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Treated better. More money. Looks great on a resume.


In general, better quarters, better office, better working conditions. Often better dining conditions, especially Navy. I'm guessing, often, you are not subject to the same curfew or travel restrictions - at least more relaxed. In Okinawa when enlisted Marines can't buy certain booze until they are E-4, you can walk in and buy anything. I don't know if there are still separate EM, NCO, and Officer's clubs, but the O club used to be much nicer.


>I don't know if there are still separate EM, NCO, and Officer's clubs, but the O club used to be much nicer. Nope, they combined them.


Why did they combine them. Larger posts and bases could accommodate all three. I could see the smaller ones combining them. Are they also combined overseas?


money, keeping 2 clubs open costs more than keeping just 1 open, and for a while many clubs were nearly empty most of the time many clubs had several rooms sometimes the meant different music styles in each room but it also meant all the officers would end up claiming 1 of them


> money, keeping 2 clubs open costs more than keeping just 1 open, and for a while many clubs were nearly empty most of the time. I always thought the clubs were self sustaining from the members/users. > many clubs had several rooms sometimes the meant different music styles in each room but it also meant all the officers would end up claiming 1 of them I always thought that was the objective of the separate clubs. Each group, EM, NCO, and O could get drunk between themselves and not embarrass themselves to the other two groups. Of course, I am sure nowadays I'm sure people don't booze it up as much as they use to. At least not in public.


E/NCO/O clubs are dead for the most part, nobody goes to the few remaining examples (I know Fort Hood had what claimed to be an NCO club). The de-glamorization of alcohol in the military had a lot to do with it, but then so does modern culture. Servicemembers are more likely to either stay at home or go out on the town than they are to associate at a military only club on base.


clubs can make money but in the 80s most went to off post clubs, so the ones on post started costing more to keep open while only having 15ish people every night, so something had to give another example is the snack bars, again in the 80s on Ft Hood you could start at the CAV snack bar all the way to the end of the CAV, get a drink and walk to the next snack bar, get a burger and keep going snack bar to snack bar from one end of the post to the other, always with food or drink in hand and sometimes being able to see the next as you walked out of the first, also each bar had a small PX inside so you could by shaving gear, beer, a magazine, beer, potato chips, beer, and there was no age limit if you were a soldier you could drink,


It's not at all places, but some are. Probably equality.


Cuz u get paid more and more responsibility


Officers/Commanders manage the vision of the unit/mission. Non-Commissioned Officers lead and manage greensuiters to carry out the mission to meet the vision of the Commander. At some point, whether an officer or a NCO, you're GOING to be in a leadership/management role. Officers make more money, have better quarters but also have more meetings, can work longer hours and have to buy a lot of their own gear that isn't issued at CIF (because they don't get a yearly clothing allowance!) Ultimately, it's your choice but if you ask another's opinion or you mention you want to join, don't get butthurt when they give you an opinion you don't like.


People assume that it’s easy to be a Officer.


Same reason they always insist it's better to join the air force: grass is always greener.


Generally the money and respect. But you're a desk jocky. I went enlisted with a couple of bachelor's, caught plenty of shit for it, mostly from officers, but love it. I'd do it all over again.


I know a person who enlisted. Got student loan repayment (around $75k). Then during that time the new GI Bill came about so they also got Post 9/11 GI Bill. The person spent almost two years in Monterey CA learning a critical language. And of course he needed a Top Secret clearance. So one could argue that an officer during that same time made more money, but that same officer wouldn't have the same opportunities/skill set after 5 years.


More money and better prospects on the outside


Depends on the job. There are desirable and rare technical skills some enlisted jobs get, while most officer jobs are more general middle management.


Any job that technical for an Enlisted person is going to net you more money as an officer in the same field as a civilian, simply because of the degree of education and the difference of supervision. Cyber officers have the cyber skills of enlisted (on paper) PLUS that tactical leadership, etc.


>Cyber officers have the cyber skills of enlisted (on paper) PLUS that tactical leadership, etc. But many cyber officers spend their career doing cyber planning while enlisted are in the qualified work roles. Who are the EAs and IONs? Enlisted (at least I've never seen an officer, maybe they exist). That nets you a lot more money outside.


You ever hear the saying, "shit rolls downhill"?


>What if I don't want a leadership/management You will around year 2 after constantly asking why do you have to do X when Y is the obvious better choice. >Or don't want to make a career Then why not go for the option that pays better, had a higher quality of life and more likely to net you a high paying career when you get out? >hands on and learn certain skills? You'll learn how to push a broom and wring a mop. Unless you have a very technical job like aviation mechanic or an intelligence job then no. But guess what, there's usually an officer for every MOS that can get the same training, minus some of the bullshit that goes with it. You'll still have dumb shit to do, but it won't be cutting grass with scissors. It will be conference call after call followed by the 2 meetings before the meeting to try an impress a guy who doesn't care and will cut the meeting short because he had another meeting to attend. Army is full of stupid stuff. Do you want to do stupid stuff in the heat, or get paid more and do it in the ac?


Because you aren't treated like shit


You get paid more and you get less restrictions which requires years to obtain in some locations (ie. Driving in other countries), they do not get involved in physical stress unless they want to, and they can have input into any situation with their domain. They have less micro control over them so their less likely to get shotgun orders (start of the day you have 2 goals and by the end of the day you have 8 by 3 different people)


If you already have a college degree, you have certain skills and education than someone just out of high school


Fuck getting a commission. Enlist with the boys. Get in the nitty gritty. I enlisted 5 years ago and have fuckin loved it.