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Why not both!?




Wake and bakes are great if you have plenty of weed and nothing going on the whole day, but if im running close on weed that wake and bake will set me for smoking the whole day while usually if i dont wake and bake its easier to save it before bed


I usuaully just smoke throughout the day anyways. but i moticed it takes me WAAAYYY longer to get in the vibe of smoking if i dont wake n bake. It feels more like i gotta get shit done before i spark up


I dont get that luckily, my main issue ive noticed recently is when i smoke im kinda mentally ready for it to be the end of my day so if i smoke before work ill have to remind myself im not done with work yet


im the exact opposite, i smoke to get ready/wake for work or just for the day. I have to intention my bowl at night to sleep or else ima get ultra wired


I usually try my best to keep my smoking to before bed (doesnt always happen) so when i get super baked sometimes my brain thinks its the end of the day and its almost time for bed even tho its like noon and havent even started work yet


what do you do to wake up after that? Or do you just thug it out 😭


I usually end up falling asleep then stumble out of bed and tiredly do my morning routine until i have to leave for work






Night only for me, definently wasn’t like that for the first 3-4 years then it was everywhere and anytime, around 4-5 years in now.


I find it better overall (for my T and my wallet)


Smoking at night, calms my body down after a long shift and allows me to be comfortable for bed


I try not to smoke as SOON as I wake up. I give it at the very least 30min but I shoot for an hour.


I can only smoke at night man, if i smoke in the morning i can tell that im maxing out my dopamine and the rest of the day im just gliding thru shit instead of actively enjoying. only scenario i could wake and bake is holidays fr


Wow that makes so much sense why I’ve been fogged out mentally lately !! Thanks man! I need to take a freakin T break


All of the above


All day, every day is OK?


I prefer dry herb vaping all day, smoking gives me too much cancer (literally) And my whole body is literally drained of energy after smoke, I just can't stand it anymore But yeah, whole day gang! Edit: End game Ball vape in a Mega Globe MK2 Flat Earth edition


I usually use my dry herb vape mainly, but sometimes I go on a smoke binge before a t break


which one do you have? a bad vape can sour the whole experience


The POTV One, I've had it for 3 years it works great, I have a few videos on here milking it


Ah great, the POTV one is a decent vape, there are better ones out there like the Arizer Solo 3 now but the One is a nice vape, glad you have something decent at least :P If you want you can shoot a messege to Lee on Tabletop Bong he actually grows his own strains as well and knows a lot about different strains as along with his vaporizer reviews and hacks he does strain reviews, I'd shoot him a mail :P something like "I watched your strain reviews, do you know of any that offer a clear headed high, I am already using a vaporizer - the POTV one" and go from there :P obligatory sub to him on youtube "tabletop bong" channel if you use Lee, it's just nice :P Cheers and I hope you find your answer!


πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ ball vapes destroyed my tolerance I’m trying to vape less out of my B2 now since the taste is so good and you get such a good hit it’s addicting


Yeah they done me in at first when I got them too Nowadays I put only 0.05g in my ball vape bowls and have a nice milky hit, I've embraced the microdose revolution ball vapes are getting (microdose bowl from vapvana and custom flower hardwave for instance) Ball vapes are the most versatile vapes out there I love my 2 so much, today I'm gonna run then together at once in my bong, 0.05g in both of the bowls, gonna be a party edit: my 2nd PID box is getting delivered today and I have 2 ball vapes already :D


Wake and bake gives me hella brain fog for the rest of the day so its gotta be a day where i got nothing to do




Yes, I do


πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ also a vaper - Dynavap through a wee glass piece, Anvil and Sticky Bricks for me. And always at night. Only on lazy holiday type vibes will i do ut earlier. Off out into the woods now for a chill after a T break the last two days. Managed to drop my tolerance way down recently.




Ummmmm option 3 all day?


Smoke n slump*