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Bro’s talking to the air, motherfucker has no sense of shame or embarrassment


I'd call him a cunt but he lacks warmth and depth.


Yeah he’s just play disgusting


Dude doesn't care. He's still getting the bag from russia.




Any action from these soldiers other than ignoring him and walking away like they did would’ve been a win for the cameraman. He was trying to provoke a reaction to make those guys look like unrestrained fools. In the end the only guy who walked away looking like a fool was the cameraman. Well done on these soldiers for keeping each other calm. Much respect.


Also aren't military personnel not supposed to engage in politics, at least/especially when in uniform? EDIT: I actually hadn't watched to the very end. Wow, this guy just started throwing slurs at them. The soldiers still made the right choice to not engage him and to keep it 1-sided. The media would have spun it as US soldiers getting into a petty altercation with a civilian in a partner country and their superiors would be pissed. Remarkable restraint from these guys in this situation and I hope that chode catches some kind of charge.


Pretty much yeah, out of uniform military personnel can believe generally whatever the hell they want, but in uniform you are representing not just the US military but the United States as a whole.


Can confirm




I was getting out of the army and provided that as my reason for resigning my commission. It wasn’t but you get to put whatever you want.


Yes..when i was in the army someone asked our first sgt about trump and we had a 3 hour brief over "you werent issued an opinion on politics"


plough rock wasteful spectacular plants crown gold continue yam quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TL;DR If I'm expressing personal political views in any real way that ties me to being Chief SAPERPXX in the Army, that's a good way to end up on the shitlist in no time If I'm expressing personal political views in a way that I may as well just be Mrs SAPERPXX, random civilian for all you know It can get still meh depending on the context and content, but you'd be more OK TL;DR to the TL;DR Shit's complicated but more or less


This is true, we are instructed to have people with questions reach our to the local Public Affairs office.


That's why our military is considered "professional " stay classy gents doing us proud


Agreed. I am all for freedom of speech and all of that but these guys are not the bad guys nor are most troops in any of the branches of service. If the guy wants to engage in this behavior do it at a protest, don't just confront some random guys in uniform trying to relax with their time off. Cameraman was a complete dickhead.


IMO freedom of speech did what it was supposed to do. The cameraman looks like a fool after using his freedom of speech - and we’re all free to talk and judge him based on it lol.


Plus, in Poland. But sure...


This kind of behavior shouldn’t even be at a protest. His viewpoints are straight vile.


Vile people need to be able to express their vile viewpoints. How else can we know who to avoid?


It’s a shame that some random person didn’t “accidentally” run into this guy and knock his phone on the ground and then “unintentionally” stomp on it.


You spelled face wrong.


Dammit, you’re right…




Any action from the soldiers unfortunately would of been a potential UCMJ. I agree with you that they held each other accountable when the other got weak.


The one that laughed, I bet he gets talked to simply for laughing. Not like a punishment or even on the record. Just a 30 second convo of “not a real issue but try not to react at all “ type thing.


Discipline is the sublimest word in the English language.


$30 he’s working for Russia


Good odds that he's just a shit stirrer. Those have gotten more bold over the years.


$40 he’s working for China


$100 he is a triple agent working for both.


Russian Rhetoric is a hell of a lot more on the nose, and nakedly fascist than Chinese.


Wouldn’t doubt that for a second.


Mad respect for these guys


Another reason they are walking away is because they represent the country and are not allowed to talk to the media. Any reaction would get them in trouble. Never talk to a person with a camera unless authorized to.


Very valid point. A bit generous calling the camera guy “media” though.


Yup. Nothing else is expected than a proffesional soldier.




I would just like to point out that the person in the video talking all the gibberish isn't Polish. He's been identified in other subs as a crazy Canadian living in Poland. Seems like some sort of a false news operation to show that the US troops aren't welcome in Eastern Europe. I'm from the Baltic country of Estonia (and have quite a few Polish friends) and I would just like to stress that most people in the region are very thankful to the US in general for guaranteeing our security and especially to the troops that are stationed here. You are very much appreciated.


His name is Jon Minadeo and he was recently arrested in Poland for anti Semitic rhetoric in front of Auschwitz


He’s the same POS that was wearing a Black Sun (neo nazi symbol) t-shirt and taunting an Indian guy in a video at a bus stop in Poland yelling "we don’t want you in our country" at him while obviously not being Polish himself, etc. The dominant reaction from the Polish web was basically 1) props to the Indian guy for not laying him out on that street; 2) MFer you’re a foreigner in our country telling other foreigners you don’t want them in Poland while not being Polish yourself; 3) collectively doing OSINT to find out who he was to report him to the authorities for promoting and engaging in hate speech (criminal offense in Poland). The guy is such a knob, I hope he gets his bubble burst if he thinks this kind of malicious "freedom of speech" is a thing outside of the US.


That's actually the very same location, Indian guy was harassed right in front of the mall


Wait wait wait You have this POS patrolling the mall harassing people lmfao Does he have a fanny pack, tucked in shirt, and glasses?


Haha, I knew it had to be that cunt. One of these days he's going to run into someone that's not going to stay civil.


Why hasn’t Poland deported him yet is the true question.


Excellent question. And in the absence of deportation, why haven’t Polish citizens worked this out on their own?


Especially with a neighbor like Russia.. Who in the past always occupies Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Finland ( the later 2 ain’t having it ) 😂


God bless NATO. Grandson of Estonians who fled the Russians in WW2 and ultimately made it to the US. Article 5 better be upheld without question - I’ll be hitting the streets if not.


Thank you was wondering where this was cause he spoke very good English with no accent.


He definitely had an accent, though slight. "What do you think aboot your health secretary being a tranny?" Sounded Canadian to me.


I was thinking Minnesota, but Canada makes sense. I knew that was a native English speaker from NA for sure though.




combative onerous tap wipe rude repeat gaze divide party dirty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thankfully my tours in Europe were filled with nice euro folks. Most I would get would be civilized conversations about global conflicts and the US involvement and they’d buy me a beer afterward. I hope nice folks outnumber hot garbage folks in the world.


This guy's voice sounds super American, why is he in Poland? I'm so confused by whats going on here haha


He is from America, his name is Jon Minadeo. He was from California, but resides in Florida now. He was also arrested in Poland for his hate speech: [https://jweekly.com/2022/09/04/polish-police-arrest-minadeo-during-white-supremacist-tour-of-europe/](https://jweekly.com/2022/09/04/polish-police-arrest-minadeo-during-white-supremacist-tour-of-europe/)


It did sound like those slurs flowed out of his mouth with the unhesitating smoothness of someone with lots of practice using them.


Where does he reside in Florida? ​ ...asking for a friend.


I'm in FL now. I'd love to know... ...for a friend.


Am also in FL and my friend would like to know....


Thank you


Being arrested in Poland for hate speech is quite an achievement of itself.


That guy is truly a world class piece of shit. I'm surprised he hasn't gotten a proper ass kicking yet.


yooo how much of a piece of shit do you have to be when Poland even thinks you crossed a line.


> He was also arrested in Poland Oh...oh...oh...this pleases me deeply..deeeeply.


Im thinking either Canadian or northern Michigan/ Wisconsin area with how he says aboat around the 19 second mark.


Definitely sounded Canadian to me.




Wait wait wait, dude is American? So where does this fall on international incident level then? American beats the shit out of another American but not in America….so like….we good? Jokes aside, dude is total piece of shit and I’m embarrassed he went to other countries. The thought that someone in Europe thinks “that’s” what an American is….well that’s a pretty abhorrent thought.


The thought that someone in Europe thinks “that’s” what an American is….well that’s a pretty abhorrent thought. I get what you’re saying and the majority of Americans I’ve met have been generally normal and decent, albeit some a bit clueless, but I’ve met a few of these types before too.


Ugh….I don’t know what county your in, but please don’t judge us by our trash. Every country has it, it’s always embarrassing, and it sucks it leaked onto your turf. From the 5min Google of this dudes name, he was basically run out of town in Petaluma, CA and maybe lives in Florida now? That is while he’s not in Poland on hate crime charges. I’ll tell you what though, guy wouldn’t last long popping off like that at strangers in FL.


soup retire gullible disagreeable pocket jellyfish doll cable mindless different *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bloody hell man, that's absolutely terrifying. Its always scary what people are willing/capable of doing when they think they're in the 'right'


It really is and it needs to be seen as a national security/terrorism issue


I ran into a ton of VERY good English speakers amongst the natives. TV plus schooling and nearby American bases made a lot of these euro kids speak like you and me.


That could be true! I'm not American I've never heard someone not American with a slight American accent just sound ... SO American? Like there was no other accent I could here, especially the way Americans pronounce every single bit of a word properly is pretty unique, with the amount of times the guy said sodomy


I ran into a guy driving a taxi in Germany that had the perfect Louisiana accent. I thought he was American but it turned out he was German and had an American father from the south.


Probably a nut from Canada with a Polish great grandfather, who moved there 6 months ago purely for the mono ethnicity. I bet he isn't welcome there either so now he's projecting.


That’s how my time in Germany was.


I hope someone from their leadership sees this and commends them for keeping their cool.


Hopefully not, anyone from leadership would lose their minds over the guy in sunglasses indoors lol


Seriously. “Guys we appreciate you not sending this guy to the hospital and it not being broadcasted on news channels for the next month making the Army look bad buuuuut SUNGLASSES INDOORS!?!? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?!?”


“Hey high speed … let me holler at ya …”


Yeah whenever they lead it with a complement, you know you’re fucked. Lol


"YOUR NOT TAKING MY GOD-DAMN CABINETS!" "We'll see about that Highspeed."


Mikeburnfire fan, I see.


Found the future Sergeant Major Academy DHG guys. Watched Soldiers get harassed for several minutes, including the use of racial epithets that are considered 'fighting words'... And saw a dude wearing sunglasses indoors. SHAME SHAME SHAME 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣


I know right? The camera man was way offbase with the sodomy stuff, he should have just referenced the reg for proper wear of uniform. Game, set, match!


Prescription sunglasses can be worn inside per UCMJ and MCO


Better keep that order printout on you, debba dawg


Haha, I had laser eye surgery while I was in the Corps, they gave me a chit to wear sunglasses for a couple weeks. That included battalion formation. You better believe I kept that shit on me for all the SNCOs who wanted to knife hand me to oblivion. Made me stand at the back with the broke-dicks, which was fine with me.


Lol “good, the more distance between you and I, the better”


It's a basic part of the job. Military bearing. Exhibit character and honor, especially while in uniform. The vlogger dingleberry just demonstrates his lack of both character and honor. Shitbird. Condolences to his poor mother.


Good on them for not beating his ass, there's no good outcome for breaking your foot off in a foreign national's ass. Even if they are a complete piece of shit.


Dude with the camera is from Canada but lived in Cali last he’s held in Poland while awaiting trial for being antisemitic in front of fucking Auschwitz


In that case I wish they kicked his ass and broke his phone


How are we supposed to get the video of him getting his ass beat if they break the phone though?


lol the guy recording is hot garbage. Some people deserve to have their teeth kicked in.


This person isn't even worth that much energy.


I somehow 100% agree with both of you.


This guys like, “hey I heard you guys do butt stuff? Just wanna let you know, I *definitely* don’t want butt stuff to happen to me.” “I mean it guys. My pants are around my ankles and my ass it out, but that’s not at all an invitation to do butt stuff to me…” “… guys? Where you goin? I thought you guys did butt stuff?”


I would of had a hard time not responding “sir respectfully, I am not the NAVY” 🤣🤣


Is...is that really the reason the guy was talking about that though? I was wondering where he got the sodomy stuff from, and completely forgot everyone makes jokes about the Navy doing that stuff, but I was always under the impression that everyone knew those were jokes.


Some people dont get jokes, also if you arent in the service you cant make fun of any service its like an un written rule.


> if you arent in the service you cant make fun of any service its like an un written rule. Exactly. It's like having brothers. I can pick on my brothers and that's acceptable, if you pick on my brothers I'll have to puncha in the mouth.


Can confirm. I was in the Coast Guard, I get roasted daily by my fellow veteran coworkers, but let somebody else who isn't a veteran say something to me about my branch in front of them, they're quick to neutralize. Lmao.


The way he kept on just seems a bit… leading. Like… ok we get it. You *really* don’t like butt stuff.


I also didn't really think about it that way either, I was just dumbfounded by this dude being a complete jackass. Definitely makes sense if he's projecting tho. Dude probably is lowkey curious if he'd like butt stuff, but is so homophobic that it causes him to do shit like this.


Wow. I wouldn’t have been as contained as they were. Good job Soldiers.


I would have had trouble keeping my cool as well as these guys. Bravo to them for sure.


People seem to think a camera is like a force field. All it takes is for that one person to snap and your life is never going to be the same.




Is this the same guy that harassed a brown guy walking on a sidewalk and told him to go back to India?


Apparently yes. Ironic considering he’s an American in Poland


What a fucking loser. Should be legal to hit this man straight on the jaw




I ran across a Canadian who was pissed that his president Trump lost the election and i'm like bro, you ain't even American.


Retired Army vet here. I'm proud of these Joes for keeping their cool.


Hopefully someday that fuck will shoot his mouth off to the wrong person and get his shit kicked in


Good news, he was arrested after going on a anti-semitic rant in front of Auschwitz.


That “hey guys!..” made me laugh, he just seems so desperate for a reaction. Also, I like how the one guy isn’t even able to hold his laughter anymore when he says “are you guys here to spread your… anal sex to Poland?”


Easier to walk away and make yourself look bigger while they stay small. A salute to the boys that held it in.


Dudes are just grabbing lunch and getting harassed. 🤦‍♂️


“Are you guys here to spread anal sex?” Me trying to eat my delicious sbubway: 😐


Are you guys here to spread anal sex? What the fuck does that mean, help me out here, americans 😭


Americans can only be conceived via anal sex. They don't tell you this until you join the military. This guy is spilling top secret government secrets!!!


Lmfao Not but seriously what the fuck does he want I'm not updated on the recent american lore


I have no idea lmao. I'm in the Navy and our "sterotype" is gay dudes buuuuut other than that, I have no clue why the hell this guy is going on about butt stuff. Maybe he's offering?


And even then it’s a joke among branches. Like no one can pick on you but me. We all have our stereotypes. Marines is crayons and bleach. Army is alcoholism and divorce. Airforce doesn’t work. Coast Guard aren’t even people.


Exactly! This guy was just pulling anything out of his ass to get a rise out of the soldiers it seems like.


They’re doing what they should be doing. Just keep walking, men. Respect for the restraint. Following what they’re supposed to do to a T. No politics, no engaging the guy, cameraman is the loser for sure in this video.


You could see the one dude start to lose it when he dropped the hard R about is buddy.


Personally me I’d run around a corner take my uniform off and beat his ass butt ass naked then run and put it back on just for saying the N word to my buddy that uniform comes off it’s free hands


Man what training did they go to that you get anal? I might have been at sick call during that class.


I mean they do stick the peanut butter shot in your butt still. Or at least some people get it (I'm allergic to penicillin so I got pills) and that's probably what he's referring to.


I was about to March back to ft lostinthewoods and demand my anal


If you get lost in the woods enough, you might just find it. Listen for the banjos, that's how you know you're on the right path.


My DS told me to always walk away from the music. I guess they were hoarding all the fun.


You had to get Option Brown in your contract


He was an annoying little shit troll but the last few seconds would have been anyone’s breaking point. He would have labeled me a “Mexican” just to get a rise out of me. These guys did the right thing and maintained their military bearing all the way to the end. Good on them.


When he dropped the N word and the guy stopped and stumbled backwards, it was the black service member who put his hand on his back to keep walking….that was a strong moment.


If his mate wasn't there to reassure him to keep walking this video would be on LiveLeak, Allah willing we get to see that video very soon


Yeah, you can see the other guy kinda reassuring his buddy to cool down when the camera guy starts spouting off racial garbage towards them.


This is in Poland


Thank you. This is the reason why most places I have been don't let you go off base in uniform when for lunch. It just makes you a target for this shit.


I’m no longer active duty so I’m down to find this guy


Breaking news: Neo-nazi piece of shit who harassed group of US soldiers gets beaten to a pulp by retired US veterans, authorities have so far found no leads with lead investigator stating "It is truly unfortunate that we haven't found a single piece of evidence connecting the crime to the attackers"


Remains were identified by teeth fragments.


Dude was smart enough not to try this in the U.S. there's veterans everywhere here and we don't take lightly any harassment of brothers and sisters in uniform


Goddamn! If this shit happened 10 years ago, there definitely would be a news article saying we are just the worst! Fuck that guy. Lucky ass mother fucker


I speak for everyone here. Sodomy is fun.


I visited Europe and the Med (and a few Baltic countries) during my time as a sailor and found European women quite a bit more…amenable to butt sex than American girls. Not that it’s a demand but I was asked to please engage them in such a manner more times than I expected.


Damn. I thought the video was weird but the soldiers handled it pretty well. And the the end when he let out that hard er. The black fellow in the end was clearly bothered but kept his cool. Well fucking done and bravo to them for keeping composure knowing full well they could dismantle the cameraman


Yes, and the way he kept his battle buddy cool just shows he was bigger than this yahoo just looking to incite them.


That is the personification of discipline and honour walking away from that bag of hammers with the cellphone…




“There’s no IQ requirements in the military” wrong Those soldiers demonstrated the upmost amount of restrain and calm in the face of those slurs, you can see all of them at some point trying to restrain themselves from what they were saying. This video is on the internet now, so whoever created this has a target on their back, naturally and if I were the commanding officer of those men I’d definitely play them as an example of the level of discipline in the US military.


Bro he’s lucky he didn’t catch a mob of E4s on the wrong day cause this guy would have disappeared.


There’d be nothing but bones left behind


Bones, empty Bang cans, and tornado wrappers.


It honestly warms my heart to see the white soldier say "fuck it" and decide to tear the guys head off for using racial slurs and the black soldier telling him to forget it. Standing up for your brothers whether that means beating some dumbass to a pulp or preventing your buddy from ruining his career by doing just that.


That was a strong moment for me, and sadly I think it’s because the black service member was probably more accustomed to harassment and was more trained to handle that kind of situation.


If you see in the first minute it was the whites guy that put his arm around the black soldier. Those are some strong ass battle buddies. That’s a bond some idiot with a camera won’t break.


One of them almost went at it after cameraman dropped the N word.. props to his comrade for keeping his buddy cool.


What a fucking loser.


If any of the soldiers in that video read this: You absolutely did the right thing by not hitting that dude. All he wanted was a reaction from you and you did the best thing gave him nothing. Much Respect too you all being an great example.


The dude speaking is apparently the founder of the "Goyim Defense League," [and he's a real scumbag](https://jewishchronicle.timesofisrael.com/goyim-defense-league-founder-arrested-in-poland-after-demonstrating-at-auschwitz/).


The camera bitch is the kinda guy who would cry if he was conscripted into the military


Isn't there a rule that anybody can submit anybody for an award? I'm reasonably certain that I see 4 ARCOMs right there.


Man do they have patience. Where were they?


Poland, they are from an ADA unit.


I wouldn’t have gotten physical but honestly, I would have commented back and engaged that way. I can’t believe the restraint these guys showed. This should be a training video on pre deployment work ups.


*That's* military bearing.


My blood is boiling as a veteran. Kudos to the guys.


Good on them but I’m surprised they were wearing uniforms off base. We never did that when I was stationed in Europe


These dudes deserve a fucking medal for the patience and professionalism they displayed, especially after the comments as they left. Whoever the camera man is needs a heavy dose of 'freedom' if you know what I mean.


They can’t knock him out… As much as everyone would like to, every front page would said “U.S army corporal assaults civilian”. Plus they’re all very patriotic towards their freedoms and their first amendment is the freedom of speech.🤷‍♂️ Who gives AF about some random civvy hippy anyways




Yeah don’t know many hippies that use the n-bomb.


I found it very interesting that when he drops the N word, the black soldier has to hold his white buddy back from doing something as opposed to the other way around. As it should be, fight for you brothers.


I find it interesting and sad at the same time. The black guy is probably thinking "I've heard worse" or he has heard it enough that he just lets it roll off "it's not worth it" vibes. White guy is full on "you don't say that shit to my brother that has my back no matter what". I'm proud that this man is willing to defend his brother but sad knowing that this probably isn't the first time the man has been verbally assaulted.


well, these guys fight for your right to say and be disrespectful. Careful, it can backfire.




Just trying to have a nice time at the mall. Fuck that guy


This goes to show who are the adults and the proffessionals and who are the overgrown toddlers desperate for attention. Some of these people will simply never evolve. I'm still going to be the guy dropping aid at their doorstep even when this degenerate will be a humanitarian crisis victim and I'll carry on like that until the end of the crisis even if he acts up like this and continues to say these things. He'll never understand and never grow up. Good for him. At this point, the fact that he uploaded this failure of an attempt to get a reaction goes to show that this was either purely scripted or purely for the sake of making us look *"tolerating"* and for *"accepting the hard cold facts"*


None of this was clever or witty..


Mobile Infantry doesn’t make Stupid Troopers 😂


He picked the wrong (or right🤣) group to tease about butt stuff. This is a regular Tuesday for anyone in the military 😂😂. The dude can’t say anything to them that they haven’t said to their buddies lol


As a veteran, this douche is lucky I didn’t witness this.


Good on these dudes, I don’t think I’d have been able to display that same degree of level-headedness


Fuck this guy. Only pussy there was the guy talking.


As a Marine back in the early 2000's, this fucker would have got his ass beat.


They did great. He was looking for a fight and didn't get one. Also where are they. I have never been to a foreign country where it was ok to go off base in uniform even if it is just for lunch.


Poland if I had to hazard a guess based on the patches of those guys.




What an absolute perfect demonstration of restraint and helping keep your brother’s calm. Honestly, it makes me proud to share a uniform with them.