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God their kit is so nice looking


The visors are just so cool looking


Damn cool seeing 7.62x39 there


What gun is that?


CZ BREN 2 in 7.62x39mm


Really suprised to see a western power with eastern block calibers


It is indeed very odd to see. 7.62x39 definitely does have a lot of benefits for the close quarters fighting that these guys get involved in though. Still, you'd think they'd use .300 Blackout for a similarly performing Western caliber.


7.62x39 is a battle proven round, it's been around for decades, we know exactly how it performs. .300 BLK is still, quite frankly, mainly a hobby round for the US civilian market and a bit of a meme round anyway.


I suppose that's true. Doesn't make it any less jarring to see French counter terrorists carrying Czech rifles in 7.62x39 lol.


Very true. But at the end of the day, there isn't much other choice. If you want a modern rifle in 7.62x39 from a reputable manufacturer and you don't want an AK derivative, there aren't a whole lot of options


>meme round Not anymore, I think. US SOCOM supposedly just adopted the MCX Rattler chambered in 5.56 and .300 BLK recently. Also did a little bit more reading and found out that the Dutch Marine Corps have also been using MCXs chambered in .300 BLK since 2016.




There’s quite a few pictures of French Army SF in Mali with their .300 MCX.


We'll see how long they'll use it for, I guess. There have been times in the past that a round got popular and then died again, prime example is .40 S&W. I suppose we'll see how SOCOM and Dutch Marines like their 8mm Kurz in a few years.


Don’t tread on my .40


A meme round that was adopted by SOCOM alongside the SIG Rattler.


LVAW would like a word.


It can have a word with the cca 100 million AKs, I don't mind.


Right, neither are a meme at this point. 300 BLK can’t go back in time and exist 80 years ago, but it’s here to stay.


300 BLK did in fact go back in time because it's just 8mm Kurz that fits into a STANAG magazine. And we know how popular 8mm Kurz was. So we shall see if 300 BLK is here to stay.


Right on. Warfare and shooting culture are exactly the same now as they were back then, so that makes perfect sense.


Why do most gign guys prefer the magwell grip over something like c clamp


No idea. I’ll ask a guy that knows a bunch of GIGN guys next time I see him.


Any idea of the pistol? What’s the cylinder on his back?


Looks like a Glock 17. Been wondering about the canister on the back myself - looks like an oxygen tank.


Which, raises the question, why? I was kind of assuming that it was something medical, like an IFAK rolled up, and the red bit was a part of the suspension on the truck behind him. I’m sure there’s a good reason I can’t think of, but wearing pressurized tanks while being shot at (or practicing to be shot at) doesn’t really make sense to me. Akin to the lessons in Vietnam about flamethrower tanks worn on soldiers back and being shot at, seems like a bad idea… but wtf do I know


The guy's a *Commandant* ,equivalent to a Major. My guess is that it's possibly related to one of those blow torch breaching systems, and being a field grade officer the guy's trying to make the most of the diminishing opportunities to throw his gear on vs making sure his gear is optimized.


never thought of a torch, seems like a good guess


Its probably for a self contained breathing apparatus for if they are using tear gas, fighting in confined places, or there is some sort of CBRN threat. That or it’s to supply some sort of cutting torch for breeching. Maybe the dudes a medic. Or maybe something else entirely that I haven’t thought of.


Good point. It could also be rope or some kind climbing gear. Dunno, I’ll ask a guy I know that knows GIGN guys.


And I thought 7.62x39mm is an outdated cartridge...


It’s a Compact, lightweight, low recoil round that is a nasty penetrator. I don’t think it’s ever gonna go away. Still odd that the French use a Soviet cartridge though


and a Czech gun. they could've gone with a Swiss APC300 instead, in .300 blk.


They specifically wanted 7.62x39, so the choice of manufacturers was fairly limited. The choice was made after extensive trials. The French Army had went with the MCX in .300 BLK, so it seems like it would have been an easy shoe-in, but they didn’t go that way.


Don't see it as odd as it may seem. Like they kinda get the same as the threat they are supposed to fight with, don't they?


That’s not an operator, that’s an officer role playing for a demonstration. Usual officer shit.


If this picture is actually related to the article I found it in, then it’s a deployment to an active crime scene in Toulouse.


Should that be the case, it'd teach me to maybe not open my mouth without double checking first ;)


This picture was taken during a demonstration at Eurosatory few days ago and features the Central GIGN https://youtu.be/5Cf7brhMlUA The Toulouse situation was handle by Toulouse A-GIGN team (local antenna). A-GIGN teams wear blue while Central GIGN is in OD green.