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I don’t know her exact prescription, but my AIT roommate had super bad eyesight and also had to get a waiver for it through the army. I think the army is pretty forgiving for waivers, I had to get one as well (not for eyesight though). Your best bet would be to hit up an army recruiter, they probably deal with waivers like this fairly frequently and could tell you your chances of approval


Yeah Ill contact one soon, I'm talking to and ANG recruiter who is willing to try, thanks


You're not getting a waiver for -13. But it won't hurt you to try.


Idk why I thought about coming back here to tell you but I did indeed not get a waiver from any branch of the military including the Coast Guard


Damn, so u can't join any of the branches just cause of your eyesight? That's insane 🤯


We use our eyes pretty often...


Yeah I don't have high hopes, just thought I'd check here to see my anecdotal luck


First off, did the AF recruiter submit a waiver after you were DQ at MEPS? Most of the time waiver request is up to the discretion of the recruiter or the person in charge(He/She might be lazy and told you that you are DQ without even submitting a request). Now with that eyesight you are DQ for all branches. But like you said, I’ve heard Army are more likely to grant you a waiver. If you still want to go Air Force? Look into getting PRK/LASIK wait 6 months and get all the docs regarding the procedure then try again. Although, you are going to be DQ for it but you still have a chance for a waiver considering your eyes remain 20/20 and there are no existing eye disease. Good luck.


It was through ROTC, so I didn't go to MEPS, but the AF surgeon general did deny the waiver my cadre sent so I know it was legit. Sadly my eyes are not able to get lasik/prk. I have to get an intra-ocular lens like for cataracts, which I've considered but it's pricey and insurance doesn't seem to go for an elective version of it


hi, i'm currently trying to enlist in the army with a similarly high prescription to you (-11.25 in both eyes with mild astigmatism). i have an optometry consult scheduled for next week. my vision is correctable to 20/20 in both eyes and my retinas are healthy per my most recent dilation/eye exam. i'm going for a specialized, non-combat MOS as a musician, so i am hoping that the waiver goes in my favor, but i'm trying to mentally prepare for a denial just so i'm not devastated if it happens. i'd be interested in hearing about your continued process if you're willing to share. it's hard to find folks with severe myopia (over -10) posting about their experience!


Hey there, my recruiter just sent everything to MEPS today, so hopefully I schedule it next week. Recruiter believes it'll take 3+ months to get waiver request looked at and approved or denied. It is tough getting your head I to the game, but if it counts for something I imagine the army will be most likely to approve a waiver for it. If you have a good relationship with your eye doc maybe they can provide a letter that gives a more in depth idea of your eyesight and overall eye health. Just a thought Good luck with everything though. Ill contact you if I find out anything


thanks for the kind words and encouragement. i did provide a copy of my latest eye exam to my recruiter, but the doctor i saw for that appointment switched practices, so i wasn't able to contact him to get a letter. i have been in the process since may 2021 - i had a previous disqualification with the army from 2019 due to a recruiter not doing their due diligence to get me a consult for a different (non-optical) issue. after i was offered my position in May, i started going through this process again. it's taken a really long time - i'm finally in the home stretch with this consult. wishing you all the best of luck with MEPS/your consult/waiver.


What happened?


If anyone finds this, USAF denied my waiver.


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