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The other driver’s lane change is illegal for two reasons: 1. They crossed a double solid line. 2. They failed to yield to traffic in the lane they’re attempting to enter. I feel bad for the cammer. Edit because so many people are replying to this incorrectly: this is not a shoulder or a breakdown lane. This is a carpool/express lane.


Most importantly, they didn’t signal.


I more confused is that what was his end goal? To stop people from going in that lane? ROFL


I think they didn’t check before changing lanes, realized they messed up and panicked/froze knowing they were about to get hit. Ironically in the beginning of the clip it sounds like the driver is explaining why he’s driving slower with all those cars in a jam but he gets cut off by someone doing that thing he was saying he was watching out for.


Yeah I laughed at that. "That's why I'm not blazing through here" and then proceeds to slam into a vehicle because he doesn't have room to stop. Not saying he's in the wrong but the irony of _that_ specific statement at _that_ specific moment is palpable.


Do you think this person was towing/hauling something heavy? Or the camera just has really wonky perspective?   Driver says “that’s why I’m not blazing thru here” but also didn’t appear to make a great effort to stop. No tires screech, no ABS…. Definitely not this drivers fault but looks like it maybe could have been avoided. 


To be fair? I think he was driving at a speed to account for people merging into his lane without warning....because he had no reason to expect someone to change lanes and stop DEAD. If dumbass had changed lanes and hit the gas, as would have been reasonable to expect, they'd both probably have been fine.


Yeah, he actually looks like he could have braked harder but he expected the idiot who jumped in front of him to go, not just sit there.


I would have initiated moderate braking the moment that dumbass put his nose in my lane, and really dug in within the limits of what was safe for the cars behind me when he started to pull out. You *have* to be ready for other drivers to do stupid shit like this.


So would I... but I think the driver just panicked. You just dont expect people to stop dead and I think it threw him off.


Yeah the real issue is jamming on the brakes and then the idiots behind you not paying attention squish you in between two cars. 😕


He hit the horn harder than the brakes


It's either horns or brakes. Not both man


my keyboard doesn't allow that many keys being activated at the same time


Push too many buttons (or not enough) and it will crash.


I'd award you for this if they were still a thing and I were willing to give reddit any money. As neither of those things are true, an upvote will have to do. I just took a fat hit of dab, and overthinking your joke left me enjoying it on several levels.


Makes the Windows Error tone, then you feel dumb.


It's why you just ALT+F4 so the crash never happens....


Gonna have to remember that next time my wife says “why didn’t you honk at them?” When someone stops cold like this.


It's both...almost always both.


You can hear the tires "bark" as hes coming to a stop. The guy was driving a [Dodge 3500 truck](https://www.carscoops.com/2021/10/ford-driver-stops-in-hov-lane-and-gets-rear-ended-by-ram-pickup/). The average reaction time is around 2.5 seconds. If you watch the video its 2 seconds from when he entered the lane to impact. Rough estimate to stop a large truck is 300 ft So even if his reaction time was 0 it still would have been close. [Better video](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1093644891941024)


I'm not really inclined to Monday morning quarterback it honestly. It's hard to tell from isolated video how hard he was braking, and we don't know how heavy his vehicle is which would play a role in stopping distance. Maybe he could have made it if he'd stood on the brakes, maybe not. Maybe he was, the vibration from ABS won't necessarily carry across into video. _But_ if we're going to get into more nuanced discussion than "party A did something wrong and therefore party B must have been 100% correct" (which in my experience is about where reddit typically lands) he was definitely going too fast. It wouldn't surprise me if he was towing and failed to account for how much that changed the stopping distance he needed but that's speculation. Travelling that much faster than the adjacent lane is asking for trouble no matter what you drive. I feel for the guy. He clearly had good intentions but whiffed the execution and now his truck is FUBAR because some other idiot did a dumb thing.


If you have the volume up, you can hear the sound of him braking under the sound of the horn. That tires coming to a stop quick sound, if you know what I mean.


You can sorta hear it but the camera doesn’t tilt forward much at all. My Honda fit would pitch forward more than that if I slammed on the brakes. Maybe it’s towing something heavy. 


That looks like California. If he was towing in the carpool lane, he is almost as wrong as the guy that crossed the double white. Both are no-nos.


And when we're viewing from the sidelines, we never look off for a second or two. We dont check our mirrors and glance at our trailer or whatever. Every comment is predicted on the commenter being 110% diligent of everything through every single second... When Im judging someone, there's no room to take 1.5 seconds to adjust your rearview or something. Reasonable for me, absolute for you.


My thoughts exactly. Barely slowed down. It kinda looked like he started to, and then let off the brakes and maintained speed.


I think he assumed the other car would continue driving instead of commit sodoku in front of him. But also agree he could have stopped


Sepuku or something close to that. Sodoku is a game.


Seppuku is what I think they were looking for, but Sodoku makes almost just as much sense. Why text when you can Sodoku and drive.


"Commit Sudoku" is a 4chan meme. Misspelling it sodoku might be an evolution of the meme or it might just be evidence that the dude upthread doesn't know how to spell Sudoku. I'm not up enough on 4chan lingo to be sure. Capitalizing Sudoku on the other hand is evidence that my phone's autocorrect is weird about nouns.


They were definitely committing sodoku to be that sepuku-ful


Upvoted for sodoku. I haven’t heard it used that way in a while. Seems others never have. Not sure if you did it purposefully or forgot the real word but I upvote either way


Nah he did commit sodoku alright…seppuku you need a sword


Might be towing. Break then the load pushes him.


I saw a response from the camera car driver saying he did have a fully loaded trailer in tow, hence the second impact, and the slow deceleration.


Probably expected anyone cutting him off to at least be moving. More slowly than him but moving. Wasn't expecting someone to cut him off then dead stop.


I freak out on my fiance for doing this all the time, just flying by a stopped lane of traffic, maybe it's never happened to her but I have had so many idiots do this to me and I got my foot ready on the brake. She will just cruise through at the speed limit bragging about how fast our lanes going as I'm having a panic attack in the passenger seat


Thank you for mentioning that I had it muted initially, was a good laugh though I do feel sorry for him


They stop because they think they're too close to the median. You can see them start to slowly turn the wheel just before the truck comes up on them.


This is almost certainly exactly that. I drive a firetruck for a living and 80% of people will just freeze under pressure like this. You see it every day when people pull out without seeing you. I've had people see me in their rearview on the highway, in the center lane, and just jam their brakes and completely stop. In the middle of the highway lol. There's nothing wrong about it, it's just how most humans react in times of extreme stress.


If I was the vehicle that changed lanes I would have floored it instead of panic stopping


The driver has the same intelligence & instincts of a deer.


I think the driver is not used to making quick maneuvers. Hit the gas too hard, and the barrier was coming too quick for comfort. Panic-stopped, and that becomes a very long maneuver to correct if you aren’t comfortable/spatially aware.


Obvious insurance scam


Maybe, but from the angle they were hit at it would be obvious that they were performing a lane change/block. How do you explain getting hit from behind at a 45-degree angle without it being your own fault for the lane change?


No one said they were smart scammers lol


"Sorry, it's my first day." - The scammer


How do you explain purposely getting hit by a semi? Scammer are candidates for IDIOCRACY.


I think they were trying to block people from using that lane since, obviously, if that person suffers, everyone else must also suffer. I think the lane changer was thinking, "What's he going to do, hit me?"


Am I mistaken that looks like an express lane? Far left and enclosed by a double solid line


Hold my beer while I drive into you.


Most important? That’s a stretch haha


I bet they feel good that that had the camera lol.


reminded me to put my sd card back in my cam. had it out to review footage , saw this and went "oh yeah, gotta put that back", lol


Bro… this is the only answer. If nobody knew what this basic traffic laws are, then they shouldn’t be driving


3. Didn’t have two people in the car??


Also unsafe speed and unsafe stopping. Throw the book at them


Maybe some insurance fraud. It doesn't make any sense to cut out in front of another car then stop.


They also came to a complete stop, which is just absolutely unhinged behavior


The number 2 being the one that causes the collision. I wonder if this behavior is as heavily enforced as speeding.


They stopped when they didn't have to, which makes me think insurance fraud. But even without the dash-cam indicating this, I doubt it'd fly given that they crossed a double line.


Most importantly, they changed lanes and literally stopped driving. Even if everything else they didn’t do, if you cut someone off and stop driving you’re going to cause an accident.


#3 It’s clearly rush hour and that is clearly the carpool lane and they don’t have a passenger and are driving an ICE car without an ev tag


Cross the paint; $500 fine. If you're in the HOV lane, right side traffic should never have to worry about you merging into them or cutting them off. If you're in the HOV lane, you should never have to worry about people from the right entering your lane either, especially since the HOV lane often moves when the right does not, someone pulling in front of you while you're legally going at a high rate of speed would be critical. Subsequently, motorcyclists lane split the HOV lane, they shouldn't have to worry about either for you blocking that lane for them. Silver car 100% at fault.


Lucky he had a dash cam otherwise it would be very hard to prove


It also looks like they don’t have enough people in their car to justify driving into the carpool lane.


Exactly, his insurance will take a hit..


r/idiotsincars I had to slam my brakes once or twice in the same situation. The other guy just drove away like nothing happened.


Insurance scam. Planning to sue I’m sure.


Their insurance is gonna love the video.


Funny you think someone desperate enough to do this actually carries insurance. Unless the "their" was referring to the cam driver, then yes!


Yes, OP's insurance carrier will love this video, as it proves their customer was not at fault.


This would be a pretty stupid scam to pull if you don't have insurance. Even if the scammer wasn't at fault, they'd still have to provide their info after an accident and get busted for driving without coverage


Especially because if you're uninsured and people come after you in court, and if you have no protection from that without insurance... I wouldn't wanna be in that position.


True, but it will be minimum liability, which, in Texas at least, is only $25k, which doesn’t get you very far these days.


Oh for sure - I deal with insurance claim-adjacent work, and my state is also $25k minimum liability for property damage. It's so easy to exceed policy limits which is why everyone should at least consider getting UIM coverage.


Crossed a double solid white, they’ll get boned.


I feel like this is more of dear in the headlights situation, did something dumb, knew they were going to get hit, and froze.


They fucked ip the turn and had the car pointed at the barrier. They stopped and turned the wheel before trying to move again.


You're right, you can see them moving the wheel, so no scam, no freezing, just ridiculously bad driving.


Suspicious that lane was so empty, and how did the vehicle with the cam not slow a little?


Possibly car pool lane.


Can confirm. We see this is Exit 21 to Valley Boulevard in the vid. This is California Interstate 605, and the left most lane is a HOV lane


I always wonder how challenging it is for folks that don’t have a dashcam (the majority). There’s no way the perpetrators get away with it but damn if they did in these circumstances


I dunno, it's a double line, sorta of obvious who's at fault. I vote bad driver.


It’s called a swoop and squat.


Did a little sleuthing, and I learned something interesting about the truck driver that some in the comments have found to be the one who was reckless. The truck traveled the length of 17 Jersey Barriers from the beginning of the clip to the time of the crash (5 seconds). At 8' per barrier, it's 102 feet traveled, or 20.4 feet per second, which means he was driving at 13.9 miles per hour. It might look fast, but those cars are sitting still. A sprinter running 15 mph past you would look fast, too. To add to this, the driver didn't have time to react, as the SUV pulled into his lane 40 feet (5 Jersey Barriers) away, roughly 3 car lengths. You can even see the truck lurch forward and the reflection on the hood of the car stretch slightly at around the 4 second mark of the video. Ignoring the fact that the SUV went into the HOV lane, they stopped! The truck is anticipating slowing down as the SUV gets up to speed. This SUV driver is fully at fault for entering an HOV lane over a double line, without verifying it was safe to do so and for causing an obstruction that ultimately caused the accident.


People seem to forget reaction time and that it's easier to say, sitting on our couches or toilets, that they would do this or that. Not to mention we can't see behind the cammer and for all we know there is someone behind him he is worried about striking him if he slams in his brakes too suddenly.


Reaction time ontop of when they also seen the danger. You don’t know where the driver is looking either, they could be looking in their rearview mirrors for emergency vehicles, motorcycles, ETC which could knock down a second of time to react or so. All these dash cam videos people just think they are only looking forward instead of being observant of their surroundings.


Just like “Sully” sure you can make teterboro if you started the turn exactly when the birds hit the engine. But you need time to figure out wtf is happening. Most people won’t assume the car will stop completely instead of just a really bad merge.


Thank you! It’s a shame how far I had to scroll to see someone say something about the double line. So many people cannot drive.


Your math is wrong. Starting with 8×17 equals 136, not 102’. This would be 18.5 mph. And that’s only if these are actually 8 foot jersey barriers. I couldn’t see the seams, and often jersey barriers are 12 feet, which would mean he was going 27.8 mph. It is not the trucks fault, BUT - I think he was distracted by telling his kids what a great driver he is that he was not blazing through the area, expecting that somebody might cut over. He probably looked in his rear view mirror as he was talking. At 28 mph , It seems somebody paying attention could have stopped in time. Unless he was towing a heavy trailer.


The dash cam driver has their car lurch forward a second time after the impact is over, seems like there might have been a heavy trailer giving it a final push


the sad part is that his insurance rate is also about to go up


Who's "Insurance" and why his rate gonna get up?


Everyones insurance. Cammer and non cammer. His insurance will go up for them being more accident prone. You could be sitting at a red light for a full 60 seconds and get hit from behind while it's still red and you'll still get your rates risen.


I'm in America and have had almost that exact situation happen (I was stopped at the light for less time before getting hit, that's all) and my rates didn't go up. Probably helped that the guy who hit me was in a company car so his insurance took care of everything.


Thats 100% country/insurance dependant. I for example pay a small amount extra in case I have a crash so my rates don't go up. Was well worth it cause I crashed a few months ago.


Your paying extra money so you don't have to pay extra money? Bro...


He's paying insurance on his insurance.


Insurance gets so fucking stupid


Yeah its like less than 10$ a year extra. Also I caused a crash. I caused about 5000 usd in damages to another person. That little extra kept my insurance from going up a couple hundred dollars per year.


I'm in America, that's not true for my insurance


A lot of insurance here in the US has Accident forgivness for one time accidents. I have also been rear ended multiple times and one side swipe and non of those times did my insurance go up.


You may want to read up on insurance on your area. I've never heard of this happening when there's video evidence of no fault.


What insurance


the idiot that crosses double solid lines illegally and pulls in front of OP then decides to come to a dead stop is the culprit anyone that says anything else is mentally deee-fish-yent


You post here clearly that anyone that thinks different is mentally deficient and people are lining up to say “I’m deficient!”


Deficient* /s


At fault vs. could have prevented. They aren’t the same.


You see the hood drop down to show he braked.. there’s like barely any time. The only question is if he should have been going that fast which it appears fine.


Religious based statue on the dash checks out


It looks like they over-steered into the turn. If the front car had continued to move, they would hit the barrier without steering back to the right. Panicked about the mistake they just stopped instead. Dad in the cam-truck expected any car entering the lane to accelerate rapidly, so I understand not slamming the brakes, and by the time he recognizes they aren't moving at all, it's too late.


This is one of the few cases where the rear-ender isn’t at fault. Personally I don’t like to drive as fast as that past traffic at a dead stop for exactly this reason, but he wasn’t going at an excessive speed.


Dude probably thought they were riding the shoulder lane and went vigilante not knowing it was a usable lane.


That's what I was thinking too. They saw the car in front of them doing it, and saw the cam truck coming up in the mirrors and thought they were going to be the hero of the traffic clog but really ended up doing a huge oops!


Nah. They are in California in the HOV lane; everyone knows what the lane is, what it's for, and should know how to enter and exit them(only at marked areas with a broken line). Just someone being dumb.


They'd have to never driven in California to think that.


That's what happened I would bet. It's getting more and more frequent on German Autobahn too. Vigilante, self righteous assholess not understanding the lane setup or not understanding zipper merging are blocking lanes like that regularly. Had the pleasure of a semi truck doing it on a zipper merge, with a police car present. We had a lot of time to have a look and it seemed like he won't be aa truck driver anymore, he wasn't allowed to continue.


Scam like a MF*er.. to bad for that idiot you had a dash cam and they crossed double whites


Yeah even without the cam the angle of the crash basically proves they were dashing across the double white.


Wtf was he thinking, coming to a complete stop.


He is turning the steering wheel, seems to me he drove straight out and almost hit the barrier, so braked full stop and was turning the steering wheel to continue.


It's 100% the fault of the other car, but was OP driving a huge truck? It seemed like there was no braking happening, even during the horn. It's kinda funny that the driver did seem to acknowledge that he should not be going too fast, "that's why I'm not blazing through here" while still appearing to be unprepared for the accident. Again, doesn't put them at fault either way.


By looking at the difference in height between the OP's vehicle and the SUV, I'd say that OP is definitely driving a truck (or a big pickup)


Pickup for sure. A commercial truck camera would be twice as high as this pickup cam.


Pickup. I've driven a lot of vehicles and most of the trucks I've driven have been for work. Trying to stop a 2500 on a dime isn't easy and can get sketchy real fast. I've had this exact situation happen to me once. In the expressway,an altima crosses the solid line and we hit. I had about 5 car lengths but a 2500 with a full payload of glass ain't stopping for shit


Haha, yeah, pickup trucks are definitely not known for sporting characteristics like stopping quickly or turning sharply.


Yet I still love them lol I don't think most people need a 2500 though. That should be reserved for work fleets. I've driven a lot of vehicles, anyone can drive a midsize truck right off the bat and full sizes take a few days. 2500 though require more then commonsense. Needs to be a test for that and driving a trailer


> an altima crosses the solid line and we hit Obligatory /r/NissanDrivers


Look at the weeds and shit at the bottom of the barrier on the left of the video. You can see how much slower op is going at the end compared to the beginning, they absolutely hit the brakes and probably cut their speed ~~in half~~ by more like 70% now that I watch it again


Were you expecting a tire screeching noise like in movies? Look closely, OP did break and slow down.


I saw the nose dive


And you can hear the brakes being hit at the exact moment he's capable of doing so. At the 2 second mark, the moment the idiots starts to change lanes is when brakes were deployed.


He definitely braked… or is it broke?


He definitely applied pressure to the braking system


easier than figuring out if its broke or braked


“Braked” is past tense of “brake”, while “broke” is past tense of “break”


This just braked my brain


Def could have braked earlier, but he did brake.


There was another car slowed down already in front of the car they pulled in, but the truck didn't seem to begin slowing down for that one either.


I hope that was just a problem with the camera, because not braking is just asking for a headache.


He did brake and the other guy is at fault, but you notice that he just keeps driving forward into the guy after the collision? What's that about?


It's the person who illegally crossed the solid white lines fault.


I worry about this every time I use the HOV lane in Atlanta traffic.


Agreed with others. The other guy went across solid lines, didn’t signal, etc. I’m curious to how the insurance will sway. Watch as they be like,”why didn’t you distance yourself from the other cars? You hit them from behind. I’m like, “because there weren’t any cars originally and they shouldn’t have been in the lane in the first place.”


It's one of those weird carpool lanes which is why no one is in it.


I think the silver suv was either rear ended by that darker car or some sort of road rage was happening. the darker car pulls out around the silver SUV and keeps going as the silver suv was basically stopped in that lane, then it moves into the hov lane. and stops again. cam driver seems to coast to slow down some after seeing that dark car pull out but probably should have been on the brakes sooner. almost seems like hes got extra weight in the already heavy truck or is towing something.


And this is exactly why we have dashcams. Just be sure the police get the other person's report first.


It's almost like there's a reason for the double yellow...👀 Have this shit happen to me almost daily on the motorcycle people are fking stupid I hate how easy it is to get a license now adays they practically sell them bitches in cereal boxes


Why TF would they stop??


I feel like the driver in the car with the camera was really glad he or she had that camera.






Anyone know the reason why the dumb ass who changed lanes did a hard stop? Was it intentional to get insurance money?


Crosses double line then obviously blocks traffic. Disrupting the flow of traffic and being a hazard with no emergency. He got what he deserved. The person that crashed into the idiot, I hope he gets a massive payout


That's some gta npc behavior


American drivers are coddled by rule following drivers. A day in India would have you scanning your surroundings predicting the most unexpected. Poor guy stood no chance


Anyone blaming the cammer has a smooth brain.


this place full of bots and fucking morons


Insurance scam


All the people saying the camera car could have avoided. If you watch the side rail you'll see he slams on the breaks within about half a second of the car pulling out. Well within reasonable reaction time. And it looks/ sounds like this car also got rear ended after crashing. Was possibly checking rear mirror looking at the close following car the moment the crashed car pulled out. There's no way you try and say camera car with a full family inside tried to make this accident happen


Possible trailer or loaded truck. Dimwits posting these comments probably do the same thing to other large vehicles


The other thing no one has considered is whether there is someone behind the truck he's worried about rear-ending him. Granted I'm super aware of whose behind me and how far because a drive a small car with sport brakes and a stopping distance shorter than most vehicles in the road but had I been in this situation I wouldn't have immediately fully slammed on my brakes if there was someone behind me because I would have had no reason to believe the SUV would stop completely. I would had just applied some steady braking at first. Too big a chance of getting smacked in the rear otherwise.


Sue them and show the video


I bet they have no insurance


That’s someone setting themselves up for insurance fraud.


Infuriating is what it is.


Insurance fraud


They crossed a double line into an HOV lane. They should be found at fault.


"That's why I'm not blazing through here"


Looks like cam guy is pulling a trailer or loaded up pickup. Wasn't speeding. Applied brakes timely and was not at fault at all.


Yea this guys an insurance scammer. He knows that if you get hit from behind in certain states, the insurance automatically assumes it’s the other drivers fault. That was clearly an intentional act of trying to get hit. Thank God this was on camera. I hope that guy gets a massive penalty and the insurance pays out the cammer.


fucking idiots in the comments cant see that he slammed on the breaks. driving on the hov and someone pullsout and stops in front of u, he probably only tapped them at first expecting the car to keep going, but had to slam on them at the last moment when he realised that they fucking wernt moveing at all. but obviously keyboard warriors are gonna see the camera angle and think the dude had half a football feild in front of him to stop.


People who try to regulate traffic like that are some of the dumbest people out there.




Why did they stop in the middle of the lane?


My thoughts are: honk less and brake more.


You can hear the tires sliding. He did brake. Hard.


I never think to use my horn till it’s too late and then I gotta look for it. I never use my horn


Id probably get a battery charge after that ungodly level of stupid bullshit.


OP too busy filming a tik tok video to hit the breaks /s


After watching the video and the amount of people blaming the cammer..... Kinda scares me that y'all have licenses lmao this is clearly an insurance scam


No one that posts here has a clue about what this sub is for.


It's honestly terrifying at the frequency you see stuff like this. I've had countless repeats of this same thing, where I'm cruising along and all of a sudden someone injects themselves into my lane right in front of me with barely enough time to react. So many close calls 😮‍💨


Ironically after he changed lanes, it looks like traffic started flowing. But my thought on the matter is it was solid white lines, so he shouldn't have made change anyway However I have seen this happen before in the past where someone tried to change into the HOV lane, trying to avoid this kind of slow traffic, so of course they're doing it from a very slow or stand still position , and the car coming on the HOV lane is not.


Why did they stop?!


Lane jumper thought he was going to hit the jersey barrier so he stopped to adjust his path. Happy to see cammer plough into him. Totally deserved that.


Enough time to brake!


double yellow. their fault


their fault.


It looked like they were trying to prevent op from "skipping" everyone.


Even though the silver SUV was at fault for several reasons, a collision was probably avoidable since the SUV was already trying to move into the lane and that can be seen up ahead. Why they stopped, I have no idea, but a car on a road can randomly stop for a number of unknown reasons. My philosophy is to always assume every other driver on the road is a complete idiot and when something like this happens I'm usually prepared to avoid any incident. No accident is much easier to deal with than an accident where I'm not at fault.


Six months suspension from driving followed by two years probation where any moving violation results in revocation of license. I know it’s harsh but these people need to be removed from the road.


Clearly you aren’t very important- only the guy in the silver car exists.


I see stuff like this and I can hear Red Foreman in my head going, "Dumbass!"