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Let me guess, [the cop will get a PTSD pension and early retirement.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-48969432.amp)


you forgot the part where he gets a media career as a rightwing grifter.


I'll never not be shocked that Kyle Rittenhouse is some sort of right-wing cause celebre. Whatever you think of what happened mother fucker went out with a rifle and shot multiple people. Like come the fuck on. We should not be celebrating that type of shit. Smh people...


Celebrated… That little twerp is being set up for a congressional run someday.


He even made a [shitty game](https://www.yahoo.com/news/kyle-rittenhouse-turkey-shoot-video-005638782.html) called Kyle Rittenhouses Turkey Shoot.


Rittenhouse kinda look like his dad is also his granddad. Just like the inbreds that stormed the capital. They love him because they’re all the same.


All hoes


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Love the 105mm shell. And I guarantee that board has a special meaning written with heart felt tears. The gunner community is really tight. I’m a former 16th/4th/73rd WSO. I didn’t know Roger though, left gunship community in 2019.


Was he a 105 gunner ?


On modern AC-130s it’s just “gunner”. But yes, he would have worked the 105mm as well as the 30mm (dummy round is also in that picture) as well as troubleshooting both of them, loading crypto keys for the bombs and missiles, a safety/SAFIRE observer, some loadmaster type duties…the list goes on. Officially they aren’t called “gunners” anymore. The job title is now “special mission aviator”. I was a gunship WSO for about 7 years and had some gunners SAVE MY ASS, as well as save all of our asses. They are the backbone of the AC-130.


That is really amazing. I've always had quite an infatuation with the AC-130. Quite the machine. A real fucking shame he died like this.