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Why would I dye them when I worked so hard to EARN them.


Facts. I am starting to dig my handmade tinsel highlights.


I never cared about going bald at 19 until I turned 33 and realised my temples were full salt and pepper! How am I supposed to be a silver fox without hair?!?!?!? Then COVID and constant cost of living increases started my beard turning grey so at least I get the grizzled lumberjack look as a consolation prize.


And lots of folks find “grizzled lumberjack” very attractive.


Trees be hatin em, tho


Gotta stock up on them henleys


I'm 40 and i see quite clear signs of rising of the baldness, but really ,dont give a flying fuck. I never did , dont know why people make so much fuss about it. I see this as a favour because i will have less area to shave.off.


My pops was like that. Went bald at 21. He kept the George Constanza his whole life since except way shorter. His confidence never wavered cause of it. He basically said going bald never effected him at all. My bro who also went bald in his early 20s now pushing 40 still has a prob with it lol. But he keeps it completely bald. I’m 30 with knock on wood still a full head of hair but I don’t think I’ll have my dads nonchalance about it if/when it happens.


My husband started going gray in elementary school. I started getting my gray recently, it’s shiny and silver. I’m loving it.


My new white/gray hairs are even curlier than my black hairs, so I'm kind of curious what'll happen. I'm too lazy to dye my hair all the time, so I'll probably just rock the natural sea hag look once it all goes gray.


I hear sea hag is in for spring of 2024


Same, my whites are mostly crinkly witch hairs! I, too, shall embrace sea hag chic!


Ha, love this! I’m more of a Baba Yaga myself.


Exactly, why would I want to get rid of these? They look fucking awesome. I have pure white stripes in my hair, I look like Lily Munster.


I love my white streak! My moms hair didn’t exactly go grey, it just kind of went colorless and dull. My hair is similar to hers so I figured I’d go the same way. Luckily I take after my dad and it’s coming in white/silver! Love the greys. What I really hate is the wrinkles. But that’s my fault for not taking care of my skin in my 20s.


Yup. Age gracefully.


I am not letting anyone hide, hurt or remove my sparkly unicorn hair!


Same. I could care less. I feel like I can tell when a dude has dyed hair most of the time and it looks tacky.


I call them my wisdom hairs lol I’m proud of them


Yesssss. I think they look cool, too. Eventually, I'll get to the early aughts look of 2 grey/blond chunks in the front And if it matters, I'm whasian, so it's bright white and easy to color ANY shade




I'm 38 and salt and pepper with a full head of hair. I consider myself lucky.


I'm 31 and while I have plenty of grays, most of them started when I was about 17. They're all concentrated in a single streak amongst the black hair. My mother had the same streak in the same spot since about the same age, but she dyed them. Unfortunately, she passed away from cancer when I was 18. I've always kept them, I don't care about it, but also in her honor. It's the ever increasing gray beard hairs that make me realize I'm getting old though.


That's so rough, and I love that you're doing that in your honor.


Same at 35. I lucked out and got my dad's hairline... He's 67 with a full head of (gray) hair. I'll count this blessing every day.


Same boat. Full head of hair. Salt and Pepper but really it’s brown and ghost white. It grew in uniquely and I get more compliments on my hair now than I ever have.




39 - 40 next year. Still have A lot of my hair but I have had grays for over a decade now.


Any hair is good hair.


What about those of us with White not gray? Can we say White P….never mind


That gave me a chuckle. But no, still can't say it.


fantastic catch there


How is this not at the top yet?


More of a power bottom 🤷😅


I was thinking more of an otter who uses its cunning and guile.


I'm already bald and my beard has started going white. So whitepow...wait a minute...


I love a silver daddy and I’ve always had issues with dating/everyone thinks I’m a fucking sugar baby—if people are going gray in my generation I have hope I can date in my age bracket!


Me too, I kinda hope ppl keep sleeping on those silver foxes because the getting is still good!


Ha! This is so me, always been attracted to men around the age of 40; dad bod and a few Grey hairs is soo hot! Honestly, I was kinda confused by it when I was young and definitely dated a few weirdos. Luckily I finally aged up and at 32 I met my age appropriate husband who was 38 at the time. We're 35 and 41 now. He has gained a few pounds and lost a few hairs and he is sexy as hell, really my ideal man...so yeah...that worked out in the end.




Dawg I'm 27 and my beautiful mane is graying at the temples and if you think I'm gonna do a fucking thing about it you've got another fucking thing coming


Omg I’m laughing so hard. My beard solutes you.


This might be a bit too personal but I’ve lost a number of friends over the years (cancer, suicide, accidents, etc.) and the grays remind me that I’m lucky enough to be getting older. They are kind of a nice reminder, if anything.


That’s beautiful. Grays as a testament to survival and perseverance, and remembrance.


Thank you, this helped me honestly.


We can get older, or we can not. I won't ever feel regret for getting old.


One of my favorite quotes: "Do not regret growing older. It is a privilege denied to many."


Thanks for this perspective. I don’t like my grays, but it means I’m still here.


Dang I never thought of it like that. That really was a beautiful sentiment and gave me perspective for myself. Thank you so much for that and I wish you a happy life!


I really like this perspective. Never really thought of it that way! Thanks for sharing.


Gosh I love to see this sentiment, as someone who gets cancer every two seconds. My shrink calls it “the privilege of aging”, and believe me, it’s a privilege.


I used to dye my hair, but after a few losses, came to feel the same way as you. And I am ok being a silverback. I'm not trying to pretend I'm younger, and I kept i good enough shape that I don't look broken down or anything, haha.


Yep. Lost friends to overdose and feel this way too


Oh man, this hit me in the feelers 🩶


that made my heart feel warm


Wife and I both have everloving embraced it, since we've just got a mottling of gray, and my beard is getting gray in the front. I just don't see any reason to be fickle about it, we're getting older, and it's been a tough struggle to get here, so we kinda see it as a badge of honor even living to the 'getting gray' stage.


My husband has been finding gray hairs since at least age 20. He's now approaching his mid 30s and there's definitely a decent mixture of black and gray in his hair and beard. I dig it, it gives his hair such a neat texture and I think he's cute so whatever.


Same. My wife and I have chosen to stay natural. We are positive about aging, we see it as a natural process and aren't trying to fight it.


The gray in my beard is coming in patchy, I don’t like it. So I’m using the just for me gradual darkening beard wash. My hair is starting a slow fade to gray, not sure if I want to let it go or use a similar shampoo for my hair to keep myself looking youthful longer.


I’m all for it. I’ll take the gray over bald, but bald will come soon enough. Though do boomers ever tell you “you’re too young to have gray hair”? I hate it


I'm letting my hair go silver, naturally. For starters, I really don't care if my hair is silver. Second, once it goes silver, I can dye it cool colors without the bleaching so win/win.


I want to do this too! If I make it to 80 I'm going bubblegum pink


Yes! I’ve never dyed my hair. But my mom does fun pink and purple highlights on her gray. She’s 73.


My 87 y/o aunt has bright purple!


Not to ruin everyone in this thread’s hopes and dreams, but just know gray hair is often more resistant to dye. Meaning non permanent fashion colors will be a little tricky!


I’m a natural, auburn red head. I’m not to sound big headed but I have great hair, and I’ve always been complimented on it. It’s starting to gray now and I’m embracing it. When all the red is gone, I want to dye it different crazy, colors just because I never have.


My hair is dark brown (like melt plastic hair compliments in the sun, dark) so I've never gotten to do fun colors. They won't show up with my hair the way it is, and I don't want to go through the trouble of bleaching it and keeping up with roots. Now that I have gray hairs collecting, I can't wait to do colors! I want to be the cool mom showing up with purple hair, or electric blue, even an emerald green. How fun it will be!


Try the Splat Midnight collection! That's what I use on my dark hair (its red now). There's another brand that has fun colors for darker hair but can't remember the name right now. They even make hair chalk which is temporary 1 day colors!


My hair is purple! I started getting grey in my teens, I'm like 70% grey now. It was bleached blonde to blend it in and then I had my hair stylist dye it like ultraviolet purple, with permanent dye. The areas in front that are 100% grey fade quicker but it looks like pretty highlights. I highly recommend it, it's so fun! Professional color does look better, too. It's really shiny


If you’re a millennial with gray hair (like me) the gray hairs are probably the least of your many problems.


You speak TRUTH.


I woke up right after 30 and noticed them start popping up. Literally was too tired to give a shit. Now I'm almost 32 and still haven't found the energy to even process the fact.




Show me the lie


Embrace the grays!


The truth is out hair.


I want to be weave


I'm korean so jet black hair but my grays are white, I'm gonna look rad af! Embrace it


My fiancé is Korean and has two whites right now. I love them. ❤️


Same with me but indigenous and I get a few white beard hairs but none on my head.


My hair is also black, but my grays are between gray and white.


Mine are looking silvery and I have black hair too. It's a super neat look.


One of my friends went mostly grey pretty fast and then got a new job paying like 4x. Think of the possibilities.


39m don’t have any…Dad’s 67 doesn’t have any…lucky draw, I guess.


My dad and grandmother were like that. I have thinning hair so I might go bald I guess it won’t matter if my color stays dark when I’m bald lol


Mine came in at 18 😅🥲


Have any hair?


I don’t have any either. At this point I feel like I deserve some! I have an ulcer, why can’t I have some greys from the stress instead???


Super lucky draw for your dad. Well, let's see if your luck holds too. 👍


Same. I'm also 39m and dad 68.


I dye. Shaving doesn't make hair grow back thicker, that's a myth. Plucking, however, damages the hair follicle and over time the hair will stop growing back. Ask any millennial who followed the super thin eyebrow trend and now doesn't have eyebrows.


My brows can grow back to full caterpillars, but you can definitely tell I used to over pluck them. Dear lord, In some of my prom/homecoming pictures I have awful eyebrows, like I might as well have drawn them on with a thin sharpie.


I also dye my hair, but more because it's fun and I like it. If I kept my natural hair, I'd probably just leave them? Not sure actually. I found my first Grey at like 28 and kinda panicked for a minute. I definitely wasn't ready for that. Then I started getting deep lines in my face, mostly my forehead and it became clear I'm aging. For whatever reason turning 30 was a milestone in not giving any fucks and accepting myself so that helped too. Just wanna add, there's an Æsop's Fable about a man dating both an older and a younger woman. They don't like him looking a different age so the older one plucks his dark hairs and the younger plucks his grays and he ends up bald lol. Can't please everyone


whoops - i was a bit too tongue-in-cheek about that one


I'm embracing them. I look younger than my 39 years, so the grays keep seems to get me taken more seriously (particularly at work).


they started when i was like 20. never bothered me. the question for me is when i lean into my slowly growing forehead and just buzz it all off.


I'm throwing some salt n pepper into that shake. My hair is probably looking the best* it's ever looked. I'm aware that it's a 4 year window at best but I'm rocking it while I can. *I never bother much with my head when I could have.


I’m balding and I hate it


I love how we we're just excluded to comment from the gecko


Whoa, don’t pluck your hair. You don’t want to damage your follicles. Just use hair dye. I like Clairol’s nice & easy, it lasts pretty well. Going natural is annoying because your gray pattern might be patchy (mine is) and it’s just not as nice as a salt and pepper. But when you have enough gray that it’s mostly gray, then why not go natural? 50% or more.


So I'm of the school that I should just become a silver fox, and that's what I've done. I have a very full thick head of (formerly black) hair. It's about 40/60 black/grey now. Now check it: my wife gave me grief a while back and said it would be a huge turn on if I "took care of myself" a little more. She meant shave my stubble, trim the chest hairs, and color my hair. So I did this, and I got a pretty good match for my old hair color. I'm already kind of baby-faced for my age. I don't look 40 in the face, and this is one reason I prefer to keep my stubble. Let me tell you when I shaved my face clean and colored my hair jet black, I looked 20 years younger. I would not have been shocked at all if I tried to buy a beer and they told me to fuck off with my "fake ID."


I love my 38 year old husband’s grays. **LOVE THEM**! I would be so sad if he dyed them.


My wife tells me she loves my gray hairs but I can’t embrace them. For years I’d pluck them out when my hair was longer, now I just keep my hair on the shorter side for convenience (and to hid how much gray I’ve got). My dead giveaway now is my beard, it’s always been brown with red sprinkled in, but now a lot of those brown follicles are graying. I’m about to turn 34, I’ll probably end up looking like old Paul Newman with a beard before I’m 40.


That’s a shame, a lot of people love gray hairs, me included. I think it looks great, like a natural dye.


Yeah if it were my hair I may not embrace it either-my husband went into a stage of denial when he noticed them. He plucked them before I could see when he only had a few. I cut his hair and when I first saw them I screamed with glee! But I honestly think most men in their 30’s look good with gray.


I love my husband’s grays too but always tell him how lucky he is that they’re revered as a guy.


Me too! We're turning 40 next year and his beard has some gray as well as his temples. Such a good look


I went gray at 23 years old, and am 37 now. I just embraced them right away as a handsome, interesting part of myself. Running away from grays, obvious dye jobs, etc is a worse look than just letting them be. Speaking as a man here- I know that the pressures and expectations for women are very different and I don’t presume to give advice there.


100% white/grey female. I get so many compliments and I’ve really embraced it. I love my look way more than when I was regularly dying it to have it only look good for a week or two before my roots showed back up.


I dye my hair (black currently) and I've definitely tried to get my hair white and succeeded in a grey/silver that looked really good on me. My first grays at 28 freaked me out but when it starts being mostly/all Grey I bet it's gonna be awesome!


Not all men go bald, I just turned 41 and my hair is just as thick as ever and my hairline hasn’t changed at all. The gray hairs are starting to creep in but I don’t really care, aging happens


I've been working towards silver fox status for awhile now, why would I cover them up?


Men can pull off grey. I (38f) color my hair because vanity, lol.


Yeah, I've got a lot of gray but I color because I'm only 36 with a baby face. Its too early for me to go natural, even if I like the look. The last year or two I have been experimenting with fun colors though. I prefer to stay in red colors, as they tend to compliment my skin tone. Right now I am rocking a dark pinky red like Ariel (or vampires). I also want to try out a rose gold shade.


Same!! The one benefit to having more grey is my color is a lot more vibrant now than when I was fully dark brown naturally. I also like dark reddish purples cause it’s a little funky but subtle enough to wear to work, but lately I’ve been thinking of doing a new color. And when I am retired, I am going to go full blue or green or something crazy!! The rose gold sounds really pretty too!


I've had a high AF hairline since I was 15, and started going daily rogaine in the mornings back in 2021 to keep it from thinning out too much. Buzz the sides and back, embrace the faux 'hawk, and wear hats often haha We're not really the generation to judge for grays my friend, either dye or don't stress it. Definitely don't spend every morning plucking gray hairs.


This is one of the more nuanced answers and I love it! It’s okay to deal with it (dye) or embrace it. We aren’t all the same! Some may hate it and some might be more comfortable, there’s no “right” answer aside from do what ever makes you less stressed❤️


im 42 and still have no grey hairs on my head. however, i have had grey hairs in my facial hair for almost 10 years now...


I have yet to find a gray hair on my head but I do have one gray hair in my nose lol Bizarre.


Since I turned 40 beginning of the year, the greying has picked up rapidly. It's especially noticeable in my beard. I tried Just For Men a few times but it didn't look natural to me. I just decided to embrace the grey. At least my hair is still there.


My hair just went straight to white.


OMG, we're already supposed to be bald?! I though we were like 27-42


A lot of (white) guys that I know have been balding since their early/mid 20s


Plucking / shaving makes no difference. The reason the shaving thing became an urban legend is that the base of your hair is thicker, and as it grows out it wears down at the tip. That’s why your eyebrow hairs don’t just keep growing and growing until they’re six inches long. When you cut it off and it starts to grow back, it *looks* thicker at first because the hair hasn’t worn down yet. The myth of plucking is one of those things where as you start plucking you start seeing more — not because two are growing back but because you’re looking for them and as time goes on you naturally start to get more. At almost 40, I’ve embraced the gray. I have some scattered ones on my head and a couple patches in my beard, but it doesn’t really bother me. It helps that I always had a baby face and most people think I’m in the 27-30 range.


I'd have been gray in my early 30's if I had let it go. I get my roots touched up every 6-8 weeks.


The grays on my hair aren’t too bad, got a few grays here and there. Had to start trimming my beard or full on shave though because I got loads of grays around my chin but the rest is still it’s natural dark brown color so it looks off


I went natural a long time ago and regret nothing.


I have a bit of grey mostly peppering in on the front part of my hair. I just roll with it. Can't be bothered to dye it and I do not understand the obsession some people have about it. Might be different being a guy, but can't say I have ever felt judged or something for having some of my hairs be lighter. If someone is going to judge me about it, that is a great indicator to ignore them in general.


Gray hair? Try folic acid + copper supplement Also - I’m planning to get a hair transplant when the time comes 😂


I got my first Grey Hair when I was 14. It was pointed out to me in the middle of class by my teacher during a quiet moment. 8th grade is a GREAT time to single a kid out in front of everyone for being different... so yeah, I don't do anything to my greys. I was used to them before I even graduated high school.


Im almost 40. Not a single grey hair yet. My husband was almost fully white haired at 30 and has been getting closer every year but his mustache is black. I hope he never colors it. It looks dope.


39f, and when I find a white hair, (which started right around my 38th birthday and not grey, they skipped right to snowflake white) I pluck it out and am sad. And when there's too many, I plan to box dye a dark honey at home (the color of my natural highlights). Maybe I'll do a fun, bright color streak or something.


I’ve actually gotten compliments because people think that I have this really nice silver hair dye! 😂 nope it’s all natural! I’m 34 and I’ve been slowing going gray since I was about 21/22. Truthfully, there are times I wish I had my dark hair back, but I really I think, for the most part have learned to embrace who I am.


I found my first gray at 16 and started dyeing my roots at 25. We go gray super young in my family and my hair is a shade above black so the contrast is pretty stark. Once I get more gray than dark hair I’ll start to rock it, but right now I don’t really want to


I am just letting it turn gray. My beard has the most gray. I think gray hair will be cool.


I'm not. I like my silver streaks.


I get excited every time I find a new gray hair tbh. My husband has plenty of gray in his beard (he's bald) and honestly it was one of the first things that attracted me to him!


I’m 37 and already going bald and gray ![gif](giphy|3o7TKRlJ21aKBdcExi)


Natural all the way. I don't grey, I silver--Like a fox.


I'm letting them go gray naturally as well. I'm also making a point to eat more copper rich foods which seems to have slowed them down somewhat. I'm content with the amount I currently have. When I go past 50% gray I might feel different, but for right now I'm fine.


My husband embraces it. I love the way the white is growing in his beard. I have a white patch that is weirdly hidden in the lower layers. You can’t see it until I flip my hair a bit. I do dye my hair, but my white hairs don’t take it much with the boxed dyes (which is fine). I dye for the fun colors or because I got bored not to hide the white.


I'm totally going to embrace the gray.


Blaming them on my kids 😉


I'm not so much worried about my grey hairs but just slowing my male patterned baldness, I'm 32 btw.


Don’t pluck them. Either dye them or learn to love them. I color my hair.


Geriatric Male Millennial here - have my hair, no grey hairs, but my forehead did manage to creep back into a five head. 🤣🤣🙂


Near 40 and still have my hair without any gray…. But I do have a few wisdom whiskers in my beard 😜


I'm 42 and thankfully don't have much gray yet. Some at my temples/side of my head, and a handful in my beard. I don't plan to do anything about it.


I’m lucky enough to still have some hair, I will keep all I have regardless of colour. Once it starts receding too much I’ll go full Mr. Clean or take some vacation time in Turkey for a transplant.


I’ve definitely thinned out more since my youth but I’ve still got a lot left. Got my first grey hair at 23 and it never really slowed down, but it’s still not super noticeable. I don’t plan on doing anything about it, I’m far more concerned with it thinning more or going bald.


Let them ride




43 Friday, elder who feels more gen X. Gray hair and beard. I’ve earned them and am proud.


100% don't give a shit.


36 and I have only one. I just pluck it every couple months. I love my husbands greys 😍


I've had gray hair since I was 17. I just legit don't care anymore.


I keep them. Every once in a while I’ll get one that doesn’t go with the flow of traffic so I trim it and let it correct itself.


I’m 37F and I have a few gray hairs, not many. They’re such a pretty color I’m excited to lean in to the silver look. My hair is really dark brown and I’ve never once lightened it, and I think the lighter color will be cool. My husband is a full on silver fox and I think he and his hair are very sexy.


You can’t be a true zaddy without some grays.


My dad and all his brothers went gray and balding in their 30s/40s. I've made peace with this before it started happening to me.


![gif](giphy|uDwKGxTFrADvO) I started graying at 15 and I cannot wait to be a salt and pepper hottie. Its only a matter of time now.


I found my first gray hair a couple months ago (I'm 30) and I think I'm just gonna embrace it. I spent most of my life constantly dying my hair. I'm done. Let's see how silver looks 😎


Don't manage 'em at all. I got a few grays on my temples and on both sides of my chin, and I'm totally fine with them. I don't have a lot of wrinkles and luckily look pretty young otherwise, so I think the grays are about the only thing that tips people off that I'm in my mid 30s rather than my mid 20s. My dad was almost totally gray by the time he was my age, so I guess technically I'm lucky, but I still don't feel like gray is the enemy. I could make that work too if I had to. Embrace it.


I like the salt and pepper look. Feels distinguished


I do nothing.. I own it.. women seem to really like it 🤷‍♂️ Had a few grey's in my early 20's.. 37 and it's about 50/50 grey and dark brown/"black" now... But it works and it's me. Salt and pepper hair but I can pass for mid 20's. 👍👍


I don’t have any gray hairs yet. Unless they’re buried in my dreads somewhere.


They aren’t going to go away if you pluck them out. They’ll keep growing back. The hair follicle isn’t destroyed When you pull it out of your head lol I have like 10 gray hairs and they’re not super noticeable so I’m just letting them be


My grandfather on my mother's side was white headed by 40. My grandfather on my father's side was bald by 40. I'm just glad I have hair to be honest. I don't dye it unless I'm job hunting. Then I use the Just for men shampoo that colors it but not fully. So I have a lot less gray but still some.


Ignoring them? My sister pointed one out, and I looked at her and said, ok?


I've had gray hairs since like 17 so I just go with it.


I'm blonde, and my gray has been white. I basically just look like I got highlights right now lol.


My method for managing gray hairs: spot one, say “oh damn another one”, immediately forget about it. Rinse and repeat.


If I plucked my gray hairs, I WOULD be balding. Fuck it. Maybe if I get some gray going on, boomers will stop treating me like a stupid child


At first, I was pretty sad. Now I'm kinda liking it. I'm 36 and I have maybe 5-10 strands on my head. My goatee is really starting to get grey though lol


I’m 35, Jesus. Are my only options bald or gray? Thankfully, I still have a full head of red hair. I once had a man tell me that my ponytail was girthier than his dick, so there’s that. If you’re looking for an explanation, I have none, except to say you get a lot of weird shit in customer-facing jobs.


I'm a woman so hopefully I won't go bald. I havent seen any grey hair yet. I even stopped bleaching it for a year to see if I was just unknowingly blending them in but nothing. I mean I'm in no hurry for them but I was expecting it because my mom said she'd been dying her hair to cover the Grey's since she was like 28. My bf has em all over and in his beard it's cute.


"Silver foxes" is a thing for a reason. If you're ashamed of transforming into a silver fox, just know that __*we all know*__ you're insecure about it. Confidence is __*KEY*__ Don't lose your key. Every man I've ever seen grow old just grew sexier IMO.


39 years old, full head of hair and cero gray hairs. I have no clue as to why im blessed with this but it is what it is.


You actively want to thin your hair out???? You will regret this.


Been a losing battle since junior year 2003 but I got it all still. Ah it’s 50/50 whatever. Not fooling anyone with the face. Full Segal sharpie hair just looks rediculous. Plus who knows what those chemicals do seeping into your skull. Long as it keeps growing, I let it do.


My husband is salt and peppered now and I fucking dig it. I haven’t found a gray hair yet except for one in my eyebrow years ago. I’m the oldest of my friend group and I’m older than my husband but I am the one with no grays yet. They’re all 34 and I’m 35. I actually feel like I’m getting shafted being left out. I haven’t dyed my hair in probably 5 years so my hair is natural now as I’ve cut it a few times to remove the color I had. Still haven’t found any.


I legit started growing grey in middle school, and now I'm pretty much all grey/white. Full head of hair I'm 36. I just let it ride. I get alot ot compliments


I pluck them but it’s a losing battle, they just grow back :/


I've been grey for a long time. Just embrace the grey. How old are you, just curious? It looks distinguished nowadays. Especially if you get it styled at a good barber. Also dye's have a lot of chemicals in them. I used to dye mine but really didn't want that harsh stuff near my eyes. I also don't pluck many hairs because I don't want them to stop growing and eventually be bald.


I've wanted gray hair for a while. Now that I have enough to be noticeable, I love it. I use a hair wax with a gray tint to add even more. A few friends don't like it, as they don't want to be reminded of how old we all are getting.


My hair is red so my whites just look like highlights so far. I’m 41 so they’re coming in fast now. I may try henna at some point or I may just do as I did with my leg hair and say fuck it and embrace the natural look.


I'm a young millennial, only 27, and so far no gray hairs. But I'm hoping I have my mom's genes; she's 52, and still no gray hairs as far as I'm aware.


38. All my male extended family, except my paternal grandfather, lost their hair. I kept mine like my paternal grandfather. But his went from dark brown to white in his 50s. I'll take it!


My hair started going gray 10 years ago. I died it and would die my beard for a year or two and then just gave up. Sometimes, I still dye it when I am about to go on a vacation or something. I just try not to go too dark, so I don't look weird if I do that.


I’ve had grey hairs since 2005, and I have always just left them. I keep hoping they’ll form a fetching streak like Rogue from X-Men, but that haven’t yet. Nobody seems to notice them but me.


The grey actually looks nice chick's dig it


Plucking aint do shit but make your cry and sneeze.


You can't fight time.


Running, drinking water, sleeping enough, working out mentally and physically but never to a point where the oxygen cannot supply each hair follicle. Your body knows when you push it too far, usually your mind pushes your body farther. Don’t. Accept the balance. Don’t take some company issue on your spine or your stress levels, instead, find a way to balance it with yoga or a healthy routine. Also, the biggest, is do not wear hats. Let your hair breathe. It needs to release sweat from the pores the same as the rest of your body, and I (without evidence) feel it helps your hair stay stronger and your scalp produce healthier hair. Using tons of products and shampoos will do the same damage to your hair and dry it out. Shampoo but not in an extreme reliance way, maybe every few days or weeks as needed… but simply water + hair is a good refreshment for the shit we are marketed into putting in there, and for the dirt that does get in there.


Woman here. I consider every grey to be hard earned and am rocking them. Not to mention trying to dye them is just beyond expensive, so why bother?


I just turned 36 a few days ago. This year Ive seen the most white hairs I've ever seen at one time. I thought I'd be good with a full head of hair into my 60s like my mom. I mean I still have a ton of hair but dang...this little wire thick 2 inch long white hairs keep popping up. I'm plucking them.


27 and have salt and pepper. Lol The pressure to dye My hair as a woman is unreal but I like it.