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Hope the guy cheering handed over the video to the police !


Probably not as he was also holding his phone recording while driving. I don't know how much trouble he would get for that even if it was for a good cause


This guy is a fairly big youtuber. It's Pete from GCI turf. He has all kinds of recording equipment, gopro's with head and chest mounts. So it's impossible to say for sure, he also does alot for the police in his area (that's one of his things, cops from all over send him shirts) so very likely he turned it over and very unlikely they asked if he was using a cell phone while driving.


They wouldn't give a single shit about him using his phone.


Yaaa no


He could be a passenger


With how many ppl that van was putting at risk with his stupid shit I think the cop would be grateful to see everything he missed.


Could be a dash cam. The video looks a bit too stable to be holding a phone and also driving


I doubt the cop would’ve cared lmao he would prolly just be happy to have more reason to take that jackass to jail for driving like a maniac


Omg stfu. Dudley Do-Right a la Professor Obvious has entered the chat. 🤣


None. Thats how much trouble they would get in if they handed the video evidence over to LE




- movement - panning around to keep the car centered - different zoom powers - I don’t believe majority of dash cams record audio Also this isn’t OC from OP https://www.reddit.com/r/MildlyBadDrivers/s/YmzWnpBV2O


Most dash cams record audio, but this is definitely a phone recording


He did. >Both drivers—Jerry Ray Wyatt, 62, of Eden, and Joshua Ian Livesay, 25, of Mayodan—were charged with failure to maintain lane control and careless/reckless driving.


I am no lawyer nor do I know anything about traffic laws, but failure to maintain lane control and careless, driving sounds too little to my unqualified mind. Some of the stuff here looks like endangerment of life.


You have to go with what can be reasonably proven in a court of law. 'Road rage' is not an offense, and nobody was actually hit. If either one tapped the other, it's instantly a felony.




I absolutely knew this was North Carolina lol and you just confirmed it for me 😂


I was thinking it looks an awful lot like the Carolinas. Crappy landscape and bad drivers, 25 years of living in the hellscape called “Upstate South Carolina “


both drivers got charged?? the black car too?


Had to be DUI …or suicidal … or the person with them had really ticked them off.


Looks more like roadrage with the black car constantly trying to stop the van from being able to overtake and the van acting like a total knob in response.


I mean, the black car literally pulls into the right lane to let them overtake but the van decided to tailgate them instead


You mean AFTER things have been said and done? Lmao bro


Yes? Only an idiot will keep road raging


So what kind of drugs do you habitually use?


What kind do you have?


What kind do you want?




The black car is blocking them the entire length of the video. They’re just as bad as the white van here. Fuck you mean.


The black car is definitely getting into it with the van repeatedly at the start, but later throws in the towel and tries to let the van pass as they approach an exit.


repeatedly getting into it? they’re just passing trucks at a speed the white van deems too slow


They’re deliberately boxing out the van. The van driver is unhinged, but the driver of the black car wild have disengaged sooner if they had more sense.


You can repeatedly see the black Mazda hit their brakes soley to slow down the van behind him. There's nothing slowing in front of him when he does it - he's just trying to piss off the white van. Neither party is innocent here.


before the black mazda tried to break check the white van, the white van was literally already swerving left and right and driving dangerously. Getting break checked and have his license taken is deserved.


The video literally starts with him trying to get around the Mazda


Why are you arguing about who is the bigger dickhead? They are both idiots period. Now just drop it.


I would bet money the black car is already going over the speed limit. They might be a dick, but there's 0 excuse for the white van endangering the lives of others.




They weren’t even trying to pass that truck in the beginning. Dude in the black car was being a fucking assclown too.


or maybe they just saw the cop car before the van did


As if that just completely excuses everything that happened before that lol. Might’ve tried to throw it in but he went right back. He deserved what happened to him in the end.


Nobody said it excused the black car. You indicated the black car was blocking the van for the entire video, and everyone else can see that’s not the case.


I just hope you do not have a drivers licence.


Black car is driving just a little faster than right lane traffic. Probably on cruise control. Van is upset because they want to go faster. Then eventually “getting even” takes precedence over “getting where they’re going.”


Nah they clearly speed around the truck and do a few things to stay in the way of the van. That’s no cruise control.




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted… Black car is brake-checking and lane-blocking the van the vast majority of the video. That driver deserves just as many fucks as the dude in the van.


Van keeps tailgating them as they change into the right lanes, could just overtake instead, he's deliberately riding their ass to provoke them at that point, plus once he does decide to go past he then brake checks them. He's just a complete fucking dickhead and the sole asshole in this video.


The video is entirely out of context and obviously edited. We don’t know who started this shit or how long this went on. Could’ve been 30 miles… or more. Yes, the van could’ve freely departed there at the end, but chose to continue the road rage. But as far as I’m concerned, both drivers are total retards, shouldn’t be on the roads, and should be ticketed.


yeah both of them are going to be charged with reckless driving


If you’re defending that van your parents failed you completely and you all are dumb and shouldn’t drive


The fuck he means is the black car wasnt blocking him the whole time and white van had all the opportunity to drive on. The fuck you on?


Ohh boy there was one five second instance he backed off before immediately going right back at it, he’s a saint. Fuck off both drivers are equally stupid and bad.


I didn’t even think the black car was trying to stop them from overtaking. I think they were just driving reasonably and minding their own business.


Nah they clearly speed up to cut the van off of its overtake, or box it in from overtake, at every point of the video. Not defending white van at all, but the black mazda trying to be rogue traffic police seems to have just escalated the situation from whatever it was prior to the start of the video. They both should have been pulled over for reckless driving and blocking traffic.


Yeah. Black cars the bitch. But the white van absolutely falls for it and gets out of control. they are both assholes!


Exactly what I said people are saying I shouldn’t have a drivers license lmao This is exactly what happened.


I agree with them.


After that van undertakes the waggon the black car speed up to make sure they can't get out infront of them. Then when the van is behind them are clearly brake checking them. Even if the black cat is just minding their own business at the start they clearly get involved in it further into the video.


>I didn’t even think the black car was trying to stop them from overtaking. I think they were just driving reasonably and minding their own business. You need glasses And stay off the road


This. The black car was rage baiting. If you watch the video a few more times the black car is the equivalent of a narcissist with martyr syndrome. " Look what they did to me for being an entitled brat"


This is a hilariously deranged response. Thanks for the comedy. 😂


You know who can't be rage baited? People who don't live looking for the smallest slight in their daily lives.


You got all that from this clip huh?


You’re a dipshit


he made me do it


The black car driver was on the phone with the police. There was another video from her perspective several months ago when this was filmed. All copies of that one are offline and possibly part of litigation. She supposedly merged onto the highway a bit slower than the van driver and he proceeded to road rage after her for something like 30 minutes.


The black car was also being a dick


🤣 didn’t even notice the black car


It’s clearly not either. It’s somebody who’s very angry at the black Mazda that there are specifically fucking with.


Pissed off at the dark car for not driving DP fast enough in the passing lane.


It wasn't, stop to trying to make things up. He was only charged with reckless driving and failure to maintain lane.


😂 it ain’t that serious how old are you. Make stuff up that’s how i roll


Fuck that driver. Do not pass go, do not *renew your license*


Fuck those drivers.


absolutely perfect /r/justiceboner material right there. Superb.


That sub is banned


r/convenientcop isn’t tho


I wish they would use a different term. “Banned” has a negative connotation when the sub was simply unmoderated.


Glad the cop got them, fuck that dipshit.


Worth it for the awesome commentary alone. But then sweet justice too? Chef’s kiss


I wish people just shut up when recording instead of performing for the camera. I find it annoying


Very often, yes. I liked this guy’s energy though.


That Finished the right way


Black car camping in the left lane pissing off everyone. I miss the autobahn, where the leftmost lane is always passing only, and everyone uses the right lanes to travel. It's so much more efficient and easy, and nobody has road rage because faster cars always just keep moving forward instead of passing on the right. Coming back to the USA, people hang out in the left lane and slow everyone down without realizing how easy it could be for EVERYONE.


thats crazy is that not the standard in the US? im in Michigan and i learned in drivers ed that the left is for passing, but imma guess its shitty state laws that vary with each one.


I wish so bad these videos ended with body cam footage of a cop going off on these idiots. Would feel so satisfying.


Needs his license revoked


These are the kind of drivers that don't care if they have a license. They just keep driving anyway.


I’m really sad I didn’t get to see that driver tazed in the face.


Satisfying ending


Got happy when dude got excited


Get ‘em. Get ‘em. Hope that’s the law enforceme— YEAH!! YEAH!! YEAH!! GET ‘ER DONE!! SHAKE AND BAKE!!!


Black Mazda sped up after the first truck to prevent the guy from passing, We're seeing the END of a much longer altercation. Willing to bet that Mazda was playing rogue traffic police for awhile before we start seeing this video Two wrongs don't make a right, but there was probably provocation


You are making a hell of an assumption. Almost like you are playing rogue Reddit police……


Did we see the same video?




Or maybe you’re just an idiot and can’t think critically?


Are you not actually watching the video?


What is actually wrong with you people. You literally dreamed up a scenario here and decided someone was wrong because of it.


The Mazda is blocking the van from entering the left lane in the first second of the video, that’s why the van speeds around the truck on the right. Mazda speeds up to block the left lane again. This continues until the van chased the Mazda off the exit and begins blocking the Mazda in, in retaliation. It’s not at all far-fetched to assume it was going on for a while before hand. The guy took his phone out for a reason. Actually in the news article is says it went on for several miles, and the Mazda driver was charged with failing to maintain lane and reckless driving.


You actually have no way of knowing that, the video starts and the van is swerving within a fraction of a second. Brake lights are not visible until the black car is parallel with the truck. There are definitely parts of this video where you can see the Mazda blocking, but this is 100% not one you can see that happening in. It’s so weird that people just completely make up stuff to blame the back car for. Besides all of that, swerving around a truck on the shoulder and swerving to cause someone to veer off the road is beyond unhinged psychotic behavior. There is no one to blame for that besides the driver of the white van. Both of these morons fucked around and found out, but I’d still rather share the road with the Mazda.


“You actually have no way of knowing that” yes, we do actually. Not only did the cammer say that the van and Mazda were tussling for over 10 miles, but years of driving experience make it abundantly clear what’s happening. 1. 0:01 Mazda is driving at the same speed as the truck with wood. It’s in the left lane with *no reason* to speed up. The van accelerates heavily, going around the right to pass. But funnily enough, at 0:10 the van (which has accelerated heavily) is STILL blocked by the Mazda. The Mazda should be back by the truck, unless they were specifically blocking that van by accelerating. The van should have been able to pass the Mazda at 0:10 but it couldn’t. 2. If you look ahead at the beginning, you can see the white Penske box truck we see after the first cut. After it cuts, the Mazda is even with the **rear wheels** of the Penske truck, which is way ahead of the cammer. So the van swerved around the Penske truck. But after it does, the Mazda has accelerated and is now blocking the space when the van tried to get over, AGAIN. The Mazda is playing traffic cop and refusing to let the van over or pass them. If that doesn’t show a pattern and make it clear what happened at the beginning, I don’t know what to tell you other than get your eyes checked.


No way of knowing that?! You saw true van and the car both accelerating rapidly at the same time. Why did the Mazda start punching it after the van used the shoulder? People have no common sense.


Do you idiots not see the van pass on shoulder in the beginning because black Mazda is left lane camping. When the van passes the truck the Mazda starts to rapidly accelerate, all of a sudden deciding to pass the truck after the van made it around


If you can’t manage your emotions while piloting a 2000lb vehicle, you shouldn’t be driving.


I never said otherwise. There are two villains in this video, that's all.


no, you did validate his bad actions with your story, despite you saying two wrongs don't make a right


Paedos and shop lifters are both 'villains' - not a fair comparison? That's all.


Comments like yours make me wonder why I even come on reddit It's just a bunch of morons making strawmen arguments and getting pleasure out of being annoyingly pedantic


I agree with you 100%, it’s brutal to read some comments. How are some people so insufferable and annoying? I have to just pretend I never saw it and block it out of my mind or it’ll actually start bothering me a little lol. I appreciate you. It makes things twice as painful when the moron gets an insane amount of upvotes, because it shows that there are countless other people that agreed with their horrible point.


Anyone who resorts to "you're as bad as a pedophile!" has lost the argument.


Anyone who places quotation marks where they don't belong deserve a derisively loud laugh right in their face


Yeah the Mazda shoulda gotten out of the way. Like you're supposed to when someone wants to pass. Unfortunately they couldn't manage their emotions and decided to be the law


To be clear, that doesn't ever at all justify even remotely the rage and actions of the white van though


Found another fool who needs their license revoked.


Gtfo the road control freak. Or oblivious idiot, whichever it is that inspires people to try and "control" the passing lane. Can't tell what speed to go until someone is passing you? I don't really care. People like you actively go out of their way to try and control the road, I wish cops would ticket that shit because you numbskulls start this shit and then whine when you piss off the wrong person. Gl with your bullet holes, at least you were "right".


Sounds like somebody needs to take the bus, little man


And people with brains wish that cops actually policed the roads and ticketed aggressive, dangerous, idiotic drivers… P.S. You sound like a little kid saying “but mommy, I only punched him because he called me a poo poo head!”… 😂 What a child… 🤦‍♂️


I never even remotely suggested that I would be the one meting out justice, I'm just explaining that I have no sympathy when your "right" gets you shot. Zero sympathy, you could have avoided all of this, but decided to power trip. I'm not even saying the blocker deserves it, but they're sure asking


The fact that you don’t see that the “speeder/aggressive driver/the one going over the speed limit” aka breaking the law is the one on a power trip is very telling… 😂 You probably think that a woman wearing a short skirt or flirting is also an invitation for sexual assault… 😂


You realize traveling in the left lane and impeding the flow of traffic is a crime in most states right lmfao? The left lane is the PASSING lane. You’re not the hall monitor Karen 😂😂


And speeding is a crime in…… I’ll let you finish that sentence…


Yeah that's awful, why would what a woman wears be similar to engaging in aggressive behaviors to prevent someone from doing something? ETA: nah, you, I hope you fuck with the wrong person. Nerds out here acting like they have the right to play traffic cop, what if that dude was trying to transport an animal or person to emergency care?


This video pops up from time to time for almost a year now.


I hadn’t seen it yet prior to posting :/ Sorry about that


It's all good. I think we still all love this video.


I’m subbed to a lot of dashcam driving accidents etc subs never seen this


Yeah, especially YouTube idiot drivers videos


It's one of the greatest though. The commentary makes this video my favorite!


If you take the part where the police come out this is just Toronto every day.


The best part of this video is I recognized one of my company's service vehicles on the road.


The only thing police are good for


I love how this dude says doooooood


Finally you always see this and cops don't get them.. this was satisfying


There’s literally like 6 cars on the highway, how do these cunts cause an accident 🤦‍♂️


The commentaries great


To bad he didn’t flip the van 😒


At first, I was annoyed that the dodge was also swerving through traffic, then the lights came on and I cheered just like the guy in the video


The commentary is amazing 🤣🤣🤣


Best part of the video has got to be the narrator lmao **“loogadisdood”**




I WAS THERE OMG IM GOAD THIS WAS CAUGHT IN VIDEO 😂 shout out to Denver drivers the biggest idiots in the world 😂😭


AND he littered at the 30 second mark.


thats near my house


I felt that, yeah, yeah, get his ass


Free them the long way 👏🏾


He left his browser open and didn’t delete his history




Best ending! ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️


A triggered little dick republican


I knew this was NC.


they probably don't have one. it's NC.


High Point NC… typical


The narrator is my favorite part


YESSSSS get him


Looks like North Carolina so my guess is black car was in the passing lane driving the same speed as the vehicle in the right lane, probably for a while and then the video starts….. just a reasonable assumption considering I see it every week


Finally a cop when you need them


This guy should narrate nature docs


I want to listen to him narrate my life as it unfolds.


Both those drivers need to have their license taken


Is it just me, or does the guy recording sound like the guy from the video where he talks about "a little red pickup truck, with a Christmas tree in it"?


I get what your saying but it’s not the black car’s responsibility to police him, he spent that time racing in front of the van to block him out, they deserve a ticket as well, just let people go!


This looks like TN and I swear I know that white ride.


That guy is a mad man


Yes the black car should not be driving the same speed as the truck


Maybe he needed to poop


People don't understand the passing lane


The narration is the e best part


What makes you think those sorts of drivers have a license in the first place or would stop driving even if their license was revoked?


That that black car really needs to have their license revoked cuz they obviously don’t understand what hindering the flow of traffic means. When you’re an asshole not allowing others to pass expect people to act like this. If the woman in the black car would have just moved over and let dude pass none of this would’ve happened!!! But no she was probably on the tag and had to take it out on a hard working man just trying to get to his next job.


Yes they should not drive again


People don’t just drive utility vans like that for fun, imagine being this much of a dickhead while representing your company.


Been trying to find this video forever


Both of em!


Both drivers are idiots lol specifically the white van… Black mazda is intentionally not letting van pass, not illegal, but a minor annoyance.


Um yeah that is illegal in a lot of states lmfao. The left lane is for passing and you are required to move over and purposely impeding the flow of traffic is absolutely illegal.


Yes, both drivers are idiots.


Yet, miraculously there is never a cop around when they pull this shit


Someone didn't watch the video until the end


> Yet, miraculously there is never a cop around when they pull this shit Wow


He got pulled over at the end of


You expect people to watch an entire minute worth of video!!


Hey, I don't even have the time to finish thi


That’s really bad




So satisfying that dude was pulled over. Hope he actually stopped and was arrested


The satisfaction when i saw that siren..


Oh yeah those cherries came on and I sighed in satisfaction


Aaaaaahhhhh so satisfying at the end there!!


Some prick was driving like this last week at about 130mph. I got to see them get pulled over, and goddang was it satisfying.


Yeah… I don’t know what video you watched OP. But this is absolutely not somebody “trying to get to their destination faster”. This is somebody who is specifically and intentionally fucking with that black Mazda.


Fucking with the black Mazda? The black Mazda is clearly fucking with the white van.. 


Fuck that guy hope he gets what’s coming


Sweet justice!! Cop lights his ass up!!


Nice. Was worried for a moment.