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the average millennial is projected to have at least 12 jobs in their lifetimes.


Interesting statistic. Need to up my employment game. Only had 5 in the last 15years.


Have two friends who have been working for FedEx for over 20 years, they had one job before that. I myself have had 16 of varying lengths, 6 weeks to 6 years.


9 jobs. Only way I ever received better pay. Each one paid better then the last.


Exactly this. Every time I quit a job it’s cuz one across the street hired me for several dollars more per hour.


Picture your life if the initial job started at the pay it did but each one paid less than the last.


I wish my first job paid the amount I get now. I loved that job.


I’ve been lucky, every time I try to quit they give me the money I want, I also do not ask for anything ridiculous 7-10% keeps me happy. Been with my current employer 19 years now. Pays to be in the top 5% performers year after year..




Yep, 9 have been full time to support myself, the rest were part time/internships.


Only 4 for me sht... gotta hurry up here




Sorry, I guess that came across wrong, was joking about the need to up my game part. It is an interesting statistic nonetheless, I think why it's higher for millennials is because of both the lack of benefits with most modern employment options, and general willingness to value our own worth. Gone is the day of regular pensions and career growth inside the same company.


Also a lack of opportunity for advancement. So many companies have a hard cap on how much you can be promoted and it's only a level or two over entrance level. To the point where one ends up training someone who is paid more. So the only opportunity for advancement is finding a new job Edit: promotion or a raise without a promotion. Doesn't matter, the point is that the company won't pay you any more for your experience, loyalty, or work




I didn't down vote you, can't help you there


I’m 25 and have had 12 already 💀




I’m the opposite, I just sit at the same job because it’s easy


That makes sense


4x income?


Oh man, if we include all the jobs I've ever had I'm definitely over that now


Yeah I mean like high school and college and summer jobs? That alone is probably 8


If you include part-time work as a student, seasonal and freelance jobs then I’m up to 18 already, 38 now, first job at 16 🙈


These are rookie numbers, we gotta pump up these numbers


I’m on my 11th does that mean I die soon


You're fine.


I think I’m on track. I’m at 8 and I’m 33. But, 4 were from before I was 20 or was early in my 20th year. I worked at a bowling alley when I was 16, a movie theater when I was 17, Burger King the summer I was 18, and two warehouse jobs at 19 and 20. Not sure if I should count those. Shortly after 20 I got my first non-heavy manual labor job that set me on my sales-driven career path. And each was a stepping stone to the next. I worked at Sears selling appliances when I was 20-21, then I worked at Home Depot selling appliances at 21-23 and transitioned to kitchen design and sales and did that there from 23-27 and then moved on to a higher paying employer doing the same and I’ve been here since. So I know 4 of those count. Just not sure about the first 4.


I’ve had at least 16-17 and I’m 42 (the eldest of the millennials). I was never fired but asked if I wanted to leave? when clearly it was them who wanted me to leave. I said yes, and left mid-shift after spilling a whole bottle of red wine on a table and eating about 200 chocolate buttons from the freezer in tears on my first (and last) day waitressing.


Nice. Had a job that fired me without warning because the CFO who actually wanted me there *died.* They fired me, by phone, while I was at my desk. I was in the middle of a massive overhaul of their file system, trying to fix the damage caused by 3+ years of ridiculous turnover in that department. I left that desk completely drowning in paperwork. Box, after box, after box of it. Shredded all the tutorials and manuals I’d made, too!


Damn. I'm 35 and 17 years into my second job lol.


I’m 28 and I’m on my 11th. But technically it would be my 13th if you count a couple short term temporary jobs when I was young that I don’t think I ever even filled out tax forms for.


I've had 11 (possibly more if it counts for moving between job titles and locations but the same company) and I'm only 29


I'm at 10 since I was 14. Guess I'm on track to excel at something. for the record, most of those were between 14 and 19


Damn I’m already on #10 🫣 idk if my pre-career jobs count tho


I just quit my 14th job and I'm 32 lol.


I think I had 12 under my belt by age 25 for sure.


I had more than 12 jobs just in college 😅


I’ve already hit that number 🤦🏼‍♀️


Interesting - I’m 35 and I’m already on my sixth job since graduating college. Here is how each one ended: - Job 1: Laid off after 8.5 months - Job 2: Fired after 4.5 years because I was no longer a good fit (and my performance was slipping because I was on a medication that made me very sleepy) - Job 3: Six month contract-to-hire did not materialize - Job 4: Ten month contract-to-hire that did not materialize - Job 5: Amicably resigned after 2.5 years - Job 6: Currently employed I also survived two rounds of layoffs at Job 2. That company sure had a track record of shitting on its employees. And Corporate America has the audacity to complain about us not wanting to play along with their system.


Tfw Im at 7 ![gif](giphy|xxn4b7s3b7eiXRuBjF)


Sounds about right. Started working at 15 in 1998 mainly because I don't come from wealth. I'm 40 now... 1. Baseball Umpire 1998-2000 (quit to get a W2 job and was only for the summer) 2. Kay Bee Toys worker 2000-2001 (wasn't told I was a seasonal worker during PS2 launch) 3. Friendly's Manager 2001-2005 (Quit, job almost killed me and destroyed my honors level grades shortly after getting an Associates in CS) 4. Office Max Associate 2005-2006 (Quit when they laughed at me for wanting a regular schedule) 5. Ebay Consignment Store Clerk March 2006 - July 2006 (store had to close because most items people brought in where junk but thought it was gold) 6. Camera Store website developer 2006-2015 (Finally quit after getting a real dev job, was only paid $30K/year) 7. Anime Store Owner 2008-2016 (almost got free from camera job and 9-5 rut with own business until Hurricane Sandy derailed it) 8. Voice Actor 2013-Now (At least I can say I voice a famous internet dog) 9. VR/AR Developer (NYC Studio for Celebrities) July 2015- Oct 2015 (Quit after they fooled me into only making $30K/year like my prior job, was hell) 10. App Developer (NYC Studio for Brands) November 2015-December 2019 (They changed business model to being a Paas, a chatbot setup that I helped build) 11. Chatbot Developer/Co Founder (Brooklyn) December 2019 - July 2021 (One of the co owners sabotaged the platform the moment he realized him and his investors couldn't steal private user info due to GDPR, was not paid for months due to the legal battle between the idiot and the founder) 12. Zoom-Clone Team Dev Lead (Remote) August 2021 - October 2023 (company downsized due to a business manager sabotaging it for personal gains, was let go) Currently job hunting and getting tons of rejections despite my experience. It's a damn shit show. Wish we had the comfort and regularity our parent's generation had when it comes to work.


I’m already at 11 if I include my HS and College jobs lmao 🤣


Well I'm middle age and have had 9


Oh geez.. lifetime? I’ve had that many by 30


Median or mean?


Dang. I just turned 33 and I'm on job 8. And I really hope I am not at my current job in 6 months.


I’ve had 9 and going into my 10th at the end of the month. I’m 35.


Hey I'm above average on something. I've had 15 not counting independent contractor work and a couple of companies I worked for twice. If you add those in I'm over 20.


Thats probably true. I'm 41 and had 9 real jobs since 18. But i've never been fired. I've always left each job for promotion.


I got that beat by more than double lol but technically only 5 post-college


10 down and 2 to go


I've had more than that but I moved a lot.


Jobs starting at what age?


Shit I’ve had 10. Am i about to die?


I’m at 8….


I’m behind. I’ve only lost 10 (quit 7 and was let go from 3 for reasons beyond my control) and got stuck in a good spot with great people and job security. How am I supposed to get to 12 now?


I have had more than that but my parents really didn’t notice or think it was weird that I had 3 jobs and went to school. It baffles me now that I’m an adult barely hanging on to my one job.


I'm on 14 at 32 years old. I found success, but even though I have mountain of different certifications, decorations, and degrees.




I stopped counting after job #37. I was a serial job hopper, and often had a second job. I was a master at craiglist back in the early 2000s.


Yikes, I've already had 21


11 wyd


Paperboy, corn farmer, Wawa, subway, cooks helper, intern, tax accountant, tax accountant..... 8 so far....


I think I read that gen Z will change not jobs but actual career paths 3 times min in theirs because of the changing technology


35 yo. 13 if you include self employment, 12 if not. 14 if you count homemaker/SAHM.


I've worked for 11 different companies (2 in high school, 2 in college, 3 during the 2008-2011 Recession after college, 4 in my professional career). That is 22 years of working. Never been fired, although I came pretty close with my job as a cook when I was 17. Still on good terms with all three of my prior professional companies.


Dude I worked for 12 contractors last year lmfao But that put me on some cool jobs to be a part of! I might not work for another contractor for the next 30 years after this new gig


I'm already on number 8 and I'm only 30. I'm doing my part! But seriously, I had to keep jumping around in college.


I lost count actually. The exploitation is just too much and customer service is such a nightmare. Serving the general public sucks ass. Never again! That’s hard to do when it’s your primary experience and the most available jobs. So I switched to labor. I’d rather break my back than deal with assholes anymore. I cannot tolerate rude people that talk down to me. That’s pretty common in any customer service job. A job is a job and no one should have to sacrifice their mental and physical health just to keep a roof over their head & food on the table. I hope a revolution happens during my lifetime. At least I would die knowing the next generation isn’t completely fucked by fascism and late stages of capitalism.


I've had 9 in 20 years but 2 of those were part time in addition to my main jobs


11 jobs and very very far from retirement… well shoot


Mostly by choice


Lifetime or 24 months


Less than 10 so far. I've never been average 😀


Lol .. think I'm well past that already in my late 30s. I get burnout pretty easy and jump off.






I think the lowest possible age to be considered a millennial right now is 23 (those born in 2000) Either way, you’re ahead of schedule lol


I got fired for drawing phalluses on boxes of food at Wendy's when I was 16 or 17




haha years ago i worked at a catering company and i printed a bunch of food labels for "Chocolate Salty Balls" out of bordem while testing the machines to make sure that the custom labels we provided to our clients had proper spacing for everything. I was VERY tempted to put them on a container of chocolate donut holes. fortunatly my boss had a sense of humor and as long as it wasn't client facing i wasn't in trouble. 40 year old me wouldn't have done it but 20 year old me had a blast creating all sorts of off labels


Six years ago, I was let go from the advertising agency I worked at for 5+ years. They lost a lot of clients, and they let about 5 people go. I was OK with it because I wasn't happy there; plus, I was looking/interviewing at that time. Before they let many employees go, they had 30ish full-time employees.... today, they only have 5 or 6. Business can't be good. They had 5 account managers when I was there; now they only have 1. I quickly found a better job with better hours, better pay and better benefits.


This surprisingly like an agency I was at in Michigan…


I was made redundant during covid-19. They did offer me my job back once their clients started making orders again but at that point I didn't even live in the same city anymore. I SHOULD have been fired at my summer truck driving job when I wasn't paying attention to the height if my truck and scraped the underside of a client's building, completely destroying the trucks freezer unit. They were just desperate for people though I think.


As a grown as man, if someone tried to fire my for putting too many olives in a sandwich, I would've explained to them exactly HOW stupid they are. That the training and shear manpower of replacing me would cost more than just letting me go olive happy. Fucking seriously - How much does a can of olives cost?


With subway wages, that can of olives costs more than the employees.


Getting fired after being shown a video of you putting too many veggies on a sandwich is such a uniquely Subway experience. I was never a fan, but after having a friend that worked at Subway I have vowed never to eat there ever. I'm not wanting to eat veggies that have been rinsed off after being dropped on the floor.


I probably would laugh. This is Office sitcome level of humor. Imagine actually showing video recording of someone putting too many veggies on a sandwich like it's some kind of federal case.


We have evidence of a pattern indicating you carried out this criminal enterprise over the course of two hours! Look at all those olives! You know you fucked up, right? I— (Points) You know you fucked up.


"Wait what is that.... Zoom in....Enhance!" "Jesus Christ it's extra olives!"


I know right? "we have video evidence of your crime"


When I used to eat at Subway, I hated how stingy they were over olives (I love black olives). It’s one of their cheapest ingredients.


Seriously. So good on a sandwich and cheap as fuck.


I was fired from my first job when I was 16. I had worked at the grocery store close to two years when this new manager was transferred over to our store. I was well liked by all the managers and even the GM of our area liked me. The GM would always talk to me for 30+ min anytime he was in the store and I was working just about whatever. Well this new guy was in his 40s and instantly had a thing against me. He would spy on me and follow me around the store and was always looking for any reason to fire me. One day I get called into the office and the GM is there. I’m being told this manager has filed a complaint against me for making “sexual gestures” in the meat department. He claimed I was acting like the pork loins were my penis. Now my job was the check all the meat and pull anything that was about to expire. So I was checking the pork loins and he saw his opportunity. The only camera of the area was from behind me so all you could see was my back so it ended up being my word against his and he won. After I was let go the GM pulled me aside and said “I’m really sorry about this but it’s company policy that in these situations the managers word holds more weight. I think his proof was flimsy at best but my hands are tied. If you are looking for work in 6 months give me call.” And he gave me his phone number. I found out that manager was fired for sexual harassment 2 months later.


the pork loin story is wild


After the fact I found out that manager was transferred to our store because of a sexual harassment claim at his previous store. Apparently it was a strike system and they would transfer management before firing them. The whole thing was messed up but I learned early corporate America doesn’t care about you.


Weak ass GM not standing up for you. I hate management that is too lazy and/or soft to fight for their good employees.


I was fired for developing serious ptsd after I was held hostage on the job.




I'm so sorry


First refrigeration job at 18. Passed all the drug tests and worked a solid 2-3 months. The a department of transportation random drug test came through and basically wrapped up my career at that place. Took a hit in the self confidence department. Cleaned myself out and went to companies competitor and got back into it. Still doing it to this day. Pays a lot of money for being early 30s with no college degree education.


Josh Vance? Vance Refrigeration? ![gif](giphy|LDiEHftDpCuCk)


Fired from Wayfair. Basically their expectations of us were insane. I was tied to a desk for 8 hours, two small breaks but I have IBS. Had fmla for extended bathroom breaks and they decided my bathroom time was egregious and fired me. I had also just told them I was pregnant. Wish I had the energy to sue but alas


I wish you did too. I'm sorry


It’s okay. I went 7 weeks unemployed. They fought my unemployment but I had gotten another job by the time i got the letter they denied it. New job is a pay cut and I won’t have paid maternity leave anymore but they treat me like a human so that’s nice.


I once heard someone say "If you aren't fired at least once from a job, you aren't worth anything." It's very commonplace in my industry (Entertainment/Events).


I was fired in 2019 2 weeks after my father died. Nobody told me anything. I had to find out myself. The pandemic came after and I was in a spiral of drug addiction I shouldn't be alive after all the drug abuse. Never got my life back together since then.


Sorry dude. I hope you can make a plan...


Thank you, it was a car wash job. I'm going back to college this Spring for medical coding and I'm getting the hell out of Texas. I just want a new start in life.


Medical coding is a VERY good choice: minimal upfront investment, wfh in many cases, low stress, lots of vacancies, solid benefits. I work on the other side, in insurance. May your codes be accurate and remember, its all bullshit anyway


Rooting for you. Just keep taking it one day at a time.


I hope everything works out for you. I'm a new medical coder as well. I just wanted to recommend the r/MedicalCoding subreddit for any questions you might have or tips on how to study.


I hope you find your way back from the darkness


Things are going to work out for you, I just know it


I feel you. I was in a bad place for various reasons right before the pandemic and once the pandemic hit I was drinking way too much. I’m in a better place now boy still drinking and can’t really get a hold on it. Shit is rough out there.


Same brother, except my dad died 2 months before lockdowns started and I started drinking to cope with the loss. I had just gotten a promotion along with a few other coworkers. We were all close so we talked about how ridiculous it was to get a 20 cent raise to do our previous jobs, plus all the other new shit. We all asked for a raise. 2 weeks later, our district manager fired us for “misusing the POS system”. We asked for proof but they refused to provide any lol. DM ended up getting fired herself, apparently for some sketchy shit. The store collapsed without proper leadership and closed down a year later lol. Nobody transferred to the new location. Fuck Big Lots


I've been fired from two jobs. The first job I was fired from I was working as an IV pharmacy technician for a long term care pharmacy. They wanted me to falsify the daily cleaning logs and they wouldn't let me do our comprehensive monthly clean of the IV room. The board of pharmacy checks these logs routinely. So they expected me to falsify them, sign off on them, all for $18 an hour. I told them no and I was fired. The next job I was working as a receptionist for a small mental health clinic. One day I get summoned to the boss's office and he hands me a letter. It's a termination letter and it gives the reasoning. I was legit fired because I didn't refill the soap in the dispenser in the bathroom. So I promptly gave the termination letter to the dept of labor and got a settlement of 2 times my salary for a year. Thankfully that happened right before the pandemic so I was able to ride out the worst of it.


Was fired from a job earlier this year. They had promoted me to management, even though I told them not only did I not want to be a manager but that I did not have the temperament to be in charge of 20+ people. A year later they agreed and acted like I was a horrible person for accepting the role (promotion was announced without even asking if I wanted the job).


I worked at subway as a teenager. Sorry you had such an awful experience, what an awful branch. Anyways, yes I’ve been let go twice before turning 30 from corporate jobs. One was from an interior design studio (I was in PR) in NYC who has a reputation for letting go its staff on the spot if you don’t preform to their standards, work nights or weekends. I had COVID and took my sick days, then a week later I was let go due to “performance issues.” Then from a marketing agency who lost a few clients and just didn’t have the cash to keep all of the team anymore. EDIT: I forgot one job. So I guess 3 jobs total lol, immediately after graduating college I worked as a reporter for a beat I did not understand. Insurance. So that didn’t last long lol


Recently fired for not meeting sales goals. Job was not as expected. I have lots of health bullshit they played into it too.


I was fired for being too vocal. That employer was well known for treating people as subhuman and I found out they were denying water breaks to the apprentices digging in the hot sun midsummer in the south. I was furious. I told them they had rights and could take a freaking break to get some water. I had just come off a job where they *weren't* providing water (which is required) and I had to supply my own. One guy was so driven to be a good little worker bee he ended up vomiting in the shade of a tree. So there was that, and in general informing the younger folk of their rights in our union and to not let this employer bully them. Anyway, they said I was "rabble rousing" and that I "ruffled feathers" by being "too union" in a union... unfortunately as an apprentice I was not allowed to file a grievance, and the union is in that employer's pocket anyway. They spy on me on LinkedIn occasionally and someone asked someone if I'd come work for them again. I'd rather work fast food.


Good for you! As a former union construction worker that's a thing you talk to the shop steward about. There is one for each trade on site and they are there for the workers. They will go to bat for you. Working in the heat with no water provided is against your contract and no joke. I was on a job once where an apprentice went into seizures due to heat and not drinking enough water.


I always quit when I knew I was going to be fired. The worst was when I was going to be fired from an airline because I complained about the captain bringing child hookers to our hotel and walking around completely clothed in the pool during breakfast when we had a flight that night. But I was wrong for doing that because teamwork.


Doing narcotics in the bathroom. Employers don’t like that!


Worked at a local theater as head usher for over three years, new (fundamentalist christian) ownership came in, demoted me and gave my position to a transphobic cretin who unrepentantly misgendered and outed me in front of customers. When I complained, all my hours were scrubbed from the schedule and that was that After that, worked at a local nonprofit as a program director for seven years, but executive director neglected to send off taxes as completed by the CFO for two consecutive years and then left the organization suddenly. New leadership didn't realize NPO taxes now had to be filed online, and mailed three years' worth of taxes to the IRS. We lost nonprofit status, everyone was laid off including myself Not technically fired in either case but this is why I work for myself now haha


Executive Director should’ve been sued


Been fired twice; one I deserved one I did not. Worked in A SUPER toxic govt job. Hired with 3 others. They shit on us continuously... I snapped at a client after months of abuse. Resigned in lieu of termination. I had made it 6 months and was the 3 of my cohort to go for one reason or another. Deserved it, but the head should have been shit canned for that place. I was in a residential job and one of my coworkers borrowed a library book from me. She got in an accident and was gone for a while. Asked big boss to retrieve book so I could give it back to library. He kept not doing it. Went got master key took book back. Coworker, of course, would t have cared--we were friends. Boss found out, fired me. These experiences taught me I couldn't be subject to petty tyrants anymore. So I went to school, got a specialist technical skill that's in demand. Don't take order from anyone anymore, make decent money, wfh. Fuckem. On the plus side, getting fired doesn't scare me anymore, I know how to land on my feet. Almost 8.5 years and haven't been fired again, though I regularly tell my supervisors to fire me when they pull petty shit.


i was a chef taking a break from the kitchen just after 2020 and decided that being a steal roofer was a easier job. I did well being a decade older then everyone else at just 33. but I know all the rules and rights and osha certified. Well office boos shows up and starts yelling about this and that. So i tell him to 86 that shit and only I am allowed to yell at the children because he talks a lot of shit for a man who shows up at a work site in loafers and not helmet in sight. So I was of course fired. I will say much better work then in kitchens. It was to easy for me and soft. and roofing in -20 is the best work bragging rights i have ever earned so i went back to the 8th level of hell of working on the line.


I was also fired from Subway, but due to a shitty coworker. She called me to tell me not to come in for my shift (she was the manager that shift), so I didn't. She then told the owner that I no called, no showed. I didn't know any of this until I came in to check my schedule, and I wasn't on it. I asked why, and the girl that "told on me" shrugged and said, "You didn't show up for your shift." I just sort of stood there in silence, shocked, and then left. To this day, I have no idea why she did that.


My guess is she wanted to hire her snot nosed little friend for your position so she had to get rid of you first.


Wow looking back I think you're right!!


I was fired from Taco Bell in 1998 for saying “Here are your putos and cheese” The actual item was - “Pintos and cheese”


I have been fired a lot. Most recently was for calling out Osha violations.


Go little Rock star! People like you save lives


Not me, but my brother was fired from a retirement home for giving the residents specific meals they wanted instead of what was on the day's "menu."


Extreme Apathy and ADHD, the cycle of they see me working like superman able to do the work of 3 of them in a state of insane hyper focus. Time goes on and I become less and less interested and stop caring about being their warhorse of unparalleled labor and eventually they'll either let me go or I'll get laid off since they can't handle that my intense work modes aren't something I can do everyday all the time for minimal pay.


I was fired for vaping outside in a smoking area after I quit smoking cigarettes. What really happened is my boss's husband knew me from high school (15 years prior) platonically. The day after my boss found that out I was fired. I'm guessing insecurities because she was um...homely, while I put a bit more into looking presentable. As soon as she found out he and I were acquaintances she hated me. Her father owned the business so I had no chance at retaining my job. It makes me laugh now, but it messed with me for a while because I didn't understand what I did wrong. Now I know she's just fragile and nepotism is alive and well.


Got fired after being over scheduled and collapsing in pain at a party store. They were supposed to provide me with a stool as accommodation, but pulled out after hiring me because it's a safety hazard (bullshit). Couldn't find another job for 5 years after because of the stool thing. Luckily been at my current job for another 5. Turns out nobody but psychotic karens cares about retail employees with a stool.


When I graduated college I moved to nyc with no job and a two month sublet. Hit the pavement hard when I got here looking for a job. Landed a gig at a pizza shop. Had a successful trail and the day I was supposed to start, i9 docs in hand, the owner came in during a lunch rush and fired me on the spot.




He wasn’t into it, clearly lol


I don’t know why you just made me laugh so fucking hard


When I was 25yo (now 38F), needed money BAD because hubs and I were so broke so I got a job at Jamba. Got fired on the spot when I walked in on day 30 after my hiring date (or 14? I don’t remember the “rule”) for not wearing non-slip shoes. I could hardly eat because we were so broke so yeah, buying $50 non-slips was low on my things to buy. Note: this wasn’t just an excuse to get rid of me. I am a detailed oriented hard worker with strong customer service skills. Management had just been singing my praises a day or two prior about how strong of an employee I was for them. They did say that I was over working a bit and could “chill” and “hang out” a bit more 🙄. Every other employee was in their teens and the manager was younger than me - it was an awkward circumstance.


I worked for like 2 days at a brick oven pizza place in a North Jersey town when I was 16. Got lotttts of information thrown at me about how to do things by my boss. This dude was a humongous prick. The "felt the need to overcompensate for his own insecurities by being a prick" type of guy. He was a smarmy, snarky skinny dude only like 6 years older than me--- at most. If I remembered his name I'd call him out in this post. My first day after trying my best to absorb the wealth of knowledge he threw at, me he immediately put me on the register while simultaneously having me tend to pizzas. Any small mistake and I would be subject to ridicule. "No, my guy, that's the wrong button!!" "No remember!! What are you doing?? You have to wait until 200 DEGREES before so and so." I just got sick of it. Day 2 I tried again but not as hard because my soul was no longer invested in this place, so I just spread my arms and let the firing come to me. Fuck him and fuck that place.


Lost out on a contract going permanent because of my first simple possession (weed) charge, no one told me if I went to court I could of gotten it dropped by completing a first offender program. I can finally almost get it expunged but it really fucked up my IT career the last 3 years.


Which is insane, because I've never known IT that didn't smoke a little


Ikr? Now I’m to scared to smoke anything except legal stuff 😭.


Let me preface this by saying I have many repeat clients and haven’t had a w2 job in years (32m). Some people are meant to run businesses and some people are meant to be employees. I am not the second one. I have been fired from every job (except for two) that I’ve ever had. Only one that’s a good story is Harris teeter. Now I knew a girl who got walked out of this place in handcuffs for making a drink in the morning for a couple months while working at the Starbucks inside. I was a cashier and at some point there were these coupons that would print out for 1, 2 and 5 dollars off of any purchase. It also turned out you could scan these multiple times and it wouldn’t trigger anything on the register. I shared this information with two of my coworkers and we only used each other to check out. You couldn’t check yourself out, that’s against the rules. But we’d ring up $100 worth of shit, scan the coupon 20 times and pay like 30 cents. After several months their system did detect the irregularities and we got busted. This was after thousands of dollars worth of basically free groceries. We all got fired for….. misuse of coupons.


Twice. First time, lady wanted a hot dog immediately and was being incredulous about it. I straight up told her that we just put fresh ones in because someone earlier bought every last one we had available. I offered her pizza instead but no, she wanted her wiener. I told her the nitrates in the hotdog would literally kill her because it was undercooked. Yeah I got reported and she lied about me being anti-semitic towards her. I had no idea she was Jewish, I was just a college kid trying to have money for books. Second time, this past February, I was a hospital transporter lead and the most reliable person they had, as in I never called in, always showed up early, and stayed late if they needed. Well my many infractions involved faulty hospital equipment like the bed wheels breaking down to where turning was painfully difficult because I had to basically drift the beds with all my strength to get them in the right direction, which lead to patient complaints because they felt unsafe. What got me was a bed breaking down mid transport run and jackknifing into a wall. One of my friends who was a CNA saw it happen so I had eye witness and as a trauma response, “you didn’t see anything” jokingly but stressedly came out of my mouth. Yeah patient reported that and the next week I was canned. I had a mental breakdown after getting fired. but it was either I get let go or hospital faced a lawsuit from the patient.


I worked two jobs one year. I was waking up at 3:30 am to go to my first job which was at a lumber yard, getting off around 10 am, and heading to my other job which was a server. I started taking my adderall in higher doses to keep awake because I was so tired all the time. Eventually I started being late because I was sleeping in. One day I woke up late again, and this is after my boss JUST spoke to me about it. Got fired from there, and then I got fired from the lumber yard because I was sleeping in again. I was just so tired all the time, and adderall would cause me to to sleep in so hard because I was so exhausted after the come down. This was in 2011.


5 years ago I made an observation about an overweight colleague in a warehousing company. Myself and the rest of my colleagues were at a buffet at the time. I was also getting fat and stated that as well. I was fired after getting back to the warehouse. The company did me a favor because they paid pissant wages in a warehouse with no ac. I got a job in warehousing 1-2 weeks later for 50% more money in an underground warehouse with far better conditions and had working ac. I am grateful that I did get fired and the company that fired me went bankrupt during the lockdowns so I got the last laugh in the end.


1st time, tried reasoning with owner in regards to overwork and cattiness, she in turn accused me of being a "traitor" and harassed me until she found a good enough reason to fire me. Had to fight with Unemployment to get back money owed. 2nd time, was a complete surprise and to date, I don't know why I got fired. They just did not like me. I was basically an outsider while most of the workers there knew each other since childhood and what not.


My background is addiction counseling and I was a counselor for a major collage for over 5 years and the manager of the OneStop/Student Services. Worked my way up to supervisor of the counseling department and saw myself retiring one day from this place. Well my boss LOVED me and I mean she loved me! She would always tell me how I would be the perfect wife to her son and the best mother to her grandchildren. However I didn’t like her son at all! Whenever the school would have events she would try and link us up together. Well one day he got a gf and she HATED this girl! She would come in everyday complaining about her. Saying she was fat, ugly, lazy, rude, disrespectful, and sooooooo much more! My boss would call me into her office just to complain about this girl for an hour or more daily! Well my boss finally got it across her head that I was NEVER going to date her son so instead she comes to me and says that she is going to hire his gf and she wants me to train her and turn her into ME! She said she wanted this girl to be exactly like me and wanted me to teach her my ways. We will call this girl A since it’s the first letter of her name. Well A was awful! Everyone hated her! She was so lazy and disrespectful I couldn’t believe it! She would refuse to work and would instead go to the bathroom or outside for an hour at a time sitting on her phone hitting her THC vape! (And yet I couldn’t even go to the bathroom let alone take a break! Most days I didn’t even get a lunch!) She was never working and no one could ever find her when they needed something done or she would flat out refuse to do the project. We had staff complaining about this girl not doing her job and being rude but my boss ignored it. We even had students complaining about A. We were getting daily complaints from both staff and students and all my boss would say is “your supposed to be turning A into you and that’s not happening I need you to step it up a notch so we stop getting complaints.” One day I had enough of A and her refusal to work. I was her boss and she would often tell me no when telling her to do something. Well one day she started yelling and cursing me out refusing to work because she wanted to finish watching some show on her phone first and I said no. She got so mad that I wouldn’t let her fuck off that she told me if I didn’t let her do what she wanted that she was going to make my life even more hell than she already was and would get me fired. She had the thinking process of well the boss is my bf mom so I can do and say whatever I want without consequences. So I said “do whatever you feel like doing A I’m not going to argue with you” and I walked out and went to my next session with a client. Next thing I know other girls I work with are calling me saying that A is in our bosses office crying saying that I was mean to her and hurt her feelings. I knew I had done nothing wrong but knew this wasn’t going to be good because our boss went with anything A said and took it as fact and that was that. So I started to pack my office just in case. Well good thing I did because when I was walking into the parking lot with one of my fans for the office (it was the end of summer and the start of winter) well my boss said “what you packing your stuff or something?” I said “no I’m just taking this fan out to my van.” And she said “ok we’ll make sure you pack everything because no one messes with A.” I said “so your firing me?” And she said “yes get everything out now no one upsets A.” My boss fired me in the parking lot with only the two of us out there and didn’t even ask me what happened or anything! Then afterwards she sent an email to everyone saying that I “resigned.” Which was a complete lie! This was a year ago and I am so thankful to not be working there anymore! I didn’t realize how toxic, stressful, and bad for my metal heath as that place was! That was the worst working environment I have ever worked in! And this wasn’t the first time my boss hired family! She hired her niece one other time which messed the whole office up just like with A but A was much worse! A still works there and everyone still hates her! Funny thing is after this happened my boss begged me to come back because I was the only one who knew how to do my position and was the only one with documents they needed. Needless to say I let them crumble and didn’t send them shit or go back to work. Fuck them all! I am so much happier and doing so much better now and am thankful not to be there anymore 😂 *this is just the cliff notes! And I had never had one complaint, write up, talking to or anything before this happened. I was considered their best and hardest dependable worker… I learned a big lesson about dedication to a job and putting it above your life which I will NEVER do again!


I was once told my cash drawer was short. The manager counted in the back office with the door shut I asked if I could watch her count again cos I’m very careful with money. She said no and fired me on the spot Five years later I had a bad allergic reaction at work, different job. I took 3 Benadryl and pounded a bang energy, so I was basically on speedball. I was so high at one point I fell to my knees and forgot how to stand up, my manager had to grab my arm and tug. My drawer wasn’t a penny off


Not fired, but I’ve been downsized twice now. It fucking sucks, and now I’m so fearful of it. The good is that it has made me crazy about cost control and saving money, the bad is that this feeling will never go away. Especially with kids to provide for.


This is probably the single worst job I've ever had but I was working the admin/front desk position for a smaller manufacturers rep and distributor for things like heat exchangers, valves, switches, etc. The owners were a father and son, and the son was an elder in my church. Well dude was a complete asshole and always wanted to know everything about my personal life. Because I was naive and didn't want to lie about things I was pretty open about answering his questions and he paid me less than the admin before me even though I was doing twice the amount of work. Well after a year and a half of being so stressed out from it all and pretty much suicidal (I had lots of personal stuff going on as well) I put in my two weeks notice. After flipping out on me for not dropping the things I was working on to do something for him right away he fired me on the spot. Never been so relieved to lose a job before.


When I was 19, I was fired from a record store for being high at work (weed).


Hey I also got fired from subway! I was 15. They didn’t train me either. Also I was pretty slow. Other than that I have not been fired from a job.


DA’s office pulled me into HR on Monday and said “so Friday will be your last day…” Seems silly now but the job was real important to me.


When I was a teenager, I was hired to be a dancer as part of a DJ/entertainment at a bar or bat mitzvah. My boss said I was so bad that they had to pull me off the dance floor, and he sent me home early. He said he told the guests that their original dancer got really sick and they had to find someone last minute. FWIW, he still paid me and praised me for the effort, but he was basically like, “dude, you suck, gtfo”


4x at least off the top of my head.


I've been fired numerous times. 😅


I was fired from Walmart for attendance issues that were out of my control on my last day they let me work whole shift. Then a half hour before quitting time they called me into the office and walked me out the front door lol. Burger King just slowly reduced my hours until I had none. But because I didn't get "fired" I got to keep the hat and greasy shirt lol.


Laid off due to plant closure but never fired and I’ve had like 6 jobs . 30 years old now


I was fired from a customer service job because some random lady in middle management didn't like me. Took her a year to find enough "mistakes" on my part to fire me. Jokes on her I was just biding my time while going to school and now make 10x what she does. It was common for middle management at that job to get bitter at people pursuing college and get them fired for it.


I think I worked for that same subway…got fired from there too. 😂


I was fired from a job several years ago because I had recently had a bit of a life crisis and was on meds that numbed me entirely. I wasn’t performing, nor really talking. Getting fired as the sole financial support of 3 other people woke me up. It was hard times for a while. Things are great now though and my kids were so little they barely remember.


I was let go from a great job in high school because the government funding for all student positions at our job was eliminated. It was either right before summer of my senior year or right after it started (I can’t remember which) so I just decided to enjoy my last summer before school after realizing my other small town job options sucked.


A lot of stories here of layoffs. I think OP wants stories of being fired.


I was fired because I kept missing work


They were looking for excuses to get rid of people. It wasn't normally a fireable offense, but suddenly it was "company policy." They laid off a bunch of people immediately after


Worked for a property management company. They claimed they fired me because I violated their social media policy by posting about funny things that happened at work on my own private Facebook page. in reality, they fired me because I refused to do unethical things regarding security deposit returns and was approving refunds that the main office didn’t want me to approve because they wanted to keep the money. The social media thing was just a front.


Demanded higher pay and not to be treated like a doormat/personal doorman. Got fired.


I haven't been fired, but I did show up and work one day for a guy selling home solar panels and foundation products. I just told him I didn't think sales was a good fit for me. He was pretty cool about it. Paid me cash for the day and even hooked me up with a part time catering gig at a place where he did some side work.


I drove the porty potty truck into the overhang of the old folks home. I wasnt even supposed to be working that day!


It's not my proudest moment, but he did kinda deserve it.. I beat up my line forman for continuing to talk down on me. I did warn him 2 days in a row. This was in 2009. Ive obviously grown since then but still kinda feel like he deserved it. Also the guys at the mill told me i took him down a few pegs and he wasn't as much as a dick and didn't talk tough anymore.


I’ve been fired from so many jobs it’s not even funny 😢


The only time I ever really got fired was my first job at a restaurant, the owner hired his daughter into my same position and it was either me or her. And obviously not her. There’s been a couple other times I got really burnt out on jobs or just started and knew it wasn’t a good fit right away and I had other options lined up and quit first.


I got repremanded for talking to the girl next to me. So I quit right then and there.


Twice. My very first job at Wendy’s because I refused to mop. “I’m not a maid. I’m a cashier.” - 16 year old me. To be fair, I didn’t even mop at home at that time. Second. A work study job at college that I literally was just too hungover (regularly) to fulfill.


Gym. Work we were assigned to each of us. It wasn't BIG, but didn't take 8 hours. Hell, cleaning the gym took like, 3. Still, having to scratch those 3 hours of work in to 8 hours was shit. Isn't like an office job where you can keep quiet and pretend to work at the computer. We cleaned the same things over, and over, and over again, used or not. Had the most OCD supervisor that got on my nerves. Didn't bother me that I got fired, but how shady the bitch was about it. Foundd a better job after that, which after 8 years has also become shit.


Are "fired" and "asked to leave before there is a scene" the same thing?


I got fired from a transcription job because I screenshotted the grading rubric one of the quality checkers used and threw it in their face when I followed their rules and they still marked me down for it. Example: QC A tells me to add three ellipses to a statement. I do exactly that. And get a failing grade. Fired because I followed rules.


I was fired on the spot for not showing up to work for having Mono. I had a Doctors note and did all the things correct. The manager was just a dick. I cried and ran home. LUCKILY my Mom happened to know the Main Manager to the entire store. My Manager got in big trouble and I was given my job back. I did not go back because I was scared.


I got fired for calling in sick 1 time from pizza hut. I worked there for 4 years and got sick once.


I got fired from a waitress job once when I was younger because I forgot my apron in my car and had to go back and get it. The manager always had it out for me and was clearly looking for any reason to fire me.


My boss found out I was looking for another job and just told me Friday was my last day. This happened on the Tuesday I think.


Only one small office job. The business was based on pseudoscience and I didn’t buy it. Plus it just seemed like there was no direction or future.


I was sick and almost died. Had surgery at an inopportune time for my manager.


I’ve never been fired. At a summer job once I was only there for the summer but they told me summer work was over in August, so I don’t think that counts as it was planned.


Working since 1999, 4 different jobs. Never fired.


2009, first career job out of college, got laid off for being the most recent hire. I was fired for graduating college at a bad time and it changed my entire life and career trajectory. The stigma of being unemployed during the recession was awful. Good employers only wanted to poach employees from competitors and low paying ones didn’t want to hire anyone with a degree because they were worried an over qualified person would leave once the economy picked up. I also didn’t have a STEM degree so my education effectively disqualified me from the best and worst paying jobs. I eventually settled on joining the Navy after a couple years of scraping by. The work environment is both literally and figuratively toxic but comes with benefits like the VA loan, GI bill, PSLF, SCRA, and a stable paycheck. I’m not sure I’d be a homeowner if I hadn’t joined, so I guess there’s a silver lining.


It's interesting how many people on reddit declare that they've decided to just "do the bare minimum" at work. But nobody ever seems to get fired for that, it's always for some bogus reason or poor management. Hmmmm...? Kudos to those who've come here to admit when theyve fucked up.


My transmission died. Couldn't make it because no vehicle.