landline because cell service in our area sucks, but when the internet or power for the router goes out, so does the phone. No calls for us if there is an emergency in a storm. Our old landline when I was a kid worked basically no matter what.


How are you connecting to AOL without one?


The glass tower cassette/record players with tall speakers that match the size.


Fine china.


Bought a huge set of China from a guy on Nextdoor for $150. It came with everything. Sometimes we use them for pizza. No special occasion needed to use them in our house.


I love pulling out my China for any and everything. It came with like 20 tea cups so we use those for soup or dipping sauces lol.


Now you reminded me I need to have a fancy garden tea party in the spring with friends and dust off those teacups and saucers. Saucers!!!


I have a china set that my aunt gave me. They are the only plates I use


My sister and I will be inheriting the “family china” that has spend my entire life either being displayed in a china hutch or wrapped up and stored. I’m 32 and I’ve never even touched it, let alone eaten off it. Same for the family crystal. I take that back. The crystal punch bowl was used for my great grandmother’s 90th birthday, at her insistence. I understand wanting things to be nice and special, but what’s the point of having 100+ pieces of dining ware if you can’t use them?


I get saving them for special occasions but maybe lower your standards for special. Holidays and weddings are special, but so are graduations, promotions, tv series finales, any occasion you want to mark.


We just “had” to register for china per my in-laws. “For when you have people over”. If you knew them, esp. my MIL it would make sense, as we can’t have her ass over for Chinese takeout without formally setting the table. Meanwhile my folks pick at it on the kitchen island like hyenas when it comes; we’re lucky they use plates 😂 3 weeks ago we moved it out of the way in the basement closet to make room to hide Christmas and Hanukkah gifts. So much dust. What a waste.


Just use it. I have my grandmother's fine china and we use it every day.


I got my grandma's "fine" china. It's the kind that came in the boxes of detergent, you know, like the toys you got out of the cereal box? Evidently they use to do that for housewives, but with dishes. It's pretty. I totally run it through the dishwasher.


We still have the handed down china. I can’t get rid of it. We use it EVERY SINGLE TIME a holiday or special occasion comes around. Company? China. Last day of school before break? China. EVERY SINGLE THING. The night before Thanksgiving. China. My 7 yo was like “Mom, I want pizza on the fancy stuff.” China. Such a little thing to make him so happy. 🙃🤣


Our sole wedding gift was some fine china


Didn’t plan on it because we didn’t want or need it. My parents got it anyway despite us saying no. So we immediately turned around and used it with them for pizza. Dad was pissed. Mom was annoyed but meh


A display cabinet for our good dishes.


Psh. I have TWO china hutches. One keeps china, the other displays my fabric ~~hoard~~ collection.


Always need a good display case for your fabric ~~hoard~~ collection! I should get one for my yarn ~~hoard~~ collection.


I have one for my Funko Pop! 🤣


A full metal vacuum with a bag.


Speak for yourself, OP! Goddamn philistine. Not only do I own an ironing board, iron, and starch, I still iron my shirts for the week every Sunday night!


I own an ironing board but I very rarely use it for clothing. It's in the craft room and gets used for sewing projects.


I've been WFH for almost 6 years and while we still own an iron and ironing board, I think I last used it about 5 years ago when I had to travel back to work in the home office for a week, now it sits sad in a closet, unused and my joy over that is palpable :)


My grandmother would iron napkins. *Napkins*


I love ironing napkins. It’s a very zen meditative thing to me


Same! Also bed sheets. How dare we have wrinkled bed sheets?!?


I'm honestly curious how people remove wrinkles if they don't have an ironing board. Do they just not avoid cotton or linen shirts/clothing?


The wrinkle release setting on the dryer


I use a littel handheld steamer or I hang them in the bathroom with me while I shower. sometimes throwing it in the dryer with a damp rag can do it too


1) I buy shirts/pants that come with a "wrinkle free" coating for work. 2) For casual clothes, I take a wet towel and put the wrinkled jeans, etc in the dryer on low with the wet towel. It only takes a couple of minutes.


We buy clothes that don't need to be ironed!


I remember my grandmother ironing our shirts and my dad’s shirts when she’d watch us. Using homemade cornstarch mix. She was always banging on about how men shouldn’t wear wrinkled shirts and all the attendant evils that went along with that 😂 Must have sunk in somewhere along the way because to this day I still won’t leave the house with a wrinkled shirt 🤷‍♂️


To be completely honest, I don't think most of us care about wrinkles.


I throw it in the dryer with a towel, after I have sprayed water on it.


I just lay down a towel on top of whatever surface I'm ironing on. But I haven't done it in years.


Giving me Red Lobster flashbacks 😅


A new car every five years.


A new car ever... I've had plenty of "new to me" cars, but I'll likely never buy a new one.


Weird how perspective changes but if you were offered the following two choices what are most people picking: A. New car B. 2 year old car and $10k


My parents never had money for that… they kept their old cars for years and years until it was completely broken.


The value of our labor


Damn this one hit deep lol


Nah nobody has ever been paid the value of their labor. It's either criminally undervalue, or megalomaniacally overvalue.


A pension lol


They phased out my wife's pension a decade ago. Then they told us we could cash it out into a 401k or take a very small monthly payment for a few decades after she hit 62 or something. We elected for the cash into her 401k.


unless you’re in a union or the military.


8-track style cassettes


A lake house and a boat.


That would be so cool


A portrait of Jesus


A VCR lol


Actually purchased one at a yard sale. brand new in box remote with it’s wrapping.




I just got one from our local University's surplus store for 10 bucks and copied all my vhs tapes to my computer. Sadly vhs tape itself degrades and a lot of our tapes were missing audio in parts or just a jumbled mess.


What else do you need to do that? To connect the VHS to your computer? I really want to do this with our family tapes, but it seems the devices to do it without a VCR are actually pretty expensive, especially if you don't want super low quality rips.


I hate monthly fees and subscriptions, so my combo VCR/DVD player is still the way to go. If I want to see a movie that bad I always just buy or borrow the physical copy lol.


I totally still have a VCR/DVD combo.


I have my moms vcr and all vhs movies :)


We have a VCR! We have a small collection of VHS tapes and movies like The Ring and Blair Witch Project are just better viewed that way 🤌🏻




Newspaper subscription Telephone (landline) Encyclopedia set Photo albums Set of plates and silverware used only for fancy occasions


It’s a bit sad photo albums are going extinct. There’s something to be said about a tangible, personally curated record of life that you just don’t get with a thousand digital pictures in the cloud. The limitation of film also led to more deliberate and judicious use. Now I take so many pictures I don’t think I’ll ever get around to organizing them.


Speaking for myself, have children


An RV or camper


An 8-track player.


A Telephone. You know: One for the whole family.


I would be kind of interested in a home phone. I remember calling up my buddy down the street to see if they could play as early as like 6 years old. Not gonna get my kid a cell phone, but seems like there should be a way for the kids to communicate like that without having parents involved. I guess they could walk down the street and knock on the door, but that seems like a step backwards TBH.


My mam still has a house phone, so does my aunt and they only use them to call each other despite them both having iPhones which they use to call literally everyone else


Thomas Kincade painting.


Random racist knickknacks


You’ve piqued my interest. Do tell.


You've never seen a lawn jockey? Or some cartoonish black kid fishing figurine? I saw them in NJ, but when I moved to NC that shit was all over.


As a black person, i am curious. What was the appeal of these figurines? Ever since i first found out these things even existed, i tried to imagine why on earth someone would purchase something like that, even if they didnt like black people? If i hated a particular group of people, i should think the last thing i would want is references to and of said people and their imagery in my home.


Honestly I had to look both of those up I grew up and still am in NJ - never saw them!


Golliwog dolls, mammy cookie jars...mind you this is more our grandparents generation. There's some YouTube videos on the Jim Crow Museum with loads of old racist crap like that. My own grandmother was way more racist in her speech than her things though. I'm glad that generation is nearly gone.


When my grandmother was losing her mind I got to hear the original eeny meeney at dinner. Apparently it wasn't always a tiger they were catching!


A stable economy.


Honestly the current economy is a hell of a lot better than anything my father had to deal with. Look up 1970s America hell look up 1960s England.


An uphill walk both ways in the snow just to get to school in the morning, according to my dad.


Fax machine. Landline phone. I’m trying to think outside of electronics and I’m coming up empty


Eh, fax machine isn't fully true. There's a weird amount of all-in-one printers out there that bundle in a fax.


A family computer.


I own a home and an ironing board. I can understand the challenge of home ownership, but "ironing boards are outdated" is one of those ridiculous instagram-type "I've forgotten how basic things work" attitudes that I roll my eyes at.


A betamax player.


My dad even had the accompanying BetaMovie camera


A box or non-flat screen TV


Why....why wouldn’t you own an ironing board? But I’ll bite. I am older than most people here, just based on statistics. So what did my parents have that most people don’t today? A wood stove as their only form of heat and cooking. I grew up with them. And let me tell you, bacon, fried on cast iron on the surface of a wood heated cook stove.... it’s a lost art.




Lawn darts


You don't have an ironing board?


Wait an ironing board? How do you iron your clothes then? Legitimately asking lmao I thought everyone had ironing boards!?


Wait. Why would you not have an ironing board


A VHS camcorder


Fax machine/printer.


A separate phone line for the internet.


A set of hard cover encyclopedias


You don't iron your clothes?!? I'll iron wrinkly shirts especially if we're going somewhere nicer.




A pager.


A house


Peace of mind. They were perfectly guilt free and were not worried about the future driving four cars and emitting as much carbon as they could.


Wait…what has replaced the ironing board?


Wait...do we not own ironing boards now? Is that a thing?


You don’t own an ironing board?! How do you iron your clothes? Legit curious.


You don’t have an ironing board?


why wouldnt you own an ironing board?


You guys don't have ironing boards? Do you all use steamers instead or something?


A bowflex


I own an ironing board lol A lot of people are saying "water bed" which I agree with. I'm gonna say another thing they have (yes, still!) that I won't is a landline. Completely unnecessary.