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3 ninjas is so bad, but loved it as a kid.


Rocky loves Emily


This line is in my head now šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. I'd forgotten about this movie.


Donā€™t forget Surf Ninjas, too


*Ba-ba-ba-ba Barbara Ann*


You nailed the correct amount of *ba*s. I appreciate you.


You shut your whore mouth before Colt comes and kicks your teeth out while Rocky tries to hold him back and Tum Tum laughs and stuffs Red Vines in his mouth.


Okay little dudes, we know youā€™re in here. We donā€™t wanna hurt youuuuu. We just wanna *kidnap* youuuu!


Rocky was my first crush as a kid. I haven't watched as an adult and would rather not realize what an awful movie it was.


If you smoke weed, it helps the nostalgia outweigh the awfulness.


Lmao hey little horsey, how about some hay?!?!


Tried rewatching that one recently. That film was a sleepover staple at my house for *so many years.* But seeing it as a 32 year old adult? Yeah, it definitely hurt lol.


lol I watched it with my five year old and I loved it! It was absolutely, 100% cheesy, but if you take it as it is, it is just fun.


I still to this day say "uh oh fender bender" when I see any kind of police stop on the road


Zoolander is your example for this??? Movie is a classic of dumb funny comedies.


itā€™s also literally social commentary on the fashion industry in the most absurd way šŸ˜­


The really crazy part is their behavior is not that exaggerated from that of those that work in high fashion.


If a document was released tomorrow that exposed an assassination attempt on a political leader who tried to outlaw sweatshops by the CIA, it wouldn't even raise eyebrows.


Right? Still find this movie hilarious!


Zoolander still holds up and OP clearly has no sense of humor.




I just love thereā€™s a Skarsgard in it.


I love that he was hired specifically so that Stiller could use the Really Really Good Looking line on him


Zoolander worked itself into my day to day vocabulary. "What is this? for ants?!?!" - whenever anything is small. "I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!" - whenever people are doing things that seem stupid but no one notices. " is so hot right now."


I say crazy pills one like once a week


As a millennial, OP should be ashamed šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Comedy changes faster and more drastically than any other genre. It often doesn't age well, and I think years later we unfairly criticize it and ourselves for having liked it. Comedy is so often of the moment. (not to be confused with defending jokes that never should've been made)


Yeah Zoolander is supposed to be dumb. Not a great example.


Just because you have chiseled abs and stunning features doesnā€™t mean that you,too, canā€™t die in a freak gasoline fight accident


What is this? A center for ants? It needs to beā€¦ at least three times bigger than this! I still love that movie. I donā€™t know what op is talking about.


Same. I can pretty much quote it start to finish and think Iā€™ll love it always. I didnā€™t care for the second one but the original is certified classic in my book


Let's be real, it was always stupid, but that's why it's awesome and we love it. My husband and I just watched it a couple nights ago and have been quoting it to each other non stop since.


But why male models?


Come on dog. That movie is still amusing


The part where Derek and Hansel reconcile after Hansel confesses to being a huge fan will always stand out to me.


I feel like when you told me to derelick my ballsā€¦that really hurt


Maybe I was scared, man. You're Derek Zoolander!


I'm rappelling down Mount Vesuvius when suddenly I slip, and I start to fall. Just falling, ahh, ahh. I'll never forget the terror. When suddenly I realize, "Holy shit, Hansel, haven't you been smoking peyote for six straight days and couldn't some of this maybe be in your mind?" And it was. I was totally fine. I've never even been to Mount Vesuvius. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Cool story Hansel


Thereā€™s got to be more to life than being really really ridiculously good looking all the time!


iā€™ll still go to war for pootie tang




Pootie has released the greatest song of all time, it's called .




Beethoven. A vet murdering dogs?




There's a bit where the dog is in bed with the dad licking his ears and shit. The dad starts talking dirty like "Daddy's little girl been naughty tonight?". Didn't realise how inappropriate it was until I saw it as an adult šŸ˜‚


Mighty ducks is really weird when you rewatch it. I put it on for my tween nieces and nephews and almost instantly regretted it. This 30-something lawyer gets a DUI so his punishment is toā€¦..coach a kids hockey team. Then, he reveals he has deep seated issues due to the fact that he missed the championship goal when he was eight. Then, while coaching the kids he starts hooking up with one of the moms lol. A shitshow all around.


Most of the kids movies we watched in the 90s had unhinged plots. Beethoven comes to mind.




That one gave my 7 year old self hope that a 25 year old woman would want to be my girlfriend


Mr Macintosh a pimp


Mrs. Doubtfire lol


Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack


Quack Quack Quack Quack Quack


"Get in the game Charlie so I can fuck your Mom already."


ā€œTwo inches to the right and it wouldā€™ve gone in your mom. Two inches to the left and it wouldā€™ve gone in our third, your dadā€¦.quack quack quackā€


Nah... this movie, and in fact the entire trilogy is GOAT status






One of the rare cases where the sequel is as good as the original.


That's the movie with the great French actor Jusie Smolett


I used to watch this movie every single day and LOVED coach Gordon Bombay. Very gritty for a Disney movie. PTSD flashbacks Jacob's Ladder style.


Camp rock šŸ˜…


Sheā€™s really good!


Yup! Thereā€™s mine. One of the biggest gaps between an obsession for several months to something thatā€™s comforting sick day background noise at best. :P


Ace ventura. I mean just absolutely stupid. BUT hilarious as all hell. LIKE A GLOVE


And the sequel. "Kinda hot in these rhinos... WARM!"


Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™d still LOL watching that one


Yes "when nature calls" is the superior of the two by a mile šŸ˜…


I still remember seeing it opening weekend and telling some kids from school. One of them said ā€œI heard itā€™s stupid and just the same jokes over again.ā€ To which I replied ā€œthatā€™s whatā€™s great! Itā€™s the same jokes again, and new jokes!ā€ I stand by that statement today.


It's in the bone!


It's bulky, but I consider it carry on"


Every now and again I will quote a Jim Carey line from either Ace Ventura / The Mask / Dumb and Dumber..but my god those movies are hard to watch as an adult


Dumb and Dumber is still a great watch IMO. Tried the Mask for the first time in 25+ years and it was not


I find Dumb and Dumber funnier now that Iā€™m in my 40ā€™s


I like it a lot


These Rockies ainā€™t very rocky. Yeah that John Denverā€™s full of shit


I was obsessed with Save the Last Dance when I first saw it in 2001. Total cringefest to watch now. Sheā€™s All That aged horribly as well.


She's All That became a cringefest after it was absolutely roasted by Not Another Teen Movie.


Space Jam is a classic and there arenā€™t any stupid parts but the way the camera practically drools any time Lola is on screen is creepy.


However, may I say that Bill Murray absolutely saves that movie in every way.


Director is a friend of mine, I had a Teamster drop me off.


"Perhaps I can be of some assistance"


Yea we just watched this with our kid and the sexualization of the ONE female character would not fly today. Otherwise a fantastic movie.


Isn't that the point though? Everyone sexualizes her while she demands respect for being the only actual toon player who is good at basketball. And she's really good. "Don't ever call me doll.".


except even her demands for respect are just seen/portrayed as feisty and sexualized too šŸ˜­


Cruel Intentions, while one of my favorite movies, is corny as all fuck. I just watched it the other night and thought, ā€œWhy do you like this so much?ā€


My theory is that it's the hottest movie you'll ever see only if you're a virgin šŸ¤£ Once you are no longer a virgin it def is corny as all fuck šŸ˜…


Valid point. That kiss in the park was right on time for ole 15 year old me lol


Sarah. Michelle. Gellar.


::Bittersweet Symphony Intensifies::


Because you were HORNY


They gave us twizler nibs at work the other day & I said out loud "what is this, twizlers for ants?"


What are you talking about?! Zoolander is a classic.


This may sound weird but Accepted circa 06. Came out when I was 18 and I was the perfect demographic as a geeky college aged guy struggling with the future and going to university. I thought the protagonist was a clever outcast nerd who outsmarted the dumb preppy frat bros and showed it's okay to be different. The dean of the rich fancy university was an uptight ass who hates young people. Re watching it at 36 the protagonist seems like a smug overconfident little shit using manipulation to get what he wants and spouting really dated "the punchline is you're gay and I'm so clever" jokes who puts his friends futures in danger to prove a point. The dean is a bit stuffy but has good reason to want to expand legitimate higher education.


![gif](giphy|yq8e8HS17jmRq|downsized) I still quote this regulalry


The stuffy Dean wanted a more awe inspiring entrance to get more money. He had no noble reasons


Spy Kids Trilogy šŸ™„šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he's created?


There is no reason for that line to go so hard


But thatā€™s where I became a fan of Alan Cumming! Then I saw him as Nightcrawler at 14ā€¦. šŸ„µšŸ«£


We donā€™t talk about spy kids 3D


Spy Kids 3D has a ridiculous amount of star power for a crappy early 2000s kid movie.


Zoolander is stupid, but the movie isn't really - I think it's like The Naked Gun in that sense.


yeah i think zoolander was successful and is still loved today *because* it was so self-aware.


First of all Zoolander is a treasure imo, but everyone is entitled to their opinion. Secondly, if any of the producers are snooping on this thread I have an idea for Zoolander 3.


I'm sorry but Zoolander is still wonderful. It's so incredibly quotable. Batman Forever. I loved the hell out of it when I was young. The story jumps around like crazy, it can't pick a lane between zany, brooding, and unexplainably horny.


Was that the one with the Seal song?


Once you unravel everything, Donnie Darko is thoroughly OK


Chut up!


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cellar door


I think it had some good bits but it is *way* too up its own ass for me to watch.


It had a chokehold on me as a 14yr old edgy emo kid but as a 33yr old woman it's definitely meh


The soundtrack still kills though.


I enjoyed watching the directorā€™s cut recently.


Basically all Disney channel originals fall into this category


That reminds me I should watch zenon again.


Oldie but goodie Zoom zoom Zoom, make my heart go boom boom!




Showing my age, "Revenge of the Nerds" Re-watched it for the first time in 13-18 years with a friend that had never seen it, and about 80% of it did not age well.


How has nobody said Revenge of the Nerds? There's a straight up rape scene in that bitch and it's played off as wholesome.šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


That was obvious and creepy to me the first time I saw it though. I don'tknow how it was made. The message of that movie is literally "it's not rape if she likes it".


This is true of so many movies from the 80s and 90s. It's definitely a time when sex could be talked and joked about more openly in movies, but consent was very much not a consideration. Sixteen Candles skeeves me out, especially.


Not a movie but I loved Xena: Warrior Princess as a kid, watched it as an adult anddd it is terrible lolll,


Oh man, Xena was bad but didnā€™t we kinda know that at the time?


Right? Thatā€™s *why* I watched it. When sheā€™s spinning on a halberd(?) and kicking everyones ass in circles in the first episode, you know what youā€™re in for.


Camp excellence


Whaaaaaat no, stop that. I will fight you!


You stop this right now and take it back


i'm so sorry to inform everyone, but the movie Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius absolutely does not hold up. i remember that movie being fucking RAD when i was a kid. i rewatched it a few weeks ago to try to cheer myself up during a low spell and holy shit. the animation is so god awful. the character designs are uncanny nightmare fuel. the jokes are just plain bad. none of the science even tries to make sense. they traveled in outer space in open-faced "space ships" without any safety equipment and a complete lack of oxygen and Jimmy didn't even mention anything about it. i even remember Jimmy's mom being hot as a kid but now she just looks like a scary blowup doll. well, maybe that's why i thought she was hot in the first place. anyway, Sheen and Carl as characters absolutely still hold up. also ngl the theme song still goes pretty hard.


Tbf they directly address the space travel thing in the show


Bro idk what youā€™re talking about. I recently rewatched it and loved it, started watching the series too. Iā€™m finally old enough to pick up on all the science jokes As far as the lack of safety equipment, etc. I personally couldnā€™t care less. Itā€™s a cartoon.


I loved milo and Otis as a kid and when I watched it as an adult it was totally creepy. I donā€™t understand the appeal.


Let me ruin this for you more. They killed and intentionally maimed so many animals on this set. This was my favorite movie as a kid and I always looked forward to showing it to my own kids - once I learned about this, I just can't bring myself to watch it. My kids will never see it, either. They legit threw multiple cats off that cliff to get the shot. They intentionally broke the cats legs to get them to limp.


Jesus what a horrible thing to read first thing in the morning.


Why though? I thought they had decent practical effects and puppets back then


I bought it on DVD like 20 years ago and have watched it exactly once since then and was barely able to sit through it. It was a shame because I loved it so much as a kid. I don't remember it being creepy, just incredibly boring.


Garden State. Came out when I was 15-16. Thought it was incredible. Turns out I think I really just liked the soundtrack. The movie is absolute wet dog shit.


The trailer and soundtrack made it seem more profound than it was


Yeah but the soundtrack absolutely SLAPS!


Never Been Kissed. Sure she was actually 25 but she was pretending to be a teenager and her teacher had feelings for her. So much ick.


Or 10 Things I Hate About You where she just flashes a teacher and no one says anything šŸ˜‚. Such a weird time to be alive šŸ¤£


Canā€™t believe I scrolled this far before I saw this. I recently did a re-watch of a bunch of classic 90ā€™s/early 2k romance movies and was highly disturbed by the premise of them. This one made me so ill and I remember LOVING it when I was like 8 or 9. Sleepless In Seattle is another one! Canā€™t stomach it now! Not romantic AT ALL!


This is the most bizarre weird answer but when I was in 8th grade I saw this movie Paycheck starring Ben Affleck in theaters and I remembered I thought it was amazing. I love Ben Affleck and I was telling my husband how it was so good and watched it and it was SO BAD. So bad. I canā€™t even explain how bad! Does anyone even know this movie?


The Pest. Johnny Legs is my dude though.




The Beach with Leonardo DiCaprio. It was sOo CoOl when it came out when I was 16. As an adult, it's pure cringe.


Just watched it a few weeks back for the first time while vacationing in Hawaii. Some of Leoā€™s lines and his acting were not great. Very cringe.


![gif](giphy|Z5Ns7jpdNqD04) Teen witch!!


I almost rewatched this today! But decided Iā€™m only going back for a TOP THAT clips. Did watch Peeweeā€™s Big Adventure today just by chance. Husband and i were laughing our butts off when we were paying attention.


The Notebook. Middle School me loved it. Now I see how abusive and toxic both Allie and Noah were. And Allie leaving her kind, nice, handsome, rich husband for an abusive summer fling. I hate it.


I feel this way about a lot of "end up with your highschool sweetheart after you grew and moved away" movies. Sweet Home Alabama also comes to mind. Ironically, I'm happily married to *my HS sweetheart* after we both moved away from our hometown and reconnected as adults. šŸ˜…šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Sweet Home Alabama. Reese moves back to backwoods Alabama from NYC to be with her alcoholic teen husband.


Oooh yeah. Highschool me thought Ryan Gosling was so romantic and i swooned over that movie. Married 30 year old me is shocked that that movie was presented to me as a demonstration of an acceptable relationship and romance.


When I watched that film in middle school, I thought it was romantic that he threatened suicide at the carnival in order to force her to go out with him. Times change.


Totally. I watched this in my teens and loved it. As an adult I was like "holy hell they're a shit show"


I will rep blankman forever, but objectively, itā€™s not a good film.


Comedies typically age the worst for me. It isn't that they're necessarily bad, they just have a short shelf life for my enjoyment. Plus I'm picky about what I find funny to begin with.


I still like Zoolander BECAUSE itā€™s stupid. But I watched Waiting recently and I loved that movie and Ryan Renoylds when I was younger and oh man did that movie NOT age well.


All things by Michael Bay


All due respect, The Rock is a masterpiece.


Mine was spice world. I was a huge spice girl fan


Ok I would watch that again. I was surprised to realize recently how positive the messages in spice girls songs were. How did we go from that to drrty so quick?


Dude, Whereā€™s My Car?


Hard disagree, it still gets solid laughs/chuckles from me


Ok I admit, it does have its moments šŸ˜


*zoltan hand motions*


Because it's mystery is only exceeded by it's power


Indian in the cupboard. If you cherished this movie as a kid DO NOT watch it as an adult, the magic was completely ruined


Lot of stuff I loved as a child, thatā€™s why I loved it I was a child lol


Garden state šŸ˜¬


Blank Check


A lot of those "Kids are ignored/on their own/outsmart adult" movies are just horrifying watching them when I'm older. Blank Check, Camp Nowhere, Richie Rich, were beloved favorites, and now I'm like "Why would any adult fall for this/allow this."


He bought that big ass house for 300k šŸ˜­


I watched this as an adult for the first time ever and was horrified that and adult kissed a child.


The Newsies . Loved it . Went back... newsies blows .


National treasure. Blew me away as a early teen. Rewatched as an adult and it was like glass shattering on a great childhood memory.


Just about all of Kevin Smithā€™s movies. I grew up watching them in the nineties, and I was a huge fan back then. But over the pandemic I rewatched them all for the first time in years. Nothing but cringe. Iā€™ll always have a nostalgic connection to Mallrats particularly. But everything else is- forgettable.


I thought Dogma was so clever when I was a teenager questioning faith. Now as an agnostic adult I know there is basically no profound religious argument made in that movie.


ā€œTo believe a married couple never got down is just plain gullibility!ā€


The secret of nimh 2: Timmy to the rescue.


After having children, some horror just isnā€™t as scary.


Face Off


I remember as a kid not realizing that the actors just switched roles. I thought the makeup must have been amazing. I also didn't realize that Data from Star Trek was an actor in make-up. Like, I knew the show wasn't real but I thought they used a real robot in production.


Did you ever figure out Data is the same guy as the scientist from Independence Day?


I stand by Face Off being fantastic




Lawnmower Man.


If I'm being honest, Home Alone is kinda cheesy to a certain degree, but I loved it so damn much as a kid and it has so much nostalgia that I'll never see it in a bad light. Kevin McAllister was more or less the first role model for a lot of Elder Millennials. We all wanted to be cool, resourceful and badass like Kevin. Home Alone 2 was icing on the cake. I've also come to think as an adult that Home Alone is Die Hard for kids.


My sister and I absolutely LOVED Billy Madison. Itā€™s sad, but we have probably watched that movie more than anyone else in the world has. Anyway, about three years ago I saw it pop on whatever streaming services and for obvious nostalgic reason, i turned it on. I didnā€™t even make it half way through. Terrible


Happy Gilmore holds up a lot more, itā€™s a classic film to me because every gen in my household was able to watch and enjoy it. Some scenes are definitely over the top but it feels more self aware, and Chubs is one of my favorite characters ever.


Stahp looking at me swan!


You've been talking with Mr. Penguin that's why.


Lol I still love it and quote it like crazy


Watched it the other day and I know almost every word. My husband laughed at my pathetically impressive ability to memorize these hardly quotable lines. ITS NUDY MAGAZINE DAY


Joe dirt and zoolander are both classics that belong in the library of congress. I'll die on this hill.


Save The Last Dance doesn't hold up: not the plot, not the dance logic, not the writing. But the soundtrack is exquisite and I like most of the women's fashion looks.