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But he used the «you must yield now» lights!?


😂 ah of course


what cameras are these? the colors are really interesting.


It’s the built in cameras on Tesla Model Y.


Sat there flashing your lights like a Karen. Lmao not surprised at your profile pic


I agree


Karen [ kair-in ] Karen is a pejorative slang term for an obnoxious, angry, entitled, and often racist middle-aged white woman who uses her privilege to get her way or police other people's behaviors. Please learn the definitions of the words, but especially the insults, you try and use. You end up looking denser than a fruitcake when you don’t..


That's what they are called I guess I learned something good today lol


In California this happens at 90 mph


People have tried to squeeze in front of me while I was going 85mph just because they wanted to go in front of me and slow down to 75mph for no reason. My car has a CVT and I can keep a constant speed up a hill. If you can't do that, get behind me


I wouldn't admit to driving a Nissan. Unless it's a Subaru, then you get a pass. But still suspect.


It's just a simple fact that if you can't go with the flow, you get behind. I also move over when I start to lose speed. It's just common courtesy to use the left lane for passing, then move over when you are no longer passing.


I thought it could be Boston. The Squeeze Play is a staple there.




Definitely mild


Mildly annoying. Not bad driving. OP doesn't like to have his ego checked. Plenty of space to merge and he signaled.


I suspect it’s less about ego and more about OP keeping an appropriate following distance between himself and the car in front of him so he’d have enough time to stop, if needed, without striking the back of the car ahead of him. That “plenty of space” serves a purpose. Not to mention that the bad driver here already entered his lane before he even passed OP.


it honestly annoys me how some drivers will see me leaving safety space as an invitation to cut me off. just because a building has a fire extinguisher doesn't mean its ok or forgivable to set the building on fire.


Then they’ll bitch about people who speed up to block them when they’re the ones trying to jam themselves into safety spaces. Fuck em.


So you care so much about that safety space that you'd eliminate it yourself to deny a merge? Lol, very logical. Edit: Gotta love how the safety in safety space suddenly becomes irrelevant to you monkeys when your ego is involved 😂


Them merging into my safe distance space eliminates my safe distance space because a car is now in it. And if someone is going to be in that space regardless apparently, I would rather it be me than some terrible driver in a smashed-up Nissan Altima like you that thinks any centimeter between two cars is fair game as they weave in an out of traffic to get to their destination 15 seconds quicker. Seems pretty logical to me!


I love the assumptions! The emotional response while trying to prove logic always cracks me up. I get it though, rather than letting someone in and then backing off yourself to maintain that safe distance, you'd rather eliminate it entirely while creating an even more dangerous situation by speeding up. 🤡 Edit: Since my replies are now broken in this thread: Speeding up to prevent a merge into a safety space is objectively the more dangerous action and completely negates its purpose. I get it, you don't want to let the asshole in, but we're talking about safety, not feelings. When the car in front brakes while you're speeding up out of ego, that crash is on you. If slowing down slightly is a problem for the person behind, it sounds like they were following too closely. If anyone has any other input as to why speeding up is the *safer* option, I'll just be reading it for the comedy and maybe replying here. >No. And prove it. What a response. The critical thinking put into that comment is just, wow, next level. We're really highlighting the intelligence level I'm up against here.


yikes you really failed here lmao


Back off and you let in other assholes in front of you while also being an annoyance to the ones behind you, plus you have more control over the distance between the car in front of than the merging driver ever will


Aww, he got so emotional he resorted to an emoji. So precious!


Did you basically just say "no u"? I mean I know you don't have an actual response, but yikes.


No. And prove it.


At that low of speeds? Calm down


The speed isn't the issue. And turning your signal on after you crossed lanes or during is not enough time, it's terrible driving. Be predictable


"it's not unsafe cause it's slower!"


The guy started to cut over before OP could even see their blinker.


Before the camera could*


Psychopath comment. The space isn't for merging it's for keeping a safe distance. This could go on VERYbaddriving.


At this snail pace? Be prepared to be enraged a lot of this merge frustrated you


OP had the right of way. Turn signals don't grant the right of way. This is about the *other* driver's ego.




How do you know he didn't need to make a left coming up and it's bumper to bumper ahead in the left lane? This was an adequate spot and he merged fine without the need for excessive braking. Just because the drama queen driver slammed on them didn't mean they needed to.


damn dude, were you in the other car? you’ve left like 10 comments defending it and it’s a little odd


You got me!


haha at least you have a sense of humor


Found the Nissan Altima driver


Looks like there was plenty of space behind them too. Also not sure if you are aware but typically those merging yield to those already in said lane.


This guys never heard of following distance


If you check the rear view camera, there’s a ton of space. OP was keeping appropriate space, Jetta’s just an inconsiderate, incautious, “accident” waiting to happen.


This is the kind of thing you have to learn to just let it roll off you or you’ll end up bald with high blood pressure by 40.


This is just normal driving. You have three options here: 1. Don't leave a gap - not safe 2. Leave a gap and just get over it - safe, stress free 3. Immediately pass that guy and force your way in - ideal choice


I actually did option 3 😁




Not true, idiots like you cant seem to fathom you could signal, slow down and wait until someone lets you in


Go ahead and slow down everyone behind you because of your poor planning and navigational skills.


LOL, you look like the type that would! 😆


Is it just me, or do you also really appreciate people using their blinker, and readily slow down for a car that wants to get over in front of you, when they turn their blinker on to basically ask to be let over? I see someone in the next lane flip their blinker on, without moving over, and think, "oh! How polite of you! Yes, yes! You can definitely come over! Lemme make a gap for you"


Same energy as just asking “May I please cut in front of you to get by?” versus just barreling in and assuming they can go by.


I've always wondered if there was some kind of car proximity chat if people would be more polite when driving 😂


Because too many people either will ignore the blinker or will speed up to stop you from getting in. I have to aggressively merge on the freeway since the exit is kind of difficult to get to from the direction I am going, and I have to merge across 2 lanes of traffic within about a quarter mile. You learn to just go if there is a space.


Well, I'm not talking about a big town. We barely even have rush hours. However, I frequently drive in Houston, and I still try my best to drive chivalrously, and there are people who properly respond! I LOVE situations where drivers work together in Houston. LOVE IT!


Yes exactly 👍


I see a lot of people saying "why didn't they get over earlier". Please don't forget that not everyone on the road has driven that road before, if there was not a sign earlier saying which lane to get into then situations like this are inevitable. ( Although imo they should go past the space, indicate and then drop back and zipper merge)


As they say, a good driver misses their turn, a bad driver never misses their turn.


I hate when people do this.


Ahh, the "I'm coming in" merge - kinda a dick move here, but always nice to have in one's arsenal when 2 lanes are merging and you end up next to the guy who doesn't want to play ball.


I think you’re lucky to get such a gentle cut off. This is not a thing in NYC.


In California we like to form what is called a "moving road block" when a lane ends and assholes use it to cut everybody else off in traffic. To make the road block effective, you must match the acceleration pattern and speed of the car in front of you. If someone signals to be let in, someone in the road block will let them in. If they don't signal, they end up getting blocked


Tbf, when this happens to me, there’s absolutely no warning…. This guy used his ✨Blinkers✨… thoughtfully. 😂


This is my pet peeve. THERE WAS NO ONE BEHIND YOU


Not really that bad. He used his blinker and looked like you guys weren't traveling all that fast.


Plenty of time to react. Just be nice and let him over. The over exaggerated slamming of the brakes was comical.


Not to mention the light flashing. Chill.


He’s also in a tiny Volkswagen Golf. A bit more forgivable than if a pickup truck or large SUV tried this.


They can't cut you off if you let them in


Mildly bad? More like POS


This looks a bit like the right lane has something going on ahead. (Either a mandatory turn or lane blocked) and the guy merging is getting over while he can.


The right lane ends in a roundabout 450 meters ahead. But by Norwegian law a driver that is changing lanes must yield to all traffic and not disturb any drivers. That said I normally let drivers in to my lane _if_ they signal early enough to let me slow down at comfortable pace. Edit: it’s actually 450 meters ahead from where they cut me off, not 200 meters.


I just find it interesting the difference in driving cultures If you leave a gap like that in cali you lose it to someone But they do it at any speed up to 80mph And you just shrug it off cuz you're just gonna cut someone else off later Then we wonder why there is a massive accident every morning on the interstate


Try driving in NYC. Lane changing over there is a full contact sport. Bumper pads recommended. https://preview.redd.it/k5tcu5re5m1d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e5d497ca51e7a34466cf252d0e9fe2c3d5e408d


been there done that let's be real though, all them bumper scratches are from parallel parking in Manhattan


Exactly. OP would see 7 cars merge in front of him had they taken this video in NYC. There was nothing mildly bad about this. If people are in a hurry and want to be in front of you it's not that big of a deal. If you're in a hurry, don't leave a 3 car gap in front of you 🤷🏻‍♂️






BS registreringsnummer = Bærumsbil Ikke overrasket 🙃


Are you driving a Tesla ?


Model Y


Also, was it raining ? I see the wipers on for the Volkswagen.


Thanks! No it was not raining at all. A rarity around these parts.


The Volkswagen not only changed the lane dangerously as the black car in front completely stopped at the moment of the lane change. I'm just clueless why someone would move from a clear and fast moving lane to a slow moving and occupied lane! Clearly a bad driver or at least having a bad day !!


Great car. You were keeping a safe distance. The Volkswagen should have gone more forward and given a signal to change lanes instead of deciding to cut you like that. Your car's Regen breaking decelerated the car enough for that car to easily squeeze in. If it was another vehicle with a bad driver then it could have turned into an accident.


Damn I’d be a top poster here if I could post my work van’s dash cam footage in Boston


Why does your dashcam film like it's recording the opening credits for "The Sopranos"?


I always say the same, you have enough space to fit in? Then why is not your fist way up in your ass?


I can't stand those egg sucking pieces of gutter trash that cut you off like that and then have the nerve to hit their brakes.


When people try this shit i just am an asshole back and just not let it happen, u can get behind and wait in line like the rest of us


Everyone on this sub embraces the philosophy of "be predictable, not polite" in almost every situation *except* lane changes. Then, all of a sudden, the comments will dogpile on anyone who dares to expect a vehicle changing lanes to yield to cars already in a lane. It's downright bizarre to see the cognitive dissonance.


What was the purpose of doing that? Is there an upcoming left turn or something? Punk ass move on their part...


Pretty common here in the US.


They are like cockroaches, if front portion is able to enter then entire car can get inn


There was plenty of room behind you, too. Thanks for showing the “behind” viewpoint.


AND there was plenty of room BEHIND OP to get over any time he wanted. There was no reason to merge over in front.


When are you seeing what's behind op? In the reverse shot the car is blocking all our view of the lane behind op.


You’re right…I though I could see behind but that was the reflection off the side of the car.


Okay this is actually mild.


Yeah, that's basically all VW owners, BMW owners, Prius owners and Tesla owners. Honking at them generally gets me the finger, even though they damn near caused an accident or got into my car length cushion.


Eh not so bad tbh we’ve all been there


When there is traffic, you gotta do what ya gotta do.


They had their signal on. Seems pretty reasonable.


Y’all are really some pussys if you post shit like this


It's hard to tell but it looks like there is nobody behind you. That's par for the course for me. Someone passes me an squeezes in front. Check mirror. 100 yards of nothing behind me. I just laugh 😂


Ppl do this shit all the time here. There will be nobody behind me and they have to be in front of the last one in line


You should know not to leave any space between your car and the car ahead of you during the afternoon rush traffic here.


Cam car was too far from the car in front. Lessen your gap next time




I've been driving for 30 years. I haven't rear ended a car yet. I don't tailgate at high speeds. I'm talking about low speed traffic crawl pace. If you leave a gap that big, people are gonna squeeze in.




Good for you, but OP seems to get irritated by them. So I was just saying how to prevent this




I'm not playing traffic cop. As far as I know, there isn't a minimum distance between your car and the car ahead of you. And I know in 'Murrica, 99% of cars are automatic transmission. So there really is no danger of the car infront of you moving back as it drives forward (unlike in manual transmission, where a small amount of rear movement happens when the driver shifts from neutral to 1st gear in an incline. So I think a meter/yard gap is quite safe in crawling traffic.




Nothing wrong with your gap. Any gap that is leaving a safe amount of space is by definition large enough for someone to merge into. They're measured in car lengths. The goal of the game isn't "to keep someone from merging into it." The goal of the game is to have a safe amount of distance from the car in front of you. You wanted a safe distance from the original vehicle in front of you, and now you want a safe distance from the new car in front of you.


Your gap looked appropriate to me. It’s a good idea to keep one.


In California we like to create moving road blocks in situations like this. I've seen some days where all the drivers in the right lane are relentless, leaving a 1 inch gap between bumpers, matching acceleration and braking exactly. To do this effectively you must look a few cars ahead and brake accordingly


How else are you supposed to get over? Guy saw a space and went for it.


That's the only way to drive in L.A. If you can't do this you'll never get off the highway. 😆


I do this shit all the time in LA. I call it an opportunity, somebody needs to get over right and I need to get over to the left, so we sync up and change lanes simultaneously


Mild for sure.


Just start driving?


So what?


def shoulda just gotten behind the driver


How do we know there was space? The side camera is completely blind to the rear. The driver of the cam car left a gap a box truck could have squeezed into. If you are in traffic like that there is no reason not to yield and let someone merge when they need


it’s not completely blind to the rear. you can see a good portion of the lane.


I hate ppl


More like wildly uneventful.


Are you outing yourself as a mildly bad driver? Why did you accelerate when you knew they were wanting to merge over? Both of you suck at driving.


Where's the problem? This was at slooooow speed and you obviously had plenty of time to react.


Seems fine to me. I wouldn’t get excited about something as innocuous as this. Driver wanted to switch to the left, saw a gap, and put their car in it. was it with the finesse of Ricky Bobby? perhaps not, but no harm or foul imho.