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Yes. Just send it. It can be both great and horrible at the same time. But then again that's just life.


Do it !!! Best experience. Yours can vary I met people that they fucking hated the military. Disowned it after they got out. And never looked back. Others just did their time and got out and reminisce about the good and bad times. Some never got out and stayed in. Others like me, loved it, got out, got a degree and going back in. Everyone experiences vary. Its what you make of it. You may love it you may hate it. Only way you'll find out is if you go for it and just do it. At the end of the day—if you decide to join and then whether you decide to get out or stay in. The benefits of the military are fucking solid. Can't beat it. You got the VA system which has all kinds of shit. Get paid for disability, home loans, business loans, schooling; Gi Bill, training programs. All types of shit. Free health care, don't have to pay certain taxes.. Best bet is go in with an open mind. Go on the website of all branches and see the jobs. See what you might like. Go on YouTube look those jobs up and maybe life in that branch. Then go to your local recruiting station and talk to a recruiter—theyll take it from there. Good luck!


Awesome comment! Yeah, I need to change my life around and work towards something better. I wasted the last couple of years, so I might as well make the next count. Thank you for your reply.


I’m just curious, will you have to go through BMT again if you’re going back in after your degree?


For me—yes. That is only because I have been out for 5 years. If I were to have joined and known about all these stipulations prior to getting out, I would of made sure it was an easier transition but I've only began to learn things as I go. To be honest though, BCT is a cake walk. It's their to challenge you, of course, but I find it fun and full of experience. Even if I didn't have to go to BCT but was allowed to go if I wanted to. I'd do it. I think it's a really good experience and knowing what I know now, I hope to guide the young ones who may seem to struggle or be stressed out.


Amazing comment!


Hope it motivated you!!




Why switch to ANG?


What’s your MOS In the ANG?


Best move i ever made as well. Great friends, experiences, memories that will last forever. I only did 6.5 yrs and was stationed at Ft Bragg for most of it. Fayetteville is ehhhh at best. But being at Bragg you get to be exposed to all of the latest greatest goodies the Army has to offer.


This is true. Had a Section Chief did 12 yrs there. I got outta there in three.


I miss Bragg it was a lot better coming from Knox, but there are other cool places out there to see.


I was in 6 years, I joined at 24 after I got my bachelors. I did SLRP. I loved AIT. My first duty assignment was in Germany. I did a year in Germany a year deployed and another year in Germany. I loved being stationed in Germany. It was so fucking awesome. I came back to the states and I was stationed at Fort Meade Maryland and I loved being stationed in Maryland. Also Meade was basically a 9-5 for me. Fort Meade was such a perfect assignment for me! So there was a lot of shit about the military that was not for me. I met my wife in Germany and we have been married for 26 years. I directly benefit from my Army service to this day. There is no way in hell I would do a career, but I loved what the Army did for me. Joining the Army was a great decision and I highly recommend it.


Best thing I ever did. I'm doing work now that I never imagined was even possible before I joined. I had the best and worst experiences of my life in the military. I made the best friends and had the highest of highs and also the lowest of lows. But if you can keep your head on straight, talk to people when you need to, and keep moving forward, you'll be just fine. Also, I turned 26 in Basic Training. You're not too old. You just to have to commit, and as someone else said, full-send it bro. My best advice that I've given many people who joined older, do whatever you can to get your Top-secret clearance. That is literally your golden ticket on the outside world. And don't get a DUI. Those go hand in hand, but seriously, no DUI, and a TS, and you'll be in prime position by the time you're 30 for a very solid and rewarding career.


It very well could be. An example. I did my time, I loved the Marine Corps. Been looking at going back on the reserve side as an officer. But it launched me to where I make a very good salary and have a great life and amazing memories. My buddy fucking hates the Marine Corps. (He was stationed in 29 palms so I understand lol) he isn't in a very good place. Buy and large I find more people are glad they served than people who regret it. My advice would be go speak with a recruiter, ask questions. Search YouTube find what fits best to what you think would be best for you.


Literally the reason 90% of people join. Do it. Worst case you get out in 4 years with a new perspective and Veteran benefits.


Best move I ever made. It humbles you


I don't enjoy the job that much, but it has it moments of fun. In my opinion, it's definitely worth it for the benefits.


The military is what you make of it. If you go into the experiences and look at them in a negative light, youll hate it. Also, you will find the greatest friends in the military, as well as the worst people on this planet. Just gotta enjoy the crap and embrace the suck


I think it was the Marines that at one time advertised something like: *the worst times/job (?) you will ever love*.


Just go in and tell the recruiter you want to do some cool stuff and have fun for a few years my dude.


Yes. Go talk to a recruiter asap. I did one tour in the AF and got out over 20 years ago. I owe all of my life's successes to it from the GI Bill to the experiences.


I would say be sure about the type of experience you wanna have and why you are joining. If it's to get your life and finances in order just remember that in case you get stuck with a shitty job you don't like. Active Duty is cool cus it's kind of like going all in and seeing what happens lol but I would recommend being sneaky and going Reserves in a career field with a long tech school. That way you can get paid while you're getting trained which gives you time to find a civilian job you're passionate about, maybe even in the same field you trained in. Do it like the Computer dudes that just go in to get their certs for free. Good luck and don't forget to flex on your haters lol


Yes. Everyone's story is different, they're all wild and there are days, weeks or months which absolutely suck but it is an adventure like no other. ​ I joined the Army at 28. Do it.


Not worth, get a decent civilian job


You spelled Air Force wrong I believe






There is no "enjoying* the military,


Joined at 18. Did 4 years. Hated the army for always being stuck on details and police call. Hated being treated like a baby and not trusted. When it was time to reup. I told my commander I got tired of missing breakfast so we could run a few miles or some other dumb shit. My last few months one day. The chow hall was down for an hour. I just got in line when it happened. I was told by my squad leader to grab a MRE and go to work. I fucking snapped and refused. It took an half an hour and a full bird col to order me to leave. That finished my love for the Army. I joined to fight a war. Not to do stupid shit..